The Cedarville Herald, Volume 65, Numbers 1-26
> * * For a good many years youi? local merchants have been advising yon to BUY AT HOME. Now more than eyer before they urge you to heed their advice*, You are assured o f quick service, quality merchandise, and savings on tires, gasoline, oil, and your car. To emphasize yotir savings more closely — supposing you were to buy a pair o f shoes in another town. A fter returning home you found they did not suite ypur taste* This necessarily means another trip with all its extra expenditures. ° Now supposing you bought the same pair o f shoes ii| CedarviUe. In the first place you would naturally take more time in selecting them because yon would have saved more time by baying at home. But i f you did wish exchange them, all you would have to do would be to WALK hack down town, and according to statistics everyone needs more exercise* .Leave your car in the garage and WALK. Finally, here is your itemized expenses fo r buying a pair shoes in another town: ’ “ PRICE OF SHOES m CEDARVILLE: ' ' - . Shoes $4.00 PRICE OF SHOES IN ANOTHER TOW¥: Shoes .$4.00 Gasoline, (a t the very least)..... *20 OU *10 ;Exchange Trip Inconvenience o fExchanging Shoes.,.....5*©d Total Exercise in walking to store -cred it. f * 0 M p f %£> . . . ..$4.00 r*w **fe. $ •A*«•$2 .00 Total :.$9,70 Cost *o f $4:00 paur o f shoes................... ........ ..$2.00 Not only are savings made on the above item but on everything you have to buy* Stop In and get acquainted with your local merchant You will find him friendly, reliable, and always; ready to serve, yon promptly with the best possible merchandise at the lowest pos sible price. NEXT TIME BUY AT HOME AND SAVE! ! - So think it over! It not only saves you actual cash to BUY AT HOME, it saves your tires and yotir car. It is your patriotic duty to save everything yoti can in these times. Buy all o f your merchandise right here in town' from the following reliable merchants: Bird Variety Store, Wear-U-Well Shoes BLUEBIRD RESTAURANT C. C. BREWER, Roofing H. H. BROWN DRUG STORE CEDARVILLE BAKERY CedarviUe Dolomite Products Co. & ■ ■ CedarviUe Farm Implement & Supply Co. 9 CedarviUe Federal Savings & Loan Assn. CEDARVILLE LUMBER COMPANY CEDARVILLE THRIFT “E” MARKET FRANK CRESWELL, Feed & Grain COZY THEATRE, Nelson Creswell C. H. CROUSE, G races, Meat Market PAUL EDWARDS, Dodge Sales, Service EVILSIZOR, Auto Parts, Coal, Posts F . E. HARPER, Plumbing HOME CLOTHING STORE W* R. LEMONS, Trucking C* E* MASTERS, Groceries, Meats McCALLISTER RADIO SERVICE P. J. McCORKELL, Insurance C. L. McGUINN, Coal and Feed P ICK L ING ELECTRIC CEDARVILLE HERALD BUY a m rv v V' wf n ' * *•***•» s ix n m m Recently f*ts. and been clain fortify the Cause for American 1 * m en intims fertiflea j i tacked the . attack woul artd Oongr. tbit h<)dy, fife,million priitjkm bill at 'Guam, about the i threat, In 1 mended the - the progran muse of thf in 1922, wb , on the build tlfypations. tIon*progra. than twenty proposed, s pOuld'hot hi without a tv strength to- ■ as the Atlai «?ch' fortifie ✓ naval and a proven by j Philippines, a start was ■ ittg, a two t his not yel just now in ; Congress on to vdte o flag Guam, i requested b time. In 19: •jion dollars lit Guamwai because sue] , - interpreted : With ‘ Admir ,. belief that i oould be of - Au# militarj And Wo Ai protested a) Sm Adminis mom than c ' ind*Was able gored. Almo American fo; ■i had stiffeneo for Guam w.-. itated that fortification WOUld cost a lion dollars, mom to pre] • Against corn Only ashort O f, superior JGilam is su; fillkndg, upon iUAval and aii Shilled. So -it day’ of A few. filVe million fpmmnlents < Nothing to di can reverses *■ However, 1 ’'cent criticism " hape well fo directed tow ‘Committee rc 'in January-tl ' !tee o f the Ho It was explai Chairman oi measure to t Retirement j continuation JMSttWhO hai il&'Ahd to j Other person after thirty j *age o f sixty-1 Um included der the Retir the legislate o f govemmei Civil Service i meat o f a coi o f the annual retirement fu tjr a voice vt hut few mem ,eot. and at a membership v tooting imp: htgs olsewher torn later, to mimfriti Of i that the hill . fndude mend %ub|4«AMiiaiiLyM'A' mo* jriifffrwnt ay U th e * pern em phiftee . Tl l a i i l i A fte r . been signed ' imMewtaliy if Under the (Q vn tin i e * i - /-
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