The Cedarville Herald, Volume 68, Numbers 27-52
CKDAHVILUE HERALD, FRIDAY, 8RPTEM9ER, 2L164S. mm T H E C E P A R V I L L E H E R A L D tf ATPT.w BXJLL--------------------- EDITOR AND PUBLISHER ]UUififtl I miht * Ohit Kiwtptpw . amoo .* MI am I Vtllt’y I*r®M. i w Entered aa second els** matter, Qcto ber 31, 1887, at the Postoffiee at Ce- darville, Ohio, under the A ct o f March 1879. „ . ___ '_______ ... ,, ... - — y’jRJDAY, SEPTEMBER 21,1945 y ? Judging from some o f the evidence before the Congressional investiga tion committee delving into financial affairs of Elliott Roosevelt, some one has been doing some tall lyqing as to the part-members of thegpjil.opPvt. played in the scandal. There was i general denial in Democratic ranks when the story broke that the White House under FDR had no. part. This week evidence in the form of a letter sjg” <*d by FDR was read which shown th> e denials were of the whole cloth. According to the letter from FDR to Elliott’s second wife, now divorced, part of the transaction was handled from the White House while Elliott was in service abroad. All this leads to new questions now as to what part the loan of $200,000 had to do with the NEW DEAL POT-SHOTS MAC ARTHUR General MacArthur is taking a lot of criticism about his pol icy in-governing Japan. Most of it comes from those who want a three million army kept in Japan, holding jtour son or husband probably ten years or more. To follow these broadcasters the nation would be doing just what Hitler and Mussolini have done in their countries. It must be admitted General Mac Arthur is and has been running the war in the Pacific. He was hampered for two years by the Roosevelt strategy of giving all our force to Britain. The General has accomplished more with fewer men and at a lower cost of men and material than any General that headed the European forces. Lost of life and blood means little to the administration brass hats that sit at a table in the Capital and do the dreaming. MacArthur has proceeded in a cautious manner yet he has won more fo'r himself and his men than was expected in so shQrt a time.. It is frequently commented upon that Japan would not now be on her knees had Roosevelt been at the helm doing all in his power, at what ever cost, to string the war out until the h(iai1of the cha,n grocery concern that next presidential election. I faced a government su it ! The letter Mac Arthur has been on the ground since Pearl Harbor. He has never been back even for a conference. He follows the War College when their decision applies, if not he ignores it. It is plain to be seen that he has a greater grasp of the situation in Japan than Washington is willing to admit. When he makes a prediction that 200,000 mien are enough, he means just that This of course does not please”official Washington. MacArthur has public sentiment behind him and he should be supported in the light the New Dealers are building around him with the aid of the-British sympathizers. Most of the trouble in Washington is that a set there are really jealous of the Generali Another set fear he may enter &be political ring and this would mar present plans for Mr. Tru- . man and his administration. It is our belief that MacArthur will make a greater admin istrator over Japan than anyone President Truman could have sent over. ferent southern esatpg, Ysfc boms Is we must continue the draft, fo r In stance, Bauckage and other pro- British war baiters. Thousands o f our boys have never left these shores and Uncle Sam is paying . them feeding them, their wives and children or per haps their families, yet continue to rob the public school class rooms. The fac£ that Carl has not gono across j was no fault o f his. However he has > had an interesting experience with the-| old familiar “ southern hospitality." * He says where he lias been the resi dents are still fight ing the Civil War and it was nothing for a northerner to be called a • “damned Yankee", As for the radio broadcasters pulling for the British, none of the above three have sons 'in the service. That makes a difference. LEGAL NOTICE | Lester R. Murray, whose last known address is 701 North Ninth St., Read ing, Pa., will take notice that on the 8th day o f September, 1945, Cleo M, Murray filed her petition in the Court of'Common Pleas, Greene County, Ohio, against him, the same being Case No. 24062 on the docket of said Court, praying for divorce, custody o f minor children, alimony and support foy minor children, expenses ad other relief on the grounds o f gross neglect of duty ad onf extreme cruelty, and that said cause will come on for hearing Bix full weeks from September 14, 1945 which is the date for the first publication hereof. LEGAL NOTICE FOR SALE WE HAD BETTER LOOK,INTO ALL THESE LOANS Someone has pointed out that already the United.States as well as Britain and Russia have broken all the pledges and the promises made at the famous San Francisco conference. The Breton Woods financial hokus-pokus financial' world bank of visionary proportions for all the world is also out other than the powers are coming direct to the treasury door for our gold, not secured loans but outright gifts Lend lease was bad enough but when Mr Truman wants to cancel all foreign war debts and 'then loan them some of your income tax money, that is about on . par with the Roosevelt idea of throwing your dollars to the wind and then "taxing you for some more. I . England has sent her money grabbers over since lend lease is a thing of the past. She only wants six. billion as a loan with no security Then she owes twenty-nine billion on the present >war and only fourteen billion on World War I. France wants around three billion. Russia needs six billion and so on and if these loans are made with no guarantee of payment, you are go ing to be paying.high income taxes to enable Uncle Sam to pay youforthe war bopdsyou hold. You -will recall that FDR once said that a few billion dollars in -national debt did not amount to anything for we owed .the debt to ourselves. On that ground you might as. well bum your war bonds or expect to be taxed to get your money back. . ■ While Congress looks into'the loans to foreign nations it is perfectly proper that there should be some investigation about who furnished, the money for the. propaganda put out for weeks and months before we were “ stabbed in the back” . Congress Is the proper place for such an investigation! If the British or any other power used funds to “ sell us the war” the public should know it. If money was paid to broadcasters, radio com mentators, or even the press, or New Dealers, it should be made public now. Much is being said about the size .of the army and 18-year old conscription. The public should be advised as to why the radio commentators want to keep your sons in the army for another five or ten years. Most of them ridicule Gen. Mac Arthur because he says 200,0.00 men will police Japan. The New Dealers want a large army to hold a .lot of Democratic captains and'those 1,700 generals on. the pay roll- Even . Hen Wallace sings the Wall Street song for a large army, some two million for Japan, * . Publication of income tax returns of radio commentators would be a good thing. All the money grabbers are not on Wall , Street. If some one is hot paying for all this radio big army propaganda, then some few are trying to carry out the New method of sixty million jobs with ten,million in the. army on the government payroll. T s r Tk» Mhi-I *!«*«•* to •* *» ■* FERTILIZERS of PROVEN QUALITY IO t K TTO WHIST BHD dOVU S uvwm M are n*w railing m m bvihal*' an lait acrai with law labor bacauia grapar fartllliallon daai tho |ab. Oat BIO M NrWItor far yovr wheel tewing and bo auvrtd of Iha bail. A i H m demand far BIO M farfl- llu ri contlmrai greater than we coo supply be two la tea yaw dialer early. Food will win the war. , SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS ! IN YOUR COMMUNITY Buying A Home? WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUYING HOMES, FARMS AND REFINANCING nmimmiiiiifiimimmtmiiiimiiitiM COME IN AND TELL US YOUR NEEDS • H N im iiH H ifiK iim iim iiH im nm tiiii v ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $5,000 h niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiifiiimimiiimiimiiiii Peoples Building & Savings Company Xenia, Ohio t l Green Si. Phone 11 faced a government shows FDR had a cabinet officer set tle the Hartford debt of $200,000 for $4,000 and another debt of several thousand for* $500. The query now is •how did the cabinet officer get the money* to meet these claims? "Who. repaid Commerce Secretary’ Jones? Was the cash the real reason why •a blanket order was given forbidding anyone connected with the treasury or income tax department from giving jut any informatTon as to .the income tax returns of any member of the Roosevelt family. Don’t expect to get that washing •machine, lumber for the new home or the new automobile just because .news reports indicate such are just around the corner.-- Remember Sec. Anderson -said lifting meat rationing was a pos sibility in October. Tuesday Pres. Truman said not to expect" lifting . of rationing soon as Europe has to be fed before our American children can eat.. Sugar is scarce here but Truman orders 28,000 tons, note the amount, sent to Europe at once. ’ ,How much onger will the public stand for that jrand of government. Yes one day ana no the next. If we read between the , lines there are two promising battles looming in ■his county over the campaigns for commission form of government. At the present time preliminary cam paigning is going on. It is not our purpose to take either side for there are ^strong points for eaph form o f •••'v'Tnment. However, we must not- H/rgat that i f is not the form of gov ernment a community adopts but how well those elected conduct public af fairs. There are several forms o f commission form of government. Wo might refer to the. situation- Dayton finds itself, . There an autocracy has been set up however under Democrat ic influence. Strife appears oyer the city proposal to erect an over pass over a iailr.oad track which would do injury to a large industrial plant. The city commission being autocratic aiid could do no wrong proceeded as if the opposition was nothing. Then the in dustry, preparing for enlarging the •plant, discovered the company was not in accord and would seek a .new loca tion Or move away. This arroused the public and the city dads did a “ right- about"and it is not certain the com pany. is yet satisfied. Harry Pemberton, who resides at Marshall, Michigan, will take notice that Esta Pemberton TYuesdale, the plaintiff herein, has filed a petition in the Common Pleas Court, Greene County, Ohio, the same being Case No. 23541, in said court for the parti tion o f certain real estate situated in the County of Greene, State o f Ohio, and village o f Cedarville, and hound ed and described as follows, to wit? Being part of Military Survey en- 1tered in the name o f William Tomp kins, No. 3745, and bounded and de scribed as follows: Being all o f lot i number thirty-four (34) in G, W.Dun- ' lap’s Addition to the Village o f Ce- CLEO M. MURRAY, i darville, Greene County, Ohio, being Plaintiff,; tho same premises conveyed to Enght room house, hath, gas and” electricity; two acres o f land, Seven room* house, located in Ce- darville. Gas and electricity and gar den. Forty acres in Cedarville Twp. Sev en room house, electricity and furnace Good barn and outbuildings. PRUGH & SHARP (9_14_Gfc—10-19 Robert H. Wead, Attorney LEGAL NOTICE There i3 another angle to the hard o -get- list ' of domestic articles the public not only wants but needs. Just because priorities are lifted means nothing. Hundreds of auto owners lave the necessary papers to get a new ,ire but there are few if any new ■-ires available CIO strike has tied up ire production. Building material is o be released next month, according .o reports today, can be- assured deal- >r or customer such an order will be in force next month? Dealers cannot get lumber because the mills cannot pay sigher labor costs and sell for the old price. Merchants handling" scores -of nepded articles .in every home cannot pay more for manufactured goods and .hen be forced to sell at 1942 pre war prices. AS longps the nation operate^, •Ihat way you will'get*little if any of :.he things you need, even baby or teen agenclothing. That is the New Deal. The CIO is running Mr. Tru man at this hour The CIO blankly says FDR promised a fifty’ percent in crease wages by voting for him. Mr. Davis made the same Statement and that made Mr. Truman mad and Davis “ resigned” , a term used in po lite political circles for being fired. Mr. Truman, has been complimented for some things he has done but the CIO has drawn the political lines and Chairman Hannagan, the political di rector has turned Harry much to the left. . * Xenia has commission form o f gov ernment and so,far the public is tak ing little part in the campaign. With three commissioners to elect and* five running, surface'^ihdications point to a victory for the eastend candidate? In Cincinnati the public clamors for a re turn for the federal (form. In this county Osborn and Yellow Springs are flirting with the new form. South Charleston has had probably the best success for a village with commission form of government. The town has been well managed but much of the service is gratis and given as a pat riotic duty.’ They have no high a'al- ried staff. The income o f villages is of necessity very limited. If the town has no industry with a large capital investment there is not much to tax except the. homes and business houses. We arc now in the midst of a fever campaign to issue bonds "for any and all purposes sort of ‘New Deal WPA* stuff where residence property is to be loaded down to pay interest charge and retirement, Cedarville was never hit ‘with the Roosevelt free spending idea of creating prosperity. The res idents paid for their own municipal water and sewerage plants without federal aid. The cost was much below the WPA style and we received grade of workmanship. Another year and the village is out of debt ready, for a sewerage disposal plant. The vil lage did a good thing in always turn ing down the WPA pleas. Some towns that went New Deal have been sorry for it. Mr. Truman had a bad case put in his lap by Drew Pearson over the air. Pearson does not like a proposed ju dicial appointment that is now under consideration by the President.' The statement Pearson makes is that the fellow is soused much of the time and not fit for a judge. He also predicts Mr, Truman will make such an ap pointment and the Democratic senate confirm the appointment.ill that is necessary to be a New Deal judge. Most important duty is to take orders not render judicial de cisions. Not so long ago a prominent attorney called oUr attention to tho decision Jimmy Byrnes made when he sit with FDR’s approval onthe highest court, Byrnes wrote that famous de cision covering twenty-nine pnges in the truck raiding ease from New York City. An Ohio truck driver up on reaching the city limits had to wait there until a union truckman accom panied the Ohioian, through tho city. Of course the Ohio driver had to pay a $5 fee, Hie union forced the rule on truckman from all states. Suit was. brought and the case reached the Su preme Court with Jimmy doing the heavy work for FDR and the CIO. Lawyers laugh at the silly decision that could be said in ten lines. It took more lines than that because Byrnes argued both sides of the case and* then supported the AFL. Don’t be surprised at some decisions Jimmy will make at the London pow wow, where the Euro pean political dairymen arc holding forth with pnils ready to milk Uncle Sam’s favorite cow that you are com pelted to feed with Income taxes and war bonds—the treasury. Most frequently when the public becomes dissatisfied with local gov ernment it seeks something new, It is our observation that a commission form of government is a good thing if those who are to direct public affairs are wiljig to give their time and talent gratis’ and not overload the home and property owners -with a burdensome overhead with a foreign manager on a fancy salary. A small community can go broke- within a year with some free spender at the helm installing a lot of frills and fads the public must pay for. We once knew o f a small community that had a salary payroll that used up sixty percent of its an nual income for salaries. Few cities of 5,009 can live under that brand of government. The town that is govern ed best is the one thqt is governed least, The happiest community is the one where necessities are provided for health and security without a lot o f crackpot ideas, Fundamentals will be in vogue long after the work o f a brain-truster is loaded on the people; The safest rule any community can adopt is to hear first' from the citizens that write the rcnl estate tax checks; let the others- hove their inning and finally the rebuttal from the property owners that must underwrite every public improvement, Too frequently tho fellow that pays the least tax is the fellow that does most of the talk- ing—about spending money- in which he or she has not contributed their fair share. Carl Arincntrout has been inustcred out after thirty-four months in dif- For Sale—Bed Room Rug, 7 1 - 2 x 9 ft, Good condition. Bargain, - Ray McFarland Harden & Mumma AUCTIONEERS Investigate before you book your Book your Sale Phone 1847 W -l, Xenia, Ohio Common Pleas Court, Greene County, Ohio, Donald J. Kommnick, Plaintiff, vs. No. 24056 Betty Lou Kommnick, 3210 7th Av. Dorm, D., Room No. 100, Seattle, Washington, Defendant. ' Betty Lou .Kommnick, 3210 7th Av enue, Dorm D., Room No. 160, Seattle, Washington, will take notice that* on August 28th, 1945, Donald J. Kom mnick, her husband, filed suit for divorce against her on the grounds of gross neglect of duty. Said cause is No. 24056, of the Records of Common Pleas Court, of Greene County, Ohio. Said Betty Lou Kommnick must plead to the Petition before the expiration of six (6) weeks from the date of the first publication o f this notice towit. September 7th, 1845, or judgment may bo taken against her, (9—7—6t—10—12) , DONALD J. KOMMNICK, by Smith, McCallister and Gibney, His Attorney.a OFFERINGS IN REAL ESTATE 154 acres' N of Cedarville. Good 7" room house,' Good barn-and other out buildings. Fair Fences. 124 acres til lable and rest good permanent pas ture. This is an excellent buy at price asked. Thomas M. Harris and wife by deed dated March 30, 1913 and recorded in Voi. 95 page 278 ‘ deed records of Greeie‘County, Ohio,and last recorded 11-7-1919 in Records of Deeds Vol. 123 bage 289, Greene County, Ohio. The prayer o f said petition is for the partition of said real estate. Said defendant is required to ans wer said petition on the 4th day pi November, 1945, or judgment may be taken against him. ESTA PEMBERTON TRUESDALE, Plaintiff 9—21—6t—9—26) Dan M. Aultman, Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE Miriam Fiedler, who ' resides at 1 LaGrange Avenue, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. will take notice that William Fied ler has filed a certain cause of action against her for divorce on the grounds of gross neglect of duty, --said cause being case No. 24069 on the docket' of Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio.’ said cause will come on for hearing, on or "after November ‘ 3rd, 1945. " (9—21—6t—10—26) MARCUS SIIOUP, Attorney for Plaintiff. . 8 acres 1 miles North of Gladstone. 1 story frame dwelling, barn and ga rage i 45 acres 1 1-2 mile North West of Cedarville. 6 room strictly modern house and other out buildings. Good fences. One of the best homes near Cedarville. • 10 room double dwelling.- Water, gas and electric. Large lot, extra good location on _Main street of Cedarville. This is a good investment or would bi i good home and income. 8 room dwelling. 2 baths, electric and city water. Double garage and a chicken house, All in good repair on 2 acres of ground in the corporation of Cedarville. See or call— KENNETH LITTLE, * Salesman Phone Ced. 6-1511 for ROCKHOLD TAYLOR CO., XENIA, OHIO For Sale—Coal or wood small kitch en range. Good condition. Esther C, "McMillan, Rd 2, Cedarville. (2fc). GASOLINE? i United States Patent for a unique vaporizer. Slightly larger than a watch, it is easily attached near the carburetor where it mixes more free air with the gasoline, Car owners re port substantial mileage increases per gallon of gasoline. * If you would like to try one on your" car without risking a penny, send in your name and address to Vaco-matic Box 177, Cedarville, 0 . . If you aren’t satisfied with the gasoline saving on your car, you will receive $1,00 bonus tin request. The company is also look ing for live agents to help introduce it in their neighborhood, Good money can bo made in full "or Bpnro time. LEGAL NOTICE Estate 'of Sarah Ann Wright, De ceased. Notice is hereby given that Robert II. Wead has been duly appointed ns Administrator With the Will Annex ed of tlie estate of Sarah Ann Wright deceased, late o f Caosarcreek Town ship, Greene County, Ohio. - Dated this 8th day of September, 1945. i: WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER, Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County,-Ohio. LEGAL NOTICE Pvt. Robert Starratt, whose address is Ft. Jackson, South CardTina, is hereby notified that Isabella M. Star- ratt,.32 S. Central Drive, Knowlwood, Dayton, Ohio., has filed a petition for divorce against him on the ground of Gross Neglect of Duty, in the Com mon Pleas Court,, Greene County, Ohio, the same being Case No. -24026, and that said cause will come on for hearing six ’ull weeks from the date of the first publication hereof. Peti tion filed August 8th, 1945. <8-10 Ct 9 14) C. R. LANTENBURG, Attorney, 517 Culahan Bldg., Dayton, Ohio LEGAL NOTICE Elsie Gordon, whose' residence is 40914 Elizabeth st., in the City of Charleston, State i f West Virginia, Is hereby notified that on the 4th day of August, 1945, Paul Gordon filed his petition against her for divorce and equitable relief, in the Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio, said cause being numbered on the docket thereof as Case No. 24021. Said defendant will further take notice that said cause will be for hear ing before said court on or after the 22nd day of September, 1945. (8-l0-6t-9;14) PAUL GORDON, Plaintiff LEGAL NOTICE ! / ) . / . / n e r d in l ! U ui lion SERVICES that meet th r approval of people who love tlje finer thing* o f life often cost no more than goods or se rv ice* sold by price appeal, EVERY CHARGE we make for service and mer chandise rep resen ts full value. M c M illan vr , - i. f DAftv 1u F C hi iNf f i i Marion Stutzman whose last known address was 2470 Forest St. Easton* Pa., will take notice that John W. Stutzman Jr., has filed a petition for divorce against her on the ground of gross neglect o f duty and incompat- nbility in the Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio, the same being Case" No. 24,054, and that said cause will come on for hearing six full weeks from the date of the first pub lication hereof, (9—7_Gt—10—-12) JOHN W. STUTZMAN Jr. Myers & Mills, Attorneys, Calqjian Bldg., 4 N, Main St., Room 814, Dayton, Ohio, For Sale—Chickens, fryers, 3 1*2 lbs, C. C. Brewer, Phone 6-2251. tS25SSBBE9KBEtB53EGBBBKKKBKEE£ES£££ uiiiiitHiiiimiiHiiiiiiiiiilitiiiiMtiiiittiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiima .5 Pipe, Valves and Fittings for | water, gas and steam, Hand and I Electric Pumps for all purposes, j Bolts, Pulleys, V Belts, Plumtanf and Heating Supplies. > J. Pi BOCKLEW SUPPLY CO. XKNIA, OHIO 15 Green St. Xenia, O. SERVICEMEN AND MEN OUT OF WORK DUR ING RECONVERSION J * We need men to expand our service. For information, write to or call at our office. MOTORISTS MUTUAL INS. COMPANY, 471 East Broad Street Columbus, 15,’ Ohio 6 LEGAL NOTICE Viola Lewis whose place o f resi dence is unknown and cannot with "reasonable diligence Be ascertained, will take notice that Jesse tyiwis has filed his certain petition In divorce against her on the grounds of .gross , neglect, said cause being docketed as Case No. 24028, Common Pleas Court, , Greene County, Ohio. That said cause will come on for hearing on or after September 29, 1945. - ";(8:17:6t:9:21) . ' ’ MARCUS SHOUP, . ' Attorney for Plaintiff NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Nancy J. Wright, De- eceased. Notice is hereby given that Glenn” . W. Devoe has been duly appointed-as-- Administrator With the Will Annex ed of the estate of Nancy J; Wright, deceased, late of Caesarcreek Town ship, Greene County, Ohio. . Dated this 6th day of September, 1945. • w i l l i a m 'B. M c C a l l i s t e r .' Judge- of the Probate -Court, Greene County, Ohio. ' | A NAME THAT STANDS FOR GOOD IFURNITU RE i ■■ I BUDGET PLAN AVAILABLE Adair’s N. Detroit St. Xenia, O. 1•wtmimi|itmimmimiiitiiMisnisiiiemme IM M IIIIM tllllM tlllllM IM iailHIM lIttllltM IIIIIIM NtllM IIIIIIM IM Sta I FARMS FOR SALE AND | FARM LOANS I ' ' | We have many good farms fo r sale i on easy terms. Also make farm | loans at 4 % interest for 15 years. | No application fee and no apprais- | al fee. | Write or Inquire. £ McSavaney & Co. London O. | Leon H. Kling, Mgr. w n m s 9 n n n n a t o 9 3 QUICK SERVICE B t )R DEAD STOCK * XENIA FERTILIZER PHONE M-A. 454 Reverse Charges E. G. Buchsieb, Xenia, Ohio •tiatitttMaftgittMgiisBttittaitiiitggggtttttiittaigugiiiaiitMMatgfiitgi Eyes Examined, a Glasses Fitted, Reasonable Charges. Br.C.E.Wilkin Optom'etric Eye Specialist Xcnin, Ohio
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