The Cedarville Herald, Volume 69, Numbers 1-26
:m s > , n m k t , v w m & m i t , t ^ i T U B C E D A R V I L L E H E R A L D y A R |. n BULL — — —* — EDITOR AND PUBLISHER y ffy irr W *Hfwwwr ***w-8Mu,a v*** Em*. Entered as sseond e lm matter, October SI, 1887, a t the Postoffice at Ca- darviUt, Ohio, under th# Act of March 1870,____ _ ______ ___________ yTMDAY,DBCBMBER 14,1945 * HOUSING SHORTAGE NEW DEAL BUNGLE The way Democratic officials in neighboring cities run down to Washington to find some way to meet the housing shortage is laughable, if not silly, when the New Deal alone is resonsible for what ever shortage exists. The returning veteran is having a hard time getting his old job back as he is finding a rooming house tha t will admit or a house for his family if such is required. The housing e r f js a new plaything for the Democratic politicians, The aid for veterans has about worn out because nine out of ten boys cannot meet even the government terms, If they have credit they can do better a t any building and loan or bank, .Hundreds of thousands of people have moved from south-, em states to the north to get high wages during the war boom. They took over the houses left by many of the men entering the service. Only a few of the new comers are returning to their native heath. In some cases all the elder were induced to make Ohio their home for this state pays higher old age pen sions than do most of the southern states. At the present time all the lumbermen in&the great north-west are on strike ant have been for months. In the south the negro, th a t did most of the logging-in the past has been in war work a t higher wages, He now refuses to work and iswaiting for tha t happy day Mr, Truman once referred to, when man should get $25 a week for 26 weeks for doing nothing* Dayton’s Democratic Mayor is flitting about like a pea in a kettle trying to run down' more houses. He knows, or shoulc know, that, even lumber dealers cannot get lumber to sell Some one should tell him farmers are denied lumber to repair a hog box*or a farm gate and many a farm home needs a nety roof< But we imagine the Dayton Mayor does not have to hav<> his memory refreshed to know of the hundreds of car loads o:' the best lumber in the world that,were wasted around Wright and Patterson Fields and tha t thousands of truck loads were sold as’ scrap and other thousands of loads were, burned day after day in open fields a few miles from the Fields. The same waste took place about every ;other camp in the nation. ._The joker of the housing situation is a Democratic officia running around trying to solve the housing problem when enough lumber has been burned a t the two fields near the city limit to erect all the houses now needed in the city. When the New Dealers were slaughtering pine lumber wholesale, little- thought was given as to how long it takes to make a tree and who gave it life. PATRIC HURLEY NEW DEAL GOAT Picture the position Patrick Hurley is in. Member of the Wilson cabinet. Ambassador to China under Roosevelt. Known as a loyal Democrat. Today he stands discredited before most of the American people, who do not look behind the scenes in Washington. Could have been returned to China by Secretary Byrnes, but Hurley declined. The Pear Harbor burlesque was his undoing. Hurley called attention to-the British sale of lend' lease goods in China. Russia was exposed also. Hurley had to fight the Communists in state departments. Barkley’s fixers would crucify. Hurley, resort to purgery or suffer a right arm rather than have the record expose the shameful record of a -t dead man that cost 3,000 lives at Pearl Harbor. As time goes on right will triumph and the trators will be exposed, — ontsi to report whet was don* with the money, I t U suspected that Dem ocrats that opposed the Brown amend ment might haye an interest in some of the graft in connection with the j grant. Gov. Lausche pushed'himself into The national debt is now .where it a mess of trouble. Trying to get averages $8,000 for each family in •away from a political track offer, .he ‘ asked Attorney General Jenkins for a legal opinion as to whether he could rent' out the extra unused rooms in the state mansion o f 28 rooms. Then the United States, yet Mr Truman wants us to put up money for Russia and England, instead of calling on them to pay what they owe us. They can pay in island possessions we need Jenkins rCTIed the Governor could rent south-east of us but the New Dealers j it out and how to satisfy 90 applicants only want to handle transactions with ten or twenty rooms is now the where there will be a commission. I t j Governor’s worry. Moreover who is would be Interesting to know how j to supply bedclothing? Two bath tham, all bar* taken another job, where the hours ere shorter, higher pay and air ■ conditioned workshops, winter and summer. That is all Mr. Truman needs to know to form an honest opinion of the lumber situation. much commission was paid by Eng land for lend-lease goods and just who received it. ' England wants to borrow six billion dollars at two per cent for 55 years. The brokerage rooms would hardly accomodate 28 G.I.’s and their wives, children and pet dogs. Latest from Hyde Park is that the commission at one eighth percent ‘I.pteccpal Church is for once free of would be only $7,500,000 to a group. i..e Roosevelt family, its dogs and numerous divorces. While Elliott was given the boot other members of the family have disconnected them selves with the church. Bishop Mann ing of that denomination stood for the . I'vance of the rules of the church for one and all on the divorce issue, vv'e suppose some of these days some New Dealer will put all the blame on Ham Fish, the isolationist. of New Dealers promoting the loan. We. are informed the unions in the eity of Detroit alone are cashing bond w at the rate of more than $2,500,- 000 each week, since the strike. It is estimated that should the other auto workers and steel workers go out on strike the government would be compelled to cash bonds held by the strikers that would amount to more than one million dollars a day; Congress this week shows its gen erosity to the lUNRRA and gave $550,000,000. fo’- relief and rehabili tation in Europe. Neither England or Russia have paid their quota. The fund is being handled abroad by form er Wall St., brokers. An effort was made to demand of Russia and other countries that now restrict all news natter under censorship, give en- j pair his roof, pig stye or farm gate, trance to American correspondents. I The newsprint situation is alarming Russia refused and so did the New; publishers. A survey Was made re- Dealers in Congress. Cong. Brown ’ cently to see how men, ex-service men,- of this district offered an amendment that had been lumber workers in the that would withhold our funds to'newsprint section had returned to countries that did not permit Ameri-; his old job. But one man took his old can newspaper and radio correspond-' job. The others, several score of President Truman is going to put a dictator over all residential and farm sales to hold back inflation, a word used now-a-d,ays to keep nation al bankruptcy out of the economic picture. The lid is to be put on, lumber and priority granted only for homes from $8,000 and under. This will be anything but good news to the lumber interests. The farmer at present is to be denied lumber WHEN IN SPRINGFIELD • VISIT THE B & B LOAN OFFICE W® buy, se ll and Loan Money on W a tch es, Diamonds, Guns, C lothing, Typew riters, Musical Instruments 6§ W- Main st., Springfield, O., Open Evenings V , How is it at your house? Are morning baths omitted oh washday • • . evening baths not warm enough? Have you been getting along for the duration on an inadequate sup ply of hot water. . . making old equipment do . . . making the best of inconveniences? What a relief to be able to plan now for all the hot water you want—with an automatic gas water heater with big , insulated storage tank to supply all your needs! It shouldn’t be too long now before new water heaters will be ready. Thermostatic control keeps the water at the desired anperature, apd prevents waste of fuel. With this modern V■ « equipment, only a little gas provides 24-hour hot water. . . ail you can use. . . for tubs and showers, shaving, dishwash ing, cleaning and for washday without skimping. When you build or buy or modernize, equip your home for modern water heating service with dean, economical natural gas and an automatic, insulated gas water heater. Mt joy the relaxing luxury o f i warm bath a t any hour. 9 fH f DAYTON POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY Diamond. Mlitatrs; In- :triaataly carVad. . 3-diamond Eingagamant Ring; fishtail mounting. $72.50 B-diemcnd Engagamant Ring. Daluxa craation. $99-oo The Idea l Has A ll ib e Famous Makes • BENRUS • BULOVA • ELGIN • CRAWFORD • CROTON •REN S IE • HELBROS • WINTON • GRUEN • MARVIN • ELBON • PIERCE FEDERAL TAX INC. SOLID GOLD MASON RING sat with PERFECT BLUE-WHITE DIAMOND. Others Up to $500.00 MMgJMMiMMia/lillMill " wWaJ'rmriT1WWYC“MM' $24 .75 SILVERWARE SSf , For 0 . . . . . . . . . I P Miami, Florida is to have a n ew ' morning paper after the first of the year, all the result of the recent S u - ; preme Court decision against the As- j sociated Press. Democratic publish ers who have had to' swallow that court decision and exposure of the New Deal soliciting certain publish ers to sign papers against the As sociated press, must leave a bad taste in the mouth of e\ery Democrat ic publisher. HAVE YOUR COATS P R E S S E S SUIT CLEANED — NOW -vp w'w wfeii- 9 LEGAL NOTICK You will not hear of Democratic real estate agent getting up in his group convention and supporting the Truman idea that we must have a dictatorship over farm-'and.residential prices and that a farmer must get the consent of Borne squirt in Wash ington before he can sell his farm. Mr. Truman just steps from one pot of hot water into another. When the' miners, the auto. workers, the steel workers,.and a few million other citi- zu$ 'g e t busy shying aged tomatoes toward-the White House, then will the Man from Missouri get his eyes open and discover the Communists around him have taken that means of making nis re-election uncertain before the convention. j LEGAL NOTICE ' Som. 2-c Eugene Walker, U.S.S. Y.M.S. 372,' % F.P.O., San Francisco, California, is hereby notified that his wife, Irene F. Walker, has filed a petition against him in the Common Pleas Court, Greeny County, Ohio, the same being Case No. 24172, pray ing for a divorce on the ground of ui-oss Neglect of Duty and for cus tody of minor child, and that said -ause will come on to be heard by the court on or after six full weeks from die date of the first publication here of. ' . DAN M. AULTMAN Attorney for the Plaintiff LEGAL NOTICE Joseph Lewis Trinkler, whose place of address is unknown, will 'take notice that on the 20th day of Novem ber, 1945, Questa M. Trinkler.filed her petition in the Court of Common Pleas, Greene County. Ohio, against him the same being No. 24175 on the docket of . said Court, praying for divorce on the grounds of neglect of duty, and of supreme cruelty and, for other relief and that said cause will come on for hearing six full weeks froim November 23, 1945, which is the date of the first publication here of. (11-23— 12-28) ROBERT H. WEAD Attorney fo r' the Plaintiff LEGAL NOTICE Mary Evelyn Shoffner, whose last known address is Savannah, Georgia (street dddress unknown) will take notice that on the 19th day of Nov ember,1945, George M. Shoffner filed his petition in the Court of Common Pleas, Greene County, Ohio, against her, the same being Case No. 24174 on the docket of said Court, praying for divorce, custody of minor child and other relief on the grounds of gross neglect of duty and of the ex treme cruelty, and said cause will come on for hearing six full weeks from November 23, 1945, which is the date of the first publication here of, (11-23 — 12-28) ROBERT H. WEAD Attorney for the Plaintiff NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of James M. Bailey, Deceas ed. , Notice is hereby given that Louella K. Bailey, has been duly appointed as Administratrix of the estate of James M, Bailey, deceased, late of Ce- darville Village, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 9th day of November, 1945. WILLIAM B, McCALLISTER. Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. Ethel Calhoun, who resides a t Den ton, Carter County, Kentucky, is ke*e» by notified that John Calhoun has fll- i fid bis petition against her for divorce ! in Case No. 24,109 in the Court of 1Common Pleas, Greene County, Ohio, and that said cause will he for hear ing on and after December 29th,' 194$, a t the Court Room.of said Court of .Common Pleas, in the Court Horse a t Xenia, Ohio, (ll;16:6t;12:21) MORRIS D. RICE, Attorney John Calhoun POULTRY - We pay highest , prieea for rab bits, ducks, turkeys, fries, hens, and roosters. G INIVAN POULTRY PLANT XENIA. OHIO 3 S . L I M E S T O N E S T . SPRINGFIELD. OHIO A record (or competent, im* partial service and unchal* lepged values safely guides a family in Us choice pf fune ral director. Public confi dence in us i* built uppn the experience of families in every walk of life whom we have served. Our wide range of prices al lows every family'to select a service it can afford M c M illan 1 LAUNDRY SERVICE G ive Ua A T ria l Bundle' THE C L E A N E R S Quality Work . South Main iL, Cedarville Open Hours— 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. . Saturday hours 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Daisy B. Arnold, De ceased. .Notice is hereby given that Gertrude A. Bloom and John L. Burttch have been duly Uppoined as Executed? of the estate of. Daisy B. Arnold, de ceased, late of Beavercreek Township, Greene County, Ohio,. - Dated this 8th day of December, 1945. " WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. LEGAL NOTICE Clara K. Marshall, whose last known place of residence was 607 Udell Street, Indianapolis, Indiana, is here by notified that on the 11th day of December, 1945, Ernest J; Marshall, Jr., filed his petition against her in the Common.Pleas Court, of Greene County, Ohio, praying for a divorce on the grounds of gross neglect and extreme cruelty, the same being case No. 24,206. Said •petition will be for hearing on .or after the 26th day of January, 1946. Unless the said Clara K. Marshall shall answer said petition on or before said date, judgment may; be taken by the said Ernest J. Marshall, Jr,, granting him a divorce. (12-14-6t-l-18) Smith, MpCallister and Gibney, Attorneys for Plaintiff. . LEGAL NOTICE Irene A; Smart, who resides at 4002 Greenwood at., San Diego, 10, Cali fornia, will take notice that on Decem ber 7, 1945, Elden E. Smart filed his cause for action against her in divorce on grounds of adultery, said cause be ing docketed as case No, 24,199 be fore the Common Pleas Court, Greene County,O hio. That said cause will com on for hearing on or after Jan uary 20, 1946. 1 (12-14-6t-l-18) MARCUS SHOUP Attorney for Plaintiff LEGAL NOTICE Shuble Brown, whose place of resi dence is unknown, will take notice that Lillian Brown, has filed a peti tion against him for divorce on the grounds of Gross Neglect of Duty, in the Common Pleas Court, Greene county, Ohio the same being Case No. 24,178, apd that said cause will pqn}e pn for heaping six fujl weeks from the date of the first publication hereof, (11.30-6t-l-4) C, R, LAUTRNBURY, Attorney for the Plaintiff LEGAL NOTICE Lottie Pettlferde, whose place of res idence is unknown, and with reason able diligence cannot be ascertained, will take notice that on November 9th, 1948, Quentin Pettlferde filed hie cer tain cause of action for . divorce a- gainst her on grounds of extreme cruelty and gross neglect, of duty, be ing cause No. 24,160 on the docket of the Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio. That said cause will come on for hearing on or after De cember 29th, 1945. (ll-16-6t.12.21) MARCUS SHOUP, Attorney for Plaintiff Pip#. Va)vee an# Fittfaf# far waten i d awl steam, Hand and Kaeetrte Pumps fwf ail purpose* Belte, Pulleys, V Belts, PlnmhMf »«d HeatluK ffupplie#. J. P. POCKLETT SUPPLY CO. UNiA, om o . i i LEGAL NOTICE' Calvin R. Brown who*resides a t 203 W. Grant Street, Bronson, Michigan, will take notice that on November 10th, 1945, Ruby Brown filed her cer tain notice of action against him in divorce, on grounds of extreme cruelty and gross neglect of duty, said case being 24,162 on the docket of the Com mon Pleas Court of Greene County,. Ohio. Said cause will come on for hearing on or after December 29th, 1945. (ll:16:6t: 12:28) * MARCUS SHOUP, Attorney for Plaintiff LEGAL NOTICE Jeanette T. Castleman is hereby no tified that Leonard Castleman has fil ed a petition against her in the Com, mon Pleas Court, Greene County? Ohio the same being Case No 24156 The prayer of said petition is for a divorce on the grounds of ' Gross Neglect .o f, Duty and Extreme Cruelty, and said cause will come on for hearing before said court on or after six full weeks from the date of the first publication hereof. (ll:9:6t:12:14) DAN M. AULTMAN, Attorney for Plaintiff. LEGAL NOTICE Mary K. Maxwell, whose address, is’ 303 West Willetta Street, Phoenix, Ar izona, will take notice that on the 1st day of November, 1945,'Archer Max well filed his petition in the Court of Common Pleas, -Greene County, Ohio, against her, the same being Case No. 24151 oh the docket of said court praying for divorce on the grounds of Gross Neglect of Duty and for Other Relief and tjiat said case will come on for hearing six full weeks from No- vember9 , 1945, ,which is the date of the first publication'hereof. - (ll-9-6tl2-14) ARCHER MAXWELL, Robert H. Wead, Plaintiff Attorney, Xenia, O. A NAME THAT STANDS FOR GOOD F U R N I T U R E BUDGET PLAN AVAILABLE Adair *s ft. Detroit 8 t Xenia, O. m iiiiiiiiiiiim iiiitiitiiiM itiiiiM iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitm liiiH M iiiiiijM I FARMS FOR SALE AND | FARM LOANS | We have many good farms for sale | on easy terms. Also makt farm | loans a t 4 % interest for 15 years. No application fee and no apprais al fee. Write or Inquire ; McSavaney & Co. ' London O. [ Leon H. Kling, Mgr. iirtiw n m n iiiiiiim iiiim iiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiim w iiH H H H m m i mmmmmmrn. J'l.i_1 Jil"'I'H■■"■HI QUICK SERVICE FOR DEAD STOCK XENIA FERTILIZER PHONE M'A. 484 Reverse Charges E. O. Buchsieb, Xenia, Ohio Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted, Reasonable Charges. ♦ tr.C.E.Wilki* Optomntric Ey® Specia list X tn ln , O k ie V J M oper Hem. Chri held M- Sate Chaj tey t Assi Rife *Ti Chri day chan Me of t Bren gare Mrs. of ti Mrs. Mi$: 1 M: anno of th Mr. Wori Tb Brow Mi. Stafc ’ Delt ity. elem . M. Chat in th year. arm< Novi lege’ ivers RES ‘PI w $ i •, i MIlMiimUMM! ">e iir h
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