The Cedarville Herald, Volume 67, Numbers 1-26

i / r . CEDARVILLE HERALD, FRIDAY, APRIL H 1ML mmm Club andSocial/Activities Miss Helen. Thompson spent the week-end in Cleveland with friends. . Miss Maude Hastings o f Kent, O,. . spent the Easter vacation at home. . Miss Betty Nelson has accepted a teaching position in the Silvercreek Twp. Schools. Miss Dorothy Anderson, Hanover, Ind., spent the Easter vacation with her parents, Dr. and Mi’s. Leo Ander­ son. The Home Culture Club will meet with Mrs. F, A, Jurkat, Friday,. Apr. 21 instead of Tuesday, Apr. 18. Mem­ bers are urged to notice change in the time ,of meeting. TURNER-TINSLER NUPTIAL^ IN UNITED PRESBYTERIAN D. A, R. MEETING ■ Sr. Lt, Willard Barlow, who has been located at. Bremerton, Wash., i' has joined liis wife and son here, with 1 othel' relatives, on a visit. . He will | return probably today accompanied by his family. T Mrs. W. P, Qhase opened her home to the members o f Cedar Cliff Chap­ ter, Daughters o f the American Rev­ olution, Tuesday evening. Mrs. David McElroy, regent, appointed the com­ mittee for Flag Day luncheon: Miss Carrie Rife, Mrs. Walter Condon, and Miss Wilmah Spencer. In the absence o f the Chaplin, Mrs. W, A. Condon, the Devotional period was led by Mrs. J, E. Kyle. Miss Glenna Basofe was introduced hy the Regent and •she -gave three reading , “ The Cjuning Election", hy Mrs. Tuttle Adams, “ The Audobon” , by Cornelius Otis Skinner, and “The Ideal Husband". Miss Mildred Gal­ loway conducted an interesting “ quiz” contes.t^ The hostess, assisted by Mrs. Anna Wilson and Mrs. Ethel Buck, ’served a salad course. The May meeting will be with Mrs. George Braiey, Clif= ten. Assistant hostesses will be Mrs. M. IT. Babin and Mrs. Warren Bar­ ber, * 1 . COLLEGE NEWS v n - u iv ^ n , ssv is, .. - - - - - ■.- - - /- - • - . « « Thera-aro. /till, a Jey.Jjefiervation^ A fcharming marring^' ceremony avaiiable a t /the goUege'office" for the', was performed Saturday evening at 8 fiftieth anniversary drnner for Prgsi- ocjochwhen Miss Maude Elizabeth. dent EmeritUB, W, R. McChesriey. Turner became the bride o f Mr. Ver- j These reservation8 wfo be made as m.8\er’ Ji’- Detroit, J long as space is available. The pro- The nuptial service took place be- gr&m W;U be featured-by Dr. Homer ore a an .ed altar o f gladiqli, palms Henderson of Grove City, Pa., as tije and ferns With burning tapers in four principal speaker. A number o f local seven-branch candelabra. Baskets o f citizens will bring greetings. This spi ing f owers were placed through- testimonial dinner is being sponsored out the church. jointly by the Xenia Kiwanis Club Neil E.' Kennon. 18, son of Mr. and i Mrs. Howard Kennon, R 2, is receiv­ ing his initial naval indoctrination at the U. . S. Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, 111. RAINFALL NOW NEAR THE GENERAL AVERAGE;REPORT Word has been received here that; Cpl, John E. McCallister, son of Mr, and Mrs. Clyde Me Callister, has' ar­ rived in this country on furlough. He was one of . the first to. leave'tho states, going with the Greene County National Guard unit. He has been gone about three years and this will be his first, visit home. The heavy rainfall the past few Weeks and especially this week has just about wiped out the. rainfall defi­ cit for the current year. The rainfall the past six days has been 2.98 inches and so far this month 3.12 inches. We are now .but one hundredth below the normal amount. TWO BROTHERS UNITED / SOMEWHERE IN ENGLAND Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Sites -for­ merly of Yellow Springs now of Ce- darville, O., are announcing the en­ gagement of their daughter, Iln Madge to Pvt. Kenneth L. Brockman, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Noah. Brockman 635 Bolander ave., Dayton, O. Miss Sites a graduate of Cedarville High School is now employed at. Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio. Pvt. Brockman is stationed at •Chanute Field,. Ran- toul, Illinois. ; What was evidently a joyous reun­ ion between two brothers was when Private. Arthur Judy. Jr,, and Seaman S. C. Eugene Judy,, met somewhere in England where they enjoyed four days together. Both boys joind in a letter to their' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur .Judy of this place. For Sale—Large size coal Hea.t- rola. Also gas ■ range. Four-hole. .Phone 6-1684.. ■ Mrs. Fred Clemans left Tuesday with her granddaughter, Pamela Heifner, to join- Lt. and Mrs. Freder- erick Heifner at the Martha Wash­ ington Hotel, Virginia Beach, Va. Pa­ mela will remain with 'her parents while Mrs. Clemans will go to Wash­ ington, D. C., to be present for the wedding of her cousin, Miss ■Betty Brown, daughter of Cong, and Mrs. Clarence J. Brown, to L t Leroy Mat­ thew Dearing, U. S. Naval Reserves, which takes place Saturday/afternoon at 3 o’clock at the Alders’ Gate Meth­ odist Church, Washington. A recep­ tion will follow at the Congressional Club on New Hampshire ave.’ The groom formerly attended Antioch College while the bride is a graduate of Duke University. ■ ' ■ Theodore Burba (Ted)', grandson of Mr,, and. Mrs. James Duffield, who resides .at' Grand Rapids, Mich., has been accepted in the Navy , and is waiting his' call. "Ted” is the third member of the' V. W. Burha family to enter the service. Corp. Wac Dor­ othea; now located in Camp Lee, Vir­ ginia, and Harold, .as Private First Class Marines, now in Honolula, H. W. -I. . ■ In honor of their son and bride.on furjough from Oklahoma City, Mr. and Mrs. A. D.' Hanna recently enter- tained-a g-roup of relatives at their home on Reid road. Games were en­ joyed throughout the evening and an ice course was served. Those-present were Cpl. and'Mrs. H. G. Hanna, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coulter and BiV^y, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClellan, Mr. and Mrs. George McClellaijf arftKRosa- linil, Mr. and Mrs. Harry IVCverS. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Powers, Mr. and Mi‘s. Fred Powers, Mr. Harold McClellan, Miss Phyllis, and Bertha Powers, Anna, Louise McClellan, Alice Hanna and Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hanna. Four local boys in the service shar-, ed, honors at a surprise party held re­ cently at the home of Arthur Hanna, on the Reid road, the occasion being the latter’s birthday. A number o!' friends were entertained with stunts and games led by Mrs. Johr Powers. Mr. Hanna was the recipient of many gifts, including a huge surprise pack­ age. An ice course- was served later , in the evening to the following guest: Seaman 1st Class Earl Chaplin, Cpl. Ray Schulte, Pfc. Herman Schulte Jr. Cpl. Howard Hanna, Mr Junior Crum-., ine, Misses Sue Forest, Betty and Janet'Crumine, Sarah Jane Chaplin Agnes Schulte, Marianna Powers, Nancy and Ronnie Fitzwatcr, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schulte, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Chaplin, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fitzwatef, Mr, and Mrs. Burgess Crumine1, Mr, and Mrs. John'Powers, Mr, Charles Coulter, Mrs, Howard Hanna, and the hostesses, Mr, and Mrs,. A, D. Hanna and daughter, Alice The Jamiesons are enjoying a par­ tial,, family reunion these days. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Bohlkc -and Carole, arrivecl last Thursday; and -Mrs; Frank E. Wiley. Wednesday evening of this week, from the Indiana State Sanatorium at Rockville, Ind., where she has been for over fifteen months. Harley Bohlke expected to enter the navy, Tuesday, but sent a telegram stating he had received orders from the higher-ups that a “ Slay of Induc­ tion” had been granted, and he re- 1turned to his position o f foreman in the Electric Welding division of the American Locomotive Works in Sche­ nectady, New York. < The double ring ceremony was read and the College, by Dp, R. A. Jamieson, which was! ■' ■ preceded by g program o f nuptial’ Mrs. Paul Cummings gave a most music. Miss Lena Hastings presided delightful and informational review at the organ and Mrs. Hugh Turnbull 0f Anne Colver’s book, "Mr? Lincoln’s and Mrs. Ralph lovvnsley 'Sang two W ife" at the chapel services-onTues- duets, O Piomise Me” and “ A t dpy. Miss Carrie Rife, Principal of Dawning.” Mrs, Turnbull sang "Be- th’e High School, and the public cause and Mrs. Townsley’s solo was speaking class were guests. Mrs. I Love You Truly,” j Cummings' incisive characterizations .Miss Beatrice Ann Turner, sister 0f Mrs. Lincoln were greatly apprec- of the bride, as bridesmaid,' wore a •iated by .the audience. We shall wel- gown o f pink net, styled with a long'come here back on future occasions, torso and fitted skirt. She wore pink ostrich feathers in her. hair and car­ ried Piccadilly gladioli. Miss Mar­ guerite Berkette, Wayne; Mich., was Mr. and Mrs. William McGarey gave a talk on the common life of the people of India to the students and maid of honor and her gown was fash ; friends at the dormitory Thursday, ionod of pale blue net. She wore blue ostrich feathers in her hair and also carried Piccadilly gladioli. The bride evening. Mrs, McGarey is a sister of our own Gordon Taylor. Moving pic-, tures. \were shown depicting the hab- given in.marriage by -its and customs of, the’ people. A very her brother, Mr. Gregg Turner, wore a gown of ivory taffeta styled with a fitted bodice and full, skirt. Her fing­ ertip veil was caught to her head with a band of seed joearl orange blossoms and /she carried an arm bouquet of calla lilies, Messre Harold L. Brock and James Rodack .Dearborn, Mich., attended the bridegroom and the ushers were Messrs Robert Armstrong; New Car­ lisle, and Paul and Robert Dobbins of this place, Mrs. Turner, mother o f the bride, wore a street dress of navy crepe and Mrs. Verpon B. Tinsler, Sr., Detroit, the. hride-groom’s mother, wore pale blue crepe. Both had corsages of daf­ fodils arid f&rget-me-nots. Some fifty guests attended the re­ interesting question the pictures. period followed The testimonial book now being prepared from alumni and friends of j Dr. McChesney must be closed on Monday, April 18. Please send such letters to the College office. Woman Is Injured In Car Collision Head lacerations were suffered by Mrs. .Lorice Sargent, Jamestown, R2 when the auto .in which she was rid­ ing collided with a light trailer Fri­ day night on Route 35, east o f James- ception at the home of the bride a t - town’ . the Turner home. An ice course was I Mrs’ SarPent- her husband.and. two served frOm a table centered with •„.{ children,- Donald and Jean, ,were pas- tiered wedding cake. Miss Maude sengcrs in a car driven by Lewis’- S. Shaw, aunt of the bride, ■and Mrs. •Turner’ Jamestown, R 1. The dep- Meir, Ypsilanti', Mich., the bride-i,uties ft'ora the Sheriff’s office, said groom’s'sister, assisted at the recep-! Miss Gla«Jys Elizabeth McJunkins, (ion. >• Dayton, auto with a trail- Mr. and Mrs. Tinsler left Saturday > er attached,. had stopped along the night on a wedding trip and will then i hi*?hway to investigate a. suspected go to Detroit to establish their home. I tire on the trailer. The bride, is a graduate. of Cedar- I The Turner car crashed into the villc. High School and attended busi-1 *railer- Passengers in Miss McJun- ness school in Columbus. Mr. Tinsler, t kinsi c»r with her parents. Mr. and is a son o f Mr. and.Mrs. Vernon Tins- i Mra’ George McJunkins> were u" hurt ler. Sr., Detroit, and attended Wayne' Sl,s’ Snl"gent was treated at the of- College, and is employed was drafts-' , _ ^ * r " T man by the Ford Motor Co. fice of Dr. R. L. Haines, Jamestown. For Sale:.Baby' high chair, condition. Phone 6-2181. • iiM iiim Good i iMmminiiiiiimmiiMiiiHm A BUY WAR BONDS TODAY Mr. Pnul Thomas underwent an operation Thursday at the, McClellan Hospital, Xenia, for bowel trouble. He was. taken violently ill,’ Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. Herman J; Schulte had the pleasure of the company of their two sons now in military ser­ vice the past week. Pvt. 1st Class Herman J. Schulte, ■medical, detach­ ment at. Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo., was here on a ten day furlough. Corp.- Russell Schulte, Quartermaster Corps at Hendricks Field, Seabring, Fla., had a 15 day furlough. CHURCH NOTES 1 UNITED-PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH >- Ralph A. Jamieson, Minister. Sabbath School 10 A. M. Supt. Ar­ thur B. Evans. Preaching at 11 A. M, Theme-: “Hidden Resources.” Y. P. C'.-U. 7 P. M. Subject: “ Learn­ ing to Live as Christians.” .Leader, , Claire Stormont. j No -choir rehearsal this' week-end.' j Our choir deserves one Saturday evening vacation after their faithful ■arid efficient service on Easter. ■ The Xenia Preshyterial of the Wo­ men’s- Missionary Societies •meets in our church Thursday, April 20, at 10 -A . M. with morning and afternoon DAIRY HERD SELLS. FOR $90,000: MIXED HERD n tiiiitH N n m iitn rtiiH M iM M iM iM iiitm m iiiiiitiH tiiM iiM iH m C O Z Y • THEATRE • Fri. and Sat. April 14-15 . Tom Neal - Evelyn Keyes • f - “ There’s Something About A Soldier” SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS Sun. and Mon.j April 16/l7 Mickey Rooney —- Judy^Jatliind “GIRL CRAZY” FOX NEWS — PETESMITH Wed.,* Thurs’., April 19-20 Susan Peters — Herbert Marshall “ YOUNG IDEAS” — PARAMOUNT .NEWS ~ HBMMIttlUHIIIIIMmtllUltlilHtlltMlIlHHfMlIIMMIHIHMIllflt The famous Longview dairy herd, Kansas City, nationally known, was sold last week at public sale, The ! Lahoiv situation and uncertainty of •the future of the' business was given ifo r- the dispersal sale. In the sale of I735 ahimnls, over a tvfo-day period, ! were many vnlunble animals, espec­ ia lly Jerseys. The sale totaled $90,- vOOO; The animals were from 16 farms i that totaled 1,700 acres. It required {about 100 employees to .enre for the I herd. ’ • . There were about 500 Jersey cows •nnd the rest were Guernsey's and Hol­ stein'S,- The owner kept 16 cows, five heifers and one hull for the needs of labor to care for grain crops. S o h i o ^ 4 All-out* Special O n l y $3 .69 “ plus Ohio sales tax) sessions. It is expected a large dele­ gation will be presentJEfom our dis­ trict which includes Columbus, and Springfield am) some . fourteen con­ gregations. J METHODIST CHURCH Rev. H« H. Abels, D. D., Minister- Sunday School 10;00 A. M. Supt. Mrs. David Reynolds. ’ Church Service 11:00 A.'.M. Sermon — "Paul's First Mission." Beginning a series o f three on the - Life o f Paul for the month o f April, Sermon the following Sunday, "His Second Journey.” * On the Sunday evening o f April 30, the Rev. J. C, PJummer, Methodist pastor High Street Church, Spring- field is to give a dramatic presenta­ tion of the best seller o f our genera­ tion—“ The Robe.” This is sponsor­ ed by the Youth .Fellowship and an offering will be taken. The event is open to the general public. Doors will be opened at 7:00 p. m. and in order to obtain a seat it will be wise to come early.« , • M Y F vesper service 5:30 p. m. Leaders, Chloreta Hertenstein and Kenny Huffman. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Paul Elliott, Minister 10 A. M. Sabbath School, J. Rankin MacMillan, Supt. ■ 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship. , Sermon: “ Fruitful Hearing.” 7:00 P. M. Christian Endeavor. Leader, Miss Norma Stormont. The Broadcaster Class will meet on Wednesday evening, April 19 at the Church. '• OBITUARY Mis. E ffic C. Troutc, widow o f the Jate Willard W. Troute, passed away Thursday, March 30, 1944, at the Ma­ sonic Home; Springfield, 0 „ aftfifc an illness o f several months. Mrs. Troute was born October 2nd, 1879, in Cedarville, being the young­ est child o f George and Mary Sweeny Duffield. She was graduated from Cedarville High School in the class ' o f 1899, ^and taught in the public schools unti her marriage to Mr. Troute, July 25, 1904. At an early age she became a member of the Uni­ ted Presbyterian Church; -and on moving to Columbus, united with the West Broad Presbyterian Church; A f­ ter Mr. Troute’s death in"December, 1938, she enured ihe- Masonlc R o m«* where ghe-rfesided til) the time fit death, SuiNiving are^a brother, Jams* M. Duffield, s ivei^^nieces/j^d,neph­ ews, and a nu nber/rf couslrije. / ■ ' AW ti ‘ J f ’ /’< fi FOR S A L ^ - SlibWood cut; far the stove or furnace by the cord. Can deliver. Dial. 6-2201 . Arthur Hanna NOTICE! I will take care of my custo­ mers as usual.who want the Roush Iowa 939 Hybrid Seed Corn, Will have the seed in a few days at my farm west of Cedarville on Reid Road. • ARTHUR HANNA ST. PAUL A. M. E. CHURCH Sunday School at 10:30 A . M. Morning service 11 A. M, Miss Sa­ rah Bankston, noted Evangelist will be guest speaker. ' ■' A; C. E. League, 5 P. M. ' Mrs. Mary .Harris, Reporter. | Gordon Franklin, Pastor. . . ZION BAPTIST CHURCH : Rev. Richard Phillips, Pastor Sabbath School 10:30 A. M. — Supt. Mrs. Wilbur Weakley. Morning Worship at 11 A. M. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 P.M. THE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENB Pastor, Raymond Strickland. : Sunday Services . Sunday School 10:00 to ll:0 0 A. M. Preaching 11:00 A. M. to 12:00 M. Evangelistic Service 7:30 P. M. • Wednesday Servicri Prayer Meeting 7:30 P. M. Sunday School,Superintendent, Ru­ fus Nance. CHURCH OF GOD R. C. FREDERICK, Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 'A. M. " Morning -Worship, 10:30 A. M. _ Young Peoples Meeting at 6 P. M. Evening, Service, 7:45 P. M. Prayer Meeting Wednesday evening, 7:45 P. M. ' C L IF T O N UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ' E. O. Ralston, Minister 10:00 A. M. Bible School. Paul W. 11 A. M. Morning. Worship. Rife, Supt. 7:30 P. M. Young People’s Christian Union. . All Welcome. CLIFTON PRESBYTRIAN CHURCH Malcolm, A. Harris, Minister 10:00 A. M. Sabbath School, Robert 11:09 A. M. Morning Worship. Shaw, Supt. i . i 7:00 P. M. Christian Endeavor.' DOBBS HATS FLORSHEIM SHOES The Answer Is 'Yes’ Don’t1know exactly what kind of a spriifg suit you have in mind—but . the answer is, “ YES, WE HAVE IT!” . ; Our new shipments of “ Griffon. Clothes” for spring are niighty attractive and you’d have to be a finicky fellow, indeed, if you couldn’t find >.--i something to suit you to a T ! Worsteds, flannels, cheviots, twists, gabardines —you name it; we have it! And at a price you can cheerfully pay: M!Dorman’s Allen Bldg. Xenia, Ohio HOME OF HART SCHAFFNER MARX CLOTHES INCLUDES— / CHECK YOUR SEED CORN NOW j PLENTY OF SEED^ -There may he a shortage later. Act'Now! ! Phone 1-327-W2 JAMES B. HARNER 1. Sohio Motor Cleari-out 2. Complete Gear-Oil Change 3. 5 qt. Sohio Motor Oil Change. :: y t U i £ S r CLEANS OUT “WINTER”— REMOVES CAR­ BON A nd slu d g e — pu ts n e w l ife in YOUI} CAR. PAUL EDWARDS PHONE 6-2471 WITH THESE SWELL OFFICIAL SILHOUETTE SCALE MODELS USED BY THE U.S. NAVY . You have to be on your toes putting these planes together— but when they're finished you know your planes— and you've'got the real thing— the very same models that Uncle Sam uses-to teach plane identification to boys in the service, The models are. accurate— scale 1 inch to 6 feet on the actual plane. At 3 6 feet these 3-dimensibnal silhouettes look exactly like- real planes half a mile away. Each plane is die-cut-.from..special 3-ply laminated heavy black fibre-board, with firmly interlocking parts that can ^ be reasiembled many times. Redi-packed in two popular assortments. ORDER YOURS h p W ! Use coupon below. Order BOTH Sets AT ONCE for $2 and Get These FREE The Coco-Cola Bottling Cojnpony 423 W. North SfiOtf Springfield, Ohio Pltoio iond >n«i □ imiiim H ire mi ®si *«. n *!'* e»«w, □ n mem uni e»ihti>i ii m ttmtnsmu« «n <» H im ) rtk ■ im H i I i Ilf il h im b M ta* w « i «W * l » i l « ‘ "*•« '• * w«AU«rfKt ■ * FORTRESS, SET- Bombtrs Flying Forfreu PBY Coronado Mltchall , Diva Bombar BrltUh Walllngton Fighter* P47 Thunderbolt Corsair Grumman Wildcat Briffih Spiftira _ German Mauarschmitt CATALINA SET------U Bombgr* - PITS Catarina . Liberator Bolton Marauder German Focke-Wult Fighter* - P-30 Lightning • . Helidiver Alracobra Jap'Zero Runtan Kate i ChMl I Ctfy- "AMERICA'S FIGHTING PIANES IN ACTION” 20 thrilling picture!' reproduced In lull color from the lamout painting! by William Heailip, showinq Amar, tca'i warplane! In action In our many war theafrai, Convanient pocket lire, "KN OW YOUR WARPLANES". Contain! fl authentic illhouetlei of Allied and enemy righting plane!; alio 2i American righting plane! In full color, Reproduced by permli- lion of the U, S, Government,