The Cedarville Herald, Volume 66, Numbers 1-26
f - - .i t '-ttr > W*H!iW c»D A sm uE m w j i , *m & % TMW%’ Apr. I t • «l* \ t Wfc.. in GE 4ESSW HOTE ‘The ?spera- toes” ring . ih Scott Sunday hite 8*t. May t 4 TD»y* jvil ler” U*-—-* o f the tees” aer Tcrcn Ight • - rles Starrett 1 In .■,. ' o f the hwest” LIBI” . Bun. Mon. Tues. igled 1 ” Cast Dorothy La*1 tte Goddard ngineers’* BOO a s o n s \ a u S h o u ld lER 'S ( O L . ‘ ' * ft • for therxelief of MATISM IRITIS and IJAGO i this vicinity 4 Bottles $5.00 SALE )rug Store PHARMACY nia lERGER stown i■HiM.....i..l.lif unimiiiiMfBtthMiwtMiMOitf imd Fittings for steam* Hand and for all purposes, Betts, Plumbing plies. CKLETT *y. co, , OHIO tmnfHtMi* IKRVICE I t ffOCK «A t.IZEft ftevera# Chargee ’» Xwila* Ohio Club andSocialActivities Mayor Q, A, Dobbin* eonttnaea to Improve slowly,btit he is not able to h* up pad around y«t. Ihf. dames L. Cheeaut, vrifo and •on, « f Pittsburgh, Pa., have bean spending several days with Mrs. Chestnut’s mother, Mrs. S. C. Wright. NOTICE The K. Y. N. Club will meet this Friday afternoon »t the home of Mrs. Lewis Lilliclc instead of the home of Mrs. CfcarieeCoulter. ■Roll call re sponses are to he “Whets New In My Gardea” . Miss, Dorothy Anderson who teaches in Hanover College, Madison, Ipd., spent the week-end with her parents/Dr, and Mrs, Leo Anderson. Pfc. dames Howard Finney, son of Mrs, Donna B. Finney, rfhp enlisted Dee. 22, lptt at Ft* Thomas, Ky., graduated from the Armament School Napier Field) Ala., April 24th. Second Lieut, Robert Wilson and wife spent Easter with the former’s mother,' Mrs, Anna 0. W’ilsort. When granted his commission, Lieut. Wilson was placed in the procure ment office in Columbus, O, James, Jr,, son of Mr, and Mrs* J, C. McMillan, Chicago, is spending the week with relatives in Xenia and Osborn and with his grandmother, Mrs* Mary McMillan o f ,this place. I- Dr. James M* Anderson, who grad* rutted recently from the O.' S. XI. med ical' school, passed the state medicaT examinafiion according to*an announ cement Thursday. He'is now ser ving at White Cross ..Hospital, Col umbus. He is a graduate of Cedar ville high school and' Cedarville Col lege, CARD OF THANKS , Wh wish1to thank the pastor and ■our many friends for their assistance and floral pieces at the funeral ser vices of a member of our family. 1 ' The Weakly Family MiMMiMMniiHMiHWUilMMmnnmmiwumiiitmmitimMH**- C O Z Y • THEATRE • Fri. and Sat./April 30*May 1 Errol Flynn—Alexis Smith “GENTLEMAN JIM” . -METRO NEWS- .< Sun. and Mottr-iMay 2-3 Paul Muni—Arina Lee 'Commandoes Strike At Dawn* ■ news — C artoon Wed. and Thurs., May 5-6 ' Walt Disney Feature Length Cartoon “FANTASIA** COMEDYAND MUSICAL >Mw„iiiiiiimiiiiinrimi~m....———.... Mrs. R, E Neal is Bpending the week-end with Second Lieut. Betty Copeland, who is located at the Ser vice Unit of Ross Hospital, Camp Breckinridge, Ky. Mrs. Clyde Walker returned Wed nesday after visiting with her hus band for two months at Medford, Oregon. She has resumed her school work at Lebanon, Ohio. Lieut,. Comdr. J. C. Fairo, formerly of this place, visited Sabbath with Mrs. M. I, Marsh. Dr. Fairo still continues his medical office in Cin cinnati where his family resides, .He. has 'been stationed at St. Augustine) Fin,, with the aviation forces. First .Lieut. Malcolm Finney,, D, Y, M„ and wife spent the week-end here with the formeris mother, Mrs. E.>E. ^inney.’ Dr. Finney has been taking special training Ut Camp Carlisle, Pa., oild returned recently to Camp Me Lean, Miss. Hugh Ned Brown, who is in the navy school of music as an instructor rf physical education and publicity tji- ."ector-of the school, made a short vis it with hjs parents, Mr. and Mrs, H. H. Brown, over Easter. He has charge of all Tadio programs* He was jac companied by his wife formerly Miss Margaret Tobin of Jamestown. Mrs. Brown teaches in Congress Heights School in Washington. The C. H. Gordon filling station vas sold .Thursday to Frank and Fi ner Owens, who take immediate pos- .session. Mr. Gordon has been in popr health for several months and was unable to look after the business. Mr. Elmer Owens has . heyn connected with the station for Several years. Joseph W. Fichter, Oxford, O., •Master of the Ohio. State' Grange-In a radio speech refuted in strong tertns that higher farm prices would' bring on* inflation. He stated the farmer did not want inflation any more i'than other .interests but he alone was not responsible. As long as what the farmer must purchase is on inflationary basis the farmer must have increased prices to.-insure a profit. His percentage of increase on farm products were much under every other commodity. —BUY WAR BONDS TODAY BUY’ U. $. WAR BONDS and STAMPS Just Arrived— / I - td In T im e f a r E a s i e r W e a r WILSIIIRE Bats Mart w tolno* ^ wtoa of a fin*.appearance thiffootivafy teleef WiMttre Hat*. Whatever the *MT*nf fashion* . * . you can trust ths interpre- tritons Of WllsMra to be oorract - t* . authentic artd smart and for fit# qreetesf trtaasuro of quality. Coma In andsto n*w arrivals. . . mcwdwjj tha m Wbound edge with Contrasting color*. „ rtr, fc e u e S m m p |L B* :: COLLEGENEWS 11 w $ ► Tbs Secretary’s hook and records of tbs Cedarville High School Alumni Association have been lost or mislaid. Anyone having any knowledge of ite whereabouts please notify John Davis, phone Cedarville 8-1795 at once; ■■■ ■ ■ Cedarville College’s Yellow Jackets prepared this weak to meetOtterbein College’s baseball nine Saturday, May 1st, The game will he played at Westerville and will begin at 3:80. Captain John Sandershap.been put ting the squad through dally practices in anticipation o f the game. The un certain spring has hampered train ing somewhat, hut the boys should he in fairly good physical shape hy Sat urday. 'Sanders, of course, is slated for wound duty.. It will be Cedar- ville’s first game of the season. > The defense has continued to sparkle especially in the infield, but, as yet, there has been no display of hitting power on the part of the Yel low Jackets. : / ..... * " . 1 ' ' ■ Saturday, May 1, at 9 P* M* is the zero hour for the spring formal, Dancing until midnight to the rhythms dealt out by the Kampus Kadets of the OSSO Home will he en joyed by those present. The Chi Sigma? Phi Sorority is sponsoring the dance. . Rachel Neal, New Carlisle, is president of .the or-, ganization. Committees Have been named and tickets can be secured from members of pledges of the so-1 rarity, . Prices .are $2 ;g couple or $1,25 for a single. Decorations fea: turing a false ceiling of'gaily;co!ored crepe paper will he iil evidence. The public is invited to attend. ing, April 87. Mr, Ilartpsnee, for merly bsad of the American Legion in Ohio, has had a grant deal of ex perience with young people and their problems. Bo reviewed soma of the major problems fseing them today and exhorted them to “Go, therefore, and show thyself a man.” A wainer roast was held by col lege students at the Roadside Pary on Route 42 southwest o f Cedarville last Thursday night. There was quite a scramble for the necessary ration points but they were secured and the Church School, 11 A M, Sermon, “A Letter to the Romans” . Hera it j*--once in a lifetime-- the 99th anniversary of the erection of oqr present ohurch, completed May 1868. The 90th anniversary Is set for May 9', 1943, * Only two attended two great oc casions of our church. Beivoni Cres. well apd L. V, Iliff attended both the dedication of the church in 1853 and the opening of the educational plant addition ih 1910. William Marshall is requesting that Mr. Floyd Hartpencg, superinten dent of tlfe 0, S. S, O. tipme. ad dressed the' student assembly of Cedarville College, Tuesday morn- affair went off successfully- Mrs, - you turn in old Bibles, hymn hooks, John Mills actedas chaperone for the programs, pictures etc,, of other years group, , |so as to he labeled and placed on .......... . '■"'■'■’v Jdisplay* . . jniniiiiOTii)iiiwmiwnwM«»im»www*Mw*Hi*nwwHinHM if you have a dress or suit of some antiquity and in "good enough con dition to fce wbrn piease contect Mrs. FrankCfeawell District '-Conference qh Milford May 4th Cpl. Wh«. L. Rtormout ef F§tis»raon Field, has been transferred to Soott Field, HI., to undergo a morse of training in oxygen and portable gen. orators. Mrs. Downing of Pablos, Ohio and daughter Mrs. J, C, George of Ash-, vijle, N. C., visited with Mr, and Mr*. J. E, Kyle last Friday, The same evening Mrs. Downing and daughter had dinner with Mr, and Mrs; Ralph George, Jamestown. "W* E x p e r i e n c e and Olerieri Woricer*. Htteadg Ante pteymeat, pleawrat weririrtf m$M* tions, good pay, McCall CoiiKHraHoii 821* McCall » t Daytea, Ot CHURCH NOTES | I ....A:......... . * UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Ralph A Jamieson, Minister Sabbath School 10 A. M., Supt, Harold Dobbins. ' Preaching 11:90 A, M. Theme, Y. P. C. U. 7 P, M* Subject, “Changed Lives.” “Being Christian in my Work”. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Paul H. Elliott,-Minister 10:00 A. M* Sabbath School,. Mrs. Ira D. Vayhinger, Supt. The devotionals will be in charge of Mr, Power's Class. 11:00 A M. ■Morning Worship, Sermon, “Our Adequate Gospel”. 7 P. M. Young Peoples Christian Endeavor. METHODIST CHURCH H. H, Abels. Minister •Telephone 6-1381 Sunday School 10:00 A. M. Clayton Wiseman, Supt. Mr. George Witt of, Indianapolis, spent the week-end with Mr, M. W. Collins and family. v Mrs, Normaq Sweet of Rossford, O., was a guest of her mother, Mrs. Clara Morton, over Easter. ' The annual inspection pf the Cedarville Chapter No. 418 Order of Eastern Star will be held Friday/ April .30, at the Masoic-Temple at 8 P. M. Miss Martha Drake, Deputy Grand Matron of the l18th District will be the inspecting officer. Mem bers are requested to come and others living here are invited'to this spection, Jane Mills, Matron. Amos Frame, Worthy Patron. , Ada Stormont, Secretary. m- ALONGFARMFRONT ?. A. Drake, Co. Agricultural Agent » "*■»<*<■'• •'»# Sulpha Drugs-Protects Chickens One of the “Sulpha” group of drugs so valuable in human medicine, is alsp helpful in preventing coccidiosis of chickens.- Investigations hy the USDA have shown that to be re sistant to coccidiosis, chickens must develop at. least a mild form of the disease. Hewever the infections as they occur naturally are not limited to the mild form and the mortality usually is high. So the investigators used sulphaguanadine to weaken the vitality of the that it v&uld cause only a ipild case and yet help the birds build up immunity. Regular mash was medicated by adding one half of one per cent by weight ,of sdlphaguauadine. The medicated mash was given to young chickens for three days .before and' for 14 days after they were exposed to the infection sharply reduced mortality. Chickens so treated devel oped go,od. resistance and the .treat ment had' no noticeable effect on normal growth of the birds.. Ph MORE ACRES OF CORK MORECORN PER ACRE I have genuine Pftster Seed, in stock. JAMES B. HARNER, *1327W2 Xenia, R. 3 »fw SEEDPOTATOES A few begs certified KAHTDIN SEED POTATOES ■Medium Early variety PLENTY OF HOMINY HOG SUPPLEMENT UBIKO PURITY STARTER and DEVELOPER ■ 2 v>’ • 1■ >/V , } . -' .-.V' •'rc;;f ■ i ,‘i r- - ■ 4 ' L!*■^ '^ 5 .. A VVK.t V'v''1, . 1 > •■■* >f »*•*.*' , Wake Up, Americans . . . Y o u r Country’s Most Fateful Hour Is Near T HE hour when the final die is cast,when de cisive victoryhangs in the balance. The hour which will decide the future of you and your children. I. a future of joyous freedomor a future of endless serfdom^ Yes, it 1 $ ten minutes to midnight* And when the first stroke of that fateful hour begins to sound, it will be too late to throw your weight into the fight. The time to dd that is NOW. Now, when your dollars can keep the produc tion lines humming* Now, when your dollars can. bi*y the tanks and guns and plane* and ships our soldiers need to fight a winning war. . . the only kind of a war we can afford to fight* Now, while there are still ten minutes before midnight. . Your country is asking youto lend yourdollars in gfeaterambunt than ever before. It is asking for 13 billions of dollars extra this month . . . 13 billions for theweapons of wartomtke surethat it is our$tds which dictates the peace; If we do not win, the mdney’ you fail to lend nowwill be worse thanuseless to you. If wewin, as we must, the moneyyou lend now will be re turned with interest. . . for you to spend on the good things of life ; for you to enjoy in a free and s. ’e world. js ¥ . So dig down, Americans* Answer the challenge- by buying War Loan securities this month with every idle dollar you have except what you need for the barest necessities of life. Don't wait for the War Loan Volunteer* Beat the gun hy going to your bank, investment dealer, broker, Post Office, or bond booth today . Have your money in your-fist . * * the fist that can deliver the knockout blow to the Axis. But hurry . » ; , - For it is ten c„ lutes to midnight . i t The hour that can strike the knell of doom— or the blessed song of freedom* „ Yourdollars can call the tune; Thera are Seven different types o f U . S . Government Secu rities *- choose the onesbestsuitedforyou: United States War Savtots Bands— SsttoaE: The perfect investment for iadividqsFsnd family savings, dives you bade $4 for every $5 when theBondmatures.Designed Espe cially for the smallerinvestor.Dated ltt day o f month In which payment it received: Interest: 2.9% s yeer if held to maturity.' Denominations: *2 * , $50, $iOO, $500, $1000. Redemption:soy time 60 days after issue date; Price: 75% o f maturity value* VAX Trsatwy Bsndt Ml1M4-1IH: RiMdiiy marketable, acceptable as bank coUaftecsl, these Bonds are ideal investments for (rue funds, estates end individuals* A sjpedel feature provides that theymay beredeemed «t perend accrued interest for the purpose o f satisfying Federal estate taxes. Dated April 1 5 ,1943s duejfmte 13,1969. Denom inations: $500, $1000, $5000, $10,000, $100,000 end $1,000,000. Redemption! Not callabletill June 1 5 ,19$4j thereafteret par end accrued interest on shy interest date st 4 months* notice. Price: par sad scented interest. Other SttarHtes: Series“C” Tax Not**:% % Certificates o f Indebtedness} 2% Treasury Bonds o f 1930.19521 UnitedStatesSavings Bonds Series ’ ‘F ’j United States tarings Bonds Series ”G.” If THEY GIVE THEIR L IVES . . . YOU LEND Y0U.1 MONEY! • sum....... ...... Sponsom 1
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