The Cedarville Herald, Volume 66, Numbers 27-52
X e t f c e r Uy o# ffvtt f %9 * y w ia the powhiuw «f freod-adt of which jjH»t be p*W tar l*tw or through. tauc*«-*nd then torn nreund and l&cvwu* the amount of tjUf$* to fan paid by euch family $250 per your. Brilliant ffcutneia*, Iant it? And of coturft* amwrt politics if tha people can bo mad* to forget *- bout fchajj? increased tax burdens and think only «l their slightly reduced grocery bills* jf ———? 5J h » Wheeler Bill to prevent the drafting of fathers was defeated in tha Senate late last week. Yet, a t the same time, Senator JVhoeler, really won a victory, foe* he has forced the-. as* m mrHee *#-»* m m g n ta a Wrt *w*r- *«» rnmtmi -Ortas m> eartMW* «rt *w*to- m t to &* *wiw»t •* *#<* Wwmt **4 wto* •iMl at **H Parts *rt •«* ipproarteted ft* mm * pie aawMMt *r w * tax shatt ■fce-waoert *w*fc» »**eaat «*Keep oh****,** rwUala sa «*|»re*ftetod, suhtwon a t w wte.iwMto *w i N first rtftv rt to r n * tn m to eta*** «# Ure Roa* JtoUr«**»t Fu*4 *T tha VUls*s aad tP« Seads Met, Ufcae by «MA efitear d u ll be *4- yerjdisrt for pultUe . 0*19 sad sold la tbs n sa - ser p m rttd py lav . Put set tor U*f than tlwtr jper rate* sad Manta* l*tewat TPs bead **l* sdrwtiseuiaitt klull state teat suy daclrias1te do so nay vm eat a Wd or bid* for suop beads based upoa tbslr DMrias s dlffonwt rate of latsrsst than, perefabsTors fired, yeertdrt, brew er, tfcst where a fraetton- si tetereat rata la Wd, writ fraetloa shsil ba asta-quarta* of one per sent or nuililplea there- of. The prooeede from the sale of said bonds, •wept tha premium sad accrued iatereet there on, shall be deposited la the proper fund and used for the purees* aforesaid and for no other, purpose. The premium and accrued In terest received from suop sale shall bo trans ferred to the Bead Retirement Fund to be applied to the payment of Die principal and interest of said bonds In the manner provided adoption of the Bailey-Clark substi tute, whlch^will facing about tha in duction into military service of many thousands of unmarried men, and childless husbands now employed in by law, SECTION 7. Tha Village Cleric is hereby dliyoted to furward a certified copy of this ordinance to the County Auditor, - SECTION 8. Tills ordinance shall lake ef fect from and after the earliest period a l lowed by law, . civilian positions within the Govern ment, now enjoying questionable de *■» A Tasted this 4th day al October, 1*U. C. H, CROWN, lVsatdMt of CouaoU. NELSON CKMMU&. Clerk of CeqaelL Approred this !&*dsy of October, 1813, ' u. ». Attain MAYOR, * NOTICE TO BIDDERS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SeWERARE TREATMENT PLANT AND SANI TARY OUTFALL SEWER VILLASE OF OEOARVILLE, 8REENE COUNTY. OHIO Separate sealed bid* will be received by the village of Cedarvlllo, Greene County, Ohio, at the Village Hall, until 13 o’clock Noon, Central War Time, November 5, 1343, sad will then be opened and read aloud at the above address pn Die followlag; “The .Construction of a Sewerage Treat ment Plant and Sanitary OutfaU Sewer." The Information for Bidders, Plans, ftped- fli atloM, m and Contract Bonds, Bid Blanks and the Contract .Documents may he examined at the office of Nelson Crowell, Village Clerk,' Cedarville, Ohio, or a t the office of Rial T, Parrish, Consulting.Engineer, 943-54 U. B. Building, Dayton,.Ohio. Copies may be obtain ed upon tho deposit of $20,00 for each set, fully refundable to Bidders returning sets In good condition Trttliln 5 days after the open ing, One complete set wilt be issued to each' prospeettre bidder, Each bidder mum dspoati a Osahler's Check, or^Certtftsd Cheek e« a good and solreet bank of an approved'mg Bead la an amount of at least five per seat {*%) of the bes* bid la the fww and aubgeet to the conditions pro vided la the "Information far Bidders." All bids mum be submitted on the forms provldod wlNjkNM BpeatfktaUans, No bidder '*may wlthdMw Id* bid within thirty (30) days after the actual date of the opening thereof. The eight la reserved by the Village Council, to reject any or all bids and to waive In, formalities. n o t VrLLAaJf COUNCIL VIILAQJC OF CKDAXVfLLK, OHIO H. H, ABELS, Miyor. ATTESTS NELSON CRESWgLlr. Clerk. (Oct, 8-15.22-29) NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT Estate of Joseph M. Eichardaon, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Ruth Lee Richardson has .been duly ap pointed as Administratrix of the es tate of Joseph M, Eichardson, de ceased, later' of Cedarville ’Township, Greene County, Ohio, Dated this 24th day of September, INS, WILLIABt B, McCAUSTER, Judge a t the probate Court, Greene County, Ohio, “ legal notice Charlie Hamilton, Whose place of residence is unknown, Will take notice that on the 25th day of September, 1943, Minerva Hamilton, Wed her certain petition against him in di vorce, on the grounds of extreme cruelty and gros& neglect of duty, said cause being case No, 23299 on the docket of the Common Pleas Court, Greene County, Ohio. That said cause will be fa r bearing on or after October 13th, 1948, (10-1-5-11-5) , MARCUS SHOUP, , Attorney for Plaintiff. LEGAL NOTICE Anna Viola Davison, whose place of residence is unknown and cannot be ascertained will take notice that on tho 8th day of Saptomfewr, 1942, Arthur C. Davison filed his certain notion against her in divorce on tho grounds of extreme cruelty and gross neglect, said causes being No, 28,269 on the docket of the Common Pleas Court >of Greene County, Ohio and that said matter will come for bear ing on or after October 16, 1943., , (9-10-6-10-15) } PAUL J. GAISER, Dayton, 0„ Attorney for Plaintiff. LEGAL NOTICE Clewis Brae, whose place of resi dence is unknown and cannot be as. curtained will take notice that on the 7th day of September, 1948, Geneva Brue filed her certain action against him in divorce on the grounds of wil ful absence, said cause being No. 23,274 on the docket' of the Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio, and that said matter will come for hearing on or after October 16, 1943; (9-10-6-10-15) ‘ FORREST DUNKUB, Attorney for Plaintiff, , LEGAL NOTH)* William E. Apking, whose address is unknown, will take notice that on the 7th day of September 1948, Naomi R, Apking filed her aetkm In tha Cam- men Pleas Court of Gr*wme»County, Ohio, for divoKU from William E, Apking on the grounds of wilful ah, sence for move than three years and of gross neglect of duty and praying that she be given custody and support for her minor rhild, permanent ali mony, that the defendant be barred of interest in her property and for other relief and is Case No. 23,276, on the records of said court. Said action will be heard before said court on the 23rd day of October 1943 or aa soon thereafter as is convenient to the court. C9-10-6-10-15) ' ROBERT H. WEAD, Attorney for the Plaintiff. , fernients in private industry. The bill as passed by the Senate, and which will undoubtedly get Housee approval will bring a complete recheck of all present deferments, and will, in ef fect, postpone the induction of many fathers for months to come, -The Bill alsb carries an amendment to the Allotment Act increasing payments •*.made to dependent children of men .in the service. While the present al lotment of $50 perjmonth to a wife remains unchanged, the allotment ^granted to the first child has been in creased to $30 a month, and for each additional child to $20.. This means that a seirvice man's wife with two children would be given an allotment of $100 per month instead of $72 per month as a t present. Inasmuch as the Military Affairs Committee of the v House had already, recommended sim ilar increases' in allotments to ser vice men's dependents, it seems cer tain the new schedule will soon go into effect. OWNERSHIP STATEMENT, .This is to certify that Karlh Bull is owner, publisher and editor of the Cedarville Herald and tbut there are no bondholders or mortgages. ORDINANCE No. 217 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $25,000.00 OF BONDS BY t h e village of cedarville . ohio , for THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING A SEWERAGE DISPOSAL PLANT, FOR SAID VILLAGE. WHEREAS, the Village, of Cedarrille,- Greene County, Ohio has constructed a -sower system which now serves - certain properties in said Village, ..but due to the structure of the land upon which, the sewerage Is emptied thore Is no proper, disposal thereof, with the result that p serious uusanltary condition has arisen, anti WHEREAS, tha public peace, health and safety of ‘the Village require tho Immediate construction of a sowerage disposal, plant upon property to he acquired outside of the ter ritorial limits of the Village tn order to re lieve said unsanitary eondltona, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by tiro Council of tho Village of Cedarville, Greene County, Olilo, three-fourths of the membors ■elected thereto concurring: SECTION 1. That It is necessary to Issue l>onds of the Village of Cedarvlllo, Groone County, Ohio, In the principal amount of $25,000.00, for the purpose of paying tho cost of constructing s sewerage disposal plant for -said Village. - SECTION S. That said bonds of the Villago of CedarvJUo shall be Issued In the principal umount of $25,000.00 for the purpose afore said, under authority of the general law* of the State' of Ohio and the Uniform Bond Act of the General Code,. Said bonds shall be dated October 1, 1943, and shall be of the denomination of $1,000 each, numbered from 1 to 25, both\ Inclusive, and. shall-bear In- terest at the rate of three and ons-half (8 and 1-2%) per cent per annum, payable August -1; 1944, and semi-annually thereafter ~on The' first day of February and the first day of August of each year Until the prin cipal sum la- paid, provided however, that .If said bonds are sold bearing ,a different rate 6f Interest than hwelnbefore specified, such bonds shall bear such rate of Interest as may be provided for In the resolution ,of Council approving the award thereof. Said bonds shall mature.In thelf consecutive order as follows: $1,009.00 on the first day of August In each of the years from 1948 to 1970, Inclusive, which maturities are in equal annual Install ments. The principal and Interest of said bonds shall be payable at Uie Office of th* (Twk, Cedarville, Ohio. SECTION 8, That said bonds shall express upon ilielr face ths purpose for which they are Issued; that they are issued In pursuance of this ordinance, and shall he signed by ths Mayor and Village Clerk, and sealed with the corporate seal of said Village, The in terest coupons attached to said bonds shall bear the facsimile signature of said Village Clerk* Satif bonds shall be designated "Sewerage Disposal Plant Benda." SECTION 4, During the period such bonds shall run or be outstanding, there shall be established and maintained by ordinance of this Council rates or charges to be paid to IMS Village as rent for the use of or for the service made available by th* sewer sys tem and sewerage disposal plant, which charges shall In no event be less than The svnoont required to pay the Hecateary operating and maintenance'expenses of said seweags system * and disposal plant and to pay the principal and Interest charges when due upon the bonds issued , for th* purpose of paying-th* cost thereof. ■ ■ „ ■ flection 5 , That for the purpose of pro viding the necessary funds to pay th e .in terest on the foregoing issue of bonds prompt- , ly When and as the Same, falls duo, and also to provide a fund sufficient to discharge-said bonds at maturity, there shall be and Is here by levied oh all taxable property In th* Vil lage Of Cedarville, Greene County, Ohio, lit addition to alt other taxes, a direct tax an nually during ths period said bonds are to run, which tax shall he sufficient In amount to provide fund* to pay th* Interest on said bonds when arid as th* same fall* due, and 1 also to provide for the discharge of the prin cipal of said bonds4’at matariwfmwhich teg shall hot be less than the Interest and sink ing fund fa* required by flection. II of Article N it of the Constitution of Ohio, Said tax shall be and Is hereby ordered computed, certified, levied and extended Upon the tey duplicate add collected by the same ofOk-rs, in ths asm* manner and at tho same time that take* for general purposes for each «f said years *r* certified, extended and collected Bald Uk shall be placed before and 1« preference to alt other Items arid for th* full amount thereof. The fund* derived 1 tm said tstr levlM hereby required shall be phtoed in a Mparttte $nd dtettaet fund, Vrhlrti, tetftehre with all interest eelteoted on ths game, shall he tvreverabiy pledged tu t the payment *f th« Interest and principal of said bend* wfcM.snd m th* same fall-due, tto,-. vhMv.hovrerec, that re Mart imp i M m rimre* far rental* pal# to IN' Weiei f*r the birth to a New Idea ! T HIS has frequently been called ^America’s best-run war? And it is. After a shaky start and the first few stunning set backs, the crescendo of production, the achieve-* ments o f the military, and the steely determination o f the people have been pretty close to miraculous. In keeping with this “best-run” handling o f all war problems, a new idea has been born, the new National War Fund, This new idea brings unity to the inescapable giving o f funds\ to the confusing multiplicity o f necessary war agencies. With the world in flames and in tears, the de mands on generous American hearts have been in finite. When the fires o f London are so thick the fire hoses run dry,. .when a Chinese mother has to watch her baby die for want o f a simple drug,,.when Greeks by the hundreds drop dead in the street from starvation. . , when a home-town “war-orphaned” kid hardly through playing with dolls starts play ing with fire.. .decent Americans.cannot close their eyes or turn their backs. These mass tragedies, these war-made horrors, stirred kind people to*action. Committees were formed to provide aid for the suffering, and of course’these committees needed money to carry on their good and vital work. ■ 1 Now, in order to eliminate confusion, seventeen o f these groups have been combined into the National War Fund , %u give to this one Fund and you have given to all these seventeen agencies. The National War Fund is officially endorsed by the President, It has the backing of the Govern- t ment as ah improvement over theold confusing way o f raising money. It permits you to budget your wartirqe giving more easily. It makes sense. This unified Fund does not intrude upon the autonomy o f any o f these agencies. The USO , China Relief, British War Relief and all the others will be left under their present efficient and experi enced direction, They w ill be freed from the task of raising money, and have time to devote full time to their good works; and you will not have to dig down so often that your pocket becomes frayed at the edges. The money you give will do good round the world. It will also do good rightjin your own neigh borhood for we have combined the appeal o f the National War Fund with that o f our local agencies. Part of your contribution will be used for the fami lies of men in the service, for the children of parents in war work, for the social services needed to keep a community at war healthy, safe and efficient, Give, generously, today. Add-up yourjotal gift? »i» 1 th e n d ouhU f t ft GIVE ONCE FOR USO United Seamen’*Service War Prisoner*Aid BelgianWar Relief Society BritishWar Relief Society French Relief Fond Friend* of. Luxembourg GreekWar Relief Association Norwegian Relief PolishWar Relief Queen Wilhelmina Fund RussianWar Relief United China Relief United CzechoslovakRelief United YugoslavRelief Fund Refugee Reliefliustee* United States Committee for the Careof European Children *. V*i.» * Vv Tbi» Sjwcft Spotteored
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