The Cedarville Herald, Volume 68, Numbers 1-26

CEIDARVILLE HERALD, FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 194V Sc, HubandSocialActivities V J _ _________ _ _ _ _ _ _______ ’•» _ * '•J'"1 ” “ '*■ "u ' .--r-r■ ■ .. . Mrs, Howard Creawell ami daugh-! Mrs. Robert Wiseman was hostess ter, Junia, spetit the week-end in for a miscellaneous '‘shower” at the Madison, Ind., with relatives of Mrs. home of her mother, Mrs.' Margaret Creswell. , Gillilan, Saturday" evening, honoring r"............................ j Mrs. John William Ferguson, (Fran- Mra. J. W, Johnson is visiting in ces Little), Loveland, O., with her son-in-law and i The gifts were arranged on a table MINIATURE LAKE ERIE RIGHT AT OUR DOOR daughter, Rev', and Main and son, Paul. Mrs. Herbert Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wiseman have returned to their home in Marysville, 0., after visiting two weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wiseman, near Jamestown, Mr. Wiseman has not been well. They were accompanied home by Mr, Wiseman's sister, Judy, who will visit them this week. Sgt, Howard Emerson Swaim of this place is attending a two week standardization course in Physical Training Instruction at the San An­ tonio Aviation Cadet Center, Texas. At the conclusion of the training per­ iod, students will be returned to their former stations in the AAF Training Command for duty as training spec­ ialists in their particular field. Sgt. James Milton Turner* who*has been stationed at Ft. Dix, New Jer­ sey, has been spending his furlough with his mother, Mrs. Lucy Turner, and other relatives.- Sgt. Turner has h jd nearly three years with the arm­ ed forces in the Pacific, leaving here with the National Guard. He eports to Indiantown Gap, Pa., and expects to be sent to the Western war thea­ ter around Germany soon. Mrs. J. E. Kyle will be hostess to the Research Club Thursday after­ noon, April 5th a t her home on North Main st. The topic of the program will be "Australia”. F. H. H. ACTIVITIES The Junior Home Economics associa­ tion met Thursday, March 22. General business was conducted and commit­ tees appointed for various home mak­ ing activities. Fruit punch and wa­ fers were served by the hostesses, Helen Roberts, Estella Hall, Gladys Matthews and Garnet Johnston. Historian', Reva Klontz Wanted—Painting by the day or by contract. Experienced. Call Mar- cellus Townsley a t Hartman’s Cloth­ ing Store. (3t) '■ ■ *" You will want Your WINTER BLANKETS Cleaned—Fluffed To Lay Away ^ HOURS—Daily 3:00 P. M, to 8 P. M. Saturday 8:00 A. M, to 10:30 P,.M. THE C L E A N E R S Quality Work South Main at., Cedarville C O Z Y centered by a pink parasol. Contest prizes were won by Miss Carrie Rife, Mrs. Anna Wilson and Mrs. Ross Wiseman, who presented them to the guest of honor. Pink and white ap­ pointments were used in the refresh­ ments, and favors "were pink and white nut cups decorated with tiny parasols. Twenty-four guests were present. Mr„ and Mrs. Ferguson were mar­ ried March 17 in Xenia and ave re­ siding on a farm near Selma. Miss Lois Brown, who is a Senior at Ohio State University, was made a member of Delta Phi Delta honary, due to her accomplishments in Fine Arts and high grades. She will grad­ uate next June. NOTICE Cedarville Chapter No. 418 O. E. 5., will hold a practice in Masonic .Hall on Tuesday, April 3 and Tues lay, April 10, at 8 P. M. It is import­ ant that the officers attend -these practices for inspection. May V. Bird, W. M. Ada M. Stormont, Sec. AUTO DRIVER GIVEN $10 AND COSTS MONDAY Charles Deatharge, colored, Xenia, vas taken up by local officers Mon­ day and was given a fine of $10 and :osts for driving without a driver’s license. ABELS GOES TO GULFPORT George .Hubert Abels, S 2-c,son of J r. and Mrs. H. .H Abels, /has been as - igned . to quartermaster School in Gulfport, Miss. He received his boot- gaining at Great Lakes, 111. SATURDAY LAST DAY FOR . OLD 1944 AUTO LICENSE Saturday is the last day for the use of your 1944 auto license tag. The 1945 tag must be in place if your car akes the road Sunday, April 1. , t h e a t r e « and Sat., March 30-31 acMurray—Barbara Stanwyck )UBLE INDEMNITY” LSO COLOR CARTOON r». and Mon., April 1*2 i* Turner — John Hodiak age I* A Private Affair* iATE NEWS EVENTS d T h u ra ., A p r il 4 -5 endlx Deimie O’Keefe I With Two Yank*” —NEWS OF THE DAY I Aajr •»«*• ****}**J? POULTRY We pay highest prices for rab­ bits,, ducks, turkeys, fries, hens, and roosters. GINIVAN POULTRY PLANT XENIA, OHIO IF'MECHANICALLY MINDED, WE CAN USE YOU Train to operate different kinds of machines. We pay you while learning, opportunity for advancement. Must :omply wilh .WMG regulations. Em­ ployment office open Monday, Wed­ nesday, • and Friday evenings from 1:00 to 9:00. • Sunday from 9:00 a. ,n. until 12:00 noon. THE INTERNATIONAL TOOL - COMPANY 434*438 East First Street, Dayton 2, Ohio. ■ • ROUSH’S 939 S E E D C OR N Limited Supply for' This’Year Place Your Order NOW HERBERT POWERS, Kyle Road Cedarville, O. Harden & Mumma AUCTIONEERS Investigate before you book your Book your Sale Phone 1847 W-l, Xenia, Ohio We could not help but notice the water in the quarry lake west o f town Tuesday morning. The water was as blue as ever found in Lake Erie and the little wiiite-caps rolling over the surface made the sight an unusual one. We have watched the rapid rise in the water in the lake all. during the fall and winter. Even in zero weather there would be water-boils, showing the pressure under the ice. The water has risen about five feet since early winter. I t is now up to tre first bent or rock ledge. It is safe to say the water now is about ten feet below street level and rising. In the deepest part of the lake the water is about forty-five or more feet deep. With a clean limestone bank the first bent or rock ledge. I t is safe pure the year round. The site is now posted against .trespassing by the owner, H. A. Tyson of London. M IIIWl Rr i lllllMMIIMIIIM W IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHHMW W M imiiHHUM I j CHURCH NOTES j m M M M M u M M iu iim u aM au iiu m itu a m iM aiiiiiiiiiiim iiiim m M (C ontinued F rom F irst P aqr ) EASTER CANTATA The Easter Cantata entitled ■“The Grown after the Cross" by Nolton will be given by the church choir of mixed voices on Easter evening at 8 o’clock. This cantata consists of ten different songs including duets and solos. It begins with the processional "Up from the Grave He Arose”, followed by “A Place Called Calvary”. The whole cantata deals with the resurrec­ tion. of Jesus from the grave and clos­ es with the "Alleluia chorus Crown Him the Saviour King of Kings and Lord of All.” The public is invited'to hear and worship with us in beauti­ ful Easter time Cantata. GOOD FRIDAY, U, P. CHURCH "Good Friday services will be he|d in this church March 30 from 2:30 to 3:30 P. M. Miss Mildred Lafferty, Director Music. Miss Jean Ferguson, pianist. Presiding Rev. Malcolm Harris and Dr. John W. Bickett. Song-Bible Songs Hymnal, No. 197. Song, No, 194. Scripture — Responsive Reading, Selection Luke 23: 33-49. ‘‘The death of • Jesus, there they crucified Him. Dr. John W. Bickett. P ra y e r- Scripture—A. Roger Collins. Announcements— / . Special Music, Mrs. Lafferty. “I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked/' Address—Rev. N. E. Crouch. Prayer—Rev. Malcolm Harris. Song— No. 231. Benediction and Postlude. ' CHURCH OF GOD R. C. FREDERICK, Pastor Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. Morning. Worship, 10:30 A. M. ’Young. People’s Meeting at 6 P. Evening Service, 7:45 P. M. Prayer Meeting Wednesday evening 7:45 P. M, M. I HE CHURCH OF THE NAZAKENE Pastor, Raymond Strickland. Sunday Services Sunday School 10:00 to 11:00 A. M. Preaching 11:00 A.. M. to 12:00 M. Evangelistic Service 7:30 P. M. Wednesday Service Prayer Meeting 7:30 P. M, Sunday School Superintendent, Ru­ fus Nance. . ZION BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Richard Phillips, Pastor Sabbath School 10:30 A. M, Mrs. R. Spencer, Supt. Morning Worship at 11 A. M. THE CHICKEN HOUSE 201 Cincinnati Ave., Xenia, O. m a r k e t s t r o n g CHICKENS DUCKS GEESE TURKEYS Satin Vogue Extends FromHat to Footwear Batin is having lta big moment this fall. Black satin is being used lor everything from hats, gloves and shoes to stunning suits and dresrfes that are ever so smart for immedi­ ate wear, In feet, they will give service the winter through worn under furs. Satin is the key to dress- up fashions. Women of fashion are showing a liking for the basic gown that is simply styled with a view to stressing the latest slim sil­ houettes. With these dresses that flaunt flattering nepklines, they wear a single important piece of glittering jewelry. There is every Indication that satin in delectable colors will fashion gala frocks to wear during the social season. Also blouses of color-lovely satin will lend the touch that tells to the Hew fur-trimmed costume suits. In the millinery field the hat that is creat­ ing a sensation .is the fisherman- back type that sweeps its soft brim back from the forehead and falls like a curtain at the nape of the neck. For these milliners use black satin, and a smarter hat is not to be seen on avenue or boulevard. Handbags of satin are quite the thing this fall. LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby giyen that Anthony Caso of Osborn, Greene County, Ohio, will file his petition in the Probate Court of said county, praying for an order of said court, authorizing • the change of his name from Anthony Caso to Anthony C. Garrett. That said petition will be for hearing be­ fore said Court, on the 3rd day of May, 1945 at 10 o’clock A. M. or as soon there after as the Court may hear the same. ANTHONY CASO, Petitioner GUINEAS PIGEONS RABBITS EGGS PHONE—Main 411 XENIA, OHIO ST. PAUL A. M. E. CHURCH Gordon Franklin, Pastor. Sunday School, 10:30'A. M. Morning service, 11:30 A.M, Vogue for Ribbons Takes in Everything Milliners, Dress Designers Using Them Freely i By CHERIE NICHOLAS There is a new ribbon rage on for spring that is taking the fash­ ion world by storm, Anything that can be made of ribbons is being made of ribbons, As for milliners,! they have grown that ribbon-con­ scious not only do they dab a ribbon bow here, there and everywhere on the new bats whether there Is any excuse for it or not, but they are making entire hat and bag and neckpiece ensembles entirely of rib­ bons! The newest spring suit-hats have stunning bows of wide grosgrain ribbon above their crowns or ar- j ranged In loops and streamers at the back. The Smartest turbans of the season take kindly to ribbon trims, often arranged in towering bows a t the front. , There is simply no limit to the versatile uses of ribbon thrqughout costume design. One venturesome designer has gone so far as to make almost the entire skirt of horizontal bands of ribbon in contrasting col­ ors, the skirt completed with a knee- depth hem 6f the same black faille that fashions the fitted basque, fas­ tened with decorative jewel buttons. Baby ribbon in multicolors hahd- woven into lattice work is formed into cap sleeves with .designful pockets of the samel enhancing a youthful black crepe frock. Yokes of lattic*?work ribbon also add a bright dash of color to a somber crepe drmmM. A n important Service o f JproftuionafCompetence The seme high standards are maintained in every service whether the family chooses, a moderately priced funeral or one of greater expense. - Serving all faiths a t r e s i denc y , - church or our fu­ neral home. M c M i l l a n J tx r rn ^ CEDARVILLE- - PHONE (>■ 1071 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ m ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a m i a a a a I •• ' _ jv [ Condmsed Statement of * iTHEXENIANATIONALBANK j | - ■ -..... - a | m of March 30, 194* I T i ■ « ■ ; ; RESOURCES a ■ , Cash in Vault and other Banks....... .......................... $1,441,310.07 a a U .S . Bonds............... . . ....... ....... ....... ......... ........ . 3,548,860.* 0 J . Municipal Bonds, Greene Co....... 8,250.00 J Federal Reserve Bank Stock..,,,.,. ........ ........ 6,000,00 ■ a Banking House .............................. 33,000.00 m ■ a Notes of our Customers...... 798,854.14 * ■ Total Resources ........... ........... ....... $5,836,274.17 Jj ■ ! . a LIABILITIES ■ i a Deposits ................... ....... ......................................... $5,354,586.81 | Capital Stock .... . ,'..$100,000,00 2 Surplus . ....... .......... ..... 100,000.00 ^ a UndividedProfits......... ........ 200,000.00 ■ ■ Reserves........... ................. 80,867.80 . J Total Capital Account......... 480,867.80 J Other Liabilities .................... 819.56 a Total Resources- .---------- $5,836,274.17 ■ ■ ■■"..■■■ . ‘ , . . .. ________ ____________ _ : • . . ; ‘' v ; ■ ■a MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIl INSURANCECORPORATION J ' MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM 2 E r n ie T^ l e is is your Re “and are very “Something Fine to Behold” By Ernie p»ie E verywhere Iwent there was the American Red Crow giving its ser­ vices to o u tfittin g men. It is something fine to behold, this touch of home which the men and women Red Cross worker, are able to bring to our troops abroad. When the Red Cross opens Up in * new war theater, its growth has to be as fast as the growth of the Army. The way clubs spring up overnight in newly occupied centers, the way restaurants and dances and movies and ciubmobiies and doughnut factories mushroom into life all over a new country, is something that still astonishes me. Right in the field with their regiments are the Red Cross field directors, who act as a link between tha soldiers arid their homes. In most of the hospitals, doing the recreational and I welfare Work for which the nurses can spate so little time, are the Red Cross hospital girls. With every medical unit are countless quantities of the. indispensable blood plasma made from the voluntary blood donations of the American people. Our soldiers and sailors abroad literally worship the Red Cross, and I personally can find nothing but praise to say about its ptograih as I saw it in operation. Your contribution to the Red Cross mokes these scenes possible FIELD SERVICERTTHE FMHfTt Whercverypursol. filer goes, the Red Cross goes, too. Field Director* distribute toilet articles, writing paper, cigarettes. They Maintain contact between men. and their families. In one month In 1944, Field Directors relayed over 31,000 messages. MOVIESM A NOSFfTM. WARD! Mickey Mouse and .the latest Hollywood releases do wonders for * fellow with a leg full o f shrapnel! And so do books,. g ames, aona-fests—stock-in-trade o f Red Cross ecreationsT Worker* st home and overseas. Your Red Cross speeds up convalescence! GIVE MOW- GIVE MOMS WELCOMEHACKWTR CMtMN LIFE.TheRedCross provides special information end help for dis­ abled veterans. The Red Cross answers questions about pensions, claims; vocational training. It is ^ authorized to present veterans* claims. The R ed Cross is at bia tide—elumytt KEEPYOUR RED CROSS /iTH/SS/DE IfeMMorftd by Tht Cedtsrvill* Herald