The Cedarville Herald, Volume 68, Numbers 27-52
f m SCB a minor, and her, wlios# loot 13-JO Forworn 'ew York, will at on tho 18th onloy B. Siroii inst her in the Pleas, Greene :ase No, gffjltS Court, praying a "from hen on eglect ol doty; G. Siroia, Bo- further taka uired to answer fore six weeks first publication uly 20th, 1945. i. SIROIS, Plaintiff y* . . >TICE ^ e address is 109 Norwalk, Con- >tified that Pfc. led his petition ce in the Com* areene County, -nbered 23,976 on urt. this action are ty, and Extreme or hearing on or July 6„1945, the ication of this F. LAWSON, Plaintiff Atty. Springfield, O. POINTMENT arris, Deceased, iven that Edith duly appointed estate of Albert s of Cedarville ounty, Ohio of July, 1945. IcCALLISTER ite Court, Green* lytlllllllMMIHHimiMIHIIH i Fittings for am, Hand and § r all .purposes, telts, Plumlmf es. KLETf r CO. >HIO mHIIIHillMItimHIttMMtH? tmmmmniMiiiiiMMtiiitq T STANDS DOD ' ru RE PLAN icBLE r*s Xeala.O. CEDARVILLE HERALD, FRIDAY, AUGUST W, 1945 iiiiiM n iim iiiiiiiiM iifiiM iii E AND FARM LOANS 1 farms for sale Iso make farm stf for 15 years, and no apprala- Inquire London O. ing, Mgr. minmiitmiiinMiHiwiiMii SRVICE l rocic IA JZER leverse Chargos Xenia, Ohio HIIM IIIIIHItIM Hm M IHM M t I fitted, r . ble Charges, Mfilkia !c Eye list )hio c VJ Club and SocialActivities 2nd Lt. P. J, McCorkell has been at home on a short furlough and has ' been, transferred to Camp Dix in Ok lahoma. The Dinner Bridge Club was enter tained Tuesday evening a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Galloway. Miss Dorcas Jobe, who has been the guest of her college-mate Miss Mer- idith Leverone, a t Lake Forrest, 111., for two weeks, has returned home.. Mrs. Charles Machell and son, Rob ert of Syracuse, N. Y., arrived Sun day and are guests a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. H, Eaton. They will return Tuesday. Donald and Lois Thordsoren. of Osborn spent the week end-ht the Eaton home. . The Boy Scouts have returned home after a week a t Camp Hugh-Taylor Birch. They, received commendation for their efforts in camp. On their return they are preparing for the three-day celebration in Cedarville, over Labor Day. They will camp a t the rear of Bird’s Store where they have wrecked an old building. Doug- been transferred to Camp Sill in Ok- tor. Wanted— To buy antique furniture china, brass and student lamps. Old china and glass ware. Cora Green, 53Q Dibert Ave., Springfield, Ohio. Mrs. Wayne E. Andrew has return ed to Bristow, Okla„ after a ten-day visit with relatives here and in Day- ton. Her husband Lt. Andrew is serv ing with the 20th Air Force, based on Guam. Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Wilson, and son, Mr. Robert Wilson, of Fostoria, O., visited the former’s brotherin-law and sister, Mr and Mrs. W. A. SpencerJ" and other relatives here, Sunday. Mr. Robert Wilson recently was discharg ed from- the army after serving thirty eight months; overseas. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR MY WIFE’S DEBTS—until she starts ser- . »♦ • mg that wonderful," nourishing, ener gy packed ,cereal—Grape-Nuts. Every day. Twice on Sunday! I need the energy in maltyrich, sweet-as-anut Grape-Nuts to sign all those checks, R. P. W. ' . ■, FREE—Several truck loads of cin ders free for the houling. Located at the school house. Call Wm. Fisher or Alvin Chaplin, Cedarville. HAVE YOUR SUIT CLEANED - PRESSED Have Your Clothe* Cleaned and Preaaed Aa (Jsual THE C L E A N E R S Quality Work ’ South Mata a t, Cedarville (Continued from Page One) the Old Dispensation grew the New Dispensation with its pattern for the welfare of. man, if man will hut fol- : low jt. The challenge to each gener ation is to forward the Jesus way of Life The awfulness of the atomic bomb, revealed since the above words were spoken gives, added emphasis to the need for mankind to follow the way of Joshua of old, “As for me and my house we will serve the Lord." The Misses McVicker, Montgomery, and Rafferty spent last week end un der their respective parental roofs. It was the last home visit before the final stretch to the summer term goal. Final examinations Thursday and Friday. Miss Glenna Basore, former secre tary-and registrar of CC, and her father, Mr. Wm. N. Basore, were mid week guests in the home of Manager and Mrs. Boyce, and called on many of their old frieds. They will go to Middletown today. Saturday the fam ily will journey to Toledo for a fam ily get together in the home of the son and brother, •Henry Basore. Rev. Donald. Boyer, ’35, was a Col lege caller Tuesday afternoon. Rev. Boyer, who was pastor of the’United Presbyterian Church in Dayton, was recently made Synodical Secretary of the Ohio Synod of the United Presby terian, with headquarters at Maddlc- cown, Ohio. President Vayhinger was the guest speaker at South Charleston"'for the Presbyterian Congregation last Sab bath. The Student Room a t the College is being redecorated and prepared for the fall opening by the Summer' School girls with the aid of Mrs. Vayhinger. As the spring crop of pigs js being taken to market, the fall crop is ar- iving.. Five gilts have farrowed 45 pigs as a beginner. At the same rate more than 100 hogs will be ready for market next spring. Yes, there is plenty to do on the farm even if we do nave labor-saving machinery. Mrs. Max Dobbins and son of Knox- vill, Tenn., have been guests at the home of her father and mother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Townsley. C O Z Y * THEATRE * FrL and Sat., Auguat 10*11; Edward Arnold Hume Cronyn MAIN STREET AFTER DARK Cartoon Sports — Variety Sun. and Mon., Auguat 1243 Donald O’Connor — Jack Oakle “CAN’T HELP SINGING” * in Technicolor * FOX NEWS — MUSICAL rnm taiRM aiiiiiiiaiiiiaiiniiam R . CHURCH NOTES j MiNaMaMttiiiifaMttaeyiimiiiMiituiMiMiiiiiiMiiimiiHHtimM UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH • Ralph A, Jamieson, Minister. Sunday School 10 A. M. Supt. Arthur B. Evans, Union Preaching ServiceT1 A.M. in the First Presbyterian Church. Message by U, P. Pastor. The fol lowing Sabbath August 19th, the two congregations will worship in the U. P. Church and the Rev. Paul Elliott will preach. The annual Sabbath School and con gregational picnic will be held. Thurs day, August 16th a t Shawnee Park, Xenia. METHODIST CHURCH Rev. H, H. Abels, D. D., Minister Sunday School 10 A. M. Supt. Miss Bette Nelson. Church Service 11 A. M. “Why Or ganization." Selma Church Service 9:30 A, M. Union Sunday School following. Supt. Elbert Schickedantz, CLIFTON UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Dr. John W. Bickett, Minister. NO PREACHING SERVICE IN-CLIFTON U. P. CHURCH There will be no Sabbath School, no preaching or evening service in the Clifton United Presbyterian Church Sabbth, August 12th. (Continued from f i n t pag*) susceptible in test weight and more to scab injury. JUNIOR 4-H Club members from 10 to 15 years of age from Greene and Clinton bounties will hold their annual camp August 20-25. Camp will open Monudny, Aug. 20, with registration a t 1:00 o’clock and close Saturday, August 25, jjfter breakfast, " The program for the week will in clude crafts, swimming, nature, 're creational games, vespers, campfire, Singing and nature pictures. Begin* ners will learn to swim under the su pervision of Red Cross life guards. Reservations must be made before August l8, Wed. end Thura., Aug. 18-16 Deanna Durban Robert Paige “THE MERRY MONAHANS” News of the Day — Musical ........... ........................ .............. Harden & Mumma AUCTIONEERS Investigate before you book your Book, your Sale Phona 1547 W -l, Xenia, Ohio I W
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