The Cedarville Herald, Volume 65, Numbers 1-26
I • ' ** < ? l ‘A\ & ' . * * l l p s s v I ->t. \^ ■ . . * v ‘ ’ : r-'i -rir -J>* £&,\ J c / ** tA ( * v,i. 'Ill® I ; .1 r i 11 ',*Vi-.u,f; 1 > I ( ? m ' ‘ r ^ v 1" IffAF I l T W r ^ a J r -IF—rftM f1* f^PPPf *r ; m m v m r t o i & i ' t tfeag. fffrf wi&bdk jdwriMt a im=r*m w-- '"'^" ■■ sww*afUF^^p Tnai^y^^^sw^ew l ®"*nw . a* liv e hteeewa * part of tite. fftpjM U mi WaraiwajteffiT** *MttjM<thr w W j L m * Vkft jjjhmft ft# ifftiffttum dtetewbed the awtiesi, no* eiwmalji* %-mif.a : enr*n th eJ a p attack o a the f^iHpgiiiwc, ** fc** th e b a w tJ » r tH «^ ^ a m 5 (^ a b a «u T ltt gover*dp«®t i to faffimSh* i®M A*» ^ , HHWiilfrwy VWMWWVW^ VJ. *»»« fft^wfww^ywaa W*VH ., an «wderthat hardly fit* in whereWeboast of * “damo- v . . ^ ” farm ofgovernment Such order* have been etmdemned hy our own j^verttraeiit where Hitler,. Miweolini and Stalin reign, as well as in Tokio, the quartet of dictators. ’ Thi* being no tir ? for diaoussioE of differeence o f opinion the reabricted sale oi autoa and tiras & in force. The pubHc Is skeptical of such an order being necessary, a thing: that did not happen in the Civil War days with the horse and buggy. By the restriction, hundreds of thousands of our people are -l'-M l ;_L— -J»«..Jl 1 m . ^ 3 4 4 <i»x■,**»%•**! aanUnWa 1 . I<rft jnrand 6 d'ncit only in cities hut in rural sections. 1 - 'WtW: ■*#.■ :•*'.' _ l ':_»^' hiW4M«UI?t» IWV V«V «* v ««w M**« *ww w«w«v.«»» We briarmuch of the need of “ unity and cooperation” of our people with the government on war plans, more sacrifice, more work, longer hours of toil, Yet at no time has the public been given 7 evenTntimation that the government was going to make ~ “ ‘ the plan to aid defense where any sacrifice or redaction in „ rubber is required as never before. The roads of the nation are covered each day bythousand? of automobiles ownedby thegovernmentand operated by sojrie __t t i i _ . . u . f t i . l . f t am , Mi«UU/« ms I am * a «4 wtiUniV a^ S^wantmiont political appointee on pubHc salary and riding at government expense. Each day we see government cars With NYA, COO gAUi?lIg6^ ««VW HffJ "W Ww ^v.*v ***»»v«v * T T* v , Ag. Dept., Forestry Dept., tonay nothing of army trucks, and •,.. no one can take issue with the use pf the latter if it is in a line of duty. Several days ago three government operated automo biles passed USon the Cincinnati pike southo f Xenia in a space I often miles and all going in the same direction except a CCC 1 truck. The public evidently,would have a different feeling over the auto-tire situation and the demand for reduction if 'there wasassurance needless governmentcars were taken from, the highways. „ „ * . f c .J ‘ , * ' * - The gasoline situationin the Bast some monthsago proved to be a “hot potato’' for the New Dealwho forced the issue as a conservation measure in the name of defense. The public ‘ refusedto believe,it and rebelled and theprfierwas lifted. - This Week we read of an outbreak among 500 tire dealers in Chicago who cry discrimination. The charge is made that . the two major mail orderhouses in that city now have ttie tore situation within their grip nt that city* Even the Standard Oil Co., with 500 stations did hot get a least one inspector while ’ ■<* * - __ *i '—.a__ ' M#hM« wnnvifnrl tan. lnartaotAfA y ' tlvv Ol^fVtwilO **IU *«V* W *w . M" 9 the two mail order companies were granted ten inspectors ' each* In making a ,request for tires an inspector must give ap-. proval and hfafee is fiifed at fifty cents for each Inspection or ’ tire. Theinspector will have much to say where the car own* er must get his tires, according to the charge in Chicago* In ,addition;charges of political manipulation and pull feature the Chicago situation with ward captains and Committeemen in the. Democratic party under a Democraticmayor settingup an or ganization against the 500 independent tire-dealers for the benefit of the two mail order houses *1 ifvIlCUw'wk b“ W W4.MV* y ti» . *»« I f th.e government does not show more ceopOratoon by with* draw ing the thousands o f useless automobiles till u awmv uiumsn^o,vx uowwm w w y w l S - t ply tte tOSidS of every state, and such ^situation ehminatetd as has develop- V* CVv*y ***wwuyss s r - i « ? ed in Chicago, if wilt take Asmall army to force thc public to comply with any order* Unity and cooperation cannot be one- ply W 1 TOHJCiy Vii#Ws- wm vwifyswww** v«MtMvv r -*-, sided* The governmentshould set theexample and,we arepure the <4 auto>#ne^ comply* ; / - ‘ THE LITTLE GUY * ,v _ »d » ,,t i> *■ A j* , ir - '( ( y i ' , s ^ - What distinguishes this country from the other great na tions of the world? There are many possible answers to that . question; And"here's* one of the best: "The United States is the country where the little guy is hosa*—where the little, guy can go .as his energies and abilities allow^—-wherethe little guy doesn’t have to how and scrape, to anyone.” r ' Little guys made this country. They came here from every where to establish freedom and escape tyranny. They landed in a wilderness. They were often cold and hungry. .They sel- ' dom became rich. But they kept-the faith. They built the homes and cleared the' land and raised the children. They fought the wars of the past, just as they are fighting this war. The little guys were proud and' strong and confident of the future, and the great land in which we live is their g iftto us, the little guys of the present* • • * Little guys built the industries of this country. They saved a tew dollars and put them into a store or a bank or a factory of some kind. They took chances* Muchof the time they lest, but that didn’t dismay them. Thsy saved a few more dollars and took new chances. They didn't laugh when some visionary came along With an idea the wiseacres said was obviously fn- sane—the telephone, for instance, or the automobile,, or a plan for lighting homes with electricity. There mightbe something in it, they, thought, and they played the long shot*, For the visionaries with the ideas were the same kind of people— little my* trying to get ahead, little guys trying to build snd create. And some of them went from shacks to mansions m a year or two, and a year or two later were back m.the shacks starting again. They always started again. It was in their blood, their bone/thdr character. The little guys dMiftsdve UP. All of this Country is a monument to the httle guy. AH of our industries, our farms, our homes, our resources*—the little -guvs did the work* They went into the oil fields and brought outthe black gold. They dug in the earth and gave us our coal - T h e - C a r r o l l - B i n d e r C o m p a n y Yte «»#* * * ' rtAwtanWw'sA iridftMe 91 ami wm IsC 8 *i*Mghwat- bMB:.#ew*wii * ilwtarndmHfwavfc' iMMyMul' to toMie M1-»flSf I t aai ever 'tot wtoh tow tern U swtoe I* the .war U m s w released er defeered WB he retoe—ffled vfth tow jw«aiw draftees and enfW Wwr fiwdptyat ewaiw. 'fadi'UlMfi Wf^L Mi; mMim top* in tb gftflUiteNib ■JiStjHaiie safe towOCD leispf ^pesie^i ■ lis jap®sS'MjsSEesr^fcspvw m>ft i i M»a«>u d g l i Bftt mftftt,Man* Psrtfwr *Meesa pespapaaii* It ieaimu^ur to heer twras emawsnt op the pert «tr Peaaoerstic Ptebete twbf* luw In the w**w*rvint** * ^Ceptala*', and also Probate Jnd«a, *rowKreH-kHownDOMwceats, Ws wore asked a tew days ago if the Itopub- licana were *ote|t to bring *ft tehtne* don suit against the oornity paying tenrie a eatery of 1800 when ha is jot sTailable for the usual h&hwas hours* tone Uemecrat offers to drop 110 in a pool to employ a lawyer to, teing such a soft. Another Democrat who want* to he a candidate for coun ty office says &enri* is making tow 'wst campaign material for- BepubH- wns ter the public will realiie by die lext primary just what a tax dollar Is worth and What it is going to cost overy citteen to get it. Greene county jxpayers must finance-the twd-sslary Vtdge. ‘ Should the gepublicahs bring iuch 'a suit? Should the taxpayers ■tart a movement to eliminate the probate count and fpmb}ne it .with the mmoP Pleas Court as is'possible Jor andfr the Ohio tew, thus saying the axpayers suite a sum each year and permitting an increased salary for the ' 2 xtr* duties of the judge who would it ever both courts? The fevwanwwt order toteekluf the •ate » f tores mky on written order of loeal heard and tow sate of a*to- awtedabailof agttatow, even greater town thi “ gasoline re •triciioo aate,Nvwhteh MAnts-in-Hi* Pante.IdwsMstated an the Atlantic Tloaat some weeksVgo, Several hutv dred thousand ante salesmen* tirr salewnea, garage meehanies, etc. have been laid elf, Justas have half « mil. lion worker* in the automobile pteni* In Michigan. This is, pinching busi ness,' It has hurt thi roadsidegasoline station. The eating houses. Southern resorts that usually have enormous business at thja season say the en tire situation with blackouts is keep ing thousands away from the South, California feels the pipe!* for the mid* westerner or easterner does not want to spend a teinter dodging Jap bombs even’in California midwinter sunshine. Bat-resortpeople are not the onlypeo ple to suffer. Every line will 'suffer' as usually jt does when this Or*any other country is at war. Tfhe people Jid Pot think of ajl t^iin during the months tbis patlVP pfuaded with a "chip on'its KfoniJdeF’- doting pfly or all „,to bomb our ships PT diriwt island cities. ' ' We have been tipped to a real good 'story b f -family poUtocs; war, auto tirds, ete.,ipa temily'dividedpolitical ly with,tow head once strong- for the New Deal, then on the fence and now evidently in the air. A certain farther vent out Sunday,morning to get the gasoline buggy ready to bring the children to Sunday whool. White this was going on the mother w§» round ing up the group.and getting them into their best. About the time the nother had completed her task,father idmes to the dope arid-in a none too luiet manner shouted ‘'Can’t go to ’ own teday* two' fiat tjraa*” Then fol lowed a discussion why there was no ixtra and father had te reply that he could not buy one under government >rddt when in town Saturday night. The morning was eoId, snow covered eVerytopirigand tether aettled down by ihevJdbtem'Stoye to -wains tdaiwlf^* and no dosht -nwd»^te? Mother .Wa* not in tow and temewhat argumteitetova-Nwsgse the children^would misk Sunday SchooL Father said nothingnBut mother final ly let ioossj “Well, I suppose you ate satisfied you eannot buy tires nor automobiles, but you stfij h»Vp Jfoo«e- velt. He was not satisfied until he got us into war, From pew on yoalt see who gets tires and who Han’t. Yo# wanted him (Roosevelt), now keep h(m,” And mother had the test ,Word—as usual. IbS iL .•V ' teMJN**" M f g MMPto I- Iytfttftl beaut a# 2 tee*if«tf .BoldMoasadBdwwdAnieidin* Wt KfyltoltotoyMtoWwtePtoA glWMPe ‘ Two infallible sources of entertainment imttwtel are Halted la fjjftftoly partete».“ a aswspaper and mtm. The « * ssribes tea conceptteu and suteeainmt growte at tbs tetetod* Edward p. Robinson, te bK deabe to tewte a tew tetedjd, fa forced terough eiroamstasoea to enter an «nboly almtete wate Edward Arnold/ a notorious racketeer, who la to he a atoeat Ptet* per, RoMuson rwns’ tee paper as he envisioned it, hat whop ha c a w * p M s -fd-ahiem i steitWeii Eawsa thesis, firiti* ete. tmasvedptswgtoy<*i TFTyiJTA FMQMli HA* did ftemms CfiiaegM lb Q. SpcduMt, Xtetoa, Fepay f 1 - Margaret . m iMiidMi||aj wftemen at W S hteteteg Hti : ■ t r 9 tm 1 f | o **d m gaeote wm» beef* & step**wag* to l**te Tha Worn* afternoonm T O W ^eswell. Mr . m R9t ed Abook rev ch8tebi 3 Mr. and daughter, Ssl end ip Dills •m ' herina to report on matters* that Jeopardise Arnolds .Illicit inter* ests, ‘ J “ .............. ___ pompUcatlons develop, In a dispute ovsr control of the paper, Robinson Is forced to *11*.Arnold and later .te killed himself te » , trsns-Atlwter flteht sponsored by hte paper, Robinson and Arnold wake an interesting taste*, and their fostinua] conflict, With pack pas striving for the point of vantage, a* tea dual, produces soma teBSt moments, haraine Day as Rob inson’s secretary and. inamorata,, fresh from Plaudits te tee "Dr. Kildare" aefie*-and Mottep Ftotwre Herald's "Stars of Tomri«'OW’\‘ poll, does apt have,very much to do, but lopka very pretty- ear peciaUy Pith fears te her fyes, William *pt Qry Is featured rateey Importantly as one o f Robinson's reporters, Marsha Runt, m lovt FindTteetaMax hySatosgaMarie Isdayl With Mr, Orr. Stew “After Vpu'vn (Rme/i-end rather uteely, too, tendency ................... ... ........... , ,'iARp-'f- produeed by fispiuel Marx, it |e melpdramSj ft bas^action foes ftare its moments^ sorog pretty exciting ones. As g story, it te not always convincing and has p to *S?er ^jp mdcbjpbundi but jwf dfrscted by Mervyij JARpy and There, is ntrtgoinjf to behusiness as isual even in this country white wa sire at war. Mo one npefi expect if. fbere will bp wgr gypfits fop fhftap Who get-was orders end Wf!0 FIRST PRRSBYT^RIAI!! GHIIRPR Manufacture rets*! mm itigg; f fa a limM r great number, pi psopte «n >r Axed income will suffer melt Jas te greatly Increased prices. This st rays happens during any war but few there were that gave the situa tion any consideration before actual var hit this nation. . There is goiter to beg fot of ne«f- dties on the restricted )J&=*x£ept Iquor, -More than one family jn pjral Treene Co; will net be able to. g 'f me o f the first twenty-four pew tires ’or the auto thatwill g t nsale. Hun- freds more teat have swajfow^ fhe Ddat “ " J ' ^ 10.# A. % S^batlj School, |IF. H. K. Stormont, Stfgp, • i U'fifi A; Ht fegteteBUjoi) SgFice; ,Hie lev, WsltorKiiyutolfikplHb? to tomrgs. - ' •' * . - 8;30. P, M, Christian Endeavor, Tuesday, 8:30 P. M, Broadcaster’s class covered dish supper, Thursday, 10:00 A. M. Women’s jP^esbyteriai meets at Dayton West- mfcifor t^urch. <*f 9 *F . ‘New baf HMKfc l# k found a tow *W *** *b e r#| m Triend to eototf" qfo friiewa have bega W,;to»« I # at fiit tor teamMvuiAtok tinto to ito # fto* Buffer la ffeWff tor fc prise totause Cuba would not sell bar supply of earn aa|ar- at rite Astobltebed New. Deal price. Uncle Sam had to -mast the Cubanprice. Y«t Florida te under tea Cdck-eyed AAA. and sugar farm- filterJ era are firing paid riot to grow sngar cane and refineries ate paid govern ment do%m n^t to operate while the rest o f top hafton w»«jt dig joftn fo 110-112 & Mains Xen ia Telephone 105 Bifftributors o f H IG H G R A D E G A S O L IN E , K E R I ^ E N E , - F U E L O I L , D K IS E L O I L , T R A C T O R A N D M O T O R O IL S The NeW Deal hbs hatched an «n pedigreed chicken with -Mayer La- Guardis, New York, and Eleanor, the First, presiding in a duaj capacity as head of another bureaucratic board known ,aa the “OITice o f Civil De fense.* One Is about as radical as the other* ‘The former once a Socialist congressman before the foreign ele ment in h$a city elevated Mmto may or and the other a tontrjbator and sympathiser wHH the Cemmuniat eadse. It would be natural that1'the two could not get*along together and they have not The Mayor wanted congress' to appropriate only a hun dred mibtofi to manufacture gas. masks for the public knowing that ,Hitler was going to gas everybody here. Royalty over m England went into the gas mask business 0 * p great scale and scared everyone into pur. chasing a gas mask, even down to masks for little babies. English poll- tiriWte reaped a harvest and to ibis day to <l««e M Hitler is to the British Isles and as many thousand plants as have flown ever a]} Briteto*no an# ba« ever heard of a gas bomb bring drop ped, Just why he has not resorted to the same -tricks as the combatants used in the First World War, no one knows, Wftefi taghtetoj* Urged such an expenditure Congress for <m«# got red-headed. The War and Navy Pe partments protest such as unneces sary, Sentiment .put the Now York mayor behind the “eight ball”, Ax to the friction between rite “Little Flow- er" and Eleanor/ the First, both tried to steal all1the first page publicity, and jealousy arose. Finally the press got wise and neither Was getting any place, pay move fopgubga gag*r, New Deafer* afcftfgjq g fflngra^- tatory telegrams to YfeP Ff&rid# Wallace and ffe«rate*y Wfekato tor theirintcrostInprotectfrif sugarcon sumers.test AprilwewereIna group of newqpgppr publishers, more than 100 that weigpertained at Clawi*- ton, Florida, andw«f# to/B&g* br those southern Democratswho MY#* permit themselves to ha termedNew Dealers without protest, to ask eon- METHODISE CHURCH ' A ', 'Telephone 6 - 13 §£ l t v ..;., c .. Preaching 11:00 A /lf; fvangelistifi Spfvicg ^:00 *f. $< ; Wednesday |eryj?e . , Prayer Meeting P. M; * Sunday ScljOS1 Superintendent, Ru- toa ‘"l '■ ' A Steicklang. CLIFTON RRESBYTRIAN CHURCBt A*ffkrrfs,Minister; id# -A»M.fiubbathJshfifil, fipbprt Shaw, Supfc., 11:00 A, M, Morning -Worship. Theme: “A New Road,'But A Trusted Guide!” 7:00 P* M ' Christian Endeavor.' CHURCH OF GOD R. a FREDERICK, Pastor Sunday School 9:80 Jt. M. Everting Sypjce; 7 :^ P*ljU frgyoK Service ThUr^ay'pvgnirii Sumfey m m t m 4 f M- P f*m Wfemiigg, pug!, . cjmsto Ssrrjcp lpm A*M* ^ F. $ . ‘“Tpe Iiermm on to* Itotetf.." 4 | ; Wwley# fiitofea w|H me$ ar at thahowaot MterFuel.Cummffige v. ^ kn^ „ na Monday evening T*80 P, M. 1W00P UfiUNTY FARMBPS A’ M* ‘ BOWMNG GREEN,—Weod county M^Y, F* 8:80. Choir practice Sat- farmers Saturday obtained temporary urday evening 7:80 _ reilef from the federnl government’s «n t . a bushel penalty on wheat meet this Monday .eventng at 7'-O0 p.*BoId tn exces, o{ AAA-fi'esignated w. Waffle supper served up by the appointed committee. y^Miday rnmateg, im t*s f-Vf-Xvpf!, Dr, •» W, Andres to » to « l day, Jan, 10 Here and 9 # at Seim*. This month la settlement mtmth of all organisations for'church budget, * Sermond Jan. 08—“The Mission At- ti& fr/' - gress te drop the Wallace plan so the that stategopjd grow more farmersin I f was' brwi*ht o»t |l?*t ander gSVemmenjt regulstioa that state was pot permuted tp fftow enough sugar «gne fw U **&» of fta own people, vM they covji fUp^y | most of the nariog pA five $mte a pound in any state east of the Rocky Mountains, fieri la age <*#(h f &**& where the WtoKte*fr} AAA i» SOW# * mg to reach bite every peeketboek to git extra money for 'a little Sugar In each cup o f coffee. The farmer that holds up for AAA hsa no grounds for complaint pt to* te«t 9f anything he has to purefetto/ f l r P«»1 has wiped #ot anti-trust tews gad gone into the pries fixing business themselves. As a supposed frlsnd i f the New Deal wi notice the American farmer fs tfi gp back to "old Dobbin". UNITED PRESBYTERIANCBURPM Ralph A. Jamieeon, Minister. Sabbath A. If- Emile Finney, ■ Preaching 11 # A. M. Theme Growthof theKingdom .7 Y. P. Of V, «:b 0 P. M. Subject, "Our SocietyaTraininggc^o j|,?' Lei^ler,Margaret Stormoi^. N# *Vp»#ff *FYte: ' ft§r*v Wteririg Wednesday 7 # F. M, at the km* fit Mr. find jiff, f, jj. Avid. t • .. THECHURCHOFTHENAZARRNE cropquotas. Judge EarFL. Sotether granted\he Wood County Farmers Protectiveleaguea temporaryInjunc tionrestrainingthe governmentfrom collectingthe ; ' PAXTON, FARM HOLD Breedersandexhibitors ofTennes e ’ Walking horsesandBrownSwis dairy, cattle,Hr. andMrs.GeorgeP, Hall, of Coxaddaje, O., peer .Cincinnati, tok title thtewerilto ri}C 17 -ajre peorgi Paxton farm, three m)lto #Mt Pi Xepiapnthe Hoprd. vk* tfrmpply lived In Kmtocky, nbfn to m>re t$ $ e f^rm *<«»' efter )Nmyleri§g^.%T))i|ve yg- modeling of a bam eff the grfgerty. Mr. NaUat ene^imelived nearGoes, northojfXjnfe f featnwred'evrsyabout W years agf."' ,*V EADIAfDRAIAtTCUf Sunday gitoday Services School# # A, M> to ? 1 # same. Motorists amgrimrto fi«dfadtetor anri-freett withaleohol bate a scarce articleto-a fswdays uridira gmm* went order tills Week surtaiUngthe Dr, L, L, apeaker of Churchlast Si mate, Dayton cut Mr, W, C. I Wek, hut Is| proved fit thi & Mr. arid Wilmington Fffltod the daughter, dell Bobitt, JeSseBpb it, ate of Ceda Bobbittis Co: Valjey Coj»p,e Association, j ckey ^ n e y Prsucl ^r|ie{J to hcrl thi telfeyettf NgneyWilliai studies at B q ^ fowling Grcej t e ' ofto# ] G rt I In ia b e s o a d v - Mri, snd Mi , ;|h # We«h=ep{ gotofry of Da , Wish While - of thesudden William. C. Mi - troit. Mr, Jol ^ ‘ mediately, for funeral, which his Widow, tl brothers,'Paul C«, of Dayt< BerthaUbrey me?Ml»Vm«to ' A. S. Richari ?arW«J . war® & >.Gov. Brick plus Cultural War , arrangedfor ‘Pott 1 ; Institute to l petsoi Repres ntativ , ^ |f. 0 # * .m . Tl _ the directionT tore,. . A ¥ 10,000 destroyed thi Night Club rm \ $ Mj » **tjmpjm joining was therysjdenci north *]de HII 'Autouse fa afewda j theymust by Februfd H # and 1st when al gnfi go dfoj^ will check state thro bureaus, A is provided federal law.I Ittty Oral |w* 8 „uJi - ' # gustar yjungte -itwayi ^la’ torim The New York Times in an editorial This calls to mind the dbcairi«n in a congressional committee\ * to what was to become of the many thousands 0 # person* making a living in country garage*, gatori#!!* sales agencies, if ther# was to fee restriettefi in the sale o f ears, tires, gasoline, batteries, etc. G»a of the New Deni leaders that usually voted yes on any bill that cam* from headquarters blurted oat—."Let alt them fellows go to work on tha farms, U help is as scarce as farmecs say ft |a," A wiser head poured off tut what looked tor *- time might tom Into a heated argu- F . E . H a r p e r P lnm b in g o i JU 1 K inds Saturday laid down soma law to the meat over the statement. Fast amt Courteous Track Sank*toM PartioftheCounty and met&lfl. A few became famous, but the millions remained unknown. They worked and died in obscurity, but this country is an everlasting monument to their deathless spirit which lives on* ■. i That ts the ideal we Americans must always keep in mind -America must be a place where the little my is king. ,Free rintettirise is the little guy’s kind of enterprise—-he can go into M TH ROOM E M P M E IT M 00 E R I K ITC IER M IKS HOT WATER HEATMR any businesshe wants, invest his savings in whatever he wanto, and lick th« competitors to a fraaale if he is able to. The gov-* •niment belong* to him—ha doesn’t belong to the government. The little guys made America, and today ha k perpetuating America* And tomorrow he must be the symbol of AmtHca. L e t u s q u o t e y o u p r i c e s Frl. Wiittaij Itetettel W «4 Clterie* i j -
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