The Cedarville Herald, Volume 68, Numbers 1-26

h NUI c ClTOjtoVnXE HERALD, FRIDXY, B fCW IW I, IP * C Club andSocialActivities . Charles Bratton hits purchased the residence formerly owned by William Jones, South Main at. Miss.Naomi Conner spent last week end in Springfield. On Sunday she at­ tended the Juvenile Music Club at the Y . W, C A. in which her cotisin, Jer- rylou Deck presented a piano solo. Dr. Leo Anderson suffered two fractured ribs last Sunday while tty- ingto remove a piece o f corn cob from the throat o f a cow on the Paul Towns ley farm. The annual Christmas dinner o f the K. Y . N. Club, will be held; Tuesday eve., December 12th at the Methodist Church. Dinner will be served at 7 o'clock and each family is requested to bring table service. Coxswain Eugene Judy was the guest of honor at a party for Youth Fellowship at the Methodist Church, Wednesday evening. He will return to New York this week-end to report for .duty. A daughter was .born to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sweet, Rossford, O. on November 24th. The little one has been named “ Malinda’. Mrs. Clara Morton, mother o f Mrs. Sweet, has been visiting in the Sweet home for several weeks. The K. Y. N. Club met Friday with Mrs. Arthur Hanna who had as her co-hostesses, Mrs. Carl Spracklen, and Mrs. H. J. Kyle. Twenty-five mem­ bers'and, guests were present. New officers were elected as follows: Mrs. Charles Coulter, president; Mrs. Her­ man Schulte, vice president; and Mrs. Robert Townsley, secretary and treas­ urer. The club will hold the Christ­ mas dinner Dec. 12 in the Methodist church parlors. AH members and their families are requested to be present. GOLDEN RULE CIRCLE The November meeting o f the Gol­ den Rule Circle met in the Church church parlors, Thursday evening, Nov. 30 with Mrs. G. H. Hartman, Mrs. J. S. West, Mrs. Sidney Smith and Mrs. C. E. Masters as hostesses. This being the Thanksgiving season, “ Thanksgiving’ was the theme for the devotions and program. .Helpful de­ votions were conducted by Mrs. C. H. Crouse. Thirteen fruit baskets were sent to cheer the sick and shutins for Thanks­ giving. After a short business ses­ sion conducted by Mrs. Carl Pflaum- er, Mrs. C. L. McCallister presented the following program: Reading, “ Thanksgiving” , Mrs. David Taylor. Solo, “ The Mother of Our Land", Mrs. J. W. Johnson. Reading, “ Thanks-, giving at Grandma’s” , Mrs. C. W. Murphey. Poem, “ Thanksgiving" by Mrs. Donna Blosser, Sengs appropriate to Thanksgivnng were sung by the group. Refresh­ ments were served by the hostesses to twenty-two members and guests. COLLEGE NEWS • . Dr. F. A. Jurkat was guest preach­ er for the Xenia Presbyterian congre­ gation last Sabbath. President Ira D. Vayhinger occu­ pied the pulpit of the Bradford Pres­ byterian Church, Bradford, Ohio, last Lord’s Day. Manager Wm. Boyce returned from Tennessee Monday after visiting his parents. Mrs. Boyce and sons, Paul and Robert, remained for a longer vis­ it. I CLUB CHRISTMAS PARTY The Women’s Club will hold their annual Christmas party, Thursday, December 14 at 7 o’clock in the par- or dining room of the United Presby­ terian Church. i Miss Jeanne Wright, former college student, has been called to New York by the 13th inst to begin training as a Wave. That makes the score 100 per cent for the H. D. Wright children as her brothers, Keith and Richard, are already in the service o f their country. Gene Stewart, Ccdarville alumnus, has resigned his teaching position in the Bryan High School, Y. Spring, ef­ fective at close of the present semes­ ter. He will enter missionary work for the Christian Chui’ch and will be located on the Rio Grande river about fifty miles below Lnrdo, Texas. Miss Mpry McConnell, matron at Uarriman Hall, was in Dayton Thuanksgiving eve, attending a family get-to-gether. 3ROWN FAVORS OPENING LITTELL CHARGES NOW Among the trustees present for the semi-annUal Board meeting are Dr. and Mrs. Dwight R. Guthrie o f Oil City, Penn., and Dr. Wm. R. Graham of Lafayette, Indiana. Past Matrons o f Cedarville Chapter, O. E. S., entertained their husbands and guests at an annual' Christmas dinner party Monday evening -in the Masonic Hall. The tables were dec­ orated with center pieces o f evergreen and fruit. A fter dinner the group en­ joyed contests and- exchanged Christ­ mas gifts. The hostess committee in charge o f arrangements included; Mrs. H. K. Stormont, Mrs. Paul Edwards and Mrs. Amos Frame. \ GLADY’S BEAUTY SHOP NOW RE-OPENED Bettye C. Stewart, Regina Reid and Gladys Long as operators Open Wednesday afternoons and Evenings Phone for Your Appointment “ ^ h o n e 4-4621, Jamestown ’ e m c e o t * F a u l t l e s s C h a r a c t e r Our service rcllecta every re. finement known lo our profes­ sion. It fully meets the require, menu of quality.mindcd people in every walk of life. Professional competence, mod. ero appointments and our per­ sonal service provide the note o f memorable distinction that characterises every funeral we direct, M c M i l l a n Congressman Clarence J. Brown is out with a statement as favoring an immediate investigation of the trouble between Attorney General Biddle and Norman Littell, assistant attorney general. Littell refused to risk his reputation by approving what he says was wrong in that a fee o f another at­ torney, “Tommy the Cork” ; Cocoran, .nside New Deal brainstruster and personal friend of FDR. Roosevelt ordered Littelk dismissed from the Jepartment at- once for refusing to follow Biddle’s orders. The whole situation has created a aig sensation and smells o f rottiness. littell is a former Xenian. Second Lieut. John Reinhard spent a three-day furlough visiting hfs folks last week. After four more weeks of training John in all probability will be busy rebuilding bridges blown up by the Huns or the Nips. Judging by Johns past record the repairs will be well done. Gpl. Leroy Smith Haynie was in town for a few hours Tuesday,'visit­ ing old friends. He has been at Yuma Arizona, for some time -in training as radio man and tail gunner on a B-29. He wears a badge won for pistol marksmanship. He will report at Lin­ coln, Nebraska, soon for. final train­ ing. Deferred Men 25 To 30 Now Face Draft The College Board of Trustees is in session today. It Is'the regular semi­ annual meeting at which plans and policies for the ensuing year are laid. State, selective service headquarters issued a statement Tuesday that de­ ferred men between the ages of 25 and anti 30 would be reclassified in each county to fill quotas, especially in in­ dustrial areas where shortages are imminent. Col. Goble says that all men physi­ cally fit between the ages of 18 •and 17 were liable for military service. Manpower losses on all.European fronts have been-far greater than the average citizen realizes ancj| the new classification means more men for combat service even up to 37 years of age.' Wanted to Buy-—Raw furs and beef hides. Beef hides 12c a lb. • O. W. Everhart, \ Phone 651-W. 2<J9 Chesnut, st., Xenia Lost—Black bill fold, $25 War bond and some money.. Return to Fred Kaiser. Reward. Edith Edwards Wanted—-Baled clover hay. Call this office for information. For Sale—One blue Steel, 22 long rifle, 9 shot revolver. Good as new, Marcellus Townsley C O Z Y THEATRE « ri. aw) Sat., Dec. 8-9 Fraze — Slim Summerville TNG IN THE SADDLE” e c t e d s h o r t s u b j e c t s id Mon., Dec. 10-11 mnne — Alan Marshall flute Cliffs of Dover” l LSO FOX NEWS n4 Thur*., Dec. 13-14 Davis — Boy Crosby ISAS CITY KITTY COMEDY — MUSICAL HAVE YOUR LEATHER JACKET W IND BREAK CLEANED - PRESSED . Dr. H. H. Abels spoke at Chapel on Tuesday morning. His main thought was that love not force will heal .the troubles of the world. Rev. Wm. T. Green, pastor of the Third Reformed Church of Philadel­ phia, spoke to the ,Ys Thursday morn­ ing o f last week. Rev. Green is Mod­ erator of the Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian ChurcH of USA. i College ■ students enjoyed a weiner roast at the Anderson cabin near Yel­ low Springs, Friday evening. Ted Harsh was host. ICHURCH NOTES | FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Paul Elliott, Minister 10 A. M. Sabbath School, Rankin McMillan, SupL Sermon, “ Abiding Security” . 7. P. M,, Young People’s Meeting. Miss Irene Turner, leader. Tuesday evening, Dec. 12 at 6:30 P. M. The Broadcaster annual “Fam­ ily Night” . Covered dish dinner. Mem­ bers are invited to bring their families with them. A program will follow the meal. ■ , Community Prayer Meeting, Wed­ nesday at 7:45 P. M. Choir Rehearsal Saturday, 8 P. M, The Choir will present the annual Christmas Concert for Wednesday, Dec. 20th. Farm Classes W ill Start Tuesday Eve Mr, Ralph Harner, instructor o f ag­ riculture at Cedarville High School, announces that on next Tuesday even­ ing at 8 p. m. classes for farmers in the school district will open. All far­ mers are invited to attend A t these meetings various problems pertaining to livestock, crops, and farm machin­ ery will be discussed, Sixth War Bond Sale Now $1,361,266 The Sixth War Bond sale in this county has reached $1,361,266 up to Wednesday's report. . As the quota is $2,300,000, there is yet a million to be sold by December 16, when the cam­ paign is slated to end. This means some active work must be done with­ in the next eight days, if the county meets the quota. The first five cam­ paigns have been largely over sub scribed. YELLOW SPRINGS MAYOR DRAWS FINE OF $25 Lowell Fess,- 49, mayor of Yellow Springs and Brent McCoy, 57, Wil­ mington, were each given fines of $25 on charges ' of intoxication before Judge Edward H. Dell, in municipal court in Middletown. The car in which they were riding figured in an auto­ mobile accident with another car. GEORGE SMITH DEPOSITS $150 ON INTOXICATION CHARGE George Smith, local, tried out his auto in such a manner on the village streets as to be a detriment to traffic and was placed under arrest for 'driv-: ing while intoxicated. He 'forfeited a $150 cash bond for his fun. .' Claude Finney, M. M. 3rd class, who is stationed at Camp Peary, Va., vis­ ited .with his family last week He is in the 'printing department at the Camp. He was formerly linotype op­ erator in this office. . CHURCH OF GOD R. Cv.FREDERICK, Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. Morning Worship, 10:30 A. M. Young People’s Meeting at 6 P, Evening Service; 7:45 P. M. Prayer Meeting Wednesday evening 7:45 P. M. ' M. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. II, II, Abels, D, D „ Minister Sunday School 10 A. M< Supt. Mrs, David Reynolds, Sermon: "The Angel Appears to Mary." Wesleyan Service Guild meets Mon­ day evening, ■ The Progressive Club plays host to the annual Greene-Fayette Methodist Brotherhood on Monday evening, Dec, 18, at 7:30 with an oyster supper. The speaker is Dr, Ross Wilhlde, of First Methodist Church, Kenton O. SermOn next Sunday: “ The Angel Appears to Joseph,” I . • No. 222 SEWER RENTAL ORDINANCE For The VILLAGE OF CEDARVILLE For the purpose of providing funds for the -maintenance, ’ operation and control of the Sewerage System. WHEREAS, the Village of Cedar­ ville, Ohio, has heretofore installed a sewerage system for part of the Vil­ lage of Cedarville; and is now main­ taining same, and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the preservation of public health -arid wel­ fare ahd for the purpose of comply­ ing with the orders of the Department of'Health o f the State of Ohio, and the laws in effect concerning said Sewer­ age System, and that it is proper to maintain and that it is necessary that the same be properly maintained, op­ erated, and controlled, and WHEREAS, funds for the mainte­ nance, operation and control of said Sewerage System will not be available from current operating revenue of said village, and WHEREAS, the Statutes of Ohio, authorize and permit the Village of Cedarville, to assess, charge, and col­ lect for the use o f sewers in order that proper maintenance, operation and control o f said Sewerage System be had, Now, therefore, Be it ordained by the Council of the Village of Cedar­ ville, as follows to wit: Section 1. That the Board of Trus­ tees of Public Affairs be and the same is hereby authorized to direct, man­ age, and control the Sewerage System in a safe, economical and efficient manner, Section 2, That the Board of Trus­ tees Of Public Affairs, is hereby au­ thorized and directed to make such by­ laws and regulations as may be deem­ ed necessary for the safe, economical, HOURS—Daily 3:00 P. M. to 8 P, M. Saturday 8:00 A. M. to 10:30 P. M. THE C L E A N E R S Quality Work ' South Main at, Cedarville KIIHH— UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Ralph A,* Jamieson, Minister. Sunday School 10 A. M. Supt, Arthur B. Evans, Preaching 11 A. M, Another Look at the Savior. “ The Greatest Saying of the World,’’ Let us catch the real Christmas Spirit, at once, Choir Rehearsal, Saturday 8 P. M. Y. P. C. U., 6:30 P. M. Subject, “ The I will’s " o f Jesus, Leaders, Beverly Knrzoo and Harold Stormont. Prayer Meeting Wednesday in Pres­ byterian Church at 7:46 P. M. A Bake sale by the Home Eco nomc Dcpartpment will be hold In the Clerk’s Office at 2 P, M,, Saturday, December Id , To the People of this Community GI Joe in his Pacific foxhole— maybe he is your brother, husband, sweetheart or friend—is listening ih on you today. 3 He knows you have a date With a Victory Volunteer, a neighbor with .a War Bond order in his or her hand, The two Of you may talk it over-at your work bench, in your office or in your home. Will Gi Joe pick up phrases like , ‘ T can't afford it,” “Why do they have to have more money?” “We'll lick Japan with one hand tied behind our back ? ■ Gl Joe counts on you to have tough sense and knowledge of the cts about the Pacific war to back iim up ift his foxhole. The extra 100 War Bond you buy today is a ’ar Bond with the most power. It iVes GI Joe, the support he must nave at the time when he needs it most. It tells Tokyo you’re In the fight to the finish, THE EDITOR, ProtectYour Homo from TUBERCULOSIS. and efficient management and protec.-1 tion of said Sewerage System, and for f thp construction and use o f house sewers and connections thereof, to the Sewerage System; that all such by­ laws and regulations shall have the same force and effect as ordinances when not repugnant thereto nor to the constitution or laws o f the State of Ohio. Section 3 That the terms and con­ ditions upon which the owners of lots and lands and property within the cor­ porate limits o f the Village of Cedar- i ville, may connect to the sewerage ] system either directly or indirectly, J shall be as follows, towit: I A. All charges for rental, with re­ spect to the use o f the sewerage sys- j tern shall be paid to the Office of the j Treasury o f the Village o f Cedarville, | or other office, as the Board o f Trus- ' tess of Public Affairs may direct and for each calender year or part thereof, said charges shall be in accordance with the following schedule o f rates, tow it: 1. All dwelling houses, apartments, hotels, rooming houses, stores, res­ taurants, offices and. mercantile as- tablishments, factories, shops, church­ es and colleges, having not more than one connection to said sewerage sys­ tem, shall be charged the rate o f $1.25 per quarter for the first 20,000 gal­ lons of water used, and $1.25 addition­ al per quarter for all over 20,000 gal­ lons of water used, with a maximum quarterly charge o f $2.50. 2. All dwelling houses, apartments, hotels, rooming houses, stores, res­ taurants, offices, mercantile establish­ ments, factories shops,, churches and colleges having more than one connec­ tion shall be charged the rate o£ $1.25, per quarter for the first 20,000 gallons of water used, und $1.25' additional per quarter for all over 20,000 gallons of water used, with a maxium quar- erly charge of $2.50 for each such connection. 3. It is also provided and made a part of this ordinance that all proper­ ties and lots, whether they have build­ ings or not, which are accessable to said sewerage system, whether they have connections with the system or not, shall be subject to the above rent­ al and all other conditions of this or­ dinance.' 4. It is further provided that the Board of Trustees of Public Affair^ shall classify and determine the sched­ ule of rates for all other cases not falling within the above classification. B. All rental charges shall become due and payable on the first day of January, April, July and 'October. All charges not paid by the. 15th of the month in which the same becomes due shall be subject to a 10% penalty. C. All rental charges shall consti­ tute a lien upon the property served by such connections to the sewerage system, and if not paid within a per­ iod of 90 days front the date due shall be collected in the same manner as other Village taxes. D. AH funds received from the use of sewers shall be deposited with the Treasurer of the Village, and all mon­ ey so deposited shall be kept in a spe- erate and distinct fund, and shall be known. as the sewer rental fund. When such fund is appropriated by Council it shall be subject to the order of the Board of Trustees of Public Affairs, and the President of said Board.shall sjgn all orders drawn on. the Treasurer of said Village'ugainst said sewer rental fund. E. All monies and funds received fromHhe use of the sewers shall be used for the payment of the costs and expenses o f management, maintain- ance, operation and repair o f the sew­ age system, and all or any part of the surplus in such fund shall be used for the enlargement or replacement of said\ewage system, or <or the pay­ ment of any interest on any debts in­ curred on behalf and in conjunction with said sewage system and may also be used for the creation of a sinking fund for the payment of any debts in­ curred on behalf o f the sewage sys­ tem. But no funds derived from rent­ al charges shall be'Used for the ex­ tension of the sewage system to serve new localities within the Village of Cedarville, or for any other purpose than herein set forth in this Ordi­ nance. F. That all ordinances or parts o f ordinances inconsistant or in conflict herewith, be ahd the same are hereby repealed. This Ordinance being an emergency tax shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest passage there of, as provided by law. Passed this 4th day of December, 1944. By C. H, CROUSE, President of Council By NELSON CRESWELD, C16rk of Council 1B*1 ■V.'TW W 5=! i'| OW PUBLIC SALE! I will sell at my farm located 9 miles South o f Springfield, 1-2 mile South o f Clifton on Clifton and Wilberforce rd., on SATURDAY , DECEMBER 9,1944 At 12:00 Noon 21— HEAD D A IRY C A T T L E - Consisting of 4 close up Jersey and Guernsey - Jersey-Holstein cows, one doe in January; Brown-Holstein, Jersey; Brindle cow, due Feb.; Spotted cow, Jersey-Holstein, due Jan.; Black-White Holstein," 7 yr. old, fresh Jan. 1.; Red Cow fresh Sept, bred; 8 yr. old, fresh in 8 weeks; Black cow, Holstein-Shorthorn, Feb., 4 yrs old; Jersey cow 4 yr., calf by side; 4 heifers, Guernsey 2 yrs, bred; Roan, Hereford, Jersey 2 yrs., bred; White face Her- ford and Holstein; Dark Jersey 2' 1-2 yearB, fresh in December; 15 month black steef; Hereford bull. 23 — HEAD OF HOGS 23 Consisting of 19 feeders and four open sows 50 Open Wool Ewes 2 io 4.years old ■50 ONE BAY HORSE HOUSEHOLD GOODS 20 rd, roll new, wire; fence stretchers, hog box 6x6; water trough post hole auger; 150 muslin feed sacks, 140 burlap; kerosene tank; incubator, coal brooder stove, 2 ice refrigerators, milk can s, garden tools, sausage staffer and lard press combined; water separator, small copper kettle, small iron kettle, scythe, forks, junk and other things, sleighbells, kitchen cabinet, dining table bedrooip suite, wood bed, three quarter iron bed; china closet, book case; some chairs, small rocker and chair to match, stands, hail rack, heating stove, old corner cupboard, two skillets, dishes, lamps, jugs, glass churn, egg crates, hobby horses, About 75 six month old pullets (White Rock) 40 to 50 Whit* Rock Roosters for fries; 2 Guineas; some old hens. 6 or 7 tons loose timothy hay; 220 shocks corn in .Field; 50 bales of Straw TERMS OF SALE— CASH Mrs. John Kendig- John Waugh Weikert & Gordon, Auctioneers B ■ % For Bigger end Hotter Values Sm H Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Suits, w V . Radios, Guns, Musical Instruments. MONEY TO LOAN / On Anything of Value - - Just Bring It Ini SUITS $ 9 .7 5 B& BLoan Office, 65 W. Main St. Springfield, O. FOB SALE - 253ACRE FARM 253 acre farm, 9miles N. E. o f London, land is level, mostly black to dark loam . Fences a- bove average; 8 room house, good; barn poor blit will do. • A Good Investment at $90.00 per Acre W . A . C O C H R A N , South Charleston, Ohio. L. B. 434 — Telephone 4561 111?ud USECkmtus Sials | Build a HOME Get ready to build that home you have dreamed about by buying bonds regularly, putting them away to meet the necessary down payment when .changes in restrictions, priorities, etc., allow private home building in this area. Buy a FARM We have money to loan on farms at attractive in­ terest rates with easy repayments. If you own a farm and desire financing or refinancing we will bs glad to consider your needs. BUY YOURSELF A HOME Finance your home, buying through our easy pay­ ments just like rent with monthly reducing plata. BUY BONDS HERE HOME FEDERAL ’• ■ i ■ Savings&Loan Association OF XENIA, OHIO, 4-6 N. Detroit St. AHAccounts Insured up to $5,006