The Cedarville Herald, Volume 68, Numbers 1-26
i UN IFORM S i M & y ' CHOOt 1 « W W P » L whd I ot Dwmlwr SI THE BASIS OF CQffiRAfiXEJFOR THE FUTURE XJE9BON TEHCT—Matthew 18:13-20; U Pe ter *:l4-tt; * Job* sUrJt. COLDER OTJCT-Wwaftwe. my b#Jov«ff brethren, be y« steadfast. unmovable. al ways alnwMlM »# **• «* forasmuch M ya Jmow -tjiet your ’ abor la sot veto lt£ the Lord.—I -CoriatU to J5;*8. A sigRiaqantyear—1944.P u I rpw It is gune, We look Into the future end ask ourselves, what*q&ct? Shall we enter the new year With fear and trembling, or may we’face it'With courage? ' If man's 'knowledge and depend*-* 'billty are all we bay* sto stand on, ■wehadimtier be afraW. but thv# is .a real basis for courage and apsur- ance it we look to Goa, and to mis Word; We have: l . An Unfailing Christ (Matt. 1C; .13*20). , It is not enough that men reqog- •nize Christ as, a teacher, a moral Jeader, or .a man willing to die for His convictions. He must ,be mere if Ha is to deliver mankind,-and, thank ,God, He Is more. ' Peter.speakingby the guidance >-of God, declared Jesus to be “ the. iChrist, the Son of the;living God.” "Is this whatChrist is to you? There fare so many shabby, inadequate, in- jaccurate, limiting views of Christ to- Jday. Men will-give Him praise, but refuse Jto .give Him the honor .due ito Him (done. The only Christ that lever reaUyilved4stheGhrlstof the .New, Te^ament. endjhnt Christ is 'th£ omnipotent .and eternal'Son of •God. Any Christ less-than-thatifi « .false Christ, a Christ of -man's imagination. The .Christ of the New \Ttstfunent can gave; but no other Christ ia tha saviour of men" (Pel? onbefiWhites). 1 This ;Ghrist, the unfailing One, «atobUfhed a victorinuf Church, 'built en . the acceptance,of Him as God.'That “Church marches ,on into lii^. as it has entered every, other- year, assured that as It follows Christ, mud preaches God’a Word, there Is-reason for encoui agement and joy even In this Awful day. n . An Uplifting Faith (H Pet. 3:14-18). Christianity is not Just.a set of rules and regulations. It is a life. It must grow, and it does grow. The !really born-again believer cannot jstand still In his spiritual experi ence. He has a faith .which must fniove him forward and upward for •the glory of God. , This experience is called growing 'in grace, whichmeans that each day ■of this new year we as believers are ;.td become more like our Lord- We are to have stronger convictions, 1and at the same time we are to be ‘kinder and more loving. We are to be more forgiving, tenderer, ;more.eager to serve Christ. > Christian, have you made any spiritual progress In the year-1944? .If not it is because you have failed to take (Sod’s provisiQn’for your life. •You have let the enemies of your soul mislead you <v. 17). You have :not been diligent in your Christian life (v. 14). God does not want any believer to live a defeated life, not growing in grace and in: knowledge. And there :is the secret—study God’s Word in 1845. Learn more about God, and ,you will grow- That's .something to look forward to. Then note that this is to be in the ,light of the promised return of Christ (v;'l4). He may come in 1945. m . An Inspiring Hope (I John 3:1-3). We have already touched on the great hope of the Church—the com ing again of our Lord Jesus, and here it is presented as the inspira tion to holy living. Sometime* the world points a fin- gar of scorn at Christians, ex posing their weaknesses and fail? urts. It makes us ashamed and we resolve to do better* but we are not discouraged. The world doesn’t understand spiritual truth or Chris tian experience. We believers are "the children of God,” born again through faith in Jesus Christ. All that is involved in this new life dots not yet appear. It is hid den under the imperfections end the failure* of our lives. But it is there, and 0o« day when Jesus comes again it shall be made known. "We shall be like him.” Ah, that makes one square his shoulders and lift up his head to meat 1845 with as surance. Observe that tills hope of Christ’s return is not just a theological doc trine to discuss, or a religious slo gan to proclaim. It baa a tre mendously practical application. The one who expects Christ to come biok seeks that holiness of life which is spoken of in verse 3. He is coming. I must be ready to meat Him with joy. So my life—yes, the details of my daily life—must be right. What an incentive to real holy living! Well, here is rsal courage with which to meet the new year. May it be a blessed one in your life, no matter what the experiences and cir cumstances may be. God is in the new year. Let us move forward with Kith, <*3 January 1—Russian! mova to within 27 miles of Polish border. . - I—U. 3, marines expand hold on Cape .Gloucester,.New Britain, - _ . 1 *—American troops capture San Gutsta. Italy. _ IS—Two new Russian offensives are opened 22—British blast Magdeburg in 1 , 060 -plane raid. 27—LENINGRAD CLEARED OF NAZIS. ' 20—HiUer In speech anticipates defeat. February 1—Chinese advance in northern Burma. 3-^Marlnes capture Namur and other Is lands In the Marshalls. S-rtl. S. army takes Kwajaleln atoll in MarshaHs 18—Heaviest bomb load yet dropped hurled on Berlin by British bombers. 17—U .. S. naval <task force attacks Truk. main Jap base In south Pacific. 10—Japanese cabinet reorganized, following attack on Truk. 23—U. S, naval task force strikes at Mari1 anas islands. '24—All of.western New Britain passes to American control. 29—Stalin offers peace terms to Finland. ’March , 8—Record raid on Berlin made by 2,000 *15—BttSsiah army crosses Bug river, 19—Advancing Russians enter Bessarabia. -28—Russians reach Romanian border. 30—Palau islands, 1,600 miles south ot Ja pan. attacked by V. S. navy. April - 1—Russian troops enter Romania; American. planes bomb Austria. 10—ODESSA FALLS TO RUSSIANS. 13—Allied troops halt Jap drive near Ko hima. .in India. „ , 29—A thousand U. S. bombers raid Berlin 30—Japan's- mid-Paciflc base, Truk, is raid ed for 3Bth time. RHEUMATISM??? Colne to Brown#' Drag# Cedwrville, O. REINER'S RINOL The medicine your frlettd* *r« *11 talking sks*t—for Rheumatism, Arthritic Neuritis, Lamb**®, f s t , 44, Ueh * . May------ ------------------------------------- 7—Allied forces in Italy turn back German counterattack near Anzio. 9—Sevastopol. Black aea .naval base, falif to Russians. ' 13—Chinese launch counter-offensive in west ern Yunnan province. ■■■■■:. 13—CASSINO. NAZI STRONGPOINT IN IT ALY. FALLS TO AMERICANS AFTER LONG SIEGE, 28—Allied bombers strike at German syn thetic oil plants (n Lelpsig area. June » 4— AMERICAN TROOPS ENTER ROME. .8—INVASION OF CONTINENT BEGINS WITH LANDINGS IN NORMANDY.' 5— Allies- in Italy capture port .38 miles .... north of Rome. 13—Allies advance into northern France, reaching point 15 miles inland. 17—Chinese take Kamalng, Burma. 23—Week-long German robot bombing re ported by British. 29—American, tank units enter Cherbourg, important French port. , ■ , 28—Russians capture Vitebsk and Zhlobln. July. 3—Minsk falls to Russians as they sweep into Polish territory. 8—Robot bomb casualties and damage In southern England are admitted to be serious. #—British and Canadians enter Caen. France, .anchor of German lines for weeks. 27—Six Nazi bases, the. most important be ing Lwow, fail to Russians on various fronts. 28—Brest-Litovsk captured by Russians. 39—Allied "break-through'' registers iargr .gains In France. Augu6t 1— Resistance in Tinian Island in Marshalls ends. 2—Turkey breaks- diplomatic relations with ' Germany. , 10—Gucm conquered, giving U. S. control ol all Important islands o f Marshalls. 18—A second Allied invasion force lands-on southern French coast between Mar settle and Nice. . 19—U. S. tank units reach suburbs ol Paris 20—Southern. France Invasion force enters Toulon. 31—Romanian capital, Bucharest, is entered by Russians. September 8—Finns and .Russians cease fighting In truce. 8—Russia declares war on Bulgaria. 7—Britain lifts black-out regulations, con sidering menace from air conquered. 11—American First army pushes five miles into German territory. 12—Romania granted armistice bv AlUes. 13—^RUsslans reach border of Czechoslo- vsklir 14—U. S. Third fleet attacks Cebu and Ne gros Islands of the Philippines. 18—Second Quebec conference ends. Plans for quick finish of European war and of marshaling ot forces for Japanese front Art m&de« 19—Finnish armistice signed by Russia and Finland, 22—Russians take Tallinn, capital of Estonia 29 —Russians gain CO-mlle-wide bridgehead in Yugoslavia. October 1—Calais, French channel port, falls to Al- ItCffe 9—Siegfried line breached at (Jebaeb by U. s. Filth army. „ . , . 4 —U, S, bombers raid Borneo oil fields, 8—Russians cross Hungarian border, 11—East Prussian border reached by Bus ■Ians. , . , . , , 17—U, S, troops enter Aachen, important German border, city. 29—AMERICAN FORCES UNDER GEN MiCARTHUR INVADE PHILIPPINES LANDING ON LEYTE ISLAND, Moscow conference between Stalin ant Churchill ends, ae—U, 8. navy meets and defeats huge Jar ^ f l e e t between Philippines and Formosa November * ■ ■ 4 —All German forcea driven from Greece 7—Japs gain in China, advancing on raj cltv of Liuchow. Meanwhile, Brltli) troops drive back Japs in Burma., 11—U, s. planes sink eight Jap warships, 14—British bombers sink Tlrpltz, famorn German battleship, .in Norwegian port. 16—Great Allied drive launched on 300-mlk front from Holland to Vosges. 20—French troops reach Rhina river tr blunge through Belfort gap. 21—Lieut, Gen. Patton lends Third,army It drive 23 miles beyond Metz. 24_B.29 s bomb Tokyo factories from base It Marianas, 1,650 miles away. 27—Lieut. Gen. Mark Clark is mane com pander in chief of U. S. army forces ir 29—u f Third army attacks forts at Saar brucken, Saariautern. and Merzig. First and Ninth armies capture horde; 30—U. S. planes sink 10 la p transports ant three destroyers, drowning 4,000 nss; Lcyte. ' f H I H t t l N K .SOUTHMNFRANCE) rEOTSS l' ; December 1—U, S. Third army reaches Saar river, 2—Nazis withdraw troops from Norway, leaving only small garrison forces. 3— American armies advance in both Roer and Saar valleys. 4—V. S. Third army enters Saariautern. aa entire Allied front of 450 miles swings into motion. Military and political crisis grips China. Rioting breaks out In Athens, Greece. Civil w'ar threatens. / 6—B-29s raid Jap bases on Bonin Islands. Others- hit Tokyo again. *.8—Units of 77th division make new landing on Leyte, splitting Jap lines. 11—MacArthur's troops capture Ormoc, en emy supply port on Leyte. France and Russia sign mutual assslst- ance pact. ‘ 13— Greek factional fighting grows in inten sity. B-29s hit Nagoya. Japanese aircraft pro duction center. • 14— U. S. tank, and infantry units reach out skirts,of Duren, key to Cologne region. 15— U, S. Seventh army advances to Ger man border on 35 mile front. ( p f o n S r l F January 3—Twenty-eight men and two women are indicted on sedition charges. 10—Congress reconvenes. .11—Roosevelt asks for National Service act. 13—A budget of $99,769,000,000 is President's estimate ot 1944 needs. 20—Army allows induction of ;loyal. Japanese- Americans. ' 20—Muster-out-pay bill passed, providing for a maximum of -$300, 29—World's most powerful battleship, the 45,000-ton Missouri, is launched. February 7—Tax bill sent to White Nouse. It pro vides for $2,315,200,000 of additional reve nue. 16—War Relocation authority (WRA) trans ferred to department of interior. 17—Army announces more than ,200.000 men have been returned from the Pacific fronts on furloughs, besides the sick and wounded, and that the rotation furlough § lan is in full swing. eleetivo service orders farm workers : reclassified. 22—Tax bill is vetoed as "wholly lnade- S uate.'* * . " ongress overrides veto on tax bill. Sen. - Alben Barkley, Democratic majority leader who resigned in flareup on veto, is re-named. , March 8—Five veterans' organizations combine In asking for a bonus up to $5,000 for all members of the armed forces. 14—-Draft' deferments for men 18“ to 26 h r essential Industry ended except for •'key men,” ' . . 15—“ Soldier vote" bill providing for short federal ballots is passed and sent to President. 21—State department announces that it will have no dealings with the Vichy'Freneh government, 25—Three men and two women are convict' ed as spies/ and sentenced to long terms. April 1—Army reports that 1,058,000 enlisted mer have been discharged between iDecgjS ber 1, 1941,'and January 31. 1944. '^ 4—House committee reveals that (he fed eral government now owns one-fifth ot the land area of continental; United States. - . • 5—Wendell Wlllkle withdraws as a Repub' llcan presidential candidate after defeat In Wisconsin. - - 12—Attorney’ General Biddle reopens invest! gation of Political Action committee of CIO. 17—A new chemical treatment that will give wood any degree of hardness desired, is announced. 26—Federal, troops take possession ot the “ ' it of - - - ' - mipany fused to obey his order to recognize a Chicago plan Montgomery Ward Co by order of FDR when the co ro- CIO union. 29—Gen. Douglas MacArthur announces that he •rill not accept nomination for Pres! dent. • May 1—Pulitzer prize for novels awarded to Mar, tin Flavin for "Journey in the Dark,” Musical comedy "Oklahoma" won a spe cial award for authors. 3—Most meats are removed from- ration ing. Steaks and beef roasts are prlncl- S nl exceptions. 'ew draft regulations defer most men over 26. Those under 28 are-scheduled - for early induction. Men 26-29 in war* supporting Industries gain at least six months deferment, and those 30 and ' over an indefinite stay. 19—Senate voted to delay action on poll tax .bill. , . . „ British delegation arrives for talks on postwar security. . . . 20—Communist party votes to disband as a political party, but to continua aa an ''association.' , . .. 22—Supreme court decision upholds validity of OPA suspension orders. 31—Synthetic sughr is produced at the Uni versity of California. Process la too ex pensive to be practical at present. Governors' conference adopts resolution calling for restoration of state powers yielded to federal government when wer emergency ends. June 1—Secretary of State Hull pledges that In the postwar world organization, small nations will be kept on an equality with large in every practicable way, 4—War Manpower commission announces that It will take over "absolute control of all male workers over 17 to check turnover in essential Industries. 8—'Twenty-one brigadier generals promot ed to major generals and 63 colonels to brigadiers. ” G. I. Bill of Rights” clears congress, 13—Democrats lose majority in the house with the election of Rolls McMillen, 19th Illinois. 21—Senate passes nimy appropriation bill Of $49.107.735.795 . 28 —Republican convention nominates Thom- as E. Dewey, governor of New York, for President, and John W. Brlcker, gov ernor ot Ohio, as vice president, 29 —A serum (o prevent measles has been developed and will be made available __ lopti. Boon, the Bed Cross reveals. July 3—Treasury reveals- that war' costs tor fis cal year total 90 billion dollars. 7—The Grumman F-7-F. new two-motored naval fighting plane, is tested, and is called superior to the Hellcat. 9 —Roosevelt's conversations with Gen Charles DeGauile of France end. De- Gaulle reported to be "highly gratified.” 9-^VIoe President Wallace return* from Chi na. H* predicts an era of peace In the Pacific, with Russia and China aa lead- era. II -President Roosevelt says that he will run again "if. nominated,” 13- -Eric Johnston, president of U. 8. ChSm her of Commerce, returns from Russia Duke and duchess of Windsor arrive In New York from the Bahamas. 14— Afmy reveals that thcro are now 198.941 war prisoners in the U. S„ 146,101 be ing German, and 50,278 Italian. 20 — Democratic convention In Chicago nomi nates Roosevelt for fourth term. 21 — Sen. Harry Truman (Mo.) is nominated for Democratic vice presidential candi dacy. 30 —Army says that malaria haa been re duced to two-thlrds of early war rate August 2—Strike ot Philadelphia transit worker* it referred to President. 8—Governors' conference ends, attar lng, statement defining limits ot and federal powers. *—Philadelphia street cere and busses erata under army -control. Newly, developed calculating machine that will.solve problems in highermathe- mattes, is announced -by .Harvard uni versity, HHPresldent returns from Hawaii end Abaeka. 14—Strike of midwesttna truck drivers ends, fallowing government seizure o f usee 1 8 -Army ends oensorahjp of soldiers* read ing matter. 23—U. 8. department ot Justice files anti, trust suit in Lincoln. Neb., against 47 westsm -railroads, 35—Secretary et State Null and Jehn ;F. Dulles, represent!ng.Deway, .discuss for eign policy. Senate passes reoeaverslon bill to .take care of government surplus sales. 29—Republican campaign -open* with radio speeches by Governors Warren of .Call. . fornla, Green of Illinois, and -Baldwin of Connecticut. 30—Navy reports the construction of 68,000 ships of all types since .September 1, September 6—Army announces .dsmohOlsatlon- plans. More than a million men -will be -dis charged when Germany Is -defeated. Seventeen .processed foods-are removed 11—Roosevelt meets Oiurchin in-Quebec for' military discussions. 15—Nineteen coal mines are seized;on the President’s orders. \ , 21—Congress recesses-until November 14; 28—Ration controls removed from all farm .machinery except .-com picken. 30—Birth rate for 1943 increased, .census bureau says. October •8—Strike of Detroit maintenance workers, affecting S3 war plants and 60.090 work- - iers, ends. 8—Super-powered X-ray announced tbst^will photograph through a foot of -ateeL 7—Peace conference at Dumbarton Oaks, N. H., ends sessions. A .general'frame work for peace and security agreed upon, it >is announced. 18—war Production board announces that it has permitted 1,110 manufacturers to resume civilian production. - 23—De Gaulle recognized as head of French Provisional govemment by the U. S. end other United Nations. 25—U. S. and other United Nations raaume diplomatic relatione With Italy. November 8—Dept, of Agriculture announces a decline in farm population in last -four years amounting to 4,748,000. 7—Nationwide elections held. President . Roosevelt . 000 votes, winning 38states,and 432 el. ....... ........... .Twenty Democrats and 13 Republicans ____ gain .senate seats. Democrats elect 242 representatives, and- Republicanr 185, Eighteen Republican ,-and 13 Democratic - governors elected. 14—Congress meets. Supplementary appro priations main business. 18—Special cpmmittee on wartime -living costs reports to President that rise te-29 per cent over January 1. 1941. level 20—Sixth War loan drive opens. 27—Strike on two electric .railroads serving Chicago area ends after 17 days. Edward Stettinius appointed secretary, of state to succeed Cordell 11. 38—Assistant attorney-general Norman Lit jteil dismissed by President December 1—Strikes In Detroit and Ctelcago delay production of B-29 bombers. 2^-Covernment halts reconversion plans in 125 cities until munition production meats schedule. . ' Rear-Adm. Husband Klmmel and Maj. Gen. Walter Short, Pearl Harbor com manders,: will not be court-martialed, war and navy boards rule. 4—Draft of agreement o f International Civil Aviation conference Is completed, and reedy for signatures of .delegates. 7—Sedition trial of 26 defendants ends in mistrial. Prison revolt of 25 Atlanta convicts ended. 10—“ Work or fight" order issued by War Mobilization Director Byrnes, threaten ing men in age 2 W I bracket with in- Sb—Miss Ann Curtis improves ths -wcmsn s SM-yantlraeatyleswimmlng record wM> a mark of 11:06.6. August 7—Joe Baksl defeats Lee Sivold in 10- round heavyweight fight. 9—Yankee Maid wins the Hsmbletonien harness race. 12-rMiss Dorothy Germaine retains Women’s Western .Amateur golf title. - to—Bob Hamilton wills the Professional Golfers' association title. 25—Trapshooting championship goes to Les lie Jepsen for breaking 97 targets out ot 100, September 14—Hurricane sweeping over Atlantic coast from South Carolina to Canada causer 40 deaths and property damage of $190. 000,000:' ■ 17—Navy reports sinking of a destroyer and two coast guard cutters In the hurr) cane, with "heavy loss of life.” 18—Eight .-persons are killed in collision c| freight and passenger trains near Mis souri Valley, Iowa. 38—Collision of two trains near Terre Haute, lnd., kills -29 and injure* 65. Most of the dead were soldiers. fW i f i f SIXTY WAR-TIMEELECTION Ol # fifttfilisw 28—Byron Nelson wins the All-American golf ” duction who are not in war jobs .............. J. ‘ ' “ An p pri on .sit-down strike! 1,300 put on -braid ll~;Nobel prizes awarded to five mericans. 13—War isoners, at Fort Sheridan. 111., go and water. 14 —Production quotas on- .machine guns reduced to release workers for more critical Items. S P O R T S ^ January 1—Southern California U. wins annual Rosa Bowl game, defeating Washington. U. 294), . 8—Jug McSpadcn wins the Loe Angeles Ogcn golf tournament with a soort of 17—Byron Nelson wins San Francisco Open golf tournament with 27S. February, 12—New manager ot Boston Blaves, Bob Cotemen, named to succeed Gatey Stan- 25—Joe Baksl outpolni ten-round has 28—Sammy Byrd tournament with 285, March 3—Bob Montgomery regains.toe lightweight title, as recognized in New York, liy outpointing Beau Jack. U -U . of Michigan .Wins to# Bta Tan In door track and said meet at Chicago. IS—Gilbert Dodds bettered bis own Indoor mile mark in Chicago, with a time of 4:08.4. 12— Alan Ford establishes a new world rec ord for the lflt-yard b e e style .swim at 48.7 seconds. 38—U. of Utah paptures the_N.C.A.A. basket ball title by detaaung partmquth, 42-40, to New York, April 13—Montreal Canadians defeat tfee Chicago !Ctssiv< f wins the blew Orleans G|(f May 5—Charlie Grimm becomes saw manager of Chicago Cuba, 6— Penslv* wins the Kentucky Derby, Broadcloth was second, ana stir Up 13—The Preakness race was won by Pen sive. 27 —U. of Michigan wins western conference outdoor championship track m eet June 10—U. oMIiiiwIa wins the National Collegiate Athletic association track and field Cham- pionshlpsr 10 -Francisco Segura of Ecuador win* the national clay, court tennis title. 14 Mrs. Mildred (“ Babe") Dldrikson Zaha ries defeats Mis* Dorothy Germaine to win the Women’a Western open golf championship. 26 —A new world record for the two-mile run •et by Gunder Hagg to Sweden. Bis time was 0:46.4, July 11— National -league team wins the All-Star game, •7-1, in Pittsburgh, 17—Willie Pep outpoints Manuel Ortiz,.World bantamweight champion. In a 10-round non-title tight In Bottom s championship. 30—Chicago Bears professional -football club defeats toe College -AU Stars. r24-21. September 8—Ike WliUems outpoints Sammy Angott, former -lightweight champion. 10—Baltimore captures :the International , league pennant. 20—Nashville wins toe Southern league play- .off, defeating *Memphis. - 21—St. Louis Cardinals clinch National league,pennant. 28—Willie Pep -retains world featherweight boxing; title by defeating Chalky White. October 1—St. Louis Browns win American league pennant. 2—San -Francisco takes Pacific .-league se ries, four games to two. 8--ST. LOUIS CARDINALS WIN WORLD SERIES, FOUR GAMES TO TWO. 10—Most valuable baseball players, chosen by Sporting News, are Martin Marion, Cardinal shortstop, and Bobby Doerr, , second baseman of Boston American league club. , , 11—Little (world -aeries of International league won by Baltimore. 14—Francisco Segura wins Pan-American i . tennis title- for third straight -time. i November 10—Jimmy Daniels defeats Sammy Angott: . . former- lightweight-boxing champion. 11—Army football,team defeats Notre Dame, 59 to 0. 26—College football champions: Ivy- league, Yale: - Big Ten, Ohio .State;, Big Six, Oklahoma: Southwest. Texai Chrlstlan: Southern, Duke; Pacific coast, Southern -California. 27—Hal Newhouaer. -Detroit Tigers pitcher, named most valuable player in American league. U. of Tennessee chosen for Rose Bowl game .with S, California, Jan, 1. Other bowl opponentsr Orange-Bowl. Mi ami.- Georgia .Tech, vs. Tnusa; Sugar Bowl, New Orleans, Alabama- vs, Duke; CottonBowl, Dallas. Texas X3irlstlan vs. Oklahoma A. and M. Paul krumske, Chicago,-to naw national individual match game champion. In bowling; 'December 28—Fire In Cleveland, Ohio, following ex- - plosion ot liquid gas storage plant causes HI -deaths-and 200 Injuries. ^ November “ 4—Air-liner crash near Hanford, Calif., takes Uvea o f -24-passengers. . C—Nine die and 75 are injured In train wreck when limited leaves track 50 miles northeast .of, Sacramento. Calif. 14—Army transport plane hits mountain west ; ot Harmon 'field, Newfoundland, killing nine-and Injuring nine U. S, army per sonnel. 27—Army plane crashes-near Madison. -Wls.. bringing death to three air corps men December 1—Airliner crashes near Burbank, Calif with 23 passengers. Seven killed, Freight car loaded with bombs'explodes i in Tolar, N. M.. wrecking buildings and starting fines. it—Three small children burned to death to Chicago, a -fourth seriously injured -0 ROBOT BOMBS ^ 2—Army defeats ;Navy, 23-7. Notre Dame beats Great Lakes by 28-7. Georgia Tech wrecks Georgia 44-0- to win Southeast- -.era-titla. -12—Major;baseball*club owners vote- to bar football, games in bail parks until toe - baseball season 4s over. - 14— Welker Cochran wins world -three cush ion billiard championship. 15—Big League -baseball owners divided on -successor to <K. M. Landis 'as commls< •loner, ,-and on other questions. DISASTERS, January 7—Thirty seamen drown when • navy patrol vessel sinks in collision off Cape May, Ns «» A freight train strikes -army bus at Kingman, Ariz., killing 28 aviation cadets. It—Twelve persona waiw killed and 40 In jured when a passenger train crashed Into the rear of,-a standing train near Novice. Texss. February 11—Crash of an airliner- into the MIsslsiippi river carries 21 passengers and three crewmen-to death near Memphis, Tenn. March 12—Collision of the Liberty Ship J. Pinkney Henderson and * tanker cost many lives. IS—An accidental explosion o t * surface mine killed ten soldiers to training .ma neuvers at Camp Nablnaen, Ark. 20—A b u plungter toreuch a guard rail of S bridge overlh e Passaic river in New eraey drowns 18 persons. 28—An explosion to a coal mtoa near Shin- nlston, W. Vs., kills 16 miners. April S—A blast to the naval, ordnance depot to Hastings, -Neb., kills eight workers. 7—Thirty-nine merchant marine crewman and 23 naval guaaara drown when n Lib erty sMp atruekareef affabQre and broke up on the English coast. 8—Fire following a collision pauses the deaths -.of 28 crewman amt i* naval gunners on a tanker traveling to a con voy. 11—A. tornado cutting through Arkansas takes lives of 34 persons. 28—An American Liberator bombing plane ersthas in downtown, Montreal. Canada, causing the deaths of 14 persons. 27—Fifteen workmen die of suffocation while repairing naval snip to Ports mouth, vs. 28—A navy transport plans crashes -IS miles east of Flagstaff, Ariz., lulling 32 per sona. M*y 18—Ten members of a naval blimp ertw died when_tha airship hit a hangar to Its takeoff at Lakehurst, N. J. ,* Jane 25—One hundred and forty-six were killed and injured tor a tornado that smjpt s m / i a i u tf lil f ll Bl oyer Pennsylvania, VTeil ginia and Maryland. July 6 -A fire in the main tent frffhe Rlnglina Bros, circus In Harlfqrd, Conn,, causes death*, of 167 bersons, mostly woman and children. Two hupdred others wera injured. Buaiiuuiiw ,u iw ir isis, wikij me *n- trance was sealed to check (he Ore. i-W rech of a taeep-train aaer JeUlco. Tenn., killed 21 aoMlerg and 3 civil ians, and Injured lqo others, 11 - An army bpmberprsshing Intoa trailer oamp in South Portland. Maine, took the lives of 16 persons aisu iiiwtwtiaiih i and property damage 28 - An-army hospital'plana was reported tost at sea between Iceland aind New foundland with 28 aboard- August 4—Twenty-eight persona, Including! 24 arm* pilots and 4 mechanics are killed in rash of transport plane near Atkinson, c Nt h. ' 3-Traln, wreck near Stockton, Oa.. kills 4* and injures 90. 9—Crash fit airliner al Antllla. Cuba, brings death to 1 7 .1 . 1 3 Fire sweeps meht i In anoi..__ ... .. ... _____ ______ _ lyn. N. y .; 35 persons were injured, Palisades, N. J., amuse- park; killing 3 and injuring loo. ther fire at Coney Island, Brook- January • 6— Ida M. TorbeU, 86, writer, famous for . exposing trusfs. in Bridgeport, Conn. 20—Walter Racket!. 67, playwright, in New •York. 29—William Allen White, 75, famous editor of Emporia (Kan.) Gazette, died In Em- porta-. February 25—Rear Adm. Charles C, Hartlgan. 62. na val attache, winner of Congressional medal, in Palo Alto. 29—Rep. Thomas H. Cullen. 76, member ol house from Brooklyn. N. Y., since 1919 died to Washington. D. C. March 1—Thomas E, Campbell, 88, former gover nor of Arizona, died- in Phoenix. 7—Rev. Dr. ThomaseNtcholson, 02, Method 1st bishop and former president of the Anti-Saloon league, in Mount Vernon Iowa. 15—Joscpb-B-Eastmanr61, directoF-otOftice i of Defense Transportation, died in Wash togton, D. C. 18—William H. Thompson, former mayor ot Chicago, 111., died at 74 to Chicago. April 24—Mrs. Sarah Jane Swanson. 113, said- to be the oldest American-born'resident ol the United-States, died to Chicago. 25—Coe 1, Crawford, 86, former governot and senator of South .Dakota,.in Yank ton. S. D. William D. Stephens, 84. former gover nor of California, died In Los Angeles 28—Secretary of Navy Frank Knox, who has held that cabinet post since 1940 died In- Washington. D. C., at age ol 70, He was • newspaper publisher in private life. May 7—Vice Adm. William Rodgers, 84, com mander of U. S. Adriatic fleet In World War I. died in Bothesda, Md. •—Brig. Gen. Donald A. Davison, chief ol E rovisionai engineering command, Medi- srranean area. Death : reported from Indie. 12—Brig. Gen. Heniy D. Styer, 81, com mander: of Allied troops in Siberia in . World War I, died In Coronado, Calif. 16—George Ade, famous humorist, died a 78 in Kehtland, lnd. June 1—Gen. O. R. Gellctte, 99.- Confederate . brigadier general, to Shreveport, La. 8—CoL JoserBeck, prime minister ot Po land- during German Invasion in 1939 died at 49 near Bucharest, Romania. 25—Louisa E. G. Thorp, 80, Internationally known artist and art teacher, to Lor . Angeles. July *■ 8—Martin D. Morrison, 82, former congress man from Indiana, died In Abingdon, Va 12—Sira. Betty Compton Knappen, 37. ter mer musical comedy actress, in New York, . 17—Alan Dlnehart, 54, film and stage actoi who has appeared In more than 100 pic Sures. died in Hollywood, Calif. 20—Mildred Harris, 41, movie actress and -.u iuivu •■••>(! C lv a siiu first ,wlte: of Charles Chaplin, died in Los Angeles. 27—Lieut. Gen. Leslie McNair 'killed in France. 38—Manuel Quezon, president of the Phil - lupines, died at saranap Lake, N. Y Re was 85. August 5—Rear Adm. Don Pardee Moon. 50. com ” milted suicide ip Washington while suf fering from "combat fatigue.’’ Effie Cherry, 88. last ot the Cherry Sis (era of vaudeville fame, to Cedar Rap ids. Iowa. September 1—Isabel Irving. 73, whose stage careci covered 50 years, at Nantucket, Maas. 3—George W. Norris, former senator iron Nebraska, died et 83 in McCook. Neb He served 40 years in congress, includ lag five terms to the senate. *—James A. Reed, former senator from Missouri, at 82 In Fairvlew. Mich. October 4—Alfred E, Smith, four time* governor o< Hew York and Democratic candidate fot President in 1938, in New York city at 70 8—Wendell L. Wlllkle. 52, Repubilcar presidential candidate to, 1940, am' utility executive. In New York city, 18—Rep. Hampton R. Fulmer, 69, who rep resented a So, Carolina district: for i: consecutive terms, to Washington, D, C 22— Richard Bennett, 73, famous actor, ir Lot Angeles, November 8—Miss Christiana Bond, 100, author, art tat and lecturer, to Baltimore. , 8—Jana Gray, 66, well-known actress, ir New York city. . . 12—Edgar 8. Kelley. 87, composer of tOassi c*| mtislp. In New York. city. 16 — Boake Carter, correspondent and radii new£ commentator, 48, to Hollywood 17—Sen. ‘Ellison D, Smith, who represented 80, Carolina in upper chamber for 35 irs (longest consecutive period to hi* f ) at 80, In Lynchburg, S, G. ige Kenesaw M. Landfs, commissionci professional baaebaU for 24 years, a< to Chicago. December 1 —Albert B. Fail, .secretary of interior u Harding administration: at 8|, in b Paso. Texas, 3 —Dr, David Kin! Detroit, Mian. Most outstanding cast was treason trial .of Max Stephan, 7—M*J. John Griffith, commissioner of In torooUeglate athletics'of Western confer enoe, at 67, in Chicago. i^ t o veM b d r ,o^ i f .,otr*M* k,n* ' Released by Western Newspaper Union, I iey, 82, president: of U. ot to 1930, in Champaign, in ge Arthur J. Tut” a B 29s DUMBARTON OAKS MR. AVERY •SITS DOWN’ g ’ a * " r v w s w l*&~- ; ' *1 V7 [CHINESE PUZZLE! ■'■zm t •* * 4.? . m [RECORD HARVEST! FRANCE LIBERATED’ EDITOR’ S SUGGESTION! When you have finished with this page we suggest you mail It to a serviceman overseas. It gives * graphic account of history.mnk. lRg 1944—history he Is helping build. ’ Begin the New Year Right • ■ Buy W ar Bonds The bureau Price Admin? wives of Amt bered Chris, resumption b cabhed food Christmas Di stamps issued her declared previous asi would be of the items ed Sept. 17th, ' v u openly ch of Congress column) the effective Dec structed by hi a month. Tfc available todi timber. Eitt: dented should restrictions b der made by’ 'tfon stanips i 1st. Hdtfsewit lutely heeded the OPA reqi ‘fo6d regiilarl) those who tru: eriithent agen suffer, Uhqu Vtive# will not Ititure OPA t Vie their rati com# valid, 1 week refused present atam good after Mt ^To_justify f stricter-food r dhSrgc husbee lie mind off, •ltd OPA offic' merous statem '-shortage in fo 'fiofkprdduets. bewell topoirt jeappoduced lime-in .our e' *jnssipg the ‘p f t m : if wi ’flMfcawwtf t m v e unable 90 ’hiore’thith a. market hogs- f fife told, taglu Asa fesultof Administratio 'the farmers o . their’hog'pro - being told the 'W? stji} insist doas net make Recent reve theweatern big increase i ^schdduldd to b - *ed forces und ti»i next 'Only the mois der the age ferred from m thousands of ty-six to thi • taken while- •thirty and th' ^ ca)}ed: A poft* of whi, to Christm- two days la . of some slat' ' weeke endln Army easualt B47,8S2,Whi 66,762 wound •ol'-^ar -Nav including 81, in action, 86, prisoners of - casualty list does hot incl ’ gtrifered as 'bitiMcdoyt! o . tbf’terrible ed'ln Europe W^th inor fras|et extra fcan<fal pom' Wftth the Jje £jfed t)(e Ad gfe workjng iHWn? “ Pen pyogrpm ov ih9war> w}th Amer« goods- on w gift-basis, will soon be American shry to plsc China and t on pound piaf basis a* fpfitQfrm* sro finished they can de way to ndMM b* people. T * \ ’ I
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