The Cedarville Herald, Volume 65, Numbers 27-52
ClubandSocialActivities 1H', c . M. JUtriiie #»ffw#d * heart attack white in Ito tecal yeaUfffee Thuraday morning. Ho « u carried to the office of Dr. Donald Kyte where be waa revived and taken to bis beaut. Hr. aad Mn, J3e»rge F. fitogtor, o f Hariakto, Ofcto, spent tbe week-end bara Ytetong with rektivea. Mr. Raymond Owen* and wife of Milford, 0 „ apent the week-end with Fuel Cumming*. Mr. Elmer Owen* and aister, Ruth. Hr. and Mr*. C, A* Rentier and daughter ®f Detroit, Midi., ware re. e « t week-end gvwwU o f Hr. and Mr*. Mr. Montgomery West, wife and eon, of Middletown, Q„ will apend the summer here. The former taught in Middletown and will attend summer school here, ' Measr*. Hugh Turnbull, thia place X.. S. Rarpe*, Xenia, an Maynar Mid dleton and Glenn Devoe, Cae#arcyeek Twp;, left Tuesday for Akron to at tend the state convention o f town ship trustees and clerks, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Barlow o f Columbus, formerly Of this place, are announcing the birth o f a son at Uni versity Hospital, that city, Monday evening, The ton weighed seven and one-h&lf pounds and.has been named John Aden. JSr* Barlow is principal of Hubbard Ave„ School, Columbus. Mr. and Mrs, Aden. Barlow and Mrs. J. W. Johnson are grandparents. . Corp Robert Wilson spent the Week, end with hia mother Mrs, Anna 0 . Wilson. He is in the Military-Police Battallion, Ft. Benjamin garrison Indiana, Paul Edgar Huey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Huey, of Springfield, Q., and formerly of Cedarville, and the grandson o f Mr* arid Mrs. A . E, Huey, completed his course in industrial en gineering at Ohio State University in advance of graduation and was re leased on May-,15th. He accepted a position as Signal Corps Inspector at Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio, in the Civil serviceadepartment. However, he was transferred from there on Monday, May 18th to Sioux City, Iowa ■where he will remain for an indefinite assignment, He will return to receive his degree in B, S, of I. E. at 0 . S* U, at commencement exercises on June 15th. He will arrive home Sabbath and Will return to Sioux' City, Iowa immediately upon graduation. H' n ;i ■ ’ i j. i^.S The Woman’s Club meets at the home of Mrs. Ralph George of James- toWn, this afternoon, the 12th. A pa per prepared by Mrs* A . J. Hostetler will be the program. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Burba and son Bobby, Mrs. Robert Taylor#apd son James, and Marlin, granddaughters, Ethabelle Taylor and B&ty "Louise Townsley spent a few days in Wash ington, D, Cl, with Mr. and Mr*. Everett Townsley. Miss Betty Louise remained fbr the summer with, her father and mother. Mr, Elliott Dresbaeh and Miss Vir ginia Marcellet Miller, local residents, vete united in marriage at the local Methodist parsonage Tuesday eve- ring, the Rev, H, H, Abels^officiating, file impressive single ring ceremony vas used. Those in attendance,inclUd-; d Mrs, Chestina Sears and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold McNeal. Mrs, Sears is leaving Cedarville in the near future. The grdom is an employee of a com trading concern of Yellow Springs. The couple will reside at the local lotel. CLARE’S RUN CLUB ENTERTAINED WEDNESDAY The Home Culture Ciub Will meet •o l ' at the home of Mrs.- J, C, Townsley next Tuesday afternoon at 2 p,m. Members please bring their needle work. Mr, and Mrs, Gary Gaiaer, who re turned recently to Ohio, from low* City, Iowa, where they resided several months, are guests o f Mrs, Gaiser’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson, They will leaVe Friday for Cleveland where Mr. Gaiser will be assistant business manager o f the Cain Park Theatre for the summer. Relatives have received word of the marriage of Miss Clara BiCkel,.Canal Winchester, O.^and Mr. Carl Finney, Detroit, Mich., formerly of Cedarville, which took place in Richmond* Bid., Tuesday. After a wedidng trip to Chi cago, Mr. and Mrs. Finney will be at home at 3303 W. Euclid Ave., Detroit. Mr. Finney is the son of Mrs. C. W. Finney o f this place BUY WAR BONDS I C O Z Y * TH E A tR E Fri. and Sat., June 12*»13 William Gargan — Irepe Hervey “BOMBAY CLIPPER” Selected Short Subjects Sun. and M on ., June 14 -15 Tyrone Power—Gene Tierney “ SON OR FURY” Also Late News Events W ed , and Tfetir*., Juno 17 -18 Don Ameche—Joan Bennett “CONFIRM OR DENY” Selected Short Subjects d ile l U Lean It On Suite—Sun* —Watehto—Sailleo—*»i«* mend* and lt«. frU LOAN OPSlSt ,Main mmiidmmmmm CHURCH NOTES UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Jbdpil Jkm Sabbath Sehool 16 A. H., Supt. Harold Dobbins. Sabbath and Church Service com binad in tha Ansuwl Children’* Day program. Exercise* by the children, and brief talk by the pastor. Remember.thi* service i* at 16:86 A. M. Hr*, David Neal of naan Uallopali* . L B. C* U, 7 P. M. Subject, “Who’* be* returned tome'after visiting with her eon, Hr. E*r* Neal and wifa. Rev. and Hr*. 0 . M. Hershey of Cincinnati spent the week-end with Hr, and Mrs. G, H, Hartman, in the Bible.” Leader, Rachel Finney. Rehearsal for Children’* Day Sat urday at 2 F, H. No choir rehearsal this week end. Mr* A. B. Creswell is reported oil Martha Jane, who has been a patient Wiseman Sent, in Miami Valle? Hospital, Dayton, ‘ * * * suffering with pneumonia, has recov ered and is now at home. METHODIST CHURCH H. H, Abels, Minister Telephone 6-1881 SundaySehool 10:00 A. M, Clayton Hr. and 'Mrs. Frederick Reis, Jr., of Cincinnati, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Creswell. Mr. and Mrs* Paul Orr and Mr. and* Mrs, Ernest Gibson were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sweat in Ross- ford, O., over the week-end. Miss Miriam Fox of Columbus has men a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J, O. Conner this week. Mr. Neal Hartman, who has been teaching in'the Marysville, 0., schools has been spending theweek here,with bis parents, Mr, and Mr*. G, H. Hart man. He will leave late this month for Vermont where*he will join his sister; Miss Doris Hartman, at a, sum mer camp. Church service 11:00 A, M. Sermon, “Luke—The Physician.” All service* wilt be iu the Sunday School Room o f the Church., The Cedarville Progressive Club will,meet without fall Monday eve ning around the dinner table at 7:30. The details o f Field Day are to be under consideration.' ‘ On Sunday, June 21, the Rev. J, 0. Kilmer, Columbus, will be. the guest pastor. * FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MILLER-DRESBACH NUPTIALS HELD TUESDAY EVENING The Clock’s Run Club was enter tained Wednesday afternoon at the home of the Misses Mary and Flor ence ,Williamson, some thirty-five members and guests being present. Mrs, Lester Huston was hostess for the monthly meeting.. Vocal .selections were rendered by Miss Nancy Williamson, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Eleanor McCal- lister. Some fifty pitchers were ex hibited by Miss Collier who gave a descriptive talk, She has been collect ing pitchers for a number of years. An ice course was served by Mrs, David C, Bradfute, president of the club, assisted by Miss Cornelia Brad- i’ute, who presided at the table.' YOUR FLAG AND MY FLAG A small service; n* doubt, but one heartening to ourselves, our neighbors arid our nation is a steadfast resolve to display the Flag from our homes daily for duration of the war. Our Saturday, 3:00 P. M. Rehekcsal for Children’s Day service. There will be no Sehior Choir Re hearsal this week. Sabbath morning, 10:30 A. M. The Children’s Day service will take the place of Sabbath School and church. Note the hour 10:30 A, M. At the close of the service there will be ft meeting of the session. CHURCH OF GOD R. C. FREDERICK, Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. . Morning Worship/10:30 A. M. Evening Service, 7:46 P. M. Prayer Service Wednesday evening, 7:45 P. M„ CLIFTON PRESBYTRIAN CHURCH Malcolm A. Harris, Minister 10:00 A. M. Sabbath School, Robert Shaw, Supt. 11:00 A> M. Morning Worship. 7:00 P. M. Christian Endeavor. CLIFTON UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH E. O. Ralston, Minister 10:00 A. M. Bible Sehool. Paul W. Rife, Supt ", 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship. Ser mon by the pastor. 7:30 P. M. Young People’s Christian Union. ’ •■ > . All Welcome. , THE CHURCHOF THE NAZARENB Sunday Services v Sunday School 9:30 A, M. to 11:00 A. M, Preaching 11:00 A. M. to 12:00 M. Evangelistic Service 8:00 F. M. .Wednesday Service Prayer Meeting 8:00 P. M. Sunday School Superintendent, Ru les Nance, Pastor, Raymond Strickland. ARRESTED IN XENIA Mrs* Veryl Gladys DeHaven, 31, Was arrested last Thursday in Xenia by police and charged with driving , while intoxicated. Judge D. M. Ault- national baflner symbolises all that we: man levied a ^ o f $75 and costs and hold dear. It inspires our men at arms suspended the driving license for one to deeds of daring in the aif, on the Iyear, The fine was paid. land and under the sea, and doubtless ’ ....... ....... ..■ . . its home display will incentive those ’ Mr. Harley Bohlke and family te- of us behind the lines to tasks and from Rushville, Indiana, Wed- objectives which will contribute to ul timate success. —Chairman of the Hag Committee, D. A. R, nesday for a week’s visit with Mrs. Bohlke’s parents, Rev. and Mrs* R. A, Jamieson. . taker's UBnCerCOOKln^OlfliSHBi 'JUA'U p R4I1IU MCuvifllMW '* lodge. Many other of Ohio's attraction* for the vacationist ate de* bribed in booklet ''Enjoy Yourself in Ohio,” copy of which will be sent upon request to the Ohio Ihsvalopmeut and publicity (kmmiaskm, Wyandotte Brildtof, Cohuabtts, Ohio. CRDAJtVIULJ HERALD, F1IPAY, JUHE r WANT ABB Ed HWto* Demi Will Hofct Public Buie For Sate—Nine w o * too**, gas \ Dean announce* that he will and electricity, on Weet Cedar 8t. hold a public sale of livestock, fsm Can give poeeeasion to maonabie ; impl.ment* and feed, on what i* tiaue. Mr*, ( ora Bridgman. , known aa the Rosa Farm, Jefferaon- j vilie pike, just out of Jamestown, on Radio supplies are limited. Have j Tuesday, June 18. your radio repaired while part* are j to the *ale will be one draft horse, available, McCaliUter Radio Service., six extra good Guernsey milk cow*, hogs, farm implement* and com. Wanted—Antique*, furniture, dishes lamps, rugs, etc., that are in good condition and at least 85 year* old Cora Green, 68Q Dibert Ave., Spring field, O. 25-5 Work Wanted—Boy 15 years old de sires work o f any kind, Calvin Rine hart, Sear* Hotel. ' S?9-lx Lost—Argus Camera with black Zipper case. If found return to the Herald Office, 29-2x BUY WAR BONDS PROGRESSIVE CLUB MEETING A meeting of the Progressive Club Will be held at the Methodist Church, Monday evening to complete arrange ment* for the field day and fish fry' OB July 24th. AH committees an pounced some time ago are expected to have full reports for the’ Monday meeting. All members are'urged to be present. V ENTERTAIN FOR SON WHO ENTERS ARMY Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Lovett, Jamestown pike, entertained relatives and friends at a covered dish supper at their home Monday evening in hon or of their son, Mr, Richard Lovett, who has been inducted into the U. S. Army, Those present were Messrs, Richard Lovett, Walter Carroll, Eugene Den- nehy, Otis Shaw, William Watt, Mr. and Mrs. Marion. Lowry* Mr, and Mrs. Robert Carroll, Miss ReVa. Klontz, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey,Lovett and family, Cedarville; Miss Lois Knisley, South Solon; Mr. Tony Rittenhouse, Wil mington; Mr. and Mrs, Pearl Ritten- house and family, Sabina; Mr. and Mrs, Harold Rittenhouse and family, Spring Valley; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rittenhouse, Dayton; Mr. and Mrs. Christy Wallace^ Mr, and Mrs. Otis Chaney and son, Delmcr, Mr, .Leroy Rittenhouse, Mr, an Mrs. Virgil Var- vel an Mr: an Mrs, Kent Muterspaw an son, of Xenia. Mr, Dean purchased the farm and all livestock, feed, equipment and growing crop* along with the 90 acre farm ; .He get* immediate possession from the owner, Ralph R om . AUTO STAMPS ON SALE The local postoffice a* well as all other* now have on sale the federal motor vehicle tax stamps that must be attached to each car or truck in use on and after July 1st. The cost is 85 for each stamp and they Will be good for one year, . * 1 . NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Norwood" L. Young, De ceased, gutouiuli M ju y l 4 >dt . IfWVv Hi tew church aedttorhuwc Tire burg* white wedding hM/frmm guwjwidnl from the altar directly «hev« the bridal couple, \ Before the eeremeay Mia* figaa tone Wham sang two selection*—”1 Love Thee” sind “Beeau**” Misa Mary Ruth Wham accompanied her and also played the bridal chorus from ■'Lohengrin” , The. Misses Wham are cousin* o f the bride* Blair Bread, brother o f the bride, was beat man and Mrs, Blair Basel: was matron o f honor* M:u Ann Ur ban o f Chicago, former roommate of the bride at Monmouth college wgsi bridesmaid and the Rev, Howard Jamieson, pastor o f the church, served a* usher. The bride was dressed in a white marquisette gown made with a wide girdle at'the waistline, full bodice and^full skirt which fell into a long train. The hem of the skirt, the square neckline and short puffed sleeves were banded With val lace. A circular full- length veil fell from a coronet o f mock orange blossoms. She carried an arm bouquet of -white roses and baby'* breath. The matron o f honor and bridesmaid were .dressed alike in starched mar quisette, Mrs. Brasel wore pale blue and Miss Urban was in pastel pink. Notice iri hereby given, that Frank They carried, colonial bouquets of ,Led Dewine ha* been duly appointed daisies and badjiower cornets in their as Executor of the estate o f Norwood hair to match their dresses. The dress- L. Young, deceased, late of Yellow Springs, Greene County; Ohio, Dated" this 10th day o f Jane, 1942. WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER, Judge of the Prohate Court, 29-3 * Greene County, Ohio j By Allegra E, Hawes, Chief Deputy.Clerk, BRASEL-FARRAR NUPTIALS The picturesque United Presby terian church located at the “Y” east %f the city was the setting for a pret ty summer wedding last evening when Miss Wanda Brasel,'daughter Of Mr, and Mrs. Roscoe Brasel of Cartter, became the bride of Kenneth Farrar^ son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Farrar of Avon, HI. About 200 relatives and friends attended. The wedding service was read by Dr. W. R. McChesney of Cedarville, Ohio, president emeritus o f Cedarville college and a representative in the Ohio state legislature. Candles burning at the altar fur nished the only illumination in the twilight-dimmed church. Garland* o f. daisies marked each pew and the ai*ch above the altar was accented by a bofdtr of red rambler,roses. Basket* of daisies banked the altar and bowls GALLOWAY-CLARK NUPTIALS SET FOR JUNE 27 IN UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Invitations have heen issued to about one hundred and fifty guest* fbr the wedding of Miss Rebecca Jane .Gallo way, daughter of Mr. anil Mrs. Wilson W. Galloway, and Mr. Frahci* Willard Clark, Dgyton, on Saturday evening, June 27th in the United Presbyterian, Chrirch. ... ' The invitations read as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Washington Galloway . request the honour of your -presence •*-at the marriage o f their ^ daughter . Rebecca Jane to , Mr, Francis Willard Clark on Saturday, the twenty-seventh of Tune at half after eight o’clock United Presbyterian Ghurch Cedarville, Ohio One hundred guests .have been in vited to a reception in the garden at the Galloway home, Xenia Ave., im mediately following the service, Mr. Clark is the son of Prof, and Mrs, R. F. Clark, Marietta, O., and is located in Dayton where lie is as sociated-with the logistics and publi cations branch of the U, S. Army Air Corps. The'Cedar Cliff Chapter, D. A. H., will observe Flag Day with a luncheon at Antioch Tea Room, Wednesday, June 17 at 1 P. M. Reservations mu3t be made with Mrs, I. C. Davis by Saturday. The Farmer’s Progressive Club will meet at the home of James Cherry, June 17, at 7:30 P. M* Rev. Earl R. Bull, for 16 years a missionary in LooGhoo Island, near Fou Choo, China, stopped here Thurs day for a short visit, having been in attendance at ft conference in Spring- field. He is preaching during the sum mer irt the Methodist church at El more, Ohio, He was accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Frankie Lee Moore, Cleveland. Rev* Bull’s home was for merly in Dayton, Dr. R. W. George o f Tarkio College, Tarkio, Missouri, and two daughters, Joyce and Jean and Mrs* R. O. George of Belle Center, called on friends hero Wednesday, They also visited in Xenia and Jamestown. SEEKS REELBCTION COLUMBUS Judge Roy H. Wil liams of Sandusky formally became a candidate for rSelection to the Ohio Supreme court, Wednesday, filing with the secretary of state nominating po tions bearing some. 10,000 signatures. f l e d g e defense BONDS KEEP 'EM FLYING tine, *Mn*4 f«X ‘aWrt# ami lawg fMt < After to* aateXag a inmmf M ms waa JwM at to* b**M wtteb wm •ttoMto* by atoMt 66 gaueis. Faatet m ta t ft was ewitoiwi fair a large bssmBte e f red rtmMtr roes* awl tall ”while ta per*. de swfi* fer a short hoasywoM to to sgeto to Missouri. * Tha bride waa gratoMtoi fimaa tto Salem high setoel in 1966 ami attoewi- *4 M<m«KHith eotteg* to Msametoli for two years. Yto hriiegmes to a graduate o f the high sdbeol to Area .awi^ waa graduated from Moamotoh .collage this spring. ’They will mske their tome with, the bride'* parents for the warmer. . —Centralia, I1J., Evening Sentinel FARM 4% LOANS No application fee. No appretoel fee. Refinance your leans to the lowest interest rates-ever offered, McSavaney ft Co. London, O. Call or Write LEON H. KL1NG CfdarriBe, O. Phone: 6-1661 OPEN MONDAY NIGHTS *~v UNTIL 8:45 P. M. ^ v ■ .- ’j* ■.S Summer Selecfions How On Display In Every Department Thruout The Store! AIR — CONDITIONED - r\ 6 \ k l i E S fr iw {, y r X t t ’ . m e wjuafowiwHm* ,ONE OF AMERICA'S FINE STORES FOR MEN Springfield, Ohio fir BUY WAR BONDS TODAY — . NOT TOMORROW fir f * ■L Get This * ECONOM Y SPEC IA L sir • FOR SERVICE than to any other dealer organization . . . because tor years more people have purchased Chevrolet* than any other make o f car. , . . became toryeursmorepeaptohavepurchasedusedtortfrom Chevrolet dealers than from any other dqpler orgarixalton. , . . because Chevrolet dealers iperiof/xe In gMng ddNed, de pendable tervke on aft makes o f cate and trades, effw*wtoNx JLCtktmtt. toiisf dLJf^A- ,^m enevn were* ^ J t m il « 1- m eWito SWPWg WRgl e^w -ft A^willHl gtol |Li ^ |AX^|fe toV wi^B 10 (I mm I i ijaiiiaft■Coll lit , | a f f c g A o n f a r t N “ '■apwvwfpeei. ee^w.^e^vtoV ewBir* i s * I ? ASM Peelth ^ ^ Oft Sl|^~ Al impxnB*f6nw»w RuyytetoAtoiadUitoBddiAnr ^ BUY WAR BONDS ■Al ! ■ 1 5 .0 0 CUMMINGS CHEVROLET SALES M « r v i i « i ft*
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