The Cedarville Herald, Volume 67, Numbers 1-26

WIi'1 CEDAH tg^E HERALJ), FEBRUARY Jft J 9 « muni mm n immmmrnmmmtu '»'iiiiiippi|m iis "iff (Stub andSocialActivities For Sale:- 100 chick electric bat­ tery brooder in good condition. Phone 6?2016. Cedarville. / Union Lenton Services of Prayer will be held .the first six Wednesday evenings o f Lent(j beginning Febru­ ary 23rd at the United Presbyterian Church. • Word has been received here that John W. Williamson, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Williamson, is now at Seymour Johnson Field, Ni C. for technical training in the Aviation Ca­ det Pre-Technical School. Ho entered the service Aug. 21, 1942. T. Srg. Russell^ L. Bowman, and wife, (nee Eloise R'andall) are an­ nouncing the arrival o f a daughter at the McClellan Hospital, Tuesday. Sgt,. Bowman is now overseas in mil­ itary service. Mrs. Bowman. is" a daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Earl Ran­ dall. Pvt., and Mrs. Edward Carlisle, Xenia, R 4, announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Charlene, .at Spring- field City .Hospital, Feb. 6. The moth­ er was Miss Ruth Ellen Dennehey. ' vt. Carlisle who has been here on -Q furlough returned Thursday, to his station at CaifijuAdair, Oregon. Rev. and Mrs. Paul Elliott enjoyed a visit this week of .their sens, 'both of whom are in the armed forces. Sgt. Robert Aitken is an air cadet, and -was erouts from Miami Beach, Fla. to California. Sgt. Frank S.< Elliott is stationed at Waycross. Ga., and here on a furlough. CEDAR CLIFF CHAPTER D. A. R. ENJOYS WASHINGTON TEA The Cedar C liff Chapter D. A. R. enjoyed a Washington lea last Sat- ' urday afternoon at the home of Mrs. j Donald Kyle. Ten tables wore decor­ ated with spring flowers and Mrs. David- MeEl coy, i*egentj 'presided at the tea service. Mrs, Walter Condon," chaplain, led in devotions and the flag salute and a business session' followed. Delegates appointed .for the Continental dongross at New York City in April were Mrs. Me'El­ roy and Mrs. George Braley, with Mrs. R, T. Williamson, Mrs. M. J , ; Bahin, Mrs. Ervin Kyle, Mrs. Fred Dobbjns, and Mrs. Frank Cresweil'ns alternates. - A request was made for books and magazines to be sent to service camps. Anyone having them is to call ..Miss Wiimah .Spencer, chapter librar­ ian. Books the "size of ■‘•Reader’s Di­ gest” or larger. A request was.made for flower seeds for local, service camps, • Mrs. Anna Wilson reviewed a mag­ azine article. “ A Simple Story of Simple People” . Mrs. Kyle was as­ sisted by Mrs. Burton Turner ■and Mrs. Howard Turnbull. m ’■OME CULTURE CLUB MEETS WITH MRS. W. C. ILIFF Dr. W. R. McChesney will address the Republican Woman’s Club in Springfield next Thursday at 2 o’clock at the Y. M. C. A.) He has been asked to talk on the proposed “ bob- tail” ballot now before. Congress. Dr. McChesney will preach ■■Sabbath for the Jamestown U. P.. congrega­ tion. Mrs. Ned Brown, Washington D.C., spent last week visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Tobin o f James­ town. She was joined- Saturday by her husband, Ned Brown, and both visited' with Mr. and Mrs, H. H, Brown o f this place. Ned is a Musi­ cian 1-c- and- an instructor and Pub­ licity director in. the Navy School of' Music, Washington, D. C. Miss Loi; Brovrn,.. \yjio„,is . a .student at, .Ohio State University, came home Sunday and spent the day with the family. Mrs. W. .C. Iliff was ■hostess Tues­ day, afternoon to twenty-six members and guests of the Home Culture. Club. Mrs. Anna Little was. - chairman-of the Program committee, ] ■The topic was' “ Islands of the the South Pacific” , and Mrs. Little read a letter from a relative in the service in that area and 'a paper on, “ New Guinea” was read by Mrs. J. Ii. Nagley. Mrs. Cora Trumbo read , and interesting paper on “ New Zdal- ! land.” " . 1 Dr. II. II. Abels explained the pro­ posed “ Hospital Care'1 program. A salad course was served by the hos­ tess. Mrs. Della Johnson, -president, presided-at the tea table. The Woman’s Club was entertain- eded last Thursday afternoonpit the home, of Miss Ina Murdock when forty members and guests were present. Mrs, W. "R. McChesney- gave a book* review on “ Under Cover” and Mrs. Paul Elliott lead in a song service of war. songs-.- Refreshments were ser­ ved by the hostess. r mombe r dnasguullod . - Mrs. Lucy Barber was honored on her nintieth birthday at an open- house tea at the home of-Mrs.. War­ ren Barber, Thursday, Feb. 3rd. Mr. Warren Barber, Mrs. Harry Waddle, Mrs. Mae Aiken, Mrs. Fred Towns ■ ley and Mrs,.Albert Powers were hos­ tesses for the occasion. About sev- . enty-five guests including friend s : from Columbus, Dayton and Xenia , were present; Mrs. Barber was th 1 ' recipient of- many cards, flowers,: and gifts. She has been a lifelong ) resident of" Cedarville and has take),, an active part in commflnity and church affairs. The W.C.T.U. will meet at the home ■of Mrs; Ed Payne, Friday, Feb. <18, at 2. P. -M, Recognition to -Krancis. Willard Memorial Day was given in answet- to roll,call. Devotions were by Mrs. R. A. ‘Jamieson. . Mrs.. J. M. Auld directed a discussion on “ Meet­ ing the Challenge for 1944’Y and oth­ er selected topics. The Cedarville Union has just completed a project, of making overseas bags for soldiers under the auspices of the Red Cross. We were unable to give a complete report on the Speical One Day bond and stamp drive by the schools this week. A full'report n6xt week. The K Y ,N Club will meet this , Friday afternoon, (Feb. 181) at the home of Mrs; John Powers, in Cedar­ ville.* . Assisting (hostess will, be Mrs. Ralph Rife.-*Roll call ^responses will be displaying a. childhood valen­ tine. Word was received here Thursday afternoon of the death of Henry H. Denney, 74, at his home in Osborn. He was a former resident o f this place and left here 27 years ago. He was a son o f the late Martin Denney,! Surviving are his wife, Ada and two daughters, Mrs; Viola Rowe, Dayton,, •and Miss Edith at home, also two sons, Walter and Ralph, Osborn and a sister Mrs. Myrtle Beacham, Day- ton, and a brother,'J, W, Denney at Eanon, Burial will be at North Com-, etery hare but no date has been an­ nounced at this time. 1 ----- The— Greene—rGoun-ty— BaskuthalL _ j Tournament opens in Xenia this Fri­ day evening at the Field House, the opening game being between S. Val­ ley ami Bryan with Jefferson and. Ross for the second. The letter has won 15 straight games and is picked for the championship. For Sale—T.%vo lots along Clifton pike just north of the George Gordon property. See C. C. Brewer. Cednr- ville. ..................................... hmihmiimimi ...... C O Z Y • THEATRE Fri. and Sat,, Feb» 18-19 Lucille Ball - Harry James’ Orchestra “ BEST FOOT FORWARD” * IN TECHNICOLOR * - Selected Short Subjects Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Straley enter­ tained a group of friends at their home on Saturday- evening. Refresh­ ments were in Valentine appoint­ ments of red and.’white, Prizes for bridge were won by Mr. arid Mrs, Lewis Lillich, Mrs. Mark Bing:pnon and Mr. Wayne Persing- or. Guests for the evening were Mr, and Mrs. Donald Engle, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lillich of Cedarville; Mr. and' Mrs. Mark Binganion .and son ,May­ nard, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wicnl, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gray and son David, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Persinger, Mr. and Mrs. Elden Heinz of Jamestown; Mr. and Mrs. Dilbcrl Mowery of Jef­ fersonville;, and Mrs. Paul Me Clcllan and shh, Bobby, of Xenia, Mr, and Mrs. Straley and sons, .Donald, Billy and Gene. EXPRESSION OF THANKS Sun. and Mon., Feb. 20-21 Betty Davis • Paul Lukas “WATCH ON THE RHINE” Fox Movietone News I wish to thank all my friends and relatives who either by their pres­ ence or by cards and letters partici­ pated fn the celebration of my birth­ day. Your' kindness was deeply ap­ preciated and will be long rcniem- !bored. i LUCY J. BARBER Wed. and Thurs., Feb. 23-24> Joan Crawford - Fred MacMurray “ABOVE SUSPICION” *\ Selected Short Subjects -- ------------ H. E. HARDEN AUCTIONEER Phone 1347 W I, Xenia, Ohio Working with Col. ’Gartift, recogniz­ ed as one Of America's best, 1835 • 'j**? u* » The strength of a bank is determined by its, history—-its policy, its management-rind, the extent of its resources-'. , — these in abundance are an integral part of The Xenia National Bank Over 100Years Of Service * . • * t The Xenia National Bank . . . “Old Reliable” . . . founded in 1835 when the State of Ohio, and the city of Xenia, were young in.years. A finan­ cial institution that has grown with the years . . . . an institution that has aided in the growth of Xenia. These long years, 109 to be exact, have given this institution experience, in the under­ standing of many financial problems which con­ front businessmen, Industralists, Farmers, Home . ovvners and men in every walk of life. As we stood, ready to render assistance during the course of those 109 years . . . so also are we in an excellent position to render assistance to. you today. This bank has more than obligation to its stockholders . . . we have an obligation to those whom we serve above all else... . and to you, who may need advice, financial assistance or guid­ ance, we stand ready to serve you. Businessmen"' Farmers - Civilians * ; . . For 109 years this institution has maintained an enviable record for clean conservative banking. In year of war, peace-time, prosperity, and years BUY BUY of depression, the Xenia National.has shown evidence of strength that. has merited the utmost public confidence. When the demand has been W AR W AR BONDS for immediate cash, this institution has shown exceptional liquidity . . . BONDS when the. demand has been for credit, we have had the resources avail-. . able to meet it. ; . Business Loans This institution has played an enormous part in the business life of this*community—by facili­ tating the flow of commerce and increasing it with Loans*to Businessmen and industralists. Real Estate loan s Hundreds of Xenia homeowners have availed themselves of.The Xenia National Bank’s servi­ ces in the purchase of a home. Advice a n d ^ ida-neeY^^u-pled-\vit-h-4oans-at-a-tti^activ-e-rates-and- method of p yments are at your command when you deem the time and opportunity is right in the purchase of a new home. We invite your consult atiou 4 F A RM L O A N S If you are an opperating farmer we are eager to serve yefu with financial assistance. The Xenia National Bank is prepared to make loans for livestock and crops . . . and this fiinancial as­ sistance is given you . . . right here in your home community! Personal Loans Need a personal loan? You’ll find this institution has understanding----- a grasp on the prob­ lems of today. A friendly, helpful service awaits you- avail.yourself of our Personal Loan Depart­ ment’s services. (niinniiiHiiuinifliinHiiBiHniiiiiniiiiBiiinniiBiiiininiiiaiisBimninsinsiniitifliiiitiniiniiHiiiiffiinaifinifiitiiLiniiniuiBnisiipfii Mil H . E. EAVEY , President, j. A . FINNEY , Attorney "ORGANIZATION M ARY LITTLE DICE, Vice President !•’ . LEON SPAIIR R . O, W E A D, Cashier. Member o f FDIC XEN IA , OHIO Bank Member o f Federal Reserve * c t r i-d % V'