The Cedarville Herald, Volume 67, Numbers 1-26
WIi'1 CEDAH tg^E HERALJ), FEBRUARY Jft J 9 « muni mm n immmmrnmmmtu '»'iiiiiippi|m iis "iff (Stub andSocialActivities For Sale:- 100 chick electric bat tery brooder in good condition. Phone 6?2016. Cedarville. / Union Lenton Services of Prayer will be held .the first six Wednesday evenings o f Lent(j beginning Febru ary 23rd at the United Presbyterian Church. • Word has been received here that John W. Williamson, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Williamson, is now at Seymour Johnson Field, Ni C. for technical training in the Aviation Ca det Pre-Technical School. Ho entered the service Aug. 21, 1942. T. Srg. Russell^ L. Bowman, and wife, (nee Eloise R'andall) are an nouncing the arrival o f a daughter at the McClellan Hospital, Tuesday. Sgt,. Bowman is now overseas in mil itary service. Mrs. Bowman. is" a daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Earl Ran dall. Pvt., and Mrs. Edward Carlisle, Xenia, R 4, announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Charlene, .at Spring- field City .Hospital, Feb. 6. The moth er was Miss Ruth Ellen Dennehey. ' vt. Carlisle who has been here on -Q furlough returned Thursday, to his station at CaifijuAdair, Oregon. Rev. and Mrs. Paul Elliott enjoyed a visit this week of .their sens, 'both of whom are in the armed forces. Sgt. Robert Aitken is an air cadet, and -was erouts from Miami Beach, Fla. to California. Sgt. Frank S.< Elliott is stationed at Waycross. Ga., and here on a furlough. CEDAR CLIFF CHAPTER D. A. R. ENJOYS WASHINGTON TEA The Cedar C liff Chapter D. A. R. enjoyed a Washington lea last Sat- ' urday afternoon at the home of Mrs. j Donald Kyle. Ten tables wore decor ated with spring flowers and Mrs. David- MeEl coy, i*egentj 'presided at the tea service. Mrs, Walter Condon," chaplain, led in devotions and the flag salute and a business session' followed. Delegates appointed .for the Continental dongross at New York City in April were Mrs. Me'El roy and Mrs. George Braley, with Mrs. R, T. Williamson, Mrs. M. J , ; Bahin, Mrs. Ervin Kyle, Mrs. Fred Dobbjns, and Mrs. Frank Cresweil'ns alternates. - A request was made for books and magazines to be sent to service camps. Anyone having them is to call ..Miss Wiimah .Spencer, chapter librar ian. Books the "size of ■‘•Reader’s Di gest” or larger. A request was.made for flower seeds for local, service camps, • Mrs. Anna Wilson reviewed a mag azine article. “ A Simple Story of Simple People” . Mrs. Kyle was as sisted by Mrs. Burton Turner ■and Mrs. Howard Turnbull. m ’■OME CULTURE CLUB MEETS WITH MRS. W. C. ILIFF Dr. W. R. McChesney will address the Republican Woman’s Club in Springfield next Thursday at 2 o’clock at the Y. M. C. A.) He has been asked to talk on the proposed “ bob- tail” ballot now before. Congress. Dr. McChesney will preach ■■Sabbath for the Jamestown U. P.. congrega tion. Mrs. Ned Brown, Washington D.C., spent last week visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Tobin o f James town. She was joined- Saturday by her husband, Ned Brown, and both visited' with Mr. and Mrs, H. H, Brown o f this place. Ned is a Musi cian 1-c- and- an instructor and Pub licity director in. the Navy School of' Music, Washington, D. C. Miss Loi; Brovrn,.. \yjio„,is . a .student at, .Ohio State University, came home Sunday and spent the day with the family. Mrs. W. .C. Iliff was ■hostess Tues day, afternoon to twenty-six members and guests of the Home Culture. Club. Mrs. Anna Little was. - chairman-of the Program committee, ] ■The topic was' “ Islands of the the South Pacific” , and Mrs. Little read a letter from a relative in the service in that area and 'a paper on, “ New Guinea” was read by Mrs. J. Ii. Nagley. Mrs. Cora Trumbo read , and interesting paper on “ New Zdal- ! land.” " . 1 Dr. II. II. Abels explained the pro posed “ Hospital Care'1 program. A salad course was served by the hos tess. Mrs. Della Johnson, -president, presided-at the tea table. The Woman’s Club was entertain- eded last Thursday afternoonpit the home, of Miss Ina Murdock when forty members and guests were present. Mrs, W. "R. McChesney- gave a book* review on “ Under Cover” and Mrs. Paul Elliott lead in a song service of war. songs-.- Refreshments were ser ved by the hostess. r mombe r dnasguullod . - Mrs. Lucy Barber was honored on her nintieth birthday at an open- house tea at the home of-Mrs.. War ren Barber, Thursday, Feb. 3rd. Mr. Warren Barber, Mrs. Harry Waddle, Mrs. Mae Aiken, Mrs. Fred Towns ■ ley and Mrs,.Albert Powers were hos tesses for the occasion. About sev- . enty-five guests including friend s : from Columbus, Dayton and Xenia , were present; Mrs. Barber was th 1 ' recipient of- many cards, flowers,: and gifts. She has been a lifelong ) resident of" Cedarville and has take),, an active part in commflnity and church affairs. The W.C.T.U. will meet at the home ■of Mrs; Ed Payne, Friday, Feb. <18, at 2. P. -M, Recognition to -Krancis. Willard Memorial Day was given in answet- to roll,call. Devotions were by Mrs. R. A. ‘Jamieson. . Mrs.. J. M. Auld directed a discussion on “ Meet ing the Challenge for 1944’Y and oth er selected topics. The Cedarville Union has just completed a project, of making overseas bags for soldiers under the auspices of the Red Cross. We were unable to give a complete report on the Speical One Day bond and stamp drive by the schools this week. A full'report n6xt week. The K Y ,N Club will meet this , Friday afternoon, (Feb. 181) at the home of Mrs; John Powers, in Cedar ville.* . Assisting (hostess will, be Mrs. Ralph Rife.-*Roll call ^responses will be displaying a. childhood valen tine. Word was received here Thursday afternoon of the death of Henry H. Denney, 74, at his home in Osborn. He was a former resident o f this place and left here 27 years ago. He was a son o f the late Martin Denney,! Surviving are his wife, Ada and two daughters, Mrs; Viola Rowe, Dayton,, •and Miss Edith at home, also two sons, Walter and Ralph, Osborn and a sister Mrs. Myrtle Beacham, Day- ton, and a brother,'J, W, Denney at Eanon, Burial will be at North Com-, etery hare but no date has been an nounced at this time. 1 ----- The— Greene—rGoun-ty— BaskuthalL _ j Tournament opens in Xenia this Fri day evening at the Field House, the opening game being between S. Val ley ami Bryan with Jefferson and. Ross for the second. The letter has won 15 straight games and is picked for the championship. For Sale—T.%vo lots along Clifton pike just north of the George Gordon property. See C. C. Brewer. Cednr- ville. ..................................... hmihmiimimi ...... C O Z Y • THEATRE Fri. and Sat,, Feb» 18-19 Lucille Ball - Harry James’ Orchestra “ BEST FOOT FORWARD” * IN TECHNICOLOR * - Selected Short Subjects Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Straley enter tained a group of friends at their home on Saturday- evening. Refresh ments were in Valentine appoint ments of red and.’white, Prizes for bridge were won by Mr. arid Mrs, Lewis Lillich, Mrs. Mark Bing:pnon and Mr. Wayne Persing- or. Guests for the evening were Mr, and Mrs. Donald Engle, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lillich of Cedarville; Mr. and' Mrs. Mark Binganion .and son ,May nard, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wicnl, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gray and son David, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Persinger, Mr. and Mrs. Elden Heinz of Jamestown; Mr. and Mrs. Dilbcrl Mowery of Jef fersonville;, and Mrs. Paul Me Clcllan and shh, Bobby, of Xenia, Mr, and Mrs. Straley and sons, .Donald, Billy and Gene. EXPRESSION OF THANKS Sun. and Mon., Feb. 20-21 Betty Davis • Paul Lukas “WATCH ON THE RHINE” Fox Movietone News I wish to thank all my friends and relatives who either by their pres ence or by cards and letters partici pated fn the celebration of my birth day. Your' kindness was deeply ap preciated and will be long rcniem- !bored. i LUCY J. BARBER Wed. and Thurs., Feb. 23-24> Joan Crawford - Fred MacMurray “ABOVE SUSPICION” *\ Selected Short Subjects -- ------------ H. E. HARDEN AUCTIONEER Phone 1347 W I, Xenia, Ohio Working with Col. ’Gartift, recogniz ed as one Of America's best, 1835 • 'j**? u* » The strength of a bank is determined by its, history—-its policy, its management-rind, the extent of its resources-'. , — these in abundance are an integral part of The Xenia National Bank Over 100Years Of Service * . • * t The Xenia National Bank . . . “Old Reliable” . . . founded in 1835 when the State of Ohio, and the city of Xenia, were young in.years. A finan cial institution that has grown with the years . . . . an institution that has aided in the growth of Xenia. These long years, 109 to be exact, have given this institution experience, in the under standing of many financial problems which con front businessmen, Industralists, Farmers, Home . ovvners and men in every walk of life. As we stood, ready to render assistance during the course of those 109 years . . . so also are we in an excellent position to render assistance to. you today. This bank has more than obligation to its stockholders . . . we have an obligation to those whom we serve above all else... . and to you, who may need advice, financial assistance or guid ance, we stand ready to serve you. Businessmen"' Farmers - Civilians * ; . . For 109 years this institution has maintained an enviable record for clean conservative banking. In year of war, peace-time, prosperity, and years BUY BUY of depression, the Xenia National.has shown evidence of strength that. has merited the utmost public confidence. When the demand has been W AR W AR BONDS for immediate cash, this institution has shown exceptional liquidity . . . BONDS when the. demand has been for credit, we have had the resources avail-. . able to meet it. ; . Business Loans This institution has played an enormous part in the business life of this*community—by facili tating the flow of commerce and increasing it with Loans*to Businessmen and industralists. Real Estate loan s Hundreds of Xenia homeowners have availed themselves of.The Xenia National Bank’s servi ces in the purchase of a home. Advice a n d ^ ida-neeY^^u-pled-\vit-h-4oans-at-a-tti^activ-e-rates-and- method of p yments are at your command when you deem the time and opportunity is right in the purchase of a new home. We invite your consult atiou 4 F A RM L O A N S If you are an opperating farmer we are eager to serve yefu with financial assistance. The Xenia National Bank is prepared to make loans for livestock and crops . . . and this fiinancial as sistance is given you . . . right here in your home community! Personal Loans Need a personal loan? You’ll find this institution has understanding----- a grasp on the prob lems of today. A friendly, helpful service awaits you- avail.yourself of our Personal Loan Depart ment’s services. (niinniiiHiiuinifliinHiiBiHniiiiiniiiiBiiinniiBiiiininiiiaiisBimninsinsiniitifliiiitiniiniiHiiiiffiinaifinifiitiiLiniiniuiBnisiipfii Mil H . E. EAVEY , President, j. A . FINNEY , Attorney "ORGANIZATION M ARY LITTLE DICE, Vice President !•’ . LEON SPAIIR R . O, W E A D, Cashier. Member o f FDIC XEN IA , OHIO Bank Member o f Federal Reserve * c t r i-d % V'
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