The Cedarville Herald, Volume 66, Numbers 27-52

fsmm ^pES mm mjffW•: »•■■ i iM W i H t i <im«» j .'H!"*"««■< MMPNUR .15 B IL L IO N D O L LA R S (NON-BANKING QUOTA) M ark , well the date—Thursday, September 9du For on that day, you must answer*to your; country’s call. On that dayt the 3rd War Loan Drive opens. To . you—end to every other true American—a clarion pall goes forth to rally to the support'of our flag. You will be asked to back our fighting forces to i.Ihe very limit of your resources. You will be asked to go all - out for invasion by investing in extra War Bonds—more War Bonds than you perhaps think you can possibly afford. To meet the national quota, every individual- in die country who earns a wage or -draws an income or has accumulated funds must invest, if he pos­ sibly can, in at least one extra $100 War-Bond. Those who can, must invest more—thousands of dollars* worth more. Bach and every one must do his full part. Scraps up the money from every, souroe you can .. .turn in all the loose cash you carry with you,. v dig out what you had tucked away “just in case.** Go without pleasures, luxuries, even necessities this September. And give our fighting men the things they need’to fightwith—and win, These, men are throwing: everything,they have > into* this fierce invasion push. They arC giving BACK THE ABACK their blood, theirlives. No one can put a price qp such courage/ self-sacrifice, devotion, But you can , ■ - show-you’re with diem to the limit I You Can say it .with Bonds. . ; extra Bonds this month, - - W#rld’sS « fs» t Investments For this 3rd*WSr Loan, you-will he offered your i choice of various government securities, Choose ji the one that fits your requirements, United States War Saving* Bonds Series “EM; <’ gives you baok $4 for every $3when the bondma* tures.*’Interest! 2.9% a year, compounded semi­ annually,if beld tomaturity. Denominations: $25, ’ $50, $100, 5500, $1,000. Redemption: Anytime 60 „ days after issue date. Price: 75% ofmaturity value. 2{4%Treasury Bonds of 1964*1969; readilymar­ ketable^acceptable aa-bank collateral. Redeemable at parand accrued interest for the purpose of-sat­ isfying Federal estate taxes. Dated September 15, 1943: due Deoember 15, 1969. Denominations: $500, $1,000, $5,000, $10,000, $100,000 and $1/009,000. . Price: par-and accrued interest. Other securities! Series “G" Savings Notes; %% Certificates oflhdebtedness; 2% Treasury Bonds of 1951-1953; United States Savings Bonds sericg United gfatet Savinga Bonds series “G”. «** Frank L. Johnson, Chairman ElPONSOBlSD P R W A m t m SIX m i t , ’Bricke tion o . he woi *the le-> of the not be . funds. Day money taxing have i more, tior. he ■was, on Be sail' located atid "t politic, . The ■' - the infi withhold - that b, had m - New D It w financi - conditi.. tax du-! held dc >. as it 1 - the Ta> When l city dr poratio their ji .papers that th ust wa are at , for m< the ta: million ; • million -. - thousa her of Have b ; ;.. ed. ■ Evei : .the de .. county . after .njore ii collect l ., outside - -wages. The , City ti in thf anytin :,ing do- run to - ■ .imost o towns, *istate. The His ai '• futed t carpet ■missioi pay ro - New 1 j Cedi O 5 The Cedan day, S in the a long high s and si take ]- in the felt nl Vrith d Ced/ 1887, forme. Synod, in 18S its fou dent I Generi the Co since • orgiini but ah fluent* thousa Other* oppori say hi more , course . the v teach, they pectat come APPI V . * Thf will j ■Use o peetts as pt tram