The Cedarville Herald, Volume 69, Numbers 1-26

a r a ^ a n s r a t f c A R ' N 0.21 i w JUpjhftf^^ifc —«■» JljMI^^ F o r jlLlMIffeflflM I WWWWWlWW’^ r " T ^ ^ P W " IP^M* !MWW|pW Iff* teffteF |ff fif PB|PBP|F mmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnimmmmmtimmmmmmmmkimmmmm^ CEDABVHJJi D U , JK tDAY , APRIL 18,1946 R W H u n D I w l BfCLASINCI J. BROWN Member of Congress Ax tide iewfftten (Monday, April 15tli> toe House is prspsriug to de­ bate and consider the Administration bill to extend tbe life of the Price Control Act, under which OPA fane tions, for an additional year, or until •June *Oth, 1947. One of the moat hectic legislative battles in recent years is expected over the cont&iUa* oon o f this Act and the Office ol Price Administration. There' seems little question but tbe activities of that bureaucratic agency of the gov* ernment will be greatly restricted and it is entirely possible the, whole measure maybe defeated, thus terrain •tin# OPA on June 30th, Because of the rising tide o f opposition to the con ttoiuffion of OPA the Administration leadership is bringing the price con­ trol legislation to a vote as quicklyas possible—WObiss ahead of the, present termination date. Two weeks ago Democratic Mem­ bers o f Congress, mostly from the South, who Had*aided in passing the Case Bill through the House by a. two to one-majority, were up in arms over an article appearing in the offi­ cial publication of theDemocratic Na­ tional Committee calling for the de- *feat of all Members of Congress who had voted fox' that-labor reform legis­ lation- Democratic ^National Chair- man Hannagan attempted- to smooth down the ruffled Congressional feath- . themby telegrams of apology and ex­ planation. However,- this week an­ other *^unfortunate mistake-' took - place when letters were received by County,Chairmaniand Other Demo­ cratic leaders in Democratic Congress tonal Districts from . Hannigan Call, ingfortbe defeat of the sitting Mem­ bers of Congress from such Districts. It is understood the Democratic Na­ tional Headqtiarters is offering the explanation that such letters were supposed to go’ only into districts rep­ resented by Republicans in Congress; , bnt one indignant Democratic legisla­ tor wax heard to say—-“Bosh!- K the folks down at Headquarters .don’t havesente enough to knovr that Ar­ kansas is Democratic; and represented by Democrats in Congress, it is time we close up tbe joint.” Plans are^underatood to Be in the making for an early Big Four (Brit­ ain, France, Russia and' the Doited States) Meeting, probably in Paris, to datarmine the future of the German Ruhr and other industrial sections oi the conquered Reich, in preparation for later work on peace treaties. It is reported Soviet Russia is strongly op- poind to anyaction which would" put the Ruhr back into large scale indus­ trial- production. Secretary of State Byrnes will probably represent' the Dotted States at the coming confer­ ence. While President Truman has pub- JioaRy prohibited Navy officers and Navy B^rtmeat official# from speak teg or working against pending legiu- latton to merge tbe Navy and War Departments into ona unit ,it still does not appear likely the Congress will approve such a merger plan any­ time soon. Undoubtedly many sav­ ings fan be made, and better service rendered*, through consolidating Army and N»vy purchasing, shipping, etc., butmost Members of Congress cannot see much difference between having tbe prsssnt arrangement* wherein a .Secretary of War and a Secretary of tbe Navy, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, are responsible to a civilian Commander in Chief—the President— -aad ft* proposed plan underwhich an Under Secretary o f War and an Un­ der Seersiary of the Navy would be remsikribi* to a civilian Secretary of Defense, who in turn would be op- pointed by a civilian Commander in Chief. However, one affect of the President’s statement on the merger matter will probably be tbe early res­ ignation of tbs president Secretary of the Navy, James X. Fcmrestal, who is much opposed to tbe proposed legisla­ tion. On Monday evening of this week the Republican Members of the House and Senate hearted two of their col* teagnie—Representatives B. Carroll Reee* o f Tennessee, recently elected Chairman o f tbe Republican National CeuMrittee, and your Humble servant, who was elected Chairman o f the Ex 'tomtit* Committee o f the Republican Raffs**! Committee, JeeepHW, Mar­ tin served a* Toastmaster at the Con gteeeffnri dinner, Aimes* every Re yubtka* Member ef Congrsaa was in attendants and Mined to express!** beet wishes to the new Chairmen, *»d Unto pleaatef over She aetertton of etw of their oeBegees to bead tbs U a C i t y S e e k s M o r e S a l e s T a x M o n e y The Xenia city commission has ap­ pealed to Gov. Lausche, Representa­ tive Dowell F-ess, and State" Senator A, L. Daniels, Greenfield, of the.Fif- ;h-Sixth District,, demanding new di­ vision laws' of the state sales, tax' so the city can get a greater.share. What ever change is made means its? revenue for the state, counties the townships* The large cities have seen demanding a larger share of the pax for several years but the rural counties have-the preponderance of power ijnthe legislature. It is not like­ ly the Governor would favor loss o f the state’s share of the tax and the county commissioners.and’ township trustees will oppose haying- their slice reduced. The cities have never seen t-he famous organization of township trustees and clerks in operation in -the Ohio legislature. City haulers have a. new experience awaiting them when hey go up against that buzz-saw. F r u i t I s D a m a g e d B y H e a v y F r e e z e Just how much damage .has been done this week -following heavy frost and freezing with the mercury at 26 .wo different mornings is unknown. Cherry buds were damaged last week to bring the estimated down to a half rop or more. Grapes have suffered currants and gooseberries not'under leaf were badly bunted Tuesday night. Some farmers report slight damage to young clover by the freeze^. ■■ " "■■ * WHY NOT HAVELSERIES OF SATURDAY NIGHT CONCERTS? S t a t e T » I m p r o v e M a in S t , a n d X e n i a A r e . Council mot Monday wight to extra session when an ordinancewas passed turning ovar tho upkeep of that part of Xenia *ve. and Main its. that are connecting routs 42 and 72 through town to the State Highway Depart­ ment. Both stm ts are badly in need of repair. In time Main at should be given an asphalt top as the street has shown the ware'of war transpor­ tation trucks. The street was put down to 1921, Another ordinance wss passed, pro­ viding for licensing and operation of taxi cabs in the village, Roth ordi­ nances appear in this Issue. Tsllie Hill, Osbdrn, plans to open a taxi service here on a 24-hour basis. FantMUM W r i ' ium I O r P k m t i i i g T im e Ohio farmers hsvp barn warned Nr D. F, Retard, auteastoa agronomist at Ohio State University, against plant­ ing ssrly despite unusual favorable condition* which have speeded spring plowing. May, 16 is recommended for this section as the safest planting date and very frequently we have * frost about May 20th, D a r l i e C a n t r iJ l, 8 , gf! P l a y m a t e T o D e a Darlie Cantrel), 8-year-old boy who shot a playmate to deathandwounded another with a. 12 guage shotgun at Skyway park nbar Osborn, Sunday, has, been sent by Juvenile Judge Me CaUister to the State Bureau of Ju venile Research, Columbus, for obser­ vation, He will be checked for men­ tal and.physical observation. Tony Craycraft, 13, was killed from tho. gunshot. John King, l l , recoiv- ad part of the gunfire spray of shot. , The affairs is said to have been a neighborhood battle^ among a dozen or morn youngsters.' tiwteHWwwtontetemtM There has been no end to the fav­ orable comment about tho recent high schoolband the.opera house ast Friday evening. The concert was uirected by Mrs, Mildred- Foster-and to her and those that took part con­ gratulations are due. Many towns have already arranged with high sevhool band* to give con­ certs each Saturday night for six or eight weeks during tfee summer. 'Cedarvillo cannot be ashamed of the band performance last Friday, so why not plan for a summer series o f concerts. There will be some expense arid tbe- public will meet it. Tbe pro­ posal is now up. to our civic club, the Progressive Club. Each business bouse dwuW offer aid without being aolici- kCd. * 1 COLLEGE NEWS | ..IMH.umilim»HUHIUH>imHmnHmimHHHtllimtm,HllT. Tune in bnWHKC at 4:30 this af­ ternoon to hear a broadcast in the in­ terest of Cedarvfile College. In case that, hour is not convenient'you can bear the Same cast over WING at 7:45 this evening. On your dials 6l0 and' 1410)respectfully. Tonight at the High School the Pro­ gressive Club will fete the High School “Big Reds” and tbe College “Yellow Jackets” as a finale to tbs basketball Season. This is a fine ges­ ture in the interest of real sportsman­ ship. The net proceeds will be added to the new recreation fund project. ■ntoiLtemtoi You just here to hand it to Cedar- vine College. A number of years ago tho “YellowJacket” football team got one of the worst shellackings in this history of the sport. Lowell Thomas sent out the esse "over the air. Now that fXj js planning to reinstate the pigskin sport next fait that fact was aired from New York by Mr. Thomas at the suggestion of our publicity man, Dr. H. H. Abels. The day that CC avenges the above mentioned de­ feat no doubtwill, get on the air a- gain. speaker at Xenia, Tuesday noon. He gave an Easter message in keeping with the season. He will repeat the message before Central High School this, afternoon. America has great reasons to?rejoice at this Easter. Seat- son. ■ W. C. T. U. MET WEDNESDAY WITH MRS. J. E. HASTINGS’ The W. C .^. U. met at the home of Mr;;. J. E. Hastings Wednesday af­ ternoon, with awell attended meeting. The topic was “Youth”, The text was “Train up a Child in the way kt should go and he will not depart from it.” j, Mrs. Meryl Stormont gave a re­ port on the recent State Convention which showed a large increase in the membership and interest and work in general. It was urged, that all in­ terested in the cause to please lend a hand, MILK PRICE DROPS FOR tfjgtCH Milk producers in the Dayton and Springfield federal milk market area received $3.67 a hundred weight dur­ ing March, 1946, which was five cents lets than the month previous and eight cents less than In November, ac­ cording to Leslie C. MApp, general manager of the Miami Valley Co-op­ erative Milk Producers Association. This was about seven emits a quart at the farm while consumers paid 14 cents. Farmers also paid higher pri­ ces for feed in Mefth than last Nov­ ember. FRANK CR1KW8LL ENTERED m iam i valley hospital . Frank Creswcll, who has been suf­ fering whh acute patos Jn the Head has entered Miami Valwy^Hoepital fog observation and treatment, * John Reinhard, '42, is honie from Korea ^and is in civies. Hu says it is great to be back in the Good Old U, S. A., God’s country. Miss Marian Muller, *43, dis­ charged WAC will enter Ohio'State as a G I to work on her Master’s de­ gree at the opening of the fall term ,n October. Eldon Folk, who since receiving his two-year normal diploma has taught five yean;and spent almost four yean in the service of Uncle Sam, was * csllsr at tKe College Wednesday fore- aoon. He is on terminal leave and plans to enter CG this coming fall to work for his degree, ThatWeiner roast scheduled at the home of Major, Mr*. andMiss Knecbt, at their home in Jamestown, came off as announced. Alt in attendance re­ port a fine time and rate the Knecbt family as royal entertainers. The on­ ly casualty was Pres. Vayhinger and he was able to be on the go by the af­ ternoon of the next day * Prof, Mendell Beattie, CC coach for next year, was in town yesterday to the Interest Of his coming work and to look into the prospects for * place to reside.* The Housing problem is a difficult one for many folks. Friend# of Miss GlennsBasore, for- mer registta? of CC and secretary to the president, will be pleased to hear that she has beenpromoted to be sec­ retary to the treasurer of Dennison University, This position carries With it tiie secretaryship o f the Beard of Trustees of the University. Con gratulationa Miss Basore (Glenn* to her friends). K Y N CLUB WILL MEET ON • FRIDAY, APRIL *6 The It Y MClub will meet Friday, April M to toe Masonic Temple din* tog mm, The. htiteaews ate MBs Lwftt Headers**, Mrs. Arthur Wild sain* and Mrs. Hubert Townsiey, C 0 W 8 * m J B O G £ » OPAFDU.CW'HOJJCB; B O W T J » M O T I B i r a WidteMwy -was a Roman holiday for Congresses** tiff* thtokaad act foe toaattetess.j*d fee these who laid arid* theNewDeri eoHar tbetwss ta­ rnteg tor the Cewmmdata.tkat have dhectsdtb* OPA. It was a fateful dayKferHarry Pen, dergast Truman, p cog from tke eld Mtesomd Dspwesatie: wheeX that, put the boss to m state prison. It was a.dsy.aorto.hs tosgoMaa by the uaiew lahec hessas, the Bowles, .Porters, WallsceS, and other, I mut lights.around,the fM to’Hsmff. Ilwaa a dag tiuAaaiaksd;ii)dep»nd. anee ;and. timt oiaiara-toett toe Com­ mies, KJuxersand,tiff other Now.Daal waxj.modsls .m . tiff Supreme Court wew^outi Yes. Sir! A* D««nr Paarson>would sajr, “Democracy,was. at .Wtackl” It was a bad day fdr the warmon­ gers that have worited in the past by threat agmnst eoagressmen of all po- Utica! faiths. , . It waa a badday for the left-wing, radio, exponents, Kaltenbom, Agron. sky, Bankage pud, tbe other-ten and 226,009 a. year esmmentetors that are. so, much concerned "about “ inflation.” and the contmuajto*iof-th«ii>following, living at the expense of productive to- dustry andthatouniffr* It was a notableday to congrmsion- Ai history. For once Southern Dem- ocrats, that were private property o f theMoscowCommiiuiaticr rebelled and exercised their righto as American*, and voted. to upset the cTfck-pot Com­ munistic dictatorship that had been forced on a helphuw peqpJe. Congress continued OPA for nine months and then it dies, Truman'waa on recordffora year, along withBowl­ es, > • The House provided for a season, able profit where thw* was price- fixing for the prp&tffr, the distribu. tor and the retailer; This should in timumean much toward inersastog all farm, Prices and abolish toe 1914 pah, ic price set-up established by Henry Wallace sml other bsnkrupts. The House ppt-the death knell on aR subsidies after December 31st. Bowks, themouth-piec* of ClOfoU owing tpok the air and waited about toflation and dlsastesoaa economy and, that Americana should stand up and be. counted. Meantime Congress was “standing up and..being counted, on standing vote and call vote" and the OPA perforated bill was,put over by a. vote of 2Q9 to 189, the administra* tton having every member to tou that would stand tied. C , f t €ta»P w i< H i t ed radio m * seat So Murby Dr, migror of Cedarvflte, on Ms raft* pro* ifram‘Friday MEW.' Thu m w & fc led to the attention o f Mr. Hffusas-1 that in 1932 when^be CedarviUe Col­ lege footbetl team w*mt deem to feat' beftea West Liberty Testosto’ eleven to the tmtenf W f* toot Thom- as had mentioned toe Uapreeadeatod' defeat on bis rauHe prtgmaa-in.HgK The sport wa»‘Biaee»toMed>toi OUr. darrille. .The"Msyer-naritotii -to'toa letter jphm>» f Ptosidsafc.Dff H. Vayhhfftr to sgato renew tile avert offootimlhURff-a t4-yae^1lrtedf the hutitatioh. .Thwvadto; G mi MM is * tator toWofrtceivtog toe toltor «r«as AhelS and*related ' tiff* Rhaff-of toe college to' renew tiie sport under, ‘ the new coach, Mendell Beattie tefe fSlL P $ a m V m i ■ The bill now goes to the Senate. I f a statement Thursday morning, Seri. Elmer Thomas/ DeniOklahoma, who is chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee, stated he was ready to abolish everything under OPA but rents and price control o f liquors. Bowles was tot advertising solicitor before being put on thepayroll by the New-Deaf, yet He set himself up to. fix prices en everything; Porter, Tite successor, was a. news reporter on a Louisville paper*. ;- The public ‘wonders what it coat the manufactur*r* c f high priced ny­ lon hose to make that prodact whan maapfaettoera Of cotton stockings wars denied a profit and of course few could be found, Harry* toe piatp -player, suffered -a headache tod took a boat dewn tiff ChesapeakeBay. At teat he ao doubt would dream of “blackeiarkets*. add that “bladeWednesday” . The Southerners cstebrated inde pendancc day by holding a Deasocratie caucss ■immediately after tiff House adjourned when they panned Chair man Bob Hannagan, far playing the CIOgame at tbe expense of tiff Beau ocratic party. Fanner MetDeath By Com Picker to effpwmwrt*. Everett Emery, 32, Madison county farmer was noticed by a paaeing mo* terist, lying beside * com picker in a Held along Route 42. Investigation showed the man wss dead. His cloth lag was twined, round and reund bis budy until he ehdked to death, The aeddent happened Saturday afternoon The deceased leaves a. wife and sev­ eral children. The bady waa sent to Marietta, O., for burial, his former home, P r e s . B e v i » l i m ¥ « i B i f President Howard Boris o f . Ohie StisteUaiueiaity, after investigatisB* ha#ordered tbe student.organisation “Youth for Democracy” from; the campus es unpatriotic and. Cooumm* istie. The yooag student;who headed the movement as. president says, be was mislead by fellow; students;vrium her acosptedl the pneldeiicy .'oi tiff greu^ and that *»diecomed.h«<Mag only usedae n fronts henee Ms nesig- nation; .Prteidiito Bevis saya;.Iie.has (hvmLtoeCamniaidstieffgaaiiiatoMi.In the. coumryclaimatototiffrtoe th;S. U. group, JtesidML.BeBda.uriU. ham the support of Till Trr nbidhiff rjtianns in the state. Communism Is unpatri­ otic andun-American. Three jH dgeCoari F < N l^ s B f t ’! h k k e r Judges. Alton F., Brown, Lstetnao, and Harry M. Rsmltin, Washington CJL, ham been assigned by Lodge Carl V, Weygandt, chief juatioe o f the suprenio court to serve vritlrJudge F.. L.,Johnson.aa*a threftjodge eaurt When,two-Cincinnati youths are teted on riuirgte o f Drat dagren-mindto <m April 23. Tifftiafritd«!tirt.| riM ^ dto,amE£nartF.-JBrffrt>2l, amLChir. eBM;Xh.Tuclter,.ja9,..whet-*ni Mdckfrir toe- shorting wf Deputy! Sheriff; Etol C. Confer, 63, In a gun; battte on;Col, ussbus at. Xeoier Jan. 29. .Both bad been- stopped when driving. : a. stoten car from Cleveland. Ntehad-aebat-afem tea sateemea for a Mi auderttert and wa Merited about the feed alteatio* and vtoat toe. proa- Facts ware for the reet o f tbe year. Tbe dfst thing oondanmed was tot OBAvwhite Is ahoqtae rrttena aetipp #a ever was fceoed on the American Sffople, This aalasman say# many e ! toe small feed mjllte over the country «re not trying to purchase grains due to the DPA regulation* end smell jprp fit allowed. The reports that must be matte MAterdtiriir .'teMiH hntintei into retirement. Fbe salesman ■ says quality ia nt longer an essential part .pf toe OFA pngrurm however tee manufsetinrer *lm e responsibfl% to tee trade and « repntatowo fMaprodnrt to protect. Btockfeedis one ofth e things toat brings; results or it does not and the farmer aooir knotis the result."He s ^ t ^ New-Deri te faed the-nation a limited number Of eater­ ies, something a;hog or *dairy cow earn, nothing about, not even, syn' tbette feeds or substitute*. "We aw told the.gpvernment is hold­ ing up*soybean 'meal,' tankage, meat wraps, all Of which are, part of: tiff high qpalfty* fe*d»-. Why'this is so Our informant says no one seems to know.- We aR know feed manufaotur- ers cannot use wheat and even tee mill feed is being kept' in* the floUf. This salesmametet twn-imyarslout! to lUnsas to try and buy corn but they met with no success. Farmers, refuse to sell either com or wheatras teey teint brth for hogfrtdr We did get one' item teat will1be interesting.toGreene countyiarniers. Clinton Aridsrson secretary of agri­ culture has ordered 40,000 tons of protein feed*, badly needed* for all kir>dof livestock feedr tamed oyer to the tobacco indiutiy to be used for: fertiliser. In addition Anderson has converted millions Of gallons o f mo­ lasses, whiCh feOd mixers must have, turned over to the distillers for, li­ quor while, boasting,that be ,bad. cut Off the use o f wheat for liquor and beer. * . The informant says western far­ mer* are organising now to hold all of tee 1946 wheat crop poasibte off the market to force tee OUA to .in­ crease tee .prise, to make,np for the high priced toed on the market the farmermust purchase to get protein. One o f the crppa that will-have less aaaraga this year .over tbe country, ia soy.beans. ‘ ' BETTY JATNEJUDT MARKED* TO EARL B33TBWGKTH BtipiibKcans-S. Bems. Join T«C(Mn|»DllJiiionE Mr. and>Mrs.. Arthur Judy are, ant nouncing the marriage of their daugh­ ter Betty Jayne,to Earl Franklin Btife sworth of Jamestown. The double -ring ceremony was read by Rev.'Paul Elliott, Saturday even­ ing, April 8 at 7i48 o'clock, at tea home of the. bride’s parents;. Twin candlelsbra with white tapers and a glass basket of roses and carnations were'Used to decorate the numti* ever the fireplace where the eermonywM performed. <=* The bride wore a beige dressmaker suit with browivaccessories andwore an orchid. wore a light blue suit with Navy a* cetsoriee and an orchid. Former Lt. Ralph Btttsworth, brote- er of the groom, was best A reception was held tor the forty (totMvaimiitiriratioBL John WOULD INDIANS TAKE US Albert Edward Payne, Springfield, wealthy manufacturer, id a seoO time candidate tor tiff Republics* msuteationfor governor. Hahaa nov­ el ideas of camprtgateg. In Gteviilaad be gave away |I btila and Iff Clnste* nail 96 MU*. Ha also tried oat the ladles by offering nylon bee* free. Tuesday he lmd two men deeeeed as wad^teaff4loHdMatil>>' WeiaLiMue M i i n i JB om WI w WNMI ffw JjjsAe#**eelff^Ww M Oolambutf handing out eardi tent bad data printed tiwfion abawfng the Iff# MbLrt Uftg.1- l^lil HIk JmUm MlUnN' WMPI WwWil* flHMPPm QtfB Bwk id tiHc guest# following the wedding- Tb* bride’s table was decorated with three tiered wedding eake, wMte te-, pert and cubed mirrors. Mrs. Arthur Jtidy reoeived In * black crept drees with matoMng ac< cessories andegere a corsair of rrtes. Mrs. Grace Stitsworth, motber o i the groom received In black and fhrw< ered Jersey and wore a corsage «d rosea. The bride graduated from Cider- villtf High School and attended tiff Springfield Business College; Until recently she was employed Iff tiff o f fioc of Got. Richard Ghabrt at Fetter- son Field, The groom. Is tiff ao* ed Mrs. Grace Btitsworth and tiff late Mr. WilliamStitsworth o f Jaffestowa; Ho.graduated from'IteM Twp. HSgb School where he aterred In athletics, attended CedarvBte College, and hi ad# ovowner o f the Arp'tikotoBoort at Grape Grove. Ha was tooeotiy dh* charged frem the rth Armored DtH* aion of the ted Army wbero bo wm .*« warded tho Purple Heart for injuries received in the Battle of tiff Brtgff Reserved ** mooteawith tiff'Ale Fwce and Arthored,Wririona. SCALDED BY O O T fS . niri.|1wrkuwb^. isMWriAter nf tiff UBil |ymj| AUm^||| lower limb teat Friday right when h« td^jkJuUk-^ gate Y4v gLykEjff. egte Ijg w*! » feme 4*. atoM -tea Bma M eetti . . . '<*«**•;-Priffv'Hr wmmMti* -bang' peripr CO rente iwfc, m e tomri- ff bo guilty m miBffleughtartoKffdajy <Atoorwaeeff f f d .rigMimaniteiRteff-- rion Flees-€e«rt test Friday ewntiug, baring bee* prt idKrihterae.iod eue- Mdf hours. Deewoms bring tried on tedMmffte of aecond 'degroe^miffder. udffii ^b». shot Mm Gtedye Re]moid*'mri>M-L.. (Jack) Tbopato* on 'tiff -right. Earebf M bin boar perior>nff'Xgwia aveime. Tbe- trtel:«irtfeffdrtoW;ftey*. Macseua Bboep! OMduietod--.tiffjw r i ' aeution.while Attemwg Bam XtWP of Dagtm affreeffited ti^adetondariL - Judpi Jrtnk L. . sided, 'Stated'no, seatene*■ :»W»Bnted pendteg.m-toVffabiff.a view, trial. -The; sentence :'tepriee a , .term -rif; one-to twenty jorifriMwiffb ’ oheige.' , “ J' " " '* 't ; '': Kelly based hie xeqiteet forAneW trtei mt foar d r i m m , .' “5 : That the verdict was -agpiart tiff wrightiof tho erideaoe; tiuKt.mffv or more exhibits in toe jury robmdptog , the deliberations had not been intro­ duced as eridauce;4 h ii the court er­ red In linking together tiff tWoindict- ments in a . .u^hgd^2iiy, .eito wouhLbe emrtrriliffg toa'-otbe*^ '*cd aUnthes.erron, “ai#Mort:teatiMNteto of,the;record." Iftommotion teoffmldeA* tfetearid Brite witt Carry, tiff -«**#<to.teffrite- trict court o f appeelp. * Dean is out on |6^00 cash bond brt willnot be •entenetountil,a .rullag)i* made seme. to»Wtoti WeakXprA iffw -iriaL. *, . * ' * •* 'l4M r M c e r j P * r o : i & . ReputilffM ..and. Seutomn-ltenMi*; crats in the House joined to pass the Case; bill Whichwould put control over. ;he labor unions to a certain extent.: Of courts this did art Writ uirkm or- ganisers^and especially toe Commu­ nist CIO group. It was distastefulto the condrtter of-the edfteriat page of XteyfcmNevis* l|*iiy{l)emecratl. dMitce the Russian* element telling toeat through the National Chairman and tbw,Whitt House just what to do. The ezmsw’ temsiirlRa Deasocrete'^tifft wirgM*. , m HMR oiritee ltewa ariQRtlffqMstten, “Is tb« B*peMtoan. 9 «rtv to sentoe'DMt- ocxftte partyf” Rta.miflhffdirert the same tewaril e f a'gamtie* to tbe-htedff airiato.Mtlff.'wewmClfrMew.Deatert.; armte noiminete. Harold^Jtesi o*^.see Low’ priced autcMeMlWiare in the 'making by Chevrolet and'ForA’ec- cording to tepertf tidKWffti. The ChewolehwiR:soffetA ipMdrijlHB|:-«t toirwdiuri-:sM:Fosd-vdB:hnffpfffisot fpr theiiew tar, atJDrtrrit. •AWtGMff«. *riete.'«od,Fo»d*:of imeHitoiasjtffrtrt' to « * t more tori) betese tifftenff. - A. teto rt^refiiseniMte'and'/.r.mitirts willimaric toffBuff nridels;'Ruri»[l**|d,. be expertad '-wtih' Wgbst* *rii?*.'#f - labor lnd materials. C r e g p r e t t F l i ia A T d , , D o H k M C a p a c i t y Mrs. B^r Cbrimum (Betty t t t ffs -______ _________ r ____ ____ dale) served es metro* of benot sod of thrirMnA onthe Bspobtema tito- rt ee a wdib,alifteftot; f f M M U Am 5*1’ wto Truman Of Mlessgrl. The News is much coBcent- ed over whet John L. Lewie la to de in itiifs > tM sffdidto toffuribe' oi. ■w~wS*e*eMW"-.i^-'"■aBs,.jewmpnmvei,we^vww^vgssnsi all coal mined for his union welfare work. What LewiadOes Is terrible; what, toe Comnrtnirt titig dole seems to meet the News approval Walt un­ til tbe Union printum on the Cox pa- pern i*. Bette*, RpriugWrid, Atianta end- -lite«eii-#Mus*i tiuStitikeMiiff an ■eesem *,.snusnenn *uemMOUSSHspe- s w e i w o w w m inch be added to all advertising rates for tiff printer’s welfar* fund! Those will he tiff deys w i want to reed a* bent Thoee will be the days the far* mere will b*ve the laugh an tiff News iiei await the sTnfessioii when“J. M.” gets tiff ultimatum. . / u t ir A fast growing industry Is that;of Ward Creaweliffftoo baa bee* opamt- tog a cement .plant tor to* manufac­ ture of grave vaults, cement stepping , stones and other cement article*. toe stfppiqjrstwff part of the ludpslity tegnaitiriribayrtid ti* 4 present plant and this week workmen started axeaystio* to* an addltioh to more than double present capacity. Tfff atopptog ttofffe exwmade to' aav- exal diHerert dotortitod art being marketed iff preeeat ttoxmghthe ter- :n tewns, -about-ptol# -and ate* tor Perth'fteors. - ^ C S b d k i i i o n T o - H i f t ' N e v r ^100 F i e l d e r It lepkalik* BocthCherisrito i f to JMrrw,» ijWPPK.JgBpvHn|^R...4l MBB s XNM m flpVCl secured by the United Shoe Mariga* dry Co^- Boston, Mses^ on tend at'Jtiui teteieeetiie; e f 'the Bite*, jtim ' ««d tbe Psnnsylvadia railroad. 'RepOris are the company will erect Refer* brildingfftod teritn its * * she* das* cbkffry Met the pleat VriR be timed t o another ceanpeay. Heels tor (Wo- men’s shoes will be mieiilillm'sl, County Auditor Jartee Curlett has mmtepririff tiff' net ef.dehnqefiktfagt payers fa reiki estate and also pte- sonel property. There Is but one pieee o f reft estate dtiteRffttt to tiff riSfif* RIRFsB el^PWF R^RI m ^^WEWML. 1 s gtifkrt Ikrt-f* vCHwRMNIqfv . ar V' w I unmVRv miWWPF*R' .JRWB - m RRM w mb tiie new dlrieleffe to Bath tew»wteR> flMHitfftiriiy rw.iTw ’ the Ehnaiagten CMt wtil meet ** WriteMdbft April i t i t tiff beteff « f Mrs. Lee Andmioii. Nete tiff change t o , dele, ■ , IHP BVv IwfRpPw ffftitet heB teams of tits Mtjjk Mteeid iMd tiff rtMtii, MOUTHS WILL WAtRR WRRN- . TBMflRiHN'Iti'ftatiD Mmttm AC&WTfNirvSwi^RMIMW ft carried a rioth hag ef 129 teatertot 9W ,rititoikl4Urtrtirrt..rteaeirteitrt4rtmlrt*^V4is menu w eer^n*s.msae* htto, Wheret .-Ha baa not arid mere e^hu^ERiMi f^^vEs ■ BRV^H^EF•* a B w r-iL E , -i^^ei^2R2MR*6RP*EBP' n ftniy IMMM i Hnf¥ftt Ilirtp'fiNi' d t TRIP f t i WUQ&HUi ■ teftncffH mmWTjf ftf tv ftf tft f t f f t IM mi t