The Cedarville Herald, Volume 68, Numbers 27-52

OCDASmUC HISALB, WUBAY, AtJGtJST 9,1945 T H E ■C E P A R V I L L E H E R A L D iTATtr.w BULL ----------------- EDITOR AND PUBLISHER jMHwIil iw ie ,; Ohio Mmpopor A j * oc . ; Ultml Y»U»y f w u . Entered a t the Post Office/, Cedarville, Ohio, October 31 ,1887 , as second class matter. S h e 'if iv v f-Dublin1 Jm breath until the Democratic New Dial J Congress.reports the results of th e ' investigation of the recent Roosevelt < loans. problems a t home and with tie boys abroad than worry about how hungry Europe will be. I LEGAL NOTICE I UIIIIIIIIIIIIIM IHIIIIIPai Two ladies were discussing home canning in a local grocery store some FRIDAY,.AUGUST 3,1945 days ago. One remarked-she was not Brig. Gen. Elliott Roosevelt, is t o ‘canning anything this year, sugar or be given his leave from the Army Air no sugar She said she stood over a -ICKES Force upon request. Such a request would come from a million other boys “YOU WILL BE COLD THIS WINTER” Severalmonths ago coal consumers, were askecl to sign the I in uniform if they had the “drag” to New Deal coal cards for the winter supply. Only about two- reach the insiders at army headquor- thirds of the coal consumers of each community have signed ac- ters under Sec. stimson, The Army cording to reports. The date has passed for signing the cards, I headquarters offers an explanation as ope local veteran realizes, for his signature has been reject- that Elliott is not being released due ed on the ground he signed after the closing date, On that par-1 to his business relations and the big ticular date he was out of the country. Just New Deal duplicity I ]pan 0f $ 200,000 from the grocery of the first water. ■ I chain president. Who asked for. it? Sec. Harold Ickes, who is the New Deal coal boss, now warns 1 Elliott was one of the New Dealers the public tha t this nation is to go through the various degrees I tlmt wante(j to be decorated with the *of cold this winter and like it for the stock coal pile for the na- j' New- Deal button, “Let Me ‘ " tioh is short about 37 million tons. Meantime Ickes states he is going to send six million tons of our coal to Europe and here is where he will reap the wrath of the American coal consumers. The silly part of the coal situation is that' the New Deal tried to play Roosevelt politics with John L*. Lewis and his min­ ers, and the latter whipped everyone from FDR and Ickes down to the lowest appointee in Washington. The New Dealers gave in on the wage boost and then permitted the coal operators to increase the price of coal to consumers—to hold down inflation. ' The Ickes picture of winter comfort for the aged, infirm, or the tot on. the floor is anything but bright. As for the rest, we all can get by someway. To talk of freezing inmates of institu­ tions or prisons, helpless as they may be is but part/of dumb Democratic New Deal stupidity. Our boys have suffered the . rigors of cold and snow in Italy, now we are told our churches and schools will be heated at a low temperature or go on a foilr day schedule as will all industry. We are told there is no provision made what-so.ever to guarantee heat this winter for churches, the one institution even a New Deal Communuist has little or rib use for, alive or dead. • It is grinding to talk of shipping coal abroad and then feed several hundred thousand German and Italian war prisoners in this country when they could be put to work,, in the coal mines in Europe under the watchful eye of the army of occupation now being formed in Europe. But it seems we must adhere to another" Roosevelt secret agreement” to save coal now under­ ground that is owned by European barons and the Bank of Eng­ land following. What President Truman accomplishes a t the Peace Confer­ ence will be of little concern to Americans if and when they are permitted discomforture this winter to,keep Europeans warm that have as much coal under ground as has this nation.' It is anything but convincing today, no more so than we must ration baby shoes to save leather for army shoes; or to save more “steers for breeding purposes”, tw.o famous New Deal theories most Americans would like to see proven, other than on paperi in (the army). Greene'county had one such case and all was well until the blisters on his feet from Army shoes took out a lot of that boastful patriotic sport. Well, anyway both can now be dec­ orated with the New Deal garter in­ scribed “Let me in and Let me out”. Elliott must be smarting over th-- exposure of that famous $200,000 and other rich loans that a few wealthy suckers fell for, no doubt expecting a back door entrance card to the White House. Congress is quietly investi­ gating the loan business, but not any degree of publicity. .How unfortunate for the reading public that some Re­ publican could not have made a few Joans of the Roosevelt brand for in­ teresting reading? •hot stove last year canning green beans and corn' and tomatoes. Then, she said neither husband or two boys would eat the beans and she had 25 quarts carried over. As for the to- matoes and corn, well one can explod­ ed after another. The second lady related her experience tit canning af­ ter a few years of housekeeping .She had just a few days ago put up ten quarts of cherries and the same num­ ber of quarts of peaches. She had followed.the new fangled way of can­ ning fruit with out sugar Result. Of ihe cherries four cans have gone bad and ran over the pantry shelf while three of the peaches have lifted the lids, and she “supposed all the rest woud blow up” before long. ITINERANT DRUNK GETS 10 DAYS IN COUNTY JAIL the chemical ^can be used. WAR—-AN ATROCIOUS EVIL—-RICKENBACKER The strongest and most influential editorial that could be penned would be from the speech of'Capt. Eddie Rickenback­ er, at Capital University, Columbus, when he was signally hon- ered, while a guest of his,home town folks. . Having tasted of the bitter, the sweet and the sorrow of two world wars, cast a- drift for weeks on the Pacific in a life raft, he alone is able to lay before his countrymen his version of war and what it takes to make for the peace at homeland over the world. His address before an audience of the leading citizens of Columbus, was on “Why War.Makes Christians’. His address is the answer to the New Deal war lords, the war profiteers, the war propagandists, the war mongers, that would continue indefinitely our men all over the world in uniform, even after victory, on the theory that the bark of a gun and the smell of smoke should entrance a na­ tion of .God-fearing people to deprive our 18-year-olds of their training as citizens, rather than soldiers, to become, gunfodder that others might reap riches in war contracts of the cost-plus brand, What a pity it has. been that not more of our so-called internationalists could not have had the Rickenbacker exper­ ience between life and death by drowning in mid Pacific, with weeks of mental.anguish and constant prayer with his Maker until a lonely bird perched on the raft to become sustenancei for the hungry half-starved victims oh the raft. Prayer was ans­ wered for it was the only bird seen while floating for weeks as a leaf on turbulent waters. Yes, Eddie Rickenbacker is what New Deal war mongers and war grafters have termed him, an “isolationist”,—one that opposes war such as has been impos­ ed on this nation by those who profit by war, politically and economically. Here is what Rickenbacker said in part: . “It is riiy conviction”, the great flier, famous automobile - racer, business executive and thoughtful American, declared, “that the only sure road to enduring peace lies in the practical application of the ideals of Christianity. It was Jesus who said, ‘Mari shall not live by bread alone but by every word thdt pro- cedeth out of the mouth of God.’ “By the same token, it is not wealth and. material resource, not physical equipment and battlements, not luxury and culture and comfort, not these things alone, tha t Will make nations, great. This is a truth which history has , proven again and a- gain. It has been most strikingly proven in the present war. “The crying need of the world is to return to the faith of our fathers, to the spiritual truths revealed to us in the book of books, the Holy Bible. I am firmly .Convinced tha t there is to day a distinct trend of return in that direction.” Capt. Rickenbacker expressed himself on the belief that out of the horrors of war, “America has become a nation.of prayer­ ful people.’’ “War, he declared, “is the most abominable sin that has afflicted mankind through the ages. It is an atrocious evil. There is nothing beautiful or noble about it.’ Nations are sometimes drawn into war against their will and have no choice, he said, but they should seek to profit by their experiences and so live as to guard against a recurrence of wars. / ‘Surely it is evident to all of us,” Capt. Rickenbacker said, “and to all people everywhere, that this, the most costly and ghastly of all wars, would not have taken place if the peoples and nations of the earth had governed themselves in keeping the Sermon on the Mount and the Golden Rule. “If enough people in the civilized nations of the world liv­ ed the Christian way of life, and demanded the same standards of tolerence and justice of their leaders, there would be no more wars*” It is a striking coincident that those who had most to do with the present World War, have taken their departure, not by their own hands directly, but from a power higher than that of their fellowmen. Hitler has gone. Mussolini has gone and Roosevelt has gone, after living through a mental torture for many months irresponsible to his fellowmen. Then, Church­ ill falls in the estimation of his fellowmen by a popular plebi­ scite. Does it ttot'appear that Mr. Common Citizen, once remov­ ed from the sphere of hysterics to that of common sense takes the Rickenbacker view of war and the only salvation that will lead us to permenant peace. The airplane bomb,’the submarine or the rifle never have and never will be a guarantee of future peace through the ages anymore than the pistol shot settles for all time a Kentucky feud. Elliott seems peeved that his fath­ er's name'was mentioned as having given the nod to the groepryman that the $200,000 loan was a good invest­ ment. He says he takes full respon­ sibility for any business dealing and he wants! all this talk about “Dad” stopped. No doubt the young 34 year old army officer, who was promoted ahead of several hundred other ser­ vice* men who had records over a period of years to earn advancement,- would like to have had “Dad’s ear al-. so. “Dad was the Commander fin- Chief and could hand out promotions as he desired. He probably did not desire to recognize older men in the service as long as, a great wizard finance was eligible. In speaking of home canning we su* the OSU recommends how to use the substitute chemical for sugar. We get u kick out of these new ideas for we have never forgotten the mess the Good Doctor Wiley stirred up back a number of years ago. Both state and federal.laws prevent canners using “sugar” OSU how says Even OPA gives endor­ sement. The funny part is if you use the chemieal sugar, then you should use a chemical acid to kill the taste of the chemical sugar What a “Make ‘Believe World We Live In Today ?” Some culinary expert will have to in­ vent “cast iron”stomachs if we con­ tinue to listen to OPA New Deal, reci­ pes. . Wa almost forgot another sub­ stitute the New Deal promotes, “Oleo’* for butter. Now some renowned hair dresser comes to the aid of the dairy pride arid says if the nation keeps on living without butter we all will grow bald. We simply must'eat more but­ ter to keep from' getting bald-er. An itinerant dropped into town Sat­ urday night and began to fill his tank : at the tank station all of which was j the foundation of disorderly. He was l sent to the county jail for ten days, , having no funds to pay a fine. CUMMINS CHEVROLET TAKES TWO WEEKS VACATION The Cummings Chevrolet Agency is closed this week and will be next week while the propricter, Walter Cummings and employees enjoy a two weeks vacation.' m While Elliott seems out o f. humor over the 'financial exposure we wonder now he felt when the dog-airplane story fell upon public ears? Or how the public re-acted to the-report' that ‘Mamma” put out that Fala was go­ ing to the. country for a. wedding? If Brig. Gen. Roosevelt wants to hush up family chatter among the populace he might implore the aid of the editor­ ial writers on the New Deal papers to come to the rescue of the family. We know a few that would have no hes­ itancy if once asked. Gentle reader do not hold your The recent rains aspires a fine crop of roasting ears for the family table. There is one fly in the butter—where and how can it be procured for the spread on the summer delicacy? : Our solutionis—buy a cow and place your­ self on par with the farmer. <By so doing you will leave more store butter to spoil so the New Deal can sell it to soap manufacturers. We are irfomed there is still'no gasoline for the beer truck The ODT has been holding up on the co-opera­ tive marketing.- Plen y of gasoline for the beer trucks—tuat is an essen­ tial under New Deal reasoning.. The Greene county boy who' wrote home for candy cakes ,ete., because he was hungry relates how a ship load of beer was unloaded for the army, but not food enough to feed a rabbit. Mr. Truman is going to face graver food G O O D L I G H T I N G • • • / HERALDWANT AND SALE ADS PAY •••the key TO COMFORT AND RELAXATION P ro p e r lighting means proper enjoyment of the home. I t’s so easy to achieve! Follow .a few simple rules, and presto, the thing is done. First* use bulbs of proper wattage; second, use widev flared lamp shades; third, place the lamp prop­ erly. Always have th e l ig h t com ing over either shoulder* Keep bulbs clean for maximum efficiency. Let us repeat! good lighting k the key to comfort arid relaxa* NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Harry Shull, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Eliza­ beth Enis has been duly appointed as Administratrix of the estate of Harry Shull, deceased, late of Cedarville, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 26th day of July, 1945. WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER, Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. ' Lula Baxla, whose present place of residence is unknown, will lake notice that on the 21st day of July, 1945, Paul A. Baxla filed his action for Di­ vorce, Custody of Minor Children, Property Settlement nnd Other Relief against her in the Court of Common Pleas, Greene County, Ohio, Case No. 24,000 on the docket of said Court and that said case will come on for hearing six full weel s from July 27, 1945, which is the, date of the first publication. . • (7-27-0t-8-31) PAUL A. BAXLA, Plaintiff, Robert II. Wead, Attorney, LEGAL NOTICE Mildred R. Jones, 1449 Irving St.N, W, Care Mbs Virginia Raymond, Becerly Apts,, Washington, D. C, is . -hereby notified that Clifford Clark Jones, lias filed a petition for divorce against her on the ground of Gross Neglect of duty, in the Common Pleas Court, Greene County, Ohio, the same being Case No. 23,987, and that' said cause will come on for hearing six full weeks from the date of first pub­ lication hereof. (7-27-6t-8-31.) * . • « turn. KEEP ’EM CLEAN (H I DAYTON POWER * LIGHT COMPANY NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Florence C, Townsley, de­ ceased. .* Notice is hereby given that Jesse C. Townsley has been duly appointed, as Executor of the estate of Florence C. Townsley, deceased, late of Cedarville Township, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 12th day of June, 1945. WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER, Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. LEGAL NOTICE Mabel Lawson, whose address is 109 Water Street, South Norwalk, Con­ necticut, is hereby notified that Pfc. George F. Lawson filed his petition against her for divorce in the Com­ mon Pleas Court, Greene County, Ohio. Said case is numbered 23,970 on the Docket of said court. ■ The grounds for this action are Gross Neglect of Duty, and Extreme Cruelty Said cause will be for hearing on or after six weeks-from July 6, 1945, the date of the first publication of this notice. • . Pfc. GEORGE F. LAWSON, Plaintiff (7-6-61-8-10) GEO. W. .DANIELS, Atty. 118 1-2 E. Main st., Springfield, O. LEGAL NOTICE ' Kenneth W. Gordon,' whose last place of address is 12 Minneapolis, Ave., Vincennes, Indiana, is hereby notified that , Judith D. Gordon has filed a petition in the Qommon Pleas Court, Greene County, Ohio, against him, the same being Case No. 23974, praying for "a divorce on the ground of Extreme Cruelty and that- said cause will come on for hearing on or lifter six full weeks from 'the date of the first publication hereon. (7-6-6t-8-10) DAN M. AULTMAN, Attorney for Plaintiff NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Frances K. Daulon, De­ ceased. Notice is hereby given that Ken­ neth Little has been duly appointed as Administrator of the estate of Fran­ ces K. Dnunlon, deceased, .late of Ce­ darville,-'Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 7th. day ‘of July, 1945.' WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER, Judge of the Probate, Court, Greene County, 'Ohio. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Sarah Ann Wright, De­ ceased. Notice is hereby giver) that Rob­ ert II. Wead has been duly appointed as Administrator of the estate of Sa­ rah Ann Wright, deceased, late of Caesarcreek Township, Greene Coun­ ty, Ohio. Dated this 24th day of July, 1945. WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER, Judge , ,of the Probate Cour,t, Greene County, Ohio. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Margaret Mitchner, De­ ceased. Notice is hereby given that Janies J. Curlett has been duly appointed as Administrator, of the estate of Mar­ garet Mitchner, deceased, late • of Spring Valley Township; - Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 13th day of July, 1945. WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER, Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County,'Ohio. LEGAL NOTICE Jane,,Scott, whose address is Har­ mony, Pa., will take notice that on. the lOtli of July, 1945, Elvorfc Scott filed his petition in the Court of Cony nitm Pleas, Greene County, Ohio, ar gainst her, the same being Case No. 23,983, on the docket of said . court, praying for divorce on the grounds of Gross Neglect of Duty and Extreme. Cruelty aml for/ Other Relief, and that said cause will come on'for hear­ ing, six, full weeks from July 13, 1945, which is the date of the first publi­ cation hereof. (7-13 6t 8-17) . ELVERT SCOTT, Plaintiff ROBERT ILWEAD, , . Attorney ■■ n o t ic e o p p r o c e e d in g s IN DIVORCE Jewel F. Farner, who reside? a t 974 Bussey Street, San Bernardino, Cal- fovnia, will take notice that Floy A. Farner has filed in the Court of Corn- man Pleas of Greene County, Ohio, in case No. 23,948, his petition praying that he may he divorced from her and for such orders and relief as may be just and proper in that case. The po­ tion states that 'the defendant is guilty of gross neglect of duty. Said, case will be for trial on August 4, 1945, or as soon thereafter as th«_ Court may assign it for trial a t the CJourt House in Xenia, Ohio, If an answer is not fifed by defendant by said date, judgment may be taken a- gainst her. ^ FLOYD A. FARNER, . (0-22-Gt-7-29) By Morris D. Rice, his attorney. Osborn, Ohio . LEGAL NOTICE Pfc. Max H. Perkins, Hq. M. O, T. G.—81, Old. Mod. 9th, Cherry Point, North Carolina, is hereby notified that Mary M. Perkins has filed a pe­ tition- in the Common Pleas Court, Greene County, Ohio, against him„' the same being Case No. 23,965, pray­ ing for a divorce on th e ' ground of Gross Neglect of Duty, and that said cause will come on for hearing six full weeks from the date of the first publication hereof, or as soon there­ after as the court may set said cause down for trial. ' , (G-29-6t-8-3) . DAN M. AULTMAN Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTCE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Albert Harris, Deceased. Notice is hereby given tjjat Edith. M. Thomas has been" duly appointed as Executrix of the estate of Albert Harris, deceased, late of Cedarville Township, Greene County, Ohio - Dated this 21st day of July, 1945, I WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio1. m irm iiJliiiiH iM m im iiH H iiiitiiiiiitiiiiitiM iiiiiH iiiiiiiiiB liiia t f Pipe, Valves and Fittings for § I water, gas and steam, Harid and | | Electric Pumps for all purposes, | | Bolts. Pulleys, V Belts, Plumbing § | and Heating Supplies. ‘ I i § I J. P. BOCKLETT j ! SUPPLY CO. f I XENIA, OHIO I LEGAL NOTICE Dorothy G. Sirois, a minor, ami Herman Neubigher father, whose last known address was 113-10 Farmers Blvd., St. Albans, New York,'will hereby take notice that on the 18th day of July, 1945, Stanley B. Sirots Tiled his petition against her in.the Court of Common Pleas, Greene County, Ohio, being case No. 23,993 on the docket of said Court, praying for a decree of divorce from her on the grounds of gross neglect of duty; Plaintiff, vs, Dorothy G. Sirdis, De­ fendant. Suid defendant will further take notice that she is required to answer said petition on or before six weeks from the date of the first publication of tliis notice, being July 20th, 1945. STANLEY B. SIROIS, Plaintiff T. L. Barger,, Attorney. (7-20k6t-8-24) CASH QUICKLY AVAILABLE LOANS -made on mobiles, personal property- furniture property. auto- and Spec. ial plans for farmers. $10 to $1*004.00 Prompt and friendly money Service Springfield Loan Co* 32 W. High at. Springfield* Ohio • LEGAL NOTICE . .Mildred R. Jones, 1509, Irwin St., Washington, D. is hereby notified Ilint Clifford Clarke Jones, has filed a petition in the Common Pleas Court, Greene County, Ohio, against her, the same being Case No. 23,987, praying .for a divorce- on the ground of, Gross Neglect of Duty, and that said cause will come on for hearing six full weeks from the date of the first publi­ cation, which is July 13, 1945, or as §oon thereafter, as the court may' set said cause down for trial. (7-13 Ct 8-17) CLIFFORD CLARKE JONES, Plaintiff HORN & ZARKA,, Attorneys, Winters National Bank Bldg., Dayton, Ohio, LEGALNOTICE Common Pleas Court, Greene Coun­ ty, Ohio. William E. Cousins, Plaintiff VS. Gertrude Holmes, et ah, Defendants Gertrude Holmes and Nornmn Hol­ mes, whose last place of residence is Bienville, New Orleans, ID, La., and Qorrinc Gray and Jamfes A. Gray, whose last known place of residence is 4236 Herbert Street, Detroit, Mich., will take notice that on the 23rd day of June, 1945, William E. Cousins fil­ ed his petition against them in the Common Pleas Court of Greene Coun­ ty, Ohio, asking for partition of real estate in the City of Xenia, Ohio, and being 30 feet off the cast side of Lot No. Four (4) Alfred Trader’s subdivision of Out Lot No. Ten (10), and that if said real estate could not be partitioned that same may be ap­ praised and Sold according to law, and that they are required to answer said petition on or before the 31st day of August, 1945, or judgment niay ho taken by the plaintiff, ordering par­ tition or sale of said real estate, WILLIAM E. COUSINS, Plaintiff. (C-29-6t*8«3)' Smith, McCallister & Gibnoy, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Xenia, O. j A NAME THAT STANDS FOR GOOD IFURNITU RE l BUDGET PLAN I AVAILABLE (Adair’s l" ^ IM Detroit St. Xenia, O. ttlim tlM IH M IlllM IIM IIIltlim im inillM M IM lIIM lIM H IIIIIIIItllliB I FARMS FOR SALE AND f | FARM LOANSj I We have many good farms for sale | on easy terms. .Also make farm | loans at 4 % interest for 15 years, | | No application fee and no apprals-1 | al fee. | Write or Inquire | McSavaney & Co. London O. I Leon H. Kling, Mgr. -| iu llliiiiiiil*iim illi!l*fiitiiiii,in ,m i,i,■ ■ iitiu i,in tu it,i,,,,,, ' QUICK SERVICE FOR DEADSTOCK XENIA FERTILIZER PHONE M-A, 454 Reverse Charges . E. G. Buchaieb, Xenia, Ohio | —H 1 ..........S?------HUBgaB i .... ..... ...................... ...... % '♦» ■ Phone 3061 POULTRY We pay highest prices for rab­ bits, ducks, turkeys, fries, hens, and roosters.^. GINIVAN POULTRY PLANT XENIA, OHIO Eyes Examined, Glasses Pitted;* \ v Reasonable.Charges. Dr.C.E.Wilkin Optometric Ey« Specialist XeitiA* Ohio ' \ Mrs. ' Sunday Elmer ai Army work at cash pric Auto, ing in M Cedar St Mr. an son, F re ' guests o mings th Mrs W son) of with frie Lost—- dollar bi Neal, Ph Wante china, br ' china an 530 Dibe: Mrs. E are occup Xenia av » , Rev. sister, M New Yor with Mrs were call< brother, Mr .an nouncing ma Jean; Hospital, and one Miss R is here o Mr. and signed as tion for t go to W. secretary city. She Septembe Mrs. C ited last B. Truml Mrs. Res Centervil daughter home wit days. Mrs. nati is a home. c m ' Hav Sout u ‘Su V