The Cedarville Herald, Volume 65, Numbers 1-26

cJ. l i t 'l iw Bw m .."u'lreer U B ifii l 1 mmw ^ i"i" i'iwwwmmn..... . ..... m&m »i 11 rMLu *»-M ---- — - ' ■■MPSPE 1* P > . 7 l p U1MNI» IM ^ r« M fV M ? * f , 1MB • W SSSMPUS WWft 1wj» fe lutd to aay over to * nip Moacbur H ilt nation o cca p k * in t o t g rwrent eaa be n o qototkm . I t i» n ot so ~m t o srlw k rtMponaibl* fo r th is situation ‘ but bum b e unity fo r ou r own protection , position does not mean that one cannot have hi* op in ion aa t o w ho “ threw the ch ip a t th e fe e t o f the Japs and da red anyone to p ick it u p ," or have you r ow n opin­ ion o f the manner in w h ich th e w a r is condu cted on this side o r tha re fu sa l to send a id t o ou r fo r ce s now hemmed in the P acific. Smrland is just gofng through a change in war cabinet due to continued blunders, in conduct of the war. Knox and Stim- son are aa far a part of what happened over California as East is from West. It must he kept in mind we have two fronts to face in America, The East-West and the Washington front, This war is not being engineered by government representa­ tives as Democrats and Republicans, The Fifth columnist of Russian extraction is the directing guide from the White House to the extreme post in either ocean. This makes support of winning the war double necessary but with an eye always on Washington. It is your home, your farm and the blood of 'your sons and daughters that are at stake, ^Another period in history exposed the Benedict Arnolds and the exposure of the traitors within the government now will be brought to light in due time. ; ALPHABETICAL HOARD ING The government should immediately investigate the charge "th a t quantities of copper, aluminum and other scarce metals and materials are being hoarded by Federal power authorities ” ■ Thj$t charge has been made oh the floor, of the House of Representatives. It has been made by reputable publications and informed writers. It has never been disproved or denied According to these critics,' the Rural Electrification Administra­ tion, the Bonneville Administration and other such bureaus have been guilty of purchasing and storing unnecessarily large .quantities o f materials which are vitally needed now.- The private electric industry, which provides 90 per cent - of all the central-station power in this country— and does it With its own money, not Treasury funds— has pledged Itself to operate on .all-out war bases. It has announced that the only limitation on expansion,of generating and distributing facilities will be those imposed lj>y scarcity of wire and other needed supplies. In other words, the industry w ill create new power capacity,’ wherever needed,, just as fast as it caff obtain the materials. It cannot expand if those materials are denied it be­ cause o f hoarding by privileged agencies. * , Hoarding by a commercialized branch of government is every bit as serious as hoarding by private enterprise. If the Federal power projects have hoarded scarce supplies, the fact should he made known to the public, pnd the supplies should at once be made available to productive use. ' It is significant that the Federal power agencies accused of hoarding, have been ruthlessly seeking to destroy private en­ terprise, in the power field. They have continued to do that after the declaration, of yar , despite its obvious, depressing effect on military production* It is about time the peoplfe were officially and accurately informed as to exactly what the so­ cialists in high places are doing., w from Washiactoa •gbrs* * jBswyjflltif? tremd mm *#. thing to think about Rapublioan Leader Chariot MeNary, Oregon, win he * onadtoote for re-eJootien from hi* state bet wltl have no opposition* ia tha primary and that the Democrat* ware not to hare a nominee. It is re­ ported all form organisation* 1* the state, including fruit grower*, are a solid unit against the New Dee) and the AAA and threaten even support cm state candidate* if there bn oppo­ sition to McNary, who has Stood IOC per cent for* the formers and against form controlled price*. We get a report that the New Deal ha* purchased through Ohio seed deal­ er* fiy* car load* e f all kinds of clover seed, timothy seed, and other grain seeds to be shipped to the agriculture sections in Russia under lease-lead. Shipments1 have gone bom other states which has created a scarcity es­ pecially o f clover and timothy seed. Local formers who have not laid In their supply may find seed not only scarce but high priced. Very much like Ohio made rubber tire* for South America and nope for millions Of our own citizens. MEAT FOR THE DICTATORS Government officials have asked for and received unlimit­ ed wartime powers-—“ total" government* By simple fiat Gov­ ernment can now make or break any industry. Plans are being formulated for a universal draft.. The public and industry it­ self have granted this grim, total authority to Government in the belief that it is the only way to win the war. Government has not been slow in demanding great sacrifices from the American people and their industries under this authority. But is Government giving, as well as taking? In many vital respects it most certainly is not. - ’ - For example, high government officials have asked for ."a ll out" cooperation from defense industries. Quick produc­ tion of limitless quantities of tanks, planes, "guns and ships to­ gether with the ammunition; coal and oil to operate them, have presented stupendous technical obstacles. But technical ob­ stacles are not all' that industry 4iag to face* It, has had to face, almost insurmountable political obstacles, many of them created by the very officials who have been so quick to ask for cooperation. ' To get vast production requires just what the Government has Asked for, cooperation cooperation between different in­ dustries just as much as betWeen Government and industry. Industrial representatives have worked for months to se­ cure the right tpACooperate with each other without being throw® i® jan for infringement of the anti-trust laws* Late in­ terpretations of these laws virtually prohibit a fully unified in­ dustrial war effort.- Procurement of military equipment has been inexcusably delayed by this one example of bureaucratic stupidity. No one wants to permanently weaken the anti-trust laws any more than any sane person wishes to permanently establish a "to ta l" government. But Congress can enact special legislation for the duration that will allow industry,!® pool its resources and abilities, and thereby assure the greatest im­ mediate industrial output without subjecting its management to rosecutioa. W e have a war on our hands. The men on the batflefront need equipment. I f they sutler the fate of "too little and too la te ," it is the fault of those who remain at home. Failure will bring a day of reckoning that no excuse, political or otherwise, can answer. Legal red tape which jams production is meat for the dictators. While there ia a form o f censorship and' New Deal control over all radio broadcasting things in Washington are reaching the boiling point and some, commentators like Kaltenbom have become defiant. IJion’t he sur- priseddf government news is not sup­ pressed'only to those who Will pub­ lish reports as giveh out by the New Deal. The public is not being fooled much as there is- considerable com­ ment on the similarity o f all. hews broadcasts. The reason is,all such are censored in Washington, just as Hit­ ler does, in Berlin* Kaltenbom Sun­ day afternoon said enough about the Pacific situation ahd the “play boy” to warrant a term, by New Deal measurement, in prison. Kaltenbom wantss some .aid given MacArthur other than fake news reports. We hear a western news commenta­ tor slipped in a few words that would hot sound well in Washington. He predicted MacArthur and his gallant baud of. soldiers hemmed In by the Japs would probably be left ’to their oym fate as .there was nothing to con­ voy soldiers and supplies, all the des­ troyers being* around England. He predicted Wendell WiUkie might have made, this certain when he proposed MacArthur being brought home and placed at the head o f the Army and as the next Republican nominee. If our force* in the Philippines are left to their fate, which'Roosevelt would not hesitate to do for political advant­ age, the responsibility rests with the White House and the “Nude Deal." COUNTY OFFICIALS GET “RED-HEADED? The Democratic Xenia Herald steps forward to defend the "patriotism " o f Probate Judge Homer Henrie in "volunteering" service in the army, not mentioning he was rendering no serv­ ice to the electors o f the county that voted for him but drawing a salary from the county and government at the same time amounting to some $80# a month. The New Deal exponent took a fling at other court house officials as n< being so "patriotic," other than Judge Frank L. Johnson, who heads the stamp and bond campaign* It must have been overlooked, as to the number in the county offices that had served during the First World War* Nor was there4 any mention of some Xenia Democrats of draft age then that escaped service through political pull, all of which the court house officials could discuss in public or private. It might also be explained that one or more Greene county attorneys have their eye on one of the $400 a month "volunteer" jobs at Fair- field that cannot be had other than by approval o f Democratic politician*. The fling at .the county officials has caused the fur to fly the peet week and it may lead to soma demands being made on both the county draft boards in knowing just why some Demo­ cratic sons without flat feet have not already been called. The Republicans are ready anytime to meet the Probate Court feme. It is certain enough Democrats with sons already in toe service at $21 a month to eat the Jap shell-fire are. not about the "patriotism " of the Probate Judge. Their 14m o fto e service Is that of a "slacker" for financial profit* ftrtegftag to a swivel chair at Fairfield government reserve- ♦ton wfintarcty keop toe "Enemy from Our Gates." it w the utm , toe marines, the navy and air forces that t u l iw i Wheto art you Judge? , Gov. John W* Bricker did himself Snd hi* state especially the rural counties, a great honor, when he ap­ peared in Cleveland some day* ago to answer hi* Democratic-New Deal heckler* over, a division o f the >1$ million surplus in the state treasury* The reaction was the heckler had hi* day, the Governor had hi*,'and thef comment o f the result in the Repub­ lican New* ijnd the Democratic Plain Dealer, gave the Governor the honor*. The Governor had reasoned month* ago that Ohio should be in a safe posi­ tion when the federal government Would call on all Ohio citizen* for more income tax money than would be collected from all sources locally in each county. Most o f the question­ ing in Cleveland was by Senator Wil­ liam M. Boyd, Democrat, Former Mayor Blythin asked the Governor If it would help the civilian defense pro­ gram if Ohio would have a New Deal fan dancer come to the state and the answer was “ that was up to Con­ gress,” The Governor did not run away hut made it plain that the sur­ plus would be held for the benefit Of schools to keep them open and to pay old age pensions when the’ttoie came during the war that the state could not meet its obligations due to de mands from Washington. It was just a plain case o f Democratic spending not caring from Where the money comes—a la “Nude Deal." Ed Flynn, Democratic Nations! Chairman, graduate o f New York** Tammany Hall, now under control of F d R, made it plain In a public state­ ment that the War Was a “Demo­ cratic” institution aftd that the pa­ triotism o f the Republican party could be questioned* Most all will ad­ mit that it was the Democratic New Deal that brought us both directly and indirectly into the war and resulted In the .Near-East attack by Japan. Roosevelt and his stooges raced over the universe months ago trying to make it a complete “World War'*, that he could be commander-in-chief as a rival o f Napoleon in history. Many Democratic leaders in Congress hastened into public print to discredit the Flynn statement, The war Is yet Democratic profit-sharing move­ ment. If you think it is not try to get a government contract. If the Re­ publican* desired to take the position Flynn placed them, we are afraid Vnek Bam would have a hard time wakrtaintog hi* reputation, The Cfcmriand Plain Dealer say* Flynn’s was * Mender and that h e1 Ik t* I mh A n to I^ m I l lf*p the pet Ftjem was first m mm * **FtreaMe t * f free* the White. It QMpreat, WbB# idufismlimi vmi to | Mndfog “Sami** fog Seeadogglers,’* Demoerstki mmumumm, wfce w M thwasrivee psasfaas, ff they served'Mi yoars, but a fKTJMB pension to Roose- vaR payable NngthsMuIt hea bean sag- geetod that a tsatepniga be started, sending old overalls «r pant* to Elea­ nor the First sad Madam Perkins, .who are credited with wearing the. pants around government departs- ments when it comes to dictating ap pointments of dancers, actors and a select list o f true-blue Communists. Ohio newspapermen, state officials, and members o f the legislature and supreme court, who heard Henry C. Wolfe, world traveler, news writer, and author, Coshocton, 0., on “Search­ light on the Pacific**, at the Ohio Newspaper Association ^Convention last January in Columbus,, on reflec­ tion discover that most of what the speaker,said has come -true so for. He had spent eleven monthsJarJapan, China, Java) and other Pacific Islands including our own possessions*and re­ turned last November, He has been a world traveler and writer for a number o f years. When in the Philip­ pines he met Kimmel, Short and Mac­ Arthur as well as other ID S. Rep­ resentatives. He stated he had wit­ nessed last summer great activity on war materials wherever he went in Japan, .He saw them making war material out o f American scrap-iron, there being a three to five' year sup­ ply on hand,. He inquired if those in charge at Manila had informed Washington, and they said on three different occasions. He asked about naval protection and_was informed they had but one first class vessel (since sunk by Japs) and three or four old “ tubs” , and one air defense gun. He predicted wherever otir forces would go they Would find a ir coast lines heavily armed with\unB .of all kinds in heavy wooded sections* The speaker made no comment as <to who was responsible, just speaking of what he had’ Seen and heard from those in authority for Japan Was pro­ ceeding openly in her preparation for attack. What Ms. White described as possible for certain islands in the Pacific is coming true each day and Washington yet withholds aid to Mac-' Arthur rather than.break the Roose- velt-Churchili mid-Atlantic agreement to support England at all costs, even the safety of America,ns on our own shores or possessions,. History will, write the true fact* o f treachery re­ gardless o f one or a score o f “ Fire­ side Chats." We have, been in the war long enough and there have been reports o f a dozen different varieties about the rubber situation, that the public should have something by this rime that is convincing. So for the only sure thing is . the Communist Price Fixer Henderson and a quota bn tires; with sugar not far away* The public takes' the rubber shortage at face value but what about the artificial rubber? So far there has not been a factory even started-to manufacture this brand. The oil interests and Sec­ retary (Ant* In His Pants) Iokes are at odds over a patented invention. By blunders and New Deal free trade sev­ eral thousand tons o f crude rubber in the Philippines were captured by Ja­ pan along with a quantity o f block tin. Experiments on making tires from a wild plant found in Mexico similar to dandelion called “kok-sagyz are be­ ing carried on in the test tube or “on order” stage, All that is known of this plant as a. producer o f rubber milk comes frjom Russian chemists In the Soviet Union. It is estimated it will rubberise fabric to stand wear for 4,000 miles at twenty-five or thir­ ty miles an hour. 6 The Farm Journal says it suggested years ago that experiments be con­ tinued to find a new supply o f rub­ ber, even following up the Thomas A. Edison plan o f using the milk from Golden rpd. Henry Wallace, then a New Deal bright boy a* Secretary o f Agriculture, having lost his father** fortune,: qualified himself as well enough informed to set the Journal right and poured ridicule upon the idea of trying to produce rubber. He called it “impossibly fontastic” in his hook, “New Frontiers.” His claim wa* that all w# needed was “foe* trade” rubber. That sounded well from that angle for a Democrat but what does he think of his party policy today when he cannot get rubber tires? What doe* Wallace rero a* Vice President, riding in a $10,000 limousine on government rubber? It has been suggested to the writer that he should mak* a trip down to Carroll county, Indians, and get an earful from the form folks about Sec­ retary Wkkard. That might be worth a trip In the early summer if the tire* should hold out. W* would not have to ride to Iowa to got the Wallace history. It I* in th« court roeordo. Wo" would rathor visit tome o f our Florida friends, old-time Democrats, down to the sugar ease district around Lake Okeechobee, who hogged us about a pear ago to write our congressmen and senators to veto toh ftth s Henry nlMP BUMS flfltoft tfldNMl qmmafi paws "w-w Usetsto^Psasps file sM MMa Fsdfoya, V JMto, f t w idug &p* wmwjm su pply oo, ~ ' XU flA , OfiPO C mo M THAH50 PSSfiSP 1 MiHNOWS MfA \TO M rtfof OSTUtARiMlA A BHO*T \ C W JW O P J < m * A TtM» ASTIR SRUZWfo: {“ rvQn wnfSssWJMy rtJUAMWWAfflftBlMTPFflffj ht OtoR M -gg&iM&y&ss AND TAC WMAWIHB UNAFreCTgP - im ..... DUMAS** BUNNIS* >•«% Wallace sugar cape acreage limitation that was bankrupting them. Now tbat we have a shortage, Florida must give way for imported free sugar from Cuba, . You would hardly think a Demo­ cratic city like Cleveland which boast* o f New Deal support, would hardly let the defense bond sale* drop to a low ebb, Cleveland newspapers, ap­ pealing for greater public support in the purchase Of bonds and stamps, gives a.dark picture pf just how valu­ able the Democrat* in that city value Chairman Flynn’s Democratic party war. Evidently the New Dealers are for war but not for paying the cost, the same city that wants the surplus in the state treasury divided^ Based on population the per capita stamp sale in ' that city until two weeks ago was (1.48. For the week of Feb. 14 the average ih Cleveland had dropped to 65 cents. For the same period in Springfield- the aver-, age was 13c per capita. During the week of Feb. 14 the redemption o f de­ fense stamps in Clevelandwas (76/100 or ,27 per cent o f the sale o f stamps for the week. This makes the net sale o f stamps in Cleveland for the Week just about 22c 'per capita. The redeeming of stamps in the cities is on a wholesale basis, many employee* being forced to take them with their pay check. Saloons and hnsirieSs houses accept them at about fifty per cent discount. Legal Notice Charles Edward Little, residence un­ known, will take noticecthajb^on the 6th day of February, (1942, Minnie Little filed her petition in the Com: mon Pleas Court o f Greene County, Ohio, as Case No. 22771 for divorce alleging wilful absence for more than three years,. . Said case will be for hearing on and after the 23rd day of March, 1942. - . MINNIE LITTLE, '. By Millet and Finney,1 (2-13-6t-3*20) her attorneys LEGAL NOTICE Bert Spencer' Lewis^ whose place of residence is unknown, will take notice that on. February 12, 1942, E. M. Lewis, filed .her petition for di­ vorce against him oh grourjds of wil­ ful absence for more thaff'three years, before the Common Pleas Court, Greene County, Ohio, in Case No. {22776, and that said cause will come On for hearing, on or after April 4‘, 1942, at which time judgment may be rendered against him. j < (2-20-64-3-27) Marcus Shoup, , t Attorney for Plaintiff A NAME THAT STANDS FOR GOOD FURNITURE b u d g e t f l a n ’ AVAILABLE A d a ir** It* Detroit $ t Xenia, O. otW® '"to IPMIHFIEIP Abbott and Costello V 1 ’ *-• 5;.- “Ride ’Em Cowboy *4 ThurS, Fob,.2«, Common complaint at headquarters for the sale Of stamps and bond* nob only in Ohio but over the nation is the result o f the attitude o f the Roose­ velt dynasty and graft to connection' with war contracts. The Charley Wests and the spending o f money for *<wiggle dances” and actor* with as­ sumed nsmes to cover up their foreign nationality, the favoritism given motion picture stare in the draft and exemption o f tabor leaders when farm labor is forced to carry a gun at (21 a month, has sent public morele to about the lowest point possible. It has been suggested to Washington that the names of bond purchasers he published to each community. This might take the stigma o f Chairman Flynn's off the Republicans* It might also cause some red feces among the “Nude” Dealers and AAA exhorters to Greene coUnty* CHICKS— Blood Tested Purina Embryo Fed A batch each Tuesday Osier's Hatchery Phone 346 Yellow Springs, O. Bargain Hour 21ft Til 2:00 ... Saturday Twk Thrill Days — SCREEN— :KMsstoth Bergner, . Raadofoli Scoit, ' I m KRatVbesie : lit.' ■■ “ PARIS CALLING” S U N .-M O N .-T U E S . I.Holms Lana hi Bob ’Pag. jFob. %tJ Frank Morgan “ V a n ish in g V % lu ia ’ > -M om fo r 3 Days— Claudette Colbert. “ R em em b e r . T h e D ay” . /gat* . Th# Menses V *** Z8J Bth Column worn - an Espied . • «N© Greater S m ” •—Plus Pete Smith short ‘Aqua Arties* lAIRBARKt Marl tMR' wise a o v , . With- thm East' j,| End Kids 11 ' , PIUS Tim Molt j | We do not give this information for purpose of discouraging the Sale of stamps or bonds but to inform the public of what is going on because o f the charge made by Flynn. "Com­ parison of sale in a Democratic city that hap way contracts amounting to hundreds of-millions against the sale of stamps in any rural county without "nit contract ptutmulyWould give the Democratic war politicians more to worry about than having MacArthur as the next Republican presidential nominee. BUY DEFENSE BONDS F .E . H a rp e r Plumbingoi All Hinds MTH ROOMEQUIPMENT M 0 IERN KITCHEN SINKS HOTWATER IEAPIS' LET VS QUOTE YOU PRICES if, am ware, Oh X . Hupp Mr*. K JL D. lie With For Miamubu Mrs* Li end to Ha sen, Pvt. located at The Cl. has autho to appeal the time back «ne 1 -time.Will form prod Foody Xenia, has - D., Alaba ' Dies- com American Communis' .prominent Central F March 27, meetings j school pup to attend. Roy Wf Leonard 1 is giving i .operated b Mrs.. An home neai lowing an second aut , ty this yea to-law of place. The the Presby ■ Mr* and M the funeral . Chief of been atten to this sec the Civilia tion of lo tog in adv. tection of the plan, i meeting wi . dF O. A. . office head zation, Wit in. authorit Friends Corrigan .. at her hor day eVenih birthday, , day cake Gifts were Those enjt were: Mr, and childn Robert Co and Mrs. j R, E. Wis« Hene and hostess, M Fri. a Constant “LAW News--' Sun. a- Fred . “ YOU’L N< W ed . & Ronald ‘INTERN Carb auim»»MI111 Un er. ia) B mniiMjMHith ANDS H * s jfoida, O. .......... . Chur*. ■eb, 2*, ran tot. Feb, ith ica’ totofimMiHfitnm c GUY' ES.t y>r mmfvf ' Mon. Ture. 1 ^ 4N*M C O l Sp ai ? t : 0 , Mtfto *P,in '