The Cedarville Herald, Volume 65, Numbers 1-26
'■............ CealarrIJk, O fefe,.......................................................................... - Q + * m U , i m , m wmmi «3 mk «atN r. _ ______ ___ IWidiiy, 'P^pfemairar- id* IMS ____ ____ _ With the t& fttfttap er$te|j for th* mvmmt. dwr U **• *&**'> with fcttii&Twiii uf thou«*»4* H fa f cb5tw» la govwuawst *g«*jr camp prefaataTirt*9* am, twelve kod fifteen dollar a day 'wage# are‘M id i JffMh jgj hj Oy fop more labor, the only place left I ’m UMWhM; m l I km ** demand i« in the rural sections and on the fm-w#. The motion picture industry is now regarded: as essential, few from that sector are being drafted for the army, other than certain stars that are given preferred army positions and not exposed to shot, shell or even the weather, It is claimed Democratic senators and congressmen have more than 50,000 relatives and friends from their districts on government jobs, mostly in Washington, and Roosevelt appealing fo r more house room in the Capitol city for 88,000 new appointees, A Re publican appointee io escape war service is an unknown indi vidual.* Most o f those recently appointed to war jobs are o f, draft age but exempt. This should be interesting to. Demo cratic families in Greene county, many o f whom no doubt have sons in the service in the Pacific, the Atlantic or even in Africa, ali serving at 821 a month, while the Roosevelt boys at fancy salaries are in hiding so far as the general public is aware. A new order this week once more puts farm boys, out in the front army ranks while hundreds o f thousands of those of foreign blood working in city industry on war contracts are de- ferred as essential. The new order has gone to draft boards to ‘ ‘defer labor leaders'* and government labor liaison men. .Roth the APL and CIO made the request with the approval o f the White House, Their classification will be 2-B with renewal at request. Most any dues-paying organized labor member could call himself a "labor leader” and take advantage of the offer to escape service. > •' It Is no wonder the American public is credited with being indifferent to the position we are in today in respect to war at home or abroad. Most everything from bold lies, misrepre sentation and deception has come from the highest station down through the cabinet to the people. Graft and favoritism are boldly flaftnted and continued in,the face o f a raging pub lic.’ A stupid Hew Deal Congress enjoying the benefits o f these wrongs dares make complaint fo r .fear of exposing what has been given some o f their constituents. J, , The best investment the nation could make would he giv ing Roosevelt his $37,500 pension on condition he and his tribe join Stalin in Russia where Communism is at its best. LET’S HAVE AN OLD-FASHIONED HOME PARTY ■ Now that the New Deal wants to-lnject the "artistic” as a part o f the Defense program under the direction o f the First Lady, who says her 3tar dancer possesses "wider contacts” which certainly makes her worth the $4,600 salary promised by the mistress o f the White House. . Sally Rand, the famous fan or bubble dancer says if the White House style of "wiggle” dancing is worth $4,600, her bubble dance is vforth $25;000. ' . . . Here is a chance to let the public in on the White House "W iggle Glide” . Many in this county have “never seen Sally do her stuff. We suggest that the GrCene County Democratic Commit tee invite the New Deal "wiggle” dancer here fo r an exhibition o f her art which hag met the approval o f the First Lady/ If the Republicans could, get Sally to stage her $25,000 exhibition the same evening, the public would have the opportunity o f com paring the artistic movements from the artistic standpoint. As this would be a novelty in a Fifth Avenue society group where the Rooseveltian atandnrd holds away, we suggest the "Old Fashioned Home Fatty” be presided over by the twin judges o f the Probate Court, Judge Henrie and Judge Smith! CHURCHILL FUNERAL SERMON The branding o f the Winston Churchill Sunday speech as a funeral sermon by a well-known radio news commentator, probably gives a correct slant on how Churchill excused his country, England, after the fall o f Singapore and the escape of the German waships from the English channel. Churchill faces a critical home people. The tenor o f the Sunday dirge was that Uncle Sam is at our back ready to take over at whatever cost. He predicts greater losses for a time but there is a bright future with our neighbors at the front. It was an admission England was not prepared to faee the situation in the Pacific nor was she able to defend her own domain, that was calling for aid in New ZelaJid and Australia, . „ ' • ' • Monday night FDR sings his dirge m the form o f a “ State o f the Nation.” He will have little more to say that can be regarded as fact other than what Churchill has said—just what Charles Lindbergh reported months ago— unprepafed. Our own nation is. yet unprepared to send aid to the gallant MacArthUr and his men also crying for help. Roosevelt must admit we have no war craft to convoy either men o f military supplies to Manila. He dares say anything else and be truth ful. From reports even the Monday night dirge may be after MacArthur has been forced to follow what befell Singapore to save the lives o f his men from certain slaughter. American lives and blood offered fo r sacrifice while three million Eng lish soldiers rest on their own arms on their own soil 10,000 miles from the seat of Wat that is ,at our own door. PUBLIC^ALE * I wilt sell at the Williamson farm located 7 miles east of Xenia and 1 mile wfest of Cedarville on State .Route 42, F R ID A Y , M A R C H 6 , 1942 „■ ■ at 12 o’cocfc, the following; 1 HORifE, Good Worker, 1 PONEY — t i h T ead OF CATTLE — 11 . Consisting of 2 Short HormJersey tow*, frcslr, with calves by side; 1 brindle' cow, to freshen in Spring; 4 heifers, 15 month* oM, open. 2 yearling heifer*, 2 steers’, Wt. about 600 lb. — 78 (IEAD OF HOGS — 78 Consisting o f 5 sews with 21 pig* old enough to w?an; 1 sow -with 6 pig*; 2 Poland China sows with S fig s; 2 sows is farrow in May; 1 Berkshire boar; 80 shouts, wt. 80 to 108 lbs,, double immuned. FARM li<P!,EMKNT8—l Allis-Chalmers 5-ft. A. C, com bine; 1 com planter with fertiliser attachment; grain, cnill, roller, mower, hay rake, rotary hoe, wagon, double and single shovel plows, drag, forks, log chain*, miscellaneous tools, New Adams-Thums Hog. Feeder, 2 hog boxes, 50 rds. hog1 fence, hurdles and troughs, 80 foghorn *hens, 15 Hamj^hire Bad pulkts. 400 bu, corn; 10 tons Alfalfa bay; 8 tons mixed hay. TERMS—CASH dmim Ft i KAVANAQH ^pVHlRNNMMMtw M il ■W Vvl* mm ■www llSw l Ifttttset A Qseisw, Aart*. , .« ; H. t» Harlot, Clerk Luneh Served on &otmd* leoent boathfef o f tanker ships W U ft with gasetiae w tall have eraat- «rf a aosplcioa o f aa oil shortage on i $ » Hast eoaet, hot Monday file oil tatorwt* salt them wa* no chance at this time o f a shortage. One said if there is to be rationing, it will be' on order* o f the government, not the oil interests. The same day news stories appear ed over the radio and In newspapers saying a number of states faced a shortage o f natural gas, Ohio being included. Last week such a report was circulated but an official o f the Ohio Fuel Gas Co., in Columbus stated his company had sufficient natmjhl gas and consumers should not be concern ed. Moreover the company has a hundred or more gas wells in southern Ohio that have never been tapped, be ing held jn reserve. Gas for heating is to he denied under the "WPB board, in Washington to all homes that do not now have gas heat for furnaces. The complicated opinion of plenty or lack o f gas makes one wonder just how much faith can he put in ninety- nine and nine-tenths per cent o f the bureaucratic reports from Washing ton, The Ohio Fuel Gas Co. owns two lines of natural gas that supply the Dayton Power.& Light Co, One line north o f town and1one south, the V "il supply coming from the south line. Leon Henderson, the Roosevelt Com munist price‘fixer, says the standard i t living in this country must be low ered as everyone is living more or less beyond their means. He cannot see general use of the automobile, es- Decially on farms. He wants no more canned soup on grocery shelves as this is a waste' o f tin. Canned beans are to go with the trend o f war time. The housewife that cannot bake beans and make soup Is no cording to New Deal standards. Hen derson says we are to get along with a lot o f things missing in the near future. I f the nation, is to be denied all this where is Washington and the” New Dealers to be' in the program7 Reports we get the new restrictions have nob yet been tried on the several hundred thousand residents who are on goyemment pay. Farnters are going^to find feed fargely wood ashes, Salt, sawdust and whatnot. Feeds having molasses con-, tent have been- denied that food. We saw1several hundred thousand ton* of sugar cane pulp ip Florida a year ago being held for stock feed supplement. The cry for more milk with reduction o f the protein content of feeds is. hardly possible. But then you can never tell what the “Roosevelt Bright Boys” in the Ag. Department may dig up, The‘’other day orte Suggested farmers should be compelled to milk cows three times each twenty-four hours or eight hours apart to increase the supply o f milk. This Ag. expert must have been a graduate o f Har vard, where they stream-line students and turn out Communists on a mass production basis. Have the farmers forgotten Her bert Hoover o f the First World War, the fellow every fanner found pleas ure in scotching at'every opportunity. You will recall wheat soared in price during that war boom. Farmers had a chapee to "lay a pest egg." Wood- row Wilson named Hoover a food ad ministrator. Wheat was fixed at a much lower rate than had prevailed in the open market. Farmers, had to take it andJike 'it. The cry Was in flation sure with high priced wheat. Hoover kept the price down and every farmer that had purchased a farm or new machinery or a new automobile found trouble in making payments. Now what do we hear? Inflation, In flation unless Roosevelt controls prices. We had the worst kind of in flation following the Hoover-WHson experiment, yet the New Deal wants to try the old gag once more. It is not the farmers Roosevelt is working for, it is the lower cost of living to organized labor. Just last week the New Deal Ag. Department contracted with farm interests in Cuba for every kind of vegetable that can be grown in that country. They grow four and five garden crops a year in that coun try. Here arises the inflation story again, By importing million* of pounds of garden products from Cuba this present year there can be no “ in flation** to injure the American fann er, And our farmers arc begged to plant more farm and garden crops— evidently to provide a lower cost of living for the high priced organized labor.. ' Stories we get indicate the “sugar** situation is getting mighty hot in Washington around Henderson head quarters. Millions o f letters are go ing into that city to congressmen, senators and even the White House protesting the rationing of sugar. At tention is called to the use o f sugar for industrial alcohol when the gov ernment! owns million* o f bushels of corn ami wheat that could be used for that purpose. Roosevelt and Wiek- ard want sugar alcohol. The beet sugar farmers are to have a wide acreage for that crop Irrespective o f the AAA law. Cana sugar grower* cannot expand much. It takes three y#(MNi Ml fAvBtftf fit* Aim ^ m J|A jfo gduajLaf grawacs want the AAA mm omrtrei ; lifted «u the yfca Hag asst amply: meat * f the nattea wttt mm aagar/ Meantime Amarieaw heasswlves -are to bafwead to mm wary Had * f sob. xtitote for mentwring that can la found. Thar* i* m m et tor the aaga* rationing ±f aJoehol was made from oesra or wheat. The AAA is respon sible for a Mger sbtotof* and' the present high prioa. It aannat be de nied any mere thaw pm are to pay inoome tax next mento to pay AAA saUriee for HAH la that bureau/ Thtt* you pay on aagar and income ,tax to keep the New Deal political machine in operation. The last chapter has been written in connection with m sensational crime episode that coat the lives o f two of ficers in Clark county, A raid on a gambler’s cottage caused Harry Ding- ledine, 56, and his. son, Henry, with Harry Chapman, to pay with their lives by electrocution fop the shooting of Deputy'Sheriff Furry and Patrol man Randolph in September, 1937. A thousand dollar award was made by the county for the conviction o f the’ principles and two payments to differ ent parties last week dosed the case. The entire cost to Clark county tax payers o f these cates was over $35,- 000. The New Dealers will meet soon to eat and'raise money to pay a com- paign deficit—go they say, To those' who say they know there is’ a differ ent story. The money is fn hand—al ready raised from the percentage on war contracts by the Charley West boy*. The dinner is the blind. From reports o f the manner' in which the Jdps have captured most' everything in the Near Bast, wiping out what all claimed to he awell forti fied Singapore, it might not he a bad idea for (he New Dealers to let Churchill have Lindbergh. It is cer tain the New Deal ft-ignoring his re quest to enter any part o f the serv ice. Those wonderful battleship* and bombers “ on order” Roosevelt and Knox spoke So often about, evidently hay© not been performing—because they have not been. made yet Eng land and the H. S. just caught with their trousers down. Lindbergh, who was paid by the New Deal to spy on war preparations Jn Europe, reported what has since proven to be true—un preparedness. Congress had given Roosevelt nearly seven billion dollars to keep up and operate the army and ,navy but this, money went to WPA, raking leaves, building privies, etc, A ‘ Wg New Deal majority in the House and Senate, permitted Roosevelt to squander the money. Now we have to pay for our Security brio; in money and with the blood o f American youth! Should the pension law Roosevelt just signed be repealed? We say not. It would be a bargain for the nation to impeach him and let him have the $37,300 pension for life, o f course giv ing him aldose o f his own income tax law payments other* must face. It ft amusing to read some o f the reasons advanced by some o f the southern Congressmen, who say they will retire in poverty if the law is repealed. Why not pension Charley West also? Mother Roosevelt and her dancing protege should not be forgotten. The prayer o f a Texas minister Sunday night over the radio in behalf o f bet ter moral standards around army, camps evidently gave the Roosevelt’s something to think about— besides pensions, 'When Mrs, Roosevelt proposed that women be registered for War duty whether on the farm or in the factory she probably considered the proposal with more sincerity than employing a fah dancer to encourage war work or even supporting the idea that a •'Donald Duck” funny would make in come tax‘paying funny, England has forced women into War industry. We saw hundreds Of Canadian girls op erating mschihes turning- out war parts last summer. With the nation out to fight the entire world andTsup porting an army o f ten million men, it will take all the men and all the women to fill the bill. If it takes 17 men at home working to support one men in the army or nafy the figure* tell us it will require a population of 170,000,000 men and women, forty million more than the census gives as the population o f the If. S, Last Sun day evening Mrs. Roosevelt in her broadcast still advocated the registra tion o f all women for the various kinds of work in connection with the war. We get a report from a prominent Democratic farmer in Clark county that is interesting indeed, Friction in. the ranks ha* caused Fuller Trump, Springfield, to resign as District'Com mitteeman, Our farmer friend, has left both th* Democratic and New Deal ranks over two issues, the AAA and pensions for Roosevelt at $87,-: 500 tor life. When asked as to his opinion o f the part Roosevelt has ’played"in unloading the World War off on this country, with the aid o f England, he was extremely critical, 'frying to operate a 800-acre farm with only one son and no farm help, he predicts crop production will fall in most states this sammer instead of increasing. ,Commenting farther en the resigns- Urn a tm . Twang, me trim* tags dfcty Demearette pAWsa, the eadr Had mm Imnat la AprtagtoU, ft »*. apenettto. Be eeys 'toe Um of toe Dmaeteatto eeasmfttoe recwameMtiag toe appetetaseafc ef a amman tor toe board ef eieettooe that wee involved In an aid age peaskn petition aaendal was jaet mors than a Assent Ameri can eitiaen ooald stead. Net se ieng ago a feminine worker at toe beerd o f ekwtleas revealed tost toe and toe woman recommended far afpto»to»*wt forged hundreds of names from poll hooka on old age pension petition* at the direction ef the Democratic boss, .Clark county Republican* alt on the side line* and watch the pro-*. Former District Attorney Thomaa E, Dewey, New York, Republican, has resigned as national, chairman o f tbs United Service Organizations, to pro mote welfare and entertainment tor boys in Camp*, the Cost bring paid by public subscriptions, New Deal bickering over who gets contracts, just what camp* would benefit by the service of this organization, insistent demands by New Deal politicians; tor favors, is said to have caused Dewey to resign. No successor has been an nounced. sasemsss served tor lie ; bub if mgr wrfto to see toe gietorse and beer Mr. Rhaw, whe emmet atomd toe egjttMf pegt e f the pi ujpewt. yew are eerdielly in vited to the sendee at 8:18 Anrifsr- iag will ba lifted for to* Y. F. C. V. Rpedab which Is helping msMtoi toe Chair « f Bible in ear erilegm. Tboee expecting to attend toe beo- qpet, please let it be known by get. wday. Either notify toe pester, John Reteherd, er Miss Mehta Stormout. This gathering is for to* entire PrcBbytery snd two hundred are ex pected. A called meeting o f the Presbytery win be held after the service, or.9:M P. M. to set on * call for the First U. P, Church o f Columbus, tor toe Rev. J. 1. Moore, D. D., o f Youngs town, Ohio, LETTER TO THE EDITOR Much ado over pensions for con gressmen did not mean much to mem bers other than those who have served or do serve thirty-five year# in Con gress. The real beneficiary o f the pen sion law was Franklin’ D, Roosevelt* who would get $37,500 yearly for life. He signed the bill making it a'taw in a few "minutes after passage before many o f toe members knew what was In the bill. The Ohio Republican dele gation voted against toe pension bill. toe 0mm wsee. toe m tf 71* bride were a 0 m at musty b n erepe, wjto brew* aeeseaeriee awl a eeraag* e f reeei and gardenias, wtto a string e f pearls, too gift af toe bridegroom. The maid e f hewer were a drees e f peudr* btae crepe wifii brawn accessories aad carried a to** of rasas and ganlmdaa, Fritawfag 'the cevemeay tobdg *vs guests attended a reecptiaa la tot Parish News* when m ft* eewsea wa* . Gucate ware* present,,, frees Xante, CedarvlUe, Be^braek, gbyte1"* Weat Jefferson ami Witatingtef*. ' The bride is a graduate rir Cedar- ville High School and attended 6e- darvilte College. Mr, Thomaa ft a graduate o f Xenia High School and ft employed at Patterson Field. Tbs couple will reside with the groom’s, mother, Mrs. Marshall Thomas, Birch Rd., Xenia, For Sale—Little Red Clover Seed.' Home grown. Recleaned, Dana Bryant Phone, 0-2010, CedarvlUe. 11-3. ,BUY DEFENSE STAMPS Editor, Cedarville Herald; lit reading your editorial o f Jan, 23rd 1 was so elated in* reading toe Item quote—“ Is the Truth an^Un patriotic Utterance?” Thank God _ there is one editor, W paper that is ® " * ? / and sons, Charles and Luther, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Galloway, of Xenia, -celebrated their fifty-fourth wedding anniversary with a family dinner party at toe Miami Hotel, Day- ton, Monday evening. Joining with them were their children: Mr*. L. M> not afraid to tell toe TRUTH. You have voiced my. sentiments 100 per cent I have talked toe same’in bar bershops, restaurants, churches, etc, .I have been cussed add discussed. Sought and fought. Tested and al most gotten arrested for saying toe same thing you have published. I have upheld Lindbergh, Wheeler, Toby, Vandenberg and all othws Who Hamilton; Mr*. Wesley Bowman, o f Kenilworth, HU, Dr, C, E. Galloway and son, Edwin, Hubbard Woods, HI., Mr,* and Mrs, W. W, Galloway and’ daughters, Rebecca, DorothyrxClara, and Carolyn o f this place and Miss Mildred Galloway, Xenia, a niece, Mr, Galloway has given Mrs. Galloway a sterling silver-teaspoon oh each of toeir, wedding anniversaries, repeat troth .b p « M » t he- j $ * ? • P ft Monday in , pmimwd for w « , to t I m I f ” nored, I knew toe truth would out, in time God reveals the truth to the na tion. My version o f the Pearl Harbor destruction ft that it was * pleasure resort, a place o f palm beach suits, fine panama hats, pretty, Philippine women. Gay life’s highway, instead ,of a military army, I am under toe impression that most, o f the officers who Were over there 'were sons o f wealthy parent*. A preference was shown. No duty to perfonp, jhst a high class resort for the rich. Now what was the result? I hold every man in America responsible for the Pearl Harbor disaster. Thousands never even heard o f Pearl Harbor or that such a place existed. Keep telling the truth so everyone can see the shortcomings o f the New Deal, t Thessalonians, 5th Chapter and verse reads as follow*: “For when thoy shall say peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometo uponthem, and they shall not escape.” , My slogan is-—“He who cares not for toe future will soon have to .sor row for the past.” To my mind your editorial* are 100 per cent truth and keep publishing the truth, ' Rev. J. Shelton Haggard -1630 Maryftnd Ave., Columbus, Ohio Rev. Haggard Is a native o f Cedar ville and served several years in the regular army in this country and our possessions before he took up the ministry. the firm o f Galloway £ Cherry, furni ture dealers, Xenia. VEST-THOMAS NUPTIALS An informal wedding was solemnize ed Sunday afternoon at Christ, Epis copal Church, Xenia, when Mis* Mar jorie M. Vest, daughter o f Mr. ,pnd Mrs. J, M. Vest, became' toe-bride of Mr. Jafites A. Thomas o f Xenia. The double ring ceremony was read by Rev. O, Worth May, rector. Mrs. Howard -Little was organist. One hundred guests were' present for the event. Miss Doris Vest, sister o f toe bride, Bargain Hour 21c Til 2:00 ^Friday And Saturday Tw in T h rill Days — SCREEN— " “ W o lf Man” | Lon Chaney, Jr. g n Y. P. C. U. BANQUET The Annual Winter Banquet of the Y, P. C. U. o f toe Xenia Presbyterial, will be held in the United Prefeby-- terian Church, Monday, February 23; >! The banquet will be served by the i Ladies Aid, with Miss Mabel Stormont as the chairman. The hour is set for | 7 P. M., hoping to be seated promptly at that hour. Mr. Mack Shaw, the General' Secre tary of the National Y. P. C. U. will be present to show toe pictures that be has been showing throughout the ’ church of the Five United Presby terian colleges and the Theological, Seminary. The pictures are to be shown at 8:15 P, M, in the church auditorium. Adults are cordially in- B E 6 IH T w h J mtov K 1 b Jam Ttur». Feh. 19, “ C a p ta in o f d i e (1 » C lo u d s ” . Techn ico lo r) W ith Brenda M f**11* 11 thor». .Fob, 19 D eanna Durhin “ It Started With Ev< ■ with Robt. Cummings Charles Laughton 1 Jl w % Big Wit* s v ^ ild B i l l Hickok . Bides BruCeCB S o** Constance cntl .-P lus—• “ B lu e , W h it e a n d P e r f e c t ’ i& * » ; 7 •un. F«b.'22 Ray Rogers “Man From Cheyenne* plus “Treet ’ Em Rough” l J Peggy Moran "Tarzan’e Secret „ Traeeurer plus “Target for Tontght* Always a Better •hew in •prlns* .field F , q u p n (■■BHM ■ sE#H a r p e r - % ' . Plmbing ofAll Binds BATUROOMEOIIPMERT MORERRKITCHENSINKS HOTWKTEOMEATUSB LETUSQUOTEYOUPRICES
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