The Cedarville Herald, Volume 65, Numbers 1-26

09$MLft^UE HERALD, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1041 * T H ! C I P A H Y I 1 1 E H I H A i D T O E T i T J I Z r E D IT O R AN J0 ' PU B L ISH E R iOWK!HK-Nw^«a Nttaclsl A w *.; <**« N»w*t>*wr A mm .; V»uw> P un * Assoc. Entered » t the Port Office, CedarviUe, Ohio, _ j October SI, 1887, as second clasa nratter, ^ ___ B^day, Dec. 8, 1941 ~ ’ . v RE-ELECT GOVERNOR BRICKER " N ot i. ns great many years has The Western Star taken a position previous to the party primary, and we realize too, that the party primary is yet several months away. Yet so important are the issues facing us, it is wise to depart fro mour long established policy and make a recommendation, .. When Governor John W, Bricker went into office he and the Republican Party assumed heavy responsibilities'of setting to right a great mass, o f ills that had been saddled onto the government and the people o f Ohio. The promises made to the people by the Republican Party and its gubernatorial candidate,.John W, Bricker, have been faithfully kept. A Davey deficit lias turned into a treasury balance. The school fund deficiency o f IS millions has been practically cleaned up. The old age~pension bureau has beerr turned from a political promotion to truly aiding aged persons. Truckless trucking companies have been aholished. The over­ manned highway department has Been pared down to an efficient working force. The liquor department has been purg­ ed o f the “ split commissions” ills. The State has been relieved o f the mal-odorous “ Hot Mix” road contract scandals. These are but a few o f the noteworthy accomplishments o f Governor Bricker and the Republican Party. The only charge opponents have made against Governor Bricker is the “ crime” o f having a treasury balance in hand. In these days of the New Deal philosophy, w h jn it is argued borrowing and debt.are cardinal virtues, Mr. Bricker has sin­ ned, they say. Now the New Deal threatens'to federalize various state departments, starting with a grab o f the unemployment com­ pensation bureau. Governor Bricker has sounded a clarioh note in opposing further centralization o f power in Washington. He has stood firm fo r state’s rights. Already he has begun the State’ s defense, and he has shown-a vigorous leadership greatly needed in these distressful times, Ohio citizens have a confidence in Governor Bricker ana given the opportunity they will re-elect him. In departing from a long standing policy, we want to urge the Republican Party to nominate fo r re-election this man whc is qualified by training, tried in experience and seasoned in judgment, to meet the problems ahead. We urge Governor Bricker to stand fo r re-election. We suggest that.Ohio Repub licans join in asking him to seek another term for the good of the Commonwealth.— Lebanon Western Star. r • ___ LEAD THE W AY ,'M R . WALLACE !— . Vice President Henry Wallace, the dreamer, ha%asked the country to match Jefferson, Jackson and Lincoln in adoption o f the principle o f “ equality in sacrifice.” “ None o f us,” said the Vice President in a recently broad­ cast speech,” can expect to eat and wear and buy on the basis o f peacetime luxury living.” We are sure that the American people, almost to a man, are. willing to go along with such a principle— provided, how­ ever, that the administration, o f which Mr. Wallace is such an important part, sets the example. But—We Do N ot Believe that Americans are going to sacrifice so cheerfully so long as. government fails to provide .the proper sort o f leadership. . • Every day we read o f strikes in defense industries., The administration might show us it means business by using a firmer hand in dealing with this serious problem, - But more important still, we .can find no evidence that . the administration is making any effort to curb its.own spend­ ers. An outstanding Democrat, Senator Harry Flood Byrd, o f Virginia, is authority for the statement that, to date, the country’s defense effort is a collossal failure. ‘ , Not only that! Senator Byrd has suggested means by which drastic cuts could be made in non-defenSe spending. AGAIN, THE ADMINISTRATION could offer encourage^ ment to a vital element in our national life by offering some sort o f relief to the small business man. Smaller manufacturers by the thousands are threatened with close-downs, and eyen with complete extermination, because o f the unfair and poorly managed .priorities system. Only last Week The Ohio Republican News reprinted a sur­ vey by an outstanding Washington news reporter revealing that during 1941 the Roosevelt administration will spend al­ most $28,000,000 fo r publicity alone. In this issue, another nationally-known reporter of unquestioned integrity, Frank R. Kent, of the Democratic Baltimore Sun, discloses that 50,000 persons are being added to the federal government’s payroll each month. He predicts that within another year, 2,000,000 civilian employes will, be on die roster. . , These are a few examples. Scores of others could be cited. Yes, Mr. Wallace, the common people— the great masses o f Americans whose earnings are just enough to assure com­ fortable living fo r themselves and families— are going along on the principles o f “ equality in sacrifice.” They would do so a lot more cheerfully and unstintingly if the tax-squanderers, the boondogglers, the wastrels in the national administration would set them the proper sort of example.. The above from the Republican News does not touch the vital spot o f American life among our boys o f draft age. Mr. Wallace would do well to inform the public as to the kmd of a seat his son holds down in the Roosevelt-Stalin war program. Is he'in the trenches or behind a desk? Safe and Sure For Fifty-Seven Years This Association Has Paid Regular Dividends OPEN AN ACCOUNT, TODAY AND SHARE IN THESE PROFITS New developments in the Roosevelt war plan o f the week are that every hoy between the ages o f 18 and 35 will be drawn into the New Deal army to fight for E'ngland and'Russia and in African deserts before the first of July. Congress is to be asked to change the draft law again after the first o f the year. Much o f the red tap<( for medical examinations is to be eliminated. The first step in this .pro­ gram went into effect this week when makeshift medical examinations for a number o f counties were held in Dayton instead o f the respective coun­ ties. Every boy with two eyes, two feet and two hands is going to draw a perfect number for army service abroad., Britain is having her trouble with the labor element in parliment over the methods used by Churchill and the social set in running the war. One labor leader arose to point out where England was going broke in the war business, Immediately, a “war mem­ ber” arose to answer that under the American lease-lend law, England was not to pay for anything sent over. The labor leader was informed that England was not making the same, niistake this time as was done back jn World War Number One. There is food for thought in this country in what the English labor leader had to say. • Congress bad on# bill slipped over while everyone was wondering what Japan would do in apswer to FDR and “ Free-trader" Hull. Both have been trying to get the little nation worked jnto a war fever under a guise o f peace talks. The Rankin bill provides for two veterans’ pensions, Worljl w*.R veterans disabled, would get a §10 monthly increase, or §40, Those who reach the age of 65 would also get the pension. The second bill would pro­ vide pensions from f 12 to §56 a month to widows, children. It is claimed that these two bills if they become law; would cost between ten and fifteen billion dollars each year. One argu­ ment to justify the two pension bill would be that the World War veteran', have not received a square deal fvon the Roosevelt Communists. Anothoi would be that the sum, as great a drain as it would l>e would be spent in America for Americans that ga\ their .services abroad for the benefit o f England, which was not appro dated to the repayment o f a single cent. We hope Roosevelt gets a chance tg veto this measure when it passes the Senate, He might want to loan another billion to Russia (Without the authority) as he did some weeks ago, It is agreed by New Dealers that some 140,000 small manufacturers and business men will have to go out of business due to “ defense” require­ ments for materials. Pow'er and light companies are having trouble getting copper wire. Telephone. companies face the same situation. Meantime the Chicago Tribune carries a picture showing 23 car loads o f copper wire at Gilmer, Texas, for a government electric power project to compete with a private company that is now serv­ ing, that territory. The Tribune has checked the output of steel mills and aluminum plants and the report shows there is more o f each than at any time in the history of the nation, re­ gardless of the fact the New Dealers are purchasing everything in sight whether it is needed in defense or. not. In speaking of government war pur­ chases one has to Use his imagination as to where Roosevelt is to use 250, 000 single-trees in connection with the war. So far bs known such things are not needed on tanks or trucks.. Just what all is necessary for gun equip­ ment we cannot say. We recall the order fo r 500,000 branding irons in the other World War, which was about ten for every mule used in that war; Some deserving New Dealer is draw­ ing in the gravy. Some time ago Wendell Willkie stat­ ed that he would go into the purging business and help defeat every candi­ date for congress and tjie senate that did not support the Roosevelt war plan to aid England and Russia, The organization known as the America First Committee, that has been active in campaigning against, sending our American boys,, to foreign shores, comes out this week and endorses Charles H-, Elston and William E. Hess congressmen from the First and Second. Districts, Cincinnati, fo r re- election. Both are Republicans. The same committee will oppose the re- election of Greg Holbrook, D», in the Dayton district. The recent city elec­ tion in Cincinnati was a good poll on the war situation. At least two candi­ dates for council injected the war in­ to the campaign and both came near being defeated. Even Democratic wards refused support. We have contacted several promin­ ent Democrats in the county as to their views on the “ Captain-Judge" Henry situation whereby the Demo­ crat judge draws.down over §800 a month for the two offices. Of eleven contacted, ten regard the position of the judge as a disgrace that cannot A speaker over a Detroit station Wednesday night said there would be no new automobiles made nfter next March according to present plans in Washington. This means several hundred thousand factory workers would bo thrown on charity. Some time ago we noticed where Peter Ne- hemkis, Jr., a high official in the OPM stated that two million persons would soon be out of employment until ev­ erything could be regulated (regi­ mented). Continuing he said there must be to some extent “ liquidation of the “middle class.” Not a bad state­ ment coming from a New Dealer with not even an Apglo-Saxon name. Accounts Opened By Dec. 10th Draw Dividends From Dec. 1st All Accounts Insured Up To $5,000.00 SPRINGFIELD FEDERAL SAVING and LOAN ASS’N 28 E. Main 5t. Springfield, Ohio * W e are'pioneers In city and, farm Home Financing. See os about your building, remodeling, or buying a home. Bargain Hour 21c T il 2:00 F r i d a y AND S a t u r d a y Twin Thrill Days! -^SCREEN— R. Russel-Don Ameche “ FEMININE TOUCH” SUN.-MON.-TUES iitfWsfc*pk « f I r iv f s»k». 'iNNtjksstihit l l p i f f i P M l M i GRUEN "CURTIS” * GRUEN "HENRIETTA” Jt id s IHClUOt ftOM Al r*« - n t c u r m o haoc « * » * $ 24.75 Tiffany's SOUTH DETROIT ST XENIA, OHIO jC U lC t - IN DIAMOND RINGS Brilliant diamonds. . . the beauty of natural go l d , . . quality unexcelled . . . all ate features of our newest ring presentations ~ MICnatural gold . , • ,« J SOUTH DETROIT ST XENIA, OHIO NEED MONEY-WE LOAN IT On Watches— Diamond*—-Gun*— Typewriters— Radio* Musical Inst.— Clothing— Tools— LuQflafl*— Fishing Eqt, Etc, UNCALLED FOR ABOVE ARTICLES for sale—Lowest prices at ait times 66 w . Matn a t Springfield, 0, OPEN EVBNMGa „ B & B LOAN OFFICE help but afiame the party that honor­ ed him. One refused t o ‘comment but Admitted when asked about a suit to stop payment o f the salary for the judge, about §300 a month, that it might bo a good thing. Others inter­ viewed were certain the electorate would approve a spit to enjoin further payment o f salary. One could not un­ derstand why some action was not taken to “ throw the judge out o f office” as he put it. The Republicans sit back and smile. A New York City resident this week tells us of some o f the thingB used in the campaign against La- Guardia for mayor in that city, the Roosevelt Communist candidate. Jim Farley, National Chairman, Ed Flynn and Gov.-Lehman broke with .Roose­ velt .on the grounds LaGuardia was not a Democrat.. Some o f the things the Democrats spread against Roose- /elt and his state administration can­ not event be put in print. These Dem­ ocratic leaders are saying nothing to- Jay, They are giving the “ calf all the .-ope he wants.” • - .. CHRISTMAS CARDS With Individuality And your name printed as you like it. Large Line from which you can make ^your selection. , The selection you make will not be duplicated to another. No other place will you find It possible to haye ex- * elusive choice, • • i THE CEDARVILLE HERALD ; | Mr. and Mrs, 0 . JR. Matter* have, sold their property on CbilUcothe st., !occupied by Walter Huffman, to Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Bryant, who recent­ ly moved here from Union county. S ubscribe T o Tn« H erald ........ . ■ A NAME THAT STANDS § FOR GOOD I F U R N I T U R E * BUDGET PLAN AVAILABLE A d a i r ’s I N. Detroit SjL Xenia, Q. g U .......*.......................-........ -.... i ~ t —mn,* Headquarters fo r Gifts v c e i i c S H O P Springfield, Q. Nunn-Bush AND EVANS SLIPPERS $2.95up Every Size—~Smart Styles Burgundy * Navy * Brown Black ’ REMEMBER — “A F TER YOUR NAME— HE’LL LOOK FOR OURS” HANDSOME ROBES • Challia * Flannel * Gabardine. * Spun Rafton * Silk * Official Army « ■ and Navy Robes. Use Our Layaway Plan, Choose His Robe from Our Wide Selection of Smart Colors, Patterns. $5.95 , o $25 Official Army-Navy Robes $10.06 FREE MONOGRAMMINGl His 3 Letter Monogram In Any Color On Robes, Pajamas, Shirts— FREE of Charge. V o g u e S h o p 20-22 8outh Fountain, 8prlngfield, O. R I 6 EH 1 rThurV DSC. 4 Abbot & Costello In S' “ K eep ’Em F lying” , w i,h Carol Frl. Deo. 5 J f r e n e D u a n e “ U n f i n i s h e d "H sihess” . With A' » Bat. Dec, 9 Jackie . Cooper “ GLAMOUR BOV” ,—PLUS—• “ FORTY THOUSAND horsemen ” With The Fighting ANZACS Sun. Dec. 7 Gene . Autry “ Sierra Sue” — PLUS— “ Zis-Boom-Bah” Grace Hayes HUNORED8 OF U8EFUL G IFTS TO CH008E FROM