The Cedarville Herald, Volume 67, Numbers 1-26

*■ff. • m T H E C E D A R V I L L E H E R A L 0 KARLH BULL --------------------EDITOR AND PUBLISHER U K U H R -M tU g u l M U c U l A u o c .i Ohio Newsp»per X u o c .; Miami Valley JPreaa A huc . . Entered at the Post Office, Cedarville, Ohio, * October 31,1887, as second class matter. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1 1 , 1944 NATION NEEDS ANOTHER LINCOLN We can think of po better tribute to pay the memory of Abraham Lincoln in these trying days when freedom at home hangs in the balahce just as it did in Lincoln s day. While A- merican blood is shed on foreign shores in combat supposedly to free others, .we find the cunning hapd of a Mussolini who would undermine the constitution that Lincoln gave his life for, all for selfish personal agrandizement. Lincoln stood for the rights of the individual as well as for the preservation of unity of states to preserve the republic. In contrast witness today the battle being waged to deny even our soldiers in foreign camps the right of free- expression through the ballot for all candidate's, not only the opportunity of voting for the’ Squire from Hyde Park, , . Lincoln in an address in Springfield, 111., once said: . . . . A&the patriots of seventy-six did to the support of the Declaration of Independence, so to the support- of the Con­ stitution and laws let every. American pledge his life, his prop­ erty, and his sacred honor.” Again he said,: v . ■... “ Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves, and, un­ der a just God, cannot long retain it.” THE FIFTH-SIXTH DISTRICT RULE •> \ . i • For years the five counties that comprise the Fifth-Sixth Senatorial District, Greene, Highland, jClinton, Fayette anc Ross, agreed among themselves that- each county should take its turn in nomination and election of the Republican candidate for state, senator. By this method each county had its oppor­ tunity to have a representative in the senate each .twenty years considering the two term rule of two years each as binding. . No fairer proposition was ever endorsed and observed fo i the passing years. Greene county had its last candidate fo r Senator twenty years ago. It is now Greene county’s turn this year for the honor. The county has asked this recognition and for the continuance of the .rule. The,county has another valid reason for standing by the rule and that is at some future time the soldiers that return will take over all county, state and no­ tional public offices. Of course this county does not want it said we “ passed or waived” thus^breaking a rule the o n c om in g soldiers in the county will want .retained. •/ Many citizens have become -'con­ vinced we had better stress winning the war a bit more and just a little less attention to “ winnjrjg the pe^ee." Our losses in Italy and the Pacific some o f the lives being Greene coun­ ty boys, brought about some dif­ ferent ideas, especially that the war is not won. ( We are hearing day af­ ter day from all classes that England is playing a safer hand- in the war than this country. When it was re­ ported we would have 74 percent of the men in the slaughter line to in vade Europe, public .sentiment be­ came crystalized almost a ton ce that it was to be more o f our war than of England’s. million dollar*. When the war la over gontrout "Frank" ha* prcinlwd the pl^nt, pipe lines, hotels* etc.,- to the Canadian oil Interests. Lewis in his/broadcast says every gallon o f oil tljAfc is possible to take out o f the anadian hole will cost this country $5 a gallon, and the army .officer who superintended the work says it would be cheap at that. Lewis says seven oil tankers plying the waters of’ the Canadian coast can. deliver more oil a day or month than the New Deal pipe line which is only a four inch pipe. No wonder the Dem­ ocratic press refuses to discuss the “ Canoil project", the modern and up -to the minute "tea-pot dome" with no --whistle. '' Four years ago Albert Daniels of Highland county defeat­ ed Johp Grierson for the nomination and was. elected; Both were residents of Highland county, The other counties had no part in the contest, other than choice of either from a county, entitled to the nomination. Mr. Daniels won and ha? served ■his two terms and now we hear he desires a third term, which would mean breaking the rule, the same rule he (Daniels) was nominated and elected under. We have no quarrel with Mr, Daniels as his service was satisfactory but we cannot in justice to this county endorse his position if he enters the race. lie is not playing good Republican politics nor is he exercising good sportsmanship, after being the recipient of the two term rule. ■Mr. Daniels may feel he has nothing to loose and all to gain by putting himself above party harmony We feel Greene county Republicans, as well as the Republicans of the other counties in the district recognize the fairness of the rule and Greene county’s position. Moreover, we fear Mr. Daniels may face a campaign promise made during his campaign for the nomination that he would only ask for the customary second term if nominated. The political future of the Fifth-Sixth Dis­ trict is just what Mr. Daniels will make it if he^enters to up- •set the two-terrg rule. Ho has been fair in his sendee to the state as a senator. Now Al, in all fairness play the game just as fair as you would ask It If you wore a first term candidate. Some days ago McKenzie King, Canadian Prime Minister in a strong speech to his government, took', a cri­ tical stand against the views o f Eng-, land’s official representative-in this country. Canada has had heavy loss- "uslin pien and material in the Ital­ ian ' invasion. Just where England has her vast army, in S. Africa pr at home, is not made public. Canada wants to see a little more activity on -the part of the mother-country. In Provincial election's the sentiment o f the electors has been spoken in cer­ tain terms, and Mr. King, se'ems to have jumped down from the- high pedestal where Franklin D. elevated him to the New Deal ideas of politi­ cal, economic, and religious thought. It might not be a popular thing to discuss but the public the past few days had importance o f the peace table brought light into every home. To get the edge on England, .that-had so many voles o f her colonies ready to cast, Stalin splits his empire in­ to 16 states sS he could have a block once. Uncle Joe probably thanks the does for Franglin D. in a convention. Uncle Joe says little but he certainly knows how to keep Roosevelt and hi3 old chum "Winston” on the jump. In' ■a chess game Stalin just plays two moves ahead of the American-British delegation. r . “ Windy” Wendell Willkie let go a “ bust" In hiB•proposal for 20 bil­ lions in new income taxes. Tie has had. but two takers, Franklin D., Hyde Park's famous financier, and Henry Wallace, who has a fondness for spending other people’s money. Witl^ these two out of. the way, there are neither Democrats or New Deal­ ers preaching the higher tax idea. It would be a fine issue for all Demo­ cratic- candidates this fall. Senator George, Georgia, Dem.; chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, and a Democrat of the old school, says it would be necessary to boost the with­ holding tax to 40 per cent o f each pay check. With other security taxes the worker, hank clerk, and all pro­ fessions would see a fifty percent deduction .each pay ,day. In, other words the $10 a day war worker is have his Wage cut to $5 a day and then have his war bond payments and other ,deductions taken out. He is to get what is left. We find no labor- leaders shouting for the. proposed tax boost. Let’ s hope Roosevelt’ sends one. o f tjiose “ must pass" messages to congress and require, the members to stand up and be counted. perk production. Cattleman my y/s htva fa r fawer eattta In tba faad lot than for many year*. It wa* only a few monthse ago the nation was fold wo, had so many million head o f cat­ tle, a new record. But those cattle were not fat. Price fixing again up­ set things and westerners began un­ loading grange cattle that were* not j fit fo r first class beef. The A g prop- j aganda was for the' city folks that Iare strong for green cheese, just so j it came frqpi Washington. Some of j these days they will find that the millions o f heads o f cattle have been slaughtered but the local butcher does not deal in millions—must purchase pounds and tons for retail. Then if will dawn on the city folic there is a shortage in beef and the great ma­ gician in Washington will have to wave his wand and change, the gesta­ tion period o f the animals and re­ verse nature’s laws to speed up cat­ tle production. , Late word from the war depart­ ment is that 2 Lt. Robert C. Preston, reported lost in . India, has been lo­ cated but details are lacking. He. has been flying supplies between India and China. t S r ^ Fri'la; TH R IL L N ITE S ! — SCREEN— “The Spider / Woman” Basil Rathbone and Gail Sondergaard . PROCEEDINGS OF NOTICE FOR DIVORCE George Kenneth Carmen ,whose address is Private George Kenneth Carmen, A. S. N. 6988342,' 37 Prov, Sqdp., A. P. O. I2557-D* In Care of Postmaster, New York, New York, is hereby notified that Erma B. Carmen has filed her petition against the said George Kenneth Carmen for divorce and custody o f children in Case * No. 23408 o f the Court o f Common Pleas o f Greene County, Ohio, alleging gross neglect o f duty, and that said case will be for hearing oti or after the 18th day o f March, 1944, and if answer is not filed by that date, judgment may be taken. (2-4-61-3-10) • ERMA B. CARMEN, Plaintiff By Morris D. Rice, Her Attorney Last week covering two days we Franklin D. and Sec. .Hull now find the U. S. must:eat out o f some other, hand at the peace conference than Churchill. We are a liberal people. pUrebredTales are the’ proof! MoT had a surplus o f butter and a short­ age o f butter. This week the head o f the livestock industry warns we are to face a shortage of pork and beef within sixty days. The OPA in. a report says there will be plenty of meat but not for civilians. There is no question there will be a 'shortage if all the farmers cat their brood sows according to the number going to slaughter, .Where the younger feminine sex can be found is proof there must be a shortage and the “SAVE ELECTRICITY? 'V f c y 'z I t h o u g h t t h e r e w a s p l e n t y o f i t I ” T here is. It’s cheap and it’s not rationed. No one foresees any shortage, • ' But the production of electricity requires coal, oil, trans­ portation, communication. These are critical resources. So the Government has asked the electric industry and these other key industries to co-operate in a nation-wide conservation campaign. It is simply a war on iv,aste. There’s qo intention of curtail­ ing the light you need for reading and working—or the current you need for cleaning, cooking, refrigeration. But be careful to turn off all appliances when they’re not actually U. ,S. peace envoys for the ‘lease-lend’ and the shot-guns and powder. We took Churchill at his word that if we had the weapons and food he would furnish the men—and we . did, says’ Uncle Joe. Such a view certainly would revive in Roosevelt’s mind that/ -such a promise was once made by Churchill. We a re. aliberal people. We tax ourselves for others. It was only a few years ago when the Pan- American bank was organized that Roosevelt and Hull dumped in our money, more than all the other South American nations. Each was given one vote in bank management. After all it was not Roosevelt’s money any­ way so why should he worry. keying with price ceilings and pro­ tein feed has driven thousands of lig and little feeders to reduce the SUN.-M0N.-TUES. A l J T H E N , , ’ , ‘n LEGAL NOTICE Marion H. Swain, A. S. B5-G78 re­ siding at United States Maritime Ser­ vice Training Station, Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, N. Y. will take notice that on the 3rd day of January, 1944, Helen V. Swaim filed her certain ac­ tion against him for divorce on the grounds of extreme cruelty being case No. 23,387, on the Docket of the Com­ mon Pleas. Court o f Greene County, Ohio, said cause will come on for hear irig on or after the 19th day' d£ Feb­ ary, 1944. MARCUS SHOUP, ^Attorney for Plaintiff. (l-7 -6 t-2 -ll) In speaking of the war and the ad­ ministration, Drew Pearson let out a tip Sunday night in his broadcast of^ a supposed break.between FDR and Sec. of Navy Frank Knox over .gov- lands. Pearson says it was reported Knox threatened to resign if Roose­ velt turned him down for the Admir­ als that were using the White House backdoor to undermind him with the Chief. It is remarkable the confi­ dence the New Dealers have in one another. Fulton Lewis, Jr., has been, exposing the New Deal army oil graft up in Canada that is cost­ ing the income taxpayers a cool 130 N O T I C E ! W e have on track 1 Car of Columbia Gray Wuconson Seed Oats, the kind that made, good in this vincinity last year. 1 Car of Ground Government Wheat/in bags. This is a,wonderful feeding value ISO Bushel Choice Ohio, Michigan and’ Idaho Little JBLe_d_Clover Seed. ..We may not be able to supply-all of ■’our trade with this seed as it is scarce and hard to find. W e are selling it a little under the Government ceiling price. FRANK CRESWELL NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate o f Minnie Kockentiet, De­ ceased. Notice is hereby: given that George' Kockentiet has been duly' appointed ‘ as Administrator of the estate of Minnie Kockentiet, deceased, late o f Beavercreek Township, Greene Counr ty, Ohio. Dated this 22nd day of January, 1944. WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER, Judge o f the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. LEGAL NOTICE Willie Jordon, Jr., whose place of residence is 900 Co. D, A. S. N. -34,- 718,845, Van Couver Barracks, Wash­ ington, is hereby notified that Helen M. Jordon has filed a petition against him in Common'Pleas C.ourt, Greene County, Ohio, the same being Case No, 23410, praying for a divorce on the grounds of gross neglect of .duty and that said Case will come on for hearing on or after the 18th day of March, 1944. (2-4-6t-3-10) DAN M. AULTMAN, Attorney for Helen M. Jordon n m im iiiiiiu iM u iiiiin iiiiiiM iiiiM iim iM itiiiiiiiiiiiH iiiiH iitH t | FARMS FOR SALE AND . f FARM LOANSf | We have many good farms for sale | | on easy, terms. Also make farm § | loans at 4 % interest for 15 years, f | No application fee and no apprals- § | al fee. § Write or Inquire | | McSavaney & Co, -London 0 . 1 Leon H, Kling, Mgr. | TnillllM im illlH IIIIIItllllllU H M M H IIM IIH IIIH M Itim iH IH IIIIIlia SPJtWUPIBUD MOVIES Now Showing Russell' Brian Aherne In “WHAT A . WOMAN” LEGAL NOTICE Eugene C. Rice, residing at Dormi­ tory B. Warner Robins, Ga., will take notice that on the 11th day of Janu­ ary, 1944, Marjorie Rice filed her cer­ tain petition for divorce against him the grounds o f groBS neglect of :uty. Said cause o f action, being case No, 23393 on the Docket o f the Com­ mon Pleas Court, Greene County, Ohio. That said cause will come on for hear­ ing on or after the 26th day of Febru­ ary, 1944. MARCUS SHOUP, Attorney for Plaintiff (l-14-6t-2-18) i Suiv « _ For Frank Albertson \ Day *) ) Irene Ryan “My Darling C lem en tin e ” PLUS “Mosave ( Firebrand” Roddy. McDowall IN “Lassie Coma Hom^ (In Technicolor) “ Back From Tha Front" REASONS 'tuiujIjauShould A t t e n d ‘ ih t s z T H E A T R E S £ v th i f W ednesday EXTRA SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY M itm wwiM Hiiim w iiiD m im im n tiM iu iin in in iiin RAISINS PRUNES FANCY SEEDLESS 2 lb. MEDIUM SIZE MEATY lb. NAVYREANS in use: MEATS FRUITS U. S. No, 1 GRADE 5 lb. VEGETABLES For the duration, remember this sample rule about elec­ tricity: . USE ALL YOU NEED . * . BU T NEED ALL YOU USE t i . Bear "Report to the Nation/' news program of, the week, every Tuesday evening, 8i30, titer iVHIO THRIFTT MARKET Open Saturday Evening OSCAR BAILEY ! A NAME THAT STANDS FOR GOOD FURNITURE i BUDGET PLAN AVAILABLE Adair 9s ty Detroit St. v .......... Xenia, O. IIIIIIIIIIM IItIU lltllM im illtllllltlillltllM IIM M IIM IIIIIIIIM lim illl | When ACCIDENTS Happen | | You Need-' ' | ! PROMPT SERVICE j | STATE A“ li | I INSURANCE j I Non-Assessable | I KENNETH LITTLE [ I . CEDARVILLE, OHIO * 1 s . s MiimiitmimiiiMMiiiimiiiiiiii'IMiiiiniimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMimiif Vs Experienced Typists and r 'erical Workers. Steady em­ ployment, pleasant' working condi­ tions, good pay, McCall Corporation 2219 McCall St. Dayton, O. tswi’i ■■ ^ ^sassfsssamaESBBfKmmmmmmmmmm iMtiiOniiiihiiiiiiitMitiiiiitiiiiMiiiittiiimiiiiiimiiiiififiiiytiiir s * j | Pipe, Valves-and Fittings f o r i | water, gas and ateam, Hand and | | Electric Pumps for all purposes, | | Bolts, Pulleys, V Belts, Plumbing- * i and Heating Supplies. I 1 J. P. BOCKLETT SUPPLY CO. |Eyes Examined, | Glasses Fitted, Reasonable Charges, |{ Dr. C. E . Wilkin Optometric Eye *„ Specialist Xenia* Ohio | XENIA, OHIO l ' * ' *. *’ QUICK SERVICE ^ FOR DEAD STOCK XENIA ’ FERTILIZER PHONE MA. 454 Reverse Charges E. G. Bdchsicb, Xenia, Ohio J Mrs. Jack Betty, are visi Mr. Ralph Springfield Ci or operation. Mrs. C. ,H, spending a m Mrs. J. H. Cr home in Mari Mr. Ralph a patient’ in Dayton, suffe ment is repo,- pected to The D. A, Ii ington Tea on 2 P. M. at the Kyle, The h and Mrs. Bur William Mo Mr, and Mrs. undergoing h the U. S. Na Great Lakes, his recruit tr' ed a nine-day An epidemic and whooping drop in .atte grades the pa:: Word has l 1 Mr. E'.- S. Ha: place, who no his son-in-law Mrs. Hugh T this week at injury. i Mrs. Greer children left motor to; join G. McCailiste Pvt. McCallis ed into the- s' family have Ft.. Monmout Mrs. Mae who has been1 in Ohio and for Portland, visit her son .Capt. and While in the son, Staff S, Los Angeles. H .E AU , Phone 13 Working wit ed as one of •HiiitMiiMiiMinimn Fri. an ** Double ‘ HE - “ EM , Wed. an Paulette “ THE ■ NEWS We of Xenia, w Consi mouth, w Cons calves; o Cons McCormi Sulkcy r. key plow rows, Sic Halter FEED MIS kettles, 1 HOI TERMS