The Cedarville Herald, Volume 68, Numbers 27-52
lEDARVILLSJ HERALD, FRIDAY, AUGUST *, JM5’ TT C C lu b and Socia l A c tiv itie s Q VJ Mr». Max Notr of Daytonfl pp^nt Sunday with her father and aunt, Mr. Elmer and Miss Bertha Owens. Army Air Officer needs car foi work at Patterson Field* Will pay top cash price for late model GOOD used Auto. See Lt. John H. Kissinger, liv ing in Mrs. Clara Morton’s home on Cedar St., Cedarville, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bernier and' son, Freddie, of Detroit, Mich., are the guests o f' Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cum mings this week. Mrs William Bray (Frances Hutchi son) of Rossford, O., spent Sunday with friends here. Lost-Money, $25. Twenty and five dollar bills. Liberal reward. Ezra Neal. Phone. Wanted— To buy antique furniture china, bras^ and student lamps. Old china and glass ware. Cora Green, 530 Dibert Ave., Springfield, Ohio. Mrs. Ernest Gibson and children are occupying the Oglesbee cottage on Xenia ave Rev. Walter Hopping, D. D., and sister, Mrs. Bessie Paul of Buffalo, New. York, are spending two weeks with Mrs. William Hopping. Both were called here by the death of their brother, the late William S. Hopping. Mr .and Mrs. Robert Bullen are an nouncing the birth of a daughter, Nor ma Jean; Tuesday, at the McClellan Hospital. They now have two sons and one daughter. Miss Ruth West of Hartford, Conn., is here on a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. West. She has re signed as director of religious educa tion for the Qity Missionary and is to ' go to Waukeegan, 111., as executive secretary of the Y. W. C. A. in that city. She enters upon her new work in September. Mrs. Cora Trumbo and Mildred vis ited last week with Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Trumbo of Osborn and Mr. and Mrs. Rcsooe Wilson .and family of Centerville. Mrs. Rebecca Ward and daughter, Rebecca Louise, returned home with1’ them to visit for a few, days. Mrs. Edwin Westerfeld of Cincin nati is also visiting ac -the Trumbo home. HAVE YOUR SUIT CLEANED - PRESSED Have Your Clothes Cleaned and Pressed As Usual THE C L E A N E R S Quality Work South Miin at., Cedarville J Miss Eleanor Stanley, who has been a guest of the Misses Eaton, Clifton pike, has returned to her home in West Mansfield, after a four day vis- t here. She was a class mate of Ruth ind Rheba Ann Eaton, when the later were students a t West Mansfield. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bradfutc o f' 1Findlay, and the lattej's mother,.Mrs. Della Lyle of Marriana, Ark., spent Sunday with relatives. They werej accompanied home by their son, Oscar; wlio has been visiting at the home of- his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, D .1 C, Bradfute. NOTICE TO RECRUITING OFFI CERS: If boy named Henry. Lent tries to enlist, please send him home. He’s only 12, but solid and husky as an eighteener, because he’s always eat ing those energy-packin’, malty-rich, sweet-as-anut GrapeNuts. H. Lent, Sr. • Misses Ethel and Cora MeOainpbell entertained relatives and friends last j Thursday eve at their home on James., town pike, at a miscellaneous “show-- tu” for their nicee, Mrs. Alva Hagiav- es (Mary Anna McCampbell), who is a recent bride. Gifts for the honored guest were arranged on a table dec orated with red, white and blue ap pointments and centered by a mina- ture bride and bridegroom. Twenty- five persons were present and the hos tesses served an ice course. C O Z Y ; THEATRE • Saturday. August 4 ' ck Benny-Alexis Smith Horn Blows at Midnight* or Cartoon— Musical in. and Mon., Aug. 5-6 • e Baft ■ Dina Shore Ted Lewis and His Orchestra FOLLOW THE BOYS” Plus Fox News d. and Thura., Aug. 8*9 tuie Baxter -*»• John Hodiak »y Dinner For A Soldier’ GM News — Cartoon iHMawwtwwmmiwuaWwwHMmi BUY AND HOLD “E” BONDS Mia.* Elizabeth Jane Preston Bride Of Pfc. Harold Cooley Miss Elizabeth Jane Preston Xenia, and Pfc. Harold T. Cooley, Ctdaiville exchanged vow's during a Rouble ring marriage service last Sunday after noon at 4:30 o’clock in the Clifton Presbyterian-Church, The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. C. M. Preston, Xenia. White shasta daisies and two caji- delahia were arranged at the altar and Rev. Malcolm llam a performed the ceremony. Mrs. Mildred Foster, organist, aunt of the bride, and Miss Jeannette Spallr, vocalist, presented a busieal program before the* ceremony, 'Their selections were “At Dawning’’, "Because", “Sweetest Story Ever Told" and “My Hero". Miss Pauline Rollins, Dayton, was maid of honor and the only bridal at tendant. She wore* aqua blue crepe Iwkl: while aceesrorien and a corsage 1of roses. , Mr. Preston gaye his daughter in marriage. The bride’s gown was of v.lntv lace faille with white umt-.-or- ic.s and her c-.tiusage war- v.hile i.i.-e-. The Bible she earned, a gift of the laidegroom, was covered with nmthir -olVpearl and had hem suit fimu Tabstine. She wine a blue and white btadul macelet worn by hei gu ut- gteat gjandmothcr on her wedding day in 1332, I n . Coolej’a he-.t mm was Mi- liaioid Carry, Clifton pike, and- the u-iieivs were Mr. Emile i'nmeyJ-and 1 IV. Trunk JIai/iei. ' t I Mr... Trenton wore for her daugh- j tec's wedding u white and blue lJem- j berg sheer with black acce-.mi ies and i a gardenia corsage, ami the bride-1 groom’s mother, Mrs Wilber K. Cool ey, was attired ni navy blue and white crepe. Her accessories were blue and she al-vi wove gardenias. I Tony l datives and friends of th o ' f"'!ipl*' wite guer-ts for n reception a t . th • of Mi •. Mildred Foster in Viil"W Spiiiigc. following the mar- i ,i\ - Ij-l:-.' i.i-a c wo-, drcoiatcd at- :« ictneiy with ;i:astu dames and* .-■»pham tin. I i’ll*. :>•:(! Mr,-.. Cooley left for a short j wi Ming trip. She wore a twopieee I iita h i heer alpaca trimmed with lace,! mu king at ccs anus and a corsage of! . ;,.. Both are graduates of Ce-j .tu-, ;j.c High School ami she is cm- ,•.. 1,011 n.. . e Cluunller-Evans Coip.,* i V n. T v . « -ndey was with the air] ■ ip i-*) A lru a t .gotten months. He! i.v •"ii 01 .ut. and Mis. \\ ilhur K, j Codij'. ( Oat-if-tt wn ; uestt for the wedding* and moption wete mini Troy, Day- iin, .ipiiiighekl, and Cimmnati. 0 BUY WAR BONDS a iiiij.ij.Lu. uiiiii mh . j . i . iow PIITECT Ibuttry HeeHfe iMNttP.ay^XflrOn JuH M 4 <• D rhM tjf Wtifofl N eo -S o i K t h thorn bright rod combo and wattle*. R^coounwuUd chi 'tosiH cad provsntivo of dteordem, given o* Interval*. Promote* wifomi growth cmd health, pep* up lay ing hone. latomal antteeptlo eapa> bio ol coplag with worm*, germa w on report cure* oi eocddloala, and other flock-ravaging lnteatfaai diaoaooa. Gallon makoo 400 gcd. solution. Easy to uw< Inexpensive insurance. Money refunded K asked after 30-day we. Tty Nee- Sol—see why 9 out of 10 re-ordee. why hundreds of poultry rafsom ju* Neo-Sol yoar after year, , . PT. 05a QT. fir GAL. f f -J3 DEALER'S NAME ^ Our 2nd Century of / ■ ' Banking XENIA NATIONAL BANK DETROIT STREET at MAIN , XENIA, OHIO has served the people of Greene County since 1835 THE GREENE COUNTY FAIR IS IN ITS SECOND CENTURY OF.. SERVICE.. AND.. PLEAS URE TO GREENE COUNTY PEOPLE. THE FAIR HAS. BEEN IN OPERATION F ROM TI1E DAYS OF THE CONISTOGA * COVERED WAGON TO THE DAYS OF THE. AIRPLANE WE CONGRATULATE THE FAIR BOARD ON THE CELE BRATION OF THIER 106TII FAIR THE X E N I A NATIONAL BANK HAS SERVED THE PEOPLE OF GREENE COUN TY FOR 110 YEARS OF CON GENIAL, HAPPY BUSINESS RELATIONS. • IT HAS PROGRESSED AND E.: LARGED ITS ABILITY TO :’.i.RVE TO MEET THE WID ER O P P O R T U N I T I E S BROUGHT . ABOUT BY CHANGING METHODS OF TRANSPORTATION, . BECAUSE THE TORCH HAS BEEN HANDED DOWN FROM Y E A R T O ' Y E A R TO ABLE LEADERSHIP, THE GREENE COUNTY FAIR HAS NEVER FALTERED... HAS , - I NS TEAD MADE CONSTANT PROGRESS IN ITS LONG CAREER. WE LIKE TO THINK THAT THIS SAME DEVOTION TO PRINCIPLE . . . TO THOROUGHGO ING, WELL-FOUNDED BANKING PRACTICE, HAS BROUGHT A PA RALLEL A C H I E V E M E N T TO THIS BANKING INSTITUTION. . AN ACHIEVEMENT REFLECTED IN STEADY, VIGOROUS PROG RESS THROUGH THE YEARS. , . SO, OUR EYES ARE ON THE FUTURE. ' • <0 WE NEVER WANT TO GROW SO BIG THAT WE LOSE T HAT PERSONAL TOUCH WITH OUR CLIENTELE WHICH IS SO SATISFYING A FEATURE OF OUR ORDINARY BANKING ROU TINE. THAT-S KEEPING OUR FEET ON THE GROUND. V / . . • * f WE LIKE YOU TO FEEL THAT YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME, THAT YOUR FINANCIAL PROBLEM WILL ALWAYS GET A RESPECTFUL AND SYMPATHETIC HEARING. YOU ARE NEVER A STRANGER AFTER YOUR FIRST VISIT., * The Old Xenia National Bank , MAIN CORNER CITY OF XENIA
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