The Cedarville Herald, Volume 67, Numbers 27-52

'r S m im m M f& l y.vp?rr>V; ~ . . • * ' > i •V V £'* f/ CBBAkVJtLE H E R A t^ P&I&AY, JUNE &, 1944, MSB IflpMNti _L / ./■ T H E C E D A R V I L L E H E R A L D .(WWimMIW hL F KARLH B U L L ------------- MEMBKK—Nktiuual KdltorW Auoc. - -a. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. OblQ Newspaper Auoc.-; UUml V»Upy I*ies«.- A bsb , Entered at the Post Officfe, Cedarville/ Ohio, October 31,1887, as second class matter,__ ~ ' FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1944 INVASION DAY A DAY OF PRAYER FOR NATION ■>p “ Invasion Day” was what it should have been— day of Prayer. Nothing ever fell as flat as the New peal proposal to make the day a holiday with bands, parades and celebration. The public refused to heed the suggestion. The fact that yre have so many fathers and mothers, Brothers and sisters, who have loved ones in the service, made such an appeal for a holi­ day repugnant to most people. That we must face the sad story o f the loss of our young manhood, it is very likely that for days to come there prayers on the lips each day of millions of mothers. We consider victory certain but it cannot be had with- out paying the terrible price. ‘ THOMAS HERBERT CONCEEDS DEFEAT ■WNMUtiMWIMIW part in the victory. In. a few daya the Elmer Davis censored news may give the public information that Col. Elliott Roosevelt took some interest­ ing pictures o f the fray. • million according to organized labor probably would decide it among farmers was a direct violation of the corrupt prac- tice'act The situation in Republican ranks cleared with a frank ad mission o f defeat on, the part of Attorney General Thomas A Herbert, by Mayor James Garfield Stewart, Cincinnati, for thg Republican nomination fo r governor. Mr. Herbert made no ug­ ly charges against anyone but simply asked for a recount as he had been lead to believe he should have had .a larger vote tn certain precincts. He has stopped the recount and, has sent his congratulations to the Cincinnati Mayor and promises he will give open support to the nominee next, November. This leaves no opening for a break in party affairs this fall and should give Mayor Stewart a victory such as he'is entitled too. THE ARMY FOR AVERY BUT NOT STRIKERS W h ile American youth offer their all for their nation yet 15,00.0 employees making airplang engines at Lockland, ©•> go out on a strike because, a-number of colored mechanics were given tasks along with white members of the CIO. The union claims the strike is unlawful but *he men ret use to return to their work. The War Labor Board, CIO controlled by ap­ pointment of Roosevelt, orders the men back but they still re­ fuse. Meantime our boys die on the battlefields of France tor S50 a month while the $10 a-day CIO unionists refuse to back up our forces with airplane equipment. Roosevelt ordered the Army to remove Chairman Avery of the Chicago company put in.the street, by soldiers to satisfy the union. No suggestion of military force comes from the White House to stop .the strike. If not force"to back equality of races in war time at least, why n o t h a v e a p r a y e r a p p e a lin g t o un ion le a d e r s ? THE FAMOUS SHOCKPROOF WATCH ShockproofBenrusWatches $24.75 andup Right In >!/!« and right in tima- Itaop'ng accuracy • . . with 15 jawal Benrus Shock-prOof move. menti. Jn tha charm and color of natural yellow gold. Favorite, with folltt who want a tina watch. Fine 15 jawal Benrui Shockproof movdmonh i . . , imart caiai in natural yellow gold color. Perfect Blue-White DIAMOND BRIDAL- PAIR Impressive Dia­ mond Pair o f un­ usual quality and beauty, set with perfect diamonds. $37 .50 SOLID GOLD MASONIC RING * 2 4 ” Other Masonic Rings up to (250 SET WITH PERFECT BLUE-WHITE DIAMOND. . FIRST CHOICE OF MEN IN THE SERVICE Waterproof! Shockpraotl Mon-Magnetic Sta/nfessJ^teel s24-75 s . LI MESTONE ST. SPRINGFIELD, OHIO Would it be possible, and if so, be legal, according to Attorney -General When the Chamber o f Commerce in Bi<ldle's ^ P r e t a t io n o f the corrupt-, Louisiana or in FloVida preach moder- ^ ractice act' that if a of a mil-1 ate temperature to allure northerners ’ »on farmers organize to elect a Re­ a r in g the summer vacation time, ou tP obh can ^ for President by side of a war period, they will have to contributing *750,000 or a million if necessary to that end ? and other Communists organized Mrs! Donald Taylor is visiting a few days with her husband. Cpl. liar- old D. Taylor at Battle Creek, Mich. —To rent five steadily employed now, ton 5749. . ' room house, Phone, Clift LEGAL/NOTICB riA - Best Price, wh^se place o f residence is unknown anu cannot with diligence FOR SALE— Slabwood 'cut for the stove or furnace by the cord. Can deliver. Dial, 6-2201 Arthur Hanna anted—Will buy porch glider or yard swing. Box 186, A . Jones, Ce- farville. t. introduced in the Legislature in the Pelican state legislature. If passed it will be unlawful for a man to have on his, back a coat or a necktie, or both, Sunday and weddings excepted. The law would require seizure of such coat or tie and confiscation of the weara­ bles for the United Nations Rehabili- between the dates o f June 1 and Oct. tation Commission, for, use where needed. The Huey Long state has nothing on the New Dealers in Wash­ ington, and, all over the nation. In fact there are many Democrats that now honestly believe the party made a mistake in not having Huey for the White House occupant. His chances of living would be just as good as be­ ing Senator. It is the brand o f Con­ gressman from South o f Mason and Dixon line'that has given you regi­ mentation on hqgs, eggs, milk, tires and gasoline. Huey Long could have done no different had; he fallen for the clever Churchill or permitted him­ self to be tickled under the chin as the Jap pulled on FDR while Pearl Harbor was making history. No won­ der Roosevelt does not •want to . try Kimmel and Short. He dares not if they hold the trump card. Both want immediate trials. Can it be possible that the trump card has. the initials, FDR on it? WANTED—Good used car for cash. Report to this officiTfor information, Sgt. Milton Turner left Wednesday , . , , , . , .to report at Camp Dunham, N. C., af- that purpose and have raised over \ev jjj 9 twenty-one day furlough.. keep hid behind the door a bill just j “ ■“ * Hillm?n’ C*9 . 1 n n r l n 4 h n M P A I M W lim IOTQ A VIV O IIIVIM I I O a There a lot of New Dealers, the AAA brand, that, are suffering with what might be termed ‘prick-ley’ heat.. With the milk, eggs hog and situation what it is, those -who were gumptious enough to swallow the Mason “ 1914 parity price foil farm products,” while everybody but soldiers were reaping wartime profits, now find themselves paying top for everything and selling at the bottom. If the pocketbook is a bit flat the farmer still is credited by FDR, Mason, Et-al., as patriotic with the war effort, provided: each farmer works longer and. harder, no twelve dollar a be considered or even an eight hour day on the farm. . A local, businessman relates an in­ teresting happening with a. customer who some months ago was preaching from the house-tops' the benefits of the AAA. This farmer who -wears -the FDR-Sidney Hillman label on his back as a W)Ut}Riie«r~of tlur Communists/ owed quite a bill to-the businessman When approached for a payment the businessman was told the bill could not be paid until he (the 3-Aer) could selij his hogs. Then the argument started. The 3-Aer -may yet be sold on AAA hog regimentation, but one thing, is certain he had to borrow the money to pay his debt. The - debt no (loubt~w<juhl havmuold on it if—the merchant had to wait on selling hogs under the Roosev.elt-Communistic or­ der of signing up a month or two in' advance for the sale. Meantime the hogs would be. getting fatter and the price going lower per pound. Who is there that sympathize with a 3-Aer that crys about being-“ robbed” 'of his hog and corn profit.- Sit on the blis­ ter Brother—and Smile! Rome has,been saved! FDR did the" trick. Regardless of the fact public announcement'was made a year ago that the Allies had taken Italy anil Mussolini has abdicated, the war has been going on in that sector—and the list of missing, wounded and dead continued to grow. No one has dar­ ed to say how many lives were lost. The most.the public lias learned of the Italian campaign-was* the fact old "blood and guts Patton” slapped down a serious wounded soldier being carried in from the battlefield and branded a "coward.” .Thanks to the Senate for not confirming old “ blood and guts’ for a new title and a higher salary, as recommended by. the timid, sympathetic soul in the White House. So far the list of casualties dots'not contain a “ Roosevelt" name. We are not aware just how many by that name are in the armed forces. This week a local mother stopped us to in­ quire if Rome had fallen and whether any from the royal-house), id had a KEEP Your Clqtties Looking N E A T THE C L E A N E R S Quality Work . South Main st., Ocdarvllle POULTRY v We pay highest prices for rab­ bits, duc/iis, turkeys, friqp, benHi and roosters. . " / GINAVEN-POULTRY PLANT W, Second and Bellbrook. Phone. 1103 she’ll cherish her ■Mil From STERLING JEWELRY CO. As enduring as your love lor one another Is the beauty oi the diamond that you Choose from our brilliant selection. In each, price range, we oiler the finest quality lor your-money. 1 1UY WAR BONDS AND STAMPS 6-Dtamond tridal Sat. Stunning diamond folitalra Engagement Ring with match­ ing ^diamond Wadding Ring, PqyWaaMy . . . I , 89 5t SPRINGFIELD’S v, OLDEST CREDIT JEWELERS •B tK I'FAR IS / ■ / D C R I r K RUNG EWlELRYCa he ascertained will take notice that on May 25th, 1044, Grace Price, filed her certain action against him for divorce op the grounds of wilful absence for more ^hun three years before the > Common Pleas Court . o f Greene Coun^’t Ohio, said case being —o. 23510 on the docket o f said Court. That the same will come on for hear-’ ing.ign or after July 15th, 1944. (6-2-6t-7-7) , MARCUS SHOUP , Attorney for Plaintiff . NOTICE OF PROCEEDINGS. FOR DIVORCE James Floyd Burts, Sr., Whose place of residence is unknown to the under­ signed, is hereby notified that the un­ dersigned Vivian Maxine Burts lias filed her petition against him' for di­ vorce in Case No. 23,492 of the Court- o f Common, Pleas o f Greene County, Ohio, alleging gross neglect of duty as the grounds for the divorce, and' praying for -a- divorce from the said Defendant andfor custody, of the. two minor children belonging to the Plain­ tiff and Defendant, and that said cause will be fo r hearing on or after the 17th day of June, 1944. (5-5-Gt-G-7) VIVIAN MAXINE BURTS, By.Morris D. Rice, Her Attorney LEGAL NOTICE Charles McDaniel, whose present address is unkoriwn' will take notice that on May 12th, Ruth B ; McDaniel, your wife, filed'her action for divorce in the Common Pleas Court of .Greene, County, Ohio, being case No. 23,502 .of the'Records of said Court. Said -ase will -be for hearing on or after six (G) weeks from the date of the first publication of this notice,'to-wit: May 2Gth, 1944, and yo are required l.o -answer within that time or judg­ ment may be taken against you. . ,- ' RUTH E. McDANIEL, . (5-2G-6t-G-30) - . By, Smith, McCallister. & Gibney, FOR GOOD F U R N I T U R E § N. Detroit St. L BUDGET PLAN AVAILABLE Adair’s • M M llM IIU d ld lM in ig H M M IM tllM IR lgM N U M IM IM W h 'll IfHit . | FARMS FOR SALE AND FARM LOANS I I We have many good farms for sale | I on easy terms. Also make farm § i loans at 4 % interest for 15 years. | |- No application fee and no apprals- jj § al fee. , l* Write or Inquire | | McSnv.iney & Co, London O. | I- LeOn H. Kling, Mgr. • | (tlH M inilllM IIIH IIim H IIIIim iim illlllH HIItlllllH IIM im H IM III •Mil lllllllH IItllR llilllllll HillH lllllllllllllllllllllllllIH lM IIH IH K | Pipe, Valves and Fittings for | | wafer, gas and steam, Hand and | | Electric Pumps for all purposes, \ i Bolts. Pulleys, V Belts, Plumbing | i and Heating Supplies. J. P. BOCKLETT SUPPLY CO. XENIA, OHIO QUICK SERVICE FOR DEAD STOCK XENIA FERTILIZER I’ HONE MA. 454 Reverse Charges E. G. Buchsieb, Xenia, Ohio ........ ■•■in..... / .HHlUlHItUUUMWU IICE / Local an< tiiiiHMUuiiiAMHumimiiu Miss Beatrice Ar ing.with her sister ,1 strong in New Car! Mrs. Bessie Paul of ] been the guest this er and sister-in-iaw| S. Hopping. Miss Dorcas Anr been attending Sq Junior College at has retarded home’ vacation.- te o f resi [with dil| notice i{ f’riee, fit him fur i| lul absei( Irs befq It o f '( Lso beii J)f said |ie on to] th, 1944, tCUS S for Plaj Dr.Mereld C, JobJ ver', Colo., is visitii| er, Mrs. J. E. Jobe and with his brothel and family-of this tEEDINl Private Walter Bl cited for good cone medal says' the Wa| no mention of his He is a son of Mr, 1 Boase of this place.] They will thank you* too, i f you leave the Long Distance wires from seven to ten for the service men, |Eyea Examined, 5 - ii ! ! i Glasses Fitted, 3 '5 / 3 ■5 ’ •■ ; a S' ' * s Reasonable Charges, 1 i * That is the best time many o f them have to call, Dr.C.E.Wilkin THE OH IO SELL I 8 ^ T&a* f i n t y i e f o t y f TELEPHONE CO. Optometric Eye > Specialist Xenia, Ohio P , It,was.our good early broadcast of day moi’ning. Aboil \bor Warren BarbeJ work, heurd the bt| the writer a call. and Mrs. leir dinner! Mr had as th ir Lieut, and Mrs.- Stel and Mr. Donald 11a] The occasion being i •and, Mr. .Hagler’s bq |r., Who| to. the led that Line Bq Inst him |92 of tin iGreene I lieglect 1 le divoi from t Itody o f kig to thi and-' tin |ing on < 1944. Mr. and Mrs. FreJ st., who moved her| Wilmington, and oc son property, are from their granddm| Mae Bowser of Vein INE BU! |ller Att IITICE Mrs; H. L. B 01 ] Misft 'Mary Gotherm] Alaska, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. E| William, O. Mrs. ly was a. teaciier. Twp. Schools. Word has been., re Joseph -W. Waddle, I Mrs. Ito^; W'addle, ll to the rank of 1 st 1 stationed at Birminl Lt. and Mrs. Wai| 1609 Mountain Driv Alabama. : whose 1 rill tali Mb E. M lotion for Court oj case No laid Coni ling on |he date 1 s notice yo are. it time |gainst. 5 ) McDA fS. ■ . Pfc. James Walls] with the Coast Artil Panama Canal, •had V Silver loving cup fol . yard low hurdle atl 1 and field meet of t| • .3 : •Department. .Walls! .5- entries from ArmvJ •5 ■ i forces stationel the] Rev. afid Mrs. Cl i i . o f Rossford, O., fori * announce the enga] a-'.'- . daughter, Frances, ] 3 liam-'D. Bray of th] i Force; The marriil ■ held Tuesday eveni] ' I - ■ chapel o f the. ll . i School, Kansas C itl S ■ ■- .-*t ' . Hutchison is the ll 3 . ^ i two weeks trip to 1 '"I - o f Chaplain Bray, 1 side in Salina, Karfl ster & € Her Ai u PLAN l BLE -; Xi Army Air Field.) itaMgi*«MtH«ii Mrs. Miron J. place was matron wedding o f her sisl Usher Wollard, Wtf Lt. (j. g.) John h. field, last Wedne's(| First Presbyterian! city, Miss 'Nancy - place was vocal so] program preceding! Miron i.Williamson Miss Frances Willi assisting hostessel from here were Mf mond Williamson, [ lianison, Misses J] Williamson of this| .E AND ; FARM Id farms list) mal |:st for li i and noi flnquire Lo King, Mg hiHHiiiiHimii Fitiii ^feam, Hi No InJ ^H>r all p! Bllelts, PI 4 of Prl - Ful regard thosewe servfl we respect tH to the priceH service. WeH funeral expeH matters for H tion or disciH B ckle 1 y cc ■ OHIO EachfamilypH fromour wl^| thepriceit ■ERVI tTOCl riA JZEI millllimHMHMIHlH*| Ceverse 1 |, Xenia, j ■ lllllfllllllllllll Fri, and * Double F| ‘ Red Head “ Robin Hoij Sun. and Hitn ll«yw| “COVJ __In Gloriml AT,SO] [Fitted, [able Cl v, Wed., and Chester Mor] “ AERL Paramount No1! rii Eye iliat IOhio 1