The Cedarville Herald, Volume 65, Numbers 27-52

~ 'V mtm -3C5 CBDARVIILE HERALD, fa tJXk% ClubandSocialActivities Mr. m i IjEnu Fatal Qrr have for <Mr g*Uk*t» the fanner** fathwr, Mr. J, M. ©rr *# Fakrimven, QWe. Mr., and Mrt. John Power* enter­ tained * W*mb*r o f youmt people o f tb* First Presbyterian Church at their bow* hast Friday evening, Mr. George Witt, oft Indianopiia, is a yoeafc at the home of M. W. Collin*, , over Thanksgiving vacation. BIBLE READING CONTEST WILL BE HELD DECEMBER 5 IN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH A* the sale of Bibles over the nation is reported .soaring? to new heights, CedarviBe College is plan­ ning to do it* bit in the. general mounting Interest,' by stagring its an­ nual Bible Reading Contest, a tra­ ditional event of forty years stand­ ing, December 5; at 8 p. m. in'thjj. First Presbyterian Church, Dean C. W. Steele, in charge of the affair, announces the following con Mr, and Mrs, Robert Richards, of Columbus, and. Mr, and Mrs. John Richards, of Mason, were guests of ____ ________ __________ ______ ^ r* *n^ ^ rs- A* Richards, for. te3tants who will take part: John Thanksgiving. (Sanders, London; Millard French, „„ ‘ ' ’ ' 1 ■ South Solon; Richard Recknagel, Mrs. Harold Reinhard chaperoned a party o f girls, to Jamestown last Friday evening where .they enjoyed skating, given by the XI, S. 0, In the party were: Joyce Clematis, Jeanne Springfield; LeRoy Haynie,' Osborn; Gordon Taylor, India; Alton, Barn­ hart, Waynesville." Each entry will choose ,a. notable passage from the Scripture and memorise it. It is Wright, *Martha Ann McQuinn, Lois,then delivered like an oration in a [public assemblyv^gprizes are awarded Rrown and Margaret Andersen, io mv« krriv^c to the winner* who are judged on the -j basis of memory, delivery, platform e [presence and general effect. The annual Y. W, C, A. commit- CHUECH NOTES ian»aniin»m»i»ti»iimwnmiiin‘un|imww>iMiiiiini>iiMwi . METHODIST CHURCH H. H, Abels, Minister Telephone 8-1881 Sunday School 10:00 A. M. Clayton Wiseman, Supt Church Service 11:00 A, M. Sermon “Andrew* Regular meeting of the WSCS at the church Wednesday Dec, 2 -lunch­ eon meeting, We wish to thank all who have made donations to the Booth Festival. Those who live'some distance from the chUrch are requested to work out p plan of share the ride for others of your area who also wish to ride. God's love Is not rationed. As a church we are not afraid of rationing. Most of us will remember ber that before the auto came into use, folks had to do a good deal of welking--the churches were usually crowded, FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ' Mrs, Eloise Markle and tera, Joan and Marilyn, whri been residing in Norfolk, Va., ap i here Wednesday and will make their- tal service written by -the late Miss home with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. I. C, Davis., Commander Markle is on duty in the Atlantic. Miss Julia McCallister is spending the Thanksgiving vacation with her parents Mr, and Mrs. .C, L, 'McCall ister.M iss McCalHste? teaches the South Vienna school in The Annual Christmas' Party of the -Research Club will be held'next Friday night, Dec, 4, at 7:80 at the home o f Mrs, Carrie Townsley. Hus­ bands of the members will be guests. Members finding it impossible to attend, will please notify Mrs. R. A, Jamieson,'by.'Tuesday, December i. Mrs. W. C. Iliff left last Satur­ day for Boston, Maste., where she Will visit with her daughter, Mrs, Robert Jacobs .find > children. Dr. Jacobs is now located at Camp Dix, N J „ and Mrs. -Biff’will remain in the Jacobs home with the. children while Mrs. Jacobs visits- her husband. It is ex­ pected that Dr, Jacobs will.leave for overseas duty sometime in the near future. ■- 'j** *-,-■<.....i..-i Mr.- and Mrs. Wilson Galloway had as their guests - Thursday, Mr. and' Mrs.; Marshall Barker and sons, Charles and Marshall, Jr., Hamilton, 0„Mra. W .F , Clark, Bayton/daugh- fcer of* jir. and Mrs; Galloway, dhd Mr, and Ml*. Edwin Galloway, Xenia, HM-u1 1'U!"U. k1 ...... ''1' ^ Mrs, p, C; .Wright had as guefets at a family dinner Thanksgiving day, her son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Chestnut and son, Donald Pittsburgh; Mr. and Mrs, Albert Peterson and 'Sons, Albert and, Cal­ vin, .Frankfort# CL,5 Mr. an^ Mrs. Harry-Wright and children, Jeanne, Keith and Richard, Mrs. Lina ,Mc­ Cullough, Miss Mary McConnell and Prof, and Mrs.1C. W. Steele. Dr. and Mrs. Chestnut and son arrived in Cedarville Wednesday ,vening. Dr. Chestnut will go to. i’brt Wayne to speak Sunday at the Third Presbyterian Church, where lie yas pastor for six year*. The hutch "is celebrating the seventy- ifth anniversary of its founding. Irs. Chestnut and son will remain in Jedamiiio for the weekend. Another on, Mr. Jame* L. Chestnut,. HI, is : sophomore at Duke University, )urham, N. C. For Sale—-Three room, house on Im st. Call Guy Leach, 812. East ain at. Phone 248 Rr Xenia, 0, rotect your farm with our water- £ “No Hunting" signs, DR Sale—Sorghum Molasses, ) a gallon If you furnish the con­ st, Walter JFinney, Clifton tie 5677. 21-2 miles East of Clif- BUY WAR BONDS TODAY C O Z Y t THEATRE • , and Sat.| » Nov. JJ7-28 ha Hitnt-Richsrd Carlson rpAlRg OF MARTHA*’ W& - e CARTOON ifnt»| «**4 ’ p * 2# • $# a-* % v ter Gar#o««Walter Ridgeou * mrb . MiNivisr jo LATE NEWS EVENTS Wad# h»d Thor* Dec, W p riori# M*iu #lfl «ti$r Selected Short Subject* uii'nimirni'ii'f— - ■ Frances McChasney, daughter pt Rep, [ W. R. McCheSney will-he held at the same time, Acting President Ira, D .1 Vayhinger *,announced. For more, than a decade this service has been given in memory of Miss MeChesney. Miss Laurel . Diltz, Springfield, is 1 president of-the Y,-W. C. A. ' 4 ® jjcm&f, • Janey closed the bedroom' door and locked it.- Alone at last! She threw back her, head, and heaved a deep sigh. Then she peeked out of the corner of her eye at the mirror to see whether she really did look like Hedy LaMarr, Quite a lot,1she decided, ] ' And’ now to,-business. She drew forth from the.bottom of her top bu­ reau drawer the sheet of pink writ# ing-paper and the envelope that she had been saving, for this day. She sat down ftt the table by the window and dipped the pen into the bottle of green ink, that her sister Rose was such a pig about. She wrote# with beautiful ara­ besques, ’ ‘Dear Mr, Morgenthau,” and held herhead back toadmire this effort of- the best pupil ip penmanship class, ’‘Here are my stamp's for a bond, $18,75. I started last Christmaswhen I got $3.00. Not counting 50 cents, I have earned all the rest, working one pr more days a week at a local gro­ cery store, and I’pa quite proud to say, I worked get it /’ Janey.stared out of the window at Peterson’s house and beyond at the big yard where the kids were play­ ing football. She held her pen ele? Ralph A.--Jamieson. Minister Sabbath School 10 A. M., Supt. Harold Dobbins. Preaching—11 A. M. Theme, ' “Blessed to Bless”. Choir rehearsal Saturday 7:30 p. m. The Union Thanksgiving Service will be held Wednesday evening In the Methodist Church, with the mes­ sage by. Rev. Paul Elliott, pastor of the Presbyterian Church. Surely we should all realize the value and im­ portance o f, recognizing bur great debt of gratitude to God for His ■wonderful Blessings bestowed upon fa* as -a nation, -and the great need of meeting for Prayer for His con­ tinued guidance thru the coming days. Our President has set aside Thanks­ giving as a Day of Prayer, which we should all recognize. Let us begin Wednesday, evening in our Union Community gathering. I Wonder how the world can be in such a turmoil and the people of this world cap have such hate for their fellow men. So I’m proud to send these stamps hecause I know I’m helping to make the whole world peaceful again like our little town.” ■She signed her name with an im­ portantnourish, not forgetting a con­ spicuous “Miss” in front of the <AT«WhwU Janfey.” After She had sealed the itter si dndow ful. Overhead she. heard a plane le he went on-staring out ........... ‘i wi . It really was awfully peace- in * of the hum'ming by through the sunny ernoon air. Then the voice of her best friend, Betty, called from ■*«♦***»—«▼"«- hiftU Tn nn ____ She was-pot Hedy LaMarr hor a ' dc utside—1MJam ownstairs an 2 aney was or ey!” ’ In an instant- her-feet and tearih. out. a» J _ r. __ a- deep philosopher1any more, but exactly twelve years old, (Letter from anactual communication In the fllci ol the Treaaury^Department.) Grown-ups and children alike shouldall help the “ breadwinner” of the family to budget for War Bonds. Let’s all join a payroll savings plan and “ top that 10% by New Year’s.” V. y, urttturyVtpartment mi e>onos >aA^SA#. ._ t TO?THNtm Paul H. Elliott, Minister 10:00 A. M. Sabbath School IJ. K. Stormont, Supt. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship, “Forgive us our debts” « 7:00 P, M, Young People’s Service. The Annual Thank Offering of the Women’s Missionary Society .will be received at the Morning Worship Service. Union services will be held in this Church the evenings of December 8, and . 13 , .under. the auspices 'o f tho College. . UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CHURCH OF GOD R. C. FREDERICK, Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. Morning Worship, 10:80 A. M. Theme—“Faith”. Young Peoples Meeting at 8 P, M» Evening Service, 7:45 P. M, Prayer Service Wednesday evening, 7:45 P.. M, - , CLIFTON UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH E. O. Ralston, Minister - 10:00 A. M. Bible School. Paul W. Rife, Supt. 7:30 P. M. Youqg People’s Christian Union. All Welcome, . - CLIFTON PRESBYTRIAN CHURCH Malcolm A. Harris, Minister 10:00 A. M. Sabbath School Robert Shaw, Supt, * ll:Q0# A. M, Morning Worship. ; 7:00 p. M, Christian Endeavor, THE CHURCHOF THE NdZARENE Sunday Services Sunday School 9:30 A. M, to 11:00 A;M. Preaching 11:00 A. M. to 12:00 M. Evangelistic Service 8:00 F. M. Wednesday Service Prayer Meeting 8:00 P. M. Sunday School Superintendent, Ru­ fus Nance. Pastor, Raymond Strickland, -BUY WAR BONDS TODAY BUY WAR 'RONH3 WANTED WOODWORKERS - Night Foreman for Mill — Moulder operator for second shift, machine merf. Wood Assembling Foreman, Carpenters, Main­ tenance omen, Spray operators— Top wages to applicants selec­ ted. No age limit. No one now employed in War work con­ sidered, -See Mr, Engle, The Buckeye Incubator Company Euclid Avenue Plant,. Springfield, Ohio, Cash 1$ a weapon o f purchasing power that can he used intelligently or dangerously. * Don't hoard money or good*-—do bpy ’w ^ f* BONDS ANtyBtMWMk Springfield Loan Co. 82 W# Highi ffo Springfield, Ohio Phono 8061 Auto Owners Bush | And Smasli Glass; Aged Man Injured There is but on* topic today and] Siat is rationing of gasoline and tiros. You hear it mentioned ten times to once in regard to the out­ come .of the war. At times statement* beard show, much anger and we have never beard a Greene County, resident defend the rationing of either gasoline or, coffee. It has been predicted that were an election to be held today the New Deal would not get ten vote* to the precinct even in Democratic city wards. Monday there were 660 ration books issued. On Tuesday 1,962 and more than 2,000 on Wednesday, The crowd became so nervous Wed­ nesday afternoon it was necessary to c&U Xenia police to fix ropes to protect the building, A glass in one door was crashed In the rush. Only about twenty persons were admitted to the building at one time, An aged man who was unknown was brushed in the melee and tram­ pled upon before he could be rescued. The registration for. extra books ends today and(Saturday. It is pre­ dicted 10,000 motorists in the county will ,ask for additional ration books in addition, to the “A” book given to all who registered last week at the various school houses, 1 FOR SALE: Farm wagon with large grain bed. In good condition. Call evenings, F. F, Jones, Home Rd., R. R, 3, Springfield, O. For Sale - Two wheel trailer; metal jody, stock rack combined. Rubber tires, nxtra casing with tube. C.’ W. Miller, • Walter Andrew farm, Federal Pike, Get “No Hunting” signs at this office. -- '"SifFPOnroit*eors *TOPTHAT?O k B im ttfym 's '^msms ■nrarisftWM*’ OURTHANKSGIVINGMESSAGE IS M o r e W a r B o n d s >.VT* SWTpl. v . -MS ?%*{■ .d(w ■Ci it* *: ,\r ' \ i .v ^ iHffiftBnii’Hfl ISN’T HE WORTH f HIS message is written to you mptbrn— from your government. It concerns tlie^most precious thing in all the World to you—-your child. It asks you to help protect that child—-from fear, from starvation, from death— the fate that has befallen millions of children under the rule of Nazi and Jap tyrants. It asks you to urge your husband to join the Payroll Savings Plan— the easy way to buy War Bonds that will furnish the ships and guns and tanks and planes so desperately needed to guard you and yours from the horrors of defeat, Or, if your husband Is already buying War Bonds through the Payroll Savings Plan— it asks you to urge him to buy more, to increase his sav­ ings to at ba it ten per cent of his salary or wages, ^ Remember. Millions of your brothers, hus­ bands, sons, friends are risking everything. You are, asked to risk nothing] War Bonds are the World’s Safest Investment. ’ As you buy them through the Payroll Savings Plan—'today, you are doing pour part to help;. protect your child today! And at the same rime setting up a savings fund to help faring up, edu­ cate, and develop that child— tomorrow. Talk it over with your husband tonight. And resolve to put at least ten per cent—not 6%, or 7%# or 8%—into War Bonds through the Payroll Savings Plan. Do it for that child of yours. Isn’t he worth it? WHAT YOU SHOULD DO If you am i ! i , 1. Already setting aside. 109& ot your pay in War Bonds through the Payroll Seringa Plan—boost that 10^ if you can. 2. Working in a plant where the Pisn is installed, but haven’t signed up yet—sign bp tomorrow, I. Working in a plant where the Payroll Savings Plan hasn’t been installed, talk to your union head, fore­ man or plant manager—and tea if it can’t he in­ stalled right away. The load bank Will he glad to help. 4, Unable to get in on the Payroll Savings Pla: for anyreason, go to your local bank or wherever bonda ■are arid. They wfll be glad to help you start * Plan of your own. TOP THAT IO# BY NEW YEAR’S!" 1UY U. 8# WAR BONDS THROUGH THft PAYROLL lAVlNGS PUN Xenia National Bank \