The Cedarville Herald, Volume 68, Numbers 27-52
Ci&AMlIXji .gXBALD, fftIDAY, NOVEMBER 88 , m T H E C B P - A R V I L L E H E R A l P KARLH BtHWL----------------- k EE>ITO a 2 oc A2S« i WJUtt MU- Wi m * 1 HHttirlil iMM.i OH» K»wM>*9*t A moc -: M“ »8 Ywmy rte**. * MP Eftt»ra4 sa ssogttd elsua matter, October 31, 1887, a tth e Postoffice at Ce- darville, Ohio, under the A ct pf March 1879. ........ ____________ _— „ ' ..... ’ FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23,1946 LET THE STRIKERS STRIKE AND HAVE IT OVER The Automobile manufacturers are in between ^ o warm firee, the New Deal Communistic government and the organiz ed labor group known as the CIO. The union wants an in crease of 30 percent in pay. The company says it cannot mee that demand and have price ceilings fixed by OPA. This week the OPA cut the price of General Motors cars and also re duced the percentages dealers can make, All this was for no other purpose than to penalize the GMC because-it has refused to sign a CIO contract for shorter hours and higher pay. Some other companies were granted increases in car prices. It is evident the General Motors management does not propose to be hog-tied in such manner and courts a strike which will put 350,000 employees out of work not only in their own plants but other auto concerns that use GMC parts. The Union-management conferences now going on in Wash ington seems to be. getting little accomplished and this strike will about wind up the conference. This is almost certain as the steel companies are to close down by strikes. . Both steel companies and auto concerns are hit by the same club, higher labor costs and under OPA compelled to accept lower prices re gardless of profits. „ The sooner all the large companies close their plants as did Ford some weeks ago, the sooner this mania for higher wages at a time of reconversion when we must have goods that have been scare and the thousands o f service men must have jobs. If the Truman administration Would tend to its own business and keep its fingers out of the strike and labor situation, the whole question would be settled, as it should be, by the compan ies and the unions- Let them alone and they will get together in time. • Most all these companies now have contracts unexpired with labor unions but the latter has broken the contracts, some7 thing the government will not let management do. TRUM AN URGES SO C IAL IZED MED ICINE President Truman this week took a chapter out of the Roosevelt - Communistic bible and informs Congress he wants socialized medicine.. FDR did not go about the bush and deal in generalities on the issue. Truman says he wants im proved health and insurance to make it possible- He says he does not urge “ socialization” yet he urges passage of the same law1that FDR backed and failed to get support even'from his own party. . Truman says the government will soon release thousands of doctors and’ they must have a place to go to practice and there must not be an overflow in one town and none in another. It is on this premise that Truman adopts the socialization plan when he says three doctors cannot practice in a town where there should be only two or even one, He. might say the same thing about every town having more groceries or meat stores than are necessary. Under this brand of “ democracy” the New Deal raves about, who is there that dares say which Smith, Jones or Williams must get out and move j to some other town?' > . Mr. Truman is fooling no one about not urging socialization medicine for that is what he has already done in making his demand on Congress. We suppose after Mr. Truman gets the doctors scattered over the earth he next will take up the Min isters and spread them over the globe. In view of the action of the Baptist Church down in Texas last week in protesting the giving of honorary college degrees to Truman because of his use of fed liquor and. love for playing poker, we might assume a lot of Baptist ministers might find themselves on an island out in the Pacific where they will not read about personal habits of the President of the United States. What bothers us is where were these ministers during the FDR regime when champagne and prayer were joined at teamsters union brawl? A R C H B O L D PU B L ISH E R S IGN S “ 3 0 ” It was with the deepest regret that we learned of the death of the venerable William Orvell Taylor, publisher of the Arch bold, O., Buckeye. A publisher of a weekly paper he founded in 1905, Mr. Taylor was known to the profession as one of the most successful publishers in the country. His paper has been the recipient of many honors in the journalistic field. His out standing personality left an impression in what ever circle he moved: A successful life has closed and it was a successful life for he lived that which he preached. His greatest joy in de clining years must have been the companionship of a family that were his helpmates as printers and publishers. Peculiar is it not that Prime Minis ter Attlee o f Great Britain would ask a capitalistic nation like the U. S. for a loah o f a few billipn dollars after we saved the hide o f the British lion from the onslaught of the Germans? The British government is now a So- cistic setup which has turned England inside out financially and socialized most everything there from the mines to the bankB. The Attlee government is far from Communistic and does not get along with Joe Stalin of R'^sia. Thus you have the Truman picti re of harmony between the three great pow. ers, Britain, Russia and the U. S. At present France does not know where it stands, DeGaul refusing to recog nize the Communists that received a large vote at the recent election. The whole mess is the result of promises of every kind immaginable mode by FDR who never hesitated to take ad vantage o f playing the middle again st the ends in domestic or foreign issues. D*ai—CIO strikes. The automobile companies are not going to make cars . at a loss. If they must meet the price they can make them out of potmetal, with straw upholstering. If you need another car and want to trade for a i new one, the dealer is not compelled to trade with you because Bowles fix ed the profits. The dealer can demand straight sales, no trade, and all cash, and no guarantee o f any part. Probably you will find more men as auto dealers who desire to do business on a square basis with honorable in tent, than you can find honest men with 100 peref at reputations in gov ernment jobs under the New Deal. We leave you to be the judge of the OPA. Don’t be misled by the Bowles propaganda. CHURCH NOTES The honorable Charles Sawyer, Cin cinnati Democrat'whom 'FDR named ambassador to Belgium, evidently has a belly-full of European “ democracy” for it is announced he is returning to this country and will resign. With Joe Stalin bossing European politics and President Truman sitting in the White House lipping the traditional ‘graveyard whistle” hoping for the best of everything without taking a public stand, one might conclude that, all the loss o f life for “ democracy” in Europe was for a lost cause and Wal ter Winchell may be right in predict ing another world war in five years. Truman's juvenile army may be more of a necessity that we think. As long as President Truman turns over arms of all kinds to the waring nations, and we keep loaning Britain’ and Russia money the war will be a certainty. A change in occupants at the White House might keep this nation out. If so the families that protest drafting ',f school boys might be charged as be- .’.ig “ isolationists.” We are inclined to believe the rep resentative of the FBI that spoke be fore the local DAR some evenings, ago may have paid the Herald a comp liment. In his concluding remark he is quoted as having said: “ Let. us keep America for Americans.’” When resi zed that FDR was selling this nation down the river for the European war, and bur own shores were at no time m danger, we adopted the following stream liner under our front page masthead: “ Americans for Amorion— America for Americans." That line has never been taken o ff the front page even after the Grcone County Democratic gustapo tried to make it appear as “pro-German.” The Dayton Journal carried two un usually large pictures on page one on Monday showing some of.the 166 car loads •o f radio and radar and sig nal supplies that cost the government two million dollars which is being wat er soaked by every rain and is now all but worthless other.than foj; junk. It s claimed some of the radios cost as much us $1,000 and that much of the equipment could have been used to make parts for the millions o f radios in homes that are now out of use. It is all but a part of Democratic stupid ity, bungling and ignorance as to the sacrifice the public made to purchase bonds to pay for ‘the war. Stories our returning soldiers relate as to waste and mismanagement are enough to cause our own people to have mistrust in our own government just as Russia has in the administration in Washing ton. Joe Stalin knows deception when he hears it. He knows a lie and can detect a liar without a blue print. m o jto i 1 1 , m m o n m , o n t o The joke o f the Chester Bowles auto price fixing is that he fixed the price of used cars weeks ago. This week he fixed the price of new cars in some cases far below the price o f used cars. The situation is causing motor car dealers much concern. Of course Bowles is no more quali fied to determine the cost of an auto mobile than he is to pass on the val ue o f a potato or a diamond. The mere fact that he is a Roosevelt ap pointee, should be the answer to the mixup the motor world faces. Roose velt was not known as one to pick successful men in the business world and give them important posts where experience was necessary. FDR could find more failures and more quacks in 'fen . minutes than any other man thai) ever graced or disgraced the pres idential chair. One day Bowles fixes prices on beans, the next day on cloth ing, another day on farm machinery and his latest* is on nylon hose, when the children o f the nation are in bare legs and cotton stockings hard to find. Bowles has fixed so 'hiany prices so low manufacturers camiot make and sell the goods and have closed down their plants, meantime the nation must hold its handstand wait, all on account of a New Deal quack trying to run the nation and dictate for 166,000,000 people. , * If you arc in need of a new car your chance o f getting it may be slim with the New Heal prices and the New PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Paul H . Elliott, Pastor Sunday School 10 A. M. John Pow ers, Supt. Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Topic, the World Might Believe.” Services in the Chapel of Cedarville College. 3:00 P.M. A joint meeting of the Elders and Trustees. Wednesday evening prayer meet- iig at the U.P. Church METHODIST CHURCH Rev. H. H. Abels, D- D., Minister Sunday School 10 A. M. Supt. Miss Bette Nelson. Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Topic, “ The Widow's Mite.” Visitation teams will be chosen this Sunday to take part'in membership visitation. All teams will meet at Xenia First Church the afternoon o Dec. 2. The actual visitation takes place from Dec. 3 to the 6th. Young people’ s meeting 5:30. Cedarville College Commital ser vice will be at the Methodist Church December 2 ‘at 7:30 p.m. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Ralph A. Jamieson, Minister. Sunday School 10 A. M. Supt.. Arthur B. Evans. “ Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Topic, “ Christian Stewardship” Minute(man speaker, Emile Finney. Y.P.C.U. 6:30 P.M. Subject, “ Open Doors for Y’.P.C.U. Leader, Rheba Eaton. „ - • « * Choir rehearsal Saturday 8 P.M. f Prayer Strvice Wednesday a t/7:30 in our Church. Leader, Mrs. J. M. Bull . .. Will those who are contributing to the box to be sent to the Frenchburg Mission in Kentucky, please bring same to the meeting of tlie Missionary Society next Thursday, Nov. 29th, as the Committee wishes to pack the box at that time. CLIFTON UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Dr. John W. Bickett, Minister. Mrs. Elwood Shaw, Pianist. Sabbath School 10 A. M. Wm. Fer guson, Supt. Topic — Christians working to gether in the community, Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Topic, “ God’s Presence Sustains Us,” Call to Worship,-the earth with all that dwell here in with all its wealth untold, belongs to God.” The young pople will meet at 7:30, Tne topic ’f o r .discussion is “ Open doors for young people.” The Greene County Ministerial as sociation will meet next Monday at 10:30 A.M. in the Reformed "Church in Xenia, Dr. John W. Bickett ib Cotinty President, There will be a discuss ion o f the Book o f Genesis and Atomic Bomb, by the science teacher o f Xenia Central High School. Mr. Glen Wright of Idaville, Ind.,' was called here by the death of Dr. James L. Chesnut, Among others called here for the same event were! Mrs. Edgar Neal, Monticcllo, Inti,, Miss Nan Irvin, Bartelsville, Okls,, Mr. and Mrs. James Pelee and Dr, and Mrs. Whalen o f Richmond, Ind., Mr. and Mfs. A. F. Peterson and sons of Frankfort, Ohio. g g L t t a 1 " . ■Hfiixu ------- ill m i u m — M i ' H i u ' XENIA THEATRE Wed.-Thurs. Nov. •21-22 VAN JOHHNSON IN ‘Born For Trouble’ • A —HIT Nd. 2— * H. Bocrart Ann Sheridan IN Tt AH Cam True’ SUNDAY Abbott • Costello IN ; HOLLYWOOD TUESDAY, NOV. 27 WKRC Corhhnsken Jamboree Council Not To Blame For S.Main Condition LEGAL NOTICE I With winter approaching motorists ; that have to use south Main st., are greatly vexed over the condition o f the j street south o f the railroad. They have a right to protest but criticism cannot be placed on village council. Early in the summer the Ohio State Highway department asked council to pass an ordinance to turn over that section o f Main st. tp it. ■'This was done, and the village paid the request ed sum to the State. The Department was to improve the street, in return and keep it up jn the future. Since then the village authorities have had nothing but promises. If you do not like the present condition of the street write your’ complaint to the State De partment at Columbus or to Governor Frank Lausche. Note—The Highway Department promises temporary repairs will be made next week NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Dr. George Anderson, De ceased. Notice is hereby given that H. W. Anderson has been duly appointed as Administrator o f the estate of Dr. George Anderson, deceased, late o f Beavercreek Township, Greene County Ohio. Dated this 10th day of November, 1945. WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER, Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of James M. Bailey, Deceas ed. Notice is hereby given that Louella K. Bailey, has been duly appointed as Administratrix of the estate of James M. Bailey, deceased, late of Ce- darville Village, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 9th day of November, 1945. WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER, Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. LEGAL NOTICE Ethel- Calhoun, who resides at Den ton, Garter County, Kentucky, is here by-notified that John.Calhoun has fil ed his petition against her for divorce .•.i Case No. 24,169 in the Court of Common Pleas, Greene County, Ohio, and that said cause will be for hear ing on and after December 29th, 1945, at the Court Room of said Court of Common Pleas, in the Court House at Xenia, Ohio. (ll:16:6t:12:21) MORRIS D. RICE, Attorney John Calhoun 'll : ^ LEGAL NOTICE Lottie Pettiferde, whose place of res idence is unknown, and with reason able diligence cannot be ascertained, will take notice that on November 9th, 1945, Quentin Pettiferde filed his cer tain cause of action for divorce a- gaiiist her on grounds o f extreme cruelty and gross neglect o f duty, be ing cause No. 24,160 on-the docket of the Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio. That ’ said cause will come on for hearing on or/after-De cember 29th, 1945. (11-16-61-12.21) •MARCUS SIIOUP, Attorney for Plaintiff NOTICE ON FILING INVENTORY . The State of Ohio, Greene County, Probate Court. . To James R. Bailey, U. S. A m y Overseas, Home address, Cedarville, Ohio; Earl E. Bailey, U. S. Army Overseas, Home Address, Cedarville, Ohio; and William F. Bailey, Cedar- ville, Ohio. You lire hereby notified that on the 7th day of November, A D., 1945, an Inventory and Appraisement of the es tate o f James M. Bailey, deceased, lulu of Cedarville Village in said coun ty, wiin filed in this Court. Kaiil Inventory and Appraisement will he for hearing before this Court on the SKIth day of November,. 1945, at 10:00 o'clock, A, M. Any person desiring to file excep tions to said Inventory must file them at least five days prior to the day set for hearing, Given under my hand and seal of said Court, this 7th day of November, 1945. WILLIAM B, McCALLISTER, Probate Judge Luella .Howser, Deputy Clerk ( fh a u k sg im g m i We thank Almighty God for the strength and unyielding courage He installed within na to overcome the brute force that sought te destroy our civilization, i May we all prove worthy of , this new freedom by helping each other enjoy the blessings onr victory has won. M c M i l l a n 1 i"M<-V l I£ -I -fiNf (-. • iO Calvin R. Brown who resides at 203 W. Grant Street, Bronson, Michigan, will take notice that on November 10th, 1945, Ruby Brown filed her cer- , tain notice o f action against him in ' divorce, on grqunds o f extreme cruelty and neglect of duty, said case be,vg 24,162 on the docket o f the Com- j mon Pleas Court o f Greene County,1 Ohio, Said cause will come on for hearing on or after December 29th, 1945. (ll;16 :6 t: 12:28) MARCUS SHOUP, Attorney for Plaintiff For Sals—Young Ducks, table dres sed and delivered. Phone 6-2201, For Sale—Myers Electric Pump, $50; kerosene range and portable beat er; oak kitchen and library tables, lawn mower, square stand. Call phone 6-1983. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Jennie Bratton, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that F. A. Jurkat has been duly appointed as Executor of the estate of Jennie Brat^ ton, deceased, late of Cedarville Vil lage, Greene County, Ohio Dated this 27th day o f October, 1945 WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER, Judge of the Probate Court,. Greene County, Ohio. LEGAL NOTICE Staff Sgfc. Calvin Avery, 35409665, 3197 Signal Service Co., A. P. O. 794, % Postmaster,. New York. New York, is hereby notified that his wife, Jane Avery, has filed a petition against him in the Common Pleas Court, Greene County, Ohio, the same being Case No. 24,133, praying for a divorce on the ground of Gross Neglect of Duty,.and that said cause will come on tol»e heard by the court on or after six weeks from the date of the first first publication hereof. (10-16-6t-ll-30) DAN M, AULTMAN, Attorney for Plaintiff NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Charles H. Crouse, De ceased. Notice is hereby given that Mildred Crouse Townsley has been- duly ap pointed as Executrix of the estate of Charles H. Crouse, deceased, late of Cedarville Village, •Greene County, ■Ohio. Dated this 20th day of October, 1945 WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER, - Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. LEGAL NOTICE ,Sgt. Alfred Mull, 35210071, Ft. Bliss, Texas, is hereby notified that Count ess Mull, has filed - a ' petition for di vorce against him on the ground of Gross Neglect of Duty in th Common Pleas.Court, Greene County, Ohio; the. same being Case No. 24,131 and that said cause will come on for hearing six'full weeks from the date o f the first publication hereof. (10-26-6t-ll:30) STROTHER B. JACKSON, LEGAL NOTICE Mary K. Maxwell, whose address is 303 West Willetta Street, Phoenix, Ar izona, will take notice that on the 1st day of. November, 1945, Archer Max well filed his petition in the Court o f Common Pleas, Greene County, Ohio, against her, the same being Case No; 24151 on the docket of said court praying for divorce on the grounds of Gross Neglect of Duty rand for Other Relief and that said case’ will come on for hearing six full weeks from No vember , 1945, which is the date of the first publication hereof. (ll-9-6tl2-14) ARCHER MAXWELL, Robert H. Wead, Plaintiff Attorney, Xenia, 0 . 1 LEGAL NOTICE - Pvt. Roger L. Miller,, whose place o f address is Disposition Area, No, 4 Mess, -Camp Kilmer, 'New Jersey, ia hereby notified that Ruth Miller has filed a petition against him in the Common Pleas Court, Greene County, OhVo, the same being Case No. 24126, praying for a divorce on grounds of Gross neglect and extreme cruelty and custody of children, division o f prop erty, and equitable relief, and that said cause will come cm fo r hearing six weeks from the date o f the first publication hereof. (10-19- 6t-ll-23) DAN M, AULTMAN, Attorney for Plaintiff LEGAL NOTICE Florence Byrd,, tvhose last known address was 417 Arniond »t., Zone 6, Rochester, N. Y., will take notice thqfc Leroy Byrd has filed a petition for di? vorce against her on the Ground o f ' Gross Neglect of Duty in Common Please Court, Greene Cotmty, Ohio, the same being Cage No. 24,128, and that said cause will come on for hear ing six full weeks from the date o f the first publication hereof. Petition wag filed October 15, 1945, LEROY BYRD, (10-l9-6t-11-23) Smith, McCallister & Gibney, Attys. Attorney for Plaintiff iitiiiiiiiniimiimuitiiiKimiimimmniitliHIHiimiiitmimi Pipe, Valves and Fittings for water, gas and steam, Hand and Electric Pomps fo r. all purpose#, Bolts. Pulleys, V Belts, Plumlnmf and Heating Supplies. J. P. BOCKL&TT SUPPLY CO. XHNIA, OHIO NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate o f C. Alma Bartlett, Deceased Notice is hereby given that Clpyd C. Bartlett has been duly appointed as Administrator o f the estate o f C. Al ma Bartlett, deceased, late o f Caesar- creek Township, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 13th day o f November, 1945. WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER, Judge of the Probate Court,G reene County, Ohio. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate o f Basil B. Greene, Deceased. Notice is herehy given fhat Bessie Greene has been duly appointed as Administrator o f the .estate* o f Basil B. Greene, deceased, late o f Beaver creek Township, Greene County, Ohio.’ Dated this 5th day o f November, 1945. w i l l i a m b . M c C a l l is t e r , Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. LEGAL NOTICE . Jeanette T, Castleinan is hereby no tified that Leonard Castleman has fil ed a petition against her in the Com mon Pleas Court, Greene County, Ohio the same being . Case No 24156 The prayer of said petition is for a divorce on the grounds of Gross Neglect o f Duty and Extreme Cruelty, and said cause will come on for hearing before said court on or after ’six full weeks from the date of the first publication hereof. (ll:9:6t:12:14) DAN Mi AULTMAN, Attorney fo r Plaintiff. LEGAL NOTICE Leola B. Daniels whose place o f res idence is unknown and cannot with reasonable diligence be ascertained, will take notice that William' B. Dan iels filed his certain petition against her for divorce on the grounds of gross neglect o f duty on September 22, 1945, before the Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio. ’ Said .case being docketed as No. 24,140 be fore the Common Pleas Coprt o f Greene County, Ohio. That said cause will come on for hearing on or after Decembed 8th, 19,45. (10-26-6t-ll-30) . MARCUS SHOUP, * Attorney for Plaintiff ! A NAME THAT STANDS FOR GOOD IFURNITURE BUDGET PLAN AVAILABLE Adair's N. Detroit St. Xeaia, Ol •llllllllllllflM tltllllllllllU IM n tM IIIIIIIH im illtlllllltlllllllllllll | FARMS FOR SALE AND | FARM LOANS 3 | We have many good farms for sale | on easy terms. Also make farm I'loatis at 4 % interest for 15 years. | No application fee and no apprais- | al fee. I Write or Inquire s | McSavaney & Co. London O. | Leon H, Kling, Mgr. - QUICK SERVICE FOR DEADSTOCK XENIA FERTILIZER PHONE MA. 454 Reverse Charges E. G. Buchsieb, Xenia, Ohio iMiiiiaiiiMiMlaintiiiimiHiimimiiHtmmaiiiirtiHimHtaiKtai s a t Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted, Reasonable Charges, >r.C.E.Wilkii OptomatrSc Eye Specialist Xaiila, Ohio ■4
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