The Cedarville Herald, Volume 69, Numbers 1-26

jRuqtf, T H E C E D A H V I L L E H E R A L D riihiiilm KARLH BULL ~ -------- — EDITOR AND PUBLISHER UStfSXS— M&tortel A ttoe.i Ohio Nswipiper Auoc.; Wind V.U.y Ptaw, A mp Entered as second class matter, October 31, 1887, at the Postoffice at Ce- darville, Ohio, under the Act o f Kerch 1879. _ , FRIDAY,~DECEMBER21,1945 A Merry Christmas to A ll o f Our Readers and Patrons THE GIFT OF GIVING— YOUR SHIRT— While we are at the portal of the season of good cheer reflected in the exchange of gifts among members of the family and friends, we are also at the point where giving gifts from an economic standpoint is to be no virtue but a burden on all those who support the government in various ways. When we talk of giving Britain a loan for fifty-five years with no interest on $4,400,000 for the first ten years and then only 2 percent there­ after, and no security, we think the nation is asking far-to< much of our citizens to carry such a load when we are bondet today to the amount of about $8,000 for ekch family in the nation. Again, it looks entirely out of place for* the admin­ istration to charge the G I’s four percent interest, give security, •etc., after making the great sacrifice for ending all wars.- Ev­ idently Mr. Truman and the New Dealers do not put-a very high value on the service our boys have rendered when we wipeout lend-lease of billions and then tear off our shirt for the British, who even sold lend-lease to her own people and pocketed the returns- England owes this country for her part of the First World War debt. Why should she ask more of our people? Dr. B. SHWARTZ .OPTOMETRIST ACCURATE SCIENTIFIC EYE EXAMINATION Announces the opening of his office at 17 1-2 Main St., Osborn, Ohio. Phone 8-8560 - . •Office Hours—9 to 12 A. M. . 1 to 5;30 P. M. : Evenings by Appointment. Closed Wednesday Afternoon As wo scan the returns of the sale of Seventh War Bonds we find a larg­ er percentage of “ E” bonds have been sold in the rural sections and small towns than in the m'etropolitian cen­ ters, population considered. Mean time we read of the large amount of government war bonds being cashed each day in larger, cities where hun dreds and thousands of men are on strike. We venture the prediction, based reports from financial circles that a larger percentage of the “ E” bonds are baing held in rural centers than in cities. With such a situation we wonder of those on strike that have been earning ten and twelve tlol Jar a day wages, are justified in ask ing for more “ take--bome” pay. We would not label all factory workers as indifferent towards holding bonds but when we hear the head of a Day­ ton collection agency make the state nient that payment of rents, grocer* and coal bills, still lag regardless oJ the wage paid. The New Deal beei parlor is taking too large a percent­ age o f the weekly pay-check, which reduces naturally the “ take - home” pay. The sales of liquor through Ohio state owned stores js further proof that “ take-home” pay probably is not as .much as it could be if the pay -heck was cashed by the housewife, and not the-liquor store. B u y in g A H o m e ? WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUYING HOMES OR FARMS, REFINANCING OR MAKING REPAIRS j flllltllltM Illllltllllff IIIJIIIIMIIIIIIItMItl . COME IN AND TELL US YOUR NEEDS niim iniH rilM IM IH M H IIIIIIIIIH im illM 1 SAVINGS ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $5,000 W E MAKE G I LOANS TO VETERANS Peoples Building & Savings Company Xenia, Ohio 11 G r e e n S t. P h o n e 11 r Tfie E a rly B ird GeH the Worm — \ A B ig g e r S e le c t io n If You C om e In N ow ! T H i P R E C I S I O N W A T CH Yes . . . Today, selections in Gruen watches are BIGGER BY. FAR thpn they've been in years. But . . . so is the demand . . . so remember the old adage about the early bird. DO come in now for your Gruen Christmas gift shopping. A Small Deposit Reserves Your GRUEN. 6 EAST MAIN STREET, XENIA OHIO I V* . USE OUR CONVENIENT L A Y -A W A Y PLAN W"“ " .' .iMWriy mmmtow J of the other donierencei e l “ Interna­ tionals” at home and abroad aa fail- ures, is beeayse there is ho mind cap­ able of clear thought, guided by Di­ vine intention to lead -the group. One does not have to wonder as to the fail­ ure o f San Francisco conference. An­ other conference months ago on the food situation was nothing more than a “ three-weeks” drunk. And no word of public protest ever has come from the lips of the Farm Bureau member that was supposed to represent agri­ culture. That conference like .-all others has proven failures because it lacked leadership that could boast of sobriety. These conferences operate under the New Deal code o f morals. PHONE CARD OF THANKS We wiBh'to take this means of ex­ pressing our appreciation of the aid -ndered and» sympathy expressed allowing the death of our Father. Especially do we wish to thank the neighbors and friends for their ser­ vice and for the .beautiful floral of­ ferings, and the Minister for his con­ soling words in the home and at thp ^ral servjce. The I, M, Deck Family NOTICE ON FILING INVENTORY •A noted .noon-time radio comments- •or commented Monday as to the Big 3" conference over in Moscow. .Ie related the experience o f a news photographer who took several views of the “ Big 3” and each time the -mem- >ers were shown with glasses of vodka” , the Russian national drink .hat will varnish, any stomach in a ,ew minutes. 1 Finally the photo­ grapher had to ask Jimmy Byrnes, representing the United States, the Jritish representative and the Russian delegate to put down their glass. One .,f the things that have proven most The State o f Ohio, Greene County, To L. E. Greene, R. F. D, 8,°Dayton, Ohio. You are hereby notified that on the I3th day of December, A.D. 1945, an Inventory and Appraisement, of the estate of Basil g , Greene deceased, late of Beavercreek Township in said County, was filed in this Court. Said Inventory ahd Appraisement will .be for hearing before this Court on the 31st day o f December, 1945, at 10:00 o’clock, A. M, Any persons desiring to file ex­ ceptions to said Inventory must file them at least five days prior to the day set for hearing.- Given under my band and seal of said Court, this 13th day o f December, 1945, WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER Probate Judge jfr^ AFTERYOUR NAME— HE’LL LOOK FOR OURS" * 1st him have the fun of choosing it himself .T ? 6 1 3 0 1 For Dependable RADIO SERVICE REAL ESTATE Do you want a real home in Cedar­ viile, Ohio ? . / We have a 9 room residence with two baths, herd wood floors, full base­ ment with a gas hot wafer fqrqace, laundry room with tubs, cipsed in baek porch and in excellent repair, This is a good buy pnd qne of the heat lo­ cations in Cedarviile, Beg KENNETH LITTLE, Salesman Phone Ced. 6-1511 for ROCKHQLD TAYLOR CO., ' XENIA, QHip LEGAL NpT fCE . Lome a , Miller, whose place of rear idence is unknown, will take notice that Elza C. Miller, Jr„ has filed hjg petition for divorce on the grounds of Gross Neglect o f Duty, in the Court of Common Pleas, Greene County, Ohio, against her, the same being Case 24,192, and that said cause will come on for hearing six full weeks from the date pf the fiyst publi­ cation hereof, (12-7-6t-l.-U) T. L, BARGER, Attorney for Plaintiff 1218 U. B. Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. v 3S»4S. w A Vogue Shop Gilt Certificate It's simple and so thought­ ful for It’s the way to be sure HE gets what he wants. Yes a Gift Certifi­ cate is the perfect manner to answer your gift prob­ lems . . . especially for someone “who has every­ thing1' , . t lor employes in your organizations. Re­ cipients can shop leisure­ ly after the .Christmas rush to r anything they would like to have. Far more attractive too, than “ cold cash/' Certificates can be obtained in any amount from |1 up, LEGAL NOTICE Temple g§ds, whose place of resi­ dence is unknown, wjty tgke notice that Charles Eads, has fijed hi? pplb tion for divorce on the grounds pf gross neglect in the Common Pleas Court, Greene County , Ohio, the same being Case No. 24,188, and that said cause will come on for hearing six full weeks from the date of the first publication thereof. . O H -S M -iJ ) FORES? DlJjtfKLg, A ttorney fo r thv P Iam fI# LEGAL NOTICE Mary Evelyn Shoffner, whose last known address is Savannah, Georgia (street address unknown) will take notice that on the 19th day of Nov­ ember,1945, George. M. Shoffner filed his petition in the (Count of' Common Pleas, gjregnp her, the sapi® b e in g p n ja jjlo . £ty7| on the docket o f said Got^,'graying for divprce, custody of minor'^hild and other relipf op the/ grounds - of I LEGAL NOTICE HAVE YOUR D R E S S E S COATS CLEANED — NOW LAUNDRY SERVICE THE , C L E A N E R S Quality Work South Main st-> Cedarviile Open POUfSr-^: 9 A. M. tp 6 P. M. Saturday hours 8 A. M. to 10 P. M. Ethel Calhoun, who resides at Den­ ton, Carter County, Kentucky, isiiere- by notified that John Calhoun has fil­ ed his petition against her for divorce ill Case No. 24,169 in the Court of Common Pleas, Greene County, Ohio, and that said .cause will be for hear­ ing on and after December 29th, 1945, at the Court Room of said Court o f Common Pleas, in the Court House at Xenia, Ohio. (11 :-16:6t:12:21) MORRIS B. RICE, Attorney John Calhoun LEGAL NOTICE Calvin R. Brown who resides at 203 W. Grant Street, Bronson, Michigan, will take notice that on November 10th, 1945, Ruby Brown filed her cer­ tain notice o f action against him in divorce, on grounds of extreme cruelty and gross neglect of duty, said case being 24,162 on the docket o f the Com­ mon Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio. Said, cause will come on for hearing on or after December 29th, 1945. (ll:16 :6 t: 12:28) ’ ' MARCUS SHOUP, Attorney for Plaintiff NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Daisy B. Arnold, De- ceased. Notice is hereby giyen that Gertrude A. Bloom and John li. Burttch have been duly appoined as Executors of ,the estate gf Daisy p. Arnold, de ceased, late of Beavercreek Township, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 8th day of December, 1945. WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER Judge of the Probate Court; Greene Counfy, phip/ LRGAL NOTICE Clara K. Marshall, whose last known place of residence was 607 Udell Street, Indianapolis, Indiana, is here­ by notified that on the 11th day of December, 1945, Ernest J. Marshall, Jr., filed his petition against her in the Common Pleas Court, of Greene •County, Ohio, praying for a divorce on the grounds of gross neglect and pxtrgme e^uelfy. the same being case No, 24,20% Said petition w>H be for hearing on or after the 86th day of January, 1046. UnlesB the said Clara K. Marshall shall answer said petition on or before said date, judgment may be taken by the said Ernest J. Marshall, Jr., g ra cin g fiim a divorce. " (W r & f c k f t ) ' Sn)ith, McCalliater and Qibney, Attorneys for plaintiff. LEGAL NOTICE Irene A. Smart, who resides at 4002 Greenwood st., San Diego, 10, Cali­ fornia, will take notice that on Decem­ ber 7, 1945, Elden E. Smart filed his cause for action against her in divorce 8n ffFWfufc said e p e e ing dpcjcetgd a# case No. f>er fore the Common Pleas Court, Greono County,0 bio, That said cause will com on for hearing on or after Jam uary 26, 1940, (12-l4-6t-l-18) •MARCUS SHOUP Attorney for Plaintiff LgGAL NOTICE Shuble Bpwp, whose pjace of resj- dence j? tinkpowf), wi|j fqkg 'notice gross negleef of duty add pf 't.h0 px- that Liljian jBfown, has fiij-d a peti « i • *.-« a M A i n « I J ! _ .1 treme cruelty, and said cause wil come on for hearing six fuji weeks from November 2 3 , which i« the date of the first publication here­ of. (11-23 — 12-28) ROBERT H. WEAD Attorney for tiie Plaintiff POULTRY We pay highest prices for rab­ bits, duckp, jtujrkeya, fries, hens, and roosters. GINIVAN POULTRY PLANT XENIA, OHIO EVERY 0 ! F T V/RAPPED IN A V b s U E S H l S ©IFT k>X S P R I N G F I E L D , O H I O TrcHUtlBniil Religious Customs UnoRsctsd By Modem Cbcmgts Pssp in A* hearts oi qur pen pie is reverence (or theh loved enes who have passetl »n. Itresmlined modernity mat alfeot some ol our old-lash- loned customs, but the tradi­ tional religious rites observed In (uneral services will con­ tinue to reveal the ialth that governs and gives purpose to if* M c M illan tioq against bin) % divorce oh the gFQun^s «f Gfoss Neglect pf Dqty, jn the Common P.lpas Ppuyt, Qrppne coupty, phjo the same being Case if 0 . 24,17% apd that said cause will come pn for hearing six full weeks from thp date of the first publication hereqf, (lI-30-6t-l-4) C. R. LAUTENBURY, Attorney for the Plaintiff LEGAL NOTICE Joseph Lewis Trinkler, whose place of address is unknown; will take notice that on the 20th day ofNovem - ber, 1945, Questa M. Trinkler filed her petition in the Co.urt of Commoji, Pleas, Greene County. Ohio, against him, the same being N°- 34175 op the docket of said Court, praying for divorce on the grounds of neglect of duty and of supreme cruelty and for other relief and that said cause will come on for hearing six full weeks from November -23, 1945, which is the date of .the first publication here­ of. • (11-23 — 12-28) ROBERT H. W5IAP Attorney fop the Plaintiff LEGAL NOTICE Som. 2-c Eugene Walker, U.S.S, Y.M.S. 372, % F.P.O., San Francisco, California, is hereby notified that his wife, Irene F. Walker, has filed a petition against him in the Common Pleas Court, Greene County, Ohio, the same being Case No. 24172, pray­ ing for a divorce on the gf9Un(l Pf Gross Neglect of Duty apd for PHS= tody of minor child, and that said cause will come on to be heard by the court on or after six full weeks from the date of the first publication here­ of. DAN M. AULTMAN Attorney for the Plaintiff | A NAME THAT STANDS FO R GOOD FURNITU RE j • BUDGET PLAN AVAILABLE Adair’s If Detroit St. Xenia. 6 . •sMMtatMMmiHiimimimHiMmmiimMM •iinitHiiiiiiiiitiiniimniitiiimtmiimiiuiiiiMiiiiiiiiiitiniimi I FARMS FOR SALE AND FARM LOANS i We have many good farms for sale I on easy terms. Also make farm j loans at 4 % interest for 15 years. \ No application fee and no apprals- = al fee. Write or Inquire j McSavaney & Co. London O. * L§on H. Kling, Mgr. .......................................................................................................... LEGAL NOTICE Lottie Pettiferde, whose place of res- idence is unknown, and with reason- .ajilp diligence cannot be ascertained, wi|I fake police lhat on November 9th, 1 94%, Queptin Te'ttiferde filed bis ceif- i#ip .cause D/ acjtiop' fop divorce'a- gftinst her op grounds of extreme cruelty apd press neglect o f duty, be­ ing causp No« 24,1605’on the rjopkfit of Jbie Po}np)or) Pjeas Court of ■Greens County, 0|iip. That said cause wijl pome on fop heading op or after De­ cember 29th, 164% (11-16^6^12.21) MARCUS SHOUP, Attornpy foy Plaintiff SgggBMWlBWlBgHPWl.ljaRlll.t!llMBRg m A -* a Y .lt/. 85H QUICK SERVICU FOR DEADSTOCK XEN IA FERTILIZER PHONE M-A. 454 Reverse Charges E. G. Buchsieb, Xenia, Ohio lllllllftllllltl# tMIIIIIIIMIIMIIIIIllMlllllllillliiliifliiiiiiiiiiiiiiir j ........................................................... . I Pipe. Vilv«i and Fittings fop | ] water, cm and steam, Hand end Electric Pumps for all purposes, Bolts, Pulleys, V Belts, Plumlml and Beating Supplies. J. P. BOOKLET ! SUPPLY CO. XBNIA, OHIO \r i , f ii Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted, Reasonable Charges. « Dr. G. E . Wilkin Optoinetric Eye Specialist Xenin, Ohio : ---------- ------- I , , „