The Cedarville Herald, Volume 65, Numbers 1-26
.T STA JW B 000 TUR E FLAN trH . x*ato,n . »# u»nHiw)imiiinim»i'»i>n>l ON. O. D. 3TRXST n, Ohio ntiop Given GE-'EYES iiiuHminiiiuimmlMfHffHwl b LOANS e. No appraisal rar loans at the [tea over offered. London, O. Write Cedarville, Q. $-1901 W I o WW1 1 R S 1IDES .3 PRICES | • * */ f ID '• I. ‘ * t* E(ott|lti. ; parrow Cedarville, O . lllltUIIIIHtimillMIHHIltalHH! lit JSINESS OF EAL « Eenia rton Pike o ever eet; IN attorn in qatlto*, lit Mr. and Mrs. Seward Arthur act iaacsMiitog gb* hfefh ef a mm at lie M s CMI u i JbenifiriL Ohfliium Dav m limit aoeaod Mat* lip. Vfihml Kfto .and family o# MuaidMatMr. e « « « £ rshrjataaMi daV wtfch thrir parent*, Mr. and Mr*. J« X. Kyi*. Other truest* to the Kyi* 4 mwm » toe tie day were: Wm Xtoamer Kyle of Dayton .and Mr. and Mrs, Boland Kyle, a»djwa» Wayne of Clin- cinwiti. . ID*. & IL Little, etoffrmamrequacts *H par**** |h m return tie Christa*#* Health Seals sent them or tb« money fey Jwwaary 10th. Mr. Alfred ToerraJey, wife and eon o f SaltoerilUi, Ohio, have been spend ing tie Hobday week with Mr. and Mrs. Broeat Gibson. Keep in mind the time is here for the purchase of dog tag* when the time will expire Jan. gQth. After that date the penalty is $1 for each tag. • ••' Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Owens o f Milford, 0 ., spent Christmas with the former's brother and sister, Mr* El- met Owens and Miss Bertha. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Crease aster, tained at a family dinner at their home Friday in honor o f their grand* son, Fvt. Charles Jones, oa furlough from^Camp Shelby,Miss. Tfaoee pres ent were Pvt. Jones, Mrs. Ada Jones, Dayton; Mr. and Mm, Howard Devon and family, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn De von and family, near Xenia, and Mr. and Mrs..John Richards and Janet Jones, Mason, O. Mr. and Mrs.- Ralph. Murdoch and sister, Miss Ina,. spent Christmas in Louisville, Xy., with Rev. 1Whiter Morton, D. D„ and wife. •. Mr. Carl Finnney, Detroit, Mich., is visiting hia mother, Mrs. JWilliam Finney, at the home o f her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson.. - , The Herald an& Ohio State Journal in combination can he had for $5 with no increase in price. Most other daily papers have increased subscription rates to rural subscribers. . Mr. and Mrs, A. E. .Richards had. for their guests Christmas their son, Robert Richards arid wife o f Colum bus, and John Richards and,wife ,of Mason, Ohio.' Mr, and.Mrs, William Bopping en- tertained as theit guests oyer.Christ- mss Day, Dr. Walter Hopping and sister, Mrs. F , E. Fanil, Buffalo, N. Y .; Mr, and Mrs, R, B. Pauli and son; o f Rowland[, •%' J „ and Miss' Jane Fault, Payton. . a , • t y i eyi j»imwm**tB*mm*mar_ Miss Dorothy Galloway and- Miss Frances Williamson entertained .a group of'friend*. Monday eyening at the home o f the latter complimenting Mrs, John ' Peterson <Mary Louise Heintz), a recent bride. Twenty guests entertained and the evening spent ip hemming tea towels for the guest’ o f honor. Bridge was enjoyed ;and prizes were "awarded to Miss Louise Jacobs, Miss Betty Nelson and Mrs. Peterson. The bride also received u number o f guests* The decorations were in red and white, A salad was served *l>e ku?sts, Mr. and Mrs. Charles JRheubeft and family entertained at a , Christ mas dinner at their home Sunday, honoring Pvt, Waldo McCoy, Jr., who Was'at his home near Xenia on an eleven-day furlough from Camp Shel by, Miss. Following the dinner there was a g ift. exchange. Guests were Pvt. Waldo McCoy, Jr., Miss Jane Hook, Xenia; Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Me*: Joy, Sr, and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spitler and, family, Mrs. Em ilia Gatrell, Old Town; Mr, and Mrs. Ovard McCoy, Mr.'apd Mrs, Wendell McCoy, ..and Mb?, and Mfrs. Walter Stark, Xenia, and Mr. and Mrs. Eheu- faert and family. Guests in the after noon were Pvt. Leroy Stacy, also on furlough from Camp Shelby, and Mr* John Nelson, BUY DEFRNSR STAMPS .HHHjniMMmWiUMUIttlllllMIHMi'lHHfe'mHHHmmfefflH'S , \ CLIFTON NEW S I By Miss Glenns- Stein ’ - 1 C 0 4 5 ' Y W # t h e a t r e * . .*_____ j «, , ,,-tL, - , ,„ Fri. and Sat., Jan. 2-3 Bonita Granvilie—-Dan DaiUy, Jr. “ DOWN IN SAN DIEGO” NewP-Paaatof Ptoade/ftaveltalk Sun. ‘And Mott., Jan. 4*S , Gene Ti*ra*y—Randolph Scott “BELLE STARR” Photographed in Technicolor ■News—*Cartoo»---jMUigic'-Carpet Wad* and Thursn Jan. 7-8 Joa* Blaadalt Rebar* Bandtky “THREE GIRLS ABOUT TOWN” ■ Comedy-Screa* Baapafcota ; illiili»(ntjTt)tfl... Rev, and Mrs. Malcolm Harris have returned home; after spending the holidays with their parents in Indiana,’ Jack and -Robert Preston o f Scott Field, 111., spent last week With their parent's* Mr. and Mrs* Chester Pres ton. »• ' Mrs, Mae Filson o f Sprihgftetd was the week-end guest o f Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Ault. 'I*1 . . Mr, and Mrs. Homer Haltefman en tertained with a family dimmer at their home Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. 0 . B. Haysletfc left Wednesday for a visit"with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Cultice and family of Manitou Beach, Mich.’ , Miss Florence White spent Christ mas with the Knott sisters at their home near Pitchin. * Private Albert Harphant o f Camp Wheeler, Ga., spent theweek-end with his patents, Mr. and Mrs. William. Hatphant. • Safa and Sure For Fifty-Seven Yjears This A««edatkmHasPaid Regular Dividends OFEN A N ACCOUNT TO D A Y A N D S H A .E I N THESE PROFITS e f # R0Ml JEflMUHHi ChuftidMIiML. M 'Ms, aed *^ML:dkMMnpsAjther GamHhilP' Hie hride of,Mr. Lawymm WNtamaim, the tm o f Mr. m iMm XagmotMl WlRianmoeu The »t»M» rfeg sewaeny wee pee- dermwi at f i f f ehAodc |a the prismas of 1M geasts by Rev. Ernest R. Rea. tor, pester o f the Jeffersonvilk Meth odist Church. The oonple tosk their places before an attractive setting e f flower*, greenery and lighted csndlee. Fern* were hanked around the altar in front o f which stood a tall basket o f pink gladioli, flanked by baskets o f white gladioli and lilies, .Four seven- branch candelabra were arranged on the attar and single taper*, hanked with greenery and pine cones, were placed in each o f the church window*, A program o f nuptial music was presented by Miss Eleanor Blessiag, Xenia, organist, preceding the service. Her numbers were “ Clair de Lune,” by DeBuasy;" “Liebestraum,” Liszt; “Melody,” Dawes; “My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice," from “Samson and De lilah” and “To an Evening Star”'from “Tannhauser.” Misa ‘Dorothy Coy, o f Xenia, sang "A t Dawning,” “Because” and “ I Love You Truly,” For the pro cessional Mis* Blessing played the “Bridal Chorus” from' “Lohengrin” and during-the services played- “To a Wild Rose,” by MacDowell. Misa Mollie Jane Church, Spring- field, aa bridesmaid, and Misa Claris June Garringer, a cousin e f the bride, as maid o f honor, were attendants- Miss Church wore a gown of blue taf feta, styled with along, full skirt and o fitted jacket, fashioned with a pep- lum.1Miss Garringer’* gown was of pink taffeta, fashioned with a long, fitted jacket, trimmed with tiny but tons. The jacket had a sweetheart neckline andshortpuffed sleeves. Both Miss Church and Miss Garringer car ried arm bouquets o f pink gladioli. The bride, given in marriage by her brother, Mr. George Maurice Gar ringer, was lovely in her gown of White -moire taffeta, styled with 'a long'torso and full skirt with a alight train. Tiny faffeta-cpvered button* trimmed the front,o f the gown, which had a sweetheart qeckline and brace- let-length sleeves. The bride’s finger tip veil was held in place with a cor onet o f seeded pearls and'she carried a small arm bouquet of whit#' garden ia*. Her only jewelry’ was. a. atrand of pearls, a gift o f the bridegroom. Mr. John Williamson, brother Of Hie bridegroom, served as beat man, and Messrs. Myron Williamson,, another brother o f the bridegroom, aisd Pierre MeCericell, Cadftrrifie, vwma,ariiara» ■ , ' Seventy-five goeeta attended t i a ceptien, following the aerviee/ at the Garringer home, four mile* cast of. Jamestown, Mrs. Garringer,, mother of the bride'received in a gown of Wine velvet, with gold and. black ac cessories, and Mr*. Raymond William son, the bridegroom’s mother, wore a gown of brown velvet, with harmoniz ing accessories. Both wore shoulder corsages'of gardenia*. An ice course, was served from a table Centered with a four-tiered wed ding cake and white chrysanthemums. Pine and holly decorated the rooms o f the Garringer home. Miss France* Williamson, Cedarville, and Mrs. Mau rice Sollars> Sabina, assisted at the reception. Mr. and Mrs. Williamson left Sat urday evening on a trip through southern Ohio The bride’s going-sway dress was o f pale green crepe, with a fitted overjacket, and brown acces sories, Mr, and Mr*. Williamson will be at home in Reynoldsburg, O., after January 5. ?- Mrs. Williamson Was graduated from Jeffersonville High School and recent ly was employed in Xenia. Upon her- graduation from high school she pur sued the study of music and is ah ac complished pianist* Mr. Wiliiamsofa graduated from the local high school and front Bowling Grsen State University and is a teacher and athletic coach in the Rey noldsburg High School. Guests were present at the wedding from Washington C. H-, Bowling Green,..Sabina, Cedarville, Xenia and Indianapolis, Ind. pastor Accounts Opened By Ian. 10th Draw Dividends From Jan. 1st a h A # * * * * UP T d $6,000 .00 •w RlMiMimamspwhsa^iifiB*ARli»glufc*Aas’ tv■ - .. i-a. mm: , jt <|m - f l S S M I l l i a FEDERAL SA TOM f * 4 LOAN ASS’* Okie W« um in city and farmHome Financing. Mm **iN«tyvii*fe«U<!iat’ remodeling, orbuyingahome, *.. ■We pay for .: HORSES $1.00 COWS $2.00 * o f sis* and condition Hogs, Sheep, Calves, etc. Removed promptly call XENIA D F D W T t o t n ) JFJClKlrJtI j u lA u K phone m a . m Reverie Charges X. G. Roehsieb, Xeala, Ohio Xe» Reas MeMeed, ev e f Hkt brMega^eem, ed hy Rev, Xrtu^ O, e f the Ottftea U. F. A nm m n e f iimn(ISl amide ore- eedad the eermpeay wMi IDea Martha Bryant, Clifton, as pianist, and Mrs, Fhillip Geaihardt, CRftea, whe sang “Believe Me If All Those XadeerirTg Youhg Charms” and “ Bebaoae,” Mis* Marie CoRtna, o f1this place, was maid o f honor and Mr*. Kenneth McNael, Trotwood, sister-in-law o f the; bridegroom, was bridesmaid. Little Miss Ann Walters, Clifton, was flow er -girl. Miss Collins wore a gown of : rose taffeta and Mrs- McNeal wore: a gown of blue taffeta. Both’ carried argt bouquets o f yellow roses. Little Mia*Walters was in a white frock and carried a small basket o f mixed filow- ers. The bride appeared In a gown o f whit* brocaded satin, fashioned floor- length along princes* lines, She wore a finger-tip veil caught with a halo of pearls, and carried an arm bouquet o f white roses, Mr. Kenneth McNeal, brother o f the bridegroom, was best man and the ushers Were Pvt., Roy Linton, Paint- ersville, on furlough from Fort Sill. Okla., and Mr. James Anderson of this place,.;., Forty guests were entertained at a reception' at the Rowe home follow ing the amice. Mrs-Rowe, mother of the bride, wore a dress o f black crepe, with white trimmings, and Mrs. Ross McNeal, the bridegroom's mother, was in bike crepe,1Both wore corsages of snapdragons' and chrysan- henmms. ” ' Mr. and Mrs. McNeal wilt not es tablish their home until later as the bride plans to continue teaching In the Cedarville1 schools. Both Mr*and Mrs* McNeal are graduates 'o f Cedarville College, Mr,-McNeal is a teacher in Verona High School, Preble county- M l «|W| HBHpENWL*»5r Rw Msw Daal to fix a* bandar to la- ^ - -* <r—t-- v wPPRN* J m RNWMIRI 4m . a fiat aaMag « « unm | «• B m fiannar Bw geiwnaw* toi ratoiaiag wool to «X manafaetowms «a •f ahawt fifty par aawt af to* 1M1 raqtoremewts. As «bara is ae shortage o f wool and atODma o f ptwuada are bring iaiportad aaah yaar from Argaariaa and Austral!*, th« lat ter owned by England, under the Hull fra* trade treaty, farmers will b* forced to take low price* tor wool while the cost of clothing is now at the price that prevailed during and following the First World War, The new wool regulation was anunounoed by the government Tuesday, JAMES HARRISON BURBA ’ DIED TUESDAY AT HOMEHERE MI8S GLADYS BEATTY MARRIED TO MR. DAVID W. BATDORF Miss Gladys Beatty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Clyde Beatty, Xenia-CHfton pike, was united in marriage last-Sat urday morning at 10:45 .o’clock to Mr. David Wilson Batdorf, near Byron, a. son o f Mr, and Mra> Forest Batdorf and is foreman at the Antioch Foun dry. i • > ; >; Members.of the Immediate families war* guests at the wadding at which *«V. J* W, Chittar, pasior « f tb* Yri* ow Springs Methodist Church, read the double ring service,' Vows ware exchanged* in the livmg room before the mantel, Where baskets o f pink gladioli and white chrysanthemums, were placed. J The bride was unattended and wore a street dress Of navy blue crepe with >lack accessories and a shoulder cor sage o f pink carnation*. Immediately following the service, Mr. and Mrs. Batdorf left- on a wed ding trip. Upon their.return they will reside temporarily at the home o f the jride’s parents but wlli establish their own home later. The bride is a graduate o f Cedar- vilte College and Cedarville High School. Mr. Batdorf is a graduate of fellow Springs High School. R.F.D. CLUB MEETING Wanted—Will buy old dishes, glass ware, oil lamps, tin trays, buttons, vases and old worthy furniture. Ad dress A, Frye, 550 Dibert Avr., Springfield, Ohio, 4-2k For Sale—V-room frame house, furnace, large lot, good garage. John Johnson property, Miller street near railroad. John JobnaOn, Peoria, Ohio, R. R. 1. S-Sx BUY DXF1N8X RONDS James Harrison Burbu, 7T, died at his home here Tqesday at 1:15 P.- H, after a serious illness of two Weeks- - Mr-Burba was bom in Adams coun ty, Match 0,1(864 the sop of James Harris and Sarah Ellen Anderson Curbs. On June 26,188$, lie married Joan na Barlow at Wilmington, Ohio, His wife haring died in 193$, - Surviving are four son*, Lewis S„ and Elmer C., -of Cedarville; Robert H„ Yellow Springs; William E. Clif ton; three sisters, one brother, Mrs. Amy Stevenson, Mrs.' Elizabeth Smith," Mrs. May Jones,:Xenia;’ Ed ward Burba, o f Kenton, Ohio; fifteen grandchildren and thirteen great grandchildren. The deceased was>a member o f the M. E. Church, Qldtown Ohio. * Funeral services will bo held'Friday, Jan, 2 at 2:90 P. M, from the'Mc Millan Funeral Home in charge of RevTt&bel*, pastor o f the Cedarville Methodist Church* Burial will be made In Mftseies Creek cemetery, * j- Friehds may ’call at the McMillan Funeral Home Thursday evening front 6:30 to 9:30 F. M. WILL DROP AUTO RACES The management o f the famous auto rape track at Indianapolis, Ind., which ha* been, -staging auto races each May 30 for more than twenty yeata annonuncea that diie to the war there will be no races this coming May,.’ ./ .. ?dtriotipi ■ 171 $ Members o f the B. F» D. Club were entertained recently by Mr, and Mrs, Sherman Cotton at their bom* on the Yellow Springs-CedarVill* Pk. A covered dish supper was enjoyed and gifts wire exchanged around a gaily-decorated tree. The Cotton home was decorated with Christmas ap pointments. Those present were Mr, and Mrs, Charlei Watkins and daughter Joanne o f XenU; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gar- ringer, Jamestown; Mra. Nora-Pfaiffer and Mr. and Mr*. E. J. Kitchen, o f Springfield; Mr, and Mrs, Fred Chase,1 Mr, and Mrs. Carl Bagford, Mrs- Ar thur Pfeiffer, Mr. and Mr*. Victor Bumgarner and daughter, Frances, Mr, abd Mrs. Edward Payne, Mr, John Tobias, Mrs, Tinsley Corn, Misses Le* ola Com, Alta and Dora Murphy. Guests included Mr, and Mr*. Jack Barker, Dayton; Mr- Robert Stewart, Cedarville, and Mr. and Mrs, Cotton and Betty Jane. Washington Letter . (ContiMkd from Ant pagt) necessary to rite welfare o f the nation i* that o f farming. General Hersbey, along with many others, wisely in sists that the draft must not be per mitted to interfere with the produc tion o f food. A ll of this doM not mean, o f course, that every; young man having a job hi a factory, or every boy Ona farm, is toeecape mili tary service. it only means that those who ara actually working at produc ing, needed suppliftt, and who#* skill, training and ability mmsuch that they cannot ba refaced without heavy loss o f production, are to b* deferred from induction for military or naval serv ice. i ■^O advantage ” shall be taken On eitheraide, William Pant* * m< * Wilt tJtaw totrit JFtM Ms. liummitti # » */ d* mm * !!*/««• ttnlitt lakiit*rt. Nrt- a*ttftiti inwiiifugif*t n w vfoMM*/ it w*i <n pactmatt wilttheiniiitti*tUi14 Nwn pete* i t U i'Onte C*ic*r. Mtn XBeaheMi flahm IVy Oaue.' .. r May f —Dae WstoB* TW Jfnka to servio* at Fact fifcagjfc May «f ffimttla Week. “Mother-Damriitor” hamp et la AL ford Gym. Drouth tojnritow to srowtaf aref*. Death af J. H. Gafioway. High fiehael AlniMii banouet- May SI—CeBaft Cnaunwnewaa*. Dr. Kennath JrriM Brown, Praaiidant o f Deaiaen Untewrstty, ayeakee. o f ^0kPHMI ' Mm 'with fa t .... ' “ Mashtoi Ce. F m d c RaddaRa. X L jEM uaaiam K m I * a u rriv to ff C h S W a r vo ton an to mtmiw* F a rm sr s v o to o n u d ia a t ffnato (Oourimted Next Weak) ' P t I t Wf-9 i n l # . : ■’ ONLI ZENITH HAST I I S ! 1941 Chronological Events From Herald (Continued from find p<t0*) William. Edward GahO leaves for Fort Thomas, Ky. Rainfall fi.57 inches below 56-year average, April 4—Wheat quota brings pro test at high school meeting. College mixed #horti* gives pro gram, Xenia Rotary HobbyFair. April 11—First Armored Division U, S, Army passes through here. Mercury reached record o f 76 “for April, Howard Arthur named on Fish and Game Board- April 18—Rev. B. N. Adams elected Moderator of Dayton Presbytery. j Howard E. Thompson decline* re- j election to College faculty to accept. another position. Death o f Mrs. N. L. Ramsey. I Death o f Grafton Bullenberger, Ox ford, former Cedarvilllan, April 26 -High School Seniors pre sent “Don't Take My Penny” R, B.Howard, London, choeen presi dent o f K. E: A. at convention in Jacksonville, Fla. May 8—Local girls compete for the title of “Our American Girl.” Editor and Wife on tour o f Florid* with 517 publisher* o f the U. FI, on Good Will Tour. . Publication o f AAA office expense. Death ef Herman Harper, editor o f Urban* DeRy Ctttoei- . BIGQEST VALUE IN TOWN. * # THAT'S THE NEW 1943 : ::W it tot*ACm(KSmiil . ■iMf ''^bla* J'* ■--K 4 t o* ^W* ?Wr ' W- ■ •. -■... z1 KMtsSm Wto»»w*M»r*ww * totol* H*Mysqriedfortherimtoestefuteg t Oidaei Inbaudrobbed write* fiaBh.ffSatoaspew. i purpoteiubci.AUte*"KwAto*d,,to*«ii*i*k McCallister Radio Service -Cedarville, Ohio WORLD S OLDEST h 'id HEEB-MNEY-WE IBM I f ' , fin Wat#»«*i^Uim*iMi*^unu--^TyimwW*^Rari*#^ Muafoal InsL—Clothing—Torts—Luaess^-FIshlna Rflt. film UNCALLED FOR ABO VE ARTICLES ; “* far **»#■—Laweet Priae* to.tot tone* . * ■ 5 BLOMOFFICE ** ** Tlto^Rdat Into* Ntu woriUPs fhaaet um I eot * V c g u e S h c p - A lterQ gk tB iii CLEARANCE M m Q u a lit y , l a f - r f y W m i ^ suns’ i TOPCOATS ~ *~ OVERCOATS _ , T m r A L G A S KHM JU t. . . FAJHKMt tA M C J T O B M tU M n S W t . . DON * K » A J * J * . . . K INO . BROOK ■ . A l l R b 4 « i «< m I XkfiMMt O w t B ew tO tr 8*>*4f,g mrnmmmmmmmmrnimimmmmmmtmmmmimwmmmmmim 1) m turn# d f e f iif f i AtoMWiK; D rew W«Hto> AljNsgaww, A lf)Ntoto»iy utoal* Mul hasluAaJl V c c l e S h o p ** ,.»«.».* * ., o p r a i g i luMi. •MsmsiiiaaiaMaiM*Maip*iiM«a«M*nia«i^^
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