The Cedarville Herald, Volume 69, Numbers 1-26
'■ f ■ CBDAHVIIU: HERALD, FRIDAY, lU Y S4 ,1948 __ i|»"‘,i"|w ..... ................ ".i1—. * * r r T H E C E O A R T I L L E H E R A L D KARLH BULL----------- - — EDITOR AND PUBLISHER HUIBKK—Mktttul M tarial A mos .; Ohio Nswipspsr A*»oe,; Ulsml V»Uey Praia. A hb Entered u Mcoftd class matter, October 31, 1887, darville, Ohio, under the Act of March 1879. at the Postoffice at Ce- FRIDAV, MAY 24, 1946 HERE ARE THE GENTS YOU WERE LOOKING FOR-HARRY President Harry Truman in one of his unguarded periods, while no doubt weakening to the soft word from his “left-wing copatriots”, made a public statement to organized labor, to ask for “higher wages, and you can get it” Without industry being required to increase the price of goods. His nex; fatal step was in the auto strike when he backed the union m demanding that industry open its books for union inspection. One step after another, especially in naming red followers, Pendergast henchmen, and men with degree titles on his fact finding boards, none of whom have had practical experience, to please the CIO for political purposes, has brought him this very day face to face with a situation more critical than any day of either World War. The honor of the nation has been dragged in the dust of niggardly disgust and wanton disre spect, such as no other president except his predecessor, FDR. Mr, Truman inherited as vice-president a mess bad enough at that time and when he stated he was going to continue the FDR policies (mess) he only paved the way for a more dis gusting situation. He has displayed a weakness of leadership not on par with the Buchanan of former years. He/fias made a shamble of the Democratic party that cannot be pictured as it really is in-the eyes of the nation and the world, \ We can win wars around the world and brand ourselves as pigmies at home. Commentator Kaltenborn has minced no words in pointing to the present picture. .It. is one.sketched by FDR and finished by the White House occupant. *" That the Hyde Park non-compope was responsible for what we are harvesting today was only predicted ten years ago. Then he alone traded the honor and influence of the White House to John L. Lewis for political support and the accomp anying “sit-down” strike with mass destruction of private prop erty. Then came CIO Philip Murray into the picture and the rest is present day history that the nation must endure and it should be required to sit on the blister for following the flag of what can now be said as a traitor of your cause for political purposes. There are many things that never can be buried with the dead and as the years com'e and go history will record them.- We have not heard the last for the poison of the drag- on’s-tooth has been injected into the economic veins of the na tion that if not checked will cause the death of the nation long before any suggested third World War. Mr. Truman, the gentlemen you are expecting are here— the rail strike and the coal strike, both honorable and well within'the intent and the meaning of the Wagner Act—which you have not suggested repeal, for this act is the father of the legal strike. U H tlltllM IH IM IM IIItlM A m illU lllllllllim M IIIIIH ItM lllim illi Some one sends us a sheet from Los Angeles, Calif., We know nothing a, bout the why or wherefore of the stwo page printed letter size sheet.. What is behind it we do not know but it is devoted '.largely to sugar, production from both cane and beets and why you cannot get it a t present. Most every one knows all this now. Sugar cane is grown in the South, sugar beets inthe West while northern Ohio and a few other central states produce some su gar beets. Growing beetB repuires more labor than for sugar cane. Then you get but one crop >Qf beets a sea son while you get two crops from the cane which is cut in March and again in October. Washington blasts about a many million dollars housing bill to aid the GFS. Ifis just one more way to feed.the New Deal grafters. When dealers cannot get and do not have floor ing, siding, plastering lath no longer made, steel lath off the market since the steel strike, nails scarce, metal and wood shin gles scarce and paper shingles hard to get, just how will’the last billion dollar spending effort get.a home for the ex-service man? » PINK SALVARINE Herald readers will recall that back in 1941 the writer wrote a story of the sugar cane*industry around Clew- iston Floridafi while we attended a newspaper convention a t Jacksonville, Fla. In that town is located one of the largest sugan cane plants in the United States. We were told then the plant had the cane and if permitted could supply for more than was used in Florida and many of the midwest .states. In those days Henry Wallace killed the little pigs and paid farmers not to grow sugar cane, Sven at a time the Clewiston company warehouses were as empty as a farmer's bam af ter a hard Winter of heavy feeding. . This circular says the Ag Depart ment, now under Clinton Anderson, is still operating on the old Wallace plan of .limited production and more than that the State Department that is supposed to deal in diplomacy and al so keep us out of wars abroad, put in »its fingCr .under orders of one FDR, the original sugar king, the king king England ever had. This order known as “WFO 63” provides that be fore one can import sugar from Cuba, Mexico or the Philippines, our own neighbors who have plenty of sugar the year round, must have a license is sued from the State Department New Deal office. These have been denied according to reports. > Little Jimmy Byrnes will tell you if you write him, either in Washington, Paris or Moscow, he loves world gird ling, that we do not have the ships to bring this sugar from other countries. Yet on February 26,1946, Congress at j For Your House Cleaning i Cleans Perfectly Without Soap A SAFE, ECONOMICAL and QUICK ACTING CLEANER Pink Salvarine is put up in two con venient packages. One pound size for the kitchen; the economy four pound size for the laundry and housecleaning. It is economical because the color in dicator tells you how much to use, Light green Solution is sufficient for general cleaning purposes. If you use too much the water turns yellow. the request of Little Harry Perider- grast Truman, approved a bill to get rid of 17 billion dollars’ worth of our 55-million ton merchant fleet we built for use during the war. 'Little Harry wants to blow up 120 of these boats with atomic bombs to see how bombs work, or not having faith in all reports of how destruction wiped out a large part of Japan. ‘ can be at Grocer ies a n d Hardware Stores. Hundreds-of samples of Pink Salvarine were sent to Greene County homes. If you did not get a sample simply ask your Grocer or your Hardware merchant Some one has taken a .record of the boats selected for slaughter1. Each is worth four million dollars, can carry 6740 tons, and go 18 knot3 (21 miles) an hour. They go faster than other freight boats and only draw 16 feet of water, thus being able to Unload in most of our river ports. Yet the. New Deal has been sending sugar made m this country to other nations around the world that never before knew what sugar Was used for. The Congo na. tives kneel down daily at high noon to sing praises to their ‘‘Sugar Dady” Little Harry Pendergrnst Truman. Sugar is not the only article of com. merce that requires a New Deal U. cense for importation right when we have^a shortage. Here is the list of articles requiring the license: butter, poultry, cheese, peanuts, spices, (anc we have no pepper how) eggs, lard, soap, cocoa, beans, cocoanuts, oleo and oils, cattle feed and corn, animal fer tilizers, etc. This was a tariff regu lation but the idea of dictatorship just as Stalin enforces in Russia. Planned economy we are told. You will raise what the dictator says, you will eat what he says and you will wear what he says. Would George Washington or Thomas Jefferson or Abraham Lin coin ever have subscribed to such a program ? Thousands of Housewives have tried -this- wonderful discovery and you will get the same result if you try your Sample package Fine for Washing Walls, Woodwork, Floors, Carpets and Dairy Utensils. Also for washing Windows* Glass or Sil verware. It will clean your Carpets and Rugs. Directions for using on each box and how much to use. PRICES — One pound 25c; Four pound, 75c Heidei Chemical Co. COLUMBUS, OHIO i IF YOU NEED PRINTING, PROP IN The -spending of public money by the Truman administration is oh par with the old New Deal under FDR. A fair sample of spending is in the contract let to the Herr Printing Co., Columbus, for the publication in book form of the proceedings of the crim inal trials now going on in Nuernburg Germany. The Columbus Company is just completing the first 1,000 pages of what is to be a 25-volume report and run more than 1,000,000 pages. It required two months for the firm to get out the first 1,000 pages. The cost will be more than one million dollars. Who is alive today that will live long enough to read one million pages and Survive? Especially of legal question ing, answers and arguments. The cost will be paid out of your income tax money and the New Dealers tell yob there is no chance for lowering that tax next year. This should be inter esting information to those who shout ‘‘keep the OPA and ceiling prices”. The Wesley. Weds of the Methodist Church held a covered dl*sh supper a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Pickering, Wednesday evening. Twonty.four members and guests were present. Mrs. Pickering, the vice president, conducted the business session and devotions were given by Mrs. Robert Huffman. Group singing was enjoyed before the meeting ad journed. The group will meet in June a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Agnor. LOCAL BAKERY CLOSED «FOR THE DURATI0> Charles Townsley, proprietor of the Cedarville Bakery who has been in Houston, Texas, returned for a few days and return again to that city- to hccept a position there. Meantime his local bakery will be closed for the dur ation—shortage of sugar and wheat For Sale— 15 acres Abac and tim. othy hay, standing on the ground. For information or particulars call, Phone 6.1711. (2) K. R. Birmel NOTICE!—Citizens are requested to follow the fire department in case of an alarm and not crowd ahead Where the street is filled with auto mobiles. It hampers the work of tho fire department in handling the hose Park no cars near the fire. Order by Police. The State of. Ohio, Greene County, Common Fleac Court. Case No, 24154 Morris D. Rice, as Trustee, Plaintiff, vs. The Universal Reserve System, Ltd,, et al, Defendants. In pursuance of an Order of Sale in the above entitled action, I will offer for sale a t public auction, a t the Weat ;hi S ubscribe T o T h e H erald LEGAL NOTICE Harold A. Landsberry, whose last known address was 300 E. 56th St„ New York City, New York, will take notice that on the 22nd day of May, 1946, Christine M. Landsberry filed her petition in the Court of Common Pleas, Greerte. County,. Ohio against him, the same being Case No. 24429 on the docket of said Court, pi’aying for. divorce on the ground of neglect of duty and extreme cruelty, and that said-cause will come on for hearing on or before the 5th day of July, 1946 or judgment may be taken granting the plaintiff a divorce. james s. S tubbs , Attorney for Plaintiff. ( 5-24.6t.7-6 ) 904-905, Winters Nat’l. Bank Bldg. Dayton, Ohio. door of t e Court House in Xenia, Ohio, in the above named'County, on Saturday, the 8th ijay of June 1946, at 10:00 o’clock. A* M., the following described real estate, situate in the County of Greene and State of Ohio, and in the Township of Ross towit: Situate in the State of Ohio, County of Greene, Township of Ross, Border ing upon the Waters of Massies Creek and being in the parts of Virginia Mil itary Surveys No. 1158 and 2070 and bounded and pertinently described as Surveys No. 1158 and 2070 and bound ed and pertinently described as fol- follows, towit: Beginning a t a Stone in the Center of the Springfield and Jamestown Road; thence up MassieB Creek, N. 16“ 50' E. 1423 feet, to an Iron Pipe .n the Angle of said Creek; thence N. 57“ 54' E. 1370.4 feet to an Iron Pipe in the center of said Creek; thence S. 10“ 14' E. 2958 feet, to an Iron Fence .’ost; thence N. 60° 18' E. 513.5 feet, :o an Iron Pipe in. the Center of the Ditch; thence S. 14° 12' E. 631.7 feet to an Iron Pipe in the Line of Survey No. 2070; thence S. 59° 21' W. 1704 feet, to an Iron Pipe at the Noted. Elm Cornei’; thence S. 59“ 23' W. 1025.5 feet to a Stone in‘the center of the Solon.Road; thence N. 66° 24' W. 351.5 feet, with the center of the* So lon Road to an li-n Pipe; thence S. 59° 23' W. 109.3 feet to an Iron Pipe in the' Springfield and Jamestown Road; thence with said Road N. 30° 36' E. 584.3 feet, to - a stone in the center thereof; thence with said Road N. 30° 33' W. 3091.5 feet, to tne place of beginning containing 232.11 acres more or less. Said premises to be sold subject to the rights and easements of The Ohio Fuel GaB Company and The Ohio Bell Telephone Company. Said premises Located on the Selma and Jamestown Pike, three miles South of Selma, Ohio. - 1 Said Premises Appraised a t $18,- 000.00 (Eighteen Thousand Dollars) and may sell for Two-Thirds of the Appraisement. Terms of Sale: Cash. Ten percent (10%) of purchase price on day of sale. Balance on delivery of deed. WALTON SPAHR, Sheriff of Greene County, Ohio Morris D. Rice, Attorney.- • LEGAL NOTICE WANTED — Custom post-hole dig ging by tho hour or job. King Tract or Sales, Xenia, Phone 542. 4t Roush' 939 Hybrid Seqd Corn. I will take cate of my customers as us ual. Will have corn fit-my farm in a few days. ARTHUR D. HANNA, -Rhone 6-2201, Cedarville, R.R.1. Walter Sablich, whose last address s unknown, will take notice that on the 22nd day of May, 1946, Elsie Sabr lich filed her petition against him in the Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio, the. same being case No. 24,432 on the docket of said Court praying for divorce on the grounds of gross neglect of duty, and unless the said// Walter J. Sablich shall an swer said petition on or before the 6th of July, 1946, judgment may be taken granting the plaintiff a divorce, (5-24.6t.7-5) L. T, BARGER, Attorney for Plaintiff. . 218 U. B. Building., . Dayton, Ohio.. ' SHERIFF'S SALE REAL ESTATE The State of Ohio, Greene County, Common Pleas Court. Case No. 231 Esta Pemberton Truesdale, Plaintiff, ./s. Harry Pemberton, et al., Defend ants. In purance of an Order of Sale In Partition in the above entitled action, f will offer for sale a t public auction, at the West Door of the Court House in Xenia, Ohio, in the above named County, on Saturday the 8th day of June 1946, at 10:30 o’clock, A. M., the following real estate, situate in the County of Greene and State of Ohio, and in the Village of Cedarville to wit: . Being part of Military Survey en. tered in the name of William Tomp kins, No. 3745, and bounded and de scribed as follows:. Being ail of Lot Number Thirty- Four (34) in G. W. Dunlap’s Addition to the Village of Cedarville, Greene County, Ohio, being the same premi ses conveyed to Thomas W. Spencer by Thomas M. Harris and wife by deed dated March 30,1913 and record ed in Vol. 95, Page 278 Deed Records xf Greene County, Ohio,’ and last re corded 11-7-1919 in Record of Deeds Vol. 23 Page 289, Greene County, Ohio Said premises located on Railroad street, Cedarville, Ohio. Said Premises Appraised a t ($700.- 00) Seven Hundred Dollars and can- not sell for less than two-thirds the xppraised value thereof. Terms of Sale: Cash; 10 percent on lay of sale and balance on delivery of deed. WALTON SPAHR, Sheriff of Greene County, Ohio Dan M. Aultman, Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE Clyde F. McClellan, whose place of residence is unknown, will take notice that on May 9th , 1946, Mary McClel lan filed her certain petition against him in the Court of Common Pleas, Division of Domestic •Relations, of Greene County, Ohio, being Case No; 24416 on the docket of said Court* praying for a decree of divorce from him on the grounds of. wilful ah: sencc, and that Said cause is entitled, Mary McClellan, Plaintiff, vs, Clyde F. McClellan, Defendant, Said defendant will take further notice that he is required to answer said petition on or before the ex piration of six weejks from the date of the first publication of this notice. Mary McClellan (6-17*6t-0.21) Harold F. Demaftn 706 Harries Bldg. Dayton, Ohio LEGAL NOTICE Mae Lillian Severtson, whose last known place of address, is . 17 West Greene Street; Ithaca, New York, will take notice that on the 13th day of May, 1946, Marvin Severtson filed his petition in the Court of Common Pleas Greene County, Ohiq, against her, the same being Case No. 24418 on the docket of said Court, praying for Di vorce on the grounds of Gross Neglect of Duty and Extreme Cruelty and A- diiltery, for. Custody of Minor Child and .Other Relief, and that said case will come on for hearing six full weeks from May 17, 1946, which is the date of the first publication here, of. (5-17-6t-6.21) MARVIN SEVERTSON, , Plaintiff Robert II. Wead, Attorney 112 Rats Killed with Can of 'Star”. Harmless to inimals. DUVALL HARDWAR (9t-7-5) JOE GORDON Auctioneer All Types of Public Sales Phone- 6-1522 POULTRY We pay highest prices for rab bits, ducks, turkeys, fries, hens, atid roosters. GINIVAN POULTRY PLANT XENIA, OHIO PHONE 6 1 3 0 1 HAVE YOUR SUITS » DRESSES OVERCOATS — DYED Blue — Black — Brown Green Dark Red Bright Red 10 Days Service Required Hats Cleaned —Blocked Wool Blankets, -—Comforts -Draperies 1 THE C L E A N E R S Quality Work South Main a t, Cedarville Open Hours— 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturday hours 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. LEGAL NOTICE COMMON PLEAS COURT, » GREENE COUNTY, OHIO Phyllis L. Johnson, Plaintiff vs, No. 24389 John Johnson, Defendant. John Johnson, whose last known place of residence was 465 N. Cham-, pion Avenue Columbus, Ohio, will take ; notice that on the 17th day of April, ! 1946, Phyllis L. Johnson, filed her pe. i tition against him in the Common ' Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio, for divorce on the ground of gross neglect of duty, and that unless the said John Johnson shall answer said petition on or .before the 7th day of Juno, 1946, judgment may be taken granting the plaintiff a divorce, . -PHYLLIS L. JOHNSON, Plaintiff (4-26.6t-5.31) Smith, McCallistcr & Gibney, Attorneys’for Plaintiff. • LEGAL NOTICE John Bruce Edwards whose ad dress is unknown, will hereby take notice that on the l&h day of April, 1946, Dorothy Edythe Edwards filed her petition against jiim in the Court of Common Pleas of' Greene County, Ohio, being case’ No. 24385, D. R. on the docket of said court, praying for a decree of divorce from him on the grounds of gross neglect of duty; that said case is entitled Dorothy Edythe Edwards, Plaintiff, -vs. John Bruce Edwards, Defendant.' Said John Bruce Edwards will fur ther take.notice that he is required to answer said petition on or before the expiration if six weeks from the date of the first* publication.of this notice, towit: April 19, 1946. (4.19- 6t_5-24) DOROTHY EDYTHE EDWARDS, Plaintiff T. L. Barger, Atty. LEGAL NOTICE 6 LEGAL NOTICE Margaret Miller, whose last address was East Northport,/N. Y., will take notice that / Paul E. Miller, filed his certain petition against her for di vorce on grounds of gross neglect., of duty, said cause being No. 24412 on the docket of the Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio, and that said cause will come on for hearing on or after June 15th, 1946. (5-10- 6t-6-14) ' . C. R. LAUTERBURG, 416 Cooper.Bldg., Dayton, 0. NOTICE, OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Chester T. Garber, De ceased. Notice is hereby given that Evelyn Garber, has been duly appointed as Administratrix of the estate of Ches te r T. Garber, deceased, late of Beav ercreek Township, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 4th day of May, 1946. WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER, Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. LEGAL NOTICE Lavinia- Smith, whose pla^e of res idence is unknown and cannot with reasonable diligence be ascertained, will take notice, that on May 7th,,1946, Theodore Smith filed his certain petit ion against her for divorce on grounds that said Lavinia Smith has been wil fully absent for more than three years, said cause being No. 24415 on the Docket of the Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio, and that said cause will come on for hearing on or after June 14, 1946. MARCUS SHOUP Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT For Dependable RADIO SERVICE Estate of Edward H< Brown, de ceased. Notice is -hereby given that William S. Rogers, has been duly appointed as Administrator W. W. A. of the estate of Edward H. Brown, deceased* late of Cedarville Village, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 1st day of May, 1946. WILLIAM B. Me CALLISTER Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. LEGAL NOTICE Greeley Hatfield, whose last known address is Jamboree, Kentucky, will take notice that on the 22nd day of April, 1946, Della Hatfield filed her petition in the Court of Common Pleas Greene County, Ohio, against him, the same being Case No. 24394* on the docket of said Court, praying for df-' vorce, restoration of maiden name of Della Blankenship, and other relief on the grounds of gross neglect of duty and of extreme cruelty, and that said cause will come on for hearing six full weeks f ronv April 26, 1946, which is the date of the first publication hereof. . DELLA HATFIELD, Plaintiff (4-2G.6t-5.31) ‘ Robert H. Wead, Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE Common. Pleas Court, Greene County, Ohif. Jewel Strapp, Plaintiff, vs. No. —— John Osborne Stapp, Defendant . • John Osborne Stapp, whose last known address is P. O. Box 487, Chat tanooga, Tenn., will take notice that on the 17th day of May, 1946, Jewel Stapp filed her petition against him in Common Pleas Court, Greene Coun ty, Ohio, for divorce on the ground of 'gross neglect of duty and extreme cruelty, and- that unless the said Op- borne Stapp shall answer said peti. tion on or before the 5th day of July 1946, judgment may be taken grant- ing plaintiff a divorce. ■ * JEWELL STAPP, Plaintiff Smith, McCallister & Gibney, Attorneys for Plaintiff. F A NAME THAT STANDS FOR GOOD FURNITU RE BUDGET PLAN AVAILABLE A d a ir ’s N. Detroit St. Xeala, O. O llM lIlM lIllllim ilH M IM IM IIIIIIM IIIIIIIIim M H lIIIIIIIIIIIH IIIIH R | FARMS FOR SALE AND FARM LOANS | We have many good farms for sale 1 on easy terms. Also make farm | loans a t 4 % interest for 15 years. 1 No application fee and no apprats- | al fee. | Write or Inquire i | McSavaney & Co. . London O. I Leon H. Kling, Mgr. WANTED! Full time or part time laborers. Handy men. Welders. A carpenter. Blacksmiths, first class Machinists and helpers. UNIVERSAL ATLAS CEMENT COMPANY, OSBORN, OHIO •am WE PAY FOR ' HORSES $5.00 COWS $3.00 According to Size & Condition Hogs, Calves, Sheep Etc* Removed Promptly * XENIA FERTILIZER PHONE MA. 454 Reverse Charges E. G. Buchsieb, Xenia, Ohio Eyes Examined, itmiiimmMimHHmHHHiimmmtfmmnmnmmntmniH M'Collister Film, Valves and Fittings for water, gas and steam, Hand and Electric Pumps for all purpose#, Bolts, Pulleys, V Belts, Plumlmi; and Heating Supplies. J. P. BOCKLETT SUPPLY CO. XKNIA, OHIO Glasses Fitted, “■ \ Reasonable Charges, D r . C . E . Wilkin Optometric Eyn Specialist Kanin, Ohio The KYN May 31st at Lillich. The Mrs. John P. top. Midshipma Mr, and Mr, home last mustered out We are una Day progran to press as reached this Mr. George Ind., spent Tin guest of Mrs. to attend Be commencemen Mrs. Ward „as the new be ment of Cedi v Mrs. Gresw post from 11 public school r choral ,and it She will assui The Golden Methodist Chi Pearl Huffma Mrs. C. H. C Fields were J. S. West in The Womei of the First P a t the home < iamson, Tuesd votions were Ramsey -and tl conducted by ’ Wright. Mrs. gram leader, t ian Women l Kingdom”, Mrs. Martin G a Lutheran 1 who spoke on ’ both Hindu a talk was very ive. -She also articles, laces ivory articles India, Mrs. icious refresh i hour. GIRL Twenty-four lea'der, Mrs. )• tained their Daughter Tea, 4’ie beautiful MacGregor, a Cedarville Trc The girls : and held a Co. die lighting Ii which Nancy t- Phyllis Spurg Joan Heidorn ceived their pi Foot Scouts”. At the Coui Glass, First A 'and Tree Fine girl who had year. The mothei dining room v Troop Chairni poured tea. . The lovely r orated and fo< of the Pine t Mrs. MacGreg vases of Ivy, Scout were i favors. Fri. and Warner Bn: "Crime D Sports - " "Sun. and Fred MacMui "PARD Also ^ Select Wed. end EdWkrd Ain “THf News of t Mr. and Mi to th e . Brati Taylor's gra Barber. Mr. have taken ju property, boj Chester Pr« Neal suffered nesday when . a pole in Xen another car. i i 5 ir e .• Tue: -.Bob Crosb? "My G» ij E f
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