The Cedarville Herald, Volume 66, Numbers 1-26

• . < „ aaeac jymn»<pi S S M 5 P t>• - 1» V V V V HQXANAJ* ' L uuh ^ f g , ,oiz~H'4a K *•iN-YiMt-MaisriMQf eepsake D I AMOND RING Ktepmlco b a rtog yooV* pood togiv«andproudto own, TheMtabHthVdprtc* on every ringend tfi» Oft* ttficaf*of R«gt*trotk>«.attd Guarpnf** enablesyon to *#tecta genuineregistered Keepsake Diamond Ring With ETIQUETTE pOOK FREE Beforey<H>announce your engagement, tak for free book, “Etiquettedfthe En­ gagement ami Wedding" **tNf**» " U.» EftAftAUMeoB fttejf Mift 1M.J0 ieo.00 VALAnt u C, • '''’, \ fl Hot water? Simple! Just , <urn the faucet and there it is. But wait. lie- - member the source—your faithful gas water , heater. Fuel for cooking? Simple! Just turn a ' knob and there it is—time saving/ money saving, .food saving GAS for eveiry cooking *^ l ,M* ,J ' , . ~,s t v ‘ j ' ’ *. operation. Do you ever stop' in the middle o f your day’s work to contemplate the down* right convenience o f this wonder commodity? D o you ever measure this convenience against the inefficiency, the extra cost, and work, and mess o f coal or weiod in case you had to revert to these outmoded fuels? Ga> and . modern gas appliances have been instru­ mental |n elevating the. American standard o f living. This better living is otie o f the things for which we are fighting. Don’t for* get that gas is important for War production. Use what you need—use it wisely—don’t waste it! „ ; T H I D A Y T O M , D O W E R A M D L I O H T C O M P A N Y PLUMBING REPAIRS I am ill position to serve, all my patrons for Plumb­ ing Repairs as well 'as Installation of Fixtures such as can be secured under government regulations. - You still can have certain’ plumbing for new work and repairs for waldr systems on farm. Give me a call. * Phone 4*3501 - y # F. E. H arper JAMESTOWN* OHIO WANTED — - WOODWORKERS NightTyrantAh for Mill — MouWer option* for ■swscoiul ehlfl, tMUtujFfeaft. Wood Assembling Foreman, Carpenters, Mniir- tmuto man*Spray operators—TopWages to applicant <1 seto.- tad. No age limit. No one now employed InWar “work run■ Mdarad. Saa Mr. Engle, The Buckeye Incubator Company, ifoolJd Arenae IPlaht, Springfield, Ohio, w m . UtSKWMRmtNATIONMI S u n d a y ! c h o o l U . “JKgK&SSgaSfer 1 Ohio To B* Flooded I With Inaw e Seed smmsjs Lesson for December 13 - „ I j W oa ouiUoM* awi Beriptwo tnrtj v / permission, THEVARS OKTHE CHURCHTO THE SOCIAL. ORDER LESSON TEXT-M»tth*w Writ laiW IT: I P«tu- J-1S07 GOLDS'N TEXT- -Ye are the suit of the earth , > , Ye ar*-ihfe light of the world-— M#t|tuw 6:13. i*, «2k», Social anti political lenders have In the church the strongest Influence for good lit all the world. One mar* vela that-those who profess to seek the best for humanity, who try ev­ ery kind or social experiment, who labor with every expedient of man, full to see and use h) full measure the power of'Christianity, Perhaps the explanation's that some of these leaders nfe themselves' unsaved men, who do not understand spiritu­ al things, and are not willing to give Cod the glory. Perhaps in the case of others it is because of ignorance or lack of contact with the church. Whatever the' reason, the situa­ tion should he remedied. America could solve her problems,' both so­ cial and political, by a nation-widsjfc revival of true Christianity,'with the accompanying *salvation of thou­ sands of unconverted. If we can­ not have that, .let us not fall, to have a revival in our own hearts, our own churches, our neighbor­ hoods or communities. We Pnd in our lesson that the church is LA Powerful Influence for Moral Good (Matt. 6:13-18). . Salt in the midst of corruption, light in a world of unbelievable darkness—-what striking and mean- ingful.figures with which to describe the Christian. Believers •are the “ salt of the earth” because they draw their sa- .vor from God Himself, The Chris­ tian church, by God's own state­ ment, is Ilis own powerful antiseptic which preserves the social order from falling into the moral decay which sometimes Seems imminent. It should, therefore, be honored and encouraged by that society Which it serves. Christians are the “ light of the world,” ami it is the essential na­ ture of light to shine. The darker its surroundings the more marked its brightness, and.the more needed .its. illumination. The good works of Christians reflect the goodness of God, and so they glorify His worthy .name. Brother, is your light burn­ ing brightly in' this wicked world? II. A Stabilizing Element in So­ ciety (Marlf12:13-17): - The-world is in social ferment, and.our own country has its share Of ‘‘isms” and social theories call* big meh to follow* asking their loy­ alty* making them Utopian, promises • Without foundation. Alert and intelligent Americans are concerned about these clamor­ ous voices, many of which are quite properly suspected of having pur­ poses far from . beneficial to our American way o f life, or to'democ­ racy itself. Yet they dare hot op* mose them lest there be the cry of denial of freedom of speech, etc. What can we do to meet them? Here Is the answer: Preach Christ. Bring men lo a saving knowledge of Him. and to a godly way of living. For the Christian is directed by Christ Himself to “ render Unto Cae­ sar the things that are Caesar's'.’— and they do it too, because they have first rendered “ to God the things hint are God’s.” III. A Loyal Example of Good Citizenship (I Pet. 2:13-17), The highest measure of loyalty to country is the Christian standard here stated, In Romans 13:1-10 we ■ learn that nil authority comes from God and that the power of rulers .Is to be recognized as His gift. That means that true rulers will submit to Him in every detail of their gov­ ernment; seeking to know and to do His will. However, the Christian gives loyal obedience to the “powers that be” even though they may not recognize the source of their power. This Is subject only to'the limitation that they may not demand that we do those things that dishonor God’s name. Since their only real power to rule Comes, from Him, they have no authority to tell anyone to do that which is against His holy will. When that itappens, the Higher Authority takes over and our loyalty must he •to Him, the King of kings. The 'Christian then will be the best citi­ zen, eagqr to do what king or coun­ try may ask, in order thusJ a ilo r a good testimony and to close the month Of foolish critics of the church. . The history of Our country and of Other lands reveals the names of many illustrious Christian patriots, and the roil of hohof of those who loved and served their country well In the humble and difficult places, Would bear its hundreds of thou­ sands of names which are found also on the roll of the church, , • Christians, let us be earnest and intelligent,followers of Chrlst, whose lives count for moral Uprightness, “ For God and Country” is the excel­ lent motto of the American Legion, but it should be more than that; it should be the purpose of every •Christian citizen, LEGAL NOTICE To Carroll Sterner, wife of Clyde Sterner, whose place of residence is Unknown, will take, notice that, oft September 24th, 1942, Clyde Sterner, her husband, filed a petition for di­ vorce in the Common Pleas Court of ♦Gveene County, being Case No. 22,* 984, You are required to answer within (fi) weeks, from the date of the first publication of this notice, which is October 2nd, 1842 or judg­ ment may lie taken against you, CLYDE STARNEK, By Smith, McCallister & Gihney, His Attofweyfc Following a cabinet teeettaff Tues­ day, Gov. John BL Brisker stated. !& j Ohio would, jobs wtth Florida in a fight to step the distribution of im­ pure seeds to farmers by the AAA, The New Deal claims It oanftot tel stopped and hopes to unload before the new congress mm act after Jan­ uary 1st. If permitted Ohio farms would be polluted with all kinds o f foreign seed and under the law even farm owners that sow untested seed can be prosecuted. If the farm becomes in- feeted one farmer cart' sue for damage against his neighbor. It is expected that other states will join, wltii Florida in this fight. New Deal politicians have taken oyer all' kinds of seed to be unloaded on far­ mers through the AAA. What is tiort- needed in that institution in each county o f the-nation is p- manure spreader. OgDARVILUB M, WSWWWeWMW^WDIiDMPlWMHWWtepWMriiwillBMRW Congress Expected To ^Reject Tariff Change It is certain that Congress is to ignore the Roosevelt request for teg' islation giving him power in change tariffs to suit bis will. He is deter­ mined to permit the entrance of free Argentine beef In competition with American feed beef. Western cattle- feeders have the promise of senators from their states they will never vote for the request. As many cattle are fed in the South-senators from that section are opposing the plan, is solely responsible fop the shortage of meat due to the fact priees to the Cattlemen charge the government feeders are frozen, grain prices are foozen and the New Dealers will not permit packers to kill only a certain amount of Jive stock monthly. This is done by withholding meat inspec- Xenia Air Raid Test Called “Grand Flop” Coal Tp'Cost All ■ . ('Mtonsumers More Tiie New Dealera in Washing^on te hold the support o f the coal miners have agreed to higher prices for’Coal Xenians-failed to get excited Monr|in 0lder that miners can he paid day when the test daylight alarm and, overtime. Miners now work about defense*air raid Was'given. The test ^ hours a week-and by*working six was regarded as a flop or “highly <lays are to ®et tin)C unsatisfactory” using the society vo -.fo1' the second day.‘of jsdven hours -cnhulariy to describe it. Regardless jktbor. ■The consumer is to pay, the it was on the anniversary of the Jap bilJ wWch in the end is paying for attnek on Peart Harbor, made no dif­ ference, One warden stated in. bur hearing that afternoon that he was the only person reporting at. his post, not even a New Deal Democrat show­ ing UP for the test. , When naked what might he the answer to the indifference, of the public, said, “Everybody’s sore’ about this d - - rationing business. Xenia Democrats must all have become “ iso­ lationists” . 1 . *«.- , * ' 1 , We asked a Xenia business mart who Until several months ago, preach­ ed the New peal doctrine if he had a .part in the air,raid setup. His reply was, “H - * everybody’s up" in the air on this crazy New Deal. I can’t get enough merchandise to pay to stay in business.” the Third Term of Roosevelt as presi­ dent. Probate Judge Sus­ tain By Appeal Court a Probate Judge William Bt McCall- ister, has been upheld by the Court of Appeals, Second District, in the first case to be appealed, to pie high­ er court since he became judge, J. AlexandeV McCampbeil, plaintiff in .the ..action; appealed a probate judgment and filed exceptions to the method of settling the estate of his father, the late John 'McCampbeil, this township. Defendants were Gray W.. McGanipbell and Lloyd R. Me Campbell; brothers. XENIA, OHIO ~ RABHOR ROBES T BUFFER HOSE JOHN CITIZEN SPEAKS * Cartoon tmrUtf g Dufik FritPrtH 1 0 % . . . t o S a ire 1 0 0 % Alt over the nation, patriotic Americans are spending less and saving more .—putting at least 10% o f their incomes Into War Bonds and Stamps. So our boys can have the planes and tanks and guns they need to fight and attack and WIN for us! So the Nazis and Japs wilt wish they hadn’t and won’t tried to enslave America,, too* ever try it again! And it’s going to take 10% in War Bonds to do it! * ’ . So, if you’ve Jbaen postponing buckling, down, remember, it’s ^'Everybody t0% ” or "Nobody (except our Axis masters) having a cent." NOTE-~3Slow Y ch Can E h } War Bonds Tbringb Yokr Burnt Postman! ^VWar M u g s Bonds SHOOT SmtGHT WITH OUS SOYS . ThUspace 1*a contributk* to America*’* Afl-OwtWar ptegfam tey Xenia National Bank