The Cedarville Herald, Volume 68, Numbers 1-26

■W Mfin OflieUO, S. Amy K*vy t • ' " .*Jt**i WW -' . -4NST*- K - 4T * i* «d * * , *y • " Gen.Dwight D.Eisenhower Gen.George C. Marshall a m . >?> Adm. William D. Leahy Adm. CheaterW. Nimite. Gen. Heniy H . Arnold Adm. Emeat J. King Gem Douglas MacArthur y can tell you why ' ' ''''■HilMBilMiMamHBaH , m ■ # S ' TH WAR LOAN is <? Y 'OU ARE being asked to lend more money than ever before—in •the 7th War Loan. These men can tell you why. They can tell you of giant ships ready to slide down theways this year. They can tell you-of a whole new air force in the building—huge new bombere and fast new jet-propelled planes coming off the lines fay thousands. ________ They could show you why it is cheaper and quicker to give our Pacific Forces entirely new equipment sometimes—instead o fshipping tanks and gunsifrom Europe. * ' They can, in short, show you 10L ways in which your dollars are M lA IfA tllM M AM M W fg'A L m M M A ■>» a n lllM ^ —— i i«l. A 1 - *S ■ tab'll' ' Jmg, and needed more than ever to bring America’s might to iU.fuU.ab$ngth— so that we may crush our foe the faster, make an end.i faring our men back home. f 5.V \-V* ....... w r *’""' • ■ ’ ' '* S’ , 1 . - *• <■ ' *' ' / Vs , M &M V-l -H :&4 '** ------- --•. *• mMM \ JJK* . % f . 4 ' . % *, *’ .*11 ' i f V* -f- * ,f<C' ’J'''* - 'J 1 Y *V? *.#Vy ‘*2> •■%■:■ you tell these men "I can’t afford to buy my share"? j m i ' K' PT*HE GENERALS and admirals can show us why our money is needed— more A money than before. But other men can show us something, too. They’re d ie men with twisted, crippled limbs . . . with clever iron hooks instead o f hands. The tdmd m e n . . . the men with scarred, seamed faces. And perhaps worst o f all, the men with blasted, darkened minds. /They can show us, dearer, how small is any sacrifice we make in ’ending money. If you have an income, whether fromwork, land, or capital, you have a .quota in - d ie 7th War Loan.. Find out what that quota is—and make itl M m m mttmry T^tm mm HND YOUR Q U O TA . . . AND MAKE ITI IF YOUR AVERAGE INCOME PER MONTH IS : YOUR PERSONAL WAR BOND QUOTA IS i (CASH VALUE) MATURITY VALUE OF 7TH WAR LOAN BONDS BOUGHT $250 $1*7,50 $250 « 225-250 150.00 200 210-225 1*1.25 175 200-210 - 112.50 ICO 1*0-200 fl* 7 5 - 125 140-1*0 75.00 too 100-140 a r.3 0 50 Under $100 11.75 25 IT Y WAR LOAN Thif b an official U, S. Treasury advertisement—prepared under auspices oj Treasury Department and War Advertising Council A Greene County W ar Finance Committee Frank L. Johnson, Chairman ‘ SPONSORED PRIVATE!,! • » * . CONC HAf - At last motorists more gas A coupon each, inst past. “B i gasoline i- U th to p of travel shown. r lifting of line usual users mu their neei. them. Accord! yestigatii from gov> shortage will be . first exp« home car fifteen pc applicant list of th. canned, t> - ed for ea dustrial ■but fifty ' granted drink, ar •and quot Candy, si . facturers operatei as a resu sugar ra While . changes bout War ident Tr •Cabinet ' a politic: and Pori Schwelle “long a p de.T.. Pa: Labor to . Tom C. as Assis take the Attorney derson, < the Hou! Committ ard as. S three, ni negan o two wee /■ • master -July 1st on Capi will stre -Attorne; been cot disliked service (Madame ard hav ineffieie Anderso culture Pood A ing mop over foe tributioi which I guess h . time. A House Commit' the burr food pr . tic task mess. 1 which v cesffor j food to profit, in Con? ed him >bis owi cies wh Thosi Hopkin life we over P of Hop sia* de. Stalin Lend-L ments ident ] and Y knows ments / than af cordinj ment, Soviet which U, S, forme) been s Presid i withP to que Pres kddre! •co Co' is ann •. .Under ' man, u ed to date i ^ po ifF , llin, ,titai . abort .'’fais di kn in' heads a mo in cm geno Churt in th> Minis tend Thre< Th S nd « iheti term ybank -v kddi)' *«anc' :kre ■»n*ni ' ally pure We i virti whil polit ally, is m poss- / ...1 \