The Cedarville Herald, Volume 65, Numbers 1-26

> i iJ*r ' amutnct* warn*, mmxr* w + mm . *, m V- M* A»»' T U B C I O AIL ▼ ' I L L * H I H A L D ’ r Z ™ — B W T O k AND F U B L ia W 4 jmmu *Mtowf jpumi. diJmNS* Bnttrad at tfct Fort Oftot, CodarvJUi, Ohio, Qetofcor11, I**7, ••aoeoai eteui matter. ir k * y , March «, 194* i n f l a t i o n c m i * b u t h u g e j o k e l A ll o f tWi hu* wid cry about inflation and who i* re- timartbit for It may aM ead aome folks—that do not analyze the aittMh&B fo r tmimaelvee. Sometimes it i* beet to we who cry* isia ilea and what might be back o f it. J ump ! preaent the American farmer has been picked out by til# J i n Deal oommuniete in Washington as being respon­ sible f&r inflation if farm price* were not under control of those who never had a hand on a hoe handle. One hundred per cent profits on war contracts with unheard o f scale o f wages fo r organised labor, wreckless spending on all manner o f fool-, iah government projects #r# held to be above any step towards inflation. We know o f no class that could be picked to form a screen to blind the American people more than to use the American farmer as a horrible example of “ money grabber" as described by the White House, if press reports are true. * The public even in the face o f results and present war conditions seems very indifferent to what the nation faces at home or on any sea, What has taken place in"Washington and the manner in which the war has been managed is directly re­ sponsible—not the Americn farmer, who is termed a part of the rural populace that is not givjpg open support of the war. He is listed in the Captai as an asset of the New Heal, having been purchase* by AAA payments. Threats o f reprisal have been made against the farm population if it does not Btay “ sold” and submit to dictatipn as Southern Democracy once* held the negro. . - r " The House last Saturday passed the War Fowers Bill, if you know what that means.' Of course it is certain the Senate Will do the same, being subject to the White House big stick. A new remedy'is to be found in this bill to sell government bonds, probably the bonds the farmers are charged with not buying. I ’ . ’ , The bill/permits the Treasury to sell government bonds direct to the Federal Beserve Bank, which, bonds in turn are to be used by the Federal Beserve Bank as security base which tyill issue Federal Beserve notes with which to pay for the bonds.' Why5not print a few hundred billion five dollar bilk and save all the printing o f so many bonds, which is exactly the same thing in the end, . . Boss Johnson warned his hearers here Tuesday night to “ Beware of the Party Gommftnists” in high places in Washing* ton. Germany followed the War Board plan o f financing. France did the same thing%ith bonds, and both went bank­ rupt. It is your home and farm as well as your dollar savings in bank or life insurance that are at stake. Inflation 1 Who dares deny it? ’ BILL OF BIGHTS FORLILLY WHITES ( ?) Not so long, ago the nation observed the anniversary -of “ The Bill o f Bights,” one of the most important documents ever devised by any people in any nation. Much has been said in the past and present in behalf and in defense'of this,bill but there has not always been action within the meaning and terms o f the document in behalf o f all of our people, - The Southern Democratic states have been probably the greatest offenders o f this instrument in that the negro war not recognized as one fully fit to enjoy all the benefits pro­ posed. In the Southern states he has been denied his right to vote by Imposing unjust regulations. In as much as the Demo­ cratic party has preached a brand of “ democracy for the under trodden,” it was never intended that the negro was to enjoy such benefits especially in the south and sometimes in the north. " Just a few days ago the government opened a .200 apart­ ment building in Detroit fo r rental to negros. Last week these people were to enjoy the benefits o f a new system o f homes, A mob of whites was organized numbering several hundred, threatening the life o f any negro that entered the square. A demonstration was held by burning a cross. When a transfer truck attempted to unload household goods* there was street fighting and destruction o f personal property. A small police force could not quell the disturbance. Detroit's Democratic mayor said he was helpless as it would take 3,000 policemen to check the mob. A Democratic governor did not offer state J aid in defending the honor o f a city within his state. Appeal was sent to the Communist Democrats, termed New Dealers in Washington but a deaf ear was turned there and no answer. Meantime the modernized flat owned by the government stands empty—a sileht tribute to the deceit of those In Washington that not so long ago heard much about the Bill of Bights, We understand there has been trouble in Detroit ever since the-housing project was proposed. The city wanted it located in a section where most negro leaders suggested. New Dealers, held options on a lot of city property, and Washing­ ton followed their advice—-which carried With it huge profits ' in land sold the government. ■ ' ' With the Kodeevelt New Dealers depending on the south­ ern vote in Congress, the “ Bill of Bights” is to be no more irt Detroit than it is in Alabama for the negro. The situation re­ minds us o f the answer o f a Columbus, Ga„ barber, when we asked him if a negro boy or girl with infantile paralysis would he admitted into the Franklin Dollar-mark Boosevelt hospital at Warm Springs? His reply was something like this: “ Oh, No, Brother, no nigger was ever crippled enough to get lit that place,” Safe and Sure 4 For Fifty-Seven Years This AssociationHasPaid Regular Dividends OPEN AN ACCOUNT TO D A Y AN D SHARE IN THESE PROFITS Accounts.Opened By March 10th DrawDividends FromMarch 1st . r^.r.rYr,r .l]r,.r.^- .- AM Aacow nt. Insured Up T o $*,000 .00 s a u T t f f i V f V T Wk v v n v D a w SPKJJIbITJU£ 1 *D k fiDJyftA i L SAVING and LOAN ASM! « ■ . * * > * . S *rfm rfU U ,O M . W« art pionear* in city and farm Home Financing. m atarntyour building,mmodelin^ or buying ahome* If there hi a Democratic Judge that ha» placed patriotism w tba dollar mark it la Judge Tfcomaa Morrow, who hat given up hi* aottrt dutiae to return to the army—not in a awivel chair jab but in the active rank* where he won honor* in the First World War. Strange that he would decline a awivel chair job in the Judge Advocate General's office for active service ip the front rank*, regarding thia the greateat contribution he could make for hia country, Hie fellow Judges in Hamilton county courts ex­ tend congratulations on hia patriotic attitude, > How different the standard in judg- ahip circles in Hamilton county than in Greene county as to “patriotism” of the New Deal brand. Probate Judge Homer Henrle is- holding down the county office and swinging in a swivel chair job for the government at a total salary o f some $800 a month. Another Democrat, pinch-hitter in probate court la "Judge" George H, Smith, who is trying to catch one of those swivel .fat salary jobs as the pie plate is pas*|*jf-rtong from Demo­ cratic headquarters^ Judge Morrow must not be one o f the Franklin Dol­ lar-mark New Dealers that values pa­ triotism from the (dollar standpoint. Greene county Democracy would suf­ fer a shill, if our "Twin Judges” should develop a patriotic'fever and volunteer as Jndge Morrow haB done. A new stink has developed in the Roosevelt household as a result of what the government, with "Papa” Roosevelt as commander-in-chief, is doing for Franklin D., Jr., who is in i government hospital receiving treat­ ment not given others in the Navy, it Was only a few days ago that 'ohe of the Roosevelt boys received new '‘honors” in service, yet,the public knows little about it. Cong. Pfeiffer, R.> N. Y., brings the. Situation to at- :ention of Congress. Dr. Hariy K. Eversull, who resign­ ed as president o f Marietta College, told Cincinnati. Rotarians last week, that the war is having a serious effect m small colleges and academies In the country. “Unless steps are taken to remedy the situation many colleges vill be forced to close their doors.” Or. Daniel S. Robinson, president of Butler University, Indiana, resigned his post several weeks ago. Dr. Eversull rightly pointed out the' danger o f the nation when he said: “ Opr principal dangers in winning this way and the peace thatwifi follow lie not in the Pacific and Atlantic and on continents in other parts o f the globe, but right here at home. Our' dangers are from within, and we must help our yorth to avoid these dan­ ger*.” Gov., John W. Bricker, H. C. Atkin­ son, head of the.Ohio Bureau of Un­ employment Compensation, and Con­ gressman Thomas A. Jenkins, Iron- ion, are getting credit for checking the “Nude” Deal raid on several hun­ dred million dollars in the Ohio fund for the benefit o f labor. Washington announced' it would “ federalize” the Ohio system by taking it over. Some twenty other states joined Gov. Brick­ er in his opposition to the plan, some o f them southern states. The plan was devised by Paul Mc­ Nutt* New Dealer in Washington that could not stand .seeing that much money in Ohio and not being spent, as spending was a plank in all New Deal functions, McNutt came to Ohio last Saturday night to address 1,000 union labor leaders, many of whom have been exempted from army serv­ ice due to presidential edict, McNutt is the New Dealer thatwants all farm labor organized and'under the federal wing. McNutt was a former governor o f Indiana, We Were interested in a statement of M. Clifford Townsend, former Indiana governor* now direc­ tor o f agricultural defence relations, When he stated "Money is nothing in this war. Money is trash compared with food and guns.” Yet Monday* Congress announced an additional in­ come tax hill that will reach the low­ est calling for seven billion dollars (trash). Townsend told a farm group a few days ago even they would be eating much less in a year from now due to food shortage. That is what We hear in one breath and the next is controlled acreage tp restrict crop production with controlled prices to hold down farm income so that the farmer cannot bring about inflation. Maybe the fanner Will he eating less; if so how much will the city folks be eating? The farm dictators know that the present agricultural law permits dictation as to what is to be planted and how much. Every kind of crop on field or garden cap he included for increased production or under re­ striction, Communistic regimentation for the farmer, the dream of Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini, A Tittle reflection once in a while does no harm. Several months ago City Manager Dillon, Springfield, joined with mayors and other execu­ tives from all the metropolitan cities, except Cincinnati, demanding that Gov, Bricker call the legislature to as the lag be immn ! At th* MwMMg i m l g aeaatibag * t the gpringfia&d QHgr Gawaaieaie# wa • peavMwa Is baag aaadt ta i*- craaa* tba H fi M salary * f the City Manat*? wtth ether inerseass but aoaa for polite ar firamaa or even provirion foe move ass# t» tbasa de­ partment*. This N*w Dart idea o f spending tba tax dollar Is evidently to gat tfl eeata in the bands of the spenders aad the tea emits for the benefit o f Hie public. The Governor should be slated that be ean create a surplus by savings for the state. It wag not so under the former Demo­ cratic administration that left a pub­ lic debt somewhat under the debt Franklin D, Roosevelt left while serv­ ing as governor of New York. "Cliff” Townsend, Ind., D., calls the Ameri­ can. dollar "Trash.” And that is about the value every New Deal spender has on Undo Sam's money. agrtsedat A. Barrie. BMrtii^v m m A. V . Babbrth School. Robert Shaw, Rapt. - 11:®0 A, M. Morning Worship. 7:00 P. M. Christian Sndeavor. PB ujkx mmm R, c , FRBBRRiCO : Sunday« M , fid* A. & HomingWorst#, lOiSOA, M* : Rveolagl ervioe, T:MP, II Wt^unOea mjm 'Mfianuaua.^uaew 7:00 P. M. Why not do a little trading at home even in mid-stream just as England is doing. Every day or so we read where the British govern­ ment is revamping ihG war manage­ ment. i f West Coast states have their way’ there is going to be a house- cleaning in Washington, Their pa tience has been ^exhausted by tbe horse-play o f the Roosevelt Commun­ ists running the war with Sec. Knox and Stimson as stooges for the New Deal, while , politicians continue to take their cut in commissions on war contracts. ^ A well grounded report is that Roosevelt and Sec, Bull have broken over diplomatic policy, the latter holding that some views on . South American relations are not sound and but laying trouble for the future. Hull all o f a sudden developed a case of asthma and in sojourning in the warmer climate, not even being In touch with Washington. Sumner Wells, braintruster, has evidently edg­ ed Hull out of the picture, at least for the present. Wells is one of the Communistic followers that endorses the Roosevelt policy of giving the "other fellow's shirt awiay.” It is hinted Stimson has enough of the "Ed Flynn, Democratic war” and is ready to let the "Democrats” have all that goes with it.' Californians are de­ manding removal o f both Knox and Stimson,' It would be better for tho nation if impeachment proceedings were started by Congress against the ‘Duke of Hyde Park.” I f an'additional income or other taxes pre .levied against organized labor it is reported both the A* F. h. and C, I, O. have agreed to’force the adminiatration to pay a sufficient in­ crease in wages to offset the addi­ tional income tax the government may need for the war. This should be interesting to farmers who mnst swal­ low fixed prices -to be patriotic. The little government •AAA check the average farmer gets will not even offset the increased cost o f everything the fanner must purchase let alone cover what his farm labor Wages will be. The farmer is asked to feed and finance the war; work longer hours for nothing to get credit for being patriotic, while other interests wal­ low in War time .prosperity. You might discuss"this with the next AAA agent that calls on you to sign away your preaent >nd future rights to manager your own affairs. •Cong. Vinson, Dem., Georgia, has started out to find why his adminis­ tration is handing out army and navy titles to favorites when they are not called to service duty after they aTe supposed to be inducted in the army. It is charged that Walter Winchell, Sunday night news commentator, and official announcer o f "blessed events” nine months ahead of schedule in Fifth Avenue circles appears in uni­ form under the title "Lieut. Com. Winchell” when he draws $5,000 foY the evening broadcast. Vinson is de­ manding o f Sec. Knox that Winchell be placed In service with a public statement o f who banded out the “Lieut. Com.” without a day in serv­ ice. At the same time the Georgia Congressman defended Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr„ who is off duty enjoy­ ing New York life for several weeks while being listed as a patient in a hospital. Lieut. Com. Winchell has been wintering in Miami. The boys in the service now virtual prisoners with MacArthur in the Philippines have been pleading for aid from this government. Roosevelt says it cannot be sent them. The boys offer to raise funds for One bomber. Roose­ velt says it could not be landed if sent, The boys- say it can be. Roose­ velt says the distance is too great. The boys want to know how they arfe getting American made bombers at British and Dutch ports eleven hun­ dred miles farther away than Manila? There is a good reason why the New Deal is going to let the American forces rot in the Philippine*. HEADS SCOUT GROUP Appointment of Harry B. Pickering, superintendent o f the Greene County schools, as chairman o f the organiza­ tion and extension committee of Si­ mon Kenton District, Boy Scouts of America was announced Monday by C, W, Adair, Xenia* district chair­ man. He succeeds John Titlow, Os­ born, WWHIIIIIUlH IW .m iM KIHIWMIlllH m ilim ifllinHMIlMlIIIIIMIIIIHIIWHIMIIHIMHmiMWIHMWWW II.MUIHM^I.MIIHIIMIMlim t THE YELLOW POTOMAC The President touched on a very iateraetiag subject* Tuesday* when he described Washington as the world'* greatest rumor and Be factory, working overtime to promote disunity aad defeathun. All thia work* he aaid, i* bring dene by an American "Cliveden Set,” tbe members of which only politeness kept him from identifying by name. Curiously, indeed, (Considering hew long it takes to get a weekly magazine off the press) on the very next day after the Presi­ dent’* outbursts, the Communistic magazine, The New Masse*, pub­ lished an elaborate story o f alleged identification o f thia alleged Clive­ den Set. We can't help wondering whose pride of authorship is involved,' This is nothing to he polite about. I f the President knows who’s starting up the lies around here he ought to say so. There certainly are .Bee a-pleaty. The Fetemae rnhs fel* ' low with thorn, - 0 There are, for instance, the Wes*started by the politician* whe^ have no other weapon with which to defend their bureaucratic power, They feel the country's confidence,in them mining oat like sand be­ tween the fingers. .They are unable to stop it, They are tumbling for their political lives, So they lie. ' , J • .»■■ * * * Consider their lie o f long standing concerning Americans who were' opposed to our foreign, policy preceding the war on the ground that it would lead our country down the road to a universal war and ultimate ruin. ■■■. For their courageous and unselfish effort to keep us out o f war, these citizens were smeared and hounded by THE PEEP-SHRIEK COL­ UMNISTS, POLITICIANS, AND PROFESSIONAL INTERNATION­ ALISTS WHOSE INTERESTS HAVE ALWAYS LAIN WITH ANY OTHER COUNTRY THAN THEIR OWN, as Benedict Arnolds, traitors, Fifth Columnists, Faeists, muddle heads and copperheads. Every time these citizens raised the question of whether foreign influences might be pressing our Government to take one course in­ stead o f another, that abuse broke out all over again. Not having the microphones’ and megaphones available to the politicians on the . | yellow Potomac, they were never able to make their case clear to I the country. Yet, ‘thanks to Winston Churchill, their case has been made for them at last. On Sunday, February 16,1942, the British prime minister pleaded for Itis country to continue its faith in him on the following ground: When i survey and compute the power of the United States and its vast resources and fee) that now they are in it with us, With the British commonwealth of nations all together,' how­ ever long it lasts, till death,w vicory* I cannot believe there is any other fact in the whole world which can compare with that. - THAT IS WHAT 1 RAVE DREAMED OF, AIMED AT AND WORKED FOR, AND NOW IT HAS COME TO PASS. W ill the President accept Mr, Churchill in evidence that the citizens who said Mr. Churchill was so*working were not lying, but were them­ selves lied about by the Yellow Potomac Set? And while he is about it* If he does go about it, the President might also nail another lie manufactured by the Yellow Potomac Set. That Is the lie about Douglas MacArthur. The first-public suggestion in Washington that MacArthur be recalled from the Philippines aad be put to work, on the larger problems o f the war was made in this newspaper by means of an editorial reprinted from the New York Dally News. When it first hit the War Department, the generals there reacted according to fixed, traditional military reflexes, and snorted “never.” ’ Their opposition, they said, was basgd on the proposition that Mac­ Arthur should not he mpde to seem as if he were deserting a dangerous post o f command under fire. . , - * * *\ ’ i But in .a little while reason triumphed a # generals began, to acknowledge that the only Allied soldier who has shuwn fighting ability and grasp o f war.should be salvaged and used. ' _ A few days ago the chief o f a fighting branch of the Army went. so far as to say that our Navy ought to make a dash as .bold as the German navy’s dash through the English Channel and rescue Mac- ' Arthur. “Though I know they’d have to tie his hands and feet to g e t . him loose,” he said. ” ’ .' That feeling has spread through the Capital. With what result? The Yeftow Potomac Set hates and fears suggestions from without it for it sees every one as a challenge to its self-perpetuated throttle hold on its present power. y The Yellow Potomac Set; thinks first hot in terms ,o f successful war 'abroad •but first in terms o f successful holding1onto political power here. ■ ’ " And so it has manufactured a multiple lie about MacArthur to the effect that his rescue is sin impossible technical project in the first place, and. in the second place those who want him out are not in­ terested in victory but only want to run him for the presidency. (If it were so would that be a crime?) As far as the ordinary civilian observer knows, rescuing Mac- , Arthur'is not planned by the Government at all, If he is not rescued, the chances are 99 to 1 that Douglas MacArthur will die in battle in the Philippines. The other chance is that he will be^overpowered and captured, to be displayed in Tokyo like a caged lion. Hereris a man about to die on-alien soil fighting a battle for hi* country. And bmge he I* dead, the Washington rumor and lie fac­ tory is busy aiheariag his name aad the names o f those who Would like to see him LIVE for his country. These Yellow Potomss liars,.with their columnist writers and stooges who are busy spreading the MacArthur-for-President story “now so it will be knocked on the head before 1944,” should and wiU have their lie knocked clear down their throat*. I f the President knows these lists’ names, he ought t# twin them up with His alleged list o f alleged “Cliveden Set” performers and give both to the nation. ■ — Times-Herald, Washington, D, C., Friday* Feb. 20* 19l2 MWW «mHHHilM HW ht«.H.IIIII » IIIIIIHim illllW IHlllllHIIHHIIWIIIIIHMIIIHIWIIIIIMIIIIHIItWIIIHHIh ,lll>HltlirillH irilH||H^ t md <*■*« J. P. BOCKLETT SUPPLY CO. XBHtA. OEM A NAME THAT STANDS FOG GOOD FURNITURE . BUDGET FLAN AVAILABLE . A d a i r ’s N. Detroit St, Xoria, O. mW® t o t# fPRUKHELP AHd/Kj&wa J GOOD*MOW T Bob Hop# p u r c U a s © W i t h . v « r * z # * ma A w ■ V ic t « * M o o » Thurs, Mar. 5, Mar. 5 ' Thur" J “Bahama Passage” Starring Madeleine Carroll And , Stirling Hayden Joe E. Brovm !n “ S h u t M y B ig M o u th Witt* Adel# Mrt# iPluO—“ #at, . Mar. 7 I “ The ’NSaP®* , . J a n u a ry 1 6 t h O t K$\ #un. Mar. # | “THUNDEn RIVER ■ FEUD" Plus “FRECKLE# COME# HOME” #un. Mar. # "BABES ON BROADWAY” with Mickay Roonay* Judy Garland “ RIGHT TO * THE HEART” Always a~ Batter Shew * In •print* field F . E . H a r p e r . . . 4 ' Plumbing oi JU 1 BATH ROOM EQIIPMEHT MOBEM KITCHEN SIMS HOT WATER HEATIHB LET US QUOTE YOU PRICES ^ > C l u b i Jm ro, Mom <t\ ‘ o l i d her* tins week. Mr*. Sarah Weimer. Mlg JR mm I -MU I M to*. PbuaWof i. O O T X C O . RIO lira. Cora Bridgero bar pMttion with the ary to accept one wit Mis* Rachel Her Mich,, formerly of Cci gucat of Mi** France th* home o f her paren K, T. Williamson, ov. F STANDS O D Other guests at the ware Mr. Charles Lake, Mich,, and Mr son, who is employed Mrs. Harry Hampio: Townsley entertained Contract Bridge at t' former, Tuesday evetii] Leon Schwab, -who manager of the “ Th has resigned, leaving day. . 0 , H. Crouse anno sale of livestock on W< lfi *t 12:30, at his fi lumbus pike, east of cattle, sheep and ho| farm machinery will The annual dinner Club members and hel,d thia Friday even! of Dr. and Mrs, Don , The Borden Co. anne is being purchased fro the county with an pounds per farm da pounds during 1941, : year the company pur pounds o f milk and ing $196,881.97 as corn OflQ pounds valued at year. The increase in 16 per' cent. County Agent, E. nounces a meeting of farmers in the Court Room, Thursday evi 8:Q0 o'clock when Job the O. S. U. will discu ment, fertilizer crop cultural practices Into *> «jf Mayor Dobbins an ceptance by Walter chairman o f the loca: cil. In thjB issue will nouncemeht of the A! efy, Zimmerman, Day Xenia, one o f the oui eries in this part of plant is modern to th ail chicks are from hi Which insures a high for either feeding, ing. The plant is a . stitution and worth Bideration.' e isage ing Carroll Hayden Sat. Mar. 7 My Mar* He­ ig h t O f 1 6 th ” ■ M M iM itim iiiH iiiiiinitH iuiiittiH nil C O THEA Fri. and Sat., Gtorge MOntgotner ‘ inZane RIDERS OF THE News-Cartoon- JNDER RIVER FEUD” Vus a . E9 HOME” Mar, 8 Stm, and Mon Abbott and Costc “KEEP'EM Selected Sho Wed. and Thur Edward G. Robin! “UNHOLY i j Plus new chapter N WAY” ey Rooney* Garland ME HEART” twwwmimwiiliiHumwmmiiH On Mutloal Uncalled Joe Finld er, is flow) lull'- invitij fin k COLUM B> & *ysi ■ 1 m . W""* „ ^ ' yr-v <r 0/KTI WOWSgf ! t * *