The Cedarville Herald, Volume 65, Numbers 1-26

J rW JUW^TmSmnM Wtoteto tssnamstsam SKWMBBI mCTf•#Wf® YE&l 1 0 ■ f ■swam— ,iffiB«aiaj*'>,"'ggg ( i I B S H K lH i * * ——p a v iR fiii i m i i .By CLARENCE J, BROWN •'■ H—ifcar o f Q—gy—a, h m t o OM* 'Dfcbrirt su es* m l straggle ot» within the Con- COURT NEWS wyoRCB su rra t , j feral Erealte B. Gilmore, Xenia, R. R. lo * p! ? ■***»* |everttog, srh— 1,500 citizen* and high " ’ ' " school pupil* in the county Iheard Coni, Jos Ht m m , D., Al*., vies chair- i "\ N bt f t « n A TJWTTT T IP A W i n V w / U v t IJ.aJLwESy v u f U ) t , aph x * !, i m FSS36 p ,f0 A Ai»eric»ti Legion Holds American Meet The Feedy Peel, Anurl— Lotto*, |Xante, sponsoring« eerie* of patriotic group meeting*, held the Brat at Can- Field Hot—, Xante, teat Friday m .\ SETS L 8 ££L mmr — mmmmsmm—mTqmmmmfm Rap. D te Layi Bed Charge Aga&tfft Wallace BBW Board amMmwm $ | i B i i ( f w i T m m n TmmmMWWiUte David W. OUtncro, Wright FteW, whom she married September IT, IMS at Springfield, They have a minor child. Neglect is charged by T, F. Wake- ley, 512 W. Second St., in a petition Thu Rev. B. DeVer* Walker, Pitts- man o f the Dies Committee invest! gating un-American activities. 1 The speaker tea* introduced- by Cong. Clarence 3. Brown, R„ this dte- ;against Lei* Wakeley, 1417 Broom strict, tehe bad been invited by the tehagr tew*, toetodtog afeoJteJtm—t ’ •* T4 'ZZiva:t half and donate pay foe overtime and tr._», ariUec Xenia fi R L aaks Sundaywork. In addition to labor tew * 1Ue*’ Xa“ *’ * ' K' **** change* the Vi— Bill also includes a pecrrision for limiting profits on war contracts to six percent. Daring the past week the Naval Affair* Commit­ tee o f -the House baa bean holding hearing* on the Vinson Bill. Among those appearing before this commit-' tee were War Production Chief Don­ ald Nelson* Under-Secretary of War Patterson, Under-Secretary of the Navy Board, Secretary o f Labor Pet- kins, Lieutenant General Knudeen, and other high ranging government aiffclals, all. of Whom followed the President'* lead in opposing -any change in.the present forty hour work week. However, many o f the .Presi- dent's closest-political friend* and ad­ visers on Capitol "Hill, including the Speaker of the House Sand Rayburn o f Texas, have announced they favor changes, in the present Wage and Hour Law so ' as to fix the standard work Week at forty-eight ‘hours in­ stead o f forty hours, with pay and one-half for overtime, . restoration to her maiden name o f Jenkins and * divorce from Delbert B, HiRer, 22-A Stelton Rd., on neglect and cruelty grounds, They wepe mar­ ried October 11,194f, in-Xente. Cor* M, Rontxong, 600 Catherine St., raeks a divorce from Charles Rontong, Xenia, on neglect grounds. They were married at Covington, Ky., April J8, 1984. Fred Chambliss, 65 Walnut |it., charges neglect in a divorce action against Clot* M- Chambliss, E, Third S t, whom she-married February 5, 1934, in Xenia. . Bahtod- til* se MR—MM— *#Ne eW <^ a^ < ^ . ^ Lane, Dayten. Harried June 8, 1*82, j sponsor* to Introduce Cong. Starnes. ” KWKn** I > i * w * um 4: fCv- they are parents o f } Cong. Stames gave his audianee a picture o f some o f the activities of subversive nwyementa in the. country in ' connection .;tei;tJt'v- the ’;''te*r.;:>Tha speaker paid a high trilnite to the loyaity of Cong.Brown as ameraber o f Cdngressandthe good workhe teas accomplishing not pnlyfo r his district but for tbe nation. Cong. Brown con­ gratulated the I-Agion in its efforts tb keep important issues before the peo- plc tbat affect the goycrument during the war and tehat is to follow. The whole nation has become alarmed in recent, months as to the activities o f Communistic elements in and out of government, positions seeking to change our form o f government, 'Judge Frank L. Johnson, chairman o f the defense-bond campaign in the county, urged the-county to be .loyal in 'purchase o f defense bqnds. Floyd Hartpenee, Columbus, state command­ er also gave a short talk endorsing such meeting*. Frederick; Anderson spoke in behalf of the Defense Coun­ cil ariirities. The meeting teas opened teith pray- Alma Rue and er by Dr, H» B, McElree and cloned teith the benediction by Dr. B. R. Mc­ Clellan, post chaplain. Paul H. Cres- well, chairman of the I.egdon commit­ tee and Otto H , Anderson, chef de gate, Greene county Forty andEight, presided. Music was furnished by the Xenia high school band with vocal se­ lections by Hiss Mary' Snively, 0 , $. and S, 0 , Home and trumpet trio con­ sisting o f John Kennedy, Tom Corwin, and Tom Martin, o f the Home cadet band; Joseph Tague was piano ac­ companist. pastorate of Church, Ceeter- o f the con morning serv that Hr. cell and begin That the President already has full authority, under his.war powers, to deal wRh any labor situation,, or any Other condition, which may cause a slowing down In defense production or the national war effort,.was-again ^cOnVirtcmgly demonstrated'last week .When he' siezed and took over the Toledo, Peoria and 'Western Railroad, ■ following the refusal o f the manage­ ment o f. the road to submit certain laborV disputes for mediation. $He Radroad ia now being operatedby the government through -the Office o f De­ fense Transportation. The President took similar action several week* ago hi the California aeroplane plant ■' ate'ffte,-e#s«»dah«r l>a*«iw>.'ssea>sd»*e he at faulty and in -the New Jersey shipyard strike, where the manage­ ment wgs held responsible or work stoppage. The determination o f a large Con­ gressional block tp place a limit o f six percent-on war contract profits was. :strengthened last week when it was revealed during a committee hearing son the Vinson Bill that one Ohio con- scefn with huge war contracts had ibeen paying exceedingly large bo- ' muse* to minor employees. For in- atance nine young lady, secretary is said to JhaW been paid a bonus of nearly' thirty-five tiwusand dollars, While other minor office Workers re­ ceived from ten to twenty thousand dollar* each In bonuses, and greatly increased salaries were paid company officials. Of course, the payments of large bonuses and salaries in, war’in­ dustries is absolutely unfair to the American taxpayers .and at the same time reduce* the amotmt o f taxes such war; contractors mtist pay the government. Th* writer has been in disagreement with the Administration policy of Withholding important war w -m from the general public through unreason­ able censorship, contending that the American people should know the truth about their war effort, whether good Or bad. General Douglas Mac Arthur agree* with this point of view, for America's ontstanding ptiUtarjr genius Issued * statement from his general headquarters in Australia last weak in which be secured nete* paper Correspondents o f his fullest co­ operation and aid to them, a* a neces­ sary part o f the Army. MacAtthut told the correspondents that they could criticise the way tilings were be­ ing don* ax much as they might wish, hut requested that they first avail themselves o f *11 obtainable facts. In describing the rwcriwrfty for full and honest repotting o f war activities, General.HacArthsr said: “Men vroh’t fight and men wont die unless they know what they at* fighting for *«d what they are dying for. In democ- raetea it te eseential that the public kaovra the irath. The reason* for the efforts made by the United States and this 0*4n»*m»»*ith to keep the public informed on what te going ms ax* that if the pM fe does nob k m t the truth, their imaginations at once •ontotot*fi*!-" . AatemeMte and tire rationing Is al­ ready under way. Sugar rationing be-, gtea early te May. OH and gasoline rationing te eoaat st^ea will follow Kilpat* burgh, waa called to the First Fresh; villc, at a business gregatton following ice Sunday. It is Walker will accept his new work as soon as he can com­ plete graduate work Which he is do­ ing at the Un5vers% o f Pittsbugh and b<yreleased from hte ministry at the Valley View Presfarterian Church, Pittsburgh, where Rat. W. 8. rick was formally mbfeeter. - Mr, Walker is a gnAfaate o f Centre' College, Kys, and o f the Western Theological Sembary^Fittsburgh. His home since boyhood has been at Mar­ ion, Ohio, where his parents stiff re side. During his senfnary vacations, and.for * year after Ipwduation Hr; Walker served chu and Idaho under Board of National Jdfljwiona,. He will succeed the Rev. Benjimln N, Adams, who resigned to accepl a call in Cin­ cinnati Presbytery. * in Tennessee Presbyterian, JUDGMENTS granted Dilver Belden, doing business as Bolden and Co„ Xenia, was awarded a $951.44 judgment on a> note against M. G. Sparrow and Ralph Sparrow;, and T. W. add H. M. Van Pelt, for the Spring Valley Hardware Co,, won a judgment for $113178 against C. W. Rue* Clifton Rue. CASES DISMISSED The following case* were ordered dismissed: J f°W Federal Savings and Loan Association plaintiff in each‘in­ stance, against G. E, Schmalstig and others; Philip W. Thomas and Minnie Thomas, Rachael Allen, Carrie Jenk­ ins ‘Harris and others; Harry M. Fudge and Others; HarryHopkins and others; Archie Newsome 'and. Eva Newsome;‘"Margaret Volkenand and Othora vs. 'Mwri1! I* Vpitewsiid,, set­ tled; and Harley R. ,Burden against William M. Burden. Jamestown l^mtK , Badly Burned Mistaking gasoline for coal oil, Hugh Phillips, 22, colored, attempted; to start s fire at his home in James­ town, Wednesday, wb*n the can ex­ ploded igniting his clothing and the house. He ran from the house and rolled on the ground thus extinguish­ ing hia burning riothing. He next ran'four block* to give'* fire alarm. His burns were treated by Dr. R. L. Haines. Th* verbal war between Martin L. Dies, D* Texas, chairman of the Dies Congressional Investigation commit te* o f which Cong. Joe Starnes is vice chairman, the latter speaking in Xente, Friday, leaves the vie# preri dent te an embarrassing position. Wallace is chairman o f the Board o f Economic Warfare and Die* make* certain members haring Russian Communist affiliations. The Dies committee teas recently given new Ufa by the action o f both Re publicans and ' Democrats in the House. Vice President Wallace picture* Dies and others o f his kind as a part Of the Nasi contingent under Goeb* bels, The entire'Texas delegation Has come'out one hundred percent in sup­ port o f Dies and the committee and against the Wallace attempt to make Dies * German sympathizer. Dies says he‘Will not be stepped by any "barge Wallace had4 made or will make. Wallace attacked Dies' patriot­ ism rather than answer the 'Dies charge o f having Communists on his board. . . Dies' stated Wallace had on his'board one Who published a book advocating nudism in American life. It teas this Wallace tried to explain without even mentioning the charge o f a ‘Commun­ istic board ever which Wallace pre­ sides. In as much a*, nudism and wig­ gle dancing go hand in hand, and the latter advocated by Mr*. Roosevelt 'in a recent controversy which caused her resignation, the public has had ah inaight pFthe low moral standard; of thelNew Deal administration. It is intimated congress Will .support Dies regardless of what Wallace -wants as many Democratic congressmen have turned against both Wallace and the White House-on issues other than those* that concern the winning o f the, war*, r *. -: »„ * v g n bapreerive w iw m I s i sacrist st haU te ties anffagn sfragri, Tues­ day, Mareit Si. PraaMawt Kilpatrick led th* college group te the sendee feUawfaig * form need at tint CJantea- nial Pesdaenetal Gelebcstisa at Cotes*, bus, Ohio, Jaauary JU, 1989, aad wbat haa been need at veriouc odar meet- inf* vsss assisted' -by fferior* Be* Gntitar, Orta- dee Stewart, R fSaytea Wiseman, smd John Jtetebard. TWs te ti* tWrd «wh oerameny to be bald at Gedarriff* College immediatriy prior to Beater, the first one taking place two yeer* ago. . Spring vacation started at the com­ pletion o f classes Wednesday, Clasaea will not resume until Tuesday, April 7, giving the students three day* of vacation in addition to the week-end. v, « f (M r Cedarrille College girl* entertained girhr from Wilmington College Tues­ day afternoon and evening. 'BaXket- b*l Ream* composed of the girl* o f each college competed at four o'clock in Alford Memorial Gymnasium. The Wilmington co-eds overwhelmed the Cedar lassie* 47 to 9, After the game the visitor* Were dinner guests at the college club. •A scavenger hunt was arranged for the,evening as well a* -“ open-house” at the gym. Cedarrille students and the Wilmington girls took part in the search fo r peculiar articles. Phillip Prey Buys H. H, Cherry Farm Tliese estates probate court: Edgar E. Giay: ;gros* value, $ »0 .- 88; obligations, $2; net value, $828.88. Jessie Parks: :gross .value, $760; obligutiimr,"g75; UCt value, g«75;- - Harley' L. Whurtun: -gross value, $8,513.29; Ubligatitms, #874; net val­ ue, $3^3959, Mary E, CremVeff: gross value, R3,- 189,47; obligations, $^8.49‘ net value $2,289.98 .Jeremiah M. Roland:,gross vsdue, $4,075.60; obligations,‘$656; net val­ ue, $3,419.50. APPOINTMENTS MADE Appointments wet* given the Hol­ lowing person*: Jams* F. McCtnfran, administrator, estate of Frank,McCur- ,ran, late o f Xenia city, under bond; I. Q. Jordan,, executor, estate o f Bmma Turner, late o f Xenia city, un­ der $8,000 bond; Jacob A. Koogler, administrator, estate of Phoebe Ann Koogler, late of Fairfield village, un­ der $1,000 bond, and Byron W. Nel­ son, administrator, estate o f Fred L, Nelsin, late o f Silvercreek Twp,, un­ de^ $2,000 bond. AUTHORIZE TRANSFER Real estate transfers were author­ ized for the following person*: Nettie Pehrl Gray as sole heir,'estate o f Ed­ gar E, Gray; Elisabeth Wharton « administratrix, estate of Harley L. Wharton; and Jesse W. Roland as ad­ ministrator, estate of Jeremiah H, Bo­ land* - l^ t im t r H .itW y ':* ^ south o f town^formeriy known as the Dnnlap-Jackson estate, has been sold to Phillip Frey, Springfield,, posses­ sion to be, given by May 1st. Mr. Frey with his wife and three children will*toove here from Springfield. He is a son o f the late Harry Frey, who promoted,an.electric line -south from Springfield to Hillsboro, Some year* ago. Mr. arid Mrs. Cherry will move to their former home on the Federal pike. a p p r a isa l s ORDERED The estates of Dorothy Slay arid Kate Douthett were ordered appraised by the county auditor* Grand Jury Will Meet April 8 Prosecutor Marcus Shotip announces that the grand jury called for Friday had been deferred Until Wednesday, April 8, owing te Good Friday serv­ ices, Six cases are up for considera­ tion as follow*: William Oliver, 19, Xenia, arrested by police'' after he shot and fatally injured his s^pp-fathcr, Vernon Tobiri, 41, in a family quarrel at their home March 9, may be.charged with mur­ der. Mr. Tobin died of gunshot wounds March 13. He was held to the grand jury on a shooting with intent to kill charge. The other fivte cases to be consider­ ed are: J. M. Lyon, 47, Dayton, fraud­ ulent check; John Craig, auto larceny; Douglas Clinton Thompson, 19, Negro, Cleveland, carrying a concealed weap­ on; Russell Fox, f t , Xenia, larceny and entering enclosed premises With intent o f theft; and Osa Ely, 44, Mid­ dletown, grand larceny in connection with theft of three hogs. Health Department Requests Clean-Up ; y* * wyvrr-jfr- . , ’ The Greene Cottnty Health Depart­ ment is requesting loaal officials to cooperate In a county wide Clean-Up, Fix-Up, and Palat-Up -Campaign: re­ move all trash,. diriy'>and garbage; note­ pads if needed; .Tepalr and paint buildings. In other word* 'eliminate everything that might create a nuis­ ance or mar the appearance of our community* Let’* make Greene Court ty a dean, pleasant, and healthful place to live. A« Better results wight be obtained if the whole county-observes the same week—the week o f April,26th to May 2nd. We suggest that someone visit each home (possibly from Boy or Girl Scout Organization), notify occupant* o f the campaign, and request their co- operation.,, Anything Which might ha o f use to the Defense effort should be conserved. The village will provide truck* to remove trash and rubbish, The -baseball squad haa not been able t o get in art out-door practice all week because of'various reasons^ chiefly inclement weather and spring vacation. With a game scheduled for April 7 against Wilhepfore, the Cede* ads will have to get their practice in actual, competition, it -seems, ffhe turn-out for the practice session last weekwaspoor and prospects are none too bright for .the modified season which is approaching. tet«m»tiHmw9itoMwftii«$Hminnwww*wH»»tMfH>Mtoim»«»n« SCHOOL NEWS National Honor Society* * " \ Seven seniors were honored Tues-? day aftentOoff In an assembly pro* gritet fit wWebMr*. Ja)m'lfBl*:9totff.< dent Of the Omega Chapter o f the Na­ tional Honor {Society, and MissWanda Hughes, who became a member .last year, "explained how members are chosen and called those who were elected new members to the stage; Each year from the upper fifteen per cent o f the senior class, students are chosen who have been outstanding during their high school Career in scholarship, leadership, character and service. Those receiving the high hon­ or this year are MargSret Anderson, Lois Brown, Frances Jolley, {Betty Preston, Margaret Stormont, Doris Tovrasley and Jeanne Wright. These girls will he initiated and received into the National Honor Society at the meeting of the Omega .Chapter on. Saturday evening, April 18* MARRIAGE LICENSES * . (Granted) James Franklin Welch; Kilgore, Tex.,xoldier, and Viola Marie Moyer, Sfi Ohio St., Fairfield. Harry Leo Green, 86“Dayton Dr., C^sborn, truck driver, and Virginia Lee Barber, Beavercreek Twp. Homer Columbus Lancaster, 81 Trumbull St., machinist, and Mrs* Olive Caroline Cyphers, 8231-2 S. De* troit St* 1 ‘ Clifford Ray Sprigg, 8. Monroe St., railroad fireman, and Mrs, Paulino Marie Harden, 8. Monroe St. {Om timu i m jNffd /<**■) SEARS HOTEL CLOSED Mrs, Christina Sear, proprietor o f the Sears Hotel, South Main St., haa closed the institution, due to a lack o f business. The. rubber shortage ha* taken thousand* o f tolteutett off th* toad** Twenty-eight Tires • And 112 Retreads State rationing administrator, Har­ ry T. Beckman, states the April quste for the state on tirea and tubes*will he 6JN9 automobile fire* and 14,769* tubes. This county will he allotted twenty- right tirss, 197 retreads and 112 tube* in the passenger car classification, and ninety-seven tire*, eighty-seven re­ treads and nhssty-tw© tubes in the truck and .bus class. The quota for Ohio trucks and bus** will be 14,393 tire* and 13,612 tube*. Beckman warn­ ed local rationing boards against "is­ suing retreads to every applicant." Fawn Group - Discussed Insurance The Greene County Farm Bureau Discupskm Group No, 6 met at the home o f Mr. and Mrs, Meryl Stor­ mont; Federal Pike, Thursday eve­ ning, March 26, The group discutoCd rural fire protection and prevention. An*-interesting film on this subjieet was presented by Mr, L. D. Welch, Greene County Insurance agent. The group will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Evans on Thurs­ day, April 28. RB8IDHNCBB BOLD Demand far residence property in town continue* to grow according to sale* reported this week, F. E. Harp­ er ha* purchased the Alfred Bright- man property on Church st., and Is having a garage erected. Th* Harper residence on 8* Main fit,, ha* been sold to E, E. Neal. Joseph Spencer has pu«h«M*d the Clarence Wsaklsy property on GeReffe «L ' government p a y s boun ty FOR BEET SUGAR The.New Deal one year ago Fas paying bset farmers not to grow beets for sugar under the AAA regardless o f what this class of farmers wanted. Today the AA k is to pay growers for increasing acreage. Lees than a year ago the AAA ordered excess sugar cane btfroed. A rainless summer and crop failure is certain for wheat and corn. Destruction of feod is In de fiance o f God’* law. FARM REPAIR* SCARCE Paper Collection Another paper colection will b* made on Friday- and Saturday, April 10th and 11th. The paper in -the coun­ try Will be gathered by the school bus on Friday evening. On Saturday this will be collected in town. School pa­ trons will bo able to distinguish be tween individuals who are collecting paper for- themselves and those who are collecting for the school by look, ing for the school bus which will bring the Boy Scont# who*1 ar* ootioct- ing for the school* Superintendent Assam** Patterson Field Duties Superintendent H. D. Furst, who has been head o f our school since 1928 left Wednesday, April 1st to begin Ms new work at Patterson Field. We shall greatly miss him. Mr, Furst has the best Wishes o f the student body and the faculty in his new position. He will continue to come to his office at school in the evening and will act as an advisor when needed. Mis* Car, rie M. Rife is now the head of our school, Spring Vacation School is closed this Thursday and Friday for spring vacation. ‘ After a, Chi Mu-Delta Fraternity meeting Monday evening, President .aydeu Wilson announced that the fraternity is going to"accept fill seven of the pledges which went through their initiation last week. The pledge* will formally-enter the f rat at a meet­ ing in the near future. Those to be *cc*pted tfrwt toe Atom Eaamharit, Sweet, John Reinhsrd, Alfred Fehl- msnn, and, Keith- Wright.' Mr. Kilpatrick preached at aLenten Service in. th* First Presbyterian Ghurch at Bellaire, Ohio, on Thursday, March 26. He spent the week-end to Pittsburgh, Pa# , „ Three Million Id , County Bond Quoth T" ' - / is..OSmi Judge Frank L. Jqhnson, chairman o f the Greene County Defense Bond sale, in an appeal before, the audience: at the Xenia Field House last Friday night where Cong. Joe Stames spoke on the American Legion program, stated that the quota act for Greene county for this year is $3,009,900. This is equal to $100 for each inhabitant, old or young, mile and female to ths county on th* basis o f a population o f 30,000. . Ilea l plan* hap* b*en aeasglaled&r feed Friday eendaea nfcteh wffl be held A m Meat Xtffimltet ffimeoh, l2itM :»*g p. m* Urn gwnaaat: timute'is tii* seven sayings *a tlm . M*. Dnrihg ti»* .first hear Mbs, H mmt Reltor-to to*dv» suwmh I eriateten* on ' the hup. Dr. Fsank ,ARmrt Jurtat and the Methodist minister aw the speaker*. Mr, fra D. Vayhtoger, and HrusidMt Walter & Kilpatrick ara ths gpeakers •tor to* second heto. Dean C. W, Bteele is th* chairman. Those presenti­ ng special music include Mrs. Raakto McMillan, Ruth Ramsey, Flora Cres- well, Beatrice OHryaut and Jeaape Wright. -■ The Rev, F. B* Henderson, returned missionary to Egypt and Dr, R, A. Jamieson are to be-the speakers for. -the final hour, Sped*! music will .be provided byMiss Len* Hastings, Mrs. Hugh •Turnbull, and Mrs, Ralph TownBley.. The service is for the general paMie of aff denominations and the coagro- gallon is a t liberty t o seme and go oh.the half hour during the tty** hour service. ' ’ % . • ^ / Gn Easter Sundaymorning' at 7 «6 f the three youth groups o f the l i n t ' Presbyterian, Methodist, and the United fhttsbyteriqn are jhridtoff a union service to the United Presby­ terian; Church. The hrat'/jchwcch to serving breakfast. The program is to', charge o f the Methodist group o f which Mrs, John Miffs is scouncillor. Clifford Keyes To Be, -Special Watchman " -jV ■ [ » » ^ 1' *Common Pleas'Judge Frank L. Johnson-.has. Approved 'the appoint­ ment of Clifford Keyes a* ,a special watchman for the Ohio Fad A Gas Go., at Howell* Station, Townatoy rd. th e appointment Was made by Sheriff Walton Spahr. . Fox Aeeepte John FoX; welt known here and a graduate o f Cedarville College, has. accepted' a -call to the' Presbyterian - -hurch in Princeton, KjrC He wrill >ae- ept the new pastorate upon hi* grad­ uation from-the Presbyterian Theo­ logical Seminary; Louisville, -Ky., in May. ’ , - - . • j - Mr. Fox iff a son o f Mrs, Mae Fex, Dayton, and a son-in-law o f Mr. and Mrs, R. M. Bartlett o f the' Greene.' County Children’s Home. His wife, formerly Mis* Lenore Bartlett, hse been employed as nurse by th* Louis­ ville city health'department, Mr. Fax 1 and wife have been living to Lotos- ville while he haa been .in the Semin­ ary.' Regardless of the fact farmers were urged to order all torn repairs early, the different cempeate* have been un­ able to get material to manufacture same. An accountant for a Cincin­ nati supply houite for farm machinery eays it ia now impossible to get plow shear*, right at th* time the demand is greatest for tbem^ He predicts there wilt be mm* for ^iext year to apeak of. ,-; BUY DEFENSE BONDS Bdmltraldp Test* Student* who will rapt-teeni #g* school in the county scholarship tost on Monday, April 6, are a* fefteufc: Taping I, Claire fitomonti Dora Newsome; Shorthand I, Martha Mc- Guton, Frances Jolley; Boekkeeptog, Jane Ellen Gilliland, Hden Hagtov; General Science, Martin Weimar; English Grammar, Margaret Stor­ mont, Donald Ralston; Latin H, Georg* Abel*; Algebra 1, Hmrald Stormont. Summer Round-Up ' To Be Held Friday Th* Summer round-up for Cedar ville School District will be held in the United Presbyterian Church par­ lors on Friday afternoon, April 17. The following names o f *children have been given to the committee: William Arthur, William Baldwin, Rebecca Kiser, Donald Stewart, Gil bert J, Sharpe, Joyce Ann Smith, Don­ ald Alotos® Briber, William Enteming- er, Norm* Jean Klontz, Jay VoBtert, Louise William*, Thsrman Baker, Beverly McCall, Margaret Nance,*4" Evelyn Fetoreon, Janet Shaw, Law­ rence Walker, Ruth Ann Carroll, Lar­ ry Lee Obanoeis, Neal Frame, Robert Kelly, Robert Roberts, Dean Thomp­ son, Shirley Lowery, Dottie Jeen Mar­ kins, Edward Scott Brio*, Judith Schwab, Patty Willis, Mar­ vin Harper, Marlene Hsrteook, John L, Kearns, Shirley Lovett, Donald Vest, Janet Wallace. I f there are any other children to Cedarrille Sdhes! Dirtrkt who will be of school age this year, and whose names are net listed, pleats web any o f th* following committee: Mrs, A* He VrXvMWVMff HIV; fT* TTeVflIWPWMyp Mr*. Merrill Bterment, Mr*. Xalipli Townsley, Mr*. WiRmr Oorisy, Ifa*. Fred Clemen*. Mayor’s Court Has Variety Of Cases Mayor'* Court, Tuesday, rapert*' one rase o f drunken .driving which carried a fine and 90 days, the latter suspended on condition o f good be­ havior and suspension o f driving li- censb. Another case was theft o f coal from local dealer which drew a $5 Bat and ceets. A replevin and attachments papeet were issued against s welding ma­ chine U«*d en the gas ha* to whkdt $500 was involved, Xenia Hi*h Tribes State Hanes* The Xenia High basketball team to defeating the Toledo team at C it, last Jtetorday nlgbt, brought hem* state honors. The eeore wa»Kl-8t. A delegation o f seme M0 fan* made the trip to Xettt to cheer to* team to vte- ory. Coach Tom Htecktocm is reeag- nlsed a* one * f the bate to the stete. He had, a team « f kyal players throughout the seaemi. Upon arrival bouts 8*nd*y tit* town toriw l out «te- ma*eeettiiq»Ry bwHltoff to4e tom honor wRk the 'toapt gtesn A *M* thtmtgh the s*W t e a Iteatouak. FIVE 1NCHEB OF 8NOW Tto March Be® tote We way Men* JLu s* smteriis toLwmm M j w lin *$■Www1PKHIMWl tofWIWWWW ® sever e f white ever a large pert o f Obie end Imtoum. The Weather bWMiM* reported a esv*® toMt faff to itotoMpdiih ML - Greene M y Bdneiii M i f f l K m m S t V « p m M R jtjfff to* gERUm^®Wg tmm VWff MV NtoMm wage -mmu. and wfflefMt Etontoy, f4' i - J - '1 s,M i i - t WOT DEFtHWi fffteaWK V