The Cedarville Herald, Volume 66, Numbers 27-52
M fTCltffT.lLIH O T . T H E C I D A R V I L L E H EJM JLD m m M m r n * ja p p u -i M*mwn - e d ito r a n d publ isher Mburi v * b *? r « « #mw* RuUried at the Poet Office, Cedarville, Ohio, October81, 1887, assecond classmatter. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8,1948 'WHITEHOUSE MISTRESS RANTS AND ROAMS The New Deal has been using income tax money to spread the Roosevelt, Frankfurter, Stalin brand of Commumssmin every conceivable form. First it'was' the picture on the screen, “ On to Moscow".' This was financed with income tax money, Other picture and radio political propaganda matter has beer financed at government expense. . The latest is the newsree made for the Marine Corps while Mrs, Roosevelt was in the South Pacific while Mrs, Roosevelt was riding through the air on gasoline that belonged to the automobile owners of America . that precious fluid the Roosevelters say is so scarce and so prec* 10USThis picture, which is a “ talkie” , and is being shown over the country, tells a story of a Marine who said, he could not . shoot into a group of Japs who shoulted To hell with Boose velt", because the Marine did not want to shoot a fellow Repub lican. Picture houses have beep bluffed and brow-beaten into showing the New Deal propaganda, ■ Congressman Ploeser, R., Missouri, says he will demand an investigation of the use o f the motion picture industry for prop aganda purposes. The congressman, could also make further in vestigation and find out whether there were any bank robbers horse thieves, or syphilitical cripples, physical or mental, in the ' crowd with the Republicans pictured as being in danger of be ing shot. , - It is no wonder the New Deal wants several billion more o the income taxpayer’s money. jThe radio in most cases is under direct control of the New Deal Communists that are selling out the country. Congressman Ploeser.should in,his investigation find out who the Communists were that were sent “ entour” previous tr the Roosevelt enthronement to sell the New 'Dfeal idea to promi nent, citizens in Eastern cities. He should try and uneover tin chap that was walked to the door of a Pittsburgh home and es corted to the street in a very uncerimonious manner. Some o these young Communists are now in high government positions, At this time Churchill, Roosevelt and a delegation of Amer ican Communists are planning a trip to Russia, at your expense, to meet their superior. Let the prayers of every loyal Americar be for a safe voyage by air. or water and that Stalin may be so impressed'he would insist oirboth Roosevelt and Churchill re maining with his Communistic government and that he would , later crown Roosevelt “World President” and Churchill, pre mier” , of the universe,/except of course the mother Country _ Russia. What a god-send such a step would be. Then Americ: would revert back to Americans. , Mat oat to instruct ottos* with. * book o f ratal m thick as a dictJoamy, took back harsh statements made pur- posel y to fir e the picture o f how the American farmer fe lt about price eeli mps, crop control, the AAA New Deal in harsh terms,. *to trouble is most of the talk falls on barren soil apd empty space. b e sa fa s but we still have beer un. dor the New Deal. Republians abould be thankful for the former and o f course the latter are always in flee when the “ foam keep* foaming." Last Thursday evening announcement o f a cut in gasoline rations and at the very hour a beer truck was unloading, using gasoline and that ‘‘precious rub ber” caused by the Japs taking Amer ican rubber after Pearl Harbor, rub ber that belonged in the U, S. but could not be shipped under the Roose velt- Hull trade pack with England Wo will half you to buy your own _ home, boon rate of interest is 594/. s t ^ - ^ r ^ ' dictation,Ttonk!Csdarvmo Federal pavings andLoan .the intestinal fortitude to speak their 1 BUY WAR BONDS TBSCHURCHOFTHENAZABRNX - . Sunday Services Sunday School 10:00 to 11:00 A M* Preaching 11:00 A , M, to 12:00 M. Evangelistic Service 7:30 P. M. Wednesday Service Prayer Meeting 7:30 P. M. Sunday School Superintendent, Ru- fua Nance! Paster, Raymond Strickland, "The Republicans should not feel hurt about a cut in gasoline. They , are lucky to get any under the leadership o f Churchill when we prpvide 65 per cent o f the gasoline and lubricating oil under “ lend-lease” that dear old term that is to rob the American home ■of beef and gasoline. You .still can, get plenty o f clothing but we can not use all the Australian wool owned by England and being Imported into this country in competition with the American wool grower. A Democrat wool grower has no right to utter/ complaint or protest. Nor should he draw a long face about a cut in gaso line. Its his party in charge witli Churchill as “ dictator” . GASOLINE cut took m an y b y surprise Gasoline for pleasure but a cut in ration for business on th« farm, store or factory. Can you make sense out of the lates New Deal monstrosity ? The Ickes-Brown contention as to neec for a reduction resulted in a big change of program following ■ congressional announcement that the gasoline committee, com posed of midwestem congressmen, -was to lift the lid to know whether Ickes kneW what he was talking about or that Price Fixer Brown was just in one of those NeW Deal flights in thr unknown realms. S One feature of the gasoline shortage is really interesting -There -is plenty of gasoline for the Roosevelt tribe to girdle the earth. There is a shortage of gasoline for farmers, merchants- and salesmen. Of. course the real truth is there is no shortage o f gasoline. Any statement "from any source to the contrary is one of those Drew Pearson descriptions o f a presidential lie, “ a chronic misrepresentation of facts.” There is a shortage of crude oil because we are supplying England with oil and gaso line and she is using little o f her own because Churchill ha; “ sold the New Deal" the idea of lend-lease. The more lubricating oil made the more gasoline that is taken from the crude. Every storage tank in the country is how bulging with gasoline and no customers. Thousands of filling stations are closed because of rationing. What more proof it needed that someone is deliberating not only misleading the public but “ misrepresenting the facts.” Call it what you please As long as the Roosevelt tribe can wallow in pleasure and luxury in Washington, the Pacific or in Canada, burning gaso- Morganthau comes from a family o f wealth, much like FDR, both hav ing been reared under the "spend everything" or the boys reared and fed with the .famous “ silver spoon,” “ Morgee” wants to take more o f every nay check. -For political purposes we >give this endorsement. One commen tator, says It will be $2,70 out o f each $20 weekly pay check, Then there is the "Morgee” proposal to deduct 30 per cent o f each pay;cljeck for social security, that famous Roosevelt pro posal "cradlo to the grave” . We en dorse that also. ' Labor may not like it but labor certainly must continue to take everything as it comes—even from' the New Deal, line in half million dollar bombing planes said to be needed for the war, using U. S. patrol boats operated-by gasoline for pleas ure fishing trips on Canadian lakes, using the White House • car in Canada for pleasure, there might be a “ shortage of gaso line” but it cannot be the fault of the farmer, the merchant or the salesman held to two gallons a ration coupon i Such a situation would not exist if it were pot that the ma jority party in congress is willing to be branded “ dumb” enough to penalize the American people by forcing self denial in be half of the war effort, and yet permit our royalty to exercise in lavish fashion pleasure seeking trips in all climes and in all -parts of the world. Such gasoline consumed cannot be for the support of the boys On all fronts or make possible the bombing of Berlin or Tokio. With the Democratic control in Congress no partizan. blame placed elsewhere. Republican threat o f a gasoline investigation last week gave you two .gallons of gasoline instead o f the planned one and one-half gallons foi each coupon for the farm or businessJbut pleasure seekers on A cards would have received three gallons. Pleasure is more important to conserve rubber or gas thal supporting the war i f there is a “ shortage of gasoline.” Is there a shortage? While “ Morgee" and “ Rooaie” want to save the nation from the danger qf inflation, not fearing a bankrupt natiqii with billions o f debt hanging over all glasses o f people, they propose to put every worker o f every kind in. all classes and ages, home domestic and farm, tenant, all under .social se curity, compelling thqse who employ to deduct so much .out o f -each pay check and then send an equal amount down to Washington to pay fo r goods to be sent to Churchill's government where “ Dear Old Londoners’” must purchase our gifts o f foocHand the profit g o to the Bank o f England. It will be a new epic in American history. Republicans should pay with a smile and laugh in the face o f the- New Dealers that cringe, curse under their breath and probably some then will ease their conscience by blaming the whole situation oh Herbert-Hoover Lincoln or Jefferson- SAILOR MAPLE'S PUZZLE Somewhere out in the Pacific fighting the Japs there is a 19-year-old sailor by the name of'Curtis Maple from Nowata. ■A couple of months ago as he eagerly pushed through the crowd at mail call he .was handed a letter from his employer, the Uni ted States' Government. It was from the Department of Agri culture advising him that he owed $89.78 as a penalty for grow ing 182 too many bushels of wheat in 1941,. Someday soon Sailer Maple may 'land on a reconquered Pacific island and hear the starved natives crying piteously for . food, and he will hear -some commissioner from the U« S. Re habilitation Bureau explaining that the U- S. can’t send very much food because it is so short, itself. Arid sailor Maple may tune in on a short-wave broadcast and hear some high priest in the new deal temple advocating a fourth term for the President on the grounds that the President saw the war ahead and planned everything, And Bailor Maple may be puzzled. -—Tulsa, Oklahoma, Tribune *. i9f :-*- *•* vt'- IP YOU NEED. PRINTING, DROP IN HERALD WANT AND SALE ADS PAY One o f our Clark county farmers who serves by grace on a New Deft' meat board was in town Monday. We had a pleasant chat, We heard lota o f things this Clark County Republi can bad to say. He tells o f his ex* nerienc o f getting advice as to how the Masonic Home, Springfield, could get meat to feed the members o f the Home, old and young. The institu. Hon is supported by the Masonic Lodge by part o f the dues paid by all members in Ohio. What all was said at this group meeting and just how little the New Deal agent knew evert about the cockeyed New Deal meat rules, was enough to make any Amer ican, citizen turn against his govern ment, This near neighbor, who is a large catle feeder, will rtot feed cattle this winter under New Deal dictation in price, He farms prob ably 800 acres and is putting out 12 acres' o f wheat. He has reduced his feeding stock and will hot replace it! He is reducing his brood sows from fa r oyer one hundred to around fifty He will also reduce his corn acerage next year- Such was his message to the $5,000-a-year New Dealer sent out to tell farmers what they had to do about meat, Ha was told that it might be against New Deal dictation for four or more fanners to slaughter a beef and take quarters but it al ways has bean dona and would be con tinued, regardless o f thi little rad coupons. The Innocent city poiEirian Public Sale As I am moving to my own term, we will sell at Public Auction all part nership stock op. the Edwin Dean Farm Ideated 2 1-2 miles N, E. o f Cedar ville, 4 miles S .E . qf Clifton, 1 miles N, o f Route 42 on the Ryle Road on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12,1943 Commencing at 12 O’clock the following livestock: 46- HEAD OF DAIRY CATTLE- BANGS TESTED 46 Consisting o f 26 head Jersey, Guernsey and Holstein cows, most o f these cows are .fresh with either 1st, 2nd or 3rd Calf by side, the others have been fresh 8 to JO weeks.. These cows all have soUnd udders, are heavy producers and the milk will be weighed before sale day. v 18 head o f Guernsey, Jersey and Holstein Heifers ranging in age from 2 to 18 months old. The most o f these Heifers are out o f the above cows. I Purebred .Guernsey bull, 18 months old, a ’good breeder and individual. 1 Shorthorn bull, 2 years, old, good breeder. SPRINGFIELD MOVIES • Now Showing NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate o f Virgil -Gray, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Eva Gray has been duly appointed as Ad ministratrix o f the estate of Virgil Gray, deceased, late, o f Spring Valley Township, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this Uth day o f September, 1948, ■ WILLIAM B. MeCALLISTER Judge o f the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. ■Tbum ©ot, f Tfe» New V 1 S c re en T e s t * b o b h o p e and Eity^HuHo® “ L E T ’ S vacs r r ’ RHEUMATISM??? RINOL 80- HEAD OF HOGS- IMMUNED -80 Consisting o f 8 Hampshire and Spotted Poland China Brood Sows with pigs by side, 4. Sows bred to farrow in February. 46 shoats weighing up to' 80 pounds. 1 Purebred Spotted Poland China Rear, coming 2 years old. 46------HEAD OF SHEEP------46 Roosevelt’s Fifth Avenue playmate, Morganthau, who gets the name o f -being treasurer, announced this week a new income tax plan. He1says any man that is single can live on $500 a year and all above that he should pay a heavy income tax. The pro posal is one o f those New Deal fine print documents, which the public seldom reads and does not know what it means after reading it. You should recall FDR once in a "fireside chat” hit at the “ fine print” so worded that no one would understand it. Then he was striking1 under the belt at the Wall Street money changers, the same , crowd that he is now in bed with, politically speaking. For instance the famous “ Wall Streeter Baruch”- A lot o f Wall Street boys are now be ing pushed to the front. Consisting o f 46 head of Shropshire and Merino Ewes from 1 to 4 yrs. old and one two-year old buck, also one buck 4 years old. Implements and Miscellaneous Consisting o f 1 Rotary Hoe, 1 Cultipacker, Hog Coops, Hog Feeder, 2 Water Fountains, 1 with heating unit; Tank Heaters, Blue Bell Cream Sep arator, used 1 year.6 10- gal. Milk Cans, 1 Boy’ s Bicycle in good shape. POULTRY AND EQUIPMENT 2 10x14 ft , Brooder Houses, good as new; 100 Purebred White Rock Pullets starting to lay, 90 Purebred White Rock 1 yr. old hens, 8 White Rock Roosters 1 yr. old, The above Poultry has been vaccinated and are out o f Blood Tested Flocks and R, O. P . Roosters. 25 1 year old White Leghorn Hens and 35 |Plymouth Rock Pullets. -TERMS OF SALE------CASH A. D. Hanna and EdwinDean AUcts.—Weikert A Gordon Lunch on Grounds Is the medicine-you need. Proven successful for arthritis, rheumatism, neuritis, lumbago; Free pamphlet at Brown’s Drug Store Ends T F 7 T T Sat NJta JIIIHIMIIlllIMfllllMllllllltllllMUtIMtIUUHlUinitUHMIllIHrilMl When ACCIDENTS Happen | . -. You Need •' § PROMPT SERVICE | CFT A T F Automobile | p l A l u „. Mutual = INSURANCE Non-Assessable KENNETH LITTLE CEDARVILLE, OHIO m iiaiiiiiiiituiiiuiiiH im iim oH itiM tiniiiiiitm iiiiiitiim iiriL FARMS FOR SALE AND FARM LOANSf I We have many good farms fo r sale f g on easy terms. Also make fa rm f | loans at 4. % interest for 15 years. | I No application fee and no npprais? § | al fee. Write or Inquire T o O u r C o a l We are sorry to advise that circumstances entirely beyond our control make it necessary to hold up all orders for delivery of coal for the time being. We are of the opinon that when the lake season closes about Oct. 15th, we will be able to fill your orders. However, for the, present we are not only unable to get coal but have no help to handle it if We had ifc We will make ah honest effort to get the same grade of coal we have always sold you but we must have ydur cooperation in delivery. F R A N K C R E S W E L L CEDARVILLE, OHIO S H E R I F F S S A L E AT AUCTION OF REAL ESTATE, BREWER FARMS' THREE TRACTS AT 10 .*00 O’CLOCK, A. M. S A T U R D A Y , O C T O B E R 9 t h ’4 3 At the West Door o f the Court House, Xenia, Ohio,. Land is located on the Clifton pike and Old Town pike, 2 miles west of Clifton, in Greene county, O. FIRST TRACT—61.80 acres no improvements; fencing in fair condition; a- bout 10 acres of woodland with fair saw timber balance o f land is tillable, and o f good soil, ample water from welk- Appraised at $70.00 an acre, ■ SECOND TRACT—11G.86 acres, o f good soil, near the Little Miami Riv er improvements; 2 barns, 40x60 feet and 60x60 feet with large corn crib. Ample spring Water supply. Appraised at $76.00 per acre. THIRD TRACT—59.95 acres; good soil; 40 acres tillable, 9.96 acres per* manent pasture and.16 acres timber, located near the Little Miami River; im provements: 2-story, 7-room house, with Water and electricity in house; new garage, 14x20; barn, 20x20; chicken house, 10-20. ~ Appraised at $90.00 per acre, * First and Second Tracts are appraised together at $75.00 per acre. First, Second and' Third Tracts are appraised as a whole, at $70.00 pe aero. Said premises cannot be sold for less than two-thirds o f the appraised value, ,TER)MS OF SALE— 10% o f purchase price on day o f sate and balance on delivery o f deed. Said premises wifi be offered each o f the tracts Separa tely; then First and Second' tracts will be offered together, and then all three as a whole, and the premises will be sold in the manner in which they bring the highest price. These farms are located within 314 miles o f Yellow Springs, the seat o f Antioch College grade and high schools Available at Clifton within 2 miles, and within 3H miles ot Cedarville College, Churches o f various denomina tions at those points. Rural free delivery, telephone and electric current service available. 1 1 McSavaney & Co. London O. | | - Leon H. Kling, Mgr. | iMMiMiiiiiiiiitMiHtiHiiimiiniiiiiiiiMitMiimMriiMuiiniimtir NtHim nm iiiriMitiim im ititiMiMimiMM, A NAME-THAT STANDS - FOR GOOD FURNITURE BUDGET PLAN AVAILABLE A d a i r ’ s 1 Xeala. 0 .f N. Detroit St. S 3 i Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted, Reasonable Charges. “ S W I N G SHIFT MAISIE” Coming Sunday “OLAUDIA” Dorothy McGuire Robert Young * Sat. BLONDIK j.. 4 D°ryi trod t » e Bvnisteadi “FOOTLIGHT C lam our ” —plus “SHERLOCK HOLJ? c a T H ” FACES DEATH T \ ROT , Day. ' ROGERS ^ “ Silver Spurs” • PLUS • “Murder On the Waterfront” yrr Sun, Mon, Red Skelton v ru,fc IN ‘Dii Carry Was a Lady" (hi Technicolor) PLUS' "E^ c - bs of the Navy!’ 1250 SSH Um £ ■mom youShoufd ■j&- 51 { w**— Experienced Typists Dr.A E. Wilkin Optometric Eye Specialist Xenia, Ohio innM m m itriW iH m ttinm iiiH uuiH fH m nH im im iw iH iw “ and Clerical Workers. Steady em ployment, pleasant working condi tions, good pay, • ' , M cCa ll Corporation 22X9 McCall St. Dayton, O. n*-e<»K WANTED And Saturday THRILL NITES! •—SCREEN— “DANGEROUS BLONDES’* with Edmund Lowe Evelyn Keyes Truck Driver for Cream Route Man or Woman. The Miami Valley Cooperative Milk Producers Association '■‘Dayton, Ohio. Club. i is 5 0 Mrs. Com Trumbt spending the week-i' in O*born. ■ Mias Mary McC< to Tndianopolis, Tut tjje death pf her n, McConnell. Mrs. Robert Rich: is spending the w< ber father-in-law, M ’ and wife. The Woman’s Clul day Qct, 14th. at t Rankin McMillan, answered by dispkij an heirloom. Mrs. Harry Wrigi Jeanne spent the w, Keith Wright, who detachment, of W College, Kalamazoo, Cpl. John H, Bull, st Field, Calif,, has be “ Good Conduct Ribb- exemplary behavior, deiity. He is a son Route, 2. Cpl. Paul A. Marsh Arizona has been geant, where he is He is a son of Mr; Marshall. The Misses Marg; Lois Brown have e University for tin Margaret will major ies and Lois in th Arts- i Mrs. James Duf word that her gran- Burba has been pro in the W. A. C. a Gamp Lee, Virgini P fc o f the Marines transferred to the is stationed at Sa: Word has been v death o f Mrs- Mai Monday, Oct. 4ti Beaver Falls, Pa., o f two years. She W. R. McGhesney, here several years -year. . a La olor) Nav 0 -Notice to.Wome. gicai-Center— Elf- 11, the center will and cloSe o f 4:30 ] 7;30 to 10:00. Nev rived and women ed. The Edwin Dea rented to Clarenci ley. Arthur Haim- farm-for a .numbt- leave in March fo chased from Miss Mrs. Howard £ Reid, formerly o f • the opening of Room 714 o f the Bldg., Springfield set for Thursday will be open Tht only. Appointmer postcard until fui d 1 WOI Among the out fo r the funeral o lins were Mi\s. ( field, Mrs. C- F Mrs. Frances I Roland Cahill, Di Huntington, Mr, ingtort, Mr. and 1 Mrs. John Hugh Blanch. Turnbul’ Townsley, Cinch : p o i DayI •JTE r Cre ey C< FOR SA IE - Same as new a As , Ohi | Pipe, \ai es and Fittings fo r ’ i water, gas and steam, Hand and | Electric Pi. apa for all purposes, ’ Bolts. Fwilns, V Belts, Plumbing and Heatin' Supplies, S U N .-M 0 N .-T U E S . •7* Walton Sfialir, Sheriff ot GreeneCounty, Ohio Marshall A Marshall. Xenia, Ohio., Morris D, Eks, Osborn, Ohio, Attorneys. " , J. P. BOCKLETT S f PLY CO. X VIA. OHIO itHtmifimiMmi" jmrittmMriHritttfHriirimmttHtttuti ..... ...... ' C ( - < » iteam, - (g T l for all .....................Beits Fri. and dies. Robert Tayh “ B CKJ ALSO NE 4y < Sun. and ’ 0HI< Merle Ober nutimmii “FIRST CO QUIC ; SERVICE " f o r t d e a d st o c k XENIA . ■- FEItTlUZER t’HONE MA. 464 Reverse Chargee E. G. Bueiisieb, Ohio ' NEWS 5BR' Tu e sd e Clark Gab “GONE W One STO Admis V IA Wed. and A lan1IA 2 t] “LUC- Hever. CARTO ’>XMI \
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