The Cedarville Herald, Volume 68, Numbers 27-52

w C ED 4EV IUX HHRALP, FR IDAY, AUGUST 31, IB # T H E C E P A B . V I L L E H E R A j U D l v a t p t .W B U L L ------------------------------- EDITOR AND PUBLISHER inw fuM — b « h m ii ntW rriil JtMoc.; o u i H tn w w iiw > ; |<u»t Yrtlw t*r»rt. Entered as second class matter, October 81, 1887, at the Postoffice at Ce- darville, Ohio, under the A ct o f March 1879, ........... ........................ ...... — “ ---------------------- FRroAYTAUGUST 31, 1945 immuwuhiuumuuihiihhw W H O W A S COMM ANDER -IN -CH IEF , DECEMBER 7, 1941? A clever burlesque is being staged in Washington at present with one high-up blaming another for the Pearl Harbor fisco December 7.1941. From reports given the public so many per­ sons were guilty of at least neglect, it will be hard to place the finger of blame on the guilty. Two cabinet officers have been "smeared” and the President of the United States comes to their defense. Then Gen. Marshall falls victim tp the clique that months ago wanted to hang Gen. Short and Adm. Kim- mel but would hang.the Chief of Staff today to keep under cov­ er the part played by the then Commander-in-Chief. Just how anyone dared to exercise their own judgment, good or bad, back in the days of dictatorial New Deal, and live this long, is a question that should puzzel any right thinking man. No man in those days dared to question the act or intention ot Your Dictator, or as he often spoke of himself in his public utterances, "Your Commander-in-Chief” Sec. Hull disapprov­ ed of Presidential acts of those days but he was told to take the “ dunce stool in the corner” Short and Kimmel have been tried before the public without hearing whether they acted on their own judgment or orders or whether they followed orders from their (yours) Commander-in-Chief. Another page of shameful and disgraceful history unfolded to the public will not black­ en what the public now knows of the rotten New Deal. LEND -LEASE A N D BR ITA IN Prime Minister Attlee and his predecessor, Winston Churc­ hill, are'agreed on one thing . Both are displaying a bit of British temper because the United States has terminated lend- lease to the empire. Both think this shou’ 1 continue “ prior consultation and discussion.” Moreover, Atlee is going to send John Muynard' Keynes, the postle of spending and giving a- way other people’s money, to Washington in an effort to get lend-lease restored. Attlee’s plaint is that this leaves Britain in a precarious fi­ nancial position, that it means deficit spending, and so (on. He doesn’t seem to realize that America’s cupboard is rather bare after the years of giving away our goods of every descrip­ tion and he doesn’t admit that no worse for Britain to fin­ ance on a deficitfbasis than it is for us to continue spending what we do not have. ■ ' • The foreign point of view obviously is that the United States should go ahead piling up its national debt, send goods, commodities and aid overseas without charge and. permit the _ other nations to get their financial and business houses in order at our expense. This is a selfish stand, to say the least. We spent more and run up a greater debt in this war than any other nation in the world. I f we were able to manage a mount­ ing deficit, there is no reason why others can’t or shouldn’t. Furthermore, Attlee and his government have risen to power on- a program calling for a leftist way of life that is a- gainst American traditions. He seems to desire that we fi­ nance and make possible the success o f this program. But the American people will approve the end of lend-lease and will not willingly go along with any move to restore it, now that the war emergency is ended. What we must be on guard against now is future attempts to-obtain from us indirectly and free, what they no longer can * get directly through lend-lease. These Attempts will come, with­ out doubt through devices based on the Bretton Woods agree- ments, the Import-Export Bank, and such others as may be a- vailable. Many are the compliment* we have heard over the broadcast last Satur­ day night in the question and answer period between Gordon Graham, WLW broadcaster in Washington and Congressman Clarence J, Brown. The interview was on imporant daily sub­ jects that concerns not only service men and their families but important reconversion issueB. Cong. Brown told the farm group at Clifton Camp meeting his views on reconversion and continuance o f the draft. We suggest Democratic followers o f the year old draft, taking youths out o f administration that support the 18.-25 school and college prove their loyalty and sincerity by accompanying their nephew, cousion or what to the change in state administration*. I f we ever w rit* “ Our Memoirs** we could reveal aomething o f recent hls- tory that was predicted by the late minister to the writer some time be­ fore his death. Hold yoUr breath New Dealers! FOR SALE Enght room house, hath, gas electricity; two acres o f land. and son, draft board and volunteer at once un­ der the recent statement o f President Truman. Most people are really tired and'disgusted about this drafting o f young boys o f college age to keep a lot of generals, captains, etc., on the government payroll at the expense o f income tax payers. Many who back this plan pay little or no income tax! We have been quietly making a survey of how .the boys feel that nave returned from oversea service and also about the draft during peace dme. Twenty -two have been inter­ viewed recently. Twenty o f them are js bitter against the admin­ istration as a liquor dealer is against .i prohibitionist. A ll ytorts tcomplaints .iave been heard. Favoritism in the appointment or advancement o f men in’ the service, especially the .army if we believed half o f what has been void us, aftd of course all o f It in con .idence, things are as rotten as the public has a right to believe. One dis­ charged veteran told o f how an exper .enced captain had been placed over ais company without much training and no knowledge o f military rules. Jfttimes a lieutenant had to correct jv isubstitute the orders. The officer .vas a son of a prominent Democrat in ..he New Deal aconomic revolutionary army o f bureaucrats in Washington. Today the trouble is that President irnuman must stand.,behind the army .vhich was nothing but a tool o f New .Jeal Communistic leaders, He must do his part in the program laid out by doosevelt leaders for the ten-year program to keep our boys in the army and scattered all over the world. That ,vas to be part o f the 60 milliqn jobs The Roosevelt history is unfolding day by day. A reporter on the Chicago Tribune releases a story that Japan offered to surrender on the same terms seven months ago to FDR that was accepted by President Truman, Two days before the Yalta con­ ference FDR received a Japanese o f­ fer o f surrender. The o ffe r was sent by General Douglass Mac Arthur to the White House in a fo rty page doc­ ument and addressed to the Comman- der-in.Chief. Two offers were made through American channels and three through British. A ll came from high „ap governmental agents representing Emperor Hirohito. FDR passed the offer with this remark according to the reporter, which has not been de nied by the White House or State De­ partment: “ Mas Arthur is our great­ est general and our poorest politician.' The peace offer was not presented to /alta Conference but it was one of the subjects discussed by Truman- Attlee Potsdam declaration call ing fo r surrender o f Japan.. The'Trib­ une could not publish the story o f the peace o ffer at the time because o f the censorship rules. The stubbornness of FDR or his stratorspheric attitude cost the lives o f thousands o f Ameri­ can lives in the Pacific. The smell of powder was sweet in his nostrils. ' A wonderful subject fo r debate by any o f the so-called New Deal supporters: METHODIST CHURCH Rev. H. H. Abel*, D- D., Minister Sunday School 1.0 A . M. Supt. Miss Bette Nelson. Church Service 11 A . M. Sacred O r­ gan Recital played by Miss Mildred Trumbo. The Church service (his morning is to feature a type o f service that ia unique: The entire worship service will be in the nature o f a sacred or­ gan recital. A ll o f the steps the ser- Th e D. A . R. has taken W the management o f the A r t Display in the Bird-Confarr room instead o f the Home Culture Club. Mrs. Raymond T . Williamson, regent, will be head o f the display assisted by other mem- J w b u , ..... ........... ........................... bers. The exhibit is confined to all j arvjjje Qag and electricity and gar- citisens o f the village, township and den< the school district. The display is fo r ( quilts, bed covers, all sorts; Old laces, Dolls and Doll dresses; Prises w ill be offered. Mrs. Williamson requests that all entries be brought to the die- j play room early Monday morning, Seven room house, located in Ce- Forty acres in Cedarville Twp. Sev­ en room house, electricity and furnace Good bam and outbuildings. Reid Martin Weimer AOM 3rd i „ ___ _ class, who has been visiting at home vice will be in organ music—even the I And has been in naval school a t Jeck- PRUGH & SHARP 15 Green St. Xenia, O, sermon and prayers; Miss Trumbo !*■ to be assisted by MisB Gloria Abels at the piano. sonville, Fla., left Tuesday fo r A4am- eda, Ca lif.,'for further duty. PRESBYTER IAN CHURCH Rev. Paul H . Elliott, Pastor Sunday School 10 A . M. John Pow ­ ers, Supt. 11 A . M. Morning. Worship. Sermon: “ The Whisper and Thunder o f God,’’ Tuesday, Sept ,4th. The Mizpah Class will meet at the home o f Mrs. A. J. Hostetler, Mrs. Huey and Dr. Florence Williamson. Wednesday evening Union Prayer | Meeting in the U. P . Church 8 P. M. LEGAL NOT ICE For Sale—About 6 tona Clov­ er Hay in rick. I. C. Davis, Ce­ darville, Ohio. itooseveit and Hen Wallace pratted a- We see now that our overseas neighbors are not going to j “out months ago. President Truman give up the benefits and joys o f our free goods without a strug- ' “ gle. But it is time for them to paddle their own canoe awhile and let Americans enjoy a few of the fruits of their toil and sacrifices. ' *—Ohio State Journal BRITISH O N DEMOCRACY A N D LEND LEASE Oiit o f all this contention of making the different nations pure democracies we are fearful this nation has undertaken a fask that will fall back in our laps. Forcing Germany Italy and Japan to adopt a democratic form of government along with a . number of smaller nations, seems to be out of line with what the big four conferences have planned and what they have over­ looked. The British are little more of a democracy than was Italy or even Russia. France provided a method of voting but in a large measure the Communistic element- was victorious. Then read of a small European nation being told they must not go on with their election as it does not meet the democratic idea.' Here we have Russia and England at the conference table to tell other nations what they must do, when these nations are still limited monarchies or absolute dictatorships, the same as were Hitler and Mussolini. :*Out of-the different conferences Roosevelt or Truman be* ing-our representatives we find one or the other, or both have agreed to let the British control Hong Kong, which was taken a number of years a&o "by conquest from China without pay to j get the revenue o ff these Chinese people and control the sale of ° opium to the reat of the worlds Since that time this narcotic is listed as an illegal article o f trade yet the British want to and evidently the balance o f poweriof the big four have agreed to let Britain have' this section o f Chiba* -As we, read of the at­ titude of the new Prihie Minister Attlee. a Iajbqr kader, he is for anything Churchill supported oil the British foreign, policy, ceforms-nt home, bill hot for giving rights to any of the British subjects that are now being taxed “ without representation” as we know it in this country, especially when subjects are taxed for most of their individual worth, The British are much concerned because this Country has or will stop lend-lease soon. A special delegation is being sent to Washington to protest this free grant that has been one of the method of draining food and needed supplies from this na­ tion. We no doubt must expect this disappointment for the whole world has been promised many things in food and wealth by Roosevelt, Wallace and other New Dealers that we cannot and will not make good. The British now are trying to iineup South American trade against this country and the administra­ tion makes no protest, ‘ The Dayton Herald in commenting on the new labor gov­ ernment in England, which boasts of being socialistic, still re­ mains 100 per cent British, with no thought of democracy even , for the subjects under the Enpire. Reformation seems to be . for nations outside of British control. Regardless of the fact the U. S, came to the rescue of the British early in War II anc gave her our submarine destroyers, which should have been kept for defense at Pearl Harbor, we must pay lease rental on British mnd for war defenses and we have been charged for the use of the Suez Canal for our war vessels while the British were not charged one cent for her cargoes that went through the Panama Canal. Yet, King George and his subjects would con­ tinue tp sell our lend-lease food, wear our lend-lease clothing, ah^ pa$*.nothing in return- We recall a famous Churchill prom­ ise! “ You furnish us the war equipment and we will provide the men.” Th^n wo recall that run-away at Dunquirke, France. A ll in all this nation has been the goat in many ways at the ex* / pome of our income tax payers and war bond owners, It is high time the British were placed on their own. They have been in War With various nations for several hundred years and have acquired most of thHr posse; sions by Conquest. As we under­ stand it that is not the democratic way o f life among nations of today, I f so we have fought a futile war, this Second World s in a tight spot trying to play fa ir with the public and at the same time trying to pleaBe the brass hats and -he bureaucrats in high places. He evi Uently is weakening and leaning to .he brass hats when he advocates grafting 18 year olds when we have .-.even million men now iri service: Let any Democratic candidate, in Greene county make that tire- issue even for .tie office o f coronor, judge or what? A group o f 34 educators and reli gious leaders characterize the atomic oomb as “ an atrocity o f a new mag­ nitude’' and u new low fo r humanity*'. President Truman has been asked by this group to stop production o f the weapon and “ seek commitments o f all nations” outlawing use of the bomb. As we see it it makes little difference how the educators and religious lead­ ers" feel about this greatest destroyer o f civilization. This nation went In­ to covenant with all nations to elimi-* nate the use o f poison gas in warfare. The atomic bomb is by fa r ton times more destructive to human life than poison gas. “ Every thing is fa ir in love and war.”* an old saying. We no doubt saved many, American lives by the use o f the bomb even though hundreds o f Japs are still dying every day from the effect o f the atomic bomb. When one takes over the pow­ ers o f the Djety, and that was what was done in harnessing the atoms for destruction, h». or they are trifling and probably antagogonizing their Maker, The use o f the bomb to de­ stroy will not likely get endorsement from Above. President Truinan cuts o ff lend- lease for European nations. The one big yelp comes from the British that have been selling meats, groceries to her population at a profit that was not costing that government a cent. Now a calamity hits that country all be cause we will not suffer cold, starve our aged and infirm, to feed the Bri- ish subjects. We recall what was said after World War 1. We were ridiculed and held up to English scorn because we did not do more, sacrifice more mqp while the British remained in hid­ ing, Ask any o f the boys who were ‘over there” in those days. You can expect such criticism as the days may come and go from the British. Had it not been for the visit o f King George to weep at the throne o f Franklin D. Roosevelt, we probably never would have entered the war Even Japan would not have turned against us if it had not been fo r British influen. cing FDR to cut trade relations with Japan. Up to that time FDR had re­ fused to listen to his own Secretary of State Cordell Hull, who protesting the sale o f American sciap by the million tons, and oil by the tank ship load to that nation, FDR regarded Japan as “ our best customer” We have recol lection o f seeing scrap iron boats 500 -feet long being loaded in New Orleans in those days o f “ our best customer.'* Herald files will prove this statement o f that date. Cleveland's mayor is not extending the hand o f fellowship to the hundreds o f out-of-towners that are .walking the streets since Japan fell and war plants have closed dpwn or are being returned to civilian goods production. The mayor makes it plain that the city cannot provide fo r these people who have no employment and he urges one and all to start back home or to the place they left to get work in the city. This problem will be one fo r all counties and municipalities, where la­ bor was welcomed fo r war work; In this vicinity. Montgomery, Clark, Mi­ ami and Preble counties have thous­ ands that will be out o f employment in\* few weeks or months. Many of thetfc^eople have not the price o f a tire or ten gallon o f gasoline to re­ turn to spnle neighboring state. I t is noticible now that- many automobiles are loaded with bedding household goods and small furniture, headed for somewhere. Some go north; Some go east and some west or south. UNITED PRESBYTER IAN CHURCH Ralph A. Jamieson, Minister. Sunday School 10 A . M. Supt. Arthur B. Evans. Preaching 11 A, M. Rev. Dalton Galloway from Egypt will preach. Rev. Dalton Galloway and wife, who are U. P. Missionaries in Egypt, are guests o f MiBS Eleanor Kyle, Mrs Galloway being a sister. Y . P. C. U. 7 P. M Subject, “ Labor’s Place in a Christian World” We will resume the Union Mid- Week Prayer service, Wednesday, Setp. 5th in the U. P. Church at 8 P. M. The pastor will lead this initial meeting. The Fall Meeting o f Xenia Preaby. tery will meet in our Church Tuesday, Sept. 11 at 9 A . M. Lula Baxla, whose present place o f j residence is unknown, will take notice j that on. the 21st day o f July, 1945, Paul A . Baxla filed his action fo r Di­ vorce, Custody o f Minor Children, i Property Settlement and Other Relief I against her in the Court o f Common Pleas, Greene County, Ohio, Case No. | 24,000 on the docket o f said Court i and that said case will come on fo r hearing six fu ll weeks from July 27, 1946, which is the date o f the first | publication. (7-27-6t-8-31) PA U L A . BAXLA , Plaintiff. Robert H. Wead, Attorney. SERV ICEMEN A N D r NOT ICE OF APPO INTM ENT MEN O U T OF W O R K DUR ­ IN G RECONVERS ION We need men to expand our service. For information, write to or call at our office. MOTORISTS M U T U A L INS. COM P A N Y , 471 East Broad Street Columbus, 15, Ohio 6 De- “ My Day" column Says the hubby was the originator o f the atomic bomb, That sounds natural. We have read on reliable authority that a Jew­ ish female scientist that had been in Germany discovered the Nazi were trying to devdope some Sort o f a war destroyer. She was sent from Ger­ many and landed in Italy. Then Bhe gave out the information to England but the bankers running the war 6ver their did not understand her language and it was relayed to this country and that was the hour “ My Husband” un­ folded his wonderful 'discovery. AH we admit is that he had lived most o f his last twelve years in the strata sphere but we never heard or read in the "My Day” column that the Jew­ ish lady went nuts and-committed suicide. A t least we will not change our views until “ My Day” column gives out more information. Often do we think o f thtf form er’ CedarVillian Presbyterian minister, now deceased, who held an important executive po sition in New York State under Gov, A1 Smith and why he did not care to remain in ublio- service after a WANTED ■—■ To bail your hay and straw. We are fully e- quipped for the work. Dry f Qr 8hle. Call Cedarville 3907. « — Chickens, fryers, * Jl?. C. C. Brewer, Phone o»2251« c A B O R D A Y 1945 In cooperation with the Ce- .darville Progressive Club’s Labor Day celebration, we announce “ Open House” on Saturday, Sunday and Mon­ day afternoons ,and evenings. Be sure to visit us while you are here. We will onjoy show Ing you our funeral home, A representative from Hos­ pital 'Care Corp., Cincinnati, O., will be with us on Labor Day to answer questions and give you any, information putt desire about this plan, M c M i llan ' 'fM | . , Vr ' »\' ’ -v * i * ■ h . 'Nr * Estate o f William S. Hopping, ceased. Notice is hereby given that Mary | A. Hopping has been duly appointed I as Executrix o f the estate o f William S. Hopping, deceased, late o f Cedar- | ville Township, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 3rd day o f August, 1945, | W IL L IAM B. McCALLISTER, Judge o f the Probate Court,'Greene ) County, Ohio. mu ICECREAM At horn#—AnyDover—Dtltcloui—Smoqth —No ice crystal.—No cooking—No r* whipping—Nc NOT ICE OF APPO INTM ENT Estate o f Harry Shull, Deceased, Notice is hereby given that Eliza- ] beth Enis has been duly appointed as Administratrix o f the estate of Harry CLIFTON UN ITED PRESB YTER IAN CHURCH Dr. John W. Bickett, Minister. Miss Jean Ferguson, Pianist. Sabbath School 10 A . M. Supt. Wil-1 Shull, deceased, late o f Cedarville, l . ,o scorched flovor—Coiv— InoxperuivR—20 recto** .Intoeh 15* pVg. Pftosriend thS* od for free foli-tiie som« pie offer# or buy from your grocer. LO iu Km n E im y BrandHomemade lee Cream STABILIZER UNMNOHIU-USHOWMO,UNfMNCUCOl.UUS. liam Ferguson,. ' . ■ Special offering fo r Missions. Preaching services 11 A . M. Sermon topic: “ The Christian's Joy o f Salvation" by Dr. Bickett. The service will close singing from the one hundred and forty-fifth psalm “ O God, I W ill Extol Thee and ever Bless Thy Name. Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 26th day o f July, 1945. W IL L IAM B. McCALLISTER, Judge o f the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ellis,' R R 2, Thursday morn­ ing. Stf. Sgt. James L.'Whittington,, son o f Mr and Mrs Herbert Whitting­ ton, is home fo r thirty days after 21 months overseas He will report to Drew Field, Tampa, Fla. Mrs. Clyde Hutchison and two child­ ren o f New York and Miss Ruth West o f Hartford, Conri., are visiting with their parents* Mr. and Mrs J. S. West LEGAL NOTICE Viola Lew is’ whose place o f resi­ dence is unknown and cannot with reasonable diligence be ascertained, will take notice that Jesse Lewis has filed hiB certain petition in divorce againBt her on the grounds o f gross neglect, said cause being docketed as Case No. 24028, Common Pleas Court, Greene County, Ohio. That said cause will come on fo r hearing on or after September 29, 1945. <8:17:6t:9:21) MARCUS SHOUP, Attorney fo r Plaintiff NOTCE OF APPO INTM ENT Estate of Albert Hams, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Edith M. Thomas has been duly appointed as Executrix of the estate o f Albert Harris, deceased, late o f Cedarville Township, Greene County, Ohio Dated this 21st datf o f July, 1945. W IL L IAM B. McCALLISTER Judge o f the Probate Court, Green* County, Ohio. A* N AM E T H A T STANDS FOR GOOD -"jMiss Marjorie Cotton of-Washing­ ton, D. C. is here on a visit with her parents, 'Mr* and Mrs Sherman Cot­ ton. Mr. and Mrs. John Davis and two daughters , Jane and Patty, have been visiting in Cincinnati with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph. Ferguson. NOTICE OF APPO INTMENT Estate o f Bertha Ann Wagner, De­ ceased. Notice, is hereby given that Ethel M. Heck has been duly appointed as Administratrix o f the estate .o f Ber­ tha Ann Wagner, deceased, late o f | Clifton, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 11th day o f August, 1945 W iL L lAM B. McCALLISTER, Judge o f the'Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio.' FURNI TURE BUDG ET P L A N A V A IL A B L E Adair’s N. Detroit S t Xenia, Ot The Labor Day tree plant program will be broadccsted by transcription over stations W ING and W IZE , fo l­ lowing the ceremony Monday. Dr»,and Mrs. Leo Anderson are hav­ ing a pleasant family reunion this ( ______________ _ ______ _ week with all members o f the family i Court, Greene County, Ohio, the Baffle „ LEGAL NOTICE Mildred R. Jones, 1449 Irving St,N. W. Care .Miss Virginia Raymond, Becerly Apts., Washington, D. C. is hereby notified that Clifford Clark Jones, .has filed a petition for divorce against her on the ground o f Gross Neglect-of duty, in the Common Pleas H lllllllllitlllllllH IIIItm tllllllH M IlH IIIM H IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM I 1 FARMS FOR SALE AND I FARM LOANS | We have many good farms fo r sale i on easy terms. Also make farm | loans at 4 % interest fo r 15 years. |* No application fee and no apprais- 1 al fee. I Write or Inquire I McSavaney & Co. London O. I Leon H . K ling, Mgr. tiiiiiu u iiii mum m i iiiu k i m i■ii11■11)1111111111111111iHtiitH H m i present. Dr. James Anderson, who has completed his course at Carlisle, Pa., with his wife and son, are here for the family gathering, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lowry, Chicago, are here as well as Mrs. EUzabeth Benham and Margaret, the two latter having been in Maine during the summer season. Miss Joan Jobe has returned home after having spent the summer as in­ structor in Friends’ Daily Vacation Bible School in the east, She also vis­ iter several eastern cities while in the east. Pvt. Ernest Smallwood haa been discharged from the armed service through Camp Atterbury, Ind. Mrs; Carroll Niawdnger o f Pitts­ burgh, Pa., and Mrs. R. E. Gaston o f Cincinnati visited a few days with Mrs Lina McCullough and Mr, and Mrs, Harry D. W right.. being Case No. 23,987, and that said cause will come on for hearing six full weeks from the date o f first pub­ lication hereof. (7-27-6t-8*81) LEGAL NOTICE Pvt. Robert Starratt, whose address is Ft, Jackson, South Carolina, is hereby notified that Isabella M, Star­ ratt, 32 S. Central Drive, Knowlwood, Dayton, Ohio., has filed a petition for divorce against him on .the ground of Gross Neglect o f Duty, in ' the Com­ mon Pleas Qourt, Greene County, Ohio, the same being Case No, 24026, and that said cause will come on for hearing six full weeks from the date o f the first publication hereof, Peti­ tion filed August 8th, 1946. (8*10 6t 914) C. R/LANTENBURG, Attorney, 617 Calahan Bldg., Dayton, Ohio QUICK SERVICE FOR. DEADSTOCK XEN IA FERTILIZER PHONE M-A. 454 Reverse CbargM E. G. Buchsieb, Xenia, Ohio" timMIlMHMMIMmiHHinilHHmmUHMMIMMmOlHHmimiHI Richard C, Wright ARM S-C is on a fifteen day leave at the home o f hia parents, Mr. and* Mrs. Harry W right.! Charleston, State o f West Virginia, LEGAL NOTICE Elsie Gordon, • whose rejsidhnc* is 409H Elizabeth st„ in the City of He is in the Navy A ir Corps and is stationed at Groton, Conn, An interesting letter from Dick, son of President and Mrs, Ira D. Vayhin- ger, who is located in. Guam, M. I., states he had finished 17 combat mis­ sions and about 226 combat hours, He has had the experience o f riding over the bombed cit as, especially Hiroshi­ ma and Vagasaki, For Sale—Coal or wood small kitch­ en range. Good condition, • Esther C. McMillan, Rd 2, Cedarville. (2t) la hereby notified that on the 4th day o f August, 1945, Paul Gordpn filed his petition against her for divorce and equitable relief, in the Common Pleas Court o f Greene County, Ohio, said cause being numbered on the docket thereof as Case No, 24021, Said defendant will farther take notice that said cause will be for hear­ ing before said>court on or after the 22nd day o f September, 1&46. (8-10»6t*9d4) PAUL GORDON, Plaintiff" BUY, AND HOLD “ fc” BONDS Eyes Examined, Glaaaei Fitted, . *■ Reaaonable Charge*,, ■r.C.E.Wilkis Optomctric Eye Specialist Xenia, Ohio Mr. ark, O atives. the foi who hr Miss Mrs W evenini social 1 o f Mrs to leav enter c Capt TV daught the hoi this w« ne^_as Rev- ' •panied Baltini and Pi is a ch Ghemic and wi ott’s m visited field, I Kiestei The Clifton Bryan ■ dinner ' was sp pared Kathei good s readinj phabet The I on the Presby . w eek .' joy a g shoe.g' had t friends enjoyet On ! ett-Wr park. Charle W. Bi Watt i ' Eula ) Ward ville. o f the w a tt v/.v Ha So , I- .© F r l in. “ H ww* ■ • w