The Cedarville Herald, Volume 66, Numbers 27-52

4 M S K 0 I . Ameetaaas For America—‘America For Americana S E X 5 T - S I T ! H I Y E A R igpggga NO. 40 CEDARVUXE, OHIO, TODAY, SEPT MAI SIM l 3, 1943 TBsm,nmAtwm w m t s m b « SSUCTMKreB M S NEWISSUE Nonsensical Edict Coate Swine Rajser $4,600 To Make Installation To Provide "p licate Privies for Ped­ igreed Pigs” Says Gov, Cox’s Mi* anti Daily News - - WPA “Wile Sales” Dormitories Now In New Deal Discard. ■ • )■;: " ' ■"’*■**'■ *-%■■ 1 The Troy Daily News in a recent ’ Issue publishes about the last word in ■ New Deal edicts. The article was tak­ en from the Miami, Florida, Daily News, owned by .Governor James VL Cox, owner and publisher of the Day- 'i, ton Daily News, and a one-time can­ didate for president, with Franklin D. Roosevelt >as a candidate for Vice president on the Democratic ticket. The following article coming from so 'reliable a source os' from the Miami Daily News is. accepted' ns bonafide apd is published in full as taken from , the Troy Daily News- The best pig story for the NeW’-Deai record reads s i follows: ♦‘Indicative of the spread of politi­ cal heresy south 'Of the Mason and Dixon line and even into the fa r reaches of the' solid south where self- aVowed Republicans are about as . scarce,as the .dqda, the.iolloWing story is going the round of Florida newspa­ pers. I t was published in the Miami, Fla., Daily,News, owned by James M. Cox, Democratic candidate for presi­ dent. - - *S* . . “Here’s the' best one yet, sent out from Washington and has to do with the farmer and his pigs. Concerning Which the Miami Daily News carried the following Story: . ‘‘Pne farmer,- who built pens and is raising 450 hogs a t the government's urging to produce-meat, declared he had been ordered .'to install a,peptic .tank and concrete runWays ?n each of the pix paps in which he .keeps Ms hogs, '*- “I t will cost me$4,Q00 to make the installation,” he declared. “If such a nonsensical order is*‘.enfotced Impar­ tially,i t will pu t every hog farmer in the county out of bhsiness “And the comihent of the Redlarfd District Nbwfl a t Homestead sends forth this particular pdor: “Thu Bhpme o f it all. The very shame of it all, ' - . ‘♦Let's be honest about thev, whole matter, honest as taxpayers^or as any one of the .2,665,000 federal empjoy- . ees. Government Supervision “Build/,the old sow a privy. Let’s IWlt Oqnfuqo it with, the Ordinary ilinv- sy structure usually found out the back way iri thousands of rural homes. Let's make it' under government ‘su­ pervision, by government plans, di­ rected by. government priorities, with taxpayers money- . • . . “The idea. should not be treated lightly. History is strewn with facts th a t shpw all "uplifting, movements have nursed upon bitter ridicule and recked in .the cradle of scorn, ♦♦The Very thought of septic tanks for hogs opens the floodgates for»oth- ,§r kindred reforms. , .Who are we to say that the future would not yield better pigs if the old mother sow did hpt have to root for a living. • “Thoughtless farmers have been known to sow acres of peanuts, then a t the proper time,’turn the old sow In there with nothing but a strong nose and an empty stofnaclj. The re­ sult is too obvious to command de tails. There will he thosewho will rid­ icule the idea, but a farm boy could easily be taught to sponge off her face and wash her 'understructure be fore she returns to her curtning little piggies. Thus, the farmer, could be left to occupy his time filling out re­ ports/. Perplexing .Question “Surely, there must be among the nobody-knows-hoW-many federal a- genvies someone of the 2,665,000 cm ploycs who cpfalil tell the farmer hopr this little hogltarian idea could be worked; I “ There is also a period in the lives of every mother hog when she must forget her rooting duties and aWait the blessed event. Thousands upon 'thousands of haby pigs have been born in America with nothing but soft, cool dirt as a bed and a corn husk for pillow. - “Surely, there must be among the npbody^knows-how-many federal a- gencies someone o f th e '2,066,000 em­ ployees who could tell the farmer’s Wife What to do,until the OFA m*n fftihfM. . ' ■■■■• /'That brings more seeds for reform {Mjentist* fell us that babies develop faster i f they Sleep by themselves*.. The same might Work With baby pigs Vegetable, or fjrttlt crates, Is properly pasted with such favorite stories, as ♦Three Little PI*# went to Market* Or (Continued «g page tWO) DIVORCE SUITS Seven divorce suits and one petit- flop for .alimony only were filed in common pitas court this week. Hus­ bands are defendants in five actions. Charging neglect and. cruelty, Clif­ ford B. Payton, asks for his freedom from Mary Ann Payton, Xenia, and seeks custody of three minor children. The- couplfe Was married in Xenia, December 17, 1939. A preyious suit Hied by Mr, Payton against his wife was dismissed before the new action wa* filed. Metric Sevilla Gore Layton, in her suit against Tower Layton, charges neglect and wilful ’absence for -three years. She asks restoration, to her maiden name of Gore and -requests that the defendant’s pndivjded One- half interest by the couple in Xenia Twp, be awarded her. They were married in Columbus, Miss., June 3, 191.7, Cruelty and neglect are grounds in ictjon broUght by Roy Harness a rainst Ruth* Harness, whom he mar­ ried in Covington, Ky., April 19,1949. Asking for a divorce from John May, Xenia, Dorbtby Jean May jharges neglect and asks restoration N>her maiden*name* They were mar­ ked May 28,1941. Irma A. "Mason, seeking a divorce 'tom Cleophas Mason, Xenia, charges leglect and cruelty, asks for custody i f two minor children and restoration 'o her "maiden name of Free. They vere married in Newport, Ky., April a , 1929. . ' - Mati Kiont?, Dayton, is named de­ fendant in n suit brought ‘by Melvin R, Klontz, who charges neglect) and :rueity. Their marriage took place ‘n.Maysville, Kj% June 3, 1939 And hey have one child, Jennie T. Dotty, in a suit against Neil Detty, Xenia, charges neglect and asks for custody of two children. Ihe also asks that the defendant be ordered to vacate property jointly >wned by the couple while the suit is -tending. 'They were married in ^enia ‘anuary 30,1932. . In an action for alimony „only, Ver- nice K. Rosier charges Morris W. Tolser, Dayton, with neglect. They Veremarried in Xenia, December 26, *933 and have tWo children. Third War Bond Bale Starts On September 9th Miss Marie Elam, Xenia, has re­ signed, effective Sept, l; as clerk in the office of th e County Clerk, wherb she has served since 1938. She had previously served in the same capacity under her brother, Harvey Elam, dur­ ing the time he was clerk. This weekf,. N. Shepherd, who was named clerk upon the resignation of Earl Short, h a s appointed Miss Doris Hctsel, Xenia, a i chief deputy. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hetsel, Xenfa, .. . PARTITION SUIT Partition, of two tracts of real es- ate in Xenia Twp. and two tracts in Xenia city and equitable relief ore iskcd in a Suit filed by Clarence R, Morris, Catonsville, Md., against Vio- a M. Siebert, Luray, Va., and others.: Driver, Horse, Cart Drop Ten Feet DIVORCES GRANTED Jesse Garrett was awarded a di* orce from Minnie,Garrett and AW Sortn Leavell was grantd a divorce rom William Homer Leavell. * MARRIAGE ANNULLED The marriage of Frank E. Wilson, >, minor and Margaret Cedora Wilson vas ordered annulled, according to a ournal entry, and the defendant was restored to her maiden name of Pierce CASSES DISMISSED The following suits-have been dis­ missed: Josephine Coppens ' against Donald Coppens Orpha Mae ,L1»ton a* gainst William C. Liston; the Peopled Building'and Savings Co. against G. W. Wymer and others; The Cincinnati Old Works Co. against Nathan and Hazel Sr Scott. APPOINTMENTS- The.following appointmehts Were made in prohater court: Alice Walton, ts administratrix, of estate of Martha 3, Sharnbaugh, late o f Spring Valley Twp. under $2,900 bond; Clara Brocks is administratrix of estate of Eva began, late of Yellow Springs, under 12,000 bond; Harry H. Stephenson as executor of estate of Cassius C. Step­ henson, late of Yellow Springs, with? mit bond* . l . APPROVAL OF SALS Sale of real estate to A, E. Grape, vine fe r $5,576, in the suit of Howard L. Harper, as Administrator of estate W. F. Harper, against Minnie Mae Harper and others, was confirmed. SALE ORDERED L, L. Bickett, as executor of. the estate of D. D. Bickett, has been or­ dered to sell real estate a t public sale. ORDERED APPRAISAL The county auditor has been direct* ed to apprAise the estate of James Lo gam MARRIAGE LICENSES (Issued) Richard E. Kitchen, Springfield, R R* 6, farmer, and Rachel Cathrine DoUthett, 780 BcllbroOk ave*, Rev* M Phillip Vogel, Cincinnati, James Phillip Erickson, Danville* 111,, soldier, and Nancy do Ramey, Yellow Springs. The Third War Bond sale will start on Thursday September 9th and com tinue through the. month. The gov­ ernment is asking each citizen to in* crease his bond holding by $100 rc-t gardless of what you now own os what yon are now paying for. I t wil he urged that the order he accompany ied by acheck when the solicitor calls, If you. are not a t home when the eq-> HeitorBealls he or she will he expectec to make a second call. There will he a; complete house-to-house canvass. Do not take any more of the so. licitor’s time than necessary, All so­ licitors are giving -their time fron their own duties. Another Public Sale Is Hitlerized A Clark county public sale-of live­ stock, farm implements and grain} especially corn, fell under the Hitle^j spell Wednesday when the Roosevelt New Dealers drawing pay from the Sweat of income taxpayers, held cer­ tain farm machinery down to Hitler price ceilings and corn the same way, Now would he an excellent' time foij some of our Democratic farmers that preach the New Deal to have a public sale and,get a dose of the Hitlerized farm management. Miss Marie Elam Resigns Her Clerkship 300 DORN CUTTERS NEEDED The peak labor*load for-Greene County farmers for the yearwill soon be here with corn,'soybean harvest, and wheat seeding ju s t around the corner. The .load jk mpde heayier with the shortage o flfa ra machinery, particularly corn binders.sand pickers coupled with the |os* of manpower in War work and the ./military service. A recent survey b$ the county farm, labor committee - indicates that- ap­ proximately .300 . Additional farm' workers will he pended to. cut- and husk the corn Crop. Pa rt time com cutters are urged to register a t the/ farm labor office in the post office building. R. L. .Hixon, his horse and a one- ’mrse wagon backed over the embank­ ment leading to the Creswell elevator; early Wednesday morning. The driver was uninjured, the wagon not damaged hut the horse had a slight scratch to show for the episode. Driver, wagOn and horse all landed in a heap' below the first floor of the elevator. FARMERS GET WARNING FROM NEW DEALERS ON SALE OF CORN Farmers this .week received notice from the AAA, Joseph Mason, chair­ man, relative to the sale of com and the price farmers can take for it leg­ ally without falling into the ahnds of te New Deal gestapo.** In sales of one farmer to another the New Deal price is $1.10*a bushel for corn that can now be sold any­ where for $1,40 to $1.45 a bushel. The price elevators can pay is $1.03 a bu. Com will be sold when eyer two liars meet but not a t the New Deal price. Fanners that can prove sale of com a t the illegal price where the seller Or buyer has been avowed sup­ porters of the New Deal, should be reported to the New Deal geBtapo In this county, A transaction werejn one or both farmers are liars means noth, legally of morally. When one gets to be a “chronie liar”, then yoUr citi­ zenship becomes dangerous to the na­ tion. * The NeW Deal gestapo concerns; it self about com sales, blackmatkets but liquor,bootlegging or the sale of liquor meets approval. ° WAR PICTURE DISPLAY IN I’ANTRY WINDOW ALONG FARM FRONT . »V E. A, Drake, G«. Agricultural Agent ALABAMA LABOR HARVEST FOTAajpEB The last of flfteefj young wen from Alabama who had been employed, by Ted Ater at TreheinHn harvesting his potato crop entrained for their homes in the south Tuesday afternoon. This labor was secured for Mr, Ater by the Local Farm Labor office of which E, H, Smith is emergency labor as­ sistant. The boys were housed.on the Ater farm and assisted in har­ vesting approximately 100 acres of potatoes. This southern faym labor was or­ iginally recruited fef the Farm Se­ curity Administration: for.Ohio farms, They had been in the state approx­ imately six weeks, the majority of the men coming tb the Ater farm from Madison coUnty where they had dqtasjsled corn. About half of Jthe group returned more a week ago because of the need fop labor on their own farms or in their community. The remainder from fl”8 andpother counties returned th a week to assist in harvesting the c itton crop. The men reported they enjoyed working here and hoped the T might be per­ mitted to return next year.' Driver licenses Go OnBale Sept. 7th; MoreResjJORsibUityj Meat Quotaslitted The'W ar Food Adminbitration on Thursday lifted the quota limitation* Automobile drivers can *secure their 1011 *W sdaughter ,of livestock for the driver licenses on Sept, 7 and all must] Trtsent; months, August and have renewals by gept. SO. This year new responsibilities are placed on all drivers add each should secure and Toad carefully a copy of the new regu­ lations. In case of accident a driver may lose his license for flye years if he is unable to meet a judgment-for damages returned against Mm in September. This will increase the supply of meat to most towns and cities. The packers still face the price squeeze,’which they say is more of a problem than tbati of the number of animals slaughtered. Lifting the quota mesns the packers can use more inferior livestock of a ll kind?, especially aged cows and half court. The following will Issue w ,low licenses in Greene CoUnty: *"* ‘ ' Cedarville, Mary Pickering, * • Bdlbrook, W. W,T«te, Bowersville, Claude Chitty, Jartiestowin, John Collett, Osborn, Orville B. Armstrong, /Spring Valley, Harold Van-Pelt, Xenia, Roy'HuIJ, Beavercreek Twp., H B. Jackcon, Yellow Springs, Glenn Deaton. prices. The more o f the better class of beef killed the greater the loss to packers due to retail celling prices. Labor Unions ate putting* fne heat on the Nfew Deal to force down the Price of all livestock dp the- farm. This will' mean* less meat in all mar- kets'for everyone and the groundwork for. a more extensive black market, a term used by New Dealers tb mis­ lead the public on the food situation! s n o m r Ickes Hits Midwest OnGas Shipments Mrs.'Charles F. Greer Died Tuesday A. M EARLY CORN BEING HARVESTED Early planted corn is*, being put in the shock and the kilo, however the. majority, of the crop; is; two or three, weeks later than normal and thou-; sands ’of acres, will require a latei frost date to mature. * *' j In spite of the unusually late plant-/ ing of the majority of the crop; the- weather during the past two months, ins been favorable te corn ■growth, and the crop has made up for part, of the lost time. However, the state- federajf crcfr fhpfoijting serVljce re ­ ports that the Ohio production will, be 40,OOO,QOO bushels less than last year and the national crop will be a-, round 300 million bushels short of the 1942 record crop. Sec. Harold Ickes has ordered a j Mrs. Grace M. Greer, 68, wife of shipment of 59,990 barrels of gasoline County Commissioner Charles F. ,da»ly from the midwest states to help | Greer, Bellbrook and Fairfield apd reduce'automibile,driving in midwest Shakertown roads, died Tuesday* pt states.* He*contends'reducing the gas 3:40 a. m„ following an. extended ill ration from four to three gallons has {ness. not reduced automobile traffic. Plea- The deceased was horn in Fair- sure driving in the East states is-now I field but resided in Beavercreek Twp., permjted but no additional driving is | thirty-six years.. $he was a member possible. . " ’ of the Mt. Zion Reformed .Church, Another ration story is that raisins IDaughters of America, Belbrook Pride and prunes are- to be placed on the I of Magnetic Council No. *95 and of ration list. Grocers say it will make [Beaver Grange, no difference as they have Pot been! Surviving besides her husband are able to geteither in any quantity for] two,daughters, Mrs.Dorothy Fogarty, weeks. [Providence, R. I.,* a n d ,Mrsi. Helen -j Durnbailgh, KnoliwoodjVa son, George E. Greer, Dayton; a sister,'Mrs.,J,H , Kneisley, Osborn, and twelve' grand­ children. Funeral services were conducted Thursday a t 2 p, m„ a t the residence w i> Tur„i*i.__ - i and a t Mt. Zion Reformed Church, r T i B u r i a l t o m Zion Cemetery, of the Trelawny Farms, some 6,000' acres in Eastern Greene county on the Federal pike, this week sent;,»i F a V f i t t f t .C fiB U fa r check, for $600 to President-elect I r a ' * D, Vayhinger to be applied to the Farm* Account. Another gift of a similiar-pmount is promised later. Mr, Matthews; is very much inter­ ested in the College Self-Help plan pf education and has shown his interest by his gift to aid in starting the plan. W. P. Matthews, Gives $500 Th College Farm I Back To Slow Time EGG PRODUCTION Yellow shanks *and beaks indicate loafer hOns. Cull every week. All-> night lights from now.until fall will stimulate production and delay molt­ ing of old hens* ’Do not use, lights op pullets until October or November. TIMOTHY SEED SHORT The total U. S. production is. ex­ pected to be 63,068,000 pounds, which is 17 percent less than the 1942 crop and 12 percent below the 1032-41 average. Indiana is the only im­ portant producer With a crop equal ty that of 1942. Confafr** Pantry is exhibiting in their zhopr window many photo prints of the Work of Staff Bgt. Vincent Rigio who is stationed in New Guinea with many Ohio hoys in th* Far East* effi war section. Rigio is,th e Staff Aerial Photo­ grapher and it seems that the Ohlo- ians ave been doing h good job* as last Tuesday the awarding of metals Was broadcast from a station Ip the Island. What you see in pictures gives you an idea of the Inconven­ ience* which the hoys have, to contend With and-why they want the Job‘done before they return te the U. S. A. SEED POTATOES WFA has created a new classifi­ cation “War Approved Seed” to iden­ tify potatoes not eligible for certifi­ cation for seed . Price ceilings will bo announced later for (both certified and “War Approved Seed”. Indices tions are that there will he a shortage of certified seed to meet the 1944 demand* TURKEY EMBARGO WFA has prohibited sale, putchas ng, or processing Of live, or dressed turkeys after August 21, fer civilian use until the required 10,000,000 lbs. of dressed turkeys has been obtained iy the government for shipping over seas te armed forces. Order does not apply to dress turkeys in storage before Augus]/ 2, GARDEN CLUB SPONSORS SHOW The Beaver Garden Club is spon­ soring a Chrysanthemum Show ahd Sliver Tea a t the Beaver Church October 14. Mrs. •Wiaeborn of the Dayton Daily News will judge the show and address the gTOUp. Mrs. Alice Rowell Is president of the club and urges exhibitors to hav# their flowers in place by 12:30. The committee in charge of arrangements consists of Mesdames Anti McGervey, Gladys Stewart, Mabel Merrick, Mary Elgin and Catherine Tobias, Gold Packer Does Fayette County. Commissioner^ will set the -court house clock back-one hour after Labor Day. The Washing­ ton C. H. City commission has called a similiar'.meeting to change to slow time, Patrons of schools have de­ manded the change. Akron city council has passed a new Not Stay Cold ordinance -adopting alow,time!starting 1October 3rd. A gas stove In .the kitchen a t the, ^ „ _ _ * home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Edwards, | N e i l H l t l t t e r W i l l was-blown into a wreck last Saturday While Mrs* Edwards was using* the cold pack method of canning' com. She had left the kitchen a few seconds before the explosion. Move To Brock Farm DEATH OFHARRYBROWN Attorney Neil Hunter, JamcstOWn, Who has been residing oh and manag­ ing^ the former * ROsemore Farm, Jamestown and Washington pike; will move to his own firm on the .Federal Word, has been received here of the] pike, formerly knowh as the Brock doathof Harry Brown, 70, Los Angel-1 land. Curt& Bradd has Been the oft, Calic., on Wednesday. He is sur-| tenant on the farm, vived by bis wife, Mrs. Blanch Barber Brown, and a daughter, Miram. His wife was s laugh te r of the late Frank Barber of this place who left here and settled in Garnett; Kan. CUT g a so l in e r a t io n s Three motorists fn this county havw been charged with speeding .have been; suspended temporarily by the gasoilnd pflnnel jn this county. Louis W. Sef-i ton, Alpha, 30 days; Jack Henry Sloan, Fairfield, 80 days; Scott T. Bowers, former superintendent of the Ross Twp. schools, 14 days. CONTRIBUTE SURPLUS FOOD Please bring to th$ school building or send by pUpils starting Sept. 7th. Due to the scarcity of foods, It had been decided to ask the people of the Community to donate fresh Vegetables and fruits for canning in order to fprtiish hot lunches for* the school. MEAT POINTS ARE CUT WITS BUTTER RAISED FAIRFIELD-0SHORN GETS $76,000 RECREATION HOME The government has allotted $76;- 000 fo r g Fairfield-Osbom Recreation Home that, is to serve both Wright and Patterson Fields,. PURCHASES GUERNSEYS „ Fred Chase, Yellow Springs rpad, has purchased two head of pure bred Guernsey cattle froth P. P, Agio, west o f Springfield. Mr. Agio is a breeder of purebred Guernseys. TWINS ARE BORN SWEET CORN YIELD OF SIX AND ONE HALF TONS Six and one half tons of sweet corn (ConitouedoM^««wtWo) The OPA announces1changes -Sun­ day in the ration points of 38 dif* ferent kinds of meat. The cut is one Or two points. Butter will go ftp from ten to twelve points. Farm> churned butter cut from ten to six points. There will he changes in points on four different types of canned fruit, all Increases, mm WARROND* TODAY Word has been received here Of the birth of twin daughters On August 10th, a t Finley .Hospital. Dubuque Iowa, id Sgt. and Mrs. Donald Eugene Rader, They have, been named Karen Dian and Shaven Ann. Sgt. Rader is the son of Mr. Hiram Rader, who resides On Rdute 2 out of this'place. SURPRISE FOR CONSCRIPTBE William Dwight StorVett, Jr., son of Mr. afid Mrs. W. Dwight Stortett, Muncie, Ind., who is visiting his aunt, Miss Lounett Sterrett, was given surprise Wednesday evening. M& Strrett was given an special Army kit during the social hour, He has been called into ’the army service a t Urn age of 19. He has a slater, Mrs, Pan Minnick, of Sabina, and is to make a visit With her before to, When the Cedarville Public fhshool opens Sept. 7th it wilt be In a boiidtoR that has been deaned and renovated . from top to bottom, according fo£npt* M H. Bartell*. Several room* have been redecorated and the cafeteria will have a new storage room, Wil­ iam Fiaher and a crew of three high school students, Charles Bo$se, Papl Whittington and Eugene Judy .did the work. Two of the workers Whitting- ■ ton and Judy were called to the arm- ed forces before the' work was com­ pleted. School opens *at 9 A, M- w ith ''aa-, sembly during which President Ira D . *; Vayhinger' of Cedaryille .College wilt speak. Elementary assembly' Will1hel !irid a t 1 P, M, Mrs*Mildred Foster will be in charge of mush?, Mrs*.Kenneth Little will be the s new* teacher o f the special room sjacr ■ ■ ceeding Mrs. Vesta Halstead. The ; cafeteria will be in operation the first *: day. . . , ’ An honor roll has been erected. ' the main entrance of the buildingwith 119 names inscribed with more to* be added. *This"was •Sponsored by ; the recent graduating Class, o f 19*3. The complete school faculty, in ad­ dition, to Mrs, Little are: Ruth. A. Chandler, Mrs. Nelle Barrow Wright, Mildred Trurtbo, Bernice 'Bryant,' Ruth E. Lewis,' Ora E. Hanna,.j , P . ; Hilt*. Mrs. Anfaa O, Wilsonr Mrs*, Luelia Robe Hilt, Elisabeth Paul, R. h Wilson, Donna Taylor, Mrs. Lurilie Collins/Miss Carrie N, Rife, prin- ■ Cipal, and V. C. Juillart, The Cedarville community has been, asked to. help share with'the school cafeteria during* the' canning season * of. fruits and-vegetables. •' . • " - ** ......nui""!11 . ..... . ^ c ' D raft Boards Will Follow Number OrdUr ¥ ,'<* ^ f ^ f ,7 ^ While there has been much com- . ment.on drafting <pre- Pearl-Harbqri ’ fathers, nothing is scertain jyat jhat any will fee toll^d. The Weller reso-! lution to defer all,fathers until 'after','', the first of the year has -been passed* ■ upon by the Senate Military affairs committee-and Ben. -Wheeler stated this week he'.wiU call for a vote the day after Congress convenes...* Cong/. Mays,D.; Ky., chairman of* the House . Military* Committee jins n bill to de-’ fer this group of fathers .for. the , present. Both boards in this county .announce they will follow individual order num* *-* bers of.'registrants for the call tha t includes fathers, . . Congress is also considering « bill to draft girls ftom 20 to 36 instead ’ of pre-Pearl Harbor fathers. The county boards will next call Class S-A for the October quotas. : Trying To Locate Water Supply A Columbus companyjs now putting down the sepqnd test well a t Wilber- force dear the small cemetery along ReUte 42, seeking a Water supply of at least 200 gallons a minute. *The irst well In another location failed have the supply, /Marion Hughes and son, Curtis, are drilling a Well on What was the Hardy farm on Route 42 -for a water sup" ply. The spring in the old stone house that has flowed for 100 years suddenly gave out and no water is available. ME Hughes says many wells haVe gone dry this summer <and evidently there is a change of some kind going oh in the earth, There Is also a disturbance of wide' demon- sion going on the surface alio, HONOR ROLL NOW ON PUBLIC DISPLAY The Community honor roll With names of all boys froht the community was placed Wednesday, on the north: WU11 of the.Nsgley building a t Majn> aud Xenia ave. An electric light Will make the sign'readable to the pUbHc a t nights. There a re 146 name* eh the roll a t present. HARVEY LOVETT TOLXAV|S . CEDAR VALE FAkM Harvey LoYett, who h«« been vrith Cedar Vale Farm for a number *C. years, has rented^ the Carroll Brea, farm below Xenia* and moved Ode week, Unfair Nance, who has Fwm * : tonimt on the Elmmmrman farm e f t' Hie Federal pOm mevee Ifatai. ' ma ahph w i totiw j i m « % >.