The Cedarville Herald, Volume 66, Numbers 27-52

... . mMv * ^ * * 'i 144. Iff I, BIT' \i*dh '&r- m m I f t qfc* J|*v LLE H E R A L D »jwrfl»«IIIM|l>|<^IM>tl>MIWH»WMt|l!WgM|Wlllnt*WM>l»> XBHTOJ& A N D P U B L IS H E S jlSu.Mkl IWf HW* r*a*r ***** <****• SattmA At the Post OSIce, C&d*rvilla, Ohio* October 81,1887, m sacond claw matter. I S i l ^ r AUGUST 6 ,1943 mm SEN, MAIJONEY SPEAKS AGAINST NEW DEAL Tha m to not *11 t o g r t t o ior ? ! The“w S a form o f dictatorship. Let no inan tell you different. 1 ne war ia now the cloak to regiment the whole world under control o f Churchill and Booeevelt, hot Hitler or Stalin* Trouble brews to ia y to this country among New Pealers over our Po1' icy towards Russia, Stalin Bees the hand writing on the wall. He knows that England is to use America to fight Ru^ lJ at t^ end of World War No. 2 if Roosevelt remains .at the heado f this government. That is hacked by Roosevfelt s claim the wai will not end until as late as 1949, _ _ Others are beginning to through the Churchill-Roose velt foreign policy. Stalin is wise enough }o P ^ ^ i s °w.x frame and not become entangled in ‘foreign affairs. It is dawning on certain Democrats, many of whom have dropped the name of “New Dealer” , that the party is to-be the vehich to keep the war going at least untilafter thenexfcpresidenUal election. When the time comes that Senator Joseph C-Ma- hone, Dem., of Wyoming, contributes an article m Forbes Mag­ azine, attacking the New Deal plan to. wreck our present form of 'government and establish Communism for the World, it is time for all citizens to become alarmed at the Roosevelt clique in its effort to steal the government from the people under our present constitution. The Ohio State Journal in an_ ,e^I^>5^ make's plain New Deal contentions in reviewing Sen, Mahoney s recent article. The editorial follows: “ In a forthright and challenging article in Die current is­ sue of Forbes Magazine, Wyoming’s Democratic Senator Joseph O’ , Mahoney charges that America is being made o y e r by the New Dealers and the people1do not like it. It appears that .0 - Mahoney, on whom the President has depended in the past to help vote his policies into law, has definitely broken with New Dfealistti and world-wide globalooney planning. Because of the manner in which the New Dealers are hand­ ling affairs at home and abroad, quite aside from the conduct of the war, O’Mahoney asserts there may never he a peace con­ ference or- a peace treaty. Attacking expansion of lend-lease through-use of executive funds, the creation of agencies with authority to order our way of life,’ and the manner in which our reciprocal trade treaties have been negotiated', O’Mahoney sees these hs part of the deliberate'will of the New Dealers, led by the President, to change our system.over to something that is- strange to the people and imical to our traditional liberties and 'initiative. Lend-lease, this Democrat leader asserts, “ has be­ come a gigantic financial instrument of.,the executive by which, without the advice or consent of Congress, the global shape of things to come is being prepared.’” . , 1 . As to the bewildering array of overlapping agencies, O’Mahoney charges they were created bn the assumption that with a war to win "the wisdom’ ability and ‘know:how’ , reside chiefly in'the executive. The ecords of many of them—OPA, WMC, WLB. and OUT— throw a great doubt on the theory.” An even greater danger sepn by the Wyoming liberal is thq, fact thatVamong the men who write the executive regulation? there is actually-a school of thought which holds to the theory that this, secret system of circumventing Congress is wise, be­ cause it-prevents, public outcry and criticism before a rule be­ comes .effective, thus making it easier for a bureau to carry out. ... a policy which would be rejected by/Congress.” 1. It is a constructive circumstanceAhat these criticis from a man who is Of the President^ own party and ed consistently to support his old policies. This removes from his charges the political tinge, that othenwise would have been laid to them. It is to his credit that he places his country above party, his concern for our way of life above political considera­ tions, and pulls no pitches in exposing secret and invisible, gov­ ernment in Washington. The dangers he points out grow more manifest daily to all o f us, especially as we see bureaucratic underlings in regional offices assuming police powers qver auto drivers, and similiar high-handed practices “against the people being adopted ^else­ where. We are fighting a war to prevent the German system of gauleiters from becoming world wide, but our bureaucrats and too many of their little helpers in farrspread district of­ fices seem not to recognize this fact.” . OIL HAS GREASED NEW DEALERS - The gasoline rage and the New Deal effort to please the Eastern motorists to get his vote, which at present is doubt­ ful^has. caused the administration policy makers to adopt any kind Of makeshift or make any kind of promise, true or false, to gain the point at stake. When he “ Big Inch” oil line was dedicated and the Hon. ;made a speech a few weeks age, he predicted more gas- |for the East and Brice Fixer Brown predicted the ban on driving would be, lifted just like Roosevelt lifted the bari%i coffee. The three acted and talked as if they were giving the'public something they had never had. Meantime the gasoline trade calls the Ickes order false and misleading and unnecessary for there is plenty of gasoline for everyone and oil companies are anxious to-sell their supply. The oil interests could go farther and brand part of Roosevelt’s fireside chat as purposely misleading about the need of thfc airplanes for gasoline. He did not explain there are two different kinds of gasoline, motdr fuel for cars, tractors and trucks and octane gasoline for airplanes. The Christian Science Monitor calls attention to the out­ put of the oil fields in the Middle East now that war conditions have changed in Africa and Italy. The transportation prob­ lem does not enter into the picture for gasoline that is used in *most o f the mid-West states, - For instance gasoline used in this section comes by pipeline and tank trucks are supplied near Springfield. , Further limitation of gasoline i sno longer an argument to .save rubber, at least the New Dealers talk-in a different tone today. TKe'polfticos must have an excuse to give the East more gasoline. which is available now every day of the week. The excuse must be at the expense o f the mid-west where New Dealism is dieing as if by strangulation.. * After a time Roosevelt may take the air and announce, with his magic Wand in hand that, “ I may give you more gas soon” , just as he did about sugar^-now; bulging in storage houses and refineries closed down. It*#all New Deal barn-yard dust. You may hear o f Congress being jailed bae|c in session moat any time. Paul McNutt, one o f the New Deal dreamers, who heads the man-power commission has issued a manifesto calling f o r . drafting all pre-Pearl .Harbor fathers. Draft board? are to be given such instruction*- Member* o f both haute* o f Congress have raised a etorm about the Nutty Me Nutt order and aay if it is not with­ drawn they will ask that* Congress he convened and take up the Kilday hill that haa already passed the House. Sen, .Wheeler, Pern., Montana, flaunt* the McNutt order, He aay* the order I* contrary to the expressed desire o f Congress and not in accord with the constitution. Most every­ one knows few if any o f the ABC bureaucratic combinations are con­ stitutional. They are the New Deal blocs, but perfectly proper accord ing to the Dayton News. tthat be known U *lilly white* brand op Roosevelt, the Democratic pri­ mary election this week, .indicates that state ha* had all o f the Hitler idea o f government it want*. They are like New Deal Mussolini, who seek* safety for their state under the Con­ stitution, The voters by and large swamped the Roosevelt candidate for governor at the primary election by an overwhelming vote. An old line straight thinking Democrat covered the state in a campaign plastering the New Deal I s unAmerican and urged support to keep, Mississippi in the Unip'n. Greene county Democrats if there are any, might take heart that American New Dealers and Italian New Dealera will some o f these days be able t o drown their sorrows prob­ ably with Hitler 1n that famous beer hall. sim come wiiQ vot- If the labor leaders get together and .insist on placing everything and all business under the New Deal heel because the New Dealers get the vote, there is no danger from such a move. I f ,the grocers ask for just fair treatment from the OPA that is trying to upset the New Deal planned economy, whatever that is. Wo,Id’s Nows Sion Through -M t i s r i a n S c i e n c e M o n i t o r * An International Daily Newspaper h Trat|ful--Con«racdye---Utit>iM*d--Fr«e from Senurfonsl. 1*M»•»Editorial* Ars timely and Instructive and III Dsfly Featatc*^ Togetherwltib the Weekly Magazine Section, Melee the Moiwfor AMIdeal Ntmpapat for die Home, Th* t&ristiVn Science Stolety One, Norway Sweet, Bomn, Massachusetts . Price *12.00 Yearly, or Jfl.00 a Month, Saturday IwUe, IncludingM ngttlna Section, $2.60 a Year, Introductory Offer, 6'Saturday Issues p Cent*. N am * . Addree*. SAMPLE m i x ON RSQ tisg? HMR The last tirade against “ blocs from the News standpoint was last week when, more than 250 Republican and Democratic Congressmen took up the people’s fight against the reduction of gasoline for mid-western motorists. That was a terrible act that so many Congressmen would form a bloc to hold back some crack-pot idea about gasoline or anything else. When Roosevelt had things his way ip Con­ gress and Democrats made fools of themselves by voting away their own constitutional powers, that the Com. munists in government key places could parade behind the Democratic pgrty cloak, and-some three hundred stood as a “ bloc” for anything and everything Roosevelt demanded, that was the democratic spirit under the New Deal idea o f government. These same Cogressmen are not being pimps any longer for the Hopkins, Hender­ sons, and a lot o f “inskyaV that have adopted Anglo-Saxon names to fool the public. If they ^ote against the New Deal in numbers or join With other members o f Congress on public measures or a policy that is terrible- the blocs are to be the ruination of the country- i f you see through the eyes of the Dayton News. It .develops now that the army has about seven million men in service at home and abroad. It is claimed the government cannot handle another two million men, not having camps, military equipment or: even food at hand. It would be Some time in 1944 before the men in, training now could be sent to foreign Bhores due to lack of equipment and boats. Sen. Wheeler being a Democrat might- call at the White House and see one or two o f the assistant presidents, particular^ Harry Hopkins. Harry is the boy­ friend o f the British on lease-lend |,at the expense o f the Income taxpayer, who is now having the twenty percent lifted from their pay checks. The call for, drafting fathers, is going to be a burning issue in every state. If so the man power issue is to become more acute than ever. The tax burden for support o f mothers and children will reach deeper into the \pocket-hook and take more of each check than under the present plan. No mention is made by McNutt o f drafting the more than 109,000 young sons o f draft age and single, who are parked in government jobs as ‘essential” . Sons o f New Dealers have been placed in .this haven as payment for dad’s support o f the New Deal. You Democrats with sons at the front are hot so fortunate. Only two Greene county Democrats have won “ hot-house” commissions, the others are carrying gpps under trop­ ical sun fighting insects and poisonous xeptiles and Japs. ' Roosevelt in his last fireside, chat failed to discuss a lot o f things about his administration. He could have told his friends that he was not mak­ ing much headway with Dictator Stalin over his attitude to the Catholic Church. He could have discussed more in detail just who and how was Stalin brought around to, the Amer­ ican faith from a religious standpoint. He might also have told his subjects just why Stalin refused to join the famous two (Roosevelt and Churchill) in their vacation visit in Africa. He could have discussed the pressure Brazil put on the New Deal to take the lid o ff coffee rationing. Amer­ icans are interested in what Russia is to demand at the peace table. . The Dayton Daily News gets ser­ iously .concerned when ever two or more get together and. ask Congress fo r something.' For instance when the Farm Bureau or Grange or other farm organizations want something to the advantar b o f the farmer or oppose something that would do in­ jury to agriculture, the News has a chill jiabbut what the farm “ bloc” ds doing to the country. If it is better prices the farmers are trying to wreck the nation by inflation. Greene Co. Treasurer To Be Here August 16 County Treasurer Harold J. Faw­ cett’s deputies WiU visit Greene coun­ ty communities next week to collect real estate taxes for the last half o f 1942 for the convenience o f these taxpayers, , ,His schedule follows: August 9, Spring Valley tp. and village; August Spring Valley National Bank for Spring Valley tp, and village* Aug. .10, Miami Deposit Bank fo r Yellow Springs and Miami tp., and Clifton village; Aug.’ 12, clerk’s office for Osborn, Fairfield, Osborn View, Wright View Heights and Bath tp.; Aug; 13,‘ Farmers’ and Traders’ b. for Jamestown and Silvercreek and Ross tps.; Aug. .16, Cedarville Build­ ing and Loan Co., for Cedarville and Cedarville tp,\ Persons living in other pieces who wish to pay tHelr taxes at a v o f the* above-named places may do so by notifying the treasurer’s office two das in advance of the visit. 0*B !NANCR Ns. tU (8*c. 1189 G, C, o f Ohio) Giving Consent o f the Village to Perform Enow and lee Removal Work along Xenia Ave., Main St„ ChilKcothe St,'under the. Super, vision o f the Director of High* ways. WHEREAS, The Director o f High­ way* is considering the matter of snow and Ice removal, under his su- pervision, o f public highway known, as State Highway No. 8 $ 472, and, .WHEREAS, Xenia Ave., Main St.,, Chiilicothe St., within this highway 6, and 472, and WHEREAS, The Director o f High­ ways proposes,' at his discretion and as necessity demands ,to perform said snow and ice removal operations along the aforesaid Xenia Ave., Main Street, Chiilicothe St., NOW, THEREFORE, Be it Ordained, by the Council o f the Village o f Cedarville, State o f *Ohip5 SECTION 1; That it is declared to be o f public interest that the consent of the Village he, and such consent is hereby given, that the Director o f .Highways may at his discretion per­ form said snow and ice refhoval work on Xenia Ave., Main St., Chiilicothe St.,’ or so-much thereof lying alpng said State Highway No; -6-472 under supervision o f the Director o f High­ ways..- N ' - SECTION 2: That said snow and ice removal work may be performed in a manner prescribed' by the Direc­ tor of Highways, by the. use o f snow plows or the application qf chemicals combined with''cinders o r-g rits.. SECTION 3: That the Village here­ by agrees to save harmless, the,Direc­ tor o f Highways and . op hifTrem­ ployees, from any and all claims; for damages o f any kind and nature whatsoever in connection with said snow and ice removal operations by said Director o f Highways and| or his employees, SECTION 4: That the Clerk be, and is hereby directed to furnish to the Director o f Highways, and to th<- Board of County Commissioners of Greene County, Ohio, a certified copy of this Ordinance immediately upon taking effect thereof. V SECTION 5: That.this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. Passed: August 2nd, lp43. Attest: Nelson CreswelJ, Clerk * C, H. Crouse, Mayor j W. F, And****, u sdmlakitrstorof the estate of Anna Andrews, aad Ghostsr Bryan, .as administrator o f the estate o f WfiUaih Bryan, have, been authorised to transfer real as**' tate. Guernsey Cows Establish Record r A two and one-half year old reg­ istered Guernsey cow, Sugargreek Senvesta Bess, owned by Lawrence Coy, Route 4, Xenia, Ohio recently completed a creditable Advanced reg­ ister record o f 7765.6 pounds of milk and 405.1 pounds o f butter fat on twice daily milking for ten months A four and one-half year old reg istered Guernsey cow, Sugarcroek Vesta May, completed a creditable Advanced regjster record o f 11,418.2 pounds o f milk and 628.5 pounds o f butter fatton twice daily milking for one year. Leandar S. W . Sheeley *’ Died Tuesday Leander Shelton Whitmore Sheeley, 87, died at his home on Church St. Tuesday aftemon at 2 o’clock, after an illness o f three months. He was the son o f Beverly and Elizabeth Bryan Sheeley and was born at Pleasant View, near Jamestown. He has resided here for many years. He is survived by his widow, Mrs Nora Jane Sheeley, Whom he marriec in 1886 at Xenia, Also by two sons, Shelton at home and Davids also of this place; a daughter, Miss Marguer­ ite at home and three grand-children. The funeral was held Thursday afternoon from the McMillan Funeral Home, Dr, R. 'A,"* Jamieson, having charge. Burial was at Jamestown, D raft Boards Send 29 To Cincinnati The OWI has not made much cap. ital o f the return to Washington o f Col. Elliot Roosevelt; the famous son who won a “ hot house” arm title with a fancy salary. Elliot is engaged in the government picture business win­ ning the War behind the Democratic sons that are in the fox; holes facing the shot and shell'of l i e enemy. The two. county Draft Boards sent 29 negroes to Cincinnati to be in­ ducted into the army. There were 18 -from Xenia- and -ten ,dkom:- the county, .Three were aanfc from Cedaf- villo, Albert Harijs, Qarl Johnson and William Davidson; NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Hsissii* m Estate o f Reta B< Miller, Deceased; Notice la herebyRiven thatHoward L; Miller has been duly appointed as Executor o f the estate o f Reta B, Mi/iSissJppi wjantjs back into the Miller, deceased late o f Beavercreek Union, Having had a six or eight Twp., Greens County, Ohio. year plunge in our Russian New Deal experimentation the Well knovyn southern state where .i Democrat is the only citizen of first rank and he Dated this 8rd day o f August, 1943. WILLIAM B, MeCALLlSTER Judge o f the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio* ORDINANCE No, 218 , Agreeing to Cooperate with the , Director o f Highways and Giving Consent to the Center Lining o f State Highways within this VH-« lags. . ’ ’ WHEREAS: The Director o f High­ ways proposes to cooperate with the Village o f Cedarville by centerlining certain State Highways, or parts thereof, within this Village under his supervision and by use o f State High­ way equipment, and WHEREAS, the Village proposes to cooperate with .the Director o f High­ ways by furnishing the neoe.*(saqy paint, which shall itiect with State Highway Department specifications, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT OR­ DAINED by the Counoil of the Vil­ lage o f Cedarville, State of Ohio. Section 1, That it is declared to be o f public interest that such consent' and cooperation1is hereby given for the centerlining o f certain State Highways, or parts thereof, within this. Village under the supervision of the Director o f Highways and by use o f State Highways equipment. Section 2, That this Village hereby agrees to cooperate with the Director o f Highways, by furnishing at its own expense, the necessary paint for said centerlining, which paint shall meet State Highway specifications, Section 3, That the Clerk, be and he is hereby directed to furnish to the Director o f Highways, and to the Board of County Commissioners of Greene County, Ohio, a certified copy o f this Ordinance immediately upon the taking effect thereof, Section 4, That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law. Passed: August 2nd, 1943. Attest: Nelson Creswell, Clerk C, H, Crouse, Mayor, SALE CONFIRMED Sale o f real estate by William S, Rogers, as administrator o f the es­ tate o f Rachel Allen, was approved. i FARMS FOR SALE AND -FARM LOANS I We have many good farms for sale on easy terms. Also make farm loans at 4 c/o interest fo r 15 years. No application fee and no apprais­ al fee. 1 Write or Inquire McSavaney & Co. ‘ London O, ' Leon H. Kling,- Mgr. . A NAME THAT STANDS FOR GOOD FURNITURE BUDGET PL^kN AVAILABLE Adair’s tf. Detroit St. Xenia, O. LEGAL NOTICE PROBATE COURT SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT The Sixth Account o f the Fifth Third Union Trust Company as Trus­ tee o f the Estate o f R, S, Kingsbury, deceased, with vouchmjs, ha* )been filed in the Probate Court o f Green* County, Ohio, for inspection, settle­ ment and record., and unless excep­ tions are filed, ,%yeto»Jt Will he for hearing arid confirmtition on August 28th, 1943, , • August 6th 1943, William B, MeCallistei* Probate Judge Eyes Examined, GlnsaesFitted, vil COURT NEWS (Continued from page one) Helen N, Randall was appointed ad­ ministratrix o f the estate o f Harry F, Randall, o f Xenia, under $100 bond. T r a n s f e r s o r d e r e d Reifeonable Charges, Dr.C.E.Wilkin Optometric Eye Specialist ^ ‘' ,T R « n la , OhtO' s f . rtMH»ww>Mi>liw»irii<i,wmiwwtM»nw»ii<imiiii»iiiiiiinmi pas IW tffntr* WTJSBWW® aSB SPK • ’ SPRINGFIELD MOVIES Now Skew ing ! MARRIAGE LICENSES (Issued) ‘Allen Tomlinson, 418 E ; Third St., soldier, and Columbine Pack, Jame»' town. Rev. S. A. Beall, Xenia. Durward Chapman-Scott, Norwood, Ga., soldier stationed at Patterson Field, and Joyce Adele Lovejoy, Fair- field, Rev, Lester L. Riber, Dayton. Donald M. Dumford, Waynesviile, R, R. 1, soldier, and Susan Laverta Bockoven, Spring Valley. Rev. Arthur" Core/ William Ei-nest Schmidt, ,35 W* Third St., aircraft inspector, and An­ na Virginia Honaker, 43 Green St„ Fairfield. Rev. A. L. Scherry, Xenia, (Applied For) . •* John McCormick Diehl, Yellow Springs, student, and Mary Louise Vogel, Yellow Springs, Rev, Waldo Beach, Yellow Springs, Marvin Marcus Baier, Osborn, truck driver, qnd Elaine HuSe, Osborn. Richard Leroy Pembegton, 362 S, Yellow Springs, St„ Springfield,’ de­ fense Worker, and Patricia Ann Neal, Xenia, R. R. 1. , James Edly Lockhart, Dunlap, ,Tenn!, sailor and Laurine McArthur Combs, 827 N. King St, Rev. Thomas L. Wooten, Xenia. wt :i Twin Thrill Days { ------- SCREEN------- “Two Tickets ( ToLondon” ! with Alan Curtis and\ Michele Morgan SUN.-MON.-TUES. Thur*. * 1 Wft-, Betty Grahle “ Coney I s l a n d ” Georg* ■ Montgomery ( T e c h n ic o lo r ) .j End* Sat Nlte 3222 31 "Youngest Profession” Coming: Sunday “ PILOT NO. 5 ” Frauchot Tone Marsha Hunt East Side Kids In sat Aufl. 7 4 Days. “ Ghosts Loose1 On The »> . -plus— *■ fHE BLACK. RAVEN” ^HEADIN’ FOR GOD’S COUNTRY” —pnra— ‘"Man From . ' Thunder River" Humphrey Bogart “Action In The North Atlantic” --Plus—. ... “Girls in Chains” 8 5 0 l REASONS HMy youShould A t t e n d THEATRES WEDNESDAY REINER'S R t N O L Recommended fo r the relief o f RHEUMATISM ARTHRITIS gnu LUMBAGO Well known in this -vicinity Price— $1.50, 4 Bottles $5.00 FOR SALE Brown’ s Drug Store CORNER PHARMACY Xenia HORNUERGRR Jamestown iiiiinmiin* ETsHi# * . * S t­ rip*. Valves and Fittings fo r water, gas and steam, Hand and Electric Pumps for all purposes, Bolts. Pulleys, V Belts, Plumbing ; and Heating Supplies. J. P . BOCKLETT SUPPLY CO. XBN1A, OHIO $ U fc K r&EKVtCE FOB DEADSTOCK XEN IA ■ FERTILIZER jPHONE MA. 484 Reverse Chargee] ®. G. Buehsjeb, Xenia, Ohio The Clan Me] union will be hel Friday, August j Mr, apd Kendelville, with the latter* ] Sydney jSmith. Sgt.- Papl Wf ten day furious wife and parent| Wisecup, Sgt. specialist and hi a base near Rene Joseph Flatter! ton joined the se| they reported to risen. After indJ the Aviation Cadi Field, near B iloxi The army ordnl pounced Monday f Nash, Cedarville special course in tenance and reps craft and anti-ail a ircra ft' armame conducted by Lansing, Mich, few days with h| o f her parents Reed, Mrs. Ned Brl Tobin, who has bi weeks with her Grover Tobin o f | 'and Mrs. H. H. left Wednesday Washington, D. ‘ Ned who had day furlough ret School o f Music, | two, weeks ago. and Publicity Dii M rs, S. C. word from her sod that he is now i| Commanding- Gen Fleet Force at Cd Diego. He also. writes| been operated o n . able'-to be aboud to their home whiJ PfcC Harold Ca few days,.visiting I Mrs/.W. K . Cool! He has been sta ia EjildUiNew Yoi! transfqrbd- to B| Milwaukee, Wisca there for duty. Mr. John Rich| have- bebrr visitin ents,- Mr. and Ml Are leaving th is! Mr. Richards ha] and the change mended for his trl has been teachini Mr. and M rs.. home Sunday aft| with their son, Barlow, wife an Wash. Lieut, Ba over part of the I at the ship buill Mr. Lawrence ! Salem, N. C „ h i with his family] and Mrs. Arthj Dukes is connect! Cash Register spending most company plant Clarence Scha Ferguson, Cedar o f the O. S, andl tended Buckeye| sored by the Ohio Wesleyan in June, were American Legiol meeting and a ‘| in Xenia, FOR SALE WfWHHHHWIlllWHIHII Fri. and Teresa Wrigl “SHADOWl ALSO NEI Sun- and D -Bing Cro* and an ♦STAR SPA* Plus -News Wed and Th Gloria Jean "GET Hi ■ SELECTED r w WBPi'mw?T.