The Cedarville Herald, Volume 68, Numbers 1-26

I at ftm ak^lfc^v * t t a a i i a i M f t i i i , u m b i w h n i l T H E C E D A U V U L E H E R A L D KARLH m ------------ - — EDITOR AND PUBLISHES KXMXJtX—XHiwuU BdiUcUl A***.; OM* K ta^ tw JU mm ,; HUM Y*l*y E mm . Am Entorud «t the Pcwt Office, Cedarville, Ohio, October 81,1887, u second class matter. FRIDAY, JANUARY 12,1945. A JOB FOR MR. WALLACE Vice President Henry A. Wallace, according to reports in Washington, has askd Mr. Roosevelt to name him as Secretary o f Commerce in the Fourth-Term Cabinet. We can think of a few posts for which Mr. Wallace seems less flitted—but not very many. — The commerce portfolio should be held by a man of wide and practical business experience. Mr. Wallace could hardly fill the bill, although we are willing to concede that the gentle­ man from Iowa has some good points. We are not going to suggest what position jMr. Wallace might efficiently fill, although we could have considerable fun doing so, in light of certain o f his on-the-record statements. For instance, the “ bottle of milk” speech, we can be certain ; Mr. Wallace lacking business experience and‘bulging with imprac­ tical, visionary schemes,.is not the man to fill the commerce post. There are scores of U, S. business executives who would do a better job ; few who would bungle it more completely. — Cincinnati Enquirer BUTTER CONTROL ■i Dairymen are fighting,mad because of a recent observation made by Dr. Mprdecai Ezekiel, economic adviser to the secre­ tary of agriculture, before an agricultural outlook conference in Washington. I)r. Ezekiel said it was time the country found another spread for its bread and used milk for its food value and not for its butter. This desire to change the eating habits of a nation sounds typically bureaucratic. Butter may not be as plentiful as it was, but that is no sign the national appetite for this every day ne cessity has changed. Butter is eaten by millions who never touch milk as a beverage. It is not exactly clear whether or not Dr. Ezekiel’s plan of changing over the bread spreading habits of the nation is a phase of the Wallace dream of international milk delivery, but it is equally fantastic. Americans have submitted to a lot of regimentation, some of which has been induced by wartime necessity, but much of which was purely the effort of dreamers to make over our way of living. However, they will not take kindly to any efforts to wean them from the butter eating habit. —Ohio State Journal jffflWiiWTimWU ( * \ I # ” Former Assistant Attorney General Norman Littel, who was removed from office by Franklin D . because he was telling inside events with the favorite __ew Dealers that are milking the government, now cornea forth with a new story as to hoW the Corcoran boys, who are the New York gang in the New Deal administration, had a hand in South American matters. The Littell story let out this week may lead to a congressional investigation. Some hint there I b ground work for impeachment o f Attorney General Bid die, who Littell links in his story as operating in a manner with the Cor­ coran boys.'v Parkin* since *h# took ttfl Iv­ or's causa, Howavar, wo hava a <Uep curiosity to know what station in life Mr, Parkins holds.. Or is ha the. silent partnerUn the Perkins domain? It seems that Corcoran pulled some fast work o f questionable dealing in the settlement in a case involving the Sterling Products Co., which had a connection with I. G, Farben German trust, in trading with South America through local connection. The firm handled drugs but nb statement has been made as to tfrhat - kind of drugs. Corcoran is reported to have received an enormous fee. This would not have been possible had the New Deal not had a hand in the case somewhere. FOR L E A S E - SERVICE STATION Completely equipped for Super Service. Established business — A small investment. - CEDARVILLE, OHIO Phone 6-24/Z / Littell is a former Greene Countian, Xenia being his home town. He comes from a family prominent socially in that city. He has always been rated as' a follower of the Democratic, New Deal faith Most o f the relatives back a generation have been prominent Re­ publicans and it is said many went to the New Deal after Littell was given a place in the Roosevelt official fam­ ily.. There might be some indication ;hat those that left the Republican cause may now find themselves with “burned fingers’. It is likely that the Judiciary Committee of the House has been “ stacked" with New Dealers and Littell could prove nothing before the, committee, which would get the nod from the White House. One thing is certain it is not likqly that any of the Democratic-New Deal papers In this section o f Ohio would take the trouble to interview Littell at long, distance !i‘ close-up should he get back to Dlumbinq We are located in the Wolford Ga­ rage Building and are equipped to do all kinds o f Plumbing, Heating and Pipe fitting o f any description. Re­ frigeration, High Pressure Steam, E- Iectric or Ascetylene welding. ATTENTION FARMERS Soon we will be ready to serve you in all kinds o f welding when equipment is set. Full line of fittings, plumbing sup­ plies. We welcome you to our show room. [ J a c k ] 6 . S h i r l e y XENIA AVE. ♦♦twill IiH »l H |» H •* NOTICE TO CEDARVILLE FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN INVESTORS— / The Board o f Directors o f Cedarville Federal Savings and Loan Association authorize the an­ nouncement that the dividend rate to investors I beginning January 1st, 1945, Will be 2% per annum. All savings accounts are insured up to $5000.00 for which the Association has to pay a premium; also the State Intangible Tax must be paid by the Association, SAFETY OF YOUR INVESTMENT AND LIQUIDITY OF YOUR ACCOUNT JUSTIFY THIS DIVIDEND RATE The management of this Association feel confident that investors will see the soundness and wisdom of this policy, C edarville federa l Savings & Loan Assn # I. C. DAVIS, Secretary . * ^ ’ State Auditor Joe Ferguson let out a yelp and a call to “ Boycott" the in­ augural ceremony o f Gov. Lausche on Monday: Little Joe does not like’it. because the new governor selected a Republican for one o f his cabinet seats. The Governor also selected a son-in-law of former Gov. Vic Dona- hey for a cabinet post and this did not suit the New Deal faction of Demo­ crats in Dayton, Vic never played with the Dayton Dems to any extent. We could also say he knew when the Democrats turned over government control to the New Deal Communists. He wanted no part o f it anytime. Gen. McArthur seems to be mak­ ing good his threat to return to Ma­ nila. Victory this week lays wide open the way for clearing the U. S.poses- slons o f the Japs before many moons. On the Atlantic Russia is resting on her one front. England, where is she ? France is tending to internal affairs in a drive to push the Communists out of the country. Italy is fighting to, get rid o f her King. Greece went* none o f England trying to tell them what they have to do. Meantime the Commander-in-Chief calls for more men to prosecute the war. What war? , Why? Unconcern o f the Allies makes one believe our boys are being sent up a blind alley. The New Deal has a “ wet-hen" on its hands. Madam Perkins wants to quit we are told. She has headed the lab or Cabinet seat since FDR went to Washington. Now it seems everyone « willing that she step out. It has been said she played to the CIO and . the AFL did not like H> Dan Tobin of the Teamster’s Union could have the place but he does not want to be a pallbearer at his own funeral. The CIO would “ gun him"' in time. The CIO heads do not Want the place and become a target for New Deal draft­ ing Of labor, We have hear much of Fewer Autos Sold In *44 Cong. Sabbath, Chicago, New Deal­ er threw a bomb in the Roosevelt camp this week on the draft or fight issue by writing War and Navy De­ partment heads that night clubs and cock-tail lounges were so full o f high ranking war and navy officers, that the civilian population was forced to stay ou t When the Chicago congress­ man takes that attitude, the war must be suffering for something. What a- bout the liquor in the White House and who has access to it? L. N. Shepherd, clerk o f courts, re­ ports that fewer mptor vehicles chang­ ed ownership in 1944 than in the pro­ ceeding year. Last year his office issued 4,757 cettifcetes of title foe autos and trucks compared with 6,490 in 1943, a de­ crease pf 1,733. There were 5,694 -is­ sued in 1942. NOTICE TO SHARE HOLDERS - Coroner Probes SO Deaths In County Fifty deaths were investigated In 1944 by. H, C. Schick, Greene county coroner. This represents an increase o f .14 over the number o f cases in 1943 Thirty-four deaths in 1944 were due to accidents, including six persons burned to death. There were six sui­ cides, two homicides and two drown- ings. UNSOLD SEALS MUST BE RETURNED AT ONCE Decries Criticism Defying possible Democratic criti­ cism, Ohio’s new governor, Frank J, Lausche, told his first press confer­ ence Monday he did not expect to oust Republican employees merely because they were Republicans. “ I do not contemplate a program of ■general removal o f state employes," the new governor said. UNUSUAL PUBLIC SALE OF LIVE STOCK-EQUIPMENT Those who have not returned the unused Christmas Seals are requested to return same at once or the equiva­ lent in money to Mrs. B. H. Little at once if possible and not later than the 20th o f January. The sale o f Seals last year amount­ ed to $219 and so far this year $260. Mrs. Little wishes to extend thanks for the increased sales and the inter­ est taken in the movement. The Seals belong to the Greene County Health League and settlement cannot be made until all unused seals are returned. One o f the unusual public sales o f dairy stock and equipment as .well as live stock and farm equipment is set for Wednesday, January 17 when Jes­ sie and Edwin E. Stretcher will dis­ continue farming and sell out all farm supplies. There will be 21 high grade Jersey cattle, pure bred Duroc hogs and Cor- ridale sheep. The list is advertised in this issue. SCHOOLS OPENED MONDAY The public schools opened for. class work Monday after an extended hol­ iday due to the dangerous condition of the roads „ The school has been sup­ plied with coal to keep the furnaces going. The Ross Twp. schools open­ ed Tuesday, being closed due to ice on the roads and a shortage o f coal. BALLOT RETURNED BUT SOLDIER HAD PASSED ON VICTOR SHAW PROMOTED Xenia. Corcoran's brother is vice -fsiresidont o f Sterling Products Co. and has had charge of South American .radc. , Bearing more than 40 postmarks, a letter was returned Saturday to the Greene County board of elections^ In the letter was the ballot f o r the Nov. 7 election mailed epriy in October to Pvt, Herbert Mallow, Xenia. Pvt. Mal­ low was wounded in France Aug.. 26 and died the following day but word o f his death was not received by the family until Nov. 9th. Victor R. Shaw, who is with the 565 j AAF Base Unit, Ferrying Division, ATC Reno, Nevada Army A ir Base, has been promoted to the grade of S|Sgt. according to a report received this week. SUFFERED PARALYTIC STROKE You farm boys might just as well get reudy to join Mr, Roosevelt's arqiy for service either in Europe or the Pacific. Let it be said that boys from Republican families will have equal chance o f being drafted as boys from the Democratic side and this'does not •apply locally. We speak for the na­ tion bec&use Roosevelt has 315,000 boys from New Deal family with in the 18 to.,26 year ,range on the gov­ ernment. payroll. No one makes much fuss about this, even the Greene Coun­ ty New Deal families that may find their* sons taking orders from Gen. Montgomery over in France, the big boy in England, Churchill, was not pleased with Gen. Eisenhower, Wash­ ington being kind-hearted made no objection. England.has. 2,000,000 men under arms “ guarding” England, We are furnishing the men, money and powder. England has had little part in what has .been going on in Europe. You must keep in mind Australia, NeW Zealand and Canada are supply­ ing Great Britain with man-power. RETURNS f r om h o s p it a l AT HOME IN COLUMBUS Word has been received here o f the critical condition o f Mrs. James Clark McMillan who suffered a paralytic stroke several days ago, affecting her right side. Mrs. McMillan was for­ merly Rachel Turnbull, a sister o f Messrs. F. B. and W. A. Turnbull o f this place. Mrs. Fred Estle (Bertha Rife) who has been a patient at the McClellan Hospital, Xenia, has improved and is now at her home north o f Clifton. POLITE . attention YOU'LL RECEIVE. WHEN)VOU COME IN AND WHEN VOU LEAVE/ ► ^ w e L C O N V E . Bamberger ------------------ 32c Jackson’s Tomato juice 2— 19c Pork Sausage -------- 36c I G A Fan Cake Flour 2 for 19c Rib Roast-------------------- 31c Hard Mixed Candy 83c Beef Tongues_______ ______ 30c Celery ____ 20c-25c Steak, Round — __ 42c Grape F ru it_____________ 2 for 15c “MARKET BOY” t W a s n e r ' s G r o c e r y PHONE 6-2041 ClosingHours On and after Monday, January 115, 1945 these stores will have these Shopping Hours— CLOSE WEDNESDAY AT NOON A LL OTHER DAYS A T 6800 P. Me The Annual meeting o f the Share Holders o f Cedarville Federal Savings and Loan Association will be held at their office, N Main St., Cedarville, Ohio, on Wednesday, January 17,1845 between the hours o f Two and Four P« M. for the election o f three Directors, and any other business that may prop*' erly come before the' meeting at this time. Cedarville Federal Savings _ . and Loan Association, I. C. Davis, Secretary LEGAL NOTICE Juanita Towell, whose address, is NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate o f Lester Reed, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Grace Reed' has been duly appointed as Ad­ ministratrix of the estate o f Lester Reed, deceased, late o f Cedarville, Greene County, Ohio. . Dated this 8th day o f December, 1944 WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER, Judge o f the Probate Court, GreChe County, Ohio. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate c f Myrtle McHenry, Deceas­ ed. Notice is hereby gien that Frank McHenry has been duly appointed as -Executor o f the estate o f Myrtle Me Henry, deceased, late o f Sugarcreek Township, Greene. County, Ohio.' Dated this 5th day o f January, 1945. WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER . Judge o f the Probate Courts Greene County, Ohio. LEGAL NOTICE Clarence Taylor, whose last known place o f residence was in care of Maude Taylor, Wayland, Ky., is here­ by notified that Imogene Taylor, 42 Race Court, Fairfield, Ohio, has filed a petition in the Common Pleas Court, Greene County, Ohio, against him, the same being case No. 23,746, praying for a divorce on the ground o f gross neglect and extreme cruelty and that said cause will come on for hearing oii or after February 17, 1945. (l-12-6t-2-16) SCHARRER, SCHARRER, & HAN- AGHAN, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Dgyton, Ohio. LEGAL NOTICE Anna Lee Johnson, whose/last place o f residence was 1391 Pacific st., Brooklyn,. N. Y.,, and that her present address is unknown, will take notice that Corp. James E. Johnson,, has fil­ ed his certain action against her for divorce on grounds o f extreme cruelty before the Common Pleas Court of Greene county, Ohio, said cause being doceted as'No. 23730 arid that same will be heard on or before the 13th of January, 19*45. (12-15-6t-l-12-’45) WM. STOKES, ' Attorney for Plaintiff 208 Homestead Ave., Dayton; PROBATE COURT Greene County, Ohio Accounts and Vouchers in the fol­ lowing named persons and estates have been filed in the Probate Court of Greene County, for inspection, set­ tlement and record and unless there is a motion filed for hearing same on or before the 12th day of Februhry, 1945, the same will be ordered recorded. First and Final Accounts William S. Rogers, Administrator, Charles Ellis, deceased, Paul C. Furay, Administrator, Charles T. Furay, deceased, D. D. Jones and Raper L. Jones, Ex­ ecutors, Alfred E. Jones, deceased, Christian Kelley* Administrator, Edgar Kelley aka Ed. Kelley, deceas­ ed. Pamilla A, Madden, Executrix, Reed Madden, deceased,' Donald W. Mortis, Administrator, Mary W. Morris, deceased. Wilbur H. Null, Administrator, Mary R. Null, deceased. L. T. Marshall, Executor,' Sarah E. Watson deceased. > ■ Miscellaneous Accounts Clara M, Batdotf Guardian Victor Batdorf First Account, William S. Rogers Guardian Wil­ liam Battles, Eighteenth Account. Mabel Ellen Cartwright, Guardian Eighth Account. • ■ Frank Shigley, Guardian, Elrna Coitklin, Third Account A. E. Faulkner, Administrator D. B. N* V . V. A. Dennis Webster Cosley., Fifteenth Account. 250 W arren Street, N, E, Washington, D. C. is hereby notified that EdwardJ, Towell, ort/the 16th day o f November^ 1944, filed his petition against bar in* the Common Pleas Court of Green* County, Ohio, praying for. a divorce from her on the grounds1^ Gross Neglect o f Duty and Extreme Cruelty, Said cause is numbered 23,703' on the Pocket o f said Court, and. ’Will be fo r hearing six. weeks after the 16th day o f November, 1944, the date o f the first publication o f said notice, EDWARD. 3. TOWELL, PITt, Geo. W. Daniels, Attorney, Springfield, Ohio, LEGAL NOTICE Leonard W, Harrison, whose last known address was Boston, Massa­ chusetts and whose present wherea­ bouts is unknown, is hereby notified that A lbeit W. Harrison has filed a suit against him in the Common Pleas Court, Greene County, Ohio, the same being Case No. 23719, and praying for a divorce on the grounds o f Grose Neglect of Duty, and thiat said cause will come on fo r hearing on or after six full weeks from the date o f the first publication hereof. (12 -8 -6 t-1-12,’45) DAN M. AULTMAN, Attorney for Plaintiff LEGAL NOTICE Inez Parsons Freier, whose last known place o f address is, care o f Preacher Henry Parsons, Betsy Lane, ' Floyd County,1Kentucky, will take no­ tice' that Wilbur Edward Freier, filed his action in the Common Pleas Court pf Greene County, Ohio, for divorce on the ground of gross neglect o f du­ ty, extreme cruelty, and that she had a husband liying at the time o f their marriage and for other relief. . That iase being No. 23720 on the records jf said Court and that said action will be heard before said court after the expiration o f six weeks o f the date o f this publication, Friday, December 8, 1945, or as soon thereafter as conven­ ient to the Court. (12-8-6t-l-12-’45) WILBUR EDWARDS FRIEIR, By Robert H. Wead, Attorney Experienced Typists and Clerical Workers. Steady em­ ployment, pleasant working condi­ tions, good pay. ; McCall Corporation 2219 McCall St. .Dayton, O. 1 A NAME THAT STANDS FOR GOOD FURNITU RE BUDGET PLAN AVAILABLE i A d a i r ’ s Pl. Detroit St. Xeaia, a •MIMIHIIIItllllltlMIIIISIllltllllHlIIIMItlllllltMllltltillllllllll | FARMS FOR SALE AND FARM LOANS | We have many good farms fo r sale | on easy terms. Also make farm | loans at 4 % interest fo r 15 years. | No application fee and no apprais- | al fee. | Write or Inquire Hilt* ■ : | McSavaney & Co. . Loudon O. | . ' Leon H, Kling, Mgr. -mmHiiiiiii'itiiiiiiitimmiiiimimiiMlinmrammtftmmn? QUICK SERVICE FOR DEAD STOCK XEN IA FERTILIZER PHONE MA. 454 Reverse Charges E. G, Buchsieb, Xenia, Ohio Helen M. Slagle, Administrator,. William F. Croft, second' and final ae-‘ SATURDAY AT U P, M. Please Remember these Shopping Hours BIRD VARIETY STORE ’ MASTER’S GROCERY CARLISLE’S MARKET PICKERING ELECTRIC CHARLES G. DUVALL 6, ft. HARTMAN WOOLEY’S GROCERY (Hill Top) WASNER’S GROCERY THRIFT “E" MARKET, count. John Daley, Executory Eva Jane Daley, Statement in Lieu of and for an Account, j John T, Powell, Guardian, Eugene Earl DevOre, Third *nd Final Account. J. Fred Shylfee, Gilardiah, Oscar H. j Gerlaugh, Fourteenth Account. ! Robert 3, Graham, Guardian, Ralph A, Graham, Ninth Account: . J. A, Fihrtey, trustee MosesA. Hag- ler deceased, Third and Final Account, Margaret Kotfihagrii, . Executrix, Max Kohl^agen, deceased, First Ac­ count, i ' Leonard Conner, Guardian, Marie Conner Reed, Foprtji Account, George W, Bishop, Executor, Mattie E. William*, decMMd, Second and Final Aooouat, January 12, iM . w \ J — ~ For Sale 14-16 years Mr. and the week-er rents, Prof, Jennie P fo r several faction o f t Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted, t Reasonable Charges. *r.C.E.Wilkil Optometric Ey« Specialist Xenia, Ohio Miss Dor the Holiday Mr, and M; turned to l College, Bu H. W. Ev to his man> the many g: on his birth “ The Gree Association for each fo; dent o f the for the m< Sharkskin c . A goal of ing and Cu is the goal trict. Chai district cha Mr. Duff the Columb on the ice s , ed three'rib his bed at 1 Your att< ness o f the last date date a pen: fo r each lie the local rc Second I loway, stat: in the sign: horn* by p! her parenU loway for t guest Mi! teacher o f i vereity, Gr Miss Etl members oi class enter mer’s homi ing Miss Jc Mrs. John Mrs: Aden lor, Mrs. I Mr. and M llis; Mr; a> Helen and Charlotte ' Gladys Mat' ana Fredei Etha Bell V In the select? prices may < prene a ser needs 1 °l 4 c i « >1 Mr, and and Mrs. W Cecil Rober with Mr. ai oi n ei si •< C • A > n si d ei a j ii i ' ,i ! Il 1(1 ill ' . 51 . :«i ;s vii a:| I r <E d Lie isl a) linl E r o R ■iT □ •Re Fri. Anne “ THE CA Fil Sun, - Betti Ah “ MF 1 W e * AH* >ic « F O V OI MUM m w *