The Cedarville Herald, Volume 68, Numbers 27-52

CBPA-lVtUJS HERALD, FRIDAY, NOVDMBKR1MM6 wrnm* TH E C E P A K Y I L L E HER A L P j fAltTjr BULL — — EDITOR AND PUBLISHER WSBMB—IWI wm I lUfrrtH A hoo .; OkU K*H«jpap*r Xtvxs.; Hi*mi Taller frw . AP» Entered as second class matter, October 31, 1887, at the Postoffice at Ce- darville, Ohio, trader the Act o f March 1879. TV*"# JML FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16,1945 SENATOR BARKLEY DIRECTS BURLESQUE SHOW The Democratic New Dealers are moving heaven and earth to keep the name of their former idol out of the Pearl Harbor investigation; or who was responsible for the bungle m the Pacific? , While Senator Barkley, of smelly WPA fame down in Ken­ tucky, directs the burlesque show, and is the mouth-piece of the Truman administration to cover up what the public has a right to know, Fulton Lewis, Jr,, radio commentator is out in the Pacific gathering data and giving the public a taste of what the administration has rept from the public,* He wlil gi ther sworn evidence and later turn it over to a .congressional com­ mittee irrespective of the 'white-wash brigade. When it comes to the point that the President can issue a directive that no government, army or navy official can testify in a congressional hearing without permit, that is nothing short of what Hitler and Mussolini instituted in their reign ofgdvem- rtient. . The reign of the Washington brass hats and the conduct of army officials in enforcing military rule on American bom ci­ tizens is nothing different than what the Japs handed Ameri­ cans in Manila. Two service men months ago faced serious charges follow­ ing that “ stab in the back* but neither congress or public senti­ ment moved FDR to order a military or even civil trial as to the guilt or innocence, Both men demanded an early hearing but Roosevelt would not permit the authorities to start proceedings. While Fulton Lewis Jr., relates nightly the horror of mili­ tary rule by American officials in the Pacific on American born citizens, there is much that-can be uncovered’ in this commun­ ity during the hectic days following Pearl Harbor. The Demo­ cratic gestapo in Greene county and the treatment of some of , the most outstanding farm wives-and mothers in the region ag­ round Selma, if made public would shock this section of Ohio. Mr. Lewis will find a fertile field for operation even in“old Greene county giving the public the inside'of who stayed at home and why. r HERALDWANT ANDSALE ADS PAY How many boys in your family, or among acquaintances that have been in the service either on the Atlantic or Pacific are openly for compulsory military training! We have inter­ viewed a score or more in all walks o f life and not a single one backs the Truman military plan or any other. It 1 b interesting to hear the comment and we will qoutc a few No. 1. If when I am married and children are horn I hope not one would be a boy if we had compulsory mili­ tary training I could not wish On the unborn what I have gone through in more than thirty months, No. 4 We outlawed poison gas after the first world war and then we dis­ covered the atomic bomb which is far more destructive to all forms of life. Unless the new bomb is outlawed like we did poison gas I could not think of any one’s eighteen year old son be­ coming fodder for such destruction. We are not the only nation to make such weapons No. 6 The only people I know that want children in an army are those who never have had, and probably do not have any under 18, that want mil itary training for youths. No. 8. When I read of the plan as proposed’ by the President, I said to my seif, I bet a lead nickle he has no boy to put in any army. Then when I get home I learn he has no boys. • No. 10. Some of these people that want military training should be sent into Italy and Germany to learn what compulsory military training is Our war prisoners admit ' that there would have been no army in any of these countries if they did not have military training. Every country we had to fight had what some would force.on all boys of i'8. If these people think army life even in an American camp is a Sunday School group, just FOR M AN Y YEARS '. . . . AND NOW ONLY DAYTON NEWSPAPER TO BRING YOU ALL THE NEWS Yes, now you get everything in the Dayton News . . . every day in the week. Complete descriptive and pictorial history on the very day events occur . ; . plus interesting comment by the world's most famous feature writ­ ers and columnists, and the complete record of news happenings in Dayton and the Miami Valley. LOOK AT THESE FEATURES . . . YOU GET EVERY SUNDAY IN THE DAYTON NEWS spsnd a few weeks around the camps and see how many temptations are thrown around the hoys. When it comes to promises the Tru­ man. administration is about as long on making them as did FDD. For in- stauce there is much talk o f the deceit forced on the boys in the 37th division which was composed o f mostly Ohio boys and many from Greene county. These boys have been over in the Pa­ cific for forty-two months. They are sitting around doing nothing but dis­ cussing the administration promise as to starting home. FDR called out the Ohio National Guard, including the unit from this county. His promise was then they would not be gone over a year. Regardless of the fact that hundreds of Ohio boys will never-re­ turn home makes no difference to the half-soaked brass hats that sip and 3tew in Washington grog shops. The boys get a new promise nearly every week. The favorite story or excuse is shortage o f boats. A radio commen­ tator on Sunday proved that story a fake by saying there were 30 ships in a Pacific harbor along California that had been there for months. The 37th will not be home until public sentiment hits Commander-in-Chief Harry Tru­ man under the belt. The brass hats tell the Commander what to say and do. Col. Beichler, who has headed the Phillipine campaign under orders froih Gen. MacArthur and won the famous Luzon sector that drove the Japs out o f Manila, is from Marysville, O. He is the only high ranking afficer in the service that is not* a West Pointer. He has a wonderful record for himself and members of the 37th Division and he is a Republican. ,His name has been mentioned as a candidate for gover­ nor but he has never announced. A f­ ter all the 37th from most Republican states is to be kept out of the states probably until after the next election. Congress may take a hand and ask the Commander-in-Chief a few questions later on. Associated Press "Wold-wlda covarag. from avary ramota corner of fna world, wrM* fan in plain, toiy-fo-under»fand manner. „ Camerica A complete magoilna eectlon. iam.packed with Interesting fea­ ture articles, drawings, end photographs, ■ Society Up-to-the-minute coverage of so­ cial ovontr, plus alt tne latest fashions and styles for milady. Wirephoto Picforialiiation of the latest fiews . . , flashed over wires to il­ lustrate world happenings with­ in minutes of occurenca. Local News Everything of interest from Day- ton and the Miami Volley, writ­ ten by Dayton's greatest edi­ torial staff. Sports Football, golf tennis, hunting, fishing . , , yes, every conceiv­ able .sports evdnt, with comment by "Si1’ Burfcl. Nof yesterday's news . . . but today's events . . , with prognostication of things to come by experts in every field. All this . . . and more, is yours in the D A Y TO N NEWS . > Plus... 24 BIG COLOR COMICS HERE IS ALL YOU DO TO GET EVERY ISSUE OF THE DAY TON - SHEWS ' If YOU Live IN Of NEAR € £ D A R V I IA R CALL: T homas ewhy NORTH BRIDGE STREET PHONE 61831 err CALL OR WRITE THE DAYTON NEWS H x n ttff AT LUDLOW DAYTON 1. OHIO Gov. -Lausche has a contest on with two Democratic leaders that have big print shops and have done much state printing. Fred Herr, Columbus, is the Franklin Co, political boss. He has a lot of influence in Democratic state politics A1 Hortsman, Dayton, has a printshop and he directs Montgomery county Democratic politics. He is al­ so state chairman o f the Democratic party. Both firms have done state printing. •The Governor did not like the looks o f two bids put in by these good old Democrats. He gave out an outburst that smelled like collusion to dig'into the state cash .box for some unusual profit. What the governor failed to recognize was that the New Deal had robbed .nearly all print shops o f young artiza»8 for the army and that the scarcitjf oT print labor called for more hours frc>m the men that did not have to answer the nation” s call. Paper has been scarce and higher in price.. Good city printers draw nearly ?100 a week with overtime. That is part o f the increased cost of printing. Then there is old age pensions, and a lot of New Deal social security taxes printing companies must pay and all of these came from a Democratc ad­ ministration. Republican print shops probably would have the same kind Of bids the Democratic bosses put in. The Columbus and Dayton .bosses will in time give the Governor a little school­ ing both in economics and politics* Charles Taft, brother of Senator Robert A. Taft, both o f Cincinnati, got a neat trimming at the recent race in his home city for member of the city council. Charles has been a Re­ publican and formerly served as coun­ cilman. He has blown hot and cold of recent years and just recently severed his connections with the New Dealers in Washington, Cincinnati elected a majority of Republicans for council but Charles was near the bottom on the final count. President Truman’s recent demand in a nation-wid£ broadcast, that the Ways and Means Committee o f the the House report out the Administra­ tion sponsored bill for Federal guaran­ teed unemployment, compensation up ot $25.00 per week for twenty-six weeks has had but little effect, and it is not expected the measure will be ap­ proved any time soon by the Commit­ tee—-if at all. However, the President’s demand that the House Committee on Expenditures report out "some sort” of a Full Employment bill may meet with greater success. The Full Employ ment Bill, which passed the Senate now is in the house committee, is very innocuous in content, and would actu­ ally be o f little effect or benefit in guaranteeing future employment. If the Committee on expenditures does report the Full Employment measure it is expected further limiting amend­ ments will first be added. CIO WANTS THE SERVICE MEN BROUGHT HOME AT ONCE The C I 0 has smarted under the charge the union is influencing the ad- minisration to keep the boys abroad to protect union members now on the job. The CIO takes the air to openly criticise the, Truman administration because more effort is not being made to get the boys <who have served back mme hot next month but now. The CIO probably is not so much wor­ ried about the boys getting home as to the veterans upon returning will de­ mand their old jobs. . RESOLUTIONS ewmpMaemM - The Board o f Directors o f the Ce- darville Federal Savings and Doan Association, at its regular meeting, j Monday, November 12, 1945, unanl- ] mously adopted the following resolu - 1 tions: Whereas it has pleased Divine Prov­ idence to remove from this life James M. Bailey, Therefore bo it resolved-— That we each have lost a valued friend the Church a loyal supporter, and the community one who was ever interested in its best welfare; w 4 That we shall miss greatly his coun­ sels in the deliberations o f this board; That we extend to his family our sincere sympathy, and commend them to the comfort o f our Loving Heavenly Father, Who doeth all things well, and That a copy of these resolutions' be spread on the minutes of this assoc­ iation, published in the Cedarville Herald ad given to the family. C. W. Steele, Loren A. Rogers, W. L. Wilson. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT , Estate of Dr. George Anderson, De­ ceased. Notice is hereby givon that H. W. Anderson has been duly appointed as Administrator o f the estate o f Dr. George Anderson, deceased, late of Beavercreek Township, Greene County Ohio. Dated this 10th day of November, 1945. WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER, Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of James M. Bailey, Deceas­ ed. Notice is hereby given that Louella K. Bailey, has been duly appointed as Administratrix’ of the esteate . of James M. Bailey, deceased, late o f Ce­ darville Village, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 9th day of November, 1945. WILLIAM- B. McCALLISTER, Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. LEGAL NOTICE < Ethel Calhoun, who resides at Den­ ton, Carter County, Kentucky, is here­ by notified that John Calhoun has fil­ ed his petition against her for divorce ivi Case No. 24,169 in the Court of Common Pleas, Greene County, Ohio, and that said cause will be for hear­ ing on and after December 29th, 1945, at the Court Room of said Court of Common Pleas, in the Court House at Xenia, Ohio. (ll:16:6t:12:21) MORRIS D. RICE,.Attorney John Calhoun LEGAL NOTICE Lottie Pettiferde, whose place of res­ idence is unknown, and with reason­ able diligence cannot be ascertained, will take notice that on November 9th, 1945, Quentin Pettiferde filed his cer­ tain cause of action for divorce a- gainst her on grounds of extreme cruelty and gross neglect o f duty, be­ ing cause No. 24,169 on the docket of the Common Pleas Court o f Greene County, Ohio. That said cause will come on for hearing on or after De­ cember 29th, 1945. (ll-16.6t-12.21) MARCUS SHOUP, Attorney for Plaintiff NOTICE ON FILING INVENTORY The State o f Ohio, Greene County, Probate Court. To James R. Bailey, U. S. Army Overseas, Home address, Cedarville, Ohio; Earl E. Bailey, U. S. Army Overseas, Home Address, Cedarville, Ohio; and William F. Bailey, Cedar­ ville, Ohio. You are hereby notified that on the 7th day of November, A D., 1945, an Inventory and Appraisement of the es­ tate of James M. Bailey, deceased, late o f Cedarville Village in said coun­ ty, was filed in this Court. Said Inventory and Appraisement will be for hearing before this Court on the 26th day of November, 1945, at 10:00 o’clock, A. M. Any person desiring to file excep­ tions to said Inventory fhust file them at least five days prior to the day set for hearing. Given under my hand and seal of said Court, this 7th day o f November, 1945. WILLIAM B. M c CALLISTER, Probate Judge Luella .Howser, Deputy Clerk Q uA t i l im f WwUBrWWMWrOFWW GonfaUnc* P eople, who learn horn their friends about the superior ex­ cellence of our service and res* aonableaeas of our chargee, cal) ue to serve, with perfect con­ fidence in our capability and de­ pendability. M c M i llan LEGAL NOTICE Calvin R. Brown who resides at 203 W. Grant Street, Bronson, Michigan, j will take notice that on November 10th, 1945, Ruby Brown filed her cer- r tain notice o f action against him in j divorce, on grounds o f extreme cruelty ! and gross neglect o f duty, said case 24,162 on the docket o f the Com­ mon Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio.* Said cause will come on for hearing on or after December 29th, 1945. (ll:16 :6 t; 12:28) MARCUS SHOUP, Attorney for Plaintiff For Sale—Young Ducks, table dres­ sed and delivered, Phone 3-2201, For Sale—Myers Electric Pump, $50; kerosene range and portable heat er; oak kitchen and library tables, lawn mower, square stand. Call phone 6-1988. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Jennie Bratton, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that F .. A. Jutkat has been duly appointed as Executor o f the estate of Jennie Brat­ ton, deceu3ed, late o f’ Cedarville Vil­ lage, Greene County, Ohio ' Dated this 27th day o f October, 1945 WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER, Judge of the Probale Court, Greene County, Ohio. LEGAL NOTICE Staff Sgt. Calvin Avery, 35409665, 3197 Signal Service Co., A. P. O. 794, % Postmaster, New York, New York, is hereby notified that his wife, Jane Avery, has filed a petition against him in the Common Pleas Court, Greene County, Ohio, the same being, Case No. 24,133, praying for a divorce on the ground of Gross Neglect of Duty, and that said cause will come on to be heard by the court on or after six weeks from the date o f the first first publication hereof. (10-16-6t-ll-30) • DAN M. AULTMAN, Attorney for Plaintiff NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of- Charles H. Crouse, De­ ceased. Notice is hereby given that Mildred Crouse Townsley has been duly ap­ pointed as Executrix of the estate of Charles H. Crouse, deceased; 'late of Cedarville Village, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 20th day of October, 1945 WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER, Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. LEGAL NOTICE Sgt. Alfred Mull, 35210071, Ft. Bliss, Texas, is hereby notified that Count­ ess’ Mull, has filed a petition for di­ vorce against him o'n the ground of Gross Neglect of Duty in the Common Pleas Court, Greene County, .Ohio, the same being Case No. 24,131 and that said 'cause will come on for hearing six. full weeks from the date o f the first publication hereof. (10-26-6t-ll:30) STROTHER B. JACKSON, LEGAL NOTICE .Mary K. Maxwell, whose address is 303 West Willetta Street, Phoenix, Ar­ izona, will take notice that on the 1st day of November, 1945, Archer Max­ well filed his petition in the Court of Common Pleas, Greene County, Ohio, against her, the same being Case No. 24151 on the docket of said court praying for divorce on the grounds of Gross Neglect of DiJty and for Other Relief and that said case will come on for hearing six full'weeks from No- vemberO , 1945, which is the date of the first publication hereof. (ll-9-6ti2-l'4) ARCHER MAXWELL, Robert II. Wead, Plaintiff Attorney, Xenia, O. LEGAL NOTICE Pvt. Roger L. Miller, whose place of address is Disposition Area, No. 4 Mess, Camp Kilmer, New Jersey, is hereby notified that jRuth Miller has fildd a petition against him in the Common Pleas Court, Greene County, Ohio, the safne being Case No. 24126, praying for a divorce on grounds of Gross neglect and extreme cruelty and custody of children, division of-prop-’ erty, and equitable relief, and that said cause will come on for hearing six weeks frorp the date of the first publication hereof. (10-19- 6t-ll-23) DAN M. AULTMAN, Attorney for Plaintiff NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate o f C. Alma Bartlett, Deceased Notice is hereby giventhat Cloyd C. Bartlett has been duly appointed as Administrator o f the estate o f C, A l­ ma Bartlett, deceased, late o f Oaesar- creek Township, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 13th day o f November, 1945. WILLIAM £ . McCALLISTER, Judge o f the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Sasil B. Greene, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Bessie Greene has been duly appointed as Administrator o f the estate o f Basil B. Greene, deceased, late o f Beaver­ creek Township, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 5th* day of November, 1945. • WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER, Judge o f the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. ; 1 LEGAL NOTICE Jeanette T. Castleman is hereby no­ tified that Leonard Castleman has fil­ ed a petition against her in the Com mQ.n Pleas Court, Greene County, Ohio the same being Case No. 24156 The pruyer o f said petition is for a divorce on the grounds of Gross Neglect o f Duty and Extreme Cruelty, and said cause will come on for hearing before said court on or after six full weeks from the date of the first publication hereof. * (ll:9 :6 t: 12:14) DAN M. AULTMAN, Attorney for Plaintiff. LEGAL NOTICE Leola B. Daniels whose place of res­ idence is unknown and cannot with reasonable diligence be ascertained, will take notice that William B. Dan­ iels filed his certain petition against her for divorce on the grounds of gross meglect of duty on September 22, 1945, before the Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio. Said case being .docketed as No. 24,140 be­ fore the Common Pleas Coprt of Greene County, Ohio. That said cause will come on for hearing on or after Decembed 8th, 1945. ■/■ (10-26-6H1-30) MARCUS SHOUP, Attorney for Plaintiff | A NAME TH AT STANDS FOR GOOD iFURNITU RE 5 1 BUDGET PLAN | AVA ILABLE Adair’s Detroit SL Xenia, .O. j FARMS FOR SALE AND jj - FARM LOANS | We have many good farms fo r sale | on easy terms.. Also make farm | loans at 4 % interest for 16 years, !„N o application fee and no apprals- | al fee. • | Write Or Inquire I McSavancy & Co. London O. I Leon H. Kling, Mgr. SrfH H iiiiiiiH H m M iiH iM iiliittiim itiiiiiiiniiitiiiiiiiitiiH KM iin ■ ■■m w i i s f ,[ jiiii . ■■JLUUWsim ii m LEGAL NOTICE Florence Byrd,, whose last known address was 417 Armond st., Zone 6, Rochester, N, Y.-, will take notice that Leroy Byrd has filed a petition for di­ vorce against her on the Ground of Gross Neglect o f Duty in Common Please Court, -Greene County, Ohio, the same being Case No. 24,128, and that Baid cause will come on for hear­ ing six full weeks from the date of the first publication hereof. Petition was filed October 15, 1945. LEROY BYRD,* (10-19-6t-11-23) - Smith, McCallister & Gibney, Attys.* Attorney for Plaintiff Pipe, Valves and Fittings for water, gas and steam, Hand and Electric Pumps for all purposed. Bolts, Pulleys, V Belts, Ptambanf and Heating Supplies. V * J. P. BOOKLET ! SUPPLY CO. I XBNIA, OHIO wiwienwiiaw QUICK SERVICE FOR DEAD STOCK XEN IA FERTILIZER PHONE MA. 454 Reveres Charges E. G. Buchsieb, Xenia, Ohio i Ax w Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted, Reasonable Chat-Res. Br. C . E . Wilkii Optametrie Eye S p e c ia lis t Xeniai Ohio * ...................... .. ............................................'I I III IIin |Q ......................... . ,-s .