The Cedarville Herald, Volume 65, Numbers 1-26

* \ i !> sr «■ I f M mSBrn J*. ra te T H E C l P A t V I U l H E E A L P ■ w S m m M m * v*#w f*m mm ^Awph*wam*i7 Rwtered at the Poet OflSoe, CedarvflU, Ohio, October SX, I W f , «w second cla a e matter. Friday, April 10, 1042 H OW CAN FRO SW R ITY J$E A REAL ITY? It m i a pleasure, whil* at x South­ ern Indiana health r*#ortj t*. meet / With the iinnouncement that we are ta have no more dur­ able good* manufactured after May Slat and all building ma­ terial to-be limited to defense work, the nation faces an ex­ tremely critical situation. During World War No. 1 we had critical times with a few limitations on coal, arms and a lot o f things needed for active war work. "You will recall flour was limited in order that we. could feed our boys “ Over There" and the people gladly ac­ cepted potato flour as a substitute. In those days you heard nothin* about burlesque clothes, gasoline shortage, or even rationing qf sugar because the people had faith and the Wood- row Wilson Democrats kept the people honestly informed. Later Herbert Hoover was chosen to direct feeding the European countries that had been overrun by the Germans. Farmers were asked to raise crops to the limit and were per­ mitted war profits in all markets without limitation or regi­ mentation. Under the New Deal war control almost every line o f busi­ ness is being sacrificed in some form or another. The restriction o f manufacture of durable goods means the closing of many factories. Thousands o f retail outlets will be closed. Labor will Suffer with business and s6 will the landlord with empty busi­ ness rooms, Where is.the government to get revenue or income taxes ,if all business is to be(stopped while, the war profiteers and labor union leaders are given a free hand at 1000 per/ cent profits ? ' ->" J B om Johnson on tw o di f treat m cm - slona recently, He e n moeh pleased; with the reception accorded him when j he addressed the recent “ Father and Son* Banquet sponsored By the Ma- stmie Lodge. We also renewed mc- quaintanee with Cincinnati** mayor, lames Garfield Stewart, who is a na­ tive o f Springfield., Mayor Stewart is one' o f the few mayors in Ohio that has the honor o f presiding over s council that low lived within it# bud­ get and not hounded Gov, Bricker fo r Bricker quit* being Governor in Ohfc, and that w ill be when he moves into the White House, the next Republican nominee fo r governor will no doubt be Mayor Stewart. He ho# not only keen a leading executive, conservative business man and lawyer, but rated as an outstanding campaign orator. He has always had all classes and creeds behind Mm iff’ Ms successful campaigns as member o f Cincinnati council, his highest vote making him mayor o f the city. W AN TS A NEW NAME FOR “ OUR W A R " The public is asked fo think up a new name for what we know at present as “ World War No, 2. The New Deal head does not like the idea o f playing second fiddle to President Woodrow Wilson. Ed Flynn said weeks ago this is “ our war** and the Republicans .are trying to sabotage it. In keeping in line with New Deal ideals’ why not baptize the present war “Roosevelt’s War” ? The Miami, Fla., Herald, says why not call it “ War o f Ruination*’ . That suggestion is gobd. It covers breaking down our present form of government and substitut­ ing Communism, It is breaking down public morale. Character is being ruined by conditions around army camps. Business is being ruined on all comers. Our suggestion, and one we think more than half of the nation will approve is: “Roosevelt's War!” The Mistress of the White House has been a director* Fbur sons and a lot o f relatives have,been given unearned com­ missions. We cannot be wrong on our suggestion. THE ARM CHAIR STRATAGISTS , Former Governor Paul McNutt, Democrat, Indiana, how head, o f the Social Security Administration in Washington, pours hot oil on the patriotism o f American citizens when speaking on the “American Forum o f the Air," Washington. The subject under discussion was “How Can We Aid the Army"? but McNutt spent most of his time excoriating Ameri­ can citizens for their attitude to the “ Who’s W ar?” He was extremely critical o f all classes and gave the public to under­ stand they know:nothing about running a war and any criticism against war policy past or present was unjustified. He termed American citizens as “ Arm Chair Stratagists’ ’ who were try­ ing to run the war. McNutt blasted away that'it was the duty o f citizens to do more for the, army than was being done and not hold the doors o f their homes.closed to those ih uniform. This naturally aroused the suspicion o f every home owner as to just how wide the McNutt door was open, or even the White House doors were open? McNutt evidently Overlooked the part the people Were playing in aiding arid supporting war activities. He did not even mention the government itself as doing nothing to im­ prove moral conditions around camps. How could he expect anything different than at present with liquor being sold in’ and around all camps. Of the five speakers on the air Com. Allerton o f the Ameri­ can Legion, took McNutt to task for his statement the people, were “Arm Chair Stratagists." He personally pointed out to McNutt that was just what he was doing and having no author­ ity, v . McNutt is a rabid. New Dealer and labor union baitor. He has been an advocate o f placing all labor under social security which is the first step for organized farm labor as well as regi­ menting even the washer-woman. The American voters will extend a new motto if the So­ cial Security boss ever heads a ticket. It will be “ Nuts to you Mr. McNutt." STATE^—New Lum arid Abner Comedy division o f jrtate funds. When Gov, We discover from our Democratic acquaintances that party leaders are growing very suspicious o f the out­ come o f the next presidential elec­ tion, fearing more the outcome o f their state tickets due to what they openly predict as a rebuke to Be. ad­ ministered the Roosevelt gang o f war boodelers that, are running the war. A Democratic jjudlge from another State openly admitted hp looked fo r another Woodrow Wilson turnover in Congress at the coming election and he thought it might be a good thing for-the country to have one branch Republican and the other, the Senate, Democratic. While this m ight lead to confusion for. a time he was cer-. tain the Communists in government departments would Be run out regard­ less o f what Franklin and -Eleanor wanted. I f Indiana Democratic farm ­ er# Jare- behind -Secretary Wickard, they are not in this section o f the state, Democratic as it is; I f Henry Wallace had any friends or supporters in the group they failed to make their position known. Comment was any­ thing but complimentary. In all dis­ cussions Ohio did not. fare well on revelations o f the enormous- profits paid a Cleveland firm on war con­ tracts. Residents o f other states took delight in peking-fun at Charley West who sued a manufacturing firm With a war contract fo r his “cut** in land­ ing tije boodle contract. The Roosevelt gang never overlooks the opportunity o f taking a crack at the members o f the American Legion. Recently Mrs, FDR in an address said: “ the nation Is fighting its sec­ ond world War because the: buys in the last war . . . . came back without the actual feeling o f obligation to carry on their thinking." The Legion Commander challenges the truth o f tfre statement. Now the New Dealers are fighting among themselves as to who is and who is not a Hitler follower. Mean­ time Harry Bridges aiid a lot o f Communists, so branded by the Demo­ cratic controlled Dies committee, ar* free because the Mr. and Mrs. o f the White House 'do not care to g et their political wires mixed with their cam­ paign promises to the Russianized element that control the New*Deal. - We read where a New" Dealer, C. Hartley Grattan, one o f the so-called Communists on the Wallace Board o f Economic Warfare, whatever that means, has resigned all because his feelings have been hurt by a “ libel­ ous" statement made by Cong. Voor- his, Calif,, Dem. The Congressman charged Grattan as a “ Nazi sympath­ izer", Voorhis also charge Grattan as the 'author o f the “ 1940 German White Paper" document, which said the blame fo r the invasion o f Poland must be laid on certain American officials. As a student o f “ Economic W arfare," Wallace is probably the best choice fo r chairman that could be made. His failure in handling the million dollar fam ily farm publication should make him king among the economists o f the New Deal brand. A hillbilly romance that goes astray forms the theme o f "The Bashful Bachelor," the new I,urn *n' Abner picture which brings those two popular radio favorites hack to the screen in what Is aatd t6 be %n unusually hilarious vehicle, Avoiding the setletts aspects of their earlier film, ‘ Dreaming Gut Load," the famous pair stick strictly to comedy In their new -vehicle, Lam's romance with Geraldine is the basis o f the plot, with Vm , to shy to propose, seeking to make himself a hero ha Geraldine’s eye*. • He compels Abner to assist him in his schemes, ohe of which Just tsar fatal consequences. Another, however, is successtni and D o s triumphantly sends a proposal to the lady by Abner who makes a mistake and gives it to the scheming Wfdder Abernathy ittstcfuL The WMder insist* oft holding Lum to his promise, and fur­ ther disaster looms When the two partners appear about to lose their store, which they hav* wagered on the outcome o f ft horse* race. How the marital mizup and the race turn out, lead to the fUm’tf uproarious climax. HERALDWANTANDSALEADSPAY Milk route men in Marion strike and are asking an advance o f SOc a day for four or five hours work dally. They belong to the GIG and strike in accordance with the New Den1 labor laws that will no doubt give them the advance and take the extra cost off the milk producer hack on the farm . C. W, Lemnitzer, manager, says the men have been drawing $180 monthly, "or $46 a week. I f the iperease is granted by the New Deal labor board the farmer can expect a lower base price fo r his milk under the Wickard administration o f the milk control lav^ as a patriotic duty to keep down the cost o f living, It will not be long until the driver o f a milk delivery truck will want as -much as the New Deal pays members o f the County AAA committees, fo r teiiing farmers how to make money without fam in g . NewspaperAppeals to Church For Aid The Moat unusual editorial ever given first, page position appeared last Saturday in tbs Washington, D. C. Rost, when the public was urged to go to church and the church was asked fo r aid In correcting present day conditions. . For weeks and ribnths Washington has not only been pictured as a “ war mod city " but on* o f the wickedest cities in the history o f the nation. Crime o f all kinds thrives apparantly without any effort on the part o f the administration to place it under control. Ravages on the part o f personal property la taken as a matter o f course and only official winking o f an aye is cast at daily reports o f criminal assault and the dMbawchery in official life. The New Deal has no part in Its program fo r protection o f the virtue e f the innocent attracted to'th e city on the plea of- war necessity. The panderer o f war contract# is an prominent in official ranks as the social panderer whose victims o f ‘ a betrayed life o f a few months are cbronicaled as ‘fsuicide.” There Is no subject in official life in the Capital city that sur­ passes war activity which is used as a cloak for covering scores o f recognised misdeeds, For this reason the Washington Post editorially last week appealed to the efty churches to calm the war nerves and bring the situation home to the people. It reads as follow s: “From every official quarter in Washington domes evidence o f war strain, . ■ “ The problems o f the day are so pressing that tempers are short, voices are angry,, and men honestly engaged id the same high pur­ pose are hurling accusations a t each other. “ Testimony on Capitol H ill this week revealed that some produc­ ers o f war materials are taking advantage o f conditions to make hug* -profits. ■■: “ From the White House, from the halls o f Congress, from the far reaches o f the country come reverberations o f the controversy over how many hours men shall work to save our country and the payment they shall receive fo r so doing. | ' “ It is respectfully suggested that all men burdened with these and | other problems go to church tomorrow. | “ It is possible that some calm man o f God will retell the simple | story o f how Jesus took a scourge and drove the ’changers o f money, | the purveyor* o f oxen and sheep and doves, from the temple and over- | threw their tables. * | •“ It is possible that he may tell the story o f how God made this | earth'and. everything in it by unremitting to il’in six days and on the I seventh rested. ' - I - “ ‘Six days thou shalt labor, and do all thy work.’ I “We may .even hear that because our peril is great and time is | short that we must labor every day o f the seven. | “ These and all o f the gorgeous old lessons are a great source o f f strength in time o f trial. It is a great boon to be able to. sit in the §- house o f God and,*with the sun filtering through the. beautiful windows I and the sound o f the sturdy old hymns resounding from the ioft, to I reflect .that Washington found strength here; Lincoln, found strength | here; Wilson found strength here. This priceless privilege is one’ o f ’ | the great liberties fo r which we are fighting. We. m i Wee. CMsi* Mwpkr m *1* Mr- A***s ****** **• •** tertalasd tfca JfonaysMe Oak st M. A. AaR. % bridg* W»dw*(ri»y #vswi»g« F ri** . ... • ..... L"r :_ . . ... awarded Mr*. Pari Edwards,1 Mr*. M * CW u -sp«* Borior with Mr, Arthur X#sd, Mm JEst* Wfiliaww, her son m i daaghter-Ja-Iew, Mr. m i and Mr. M. C. Nogfey. A saladeours# Mr*. Lloyd Cqofar. was m rrei during the avoalag. T h e . * ..-■■I- ..... 1 . / . ''r club moots next mouth with Mr. m i , Mr, mod Mm. J o s e * g e t s * * hava Mrs. M. C. Nagiey. jmovod tot* the Johnson property, M* oonUy vacated by Mr. and Mr*. Gorl Mr. Robert WiUoo, who has boon M W . t acking in tho Dayton school#, leave*} - ■-1 1 " J ' . . . Saturday tor the army under rim ! Mrs. Chariaa Armstrong aatartaJn- *d the Mmimon Cirri* M h*r fcoaso draft. Americans Determined. V i “ And then, on Monday, official Washington can busy itself with | chasing the money changers out o f the temple. A fter all, there Ore I not many o f them among the multitude o f faithful producers. | “American men and women do not care how many 'hours they | work so long as they can be sure they are not exploited in their pa- | triotism. Their main concern, is that their sons be well armed fo r our | battles with the enemy, for they are determined, as Americans have | always been, that our house shalt stand., | "Leaders should be able to map our. course in this regard without i bitterness. We are ail working to the same end. | “ Be in your pew early; relax completely; listen thoughtfully, and I ‘ consider prayerfully our enviable position among, all men. And come I away calmly determined that this shall always he so. - 1 “ The day is not dark, our cause Is not in jeopardy, if w e but I work together and show the strength o f our fathers.” iium<iMiWHwmiwtw«<i>wwwi«n»MHW>HW»H>wwwwWHw->wiiiiMwiiiimmmiiwmiHWwiWHW)iimi««iHiwiMmHw«wiHi rector, says you had better give yottr pogiire put a crimp in LaGuardia new 1942: automobile license plate a when he denied the charge and later, coat o f varnish to make it last a lon g ' was forced to admit it. time* So fa r the New Deal does not j -— _■... promise Ohio and other states metai ; ThJs incident recalls the private road for auto plates fo r next year. It will work done under the last Democratic be up to the auto owner to keep Ms 8tato administration under the Clark plates in good condition. Use the best county Democratic boss. The faithful outdoor varnish you can buy. Cheap tljat wantcd a lane ^uilt or paved~with varnish will do more-harm than good, black-top around their homes or even Robert Huffman, formerly manager o f a local filling station, informs us that his company bad a fqw automo­ bile tires two years ago on sale here that were made o f synthetic rubber. They were sold at a lew cost and farm lanes, had the work done at the expense o f the state. Clark county Democrats were paying election sup­ porters with free material and labor. There is much more to come to light if we understand Democratic politics in Clark county. The faction party mpMMi iiwmiiiiimHHMMm CLIFTON NEWS By Miss Glenna Stine IMI|IMMIhlMlllllHIMIWtllini|imi|IHI»H««WHUI tm r Osborn Thursday evening. The topic was in charge o f Mrf. Carl Was- nor and Mr*. Armstrong led the de­ votion*. D r, and Mrs. John Harrison, o f Ada, Ohio, were the week-end gueets o f Mrs, Gretta Harris, Mrs, Harrison will be remembered os Mary‘W*bster formerly o f this place* ' Mrs. Silo* Johnson le ft Saturday fo r Chicago, where ah* w ill spend a week with her sister Mrs. Maude Car­ ry. . Mrs. Elizabeth Hopping ha* been confined to her bed several days, su f­ fering from an attack o f the grippe* Mrs. Ella Brewer spent Sunday with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Elder Corry. * ‘ - Both the Presbyterian end United Presbyterian’ congregations voted an increase o f salary to their pastors at Ault and *their annual congregational meeting Mr. and Mrs. Howard fam ily o f Dayton, were Sunday guests,'last Thursday evening. without any kind o f a guarantee. Tho fight is. to bo Carried into the primary average mileage was about 3,500 and as well as the state election. Fuller much less Where the driver drove at Trump and his supporters are out to high speed. We witnessed a pitable case along­ side the highway t Saturday evening on Route 42 west o f town.' A couple headed fo r Eaton, O., from Columbus, expected to spend Easter with their daughter, who Was critiffilly ill* While their Cab was not a late model it was in good Condition but the heat o f the afternoon had affected two o f the casings. The couple was well up in years and the Mr, unable bo remove the tires due to his rheumatic condi­ tion. He had funds to purchase new or good used tires hut o f course such was not possible, He was given aid but whether he would reach his des­ tination we have no Idea. Ib is should ditch lose; the Sheehan faction, win or LETTER TO THE EDITOR Deal Editor: Is it not time that the newspapers or some organization, o f course it could not be the AAA , come to the defense o f the farmer in the matter o f tires fo r our automobiles? I have just scanned the list o f tires granted by the Clark county board and not one tire went to a farmer, according to tbe list. It seems every­ body is more important in these war times than the farmer who is asked to feed the nation at home and all smum nc u« v <iv sucot a.i so onv m * # be a warning to all drivers. Do not neighbors fo r the opportunity o f attempt to make long trips, and prob- keing patriotic. ably short ones when the warm. Tires are granted to all city in- weather heats the roads, unless you terests where there are all kinds o f are .certain your tires will hold up. :transportation, trucking concerns, etc. You cannot always tell the condition More tires are granted in the big o f tires by looking at them, Pearson and Allen, radio commen­ tators and newspaper columnists, who usually have the right dope on na­ tional affairs and find more than nine­ ty-five per cent o f their predictions come true, predict that Ed, Flynn, Democratic National Chairman/ Tam­ many boss, Who was converted to the New Deal by Roosevelt, is on the way out and will be succeeded by former ambassador to Russia, Davis. Flynn became noted hr two ways after head­ ing the Democratic committee. He city counties in proportion than to rural counties, I f I am misinformed; I am willing to be corrected, I am told that even our tire boards in the country coun­ ties are not awarding tires up to their quota, which leaves more tires fo r the city counties, O f course the farmers will stand th is' “ hot-air" patriotic campaign just so long. It is not being patriotic but bring made tbe “ goat and laugh­ ing stock** for everybody else. We have been fooled on promise o f 4 u«r.a tn . ___ farm implement repairs, Which is in oT J W n g with the period in which we live-iMftxed farm prices to aav* the nation from inflation. Rd* - FORTY YEARS A FARMER Hal G. Sours, Stata Highway Di- ‘our war**, causing nationwide com­ ment and much criticism. He next b e -! came famous when old line Democrats under Gov, Lehman, N. Y. Dem., ex­ posed Flysa as having his million dol­ lar estate graced by the use o f 9,000 costly Belgian granite blocks that be­ longed to New York City and all work was dene by labor under Mayor La* Guardis’* administration, lid s ex- Miss Carrie R ife, acting superin­ tendent o f the local schools, sprite before the George Slagle Chapter, D. A . R., Jamestown, Tuesday evening on “ National Defense." as* We Call It IT’S JUST a can of soup. But during a long lifetime, the man who made it foiihd gome,, way to advertise it. At first, just a sign over his little soup kitchen, a few newspaper ads, a few billboards. But as the advertising grew, so did the business. Now the business employs thousands of workers, helpsto support tens o f thousands of retail cltrks and transporta­ tion men, and gives the house­ wife a better, cheaper soup than she could prepare at home. * . .' Back o f every heavily ad­ vertised article is a romantic story o f this kind—the kind of romance that built America, CourteryNation's Susinete We pay fo r HOBSE.S $6.00 COWS $4.00 o f 'size and .condition Hogs, Sheep, Calves, etc., , Kemoved promptly call XENIA . FERTILIZER PHONE MA. 4S4 Reverse Charges E, G. Buchsieb, Xenia, Oh io, FR IDAY AND SATUR . T W IN T H R IL L D A Y S Screen’ 1/ S I "Two Yanks Trinidad” In S U N D A Y , M O N D A Y S T A T E f»V4 Xt* an Fa., w e § i Mr.. in Yrili *i thei Forbes. Mr*. an opei pita!, y. M rs., iient at - fo r sevc operatic is said i. A t tt the Uni In the • dgy evei chosen mont, v Sprackl: A rid, t: trustee member church, There ' deaths \ the yea average Militant during 1 entpast Three open to in a sho her will interest! Donald iii Red given b are spot and are place o: nounced , The i . Bonnie Elizabet , Nelson, at a cai ice held rooms. ofPupp Gallows - -Bradfut . start ti day. ■’ . Mr. i. little S' ’ Mitchel home o: ter and Mr. tained . borne < Easter Elmer Mr. am Edwarc Mr. am Mrs, 1 Mitchel ' Tom) Fred E his frit afterno day. Mr. . daught. end in spent s sort in “ RO pent inlaw 3) Urw pn pro kani trong le at %y «v* ?Mrs. «mg ti left ihe will Mrs, * spent ttd daUg nan an ;atjons their rations jondit halves aptly [A IZE averse Xenia FR Il i A SA LL D* sn nkfc ad” AOND yfONPAw HAVUXANB ll.miliiilliiu 9th HIM! V Pri -Addedi etc Sm i Comedy (test Ne A m \ I