The Cedarville Herald, Volume 65, Numbers 1-26

arrrr-OTTH teak Ho. 14 c m A m m M , o m o , •tammsa m i i B i r i M i i i n m H f P M R E S I N i m s t o n By CLARENCE J. BROWN Member o f Congress, Seventh Oh!o District COITR.T .NEWS ' M T o a c a a c im - j Robert R. Lacs* duo*** neglect* in seeking hi* tomtom from D«iw Lucan, near Jamestown, whom ha married December 22, 1 «0 , and Raw* Hussey, u m neglect and crarity.a* grounds in her petition against Ralph Thomas Hussey, Bowersyille, They were married March SO, 1965. TOmm- IttttMr I k l t e fflhte ‘ JrWJr ' mPMI JTO* - ftolmi Oimiiliin Congressional pensions are soon to 5 * « !‘il’L 0f 011 i FORECLOSURE SOUGHT * L ? ° / r Mm ngi « » Pe°Pfes BuiWine and Saving* majority, voted repeat o f the P*n#ionU Xenia, Mks f4 15.85 Judgment and E S S X Z & S m *" pear* in print the House will have taken similar repeal action. Having opposed and voted against Congres­ sional pensions as a matter o f princi­ ple^ this writer is pleased to see Con­ gress correct the mistake it made, and strike from, the statute hooks the enactment that had Been obtained hy parliamentary procedure so. clever as to smack o f unfairness. Members o f Congress, who were greatly embar­ rassed by the passage of the pension measure, will, in the future, keep, u closer eye .on the actions-of some of their leaders. . * , Congressional determination to re- dufee nondefense expenditures, % which is strongly hacked, by public opinion, was - demonstrated this past ‘week When the Hotise reduced 'Upproprin- , tiohs to run the State, Justice,, and Commerce Departments during, the next fiscal. year approximately'fifty percent below „the amount' granted these Departments for the past year,’ More than one hundred and fifty mil­ lion dollars,were saved by the reduc­ tion In this one appropriation hill. Yet those who have studied the measure are convinced that no necessary de­ partmental functions will he eliminat­ ed or injured ag a result of the sav­ ings made- That other savings can he made in the operation o f government­ al agencies by consolidation of ‘ef­ forts, etc., is being demonstrated by the recent,, Congressional drive for economy in noh-defenge spending. AS a perfect illustration,”|t was recently . discovered-by Congressman Stefan of Nebraska thateight different agencies o f .government have" been spending public money in large stops for ob- ,'tabling exactly identical information and atatictlCs on importation o f Syuth American products. - An « ' -result o f Congressman' Stefan’s activities only one agency o f government will per­ form SUeh work in the future and. many thousands of dollars will be sav­ ed,the taxpayers. A suit against Nora E„ Lyle. Raymond Lyle and GRANT JUDGMENT Morton H. Jones was- granted judg­ ment for $188-42) in a cognovit note action against Henry N, Jones. DIVORCE AWARDED H. E, Harden was granted a divorce from Pauline .Harden on grounds of neglect. ' ORDER PARTITION Partition- o f property was ordered in the suit o f Frances J. Wilson Fried and Martha Jane Wilson against Mary Catherine Wilson, a minor, and others. CASE DISMISSED A petition brought by Fred M. Er­ vin against H. M. Turner was order­ ed dismissed, without record; .Much comment has been created here, both in and out o f Congress, as a result of a rather amazing stawj- ' ment made by Prime Minister Win­ ston Churchill in his. recent .world­ wide broadcast to the .people of the British Empire. The statement fol­ lows: “When I, survey and compute the power o f ,the United States anu its vast resources and feel tnai now they are in it with us, with the British commonwealth,o f nations all together, however long it lasts/till death or vic­ to ry ,.! capnot/believe there is any other fact in the whole world which can compare with that. That is what I have dreamed of, aimed at and worked for, and now it has come to paw.* ESTATE APPRAISALS These estates were appraised this week in probate court; Alice A. Ireland; gross value, $16,- 720)70; obligations, $5,286.60} net,val­ ue, $5,434.19, John MeCampbell; gross value, "$18,~ 477.88; obligations, $2,836.40} net val­ ue, $15,641.48; Clyde Kussmaul: ,gross value, $2,- 998; obligations, $1Q5; net value, $2,- 893. •. APPOINTMENTS^ MADE Donald LeVeck was named adminis­ trator of the estate o f Jesse LeVeck, late o f Jamestown, under $500 bond, and Raymond H. Cherry was appoint­ ed executor o f the estate o f W. J. Cherry, lata o f Xenia Twp,, without bond. A dfepaSrh-ftom Cleveland say* the Stand**# OtiCo urge* *!i ntinvi**l employee* ia charge o f serviee sta­ tion* to look for new job* as son* u possible, suggesting defense wort in the various camp*. It is said bo«,'o!l and gasoline will be rationed about April 1st. The company, has dosed many o f its stations and1 wreaked buildings where lessee have expired and not renewing many other*. Some of the largest auto dealers in Dayton have been advised to eloee all show room* .and confine their service to garage repairs, as it may he many months or years before automobiles will he manufactured in any number, The Dunevant Motor Sales Co., of Xenia, announces the dosing o f the sales and garage department*. The firm is discontinuing, business, , In Cincinnati it is reported thirty some auto sales rooms have been dos­ ed and a, total of 250 salesmen out of jobs, - This week electric refrigerators, were frozen. Most o f those in the hands o f the manufacturers will be taken overby the.government for use of officers in the various camps. Washing machines and radio manu­ facture has been discontinue#. Agents are permitted to sell what they, have on hand only. With all this inconvenience to the public besides loss, of jobs hundreds of government owned automobiles roam the highways ofthe nation* while Mr.. Average Citizen prepares to ^alk< T* D. Mattmson Succumbs At 92 au th o r ize tran sfers Acting in official capacities, the fol­ lowing person* were authorized to transfer real estate: Mary & Long- streth as administratrix o f the estate of Adam E. Longstreth; Lloyd R, MeCampbell and Gray W. MeCampbell as executors of the estate of JohffMc- Campbell; and Marie Lucas KUssmanl ns executrix of the estate o f Clyde Kussmaul,. • Thomas D. Mattinson, one of South Charleston’s oldest residents, died in his home there Sunday after a two- week illness o f pneumonia. He was 92, Mr. Mattinson had been a life long resident o f Clark County. He was bom and reared on a farm neat* Dolly Varden, where he spent the greater part o f his life. He moved to South Charleston on his retirement 20 years ego, and had Seen in failing health for the past year. He was a member o f th* South Charleston Presbyterian Church. ' * l ' - „ Surviving are * *on, Edwin C.» a sister, Miss Minfor# Mattinson, and two . grandchildren, all pf South Charleston. Funeral services Were held in the' residence Wednesday afternoon. Bur­ ial was .made in Grccnlawn Cemetery. ESTATE RELIEVED The estate of John Swaim was or­ dered relieved from administration. order a p p r a is a l - The county auditor was directed to appvaiso the estate o f Amanda Vic­ toria Chambliss. MARRIAGE LICENSES (Granted! Walter Lcander Huffman, Cedar- ville, carpenter, and Blanche Melissa Spracklen, Cedarville." Rev. H, H. Abels, Cedarville, Joseph Leonard Flatter, Cedarville, ■It* R. 1, farmer, and Virginia Ann Smith, Cedarville, R. R, 2, * William Junior Derrick, 105 Rubk h«r sister-in-law, con St., Dayton, machinist, and Mar­ tha Jean Harness, Xenia A vr , Yellow Springs. v ; . Harry A, Esterline, ’50 Center St,, railroad engineer, and’Mabel Jane Ed­ wards, 50 Center St, In his press conference late lant week the President struck out at what h« calls the. .Washington rumor fac­ tory, saying that all sorts o f wild stories are coming out of Washington those days. The President is correct •—hut it is his Administration that is r&poi&ble for many o f these wild rumors, or is at least responsible for such rumors finding so many recep­ tive eats, simply because the govern ment has been following a policy of telling the people as little as possible about what is actually going on in thk war. It is realized that most of the news that could have been given out ha# been bad news. Yet we have sufficient faith in the American peo­ ple to believe they can take the had news along with the good, and fftai our reverses will simply cause tackle tha Job ahead with greater de-u*.. T T|gv-A termination than ever. Of course, it H e r e IS M o r e JNeWS Mrs. Jessie E. Marsh Bled Thursday Mrs. Jesse E. Marsh, 74, widow o f John L. Marsh, died .at her homo in West Carrollton, O., Thursday last, following: * short illness. She is the last member of her family and is sur­ vived by one daughter, Miss Rebecca Marsh, who teaches in the schools in that place. She was a lifelong mem­ ber of the Methodist Church. Her former home Was in OweHsviUe, O. ' A short funeral service was held in West Carrollton, O., Saturday morn­ ing and another in Owensville, O., Where burial took place. Mrs. M« I. Marsh of this place Was called to West Carrollton owing to the death o f FEB. 27, 1942 f t # A YSA1 Some 824 banqnrtiig* County stockmen’s Xenia at Central Monday, mostly men, #xpressed more interested Roosevent “War were moved up Dr, W. R. at the Greene banquet in Field House, and stoek- as being abolishing the when clocks state repre­ sentative was prssAtt and given the sentiment and astodto have the state legisl»tUre s#t Oito’l clocks back one hour. He agreed to 'fttooduce ouch a motion to the leghWfare. Michigan1legislater* recently pass­ ed such » la# but ft was vetoed by the governor v t that state as it con­ flicted with a federal iaw. the,latter supereeeding all state laws on the same subject. Should the Ohio legislature follow the precedent of that o f Michigan, It? it likely Governor Brisker would be compelled to vetq such a law, 'Under existing conditions and the brand o f government being pat but to Wash­ ington, powers now granted Roosevelt under war •legislation'which’ h& de­ manded of. the Democratic majority, would enable him to withhold old age pension funds, as well as,highway and oth^r federal funds that Ohio’ shares in. It is well for the farmers to ex­ press themselves but attention should be centeredbit Washingtonwhere sec­ retary Wickard o f the Ag. Depart­ ment gave approval o f the advancing of clocks one hour so farmer# and others would have more time to work in their gardens and also to save electricity. Farmers may not realize it but Roosevelt Can order AAA pay­ ments in any state withheld for most any cause under his .wartime powers, which exceed even tha power o f King feeorge in England. ’ . R. G. Flager, Chicago, stated in his talk that never in the history o f the meat industry has any nation been called upon to produce as much as will be required for 1942, We’ must have at least 8 billion more pounds of meat this year than last. Animal meat sales in Ohio exceeds 100 mil­ lion dollars annually. W B W F SAfKTABOB A lifF ’1 FARMERS LIVING TOP NOTCH Fayette Co*mty Judge J 9 Asked T# Mmtm Attorney Ma* G. Dtoe, PoysMfr aa* probate judge since 1927, an# a j«r i». th* Amur Air carp* at Wright Field, baa restated affaddv# liaato S. He ha* beau on the Fayette eeutriy payroll for several month* and at tha mime time holding tow* * govern­ ment job '*t a fancy salary. Hi* o f­ fice as Probata Judge waa prerito* cter by a “Master CoRmtisaiausr.” Conditions-were so anaatisaatwy ht the Fayette county probate eo&t both to attorney* and patron*, the Fayette County B ust Association, it is arid, took action and “requested” im­ mediate resignation. . It isreported the I^obato Judge* of Ohio fool their office is bring looked upon as a collection’ office for Collec­ tion o f “ two salaries,” more foT poH- tfcol and personal gain, than' fo r the use o f either attorney* or patrons having business with the couH. It is also said the Uhio State Bor Associa­ tion i* -frowning on the part- cheap politicians arc •haring in “ milk­ ing thd^public treasury” without rend- ating a service a public official is ex- ptecied to give, Tfie Fayetfe county probate court situation is the same US in Green# ■bunty where Judge Homer' Henri# has been drawing' his Salary as pru^ vSte judge while drawing another from the government service at Fair- field. Th get around the Ohio law; ihdge' Henrie, -Democrat,- names AtJ torney George Smith, Democrat, .as “Master Commissioner,” to preside iir the Greene county court so that he chn continue to draw tWo salaries- linounting to more than $806 a month. Several'days ago a Cincinnati at­ torney having business in the Probate Oourt had' to leave without finding 'he Probate Judge, the Mastet* Com- nifisiorter _ot' the Deputy Probate fudge: He made1a trip around the court house hunting someone that vould have authority .in Probate *ourt. . His' trip -to Xenia teas' for taught' but he freely expressed him­ self and dropped. some inforiUatioH to to the “Henrie-Smith setup” 'and what might go before the State Bar \ssofciation,- He -also inferred he vould ask Governor- Bricker to de- lare1the office vacant and- appoint ’omeone with authority- to transact’ business in that court. .It woa.jhis spinfon that Attorney George H. Tha Catovrito High tepmdwemalfMttteta# tom* the 1|rf**a Comtta BaalariftsS Toaotaaisist after swffbriag drite# to»te Biytet Aw Friday atari mri-towa State Hto teltewteg riatet. Bry*« i atorti d on* heya 4*»-i7. Jef- tohiwi Item* E a litito harder to 4$* teht than*} -|» xf3hte last tetea'ttt tite' *cW* waa 19-19, hut the Jafftamat hega caatetiwtoite wit fcttetebariwtif makiagthedefsat SB-PR- CedarrWs a r t tewats Slgli th Teat MaNtetat Mmm t> o m tm * H t|t tohoql Jienior, who took the D.A.R; Good Cftihstahip Test off Fetemahy 7, ranked seoenA in the county with h scbre o f l80. The higbetrt score mode h# Ehttoriwi tteedmim-of’Btevertfttit wasiSh ' —v Aaseiably - Monday afternoon the tipper grades mat in tim assembly for a patriotic program la honor o f Washington’s birthday. Leon Henderson, New Deal price fixer told American farmers last Sat­ urday night at a meeting in Dee Moines, Iowa, that any advance in farm prices meant certain inflation. He also predicted *. lower standard of living from now on as both farm­ ers and organized labor had been en­ joying unusual prosperity. Henderson said: “From now on it is going to he a smaller piece o f pie for all.” He predicted everyone would be living on one half o f what we have* enjoyed in the past. No Decision About “No State Fait” Soybean Discussion Silvercreek Hi-School FOX FARMS IN OHIO {* Impracticable and unwise to make public information that may he of military benefit to the enemy; hut it Is just aa unteise to keep from the American public important informa­ tion that the enemy already has, simply because such information may b* had news, or may cause the public to be critical o f those responsible for earryiug on our war effort. Let the Ohio ha# 4§ silver fox tom#. Last joar'these farms produced 8,055 pelts. Ohio ranks nineteenth in the United Stthits in" the amount of silver fox furs produced. There are 2,655 silver 'ox farms in the United States which iirodueed, 261,600 pelt# last year. On,rtSugaTwSituation An associated dispatch from Guate­ mala, South America, states that su­ gar producers in that country Will likely get to increase their export of sugar to this Country. If the her Is dropped Guatemala could increase their output sixty time# the present “ Soybeans in 1942” will he discussed by J, A. Slipher o f the farm crops department o f Ohio State University at the Silvercreek High School Thurs­ day afternoon, March .5, at 1:36 o'clock. Soybeans are rapidly becom­ ing one of the major crops in Greene County and this year the Government is asking farmers to increase the acreage o f this important crop. Mr. Slipher will discuss the latest finding# o f the Experiment Station on recom­ mended varieties, cultural practices, fertilization and harvesting of soy­ beans. Published report* that the Ohio State Fair may be cancelled due'to the war are not varifted by a local member o f the State Board o f Agri­ culture, Arthur B. Evans,Who attend­ ed a meeting o f the board, Tuesday.^ It is said some discussion on this subject has taken place due to the fact the government had suggested it could us# the fair grounds for war purposes but no demands have been made os yet. Another meeting will b« held in ten days to make a final decision, prob­ ably depending on the action o f the federal government. Should the state fair be cancelled it would be the first time in the history o f the state, ac­ cording to Director John T. Brown. NOW IT WILL BE JOY RIDES ON “BICYCLE BUILT FOR TWO” n*id* the-office and practice law fit cither that court or Common Pleas Courts without'violation- of* the* state aw and State Bar Association rules. The Cincinnatian also expressed him- ielf .that Judge Henrie, his bonding ompatty and Greene county would some o f these days face a heavy dam­ age suit on the part o f some client rf that court if conditions were not otpected. Following up the suggestions o f the Cincinnati Attorney any taxpayer caff enjoin the County in payment o f Judge Henrife’s salary, The Ohio IsW provides for con­ solidation o f Probate and Common Pleas Courts which can be done fo l­ lowing petition and approval of the electors. * However such may not be necessary for the Herald ho# information, authentic, that “Judge Smith” is an applicant for a fat salaried- job at Fairfield, and his application, has been approved or will be. In a# much aa the war is a “Democratic- institution” it is to be expected he will get on the “Neud” Deal payroll. Another complication arise# hi Judge” Smith serving in the capa­ city of Probate Judge and at til# sam* time a Democratic member o f th# Greene County Beard of Ekctioo*. Judge# o f either court under the Ohio law arc forbidden holding any kind o f a political appointment.. The Greene .county situation ha# been discussed wherever attorneys and judges o f other courts gather. It is else being discussed among Greene county electors and even Democratic taxpayers. It is predicted the situa­ tion will in. time elesr itself—■by rid of registering public sentiment at th* right plaee attd ft the time set out by law. school m m IWailWMSIHIIIIIMIlillu Obfeusf Stamps Defense Stamps purchased, this wbek total $62165: gtedes have* purchased them: first gtade, $.40; fourth grade, $4.15; fifth grade, $2.06; sixth grade, $8.90; sev­ enth grade, $8,10> eighth grade/ $28.- 10; ninth grade;* $3.00; tenth- grade, Ai-H, $.20; I-Z: $,80; eleventh grade, A9H," $.30/ I-Z; $1.20; twelfth; geode, $20.50.' GrOnd- totehto date $l,!l3.56. Women’s Republican , Clubs To Meet The Montgomery Co,r Chairwoman, Mrs. Katherine Champion, I* arrang­ ing a meeting at* 2:30 p^m. in tbs auditoram of the Rikc-Kuroler .CU., Oti Monday, March 9th.. * Miss Marion Martin, -Assistant Chairman of the Republican National Committee; director o f the National federation o f Women’s: Republican Clubs o f America and Nutional Com- mitteewortian or Mairia will' be- the speaker. It is hoped that all Repub­ lican women leaders in the neighbor­ hood counties will take advantage of Tie EwteMta D» ssosssviw me n*. h*s b*M troated te *• W*~' te*y o f ft* wttiou for tewadtagr * * ' 'AteWrieasi Item*# as * Messy teesft* bte*. Th# wtote# «»• mtea* la th r teiteN#* o f ti»# tom * * ** lift ton# Frig# parity M t to tm m gmuirniiiite,* owned vrteate cowf and csttesi aate-< teusy tim e coaitnodteiak o fftb# .mate* k#ti .. Roosavrit sent * peraenal laMer |# •: Yle# Frtrident WiShwa teMWf 1Wa nftid butore tit# Samite nUhaaml-- o 0 pmeedute tegriir dstote ef- Hm parity hflt. to.tlto''ktt#rHteariciiacv>- ^ ed the bill teOuM caeb tha ffatiawenl# *Stiou d oR ir t/S # «^ TtemrteAsfeaKi' )ida^ replied Roosevelt was asking •he farmers o f the nation to make a bilSon doltersacrifie#.; , A Mw^m is# was pmposedjta tom- BarMey, Denu, K&hut it waa driSat-' ed. It has been charged that New Deal politicians have haste proM ag' by gainhling stock market each. his opportunity to boar and'mitet'tRe « Republican Women’s ac- 4 UIH, twtm nutwept# prenaae jmqm nr sh * tivitiei’ o f the nation. FtscOdiwg the meeting, Mrt. Kath- /rin# Kohnedy Brown, RepublicanNa­ tional ComtoitteeWohtatt fo r Ohio, is arranging a “dutch treat” luncheon in hOnor o f Miss Martin at th£ Rike- Rumler dining room at l2:80’p. m. If atiyon# desires reservations, please *all Mrs. Clara Hudson, phone 466# Xenia, by March 2. EGG PRICKS ON DECLINE people know th# truth and they w ill: floata o f 350,000 pound# yearly. In- pet listen to rumors, some o f which j timation is that the tariff against «$* wndoubfedly enemy propaganda, jthat country will he dropped, Under Th* attempts to ksop th# American!present conditions the Central Ameri- Irtwpte. te tateteiito of that which is lean country ha# not been able to get geteg wt, teriading our reverse# and,a profit oh sugar exportation, <m kMW, simply i*m ** and1criti- < Meantime sugar cane growers, su- vato a fsrtfte field for rumor# and in- gar beet grtwer# and rrilneriip art terious aroaiansndSi paid latge sums -of the taxfay#r’# money under the AAA- to redac* crop Thf Amsrieim pwipto art not a# ill jacteage. The abuse and effect 1* “t o fa f ta- advised er aa ignorant o f that which tioning” next March on th# ground# o f * K*herU**.M Auto Plates Go On Sate Monday The* 1942 automobile license plates go on sale Monday, hut they cannot he used until March 15. All cars must have license plates for 1942 on and after April 1. „ * The following will issue plate* in Green# county: Edna Tate, Bellbrook; Claude Chitty, Bowersville; Mary Bickering, Cedarville; Merrill Trltt, Fairfield; J. If. Collett, Jamestown; Harry Jack- son, Knoliwood; Ralph Fulton, Os­ born; Harold Van Pelt, Spring Val­ ley; Dilver Belden, Xenia; Glenn Deaton, Yellow Springs. Why should we worry shout no tires and no gasoline when we cart get hi cycles for the new method o f trans­ portation. You do not have to wait for leadership, if w» wart our morn­ ing newspapers correctly. The vogue is already her* hat a single-seater with a wire basket on the handle hats will hardly fill the hill of the “ tan­ dem” four-peddler o f earlier day# However ws will net order our two- wheeler until w# sea the owner o f the proposed new, transportation coasting coasting down Mat# street off herWay to her piart o f borines*. W# art sura to ha out When ska ntort# homeward ^ ^ ___ _ by the Main fittest hill just to see ifixer, issue# a statement that a tetri While1 the AAA-baa been promising termers higher return# for egg pro­ duction, the market ha# .kept up a gradual'decline; H is arid th* big City markets are overloaded even in.the face o f government buying suri. a guaranteed base price, Th# government promised whole­ saler* a bottom o f 27% cento » donsn yet th# government underbid whole­ salers a quarter Ofa eefftWbieh broke tbematkeL On JaU, 15; teat grade, Chicago market, 24%*, 0* Feb, Ust, 27No a dozen, Wholesaler! haw hesa rig# to tak# on eggs and th* market Is being overloaded due to til* breaking o f tit# government has# pries by the buyers for th* Agricultural Deport­ ment, N0 DELINQUENT TAXES Reie Twp. hat tha distinction o f feet haring it ritigte piece o f real «<- tat# advarttari far delinquent taxes feorwas there any delinquency on per­ sonal returns. This I* a fine record, Six pieces o f raid estate in Cedttf- rille Twp. and five pieces in the vil­ lage art advertised. In delinquent petw torn#, thvrt one four in the township and three in the rilloee, March Tire Quota On Tires, Tubes Th# March quota of automobile tire# gives Greene county 26 tire# tad 22 tubes for pawwnger cars and nine­ ty-four tires, forty retreads and 196 tubes for trucks and buses. AUTOMOBILE QUOTA Leon Henderson, Washington price BUT DEFENSE STAMPS how long it takes to make the grad* DEDUCT AAA PAYMENTS The treasury dspartmefft has ruled that all farmers tbs* ore compelled to pity tta 4#c wksta penalty can ta rt ihs amount dartstod frem their to- some tax, OpWSOS^^ o f 8^16 automobitea will be retefeasd by dealer# in Ohio from March 2 to May th Greene county ta« a quote o f 40 automobiles, Montgomery 279, Clark 116, Clinton $8, Warren 69. Tta quote applies to care now to tta hand* o f dealers, You haw to get yw r per­ mit front tta rationing bsotd to fte* stow* otto sd titjig# iitomshAta* MOVE SOUTH—GET A RADIO A Washington dispatch says, the government wfti hack th# Aiuaricasi manufacture of one million radios to be sold to South American ftmntrio* at $11 to $99 sack. OtiterMt caul- panto* tall shate in tha order tor tta same model. The sate* aouros to Warittogto* ta t' ordered- ■ tim dtoeen- tfautaae o f tta rtaftuftattert e f raito# fta U. S. «Mtan« *a ttaasatorial wfe* needed sobariyfor war purpose#. Tta plan is proposed by Roosswlt a# part o f the “Goad Neighbor” polky. HOLD UP IMPROVEMENT Tta htotorer d#Mrtmi it.tta t not tot a ctatmet for tits new Mgtotay ImprewMsni to thto wrtrty to Plito toreen FisMdta to tiftrtta ta frtrie rite ta i btefe mud* ton 'SEWTtetaiw The - follotangPimfr^ r WiritMd threw several bon buShels o f corn, wheat, or hales . o f cotton on the market which atomy# has resulted in &breek m farm prices, Sec. WickaTd and Commiwisfc Fries Eixer, Henderson, two week# agwiu a public statement- stated they wotdd ' throvf ^government owned stocks off' tiie market to hfeld down, farm prices under # previous hill which RccSevelt' ‘ placed his vote. The vote had no politioal sigfeifi* cance as Democrats and-Repub^ohS' ; (fined to defeat the' mCasurt'lb!jr A’ vote o f 2 l The hill ttbte gciterto . the House where it will 'Jb@ pfestallt^ Sen, Bkrktoy stated-RdPseveR. Would again vetorthiobiftlf he h^cC* ctanctf, ' ’ Will the Americair faring# voterto' gky for wheat control amt wheat loan* in the face o f evidence' before' ' the Senate, WedeSdayY. Sec. Wickard following tits' tette stated' he and Hendersbn WbUld jObe#' a ceiling „off hogs ohd cattlh. Hog# v will hd forced down from $313'toA'AO#:; of $il.54 and cattle from- $14.75 to a,"top o f $9.40. * ' Greene county farmers should ds- mtmd m #w and Darid.fh ,- Bradfute, the Aatorisd fa*ad| 0 $ tip '' a a a , t a to the trattort torflirifts.ftitatita1Nriiiwk - benefit o f New DeW oiXtaltaF ' pritod labor,,or the farriara-efftirttaw-5 county as loyal American cittoritaeiri titled to tlie S*me ftUctfe*>ofteOliihtal profits as organized lata# aind iten i»! jry receive. , ' . i ' Museum Acquire* LkaotoVBtae ; Unusual gifts^madd to tito Gtoito county museum ih receiot morttha, *ite nouncea by the mtistem asSriji#tite»-' inclfidb * flag uated atltite test fto aUguration o f President AttoririM Lincoln, a powder keg hroriiiie from Virginia iff a oovfcrtd'teagte, ahti^fe- “ frtw ” or pkmiier wood5 tetokAi1. took'' Thefiagwfesttagife ofMtos'Mtitel!''' Collins, ot Xenia; and tea# hafariuteito by l^ri; John Coffiari' W lK f tta - mwtem ncnYM tnv iax |M( .wnivir of gifts since H-teas a#ttala#tad tote* year#' ago. PENSION RSraAL VOTE^ Bbth tta Seoato' said. ‘Betts# tart , voted to repeal tta as eatiad pastries tow for eoffCrtSsMte and Rweevan. Tta totter to gst $97X09 yearly. Gte- grtasfeiin tad to serve 35 year#to .got a pearite or by payatert of a.oertate lump sum. Rooeuvrit signed tta tow iff a few mhteite after, to wa« passed. He now faces action on kto risk pen­ sion Measure* . GASGLINE REPORT ■WH i. The Anwrieaa Petrotoaa# lustildtt reqaatod a fate day# age that" total •took o f fiatotad gaeoSns as hand Dr tta country anFebruary tub biitelib. . *d to 191,793,909 tacreto ssMpiitefltt 90JBQIM& bwrtto a yutir gtiL Tta prednstton -tor tits' wusk sfidtat tift 14ih was 12 irilUte betrttemtepSrtd with 11 mlflieft barrels tof tiM teMt w**kl*;941, UMITEteOTGUN *AUM Eets4$ri*t lares Itssss^miriwdogdriaat. nik jUip MukiujibasEtajaM-wiusjadLss luteAmmritetalhEBlia>: npuiinll Vmm Hk' WMt wi mPfw iW^pMli - ‘titif iwof 'jdiuMriftNifciftWlit KPPwteEWrty* teR Wm MMM*wMp W9-■ ‘thivl lib m m W m * * - \Y v