The Cedarville Herald, Volume 67, Numbers 1-26

tm m m x m m mciubss ib , im niwwiffiTiuwi'inwrj:in T H E C E D A R V I L LE HE R A X D KABLH BULL------------------ EDITOR AND PUBLISHER U * H * K X X ltt«u i MUsdal A mo C,; OWo New*[>*per A moc ,; liUml VttHoy Fcwa Auoe, Entered at the Post Office, Cedarville, Ohio, October 31,1887, as second class, matter. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1943 LEAGUE OF NATIONS—WHERE IS IT AND WHY? While Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin, gathex‘ for discus­ sion of the. war and peace, but more in the interest, of world pol­ itics, a new world empire, or some secret plan, for world con­ trol on half democracy and. half communist plan, one must ask himself the above question, “ League of Nations—Where Is It and Why?” You will recall that world peace was promised by Wood- row Wilson if the League of Nations was adopted. Some forty nations signed up at the time but the United States did not. You will also recall the Republicans were charged with blocking our entrance into an organization that would have made us police­ man for the world and had Hitler and Mussolini, as. well as To- jo, followed what they have now attempted to force on the world, where would the League-have been? One thing is cer­ tain America and American boys would have been forced to fight all three nations alone. You will recall that America in the League made us the dominant nation. We were expected to protect the smaller nations at our expense. • You will also recall there was not to be democracy, such as we hear preached today. Each country was to have its own gpvernment. England was not to give up any of her slave na­ tions. Even in those days England preferred to. be called a lim­ ited monarchy to a democracy. , Today you hqar of numerous plans for permanent peace. Anything we have heard mentioned or discussed calls for mili­ tary power and force to maintain this peace. You hear little a- bout educating the peoples of the earth. You hear about bribery with lend-lease. Free milk, silk hose, cigarettes, American li­ quor, all to be traded for “ world peace.” The bribery sugges-. tion of course comes from Henry Wallace, Harry Hopkins, and a lot of Communistic minded New Dealers qn government pay roll, . Why should Roosevelt travel two-thirds around the world wasting gasoline to confer with other leader^? If the League .of Nations would do what the Democrats claimed for it as pro­ posed by Woodrow Wilson; and that plan killed or delayed by Republicans and probably the “ isolationists” of that day, why has not Roosevelt and the Democrats revived the League and forced the United States into the organization ? For more than eleven years Roosevelt has been president, and he has had con­ trol of both branches of-Congress, why has he not urged that Congress act at once? The reason today is that Churchill and Stalin do not approve of the League, With Churchill it is world control of trade.for the British. With Stalin it is spread of the Communistic doctrine. You wijl also recall that James M. Cox and Franklin D. Roosevelt ran for president and vice president on the Demo­ cratic ticket oh a “ League of Nations platform” . With Roose­ velt today it is world politics, not world, peace. The later is on­ ly the excuse to promote the other. Again we ask: “Why do not the Democrats revive the League of Nations if it is what was claimed for it even in the Cox-Roosevelt campaign? W A R A T $ 8 PE R TREE Not only are Ameri&an boys fighting and dying in the heat- blistered islands to. win territory back for British, Dutch and French owners, but if, in the course of action, they are forced to cut down'cocoanut palms, our goyernment'has to pay the owners of palms anywhere from $1 to $8 for each tree felled,. This amazing type of war indemnity came to light recently when Columnist Bill Cunningham wrote about it. Delegued with inquiries and expressions of. doubt concerning his accuracy, Bill repeated the information, adding that he was urn. le to ascer­ tain Whether this applied to.palms blown down by our big guns, or only to those we topple in order to construct gun replace­ ments; airfields, etc. Whatever else may be said about this transaction, it cer­ tainly is a fact that the governments which control those terri­ tories ought to reimburse private owners or corporations for trees destroyed. It ought not to be our task to win the battles, reconquor the islands, then pay for the privilege of achieving what our allies in this war and owners of the regions involved have been, and still are, unable to do. The Pacific islands are thick with cocoanut plantations, oWned by individuals and giaift corporations, such as the lead­ ing soap company of Britian. It could bankrupt individuals without doubt and do serious financial harm to the largest cor­ poration to have their trees destroyed and receive no recom­ pense. It is proper, therefore, that.they be paid for property ruined by the war. The question is not in the justness of paying for the dam­ age, but in expecting the United States to foot the bill in addi­ tion, to doing the fighting and making the sacrifices necessary for victory. The governments which own the islands, in all fair­ ness, might at least do that much. * — Ohio State Journal r < € L o T t a n J a r d o f % l » o f o r < 0 1 v c L V e c a c l e s K * OINUlHE.fttOlSTIKED '*■ eepsake D I A M O N D R I NGS ’«idi the famous CtnSSc*!*of R«*lstr»tion snd Guirtntts „ Kwp.oU LUCERNE Smart, otlgfnal ilyllng. 54,75 £»gogsment Ring 39,75 11 Diamond AVONDALE Unuiual beauty In "fijhtall” d«* ilgn, 237.50 Engagement Ring 175.00 HOLYOKEMatchedSet t diamond* in a brilliant eom* panlort let, 109.75 EngagementRing75,00 Keeptalr* HERMOSA A gorgeOur 46-diamond plati­ numensemble, 1 425.00 Engagement Ring 550.00 Tiffany Jeweleiy Store MAIN » T „ XBNIA, O. Is your son coming home from an uvmy camp or a distant battle front for the Christmas .Holidays? Greene county parents will hardly be as for­ tunate to have their sons home for the Yueltide because their dad is not Pres­ ident. Dispatches say Elliott Roose­ velt, who was “entour” with his Dad around the world for the Churchill and Stalin eonflab, will be a guest at the White House for the Holidays. It is to be different with your son. FDR would tell you he could not stop the war just to let your son have a Christ­ mas meal at home. It’s different with the sons of Dictators and Kings. A smell has broken out in the ranks of the “ top hats" around Patterson Field. A high up officer has been in­ dulging in. the New Deal game of a “ double life.1’ His paramour, with whom he had been living for the past six years, according to his own state ment, to the civil officers, fell, jump­ ed or was pushed out of a window on the fifteenth floor o f the ! Biltmore Hotel late Sunday afternoon. The wo­ man, .who had been married and was not living with her husband, was clad in a silk lace wrap-around when the body was picked up from the sidewalk by the police. The- army officer ad milted the two had been drinking excessively since Saturday afternoon previous. Another case for the white wash brush. worthwhile Imagine If you can Ma­ son, BradfutO and Stoneburner all tog­ ged in' their “ shorts and slippers" with a turkish towel over the shoulder and calling out to the waiting line “next". Reports from the “ Big Three” a- across the water and the big birthday celebration where alt .the dignitaries .of other nations, and o f course our own Harry Hopkins, met to have a part in drinking thirty-four toasts at one, night sitting ,might give one the impression that it was a genial part} sfid that nil “ departed after having i good time." Who paid for the liquor i; only a matter for debate. Our guess is that the liquor was “ lend-lease." The New Dealers, Roosevelt, Hop­ kins, Wallace & Co. will have to lay in a fresh supply of “ white wash” . This has been a bad week with the boss on a world tour on your’ gasoline; It is an old saying, “ the- mice- will play when the 'cat’s' away” . Now Walter Winchell, propagandist for. the New Deal on all subjects, injects Something new in that one o f the top war indus- tralists on New Deal paiy . has been doing a little flirting outside of- the domestic circle. The New Dealer’s wife is to bring a divorce suit soon; Who would dare challenge what Wal­ ter would have to say ? He has more avenues to domestic scandal that the Roosevelt gestapo in this county has on merchants that are not observing the OPA. A divorce suit in the royal circle just naturally “ kicks .a man up stairs” socially-—that is Washington and Fifth Avenue society. The Roose­ velt family has given, “ divorce" more respectability or social standing than anyother family that has occupied the White House. The. nature o f the di­ vorce charges have not been made known are probably—“ incompatabil- ity.” ' Roosevelt will return to hear a sub­ ject, mentioned that will ho doubt be of interest in his official family. ■Not so long ago one Democrat came out with a statement advocating or sug­ gesting “ im|)uaehment" o f Morgan- tliali. This week the Democrats bring up tlie Pearl Harbor scandal and why the court-marshal of the two leading navy officers have not had their hear­ ings. Roosevelt, Stimson an'd Knox have tried to keep that skeleton lock­ ed in the closet. The expiration date for trying impeachment o f the officers Wilts about to expire. The Democrats wunting a club over FDR took this opportunity of placing something in his lap. Talking about impeachment better keep an eye open for each time this word is used names nearer the top of the government are mentioned, Old line Democrats have about all they want of the newfangled Commu­ nists' using the sacred party name. The Republican members of Congress are waiting from the sideline for the ( Lining “ Democratic blowup".. Those who. must purchase eggs are interested in the OPA rollback on re­ tail price. The housewife of one of those soenlled "dirty unbat jd farm­ ers” is also interested! She will not have so much money to-spend on the Christmas gift list and thereby bring on "inflation” . Eggs on the farm are now lower in price. But strange to say the Roosevelt "hold-the-line” gang raised the price o f feed and this only left less profit for the housewife that purchases protein feeds for increased laying. •Meantime a couple'dozen new strikes are in the making by organi­ zed labor for higher wages. We pre­ dict eW y organized labor organiza­ tion will get higher wages before next June and the New Deal will boast a- bout, it for election purposes. In the meantime that circle of unbathed far­ mers will be taking less under orders of the New Deal gestapo, the AAA, and told they must not insist on high­ er prices which would plunge the na­ tion into inflation. Being a “ dirty unbirthed farmer" might not be so bad fo swallow if the farm pockethook was to be bulged another notch or so. But "holding inflation back" and being both dirty and broke is a different story. Our idea o f a cure for this unsani­ tary condition of the farmer Is for Roosevelt to order a number o f bath tubs Installed in all AAA headquar­ ters whore the “dirty farmer" can become sanatized and given a good rubdown. There a lot o f worse things tlmnJ taking a bath and maybe the New Deal professor started something The heat is being put on member o f congress to take more o f the in­ come tax money fo r subsidy purposes and this means more inconie tax. from all Masses. With the pluderbund dip " ping into the treasury fo r graft as in the Canada oil scandal and money for subsidy, probably Sec. Morganthau was right in asking for more than ten billion in new taxes to what is now be­ ing collected. The New Deal even has spent some of your hard earned mon­ ey on motion pictures for the benefit of the city folks. The farmer is but the ignorant “ nut” in the play that does not want to do his part in the Roosevelt-Churchill war against the aggressor nations. Even the mayors of the larger cities were rushed to Washington over the week-end to tes­ tify against the anti-subsidy bill. All are Democrats or Socialists who want the farmers to have'less for farm pro­ ducts that, the $10 and $12 a day or­ ganized labor can have lower living cost. Some weeks ago when there was no meat in New York City May­ or Laguardia'made a trip to Kansas City to speak before a livestock group and at the time-stated, “ Our people (New York) -want meat. They .have the money to pay for it .and should have meat." The Mayor on Friday wants all prices on meat, butter and poultry reduced as well as flour, vege­ tables and other table necessities. The farmer as viewed by the city mayors was no longer a loyal citizen willing to make sacrifuce for the war., The mayors used Franklin •D. Roosevelt’s words when he attempted to smear and belittle the farmer to arose city folks. The mayors o f course do not realize that the influx of meat on the big terminal markets is the meat that ordinarily would be eaten next-March The government hits taken more than 75 per cent o f the meat cold storage and .the packers cannot store as much meat as formet^y, hence the glutted market. ■ The farmer the-end come in­ to his ow n -T ie can. starve every city into submission if he/, makes up his mind. A shortage o f meat for a long enough period would septTHi^ mayors and any president, Tndnawm or king into exile. Both the New Deal and mayors ore bidding that very, thing. This week in reply to demands o f the city group the price o f eggs were dropped. Meat rations have been lowered. Poultry is to go down after the, holidays and now farmers are task­ ed raise so much poultry to save corn. Weeks ago the farmers was urged to market light hogs. Then the price dropped. Now there is a very narrow margin of weights on top and next lower grade of hogs. The packer is backed by the New Deal in the new buying program. We are told jmsome-dfLthe-big-city-markets-prob--- ably not one car load of hogs will go at the ceiling price yet what was top hogs two months ago are now graded in the lower priced bracket. Here the farmer is fleeced with the aid of his own government. We were given a little story a few days ago in Xenia about a wellknown one-time Democratic farmer that had hired’ two trucks and sent four decks. The market price was higher, no buy­ ers were to be found. The hogs had to be reloaded and the trucks started back. We cannot repeat what was told us or the comment o f the irate farmer other than one remark; “ I’d knock down the first Democrat that would ask me to vote that ticket.” WUit have your money that y6tl have worked for once, to put' in the treas­ ury and then send some o f it back in the form o f a subsidy if you milk a couple o f cows, Then think o f the 90000 New Dealers on government payroll in the state o f Ohio alone. We must dig up to pay the AAA wise men that pass New Deal propaganda, truepr false aB the case requires,. The fellows that fix the price o f butter, eggs, hogs and grain, all must have their share of your income tax money. You may yet have to take a bath un­ der orders o f the AAA. However it has not yet become necessary to wash or laundry your dollars bills. The New Dealers have no fear o f bacteria or microbes on dollar bills. Even with 100 million dollar war contracts the paper bills just pass “ as is” Fulton Lewis Jr., radio commenta­ tor has the whole nation at his feet each week-day evening. While our Ohio College professor is trying to sanitize our farmers to get them on par with the Japs, Fulton has been dragging out the Roosevelt New Deal party skeleton for a “ public bath” in as much as the Demqcratic press has no compunction about holding back news where the New Deal lets war contracts amounting to millions to a German. Fulton Monday evenihg cit­ ed the hypocracy of the Roosevelt ad­ ministration by making public the name of another unnaturalized Ger­ man who is on government-payroll and in a very important port job at Los Angeles, Calif. We only give you a tip of real news you cannot get from your Democratic newspapers. It evi­ dently would be political heritage for a New Deal newspaper to' even men­ tion the recent Roosevelt administra­ tion “ tea pot dome.” ONE DEER KILLED BY LOCAL HUNTER The government increasing the price of corn from $1.06 to $1.15, Chicago basis, will not likely draw much corn from storage, especially at this time of the year. Raising the price o f corn only brought an increase Monday in nil other grains. This means that all .high protein foods will go higher in price, and ate now hjgher thaft &week ago.. Dairy and poultry feed are on’ the upgrade. Hog suppliments are rmw out o f line in price with the ,i ce of hogs. Moreover it is impos* sible for anyone farmer to purchase any quantity of hog feed at one time. Imagine Mayor Laguardia owning 100 feeding hogs and only being able to get a 100 pound, bag o f protein feed at a time. He' must' come back the next day and get a second sack if any can be found. Then the New Deal says do not waste tires and gasoline. While; all the comment' rages about subsidy, dirty fanners who do not tftke baths, unpatriotic individuals, we wonder Just where does the AAA At in the picture? With a ban on hunting deer in this state for sixty years, the Conserva­ tion department let down the bars for the first time •to some 600 Ohio hunters who "covered the State Game Reserves in southern Ohio. Park Spencer, who resides on the Howard Arthur farm ■landed a 200 pound specimen Monday soon after entering the reservation. Others from this place who made the trip" but did not get any tribute were Howard Arthur, Wm. Irvine, Paul Cummings, H. A. Reinhard, Martin Weimer. Mar­ tin Weimer, Jr., C. C. Brewer and Ezra Neal. W U a ty o u fc u y W ith WAR BONDS .H oly S tono Cleanliness is the first order of ev­ ery American soldier.and sailor and the United States Government spends millions upon nrullions of dol­ lars to keep our fighting men as clean and as healthy as circum­ stances will permit. “ Swab the deck!” cries out a pet-' ty officer and the.tnen fall to with their “ holy stone” equipment and in a short time (*v€lytning i f spick and span. Buy War Bdhds ahd more War Bonds and you know\that you are sharing in the effortjthat will free the world from warlord domination, , U.S. TrttuuryDtporlmtni Farmers may not take a bath hut Uncle Sam will take some o f their money by December 15th in the form o f income taxes, Do not put it o ff until it is too late. A penalty if you fail, You niust jftind the New Deal f r f c f e y . A m I THRILL NITES! — SCREEN— “There’s Something About A Soldier" f w ith Douglas Drain Tom Neal SUN.-M0N.-TUES. •m&Lu THESUSPENSEISTERRIFIC! THE ACT 10 HIS THinUM! SCHOOL NEWS Assembly In assembly this week we were entertained by the Lewis Company in a two-act patriotic .comedy, “ Wings Over America,” War Stamps and Bonds Out- sale o f stamps for this week was $38.65, o f bonds, $18.75, Photos The Seniors were all very happy this week. Why? Their photos, even more beautiful than they had ex­ pected arrived on the dot. Every Pupil iTest Every pupil te^ts were much in evi­ dence this week in grades 3-12. We hope they all did well. Basketball The boys played a nice gam^ last Friday night, .with Spring Valley. The boys were beaten by only three points. Tonight they play Silvercreek at Jamestown. We hope you'll win, boys. • We will help you to buy your own home. ■Loan rate of interest is 5%. Cedarville Federal Savings and Loan Association. PROTECT YOURHOME FROM TUBERCULOSIS BOY and USE Christmas Seals RHEUMATISM??? RINOL is the medicine you need. Proven succe^ful for arthritis, rheumatism, neuritis, lumbago. Free pamphlet at Brown’s Drug Store iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiitiiiinimiliiiiiHiiiiitiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiMimi I -When ACCIDENTS Happen 1 | You Need | f PROMPT SERVICE | c m A r r p Automobile § 5 o l A l I i Mutual f I INSURANCE | | Non-Assessable | ! KENNETH LITTLE ! CEDARVILLE, OHIO IIIMlIlWl I FARMS --------— - .............— — ..............— FOlPSA'bB-ANJlJ FARM LOANS I | We have many good farms for sale i | on easy terms. Also make farm | | loans at 4 % interest for 15 years. J f No application fee and no apprais-1 | al fee. J I . Write or Inquire | | McSavancy & Co. London O. | Leon H. Kling, Mgr. [ ................................................................. „? A NAME THAT STANDS FOR GQOD FURNITURE BUDGET PLAN AVAILABLE Adair’s N. Detroit St Xenia, O. w,M.mno(oi>wmwiMminnwnmnnnwnmiiii—hi SPRINGFIELD , MOVIES Now Sbejring m i c k e y TJtura. O**, 9 1 Wit, r OOISEJ, [ JUDY GARLAND [“ GIRE CRAZY” T o m m y 'D " " * ’’ * O r ch e s tra Ends Sat. Nit* Errpi Flynn In 1 “ Northern Pursuit” Coming Sunday noddy McDowall “ Lassie Come Home” M A J M T t f Louise Rainer William Bendix In ‘ ‘Hostages” — plus— ‘Henry Aldrich Haunts a House’ Don “Red” Barry . —IN— “Man from Rio Grande” \ —PLUS’— “Smart Guy” Wallace Beery IN “Salute To The Marines” “ Happy Times and Jolly 'Moments” Sun. Mon. Tuea. £ V Z /U J W ednesday Experienced Typists 151 . „ and Clerical Workers. Steady em­ ployment., pleasant working condi­ tions, good pay. . . McCall Corporation ' 2219 McCall Sti Dayton, O. • WANTED iMtmtlMIMHMHHfMllllllltHMtMimtfllllllllltllMfMliilllMilmO $£ 3 b Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted, *‘ * Reasonable Charges, Or.C.E. Wilkin Optometric Eye Specialist Xenia, Ohio . MiHnWmmmmiMMiHH'tttMnnHMttnnitiitititmnnim, Truck Driver for Cream Route Man or Woman. The Miami Valley Cooperative Milk Producers Association I Dayton, Ohio. | Pipe, Valves and Fittings for |water, gas and steam, Hand and Electric Pumps for elt purposes. Bolts. Pulleys, V Belts, Plumbing and Heating Supplies. J. P. BOCKLETT SUPPLY CO. XENIA, OHIO TifmiimiHiiitiiitiMiNiiiMimmttitiitiiMimtmimmKittttiifi QUICK SERVICE FOR DEADSTOCK XENIA fer t il izer ’ Re.arae Charges G- Buchsieb/ Xenia, Ohio ^ t;FIELD C l VIES h o w i n g Rev, and Mi lege Springs, < guests the pu sister,.Miss I Sgt. CharJe- place, a grand is reported n Calif.,-and wil lopgh, Mrs. Arthur t ■WinBton-Saien in-law and di ’ Lawrence Dul The Researi annual Christr gftli at i P. M Please* make than Decembe Cpnfarr. Word has 1) Cpl. Paul Wise in India due t duty, but no t • Keith Wisecup bees is home, r Pvt. Thomas Fort Crook. 1 with his wife, and relatives . Spring Valley ajf Fort Crook B&dy at Pitti 'TJ hh *. . Dee. 9 Vi Wk. E * ARLAND [n CRAZY ’ rith . , Dorsey * Hestra U T T ] irrol Flynn In orlhern rsuit” g Sunday ' McDowall ,assie Home’ ’ ' . 'Mr. and Mi close their hor and reside in ' former .will be vania Railro i . He has been' second trick. Lt. Wayne J stationed at t ' ■ Hospital,. ElPa ' a visit with his J. H. Andrew, sick leave folk spnial trouble : suffered while Miss Mary week for Oakls of-Cincinnati, band, Pvt. Vin in camp in C expected to winter. -..'?Vy .' ' r Mrs.-S.'C. V . MJzphh Dible ian”Church, T a short busine Jurkat had c l . Mrs. Walter C> she used the from this Chai mas carols hr carols, were s’ given by diff * class. After t ments wove si spent the rcmn wrapping Chri boys in the so were present. W. A. HAMM IIO!i sat: For 4 Days tv Bendix In stages” plus—— y Aldrich i a House’ ANKS on “Red" Barry -IN— ah from - Grande” \ 3LUP— »rt Guy” sen. Mon, Beery Y ruts. e To The irlnes” Times and Moments” OilSJwiCtl E N D n r j y f f f i S ' V CA l/ l i n A Y P p jK rp 'm n NT*« •ed TyplNlw — HtaMilj^. PHD W. A . Hamn mond Drlcrlte chased the fo home on W. Si presented it to organization i and for hcadqiv ches of Red ( mond, fopnicr ■gave that vill- the public ml of $15,000 sev FOR SALE Sedan. Tires 6-2844. FOR BALM Also a few lu> Hanna, Phone •sSLurvy Repair * P horn* now, per annum, i Cedarville Fn Association. ... Fri. and ♦Double “RHYTM ( it working Mittlli orpornMait iblMytONi NTEJi <>i’ rrimin Hmilft. ii. !<\VUuiljliitllllJ i’rt AMorlMttiiH i. Ohio, nwnnffliimumni n 'mmiminiimll.'HOMHi ' anil I’llllHfii ftft alMWi N r M Iml tar nil Halt#, WfHHWfff pllfii iCKLKTT j Y 0 0 , . o b i o UNDE j ERV IC J j Sun. and . . . Alan Lsd" Plus Sel< Jk aaverl 'STOCK V IA