The Cedarville Herald, Volume 65, Numbers 1-26
fe l i s i s w t ■ fljmpMllMilip M9W|iirar t^jMhlicy iwadiW w M qi SI fljfjtt f i r ib e t o t p a r l o f N*wr U m I paittNai aa * S m t l r W m i Ipwi mm ***& p riftU io O mt Amed-can iyiMifli, mtu*m+mfLm* IS om i w* « w haariff liirth tir tttiift mid K o iiiM Wwm IMai iarf8ll6ifca* aa® II ne AAA v m t«e ek tap te t an* Jbt*t u ri* i gil ir rr« r <S«*M ay **9 pN$r« f i r m a rrlSM w iiiA .fi f**»*i*lMat wo»ld not objeet aart- omriy tuNwi AAiCIf &hmm kafi th* right cjdbalcg&C confirm ' in# # r »«t, M hart aufiad IM r naafi*. Th# criticism la govern mmk wgtfmartartaai ja r t m Bfcaita has forced on hi# subjects and H ttUr %m f#*##4 m Qrnmm farmer*. Tbe main o**foetio!i to the Dobbins interview will cofne from t i e &8,O06 who are on th* AAA rpH. At once Elmer K. Kruse, Ohio AAA chwnoaa, who admitted before * group of Clark county fanners th a t h e owed h it ap pohrtsauwt to Henry Wallace and th a t he was a union naan wad carried a paid-up union card* let* out the first yelp* He it much concerned iabout w hat will happen to the farm er a fte r the war, a t if Hie AAA could prevent a panic-depression or what-you-calWt th a t follows every war* We*, agree with Mr. Dobbins on his views but would go fu rther in comment by s ta t ing th a t if the American farm er cannot profit by the wreckless- nessof the farm ers in th e 1917 to 1928 period, then they should have a guardian. That should be no disgrace for the fa th e r of our Number 0» e citizen knew he had an h e ir th a t could never handle a million dollar estate and a “guardianship in the form of a tru st company’’ was delegated to manage th e estate and given him the income during his natural lifetime, Probably if more farm ers had such a guardian they might have a greater chance o f being president of the Doited States sometime. But what; have Messrs. Mason and B say in the way of comment oh the Bobbins statement? Greene county farm ers would like to know. V . — 1 " '1 ....... ' - ’T T . „ REPUBLICANSTO FIGHT ANDFAY—NEWDEALTHEORY Will the New Beal perm it Col. Charles Lindbergh to haye a p a rt as a volunteer in the XJ. S. a it force? He has offered to ehlist and the NeWDeal has taken th e proposition unt^er ad visement.' ‘ ‘ Remember during the last,W orld W ar when Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt, the hero of the .Spanish-American war, la te r president, volunteered his service in the army but the Democrats would not permit, it fo r fea r h e would steal some ‘of f heir thunder? As a resu lt he stayed a t home. COl Lindbergh like hundreds of thousands of other citizens, including a h a lf hundred or More members of Congress stood against this nation plunging into the European W ar, which was th e only combat in existence a t th a t time* When. Japan de* ' d a red w a r on theU ..S ., Lindbergh, ju st like all other citizens, joined in as ^ patriotic group in defense of the country. The Democrats o r New Dealers had many Open opponents of the administration policy of giving all aid to European nations and keeping nothing fo r ourselves. Japan knew-of this policy. So did Germany and Italy. . „ The common complaint waa we were not defending out own possessions o r even our. own shores^ on- th e Atlantic or pacific. We were spending million upon million fo r defense in a hundred or more locations on English soil under an agree ment th a t England was to have a ren ta l and ninety per cent of control. While we tre re doing this, Japan , was entertaining the Royalty in Washington w ith sweet nothings, and preparing to fire on our possessions on# moments notice. And this is what J happened and it is this policy th a t cost the nation many lives and much property In the Philippines when i t could have been averted by a t least spending p a rt of the defense tax money fo r our own benefit. . ' , Japan will have the advantage fo r possibly some weeks or months because we were no t prepared to defend ourselves in th e Philippines let alone to fight a foreign power almost in the ir own water. Some of the New Dealers say i t will take us another year to ge t ready but in th a t tim e hundreds of thou sands o f lives will be subject to loss to say nothing of property values—all because the nation was spending everything fo r the benefit of England. - ‘ . ." . The Democratic press has ranted much about the attitude of Lindbergh bu t s,aid little about some of the Democratic con gressmen and senators th a t stood with him in his views. The Democrats say nothing about Lindbergh’s mission to Europe „ before the war as a spy under Roosevelt orders and Upon his return reporting th a t neither We nor England were prepared to fight Germany and Italy, who had been preparing fo r seven long years. Much has been made about medals presented to Lindbergh, by foreign powers but nothing has been s’aid abou; th e favors Roosevelt has accepted, even one from Germany before the war. " - * The meat of this editorial is th a t Lindbergh has offered hfe services to th is country. As the Cleveland Plain Dealer (Democratic) says, “Lindbergh should be riven any place he would seek in the service fo r he is ye t the nation's Number One ' Ace." I f you canvass the situation close you will find very few of the Democratic papers th a t have criticised Lindbergh can show they have contributed even as much as has IJndbergh. The same can be said fo r Democratic politicians m the natioif, state and down to Greene county* As a local 1f*u®we of no outstanding Democratic family in Politics in this county, th a t can say their son has dene even what Lindbergh has offer ed to do. I* - Tjia - CarroH-Wilder Company 110-112 K. Main, Xenia Telepheae 106 Dktrilmtors *>f . 'V m m shads gasoune , kerosene , fu e l OIL, DE3SKL OIL, TRACTOR AND MOTOR OILS ( l - - ' ■ ' i , Fiit andCwrtowsTruck mnMwmmvim uflum^ • ■ ■_ who SW wftfc a hrok*a heart ttm m *m*m the F k rt WmM W m t* a-yt^y iwaaS y** -a t o et vktt#. p|0^l o 6 hnuii M i nuHlt a- R0RPnl pfMWNR iCIWPr KRKaBMI MR Sv ww -ftmCiwfetc h i Wa tAmm* Tim d ltfrte- «d r f tin t d tr *• awr-dbtwt t t m m i«a» h it own A t w w it m a i l ta n i ptoytn tr e t Mt f r wBotfcmt; ■Tit' Kw a t toSty it Gte. WCHta* dwM body b it ratnmed to day vrbRt th t war lord* wf tqday TrtM attempt to do him a M ated honor. Mifceholl waa fowneriy dirtotor e# ^military aeronautics for the United stakes army. Re foasht to jcoavince America that mdy an adeqntte ah' force could guarantee tta safety from invaaion. He maintained aircraft could destroy seacraft and that the great surface navies were doomed to minpr roles if Dot elimination, NoW, Sac. Stimson hat agreed to restore hfs rank and honors of the army, We hope Congress takes notice and pastes legislation to provide a staltue on the White House grounds for Mitchell and when erected i t should-he unveil ed by onawho did his best to degrade Mitchell and that is none other than Franklin J>, Ropsevelt, who was then assistant secretary of the Navy under Secretary Daniels, with WoodrowWil son as president, The latter aym- mthized with -Mitchell but tbe eratic Rposevolt with the war lords in the war and navy departments, with the great financial interests that built and provided material for battleships, did everything that could be done to dis- srrace Mitchell for h lt viewu on what could be accomplished in war by the airplane. What hat happened in Lon don and the Philippines proven Hit- hell was * wise prophet. gen. Pepper, Florida cracker, New' Heal mouth-piece th a t has had' the credit of having something to do with war camp activities in the wayo f con tracts for certain materials, out loose >ver the air Saturday night last, us ing as his tex t the “League of Na ;ions.w We heard.gen. Pepper a t -a ueeting of newspaper men, some 504 at Jacksonville, Fla. lastMay; He waa spreading the gospel of war and hew Weishould get in toe European meat— more to cover up what h it opponents Were laying a t h it door over war con tracts. At the Jacksonville banquet the Senator received the coldest recap tion in. the Way of apptauiw flitt w* ever heard towards any Senator—and this in his own state. While in -Cincinnati, Monday, we in quired of the. proprietor of a parking lot we use frequently, if business was falling, off. His reply was, take look for yourself, not an inch of apace for another car. We questioned him to learn something of the*attitude Of city folks on the tire restriction, rule by the New Deal. He replied that soma' cannot understand why such an Order is necessary when .England has been a t war two years and no tire restriction. Others w«rit to know how auto tires will win a War in the aif and on water such as will b* the case in the Philippines. Others have various excuses why they hi % not con cened about ihe order. Empmyetr in defense plants,say i f toere are rto tires there will be no wort, fu* park ing 1m proprietor says the real test Will come when good weather arrives, , Borothy Thompson, noted woman columnist, a few days ago touched oil the New Deal tir* restriction. Having barn a 100 par cent advocate of mos - of the New Deal, everyone was sur prised to read th a t Dorothy came out flat-footed for the farmer and how he waa to get to town to do hit shopping. She pointed out that New York City hau J8,(K>0' licensed city tax! cabs be- fisHis hundreds of big buses, surface ta r lines and subwsyr. Moreover New *«ork boasts of having the best trans portation system in-the world. Dor othy had evident!/ investigated col logo and university campuaet for she said some had a j high as £00 autos on the grounds and why were they A Pleasant Ridge MeftqUat' Min- later, Rev. Richards, Cincinnati, pre sents a new problem to the officials. Ha rites the order of tires for physi cians, nurses, or veterinarians who us# ears fur professional purposes. Ha new wants to know the statua o f min isters. A m the above preferred riasees any mere nsoessery than ministers, priests or rabbta in answering the calhrof the sick amt the dying, bring- ng comfort to beroaved families, even to those killed he w art The problem has the tire authorities stumped. We notice by the Madison Press, London,th a t onr former fellpw towns'* man; Harry.S. Diff, ondg a record of 29 yearn.,as a member of the hoard of edUestmn in th a t place. During most >f’th a t time he has been president of ;he board. Herbert Mengert, ColumBus column ist on the Cincinnati Inquirer, in sum- ufng up.the conference of Ohio may ors that .tried, to pry state, funds out of Governor Bricker, as a fiasco and that the .Governor held hfs ground and mnvinced the delegation .that it waa their place to-return home and cUt overhead for when war taxes were de- nanded they would hear from their >wn constituents. Cleveland, Toledo, Akron and Dayton have been taking 'ha lead for the demand'hut- the tax payers in their own cities have re fused to vote either additional taxes >r bonds, ( ' / Anti-freese alcohol i t to go on the restricted list with auto tires but ■hank goodness alky for the stomach >s on the Roosevelt “must list,” th a t wing one of his pat hobbles since the day hs entered tha White House. It seems to the writer that not ,so long igq Roosevelt asked the nation to join "n.a'dn;y of Priqrar:fmr.,'.peace. Noble mrpoee but what about that injunc tion of haying thy house in order? WKh a PtoaidantM statement that we Sato-A fito:ypar aupNr o f tiqumr ashaad that ahonldCover ilm “predicted. five year war ahead** ‘ RboseveRVpoblic utterance that “He •nd ChurchiU understand each other” is interesting; There, may ha some in England wondering about the .under standing, after the war as Churchill la a noted Socialist. There are mil lions wonderingWhat stilt happen here after the war with the departments of government maimed with Communists. An Army- of ten million men, if de sired, cast taka over.coutrol of this or any other government, A less number in rektioh to population has been and- is now in control in Cuba. The army controls Russia, Italy and Ger many? Every give the" situation of the future a thought ? I t ia amusing to read in mfew of the Democratic papers the reaction to th* proposal;of Sen. Thomas of Okla homa to the legislature the return of the old lottery system, government operated, to finance the-New Deal war. The comment la more from the stand point of apology when bn reality the New Deal code of morals ju st about lets lottery in aa ttnhamful. We have seen the government operated lottery in Cuba. I t ia admitted by the hatter cRisers that it is destructive afad should not be tolerated. As operated it is a political sinecure for those in con trol. Small children roam the streets of Havana in rags bagging people to purchase a *ten cent ticket. The Thomas idea evidently does not appeal to some of the southern publishers ac cording to editorial comment, If ever a puMie official statesman crawled in his bale and puH«d the hole in after hint it has been Frank Knox *CwA*MDwy,*pow^^ ------ fltooe deptsribw, 1M». the world has tihsts attempt aa aKkmt tovarioa of Sagtaad? -**«.-— *-* - - - has fuhtoned a« SMwer la “tioatirm m 'Deep,” wMtth open*..Sat- , urday at toe Majestic Theater, and It is tratstMUdfeg entertainment. It is toe story of a Yank ace'corresponawet who gave hi* blood, sweat and tears to got toe biggest story at Ms oarewn—Mdy to scrap it for a love tost Was bigger. • , „ , .. Don Ameche as “Yank.” Mitchell, to# news-hawk, who had toe , story that could betray an empire, cmdrtoutaa toe finest dramatic role of bis long career,. His 1*an unforgettable performance;and-a glowlpg tribute to those unsung hero*# of “front ltee” news, Joan Bennett as “Red" Carson, toe, gallant »ghting4Bagliah Ck^:prOTid*s the romantic interest tost if intensified by to* thrill ing action of ih* story. Her interpretation ia magnlllclently re strained and she gives * convincing portrayal of a gin Who find* love amidst death and destruction, • , ‘ A supporting cast headed by Roddy'.MoDowalLsad Including John Loder, Raymond WalbUto, Arthur. Shields And Eric Blora contribnt* its share to this moving'’drama o r simple men and warned fighting for toelr lives, homes and freedom. neeikd. Then she wanted to know how the New Deal war Secretary of the the farmer waa to do his shopping if Navy, The Knox article in the Amerl- he could not get to town On rubber? can Magaahw and hi* piston shows How many had horses and huggies naws reels about sweeping th* Pacific and where eouW they get them? She dean of Japs haa resulted in a seal pictured th* auto on the farm as much on the Secretary's Ups- The facts are ...* 1 ...^..-... .-•;-. There can be no denial a mimber of Dmmocratie families have used what infloence they have, to t*T t t dedfe enlistment of sons, Thoee that have swallowed the New Deal war monger program probably will do the least when it comes to purchase of defense bonds, yet they have been free to express themselves if someone took issue with the Ntew Disal Napoleon in Wash ington. And in that household the foot* sods have been placed in secure*job* away from Ran shot fire and hell at the front as has the esteemed “Judge-Captain” Homer Henrie, whbawimp in a government swivel chair at Fairfield *fc a salary of $4*0 a month and an additkml $76 a month fer boavdhfeff a i home; while the common herd of Democratic beers irt this coantiy must brave zero weather and the stench of sedtiiern awamps for $21 a month. If “Patriot” Henrie M offured his service in tfi* ranks as has Lindbergh instead of using state and federal political pull to get into his bomb-proof je% there might be a different feeling towards the “JttdgedSagHMiik” wRfcht hie party ranks as well as among Greene comtir oHiaews. The gmrerah ment muet accept or decline tiM :lindb e tilno* iM e Will MsDsne- nemtfe»Nvw D ia l Srittis de as much er wftl they join, tiie Henrie slacker ranks to keep from active service in the front fine trench**? the goyetnmenfc had no protection on the Pacific for the Philippines or the Pacific Coast as we measure' protec tion in war times. At this,time the government has no convby system to protect goods' o r men needed in the Philippines. We must w rit until our torpedo boats, destroyers and sky bombers are returned from England- Under the “lease-lend” act, o t until we can build more. Mr. Churchill is con cerned—about a demand for re to rt of opr wav craft. He was here for-no other purpose than protecting:English possessions in the Atlantic while we suffer attack unprotected in the Paci fic, And yet, there are thosewho score Lindbergh, Wheeler,>Tiddinga, Walsh, Taft and/a host o f others for- trying to arouse Americans to the situation we are placed in. '4 ' • - f ^ “ Income tax blanks have been mailed to ril former income tax payer* but this dues not mean you are exempt if you have an income of $760 and single from filing a return. The government wants all taxpayers that the income tax Will he between two and three times what It waa last year and tax payers that have nu t been saving any of their income should begin a t once to save a sufficient sum for that pur pose, otherwise face a heavy penalty. Many who now think they will not have to pay had better begin to get information. Short sketches can be found in many drily papers giving sdme instruction as how to proceed; in making out returns. Sen. W. Lee O'Daniel, Dem., Texas, springs an important suggestion on congress and the nation while we are in war time harvest—war time prohi bition; If there ia any one subject th a t is not in the New Deal lexicon, it is “prohibition”. Cautioivshould be used by the Texas Democrat that was elected over toe opposition of New Dsat organized forces, or ha may be branded another Charles Lindbergh. The White House never haa permitted the prohibition sign to •be hung over the door"sinee the Roosevelts moved in. Sen. .O'Daniel wants some form of wartime prohibition to curtail nation'' r i consumption of liquor and a ban on liquor salsa in Army and Navy posts. One of toe Roosevelt promise# was that the taxes from liquor would meet much of the cost of government op eration. Since th e advent of the New Deaf one haa to apaculata a t times juat who is sober and who is drank a t the national capiiol. NOT CE OF SHAREHOLDERS MEETING . ■ The regular annual meeting of toe. shareholders of Cedatville Federal Savings and Loan Association will be held a t their Office, N. Main St., Ce- darviile, Ohio, on January 21st, 1242, a t two o'clock, P- M. fo r the purpose of electing three directors for a term of three years, and-for anjr further business'that may come before the meeting. *■'. I. C. DAVIS, Secretary, Cedatville Federal Savings A Loan Association WANTED LUNG SUFFERS TO TRY . Lower’s Prescription , ' —For— „r_ , RronchRis, Asthma, severe Coughs arid Colds Especially wonderful for th a t cattgh th a t cause* '' worry. Dom*t delay, * So id fl^ BROW N 'S DRUG STORE Manufactured b y •, ■ C. Lower,, Chemist,' Marion, O h io > - BUY DEFENSE STAMPS BUDGET PLAN . AVAILABLE Adair’s N, Detroit St, ha S’ A NAME TH A T STANDS FOR GOOD F. L. NELSON, O. D. OPTOMETRIST JamesfaWa. OM* E apacial A ttamHaa GhrUs . SCHOOL-AGE EYES .E.Harper ■MSWlHi Pluabiag si f b t mm er MNUERI 'NMNMEMKIT0M£NRMNH1 MartMETf3|. nrimni H v i m i l S u i i i i S a f i i d w r o i IHTDSQUOTE YOU PRICMh- A * a f Cre»* k cugapisad for too whe wish to lean to help ' with Hi titay bar* start* taro la tha comm t* assist" others wfil be held in t Friday..gjmring, j ; Tii* work to he |ngs will be for for which to* yrn - Worker* should b ting needle*, as ti ed by the local p> - Dr. Edward F ..\ . O , whose superv than 21,000 Met’ ’western 'Ohio wil’ day'morning a t > Church a t 11;00 , hia scholaatic tr Wkllace1and i rpi Seatinary. His fii New Lexington, 0 , he has served in< , Ironton? Weatwo. , F irst Church, Ls dree is an ontsta Wbnien’s work Th _ae„ „ . daughter, Mrs. H; yH ava nati, Mr*’; Andre J_ee sent Sunday. ,Dr a t Selma a t 9:30 Thur* Jatt. 1 * e f* . j. _ ■ > dgeon- Mr. Ira Townsh Puerto'Rico on a ptoject of five me fam ily,are stayir h*me in Ardwid r Washington, D. ' superintendent on & ■ Callahan, cont firm hehas been <■ iyear; Ira is a . Towiiliey, local n A^stated meetir diaptor, No. 418 . . held to .the Mason January IDa t 7:3i - S tars are tovRad t ure-sMe*. '• ‘ ■ * 1 - • ' V ' - • Mrs, C. W. Steel - Home' Culture Cl noon, January l9t! Word Was re( Thursday morning troyed the Union Springfield With t The equipment wa and the grain cont Congress hss 'p: . Mil demanded by and upon algriing. in the station mus hour. This will gf hours' faster time m m m m •Ic h 1 Youn« ’TIM E* RY” Honrfay Eddy , HOCO- W>I£R», $<m. Jan. 17 ng nnett techo t— londe ih lld fie ld hnny Mask Brown Cp'RlOgR* , «R CA*fc» At a recent m< ilCT Board of Public A w ing waa Sleeted sc water work* plan service system. su< er, who has held the System was in Men* Yus*. ULUfiAti” Mrs. EflTe Lad ana ” members and guc d *Mm Club at he> « ant avSning. Husband, wivsa. A social bo Zdkssbstents were sas, asristod by ! Utiaa Ada Sto: Wanted—Girl i WWk care of childi Nurod, Room,, I h Muter Baft, Xertia Fri* asul Sa’ fMuey “CHARLIE C — J Maws* Cartes* a.-'r-til Mt IMRP *JtiJT«ftNG H ■JkSmo Late •Mfpwrowv %#m Mari ■*! ■'WIGjol,! ■ 'IPiPBMMN' r
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