The Cedarville Herald, Volume 66, Numbers 1-26
B^CSASBIWeiSJi BR07W$ tortmdfc Obto^SHetetofe* Th* T®* Ckmirore.wiH. convenaron ■ Wedftoadgg* Jiuaausy 6tto at. tw4vo o'c1*eMe**»mad-Wili proceedAerekct Sanb-Jtajijmrp of- TqXgs* *s-- Speaker, Johttf ,W» MSjjGwaffeffk o f' MrtMtoffbu- setta,p r Spe*b#ff’pro~t«m and*M«j}or. Ity ERMa*?Leader^ Simtov®rii»Wifr of Kentucky a** Clferlq •and . Kenneth Romney of, Montana as S5rg*a*t-afc- Arias.,„Jps*Bh W. Martin of Massa- - chuwttoa^wi%Terereerthff Republican votw .for the ^peakprahip andreon- aeqwnfclx; will sew* »adh*-RepubBean Floor; Reader daring: the renting -pes- sion,. The. /‘mimbserthip ~will consist o f‘222,Uemocrat;a>-i2Q8 Repub licans? andpA\rainpr party members. Thermwill ho one vacancy in th^-naw Honie,"dtie-to..the death .of ^Philip Beanertof-Missouri since 'tius-Nnveni- ber,*elpc<aoruLOn.-ThUrtday then-Freei- dei^ wiH driver hia,annualpmsret® "to the congressmen the*St$£a,ojj the Union.^ .Iflrihis&nessage he is expected to m$ke h Report on the' progress pf the,war, outline^-lp%<waroplans for the coming, year, and' to perhaps voice? his .viewa... oiX’ the* position -A- merica should take on international «ffaire, once the war is ended. tCOfUST N W S LAND im p SWT Reformation o f a deed to 'quiet the title to Xenia property is ashed in a suit fifed in common plefci court by W. A. Hammond, Yellow Springs, against E. H, and Eva L, Hunt and the city of Xenia. , The., plaintiff sets forth he is owner and in possession of .42 of air acre in Xenia, having purchased 'the real estate frpm Mr- end Mr#, 'Hunt, September 16, 1942, and that.after delivery of the deed, discovered that it did pot describe and include, all real estate occupied by Mr. and Mrs, Hunt. * - .• The petition declares the defend' Ifnts •acquired property on July T9, 1928 from thecity of Xenia .and,the plaintiff charges the 'deed was in error in that it failed to describe all, the’property as purchased hy Mr, Mrs,- Hunt, from the city of Xenia which included ,60 of an acre ho quieted. Therecent radio braoadcaat to the nation, ‘ by Secretary*of .Agriculture ■Wickard, in which bp. atirmounced nation,- - wide rationing .of; canned, dried and frozen' vegetables, fruits and other food products, beginphig in late/January or, early.February, has Created, a great, deal of discussion [here.: The speech is welt Worth"grave > study, for it: not* only outlines, the rules under which ■every' American will obtain .food, hut it also reveals the Administration’s, present' policies anct.aims,*as Well p*<ita,.plan* fop the more distant ferture. Thru it there •ia not-only a great"deal of mention o f the necessity fdp the 'government to distribute .and' ration food ddcing SEEK FORECLOSURE ,Forefeiture of the purchase con tract is charged in a suit filed'by the Home Federal Savitigp and loan Association, naming Kennethand Iris Merritt as defendants,'. The defend ants made a.down payment on,Xenia property purchased January 16, 1941 hii£ .have failed to comply with the contract as to- monthly payments, ac cording' to the petition. ‘ The plaintiff seeks that the court declare'the rights of the defendants Under the contract forfeited and'that a writ of possession of the said prem ises he issued to the plaintiff. has. ever?been any.question in the mipd of any eitizen- on'/Ahe matter, theWickard speech makes plain' that it is the. Administration’s 'policy' that America is : tO furnish most of.’ the food for both the fighting forces and .therivibampppulations,of,the 'United Nations, as, well as the occupied countries. According to Secretary-Wickard’s etetement,:;rationed food .will be dis tributed by a .point-system,'with.dif ferent foods having,different-values in, xati0n*;hook-points. The 'reason given for the'fdOd rationing; an- . nou«cement*sa* far in advance of actual rationing was that it will rtake several weeks,1and-'the assistance. of a;million.and a half-OPA represCnt- ativesj to- distrifiuta the.'new-"point” xaticfilrijg * books,to ; the epnsuming ppbllfi-abd to educate the-people on the intricacies, of•Aha,system. Under it Secretary WfSkard proposes limiting each individual to. the con sumption o f Ihct:thirty-three pounds o f' canned <or dried fruits and vege tables pen year, TWe, the ^Secretary clsinur, would'Pepreeent,a reduction of but thirteen-pounds per. person be low the average annual consumption o f aunh- goods. Presumably, in ob taining his average figures, Mr. Wiskard includes,alkof tire-hundred and thirty-two million American citi- zene and divided that number into the total amount of canned goods he estimated would be available during the.coming .year. However, in actual practice things will not work out so easily. Fawn families, ‘ as<well as those living in states like Florida and California where fresh fruits and vegetable* are produced throughout thwytar, purchase but few cans of *w*b food eafeh pear, for they can fdr thcmselvae or Cat fresh vege tables and ffnits, On the other hand city dwellers, and especially those who live hi apartments, aim com pelled to obtain most o f their fruits and vegetables from cans. The av erage medium size can of food will Weigh a pound, and the Wickard statement indicates that each dtiron will be allowed hut one'can of fruits or vegetable* eaeh eleven day*. AH o f which may mean that many ciri- sen«, especially city dwellers will get quite hungry if such a strict ration ing program is actually put into ef fect. Rationing by the point system Will also, pke* m tart*seed tatdmn o f work and mepsnee on the already harassed grorttv and food marketers, as -deS as making thiags more dif- fieatt for the tawiaewif*. DIVORCES GRANTED Four divorces were granted this follows: Lillian A.i Eberling from Edgar K,' Eberlingf Charles Hess from Lillie Hess; Myrtle Huff man from Irvin Huffman, with, the plaintiff to be restored to her maiden name of- Esterlihe, and William E. Murphy from Bertha A. Murphy. [F a rm e r * M u n tW f l r k A Harder andFaster Is A A A APPRAISE ESTATE Estate of Winifred J, Anderson Was appraised by probate court-aS follows; “ gross, ‘ |6,Sl6; deductions, $2,826; net, $3,984.: When all the farmers In Greene county crowd into Xenia on Tuesday, January I2th at the call of the New Deal to get their “marching orders*’ through the AAA, they are to he toll: they will have to produce more with less help at fixed low war time prices to “defeat Inflation**.' That will be- the theme song at the Tuesday meetwhen the AAAers hind out the “Don’t do as we do, hut do at we tell you”, under orders from Sec- refaryWickard and the second airing Communists running ,the department. TfieTlabor shortage^ Jess farm ma chinery-and repairs, along With un favorable weather, are to'be no oh- ttaclo In carrying out orders for greater production of crops this com* \jlhg summer and fall. Those who have signed the AAA enlistment to get the New Deal bribe of a few-dollars-are to. be told that if they do not-, come up to the,required production they Will be penalized and have their. 1943 -payments cut dray- tically. Every farm. in the nation it to be tagged With a quota, under the dictatorial .Communistic, regime in Washington, The New Dealers have planned short Cuts and new methods to offset the scarcity, of fertiliser., Every farmer Is to be given a plait according to reports whereby he must arrange! his work so' that he can aid Ms-neighbor. *•., There ia to, be rationing Jatef in .the season for stock feed if the food Situation becomes acute.' Those who have jjmover-supply must divide -With the unfortunate especially wherepro tein feeds are required.- It may be necessary to change the entire crop rotation program ;of a, farm to get the crop# most, heeded, by the New Djal. ' ‘ • There should be no hitch', in , the paper prepared program mapped out in Washington by the young. Com munists that have- planned to -cave for the “male, and female steers’*in the “Food Will Win. the. Wav Pro # *. m For Amedeos January 8 ,1943 Affidavits stga&tef operators o f eight co. establishment* chinas Were simultaneous, railhk conducted by 11 directed by County cus Shopp are being p: prosecutor, Prose: common pleas court,, i fieized as contraband, werflylacked'Up at tips B ille t offender, Pro! rbveqledi wah; the- (^1 at Patterson Field, chines wore - taken Other raids wore made seized at the Old.Mill CedortHlfij the .Rahibo Cpdarvillo; Mayer’s sod, field;'the Cut RhteDru, field; if filling station A. E. Dorothy on route filling stations- in. Zl operated by ’W. A The rnid was cond deputized as prosccub Four machines were slot, machines/' some arge and electrically.’ pi, that permit several pla^ars to use them at the same time, twero. trans, ported to Xenia in these ^atos., -'Af- '-T/T.-Vrl;* v London Paper <|aMs ForBombRaid On RomeandVatican a and .t Greene '7 slo-fc ma- -sarias of day night, . deputies, tor .Marr ed by*the he In said. >, ’ machine^ •tbouse rBhoup restimranf four m#- - custody, machines 4mp, near inn, near rill, Fair- tore; Fair- crated' hy and two chian, one- by’ persons officers, and' the. them the rated type R fd p h -O . S p a h r l s NdwChairman Of Co. Commissioners R^lph 0. Spahr of near Xenia was elected chairman of the three-mem bet board of Greene County com missiopers*. succeeding Walter W, Barnett, Silvercrcek-V township, re tiring commissioner, at jan annual re organization meeting Monday. Hugh Turnbull, Codarville* JloWn ship, new commissioner, began hjia ORDER APPRAISAL Tlie county auditor was directed to appraise the estate of Nimrod Shope. Setretay Wickard'is or,was A dirt farmer, Ho W«s o«0 of the honored guests at the Hopkins . Belshazzar shindig at the BTashion»J)le, Garjfton - Hotel in -WasbibgtoK*weently when champagne *from- France kept ,the ml ■ LICENSES BONDS ( M M aa Paa^-Thtss). MARRIAGE >- (Granted) Thomas Emmett Stack, Cedar- vllle, laborer, and Mrs. Nolle Bell Rotroff, CedaVville.- Rev, S. A, Beall. Frank B. Morefield,'Wright Field, soldier, and Mrs. Gladys Booher Cook, 510 Albany St., Dayton. Rey. Sid ney Conell, Dayton. I Joseph Harold Sipe, Osborn, R. R. 1, soldier, and’ Edrp Day, Osborn. Rev. W. L.'Bright. Archie Eugene Dawson, Xenia, soldier, and Mamie. Alice Frost, 15 Lynn St. Rev. A. L, SOherry. . William Parkinson Chase, Lafay ette, N, J., minister, and' Mrs, Carrie Leith Townsley. Rev. R. A. Jamie son. Donald Frederick Friessen, Fair* field, aircraft mechanic, and Faith Marie Gilliam, Osborn, R. R, 1. Rev. B. P. O'Reilly, Osborn. Rudolph Joseph Singhoffor, Jr.,. Trenton, 0., soldier, and Mary Regina Pitstick, Yellow Springs, R, R, 1. Rev. Francis J. Heider, Withams- vflle, O. (Applied For) Charles David LeVallsy, . Home Ave.*, upholsterer, and Mrs. Martha Elizabeth Frisner, 23 Hlvllng St. LocaldSb ToHear Dr. Eric Cogan Dr, Erie Cogan, native of South Africa who saw service with the British Army in German East Africa during the first World War, is to be the main speaker for the regular dinner meeting of the Cedarville Pro* gressive Club Jan. 11, at 7:80 p. m. Dr- Cogan is a graduate of Rhodes University, South Africa, and holds Graduate degrees from .Ohio State, While serving as instructor at the University of Stellenbosch he met Gen, John Smuts, an alumnus-of this institution and known "as an inter* national statesman. At the present time Dr. Cogan is a member of the Ait Service. Command at Patterson Flrid, and reside* on Xenia Ave. ROADS AND STREETS DAMAGED BY COLD Ohio highways a* well a* Streets in cities and villages suffered much damagfr by the recent subzero weath er. With a drop of 87 per cent in revenue for upkeep of ftwdo due to gasoline rationing it is going to be a problem how roads and street* can b» kept ha decent Shape, gram!’. guests merry until'Leon Henderson danced the last round afc-4;O0 the next morning, Gifts Presented* * To Retiring County Commissioner Associates in the Court House; at an informal ceremony Saturday morning,, presented a- table lamp as a farewell gift to WalterW, Barnett, jSilvercreek- township, retiring as a. Republican , member of the Greene County Board of Commissioners at the expiration of his term. He was not a candidate for re-election. Barnett completed . A four-year term, three years of which he served as chairman of .the hoard. He also served on the board a number of years ago before being elected to th term now expiring, Hugh Turnbull, Cedarville, Repub lican, sleeted last fall to a four-year term, succeeded Barnett. Other commissioner* are Ralph O. Spahr and Charles F. Greer, also Repub licans, Turnbull .was the only new county officer to assume office Monday- County Auditor J. "J, Cutiett, re elected in November, will begin hU new term March 8. Prohate Judge W, B, McCalJister, Jr., was elected to fill the unexpired term of Major Homer H» Heiirie, which expires Feb, 8,1945, Live Stock Company ■* Makes Big Gain The Cedarville Live Stock Go, utif der the management of J- L. Snypp handled an Sntroase o f 25 per cent more hog* the past year than for the year 1641. The number of hog# han ded the past year was' 32,522 against 26,818 the previous year. Railship- menta Were*190 double decks of hog* for Eastern points, The average..Weight of hogs the past year was 222 pounds against an average of 211 ‘the previous year. The average price was $18,61 last year and $9,61 the previous and $3.65 for 1640. Indications point to a de cided increase in hog shipments for the current year-by at least 80 per cent, ‘ • Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Townsley #n« iertained members at their home 'New Year’s Rve, Tills country ,was startled in-Mom- day dispatches when ■f|<e London ■itandai’d, owned by Lord Beaver- brook, British lend-Jease/agt^ut, in this /country, .advocated' bombing Rome, Italy, and-even’ St, Peter’s cathedCralHf necessary in return for Nazi bombing of ’British" churches. The 'Standard went so far as to say even - Pope Pius <$11 himself should' not be an obstacle 'to ,the jombittg of Rome for to could he moved; from danger The Standard Say* that Rente is the'principal “power. house of the, Nazi tyranny’,' out side of Berlin and by bombing that city the way would be opened to shorten the war, In view of the fact Bcaverbrook presented Mrs, Harry Hopkins an “emerald rope" valued at $120,006^ the public wonders just what the con nection is that would prompt the English paper to stab the Catholic Church in the' back by urging" bom bardment of a city that practically surrounds the Vatican1city, Horry4-Hopkins is the “assistant president" and bosses l£ise-lend.; A $40 a plate wine caviar dinner was given the wife of Hopkins last week in Washington with Leon Henderson the prize winning long-distance mara thon, dancer among the elite. Dr.W. R. McChesney On Three Committies The Ohio legislature organized Monday by re-election 'of Represent ative William McCullough of Plqua as speaker for- a third consecutive term. This is a new record for- the state. The Republicans control both branches Of the legislature. Dr, McChesney, representative from Greene county was renamed as a member of the throe important committees. Education, Public Wel fare and- Taxation. ’ Under his sen iority ire Would have been entitled to election to chairmanships hut he has always declined such honor ad he did this time believing he could be of grjeater service to the county and state as a leader In the committee Other than presiding. O D T ISSUES WARNING TO ALL TRUCKERS The office of pefepse . Transpor tation announced this week that the trucking industry'faeed major prob lems this year due to the shorta^y of rubber, man power and parts for re pairs. It was pointed out tiie farmer and corner grocery each with a tingle truck will not even be immune* and may have to discontinue all use be* fore the end of the year. Director Jeffers is doing all he can to keep rubber for transportation but the Defense Transportation, railroad eon trolled, and the OPA (Hendersons pot) are determined to hold firm In terests down. There is friction be tween the fiureaueratie board*. BUY WAR BONDS TODAY four-year term. The third board member Is Charles F. Greer, Beaver" sreek township,1 <- The board named Dr.,F.'M. Cham bliss, Xenia Mayor,4as physician for 'the county infirmary and made the following,appointments: ~ 1 Raymond G, ,Spahr, .near Xenia, clerk Of commissioners; O- B. LiiJt- trell,'Xenia, dog warden; -O. K, Sira-^ ison, Spring Valley, bee inspector; Dri R., L.jJtiaines, Jamestown, county tail physician;,,‘LaWrenee R, Jones. Xbnia, assistant'fireman of the court- -house heating plant; David H, Fitz, fellow Spriggs* county relief direct or; and Mrs, Katherine Walsh, Xenia, statistician, for the relief department. r -P T M| '-Iff... FarmLabor Will , Be More gerioiuL Tima iM ’Seoeoii Now that Dayton and Springs*ld haye been placed by the WRB fa class 1-A which means there is now -:*n acute labor shortage4In these cities and no more war contract* are to be let to firms there. ’ ’ Both Industry and labor dispute any serious labor shortage add will demand revocation of the order. Both cities can scour the adjacent farming, communities, Which Is now evidently being dort* to get young farm labor listed a* unemployed with the U* S. Labor Department in each city,', One farm, band reports he ha* been Offered steady' .employment at 90c an hour, in a -war production factory. He, cannot get a house near the plant and his auto will not permit .driving from the country, daily. One. local citizen who’ has, had steady employ ment for more than fifteen years la considering {accepting an offer in a Daytqn plant at 9Bc an hour to-start With and' an-Increase later.. ' ' ' ' ’ /Farmers are to he,told how they can produce more, with IesBhelp.when Roosevelt goes on the.air Jan- % 2. Whether be wi)l* still stand,onihis plan for no farm.labo? costa being used in fixing, parity price" has not jeen announced. - . Farmers Arp Chm ffsbi'Ar'V|»-. later* o f R ib opu ig # « Rlwic. *•** W*nfe AH- w * T4Ukma;Or«?..%.-43tfiiir^ menfc ‘ WhitehallBarn . DestroyedBy Fire Wednesday Afternoon ;Word was received .here1 Wednes day afternoon of the fire that de- -.troyed the Whitehall barn near Yel low Springs about 2 F,M,- The blaze ittracted people for miles around. The barn was owned by MrS. Martha Kelley Rankin, daughter of the late S. S. Kelley, Springfield industralist. / The fire is supposed to have origi- nited £rom the backfire of a truck in be barm according to Cus TituS, the manager. Employees present were Raymond Fltptick and Andrew Dpn- m building and contents and par- zker. -The joss is placed at $39,000 -.{ally covered by Insurance. Some of the live stock was saved. iut 126 sheep, 26 hogs, 2 cattle were lestroyed along with 200 tons of hay tnd ,1,000 bushels of barley. The employees saved 78 .head of ■attle, 23 sheep and one hog. "the Yellow Springs fire depart ment responded and fought the blaze for two.hour* to save other property. •The barii was one of the most com- dote to be found in the county DONALD NELSON WANTS CLOCKS MOVED UP HOUR Donald Nelson, war chief produc tion manager. WantsGhlo to move all iloqks 'up one hour more beginning .he first bf May,'’' This request was 'e-offset the demand of Ohio Citizens to return to Central Standard Tima in •j]ace( of Roosevelt’s New Deal Time. Washington, is trying to make an issite of the time question to put Gov. dticksr In the hole. Instead of that be New Deal Sears A Sawbuck ex ecutive is making Bticker the next president of the U. S. Washington no longer recognizee the rights of the private citizen. Neither does Hitter or Stalin, Pvt. Pierr®McCorltell Coes ToFt Sill, Olda. Pvt. Pierre McCorkell, Patterson Field, who has been in the air service since last summer, has parsed th# examination for officer's training and goes to Ft. Sill, Okla. He had spent several months at Camp Loekbourtie, near Columbus. LEROY JACOBS HAS THREE FINGERS AMPUTATED Lerty Jacobs, Clifton-Old Town pike had three fingers amputated at the McClellan Hospital fotlewing an, in jury khen his hand was mangled in a plaper at his sawmill Th* injury eras to hft rigk£ hand* MissBeardW - *• ' * *v i * , i. i.. Talk OirEconomics Miss Ruth Beard, home ymanage ment specialist'from OhioiState Un iversity will give the latest economic Information * t a, meeting^to'Be held Januar^J4, in the Civil Service Room inxthe Federal Building^.*The.meeting wi)l start at .10:30 a. iri. and continue Until 3:00 p. m. . Home account records will be sum marized-by homemakers who.-have been keeping-records* starting recojfda wlll to given to those’ who wish to begin. ‘ * - More people are realizing, the im portance of a systematic way of man aging financial affairs. Miss Heard will to able to give instruction* And one interested .is urged to' 'attend. FUrtherlhjforiqjitiph.-.conee|hing the. meeting may to* ohtained-frowi Mrs. Ddrothjr C. Stamback! home dem onstration agent.- • - Those on the inside o f the New Deal lfctiohjng, of food rushes the J change this, week that farmers nvarri - the nation and especially in t|tasouth i are - the most flagrant violators' o f food rationing of any class in {he - , country, Thb charge covered canned? , food-along with home and looker - storage o f meats. ■ 1 • ItHas been claimed Ifflarge pack* , * ing circles that the sale of ljve*torif< . - ha§ been, cut due largely to homo- ‘ »' butchering and-not the-usual run.In the-big markets of all kinds o f mcafcf - Representatives ‘ of the National' . Retail Meat Healers’ Assoriation' are iq Washington this Week and are said. '14• ' ‘ to have the mr o f leading New Deal- dro that are looking for an excuse to ' ^ ’ have'government control oyer,pri- ' r , *4 ForumYearljrProgram v Announced By Chr. The 1943 program bf the Greeffe County Forum h*s been .announced bv Herman Ankenev. chairmatf. Mon thly programs were assigned’to .the variobs townships as follows: January, Beavercreek twp., A. A, Neff, chr,; February, Spring Valley, tWp., Ernest Beam, chr,; March,1Bath twp., Ralph Kyle chr.} April, Jeffer son trip1., Wilbur Beard, chr.;: May Ross twp., Hersel Long, chr,; June, New Jasper twp*, Franklin. Boots, chr,; July, SilVetcreek •twp, Mytott FUdge, chr.; August, Xenia twp., Ed ward Marshall, chr,; September, 1Su- garcreek twp., Joe White, Jr., chr.; October, Miami twp;, Clark Meredith; chr.; November, Caesatcreek tvrp., Eldon Heinz, chr.; December, Cedar ville tWp. Arthur B, Evans chr. Administration Of' Rationing 1 Assailed Rep. LutHer A. Johnson, Democrat, Texas, HatUrday condemned the ad ministration of rationing-by methods hb described as “unreasonable, cum- torsoffle; Complicated and unneeCs- sary.” . The congressman made public a letter to President.ROosevelfc in Which the Texan declared the situation Is affecting th* paopWi mtoak ted- offsty and If uncorreeted will Impair the Roosevelt leadership. He explained he was not cbh- methods hy which It was being done, denoting rationing tot rather the MAYOR REPORTS $it*S collected past year Mayor O, A, Dobbins* reports that collected fines daring th* part year amounted to H96S, whkh from the village records k . many times what the treasury ever received in recent years for the same period. THERM IN SERVICE vate lockers Where farmers and'those'' in small towns can store meat. 1 , The packers are §ajd<to to work- ing.with the Agricultural Department, which looks- upon the lockers- with suspicion a rplace for, unlawful \ \ hoarding of meat, K .1F. Wanner, ' ' '_a ' senior meat’ specialist for the. departs - , 1 1 meat discloses there,,are-:4,32Vun- jr inspected and unlicensed locker , " - J plants in,46 states,' an increase of, . , .] 760 plaids .during, 194?, Of these ' ' 'l 2^42 were in l i mid-western,-atates - - * , where metit production fs the largest.,’- ' ^ Leading ^Tew-Dealers are Urging {to . ^ .vv1 ide|^ment,(+hl^|;pd;Jby ‘to confiscate meat in ti>e lockers and , [ , turn it over -to the Iegse-Jend, - {he * 1, - i‘ owner .opty,being permitted to keep] , • ‘ - ertbugh forjmmediate requirements' J„ \ add tlie best; cuts go to relieve‘ {bet 1 " _ * ' shortage jn the open market., ~ . '* According to the, Chicago report ' ’ - the average Idcker plant has from ' 400 ;to' 1^00 individual loekere,1each /* with a storage capacity o f 300 potind^" • , ’ • Of' meat. The' :Agritolto^ftl't^fi5^c,V, ' toent experts says! the-.anm'unt-,of , meat. In these.; lockern -equal* Hie'-, supply; in federally inspected' cold storage houses -that are fill contracts -for the army, navy, .and lend-lease. . . , - John A*. Kfftai; ’secretary Of ‘ {to ;' Meat. Dealer*’ Association'urges the • OPA (price"administration) to take' over this meat in lockers as* it "pro vided a moans for a “black market” * Under the proposed rationing as many of these lockers had as mtich as 5Q0 , pounds bf meat in storage. He-said country "cured bacon was being ped dled In Chicago from door to door while' dealers could mot to supplied ‘ by the packer*. It was reported to the Agriculture! Department <that Illinois farmers were killing tliefr hogs and selling the neat to peddlers at prices fab*in ex cess of the market price. One In- tidbnt was Where h- buyer purchased 36 cows at the Chicago market and- • trucked them to his-fatm where they were slaughtered "and sold to the- 'black market” . Time Change Is Legislaifre Topic With labor union*, civic and farm groups, chtirches and school* de* manding a return to Central Standard Time in Ohio, the legisktore seem* ‘nclined to follow the demand of'the public regardless of the .fact that Donald Nelson, WPB chief, object* eiid cites a great saving of electric power which is disputed by all-agen cies even the power companies4tom- The legislature probably wR! not. *ven g*t, & veto by Gov* Brtobifr if it is passed as the toglrtrtam hnnred- ited trith haring erwegto votes to overrid* Any m»h iretev- '^•G ov ernor will likely leave the ktirt with. th.e legislator*. The public should tort* to mi^d the Issue so far to. Washington -1* cop*1 earned is political to th*Nto?*!Sba!«re^ Want to put Briekto to thb-hwe for campaign purposes, A krew-pitt o f the entitf. w*r effort IS keep tit* htototoriti* eWiiiti&ed to ; powkr. Ubdex.toe"' Ne# tiin* extra rtertrirtty tom efcrt' rthook about $1^60-torte. Harold Marehell of thk pkee f« * third htemher o f, the Murrey tozhall femiliy to be todueted to to* army, A brother Fef Jo* XRffrtiaR ha* b*en to th* *«erto* «hmrt4w* karo i H |k># i » Mim lilHafild ■MtojgAfcw*.to.1. Pf- WWW /ipnlMPIPI local xw r iN H M i i& m , ' wmk>wm iMmki GCLtlMt^SMCm wm m fund ti>* IM tod te have relmsl-now ap- ptrttertfs $660^60 R trim mm rtew- ad- some store t wteit ebiiieiii fen rwuewwiis*"wiregyvn-ifpwwv eefrvwv w and k *v*re*a«, to*to-qu«to*>to Ik 'aiwpwwiwv 'icnyviPii 1 *
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