The Cedarville Herald, Volume 65, Numbers 27-52
I ill t r ' ; * H i a^ i ' mmausK rm*.% ovmmi:mtvm nr ■ -I-I lllf-liijiniijtn~-nrinruinniHTrmu-‘■irlr'in-tTf-n'f1*'l T H » C E D A R Y I LLE H E R A L D . - - ■ - ---- - - - *“— ‘ Mjmmmm ———— mmm ?%wmsm om smmm aw * m vwta *tm *mt> Enterbd «fe the Poet Office, CedervUIe, Ohio, October 31, 1887, as second class matter. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 80, 194S T H O S E W H O S H O U T LO U D E ST '— S H O O T T H E L E A S T A local mother with one son in the army wants to know why It la that most newspaper t editors and editorial writ ers, as well as radio commentators, that are always preaching war, do not volunteer themselves. We might answer that some >are beyond the age and some are not. According to the view .of this mother she thinks more War clamor comes from those who have not enlisted than, from those who have or have sons in service. We have frequently expressed ourself on this same question. For instance there is William JL Hessler, Socialist writer as a candidate for Congress in Cincinnati, and former war salesman for WLW, yet he is of draft age and there is not a thing, even his health that would keep him out o f the service. Our opinion, is that he has been so busy playing the roll of war salesman for filling the ranks that he has not time or the inclination to vplunteer. Many more such cases can he named among news writers. Some have voluntered others have not. In one city we have in mind the head o f one paper volunteered yet married and with dependents While the opposition paper preaches war at any cost and one member o f the family is giv en a soft place in the war effort—far from shot or shell. The same can be said o f many New Deal political leaders. They have their sons in “ indispensable government jobs” . W INDY WILLKIE BLEW NEW DEAL COLD It was interesting to read editorial comment in the New Deal exponents as to how the Willkie Monday night blast was taken. Up to this time most anything Willkie said fo r the New Deal war effort got first choice space. What he said Monday night did not set so well. ' With the frequently mentioned Will kie as a prospective candidate for president on the Democratic ticket, what he had to say was of political significance. From a Republican standpoint there is no comment backing the speech. Most Republican papers have no inclination to support the once candidate that secured a nomination by the abortion route. The C ost Dayton News, always New Deal, Roosevelt, right or wrong, supporter of Vfillkie until Monday night, has the most interesting comment. In as much as the News has been against the farmer for even parity prices, and Supporter o f the adminis tration policy, it was to be surprised that what Willkie had to say about the war bungling, would hot set well. Here is the an alysis of the Willkie speech: “ International idealism, 30. per cent; bull in the china shop, 50 per cent; proper domestic crit icism 10 per cent; political animus left over from 1940, 10 per cent.” ; - f ■ • Rep. John E. Rankin. D„ Miss., charged the Willkie state ments, as “ both dangerous and unjustified” , giving comfort to the ehemy. Franklin D. Roosevelt, who sent Willkie on the trip around the world to sell the .war to all nations at a cost of thousands of dollars, Whichmay yet call your 10 year old sons in the war, ad mitted hearing the Willkie speech but newsmen could not gel him to comment. Willkie charged the' “ Atlantic* Charter” die’ not include the smaller nations, particularly India.’ This was tender spot because England does not want her slave country tc haVe “ democracy” . -The next day Roosevelt and Hull said the charter includes all nations, but if so it does not say so in plair language. I f it did Churchill could never have sold it to the English people and would have been, dethroned, months ago. As far as the New Deal is concerned the. Willkie speech has “ Gone With the Wind.” , but Having traveled around the «prorld at the expense of the public and the administration he (Willkie) is their baby even if he has soiled the linen. • TIME FOR REPUBLICANS TO CAST THEIR VOTE It should not require much urging .on all citizens, and es pecially the Republicans to turn out Tuesday next, and vote. If you were to bp denied a vote, we can imagine what a protes: would*arise from all quarters.. If you are not satisfied with the part your government is playing in the war; what bungling has gone on in the Pacific where thousands of our boys have given their lives without gun boat or air power protection, due to the fact most of our war craft is in English waters; if you do n o : sanction waste and loose government spending: if you do no : ‘ want organized farm labor forced on you, by the power of Me Nutt then you had better consider voting Tuesday and ybu can only hope for representation in congress by supporting the Re publican ticket. With the CIO..endorsing “ Capt. George H. Smith, Democratic machine nominee, as their candidate, to es pouse the cause of organized labor on and off the farm, you can not hope protection from that source. If Smith should be elect ed there is no assurance he could serve for he must first be re leased from service. The New Deal says there is ho politics in the army and the federal law prohibits officers from being can didates, regardless of published reports to the contrary. If the war effort is so important, which all admit is now. in a serious situation, and Candidate Smith so valuable that he was given a “ Captaincy’1at a fat salary, then •how can the New Deal .war lords continue the war w-Rhrit his service? With Roose velt fluflting the price-fixing law to hold’ down farm income, how can Smith, the CIO endorsed candidate, give support to the vital needs of the farmer? If you-want representation by one who owens and operates a farm then you should vote for the re- election o f Clarence J. Brown on the Republican ticket, A vote for tile Republican ticket means also the election of John W Bricker, Dr, W. R. McChesney and other nominees. According to polls taken by neutral observers Brickeris election is conced ed along with the entire ticket. An Able, Experienced Judge For V^expired Term Fading Jan . 1, 1947 Ohio Supreme Court jfiiMt«rg«4 hr K*pnblk»ii r*rf» Rttd All Lending N*w*|M«pCT« SEPARATE JUDICIAL BALLOT Station, Tuesday, Nov. 3,1942 Ittued -by' Chntles S.- Sell, C*inp»t«rn Committee, Jcdge Frank R. Otisweller, Chairman. BET ONE OF THESE BARGAINS NOW! 883 LOANS UNCALLED FORI (HAMOftDS—LADIES' AND MEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * 7.76 up WAIST AND POCKET WATCHES ...W. 7 S up AM, WOOL SUITS .................... .V 4 .W uu TOP COATS—OVERCOATS .......... ., . K » up o u it a r s - t r u m p i t s - c l a r in e t s - c a m e r a s KODAKS—FIELD CLASSES—SINOCULARS RADIO*—SHOT QONS—RIFLES NEW AND USED LADIES' FUR COATS; USE OUR LAV-A-WAV FLAN, B l o a n o f f i c e , e s , w . m a i n Springfxold, O.p Open Evenings )lilll|lllglWI|lllllWllWWM|>gll|l|Wllif|g|M«ilimiMIUlMNWt Butte# eoasM next on Ration L ist The New Peal finds dairy Interests ire making: unusual profits on cream. The why to briny down the price U to sat consumption saya a Washing ton paper. About January butter $pe* on ration with meat. The con sumer will pay leas hut gat Isis o f each. The producer gets it in the neck,, financially speaking. But a few more things rationed makes little difference since we have beep swept under the Statin type o f government, using the war as the excuse. There is more in the making ju st as soon is Windy Wendell Willkie can unfold ;ome( more Russian experience. The ;offee cup is h it but you can still .enjoy the New Deal “ cup that cheers". No ration there. FDR cracked the whip in •Congress la s t. week, and enough spineless Democratic New Dealers traded 10-10 year old blood Tor liquor. V frgtola/*ow head o f the Puerto government by Raeeevelt appoint ment, ia in deep trouble in that coun try. Members o f the legislature de mand the removal p f Tugwoll, The cablegram stated the legislature pro tested the mu-government under the New Dealer. The citizens o f that country protest “ dictatorship” , some thing they never have had until Tug- well took charge- The natives want to sell millions o f pounds o f sugar, they want coal oil and coffee. They do not want Tugwell longer. New Dealers are fighting as to who Roosevelt must appoint as food dic tator, the latest Russian idea to h it the American people; He w ill have power to force anyone to eat mush and milk one’day, potato soup another and so on. The chain stores want Lee Marshall, head o f a baking pow der company to jo o k after their in terests. Secretary " o f A g, Claude Wickard* wants the, place himself so be can get o ff the spot be is on,see ing a revolution arising over some o f his policies with the farm interests. Xts all the New. Deal program — no Republican can be blamed fo r wnat you are going to b e 'fo rced to eat, whether yon like it, or n ot,-or even what you must wear. One thing is certain the athiests in control will never compel you to join any church. You have already been told — there are too many anyhow. The friction between Loon Hender son,. Food Dictator Byrnes and Sen, Ed. Smith, D „ abd Reed,Rep., over illegal fixing o f farm prices, contrary to the recent price fixing law, bring? out the statement that Roosevelt or. dered the cut in farm parity- and in sisted that farm conservation pay- ments should be included as advane payment, It' looks like both Houses o f Congress w ill msk& an effort to •tie the hands o f Roosevelt, Byrnes and.Henderson. The latter challenged the right o f the Senate Agriculture committee to put him on the spot or even try to deprive him o f his price fixing power. ' A ll this brings up A cloak room remark o f New Dealers during the congressional debate a few weeks Ago: “ H— Do w e. have to buy 'em (farmers) again ?" We sure are in a mail order state o f'a ffa irs in the nation and it Is no wonder with three executives from Sears and Sawbuck having control o f important stations< in the government. Donald Nelsdn is backing Marshall tor the food dictatorship. It begins to look like the first mail-order war this government has ever experienced. One day we get a report on how wany Jap-ships our boys sink and in ninety , days we get reports o f how many o f our war cra ft are sunk. Gen.McArthur has been conducting a lone handed figh t in the Pacific, hot much more than what we had before Dec, 7th considering the ter ritory now being covered. China says “ give us air power and we do not need your, man power” . Meantime the New Deal furnishes air planes fo r the Windy Wendell Willkie around -the-world trip at your expense. The roaming mistress o f (he White House, Mamma Roosevelt, takes a flight in a big bomber to visit the King and Queen. Elliot Roosevelt is traveling the globe taking pictures where, there is ; no gun-fire and your sons are giving their blood in the Pacific, be cause they cannot have air power protection. The following headline from the New York Times might interest you: ‘‘Stocks o f Coffee Reported Normal". The New Deal has dared to issue ration cards before the election but all distributors have been forced to hold back shipments to retailers. This is by dictator decree, not because there is A law fo r it. The following is taken from the same article o f the October 25th Issue: “ The Coffee Corp oration o f Chicago has been accused o f allowing sales over its May quota by 80,000 pounds, This amount is to be deducted from their quota fo r the next four months. It is certain coffee is to be rationed after the election. The coffee shortage is but part o f the New Deal plan to control the lives and habits o f the American people — except you still have the right to drink what you please add get drunk, The more drunks the stronger will be the New Deal. The drunker you are the more you can shout fo r it. Thanks Not Necessary! A couple o f farmers from Fayette county attending the stock sale in Spring- field, Monday, had .tire trouble a mile north o f town, We offered to aid in any ,way we could. It was a bad case. Right front casing blew out a three inch hole. Tube worthless, A spare o f uncertain mileage half filled with air. A pump that was doing a. poor job. We could not even give aid or sympathy, Both were in a rather disturbed frame o f m ind.but were plain spoken about the rubber .situa tion. Both made it very certain they would give credit at the. polls next Tuesday and see that'their farm hands and families did as good a job o f voting a straight Republican ticket, One had Voted fo r Willkie and the other fo r Roosevelt, W c mentioned arm price fixing and Coffee ration- rtg but their trouble and their .minds were on that weak tire and whether they would ever reach Washington 0 , II. Gov. Rexford Guy Tugwell, who was an early brain-truster in the New Deal and wasted several million dollars on a phantom town in West V While the New Deal preaches equal opportunity and democracy by the ream, it has little o f accomplishment fo r the record .when it comes to per formance, The Southern Congression al vote .cpntrols the New Deal on leg islative matters. For weeks Congress has been debating equal rights for the negro in the south where the states place a poll tax to keep him from voting along with, his northern broth er. Last week one southern State, had three lynchingB, where the law was by the mob rule, yet Washington says o r does nothing abyut "must legis lation" to cure the evil. Dr, D. V , Jamison, head Cf the National Baptist, calls on northern colored voters to elect Republican candidates to office, and especially for congress. He wants Rep. Sam Ray burn, Tpxas, displaced because he represents a state that forces poll taxes, on the colored voters. He calls attention to the “ Jim Crow", segre gation and. the abuifc o f colored sol diers in southern camps. The Baptist leader calls fo r the election o f Gov ernor ’ Bricker in Ohio along with Thomas B. Dewey an dother Republi can candidates. LEGAL NOTICE To Ollie J. Hartzell, husband o f Carrie Jane Hartzell, whose place o f residence is unknown, w ill take.notice,, that on October 9th, 1942, Carrie Jane Hartzell, his w ife, filed a petition fo r divorce in the Common Pleas Court o f Greene County, bring Case No. 22,- 993. You are required to answer within six (6 ) weeks from the date o f the first publication o f this notice, which, is October 16th, 1942, or judg ment may be taken against you. CARRIE JANE HARTZELL,. <10-16-6t-ll-20) By Smith, McCallfster &. Gibney, Her Attorneys . l e g a l N o t ic e Clara Swagart, whose last place o f address is unknown will take notice that Frederick Swagart on- the 14th day o f October, 1942 filed his petition against her on the grounds o f wilful absence fo r more than three years. Said cause will be fo r hearing in the Common Pleas Court o f Greene Coun ty , Ohio, from and after six weeks from the first publication o f this no tice, towit, October 16,1942. FREDERICK SWAGART (10-16-6t-ll-20) by Robert H . Wead, his attorney, ^ ^ ^ ^ S s t a r d a y Tw in Thrill Days — SCREEN— “ Between Us G irls” w it h D ian a B a rrym o ra R o b e r t C um m ings SUN.-MON.-TUES. I N . » —Stick: To The Man Who’gticks To His Job— RE-ELECT X Clarence J, Brown REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS (SEVENTH OHIQ DISTRICT) W A N T B B d e a d g r o a t Wo -fay far SE mwm $4M and Cows 44A# Aphasia o f rise and aoodttioi TriapboM XENIA « 7*$S or DAYTON *K -W 1 WUICHET PRODUCTS, INC. Dayton, Ohio We also remove Hogs Calves — Sheep 7 REPUBLICAN TICKET His re-election will guarantee the Seventh District honest and able representation in Congress during the trying days, ahead. Seventh,Dist, Rep. Cong. Com., R . B, Howard, Chairman, London, O. , \< —-Political AdrertlMQieat- • 3 PROOF Which Determines! YOUR Veter Election issues ate often con fused by wild last-minute charges, unfounded rumors and deliberate lies and smears. So use your INTEL-■ LIGENCE as a loyal Ameri can and,taxpayer when you go to the polls November 3rd. Vote on-candidates ac cording to what yon KNOW ahont them— not according to what some po litica l “mouthpiece” charges. Gov. BRICKER’S RECORD Gives you the PROOF Ohio has more feetotie* to War work than any othgr Male. State bniinei* ha* been decently and. economically bandied. Expentei have been, re duced, no matter bow political trick, •ten attempt to juggle the figures. State money ha* bean need to serve the public, not to pay political debts. State taxes have been kept low end no new dr increased taxes are needed. A ' 040,000,006 inherited deficit has been paid off and a $20,000,000 tnrplns laid by for tbs*taxpayers.' Local govern ments have received a larger share o f statemoney than in any other state, Honesty, efficiency and economy in stategovernmenthave set a newmark in Ohio history. f.„ Then’s the record Covsrssr Irfcitr bns made. Shewyear approval aed; hueneeetleaeihaet Ibisisrt ofgovavaaisat.Goto<bs pelIsoe Nov. head SAY IT WITH BALLOTS Q*r- Umier at TtUJPJC. *nr StatUa* WAKR, WKRC, wcuut, wbnb , wmo. wrou virus, wwva . wbbc , wlok . whan , wpay Obis KspeHttaa Owspaian OoausKtw—D*n a Poms. Ckwiu Cols* a P u b lic Sa le! Located four miles east o f Cedarville, three miles Wfest o f Selma on Route 42 on Saturday, October 31y 1942 12 :00 Noon. 6 ------- - HEAD OF HORSES-------- 8 Consisting o f one black mafe 5 years old,, w t, 1800 lb., good, broke, one sorrel mare, 7 years old, wt. 1600, good, brake; one bay mare 12 years old, wt. 1,50b lb., brown mare 12 years old, wt, 1,400 lb., two sorrel colts, 2 years old, white mane and tail. 3---------HEAD OF COWS - — 3 Consisting o f one red cow 4 yr. old, fresh in July, with heifer ca lf; one yellow cow, 3 yrs. old, fresh in May, giving four gal. milk. 60--------HEAD OF HOGS---------60 Consisting o f seven sows and fifty pigs, eight week old. Two open sows. 15--------HEAD OF SHEEP — - I S Consisting o f eight open wool ewe and seven lambs. FARM IMPLEMENTS—John Defcre Model B. Tractor, on Steel with break- ing plows and corn cultivator, _ A lso 8-ft. double disk, cultipacker, John Deere com planter with fertil- zer attachment and 80 rod o f wire, John Deere gang plow with five-horse hitch, Cassidy Horse Gang plow, two sulky plows, 8 Walking breaking plows, •McCormicluDeering wheat binder, Bennett two-row com harvester, Hoos- ier 12-disc grain drill, manure spreader spring and spike took harrows, 2 two-row com plows, Kelley Duplex m ill, single and double shovel plows, MeCorirtick-Deering one and one-half horse engine, hog oiler, £on&tete bntcherirkg tools and kettles, 12 rod o f four inch drain tile, 8 sides o f har ness, lines, collars, bridle, FEED—Five ton o f Timothy h*ay, 2 ton o f 2-year old bean hay, 250 shocks o f com in field, < 12 *ingle hog boxes, new floors and runners, 2 double hog boxes HOUSEHOLD GOODS—Walnut dining r. om suits, foiir poster bed, Wal nut wash stand, rooking chairs, davenport, Croaley cabinet radio, extension table, 9x12 rug, wash stand, chest, china closet, dishes, coal and wood range and three burner coal oil stove, TERMS OF SA LE -CA SH ft* A. Huffman WE1KERT and GORDON, Aucts. WANTED HICKORY LOGS MUST BE GREEN TIMBER I L . R . J A C O B S Phone 2734,' Yellow Springs, Q, ! Thurs. _ . Oct. 20 V 1 wk. Island” Starring B R IAN d o n l e v y ROBERT PRESTON Sun. Oct- 26 1 Wk. “ Yank A t Eton” With Mickey iRooney Edmund Gwenn (Coming Sunday) “ Now Voyager” j, Sat Oct. 31 4 Daya R i c h a r d A rlen “ W i l d c a t ” P lu s “ H i N e ig h b o r ’ Jewn P a rk e r Sun. For 4 Day* Lloyd NOLAN ■ in ■ “ APACHE TRAIL" ^ plua "FOREIGN AGENT" Greer GAR80N _ In "MRS. MINIVER" “ BATTLE OF MIDWAY" Sun. Men. Tuea. 1200 h b i g REASONS ~U)fujyouShoufd A ttend i h t ^ z THEATRES WEMISDAY 1 Men are dying for the Four Freedoms. The least We can do here,at hontols to bay War Bonds—Ifl^ for War Botfds, every pay day* We pay fo r HORSES $4.00 COWS $2.00 vo f size and condition Hogs, Sheep, Calves, etc. Removed promptly call X E N I A . f e r t il iz e r PBSXS Chain. E.G. Boclulot),^ OU o * to few {&ao«s. The Thursday Mrs, Frai Mr. sm the Dinnei Thursday I f you tor to got 'th e amoui at the Ma urday. The ac Friday Teacher's Friday an Mr, am le ft fo r they will daughter,. Lawerence Mr. and son Ronny Pennyslvanif We are Corporal ed at the base. He 1940. He orchestra. Word death o f home in sister-jin-h H er husb: yea r ago. V . Mr. and Miss Olive motored to this week their son- and Mrs. Mrs. Va., making a and Mrs. been ill f< much imp Mr. and this place in the Mian ton , followini auto hit a Point, oh Rc were enroul husband rei the jrife a cuts on the Among th< county accei bridge, Walt aid Eugene nedy Fletche Charles R. Wisecup o f For Sale- dresser and household fu Mrs FOR Sal $1.30 a gallo tainer. Phone 6677. ton. BUY V CHRIS , •••Pi iron amwHnmmtttiiiii) Saturdi Fred Ma*lV "THE I NEV Sum si Wallace « THE W*d* *fl Ann Sc “MAI8 Beta 1
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