The Cedarville Herald, Volume 65, Numbers 1-26

tHMMgf, tUMMO V*. H « "*i3BFMm * . r f t A H T U I * H U A L Mto|^ Ytoikw f»BMft- ** li t fmt OMm, 0**rvm», 090*, QwMmtl, lt$ff, m tmcm4 atom matter. . Friday,-lfowfli IS, 1942 :& * a r r n ,UTip*f w a m b l e r ew r it te n We, FYatririta D. RootwveH, Henrv A, Wallace, Claude Wiefcavtf. L mh S^iwdwacm^ Sidney Hillman, William Groevu FbCltn Murray- John L. Lewi*, Horded* EaeJdel, Eleamw Rc«#*reJt and Madam Perikiise, ** the people o f the United State*, male and female, ia order to form a more perfect Union, establish jeattea, iaattra do-medic tranquility, provide fo r the common defenae, promote general welfare, and secure the blearing* o f liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for OUK New Deal State, as guardians, protectors and advisors o f our peons, known as farmers, wbo shell henceforth pay devotion and obedience to all laws and edicts, as banded down through our duly appoint' ed AAA representatives, sworn and bonded to carry out gov­ ernment regulatory orders or be denied, all rights o f citizen­ ship. , ^ > We hereby proclaim Franklin B, Roosevelt as President o f all the people on the Western hemisphere and such territory as he may desire to annex to Hyde Park, He shall serve at will as secretary o f state, treasurer, attorney general, direct army and navy, besides direct all functions o f a congress hereinafter to be created- By proclamation Henry A, Wallace shall direct all deliberations o f a senate, if sttch is found necessary and he shall by virtue o f his office also have control o f all agriculture pursuits as may later be deemed necessary. Hillman, Green Hurray and Perkins shall say and shall direct who shall and shall not work and what they shall be paid in non-inflation cur­ rency Which shall be issued only on orders o f the President. All power o f choosing officers, filling vacancies, should any occur, shall be .vested in the President and it is hereby pro- xclaimed,that no provision shall at any time provide for im­ peachment o f any official during his natural lifetime, .Neithei House or Senate shall have authority to pass upon, define or enforce or .regard treason in conflict within the meaning oi this, preamble, v . ; \ “ ‘ This spot known as the Western Hemisphere, diseoverec . by Christopher Columbus, but unconfirmed, after having gath- •eyed jtlFthe gold he could command in Spain, setting sail he knew, not where, and after landing did nbt know- where hr yms, populated by the Indian, shall be known as the State oi the New Deal, with but a single government. Labor, artisan farmer and educator shall at all times be guided by the order* of thfLprosiderit. All products shall be produced, sold at gov- ~ernment directed prices with wages under direct, control oi the President at all times- ' I hereby proclaim Leon Henderson price fixer for agricul­ tural products realizing that my subjects are yet uninformed, unprepared and unable to form judgment on economic prob­ lems, Other proclamations to follow as time and necessity re­ quire. As to spiritual guidance and the moral standards fo r our people, I shall so advise by a method yet to meet my approval. * . SIGNED: By All the People . Franklin D. Roosevelt, President YOU WILL BUY ?EMOR BE FED ’EM It makes no difference what your personal views'are on the war, its conduct, who was responsible fo r our economic plight or how much sugar you may get for your table—you had better be making purchases o f defense bonds and stamps Your choice st present is and has been voluntary 'but there w no telling how long that situation will last, Based on war and New Deal spending the sale thus fa r is fa r from meeting the quota expected-. ' V* ' ' Spending billions monthly by your government means bil­ lions out o f the pockets o f citizens either by bond purchases or your pockets picked by the tax collector. For the time being at least every citizen is to be his own judge on how much he should invest in bonds,and stamps. But that timers not to be for long. Then will come to*the surface a bill now m Congress, with White House orders for immediate passage, know as the incentive tax bill. This bill if it should become a law would require all citizens that receive say a minimum o f 9500 a year be able to prove to the tax collector that at least ten per cent had b^eu invested iti govetiunent bonds* I f you have not made sdeh an investment you Would owe the government a ten per cent tax which would be a penalty. ...__ *The- e Is no need harboring the thought that you as a farm­ er or factory laborer are favorite classes and will not be called upon to did deep to pay the billions o f debt, The laborer has a tip now that all pay roll checks^ ditchers or teachers, will be subject to a ten per cent monthly tax,to be deducted a.the source. Judging from committee comment Monday income tax­ payers next year may not even have exemptions where the in­ come is above $750 and with a tax above $2,500 gross -income may be from fifty to seventy-two percent. The pam to the aged or infirm, and the "white collar” class under new taxes is to be severe. ■ The least o f the drastic revenue laws proposed wilt de­ pend oh the "rush to purchase,defense bonds and stamps. I f not it is going to be “your funeral” on tax collecting day now memorable as each March 15th» We are in this mess and must win the war for our own salvation. The undersigned will sell at auction at his farm, V/g miles east o f Cedarville on Route 42 M a r c h 18 , $942 Beginning at 12:30 P. M. 3 HEAD OF HORSES 1 Bay gelding, * year* old; 1 Roan gelding, 8 years old; 1 ware, 18 yearn old, Alt good worker*. 2$ HEAD OF CATTLE Consisting of 9 head o f cows *nd springers; 18 head of CalveB, weight from 800 to 000 lbs. 34 HEAD OF SHEEP Condftifag of 10 breeding ewe*, from 1 to 4 years old and 1 keek, * good breeder; ? lambs, 21 HEAD OF HOGS CotoiStfag of 10 Hood sow* and pigs; 10 Head of stock hog*. 1 male hog, % year* old, g**d breeder; SOME FARM MACHINERY TERM* OF SALE—CASH C . H . C rouse Wettort A Qerttoe, Arnett, : TarritoB A Rpracklto* dark* Ltorii wfit I* tarred by the ladies of the Methodist Chttreb A peHttael eemedy to being staged to Springfield tor the C|w* County Beard o f gtoetiows. Hot tong age Sec. e f State Sweeney appointed Mr*. Fashne Morphy a* the Democratic member e f that beard. Mr*. Murphy with others had been accused o f copy- bag names from the poll books ilkgal- ly on old age pension petitions. The •reuser wae Mr*. Mary Peck, who admitted her part In the charge against Mr*. Murphy, Democratic Prosecutor Neris says the chargee were outlawed by the statute o f limi­ tation*. Paul Sheehan, hoard member, Sent Sec. Sweeney a chock for $100 at the tfmo o f the exposure {for the Sweeney campaign fond). Later Swee­ ney smelled a mouse and returned the check to the donor. Whether the check. found it* way back to Columbus, has not been brought to light. Meantime the Election Board is holding it* own hearing with Mr*. Murphy sitting in Judgment with the other hoard mem­ bers bearing charge* against her part in yiolating the law which Mrs. Peck has publicly admitted. Clark county Democrats have much to worry about at present. wag to wssto i It- T am J mi VlfciP M P M P M Ig # P R 9 E * f 4 W F W P jp * fr^ R w junk frimg* JkwMNriMMi troofNi SMI JftQVltdl' Jg ihere? Ttos paklto to net awars (hat censstwMp to tiW* swmtoy to at Make In Washington new with newspaper* and magerims and radio. Th* Hew. Peal to trying to make & never denial ef publtohing everyday happenings arosmd governiaect offices, net neepe- sarily having connection with,the war. The New Dsai cannot ttorad the light of publicity for the Democratic pres* o f the nation has taken issue with in* tention* to restrict publication of gen, •ral government new*. Criticism oi 'handing out high army rank* to favorites, who never served a day in the service, ha* brought the Hew Deal into a state o f fever. asMtifUBgwR2j|^gt A JLaiMteit® Ii&tifeRefcAk A Mm ¥ «* mwi atocythat kmmA, fc* t* s*jUst m im *m mmm* t HM 1 dlflui « a . togiMi A m A i ftA Wtm Mf 1 IPv 4 PRR iPW MIRI 4 ^MB | «nptwt 'Itotogadverttoedfisraid*la wfent a Ksgisa fnwnr told ns •$'« atog|MjL|^M^U|^Ja2gg One day last week' we met a well- known. Jartner residing near ’ the Greene county line on Main street here having-* large carton o f gro­ ceries. In conversation, we discovered he lacked automobile tires and had to walk from his*farm to Clifton Where he took the bus here to get *>18-provisions. We offered to give 'dm a lift bnt he declined and we en- jaged' in * general discussion of na­ tional andWorld events, ■ ^Knowing his political views to he liyergent from that o f the writer we waited a volunteer statement on how "he New Deal was being received. It, did not take long to get the reaction. We Suggested that probably all Were not fa r from the return o f horse and ■buggy 'days. He admitted sttch was no doubt the case but a lot o f things would happen before that time. Be­ ing curious we asked other questions *nd got this answer, “I already own nn interest in a -------- (Balaam pony) down in Washington" and We are go­ ing to give it away.neat November ror send it to Churchill, The bus Came •in•sight and, the interview closed when our friend made the final state­ ment: 4tl heard John Bricket when He was here and I amfop him regardless o f who the Democrats nominate. In fact we have six vote* on our farm and the old wagon will,bring them to the poll*, rain or shine; next No­ vember to cast Republican votes." One .item absolutely necessary for airplane construction that is growing scarcer, each day is silk for airplane wings, the only material yet found to .stand all kind o f Weather and air resistance. The American supplyTias always come from France and Japan but we have no connection with either country at present. Hitler controls the silk indusry In France.. Rayon has never proved satisfactory for wing covering. • REMEMBER— Pearl Harbor, You can walk tiLyou cannot ride on rubber. ' Lindbergh'*—‘We are not prepar­ ed for war. Farmers must work harder and * longer—FDR, . Roosevelt'* promise to organized labor that there would be no increase in 'living if we had war. Roosevelt’s charge that farmers are money grabbers. *‘H----- do we have to buy ’em again?" (Farmers) You farm­ ers. aire but plunging the nation into inflation—FDR. Radio commentator Kaltenborn may land In a federal prison if be continues to hammer the New Deal Communists in,Washington on conduct of the yrar. Evidently the fadio broadcasters hayp challenged the New Deal threat to pass out only what the New Dealers wish the people tq know. Kaltenborn demands the-resignation o f the "four old men” in the cabinet” running the war, Why not start at the top and do as England is doing—trade horses even ip mid stream—and impeach Roospvelt for having sold the nation short in a British market. Better do it now than wish it had been done later/ Every indication points to the fact England is to slip Churchill into the channel. The British have their war scandals In government contracts. Canada has, gone on record o f keep­ ing her drafted men on the American continent. ■This was in answer to Churchill's recent visit ta the Domin­ ion When certain demands were made on the people o f that country. The laps are sweeping everything‘before them in the South Pacific. 'Australia pleads for aid of America and Eng­ land—meantime Roosevelt send* our hoy* across the' Atlantic to .Ireland and England whim the call to t aid is in the South Pacific, The Roosevelt boys 'must' he parked OUt in' the- At­ lantic and in need Of protection. One thing Is certainln Greene coun­ ty, neither draft hoard is flooded by applications o f New Deal Democrats volunteering for army or navy service even if Ed Flynn, Democratic chair­ man, said this war was "Ours" and Republicans are trying to sabotage it. No one wilt deny but that it fs a Roosevelt institution by'design. I h | h 1 a*A gfltoffii alM toaiN * m i ' farms?* e*t t* tb* ttra* .or even me with a Wow-mt sad 1 spare. The baa name i ia U tiw stow tiia£ nart s f the feessn tire* in the haw**? of mam* faetarer* are to go to Boafch Awori- esa auto owner*. .The adwtnletratim gave out the story that on* miBim radio* wifi be made in thk country and paid for with tax money and tbm sold to South American ritiaen*. Vpl9h. 55MM^ft ef mm af **dmi Imwt” —*- aflL m T mui R TmRMEi 4 l- RMeS the amuse* to m m The pettttiiuM *ow*< hghtiywUAHttlew no UmmSm W*k eat #or*mme»*fc crop inmwano*, mid had a neat profit fee nek uaWnf a erop. Leet mmm the mseWwrmm gam them “dnet hswr ium m ptie- ty e f mtiekww and- * Wg « « f m * harvmtod, TboreWn* noiasww eo*^ The Hoorn, Monday, voted to limit toil conservation peymmt* to $1,000^ om th* AAA, fpr to each farmer or corporation. The ^ **T ,2n.^a^ amendment wa* offered by Cong, “e*r1*^ Johnson, D., Oklahoma, to stop what A* ^ 1 Roo**v^ ft rhuira*' he called "drugstore farmer.” from These *re the "western farm*« •*» * t» mi tin AM M : tiifia-^ BflY DSPSNfiC fffAMP! BBS mmUlm mm- Tatiea -am): FIMtmm fim wwtir, mm and ateem, A n il and m etric Pumye §m a i pwepamC Beits, mmm* ▼ A im , PtimMng ffmMHea< ■mmm mmmwm IJ- 111 J. P. BOCKIJSTT - SUPPLY CO. XKNIA, oa io -ef H|»imtiim» 4 iM«m*in*af»nMl>MHPMi*WN Arc You with U$ or Against Us? It is surprising how the New Deal stand* the radio comment by Pearson and Allen each Sunday afternoon, Both are noted Washington column­ ist* aind evidently are defying govern­ ment orders on radio regulations— saying what they think. The predic­ tions each Week come true nine out of ten times. Exposure o f $21 a day wages paid by the war department to unkm labor and the part Hillman, AFL tmionieadcr, has played in land­ ing army uniform contracts at one -hundred per cent profit white low bid­ ders were ignored, will produce a con­ gressional investigation soon—unless Roosdvelt defies congress to-take such action. v It is Interesting to read New York politics as We get it through the New York limes, Democratic, as well as from the Tribune, Republican. Cover* nor Lehman, D., ha* been at odd* with both Roosevelt and had much to do with forcing Mayor LaGuardia Out of th* $l-a-year job he held'down at Washington a* a partner of Mrs* Roosevelt in Civilian Defense. The Governor, once a bosom friend of FDR no longer shout* the praise o f the Mew Deal, He took issue with the plan o f Paul McNutt to grab several million dollar* in New York state, a* be did in Ohio and other state* for the New Dealer* to spend on some ‘rack-pot project. Lehman backed Gov. Bricker on hi# stand* Thi* was irritating to FDR hut he did not make ouWic utterance. The fight between Lehman and LaGuardia is strictly personal. Not long ago the Mayor ap­ plied a term in Hebrew, meaning thief, against the Governor Who is of the Jewish faith. Dairy farmers are getting a taste o f “lease.lend" the,,past ten days on the rise and fall of milk prices, es­ pecially the drop below base or agreed price between Washington and the producer. To reduce the price o f milk farmers would. recejvc, "lease-lend" boy* under-bid the base price and the Greene county farmers have been tak­ ing it on the chin in the face of promises o f what would happen if they would increase production. The poultry produce#* have been getting around 26c a dozen for eggs when the government base price promised was 27He. When eggs reached 35c a dozen the government "lease-lend" boys acting on orders from their Conpnunist superior* in ] the Ag. department, underbid ,the f 27%c price and egg* crashed leaving | a market overstocked which even in * lent is usually a good egg market. The ' poultry producer has been decorated with the Ag* double-cross,' kThe Wright Aeronautical Corpora* tion employees near Cincinnati are said to have contributed or pledge! enough money to purchase one o f our argent bomber* and send it to Gen. tfacArthur, who 1# making a gallant fight with a handful o f American soldier*. They are hemmed in by Japs on almost all sides, Roosevelt must say whither the bomber can he sent hut he has not, nor has he made ef­ fort to get military assistance to Mac* Arthur, GmmunMp on press matter hit a Milk and egg* are not-the only farm products to feci the effect o f "govern­ ment-depressed buying” under the lease-lend. It wa* only a few months ago government agents contracted for several million -pounds o f pork and lard. The order sent market prices up for hogs on foot and just as quick the government ,cancelled the Older leaving the leading packers with a heavy storage. The pickers were out of the market for several daya and down went the price o f hogs to farm­ ers, all of whom well remember after being compelled to Sri! In the nine cent bracket after a drop o f three cents almost over night. These are some,of the thing* that help the New Deal keep down inflation and some of the things your AAA never mentions. Roosevelt branded the farmer a money grabber,” Townsend termed money "trash," something the entire EtooleveJt clan has specialised in grab­ bing ever since they entered th# White House. What about the Jl00,000 Roosevelt received from a certain newspaper syndicate for the sale o f government papers and records in the White House office? Was that trash? Could It be possible our AAA county committee is accepting "traah” for their service in carrying, out orders ■Vem their Communistic superior* in broken, premiere as traitors to the We know not how thin the patience of other Americana is wegr- . ing, but as for ourselves we *r* tired o f hearing that th* war I* being. lost because "the people” don’t realise what they are up against. -We.are weary o f reproaches, surfeited with aimless nagging, fed; up'with complacent defeatism which talks glibly o f a five-year war and paint* with, Sadistic relish the tortures and sacrifice* which will have to. he endured before It is won.. s . - ' Day after day We have listened to the same kind o f galling vitu­ peration from the top men—and Women— o f government. We are lazy, we are soL we can’t take it, we won’t arouse ourselves. We are this,we are that— And last week came tpis final impertinence from a Texas^Goh- gressman, Hatton Sumners: . "* “My God,” he shouted, “are we going to let the hope o f the age* - perish from this" earih because o f our unworthiness,” because ‘‘we, as did France, Insist upon business as usual?” .But who is it, Mr* Sumners,'who is insisting upon .“business ’as usual?” Who is it In this land who? has shown himself to be unwilling -to make changes and sacrifices; to. forget self and false pride, to let the dead-past bury its dead and tb- grasp the hand o f a former enemy so thaiyhe common foe may’he vanquished? Let’s See about?this; • Is it- industrial management? Have there been any complaint*' from, say, the president of any automobile concerns because they have „boen ordered to switch from passenger car* to the production of planes, tanks and guns? We haVe heard none. There have been some , spiteful insinuations made against them in Washington—some pass-, the-buck implications that they, and not the heads o f government, were to blame fer not gearing their plants to the war machine sooner than they did; but there is not a shred of evidence to support- such innuendoes. •/ . - - - -? . Is it “big btisines*?’*Are the Morgans or the Rockefellers sabotag­ ing the war program? Have they been coy about volunteering'their resources and their talents whenever and wherbver, the opportunity was offered ? I f so it baa been kept mysteriously out o f the piiblic print*. L it little business? Have the storekeeper*, o f America insisted Upon "business a* usual?” Have they shown any unwillingness to' go along with priority orders and rationing? Have they been guilty o f bootlegging or profiteering in commodities .which they fiave been or­ dered to conserve? Not a single proven complaint o f auchrunpatriotic. conduct baa come to our attention. Is it the farmer? Has he." refused to raise more crops, to feed mere livestock, to work longer-hours than from sun-up to sun-3own? No, hut he has—and small wonder—developed an unprecedented in­ terest to getting all that he can from his land and his labor*, After all, you have been feeding him for a long time on the pap Of parity and the philosophy o f underproduction. Is It'the factory worker, tho clerk, the professional man,-the white- collar man, the "average citizen?” Certainly no Sttch charge can be made against the unorganized millions.o f common citizens,.And i f there are reasons to support the charge against some element* o f Or­ ganized labor, who la to blame for that, Mr. Sumner*? Are the rank and file of union men and women to be blamed for making unreasonable demands upon management when, since presage of the Wagner Act­ on July 5, 1036, unionism—all kinds, good md had—ha* -been coddled and petted and made to believe that Utopia could be gained by shorter hours and higher wages instead o f by hard work*and tho ambition to, vault into the seatsrof management? 1 And who are left', Mr. Sumners? Whom have We failed to con­ sider here? Who betrayed France to her enemies? You know-that it was the leadership o f France—the government—the fatal bureaucracy which never got anything done because it didn’t know what it wantol; to do—didn’t know whether* it wa* fiah or fowl—didn’t know but that victory hnight, bring more problem* than .defeat! And we Say to you, Mr, Sumners, earnestly and sincerely, that you andTyour colleagues and the institutions which jmu have erected in the national capital and the hordes o f alphabetical bureaucracies which" they have spawned are primarily to blame for any lack o f enthusiasm which the people of America may seem to have evinced to see this war through to victory. We say to you that these people whom you have characterized as "unworthy” are ready and willing—yes, eager to share to whatever degree will be helpful the inconveniences, the sac­ rifice*, the dangers which their sons and their neighbors’ sons are fac­ ing in the zones o f shooting war, If you say to us: "Put up your cars,” w* will put them up, If yon say to us: ’’Go without meat,” we will go without meat/ I t you say to us: “Quiv your job* and go into the factories or wherever else you may be needed,” we will go . . . We will go, Mr. Sumners, re long a* we have confidence to you, and yonr fellow-officials* We will go as long as we believe that the government o f which you are an official part is determined to,win th i war in the shortest possible time, with the smallest possible expenditure 'o f American lives. But we cannot hold that confidence unshaken at long a* you and the rest o f official Washington indulge in the old, vicious, petty game o f "politics as usual,” . You shrike our confidence -wlien you'hold hands around the pork barrel, as you are getting ready to do With the billlon-dollar River* and Harbors hill—a bill to squander mohey and vita! materials ott such wild'Cyed projects a* the St, Lawrence Seaway, You disturb u* gravely when you turn the Office o f Civilian Defense over to a volun­ teer fireman and an amateur social Worker whose first act is to hire a toe-dancer to teach children to dance in non-existent air-raid aheHers. We cannot believe-you are taking the emergency seriottaly when you vote yourself a congressional pension in the midst o f a debate on war appropriations! You have the decency to conclude with the admission that "tho American pcople have got the stuff In them to do the job,” and with that we agree without reservation. We don’t believe the job is be­ yond the capacity o f thi* nation and we don’t believe that any number o f temporary set-backs or military reverses will break the spirit o f these people. But there is a growing suspicion among there people—part o f whom you represent—that they haven’t been getting the kind o f lead­ ership that they need and deserve. Too many men whore Brains and energy are sorely needed for top executive jobs have been saubbjr i or subjected to ridicule by precocious infants who have suckled at the New Deal nipple. Too many positive manifsetstkms have been given that executive Washington is still diriding‘ Its ensrgie* between the war aft#’the pursuit o f sods! perfection. Yo« and your colleagues, Mr. Sumners, urge m to realise that we are participants in the grreteet war oi all time, tm leave with re the nasty impression that you bafisvews have bestt failing in our doty unfaithful to oar trust, and W* would like to have the accusation Itemized. v To the beet of our knowledge w* have done gladly what we have been asked to do; and to the best of our ability wa will ftiiew tire example and the direction o f ourieedere. Tell us whet you would kav» re do. Gire re tire iregfretiott e f yore unselfishness and your own tingfe-iaiaded detorretortion to p it p a t things first and damn tire rest for the duration! Tfc«*’s an w* ask. —The HetaM-Advertieer, Huntington, W. Vs* .Feb. IfflK ' Bargain Hour xii fl*3TKv 21c Til 2:00 ■'AlSd.'V:':'' Saturday Twin Thrill Day* —SCREEN— “ Adventure Of Martin Eden” Glenn Ford, Claire Trevor SUN.-M 0 N.-TUES. & jtm n**o mimiap GOOD SM0W. / R E G E f f l *—— — --------—- J I 1 ‘r; v* Katharine .Hepburn . Spencer T racy "Woman Of The Year" C T A T f I H I m , Thur*. tier, is Ihu Ttoeda; Ids reether, .. Store n ad ir apsvt Fe* Sale stores. Inqc Mr, and > «K*nna Wa. Ueondug the en, at Miaro *. This is little daught her grandpa Waddle. Mr. and V (Louise Wad announcing i / . lAwireswe, -Man* A Mrs* G. w lie ml* at Bridge £l., 1 M., when ho plements wil j . Mr. and B tained memb at a bridge j ltesday even! Mr* Arthur 1 , . Mre* H. K; . . N*zley- Nc* during the <■ • Chester Mu i ‘ dub'next m> Misses Pa■<! son, Cedarv >•' members o f 1 / evening; Gu entertained St. Patrick’s Served* Miss ' and Miss Mi ■were guests - Mrs. Blau wife of L V at her-home >-• illness of f ■ husband she v ters, Mrs. 1 and Mrs. H , three grandch'WrHI Mrs* Fred £ • and ■Mrs. C Bert Hoppir .. Monday aft Ralston in *b:n r Ip Clifton c • "SENDS-. •> i Webave i ;■ John L> fioi - 1. ager o f bed . ; fit. Petersb Cedarville .c . plant is *oo Mto* $wj kaad awl plarebtoS ® fT T , U lEGWYNM BROWN BUTMACS FITZOIRAU HMUITEK* OMOQtoW Miss Mil- the public's! these last t Wanted- hou#ework. •mey ia r . , Thors. Lrear. 12 Humphrey uk ll J ? 0**** I " AH p i rough H m Night” — W ith— Conrad V eldt — fftort* S hu .— "J o e Smith. Am erican” R obert Young MAJESTIC \ .„***• tMar* f f “ P a c i f i c Blackout” — W ith— «* Robert Preetow Martha 0 *prleoell — Aleo-** “ South o f . Tahiti” Fri. an Wayne l "THI Ne- Sun. an Hedy "H. Ah W ed . S • Brian I tnphrey **rt In fugh The tit” th— . i Veidt .Sun.— r Jmith i can” Young iw i. ■ __ Mar. 111 Tern Tyler *ftt ****** "Cede ef th* Oetiew* * Ale* * ^"Law « f tm m f "S( >r 4 j|maere Carl restore Driscoll %>m> U?’ . ........—. Vi B b m m j BAIfRl ; 0 t ]] t Tyler «t**fe 1 Outlaw’ ,'«o ” •Tare. Ireree itovre n ire Mere wh# .cares to flfirerer* sum trereff* Otway* a fl* dsn rite to Dlrtnet" is . tquad" 1 to . * s s r .