The Cedarville Herald, Volume 69, Numbers 27-52
H u t u # , n m x , j u l ? « , i m T H E C E P A R V I L L E H E R A L D — e d i t o r AND ih jBL ISHEB lOUCZMS—4UH m »1 W h iriil A nun .; OWa N »w * w « Awni-i UtMM Tallw P mwi . K ARLH BULL Entered M second claw matter, October 31, 1887, at the Po*toffies at C** darville, Ohio, under th* Act o f March 1870, FRIDAY , JULY 5, 1946 nice, The atomic teat w r i Jtaat an$th-1 ear# Ijhat has aver been provided fo r i er Truman fizzle. The OPA took the I any.comparable number o f people'any , ceiling o ff potatoee just a ahort time I where at any time. Political dlstribu- i before the OPA blowup, Then the I tion o f medical care would deatroy our New Dealers realised liquor was get-1 system o f private medical practice. It Iting low in the nation so an order was I ia really cutting o ff the patient’s TRUM AN AND H IS INFLATION SCARECROW New Dealers have made the best of the inflation scarecrow with the slow death of the OPA and the horde o f papsuckers that have lived off of business by threats, graft and politic? chinnary and are fighting for their breath and the continuance of holding at least o$ie public teat for sustenance. It must be recognized as a fact that ninety-percent of the hue and cry for OPA continuance has come from those who have profited by it even at the expense of the less fortunate. For several years the urban people ,have enjoyed inflation wages while the farmer was Required to take 1914 panic year prices for his produce. It was even pitiable to hear TCalten- born, Agronsky, and a lot of radio commentators, including Winchell and Pearson, as well as their twenty-five, fifty and $100,000 a year associates pleading for lower cost of living at the .expense of the farmer. We could name a score of editorial writers in the $25,000 and under class that have worn out their pencils pleading the cause of those, including them selves, that were enjoying cheaper living at the expense of the farmer. ’ ■ While meat was scarce due to the New Deal controlled farm program, and feed to raise livestock even scarcer, these high salaried howlers over the air and through the* press con tinued a propaganda blaming the farmer and picturing him as the real blackmarket operator. , Whether the QPA continues or not there is not the livestock in the country the New Dealers would have you believe. If city folks would only make a trip to the livestock markets and see the kind o f livestock be ing sold to packers to be converted into “ cold cuts” , they would ■ loose their taste immediately for that kind of meat. Mean time the farmer as a rule eats first and the best but the urbanite that has swallowed New Deal farm control stands helpless and must see his rural brother enjoying the kind o f steaks that made most any packing house or retail outlet famou.s. That is the price the. urbanite must pay for his own folly unless'he is one fortunate enough to be able to make weekly visits to rural markets where he can get something better and oftener than possible in a city market under OPA 4 Had the Truman administration closed OPA the day fSllow- ing the' war the nation would never have had to go through what it has the past few months. But under dictatorship, and Mr*. Truman stepped into FDR shoes of the same brand worn by Hitler, and demanded continuance of war time controls, re gardless of the termination of the war. Many of these con trols have been extended lately at the request of Mr. Truman. Sugar is still under control and the administration refuses to permit Cuban.sugar to be shipped into this country and it is going to waste on that island. No one dare deny the statement. Congress is now wrestling with the OPA problem and a- bout the only demand from the people is for rent control. In some cases control may be necessary but the odius part of the OPA program is the unfair method of handling rent controls and complaints. Favoritism has been admitted everywhere. Political influence -has had its part. In cases even where the c 6 ui*ts have found tenants guilty of misdeeds and even immoral use of the property, the OPA has refused to back the landlord. Worst of all the owner of such property hardly could get into the OPA office to register a complaint. Whether we have OPA continuance or not, where there has been cooperation between tenant and owner, there has'been no trouble. There are in stances of unfairness on both sides. The unfairness, of the plan was forcing property owners to accept in the face of ris ing costs of upkeep rents set ten years previous. Wages have nearly doubled for all classes and higher wages always bring on higher cost of all commodities. The greatest sufferers have been the white collar class, those on fixed income, that is the return investment being fixed long before the war. The howlers about the cost of living are those who draw the highest wage for the least number of hours. There may be some kind of control adopted by Congress . to circumvent the terrible mess the administration, and the previous one, has plunged the nation into. We were forced to enter the war to escape the stigma from the crooked New Deal, After we won the war, to keep the curtain from being drawn to expose the New Deal planners in their ignorance, the nation was tied by Roosevelt, Truman and Byrnes with the European Communists and to keep our hoses from getting trace of the smelly situation we are called upon to feed half o f the world that never has and never will feed itself. Political death has struck each and every man named by the New Deal to administer the OPA. Even. Chester Bowles, who thinks, talks'and acts the language o f the CIO PAC, the Hill man’s, the Peppers, the Wagners, the Murrays, the Wallace, and the other foreign element, including LaGuardia, who would discard ’our form of gov ernment .and substitute what Russia has adopted with more than a million citizens in servitude under military rule because they a t. some time have opposed some of the directives issued by Joe Stalin. Hitler and Mussolini have paid for their eyil deeds against humanity but here we have a minority group that exhaults Stalin and all he does. ' given the distillers that they could convert the spuds into alcohol. Sugar I was denied the home canners to care fo r the big California wine grape I crop. “ Little roe and little you” are I just small potatoes under the New head recommended as a treatment fo r a boil on the nose. Two things every reader o f the Far mers Guide should remember—politi. csl distribution o f medical care would entail, making a public record o f the Deal. Little Harry boasted he was a {characteristics and the most intimate “ whiskey drinking poker player, He j also plays the piano. He played —- 1 when he put the OPA to sleep Satur day by his veto. Bowles was named by the •Hyde Park Squire to Btage the OPA to the satisfaction o f the CIO. *Bowles had an inherent hatred for the American farmer. Never once during his service did he suggest relief fo r the farmer His idea was like that of FDR, use force o f government to regiment agri culture and coax by the use o f money bribery. The latter plan workel fair ly ’well until Monday o f this week when hogs, cattle, sheep and grain hit a new market value that would edm pensate the farmer and put him on a more equal and just position and com parable with the CIO ten, twelves and fifteen dollar a day wages. While the CIO takes high wages eight hour basis, with his family at home, the farmer is still tied to his ten and eleven Hours a day with the whole family contributing its time. Every Farmer Should Know (Continued from' Page Ond) No one but the President, himself, can answer the question as to why he made such recommendation to Con* gress. " Onejof the proposals in these bills would establish authority and ma chinery for the Federal government to provide “ prepaid personal health ser vice benefits.’’ This term includes general medical benefits, special med- cal benefits, general dental benefits, special dental benefits, home nursing benefits .laboratory benefits and hos pitalization benefits. Approximately 130 million people would be included m the rights under this new law. Pres ident Truman said in his message the providing medical cape outlined in his proposal was approximately four per cent o f the wages.' The term wages means income o f both employed per sons and self-employed persons and self-employed individuals up to $3,600 a year. How It Would Work One o f the basiis o f all previous esti .nates this would and sacred personal, relationship o f each and every patient. The privacy o f every, human being would be invad. fd and violated. Can we imaging how the information might be used by the curious and the unscrupulous? The effectiveness o f medical care is wholly dependent upon the skill o f the physican. The American doctor is a human being and a personality. He must be free to act as an individual. He should not be robbed o f his free- lorn and decision. Bureaucratic dirce non would destroy the factor that iB the secret o f his effectiveness. For Sale-Four pound fryers. Lauris Straley, Federal Pike. Phone 6-1798 WANTED— Stray swarms of bees, (not in buildings). Leon Reed. Phone 310, Yellow Springs Ohio. St FOR SALE—Kerosene table top. Practically new. 6-2132. Range, ‘ Phone FOR SALE—-Antiques in Furnitur Glass and China. Mrs. William Hayes 205 S. West St., Xenia, Ohio. - FOR SALE—Chickens, good fryers |and some good chickens for roasting. C. C. Brewer. Phone 6.2261. That Bowles would have no use for the farmer one haB but to recall what happened soon after FDR took seat in the White House, To breakdown the potential strength o f the .farmers in the nation FDR took the air and pic tured the American farmer as one of the most unpatriotic elements , greedy and selfish, that we had in the count ry. This was pleasing to the ears of the CIO masters who started their hidings over the nation to preach the same doctrine and inflame the. organi sed labor vote against the farmer. It was within the past few days that we heard by chance a remark made by' a local member o f the CIO cursing the ------- farmer and boasting that organ ized labor would go on strikes and get more money and at the same time the New Deal, would once more get con trol o f all the farmer produced and*he would be forced to take what was of fered him. billion dollars annually. If the amuial earnings o f an Indi. vidual were $1,600, the cost to him would be forty dollars. In other words if the, annual earnings- o f . a farmer were $2,000, he would have to pay eighty dollars a year for medical ser vice. -I f the annual earnings were $3,- 000 the cost would be $120 and if the I warnings were $3,600, the cost would | be $144 a yea r.. If there are two workers earning] FOR SALE—Bendix Automatic, approximate four { electric lamps, clocks, regular cleaner, radio, ( bedroom dinning, and kitchen equipment. Mrs.; G. H. Eaton, North Iof College, Route 72, NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Minnie S. Belden, De ceased. Notice is hereby given that Eugene D. Belden has been duly appointed, as Executor of the estate o f Minnie S.. Belden, deceased, late o f Bellbrook approximately equal incomes, the cost j Village, Greene County, Ohio. G R IN N E L L FARM EQUIPMENT & TIRE SALES 110 Dayton St., Yellow Springs, Ohio .... Phone. 414 WELDERS AND WELDING SUPPLIES Welding rod, carbons, flux, etc. “DELAVAL MILKERS and SEPARATOR The one and only magnetic milker JAMESWAY PRODUCTS Dairy barn equipment CORN andBALE ELEVATORS Electric and gasoline POWER LAWN MOWERS Something new and different ELECTRIC WIRING SUPPLIES ' ' Service cable, switch boxes, etc PASSENGER TRUCK & TRACTOR TIRES Phone uS— our tire men- will gladly call on you DISTRIBUTOR ALEMITE EQUIPMENT • Our full line also services dealers ELECTRIC POWER DRILLS 1-2 and 1-4 inch now in stock MOTOROLA AUTO RADIOS Now available V PULLEY AND BELTS A very qomplete stock MARQUETTE HOME FREEZERS High, Quality at low Cost LIME & FERTILIZER SPREADERS Now on Hand TOOLS OF A LL KINDS Wm Invito Y ou to V isit Our N ow S tore —- I f W e D on ’t H ove It, W e Will D o Our Bast T o d a t It >, w YOUNEDPRINTING, DROP IN i .........V . - . - . The New Dealers took time o ff on Monday to forget the atomic bomb test and the result as well as the OPA bomb that had blown up in the faces o f its backers to do a little puffing for FDR. The peculiar thing about the tearstained faces o f those who did the, mourning, not one recalled that FDR was the only president o f the United States that could not inherit his fath ers million dollar fortune but had to be. content with a, nice annual annuity. The New Dealers should read more of the family history. But there was an other event at the close o f the career that was not mentioned.. The body of every other president that had died while in office laid in state 'and had the lid lifted that admirers could view the facial expression o f the one they came to honor.. Once more the chief mourners should give the public a bit o f information as to why precedent was not followed. Nor was there any mention o f the manner in which valu able stamps had been ordered engrav ed and on what ground were they pre sented as a personal gift. What a- bout the same kind o f mementoe that had been presented by foreign rulers? What is our Smithsonian Institution fo r ? Then when the executors o f the estate sold the stamp collection for a sizeable sum o f money, $280,000, many wonder how much o f that should go to the government? There is an old saying “ we must live to learn” so as the years pass more history will be unveiled to the public. e This has been a trying week with many an orthodox Democratic New Dealer, and that weak-kneed Repub-, lican brother that turned New Deal, With the New Deal OPA embalmed and ready for burial, the followers are torn between accepting the FDR- Wallace 1914 fixed price o f hogs, cat tle, grain, etc,, and the Monday prices o f $20 for hogs and cattle. Certainly the Three A mourners on East Main street in Xenia, could not conscien tiously take $20 a hundred for their hogs and lose salvation by ignoring the New Deal gospel doctrine they have preached these many yeans that 1914 panic year prices were the only honest prices a farmer should accept. Of all sins warned against by New Deal teaching was “ coveting” that Which had not been approved in the holy writ as laid down by Franklin o f Hyde Park. Man’ s greatest weakness is “ in hot letting his left hand know what his right hand accepts” If any one should hoar o f a New Dealer who has preached the AAA doctrine refus ing to accept “ tainted” money (any thing over the $14 limit for hogs) let the writer know. We want his picture for the'Smith-sonian Institute or how about the “ House o f Relics” at Hyde Park?) 1 The atomic bond had too much com petition to do much damage. The OPA bomb haa made the most noise, creat ed more interest and did more -vould be doubled. I f three workers earning approximately equal incomes, the cost would be multiplied by three. Uhe President’s ^proposal anticipates vhe Federal government collecting a /ast fund out o f the earnings o f work ers o f between three pnd four billion lollars annually. Placing the expendi ture o f this vast sum in the hands o f me man, the Surgeon General under he Federal Security Administrator vho under the provisions o f the Wag- lerMurray^Dingell bill is instructed to provide medical,"deiital, nursing and aboratory care and hospitalization for ill people, would'be. a dangerous poli- .ical situation. He would hire doctors and establish rates o f pay. Based bn experience o f other coun tries, it would take at least 300,060 lay New Deal bureaucrats to administer the system o f . political distributed imedical care. If you need a doctor, you might have to apply to a bureau, crat. Under Hitler, Germany-had a simi lar, system. Shortly after V-EDay, Colonel Edward V. Churchill, Allied Mediterranean Forces Surgichl Con sultant, toured six German military hospital areas-and-reported his find ings to American correspondents. His overall conclusion was that German handling o f wounded was about twen. .y years behind the American proced ure. By and large, German doctors were victims o f an apathy and lack o f -ambition which would enrage a typi cal American doctor. In Nazi philos ophy, your race and politics mattered far more than your brains and talents. Without doubt, a similar condition would develop here under a system of political distributed medical care. Under the American system o f A - merican . medicine, American doctors have developed the most effective and the most widely distributed medical Dated this 27tH*day o f June, 1946 WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER, Judge o f the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. LEGAL NOTICE PHONE 6 1 3 0 1 For Dependable RADIO SERVICE M'CoUister Lulu Pearl Fox, whose last known place o f address was Petersburg, West Virginia, will take notice that on the 2nd day o f July, 1946, G.*Al fred Fox filed -his petition in the Court o f Compton Pleas, Greene Coun ty, Ohio, against her* the same being No, 23489 on the docket o f said Court, praying for divorce on the grounds o f gross neglect of duty and willfull ab sence from him for more than three years and further asking that Lulu Pearl Fox be barred o f all interest in his property and for other relief, and that said cause will come on for hear ing six full weeks from July 6, 1946, which is the date o f the first publica tion.hereof. j (7-5.6t.8_9) G. ALFRED FOX, Plaintiff Robert H. Wend, Attorney NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate o f Belle Phillips, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that William S. Rogers has been duly appointed as Administrator o f the estate o f Belle Phillips, deceased, late o f -Cedarville, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 19th day o f June, 1946. WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER, Judge o f the Probte Court, Greene County, Ohio. THE C L E A N E R S SU ITS - DRESSES SWEATERS , DRAPERIES Wool Blankets, — Comforts . Quality Work LAUNDRY SERVICE South Main at., CedsrvIUs Open Hours— 9 A. M. to 6 P, M. Saturday hours 8 A. M, to 16 P. M. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate o f Emil, Kieffer, Deceased. - Notice is hereby given that William H. Wolff has been appointed as Ad. roinistrator o f the estate o f Emil Kieffer, deceased, late o f Zimmerman, Greene County, Ohio, Dated this 3rd day o f June, 1946, WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER, Judge o f the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio, NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT , Estate of Marfa Kieffer, Deceased, Notice is hereby given that Theresa Drake has been duly appointed as Ad ministratrix o f the estate o f Maria Kieffer, deceased, late of Zimmerman, Greene County, Ohio, Dated this 4th day o f June, 1946, WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER, Judge of the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT * LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate o f Martha Studevent, De ceased, Notice is hereby given that William A. Studevent has been duly appointed as Administrator o f the estate o f Mar tha Studevent, deceased, late o f Ce. darville, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 20th day o f June, 1946. WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER, Judge o f the Probte Court, Greene County, Ohio, NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT ' Estate o f James Studevent, deceas ed. , Notice is hereby given that William A, Studevent has been duly appointed as Administrator o f the estate o f James Studevent, deceased, late o f Ce darville, Greene County, Ohio, Dated this 19th day o f June, 1946. WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER, Judge o f the Probte Court, Greene County, Ohio, LEGAL NOTICE Thomas Edward McConville, whose last known plnce o f address is Lake, land, Florida, will take notice that On the 6th day o f June, 1946, Ernestine Evans McConville filed her petition in the Court o f Common Pleas. Greene County, Ohio, against him, the same being Case No. 24,461 on the docket o f said Court, praying for divorce on the grounds o f Gross Neglect o f Duty and Extreme Cruelty, and also pray, ing 'fo r restoration o f her maiden name o f Ernestine Evans, and other Relief, and that > said ease will come on fo r hearing six fall weeks from June 7, 1946, which is the date o f the first publication hereof, (6„7.6t-7-12) Erestine Evans McConville, - Plaintiff. R obert h . w e ad , Attorney, . , Ann E. Ritenour, whose last known address was Box 143, East Beckley, West Virginia, will take notice that Willard D. Ritenour filed his petition in the Common Pleas Court o f Greene County, Ohip, on the 15th day o f June 1946, against her in an action for di vorce, alleging gross neglect o f duty, and that she be restored to her former name o f Ann E . Lively. Said cause will be for hearing from and after six weeks from the date o f the first pub lication on the 21 day o f June, 1946, and unless she pleads to said petition prior thereto a decree may be granted against her. ' ^ . (6-21_16t-7-26) WILLARD D. RITENOUR Miller & Finney, Attorneys Xenia, O. 4 H CLUB NEWS PROBATE COURT GREENE COUNTY, OHIO NOTICE In the Matter o f the Estate o f : Frank A. Byers, Deceased..: No,. 5068 To The Unknown Heirs of Frank A. Byers, Deceased. You are hereby notified that the Probate Court of Green County, Ohio, has fixed the date fo t the continuation o f the hearing, commenced on. the 21s day o f February, 1946, on the personal Claim o f Laura Ann Boedeker, Co_ Executrix o f the Estate o f Frank A. Byers, deceased. Said continued hear ing will begin on the 23rd day- o f July, 1946, at 9:30 A. M. at the Probate Court, Xenia, Ohio. (6-21.3t_7-5) LAURA ANNA BOEDEKER, Co-Executor o f the Estate of Frank A. Byers, Deceased. LEGAL NOTICE Elizabeth Kilby Roushey whose last known residence was Remington, Fau quier County, Virginia, will take notice that the undersigned filed his peti tion iii the Common Pleas Court o f Greene County, Ohio, in divorce a- gainst her on the grounds o f gross neglect o f duty; that said defendant is’ required to answer said petition on or before-six weeks from the date o f its first publication, to wit: June 13th, 1946, after which time this cause will be for hearing and judgment may be taken against her. (6_14-6t-7_19) Thomas Roushey, Plaintiff Miller & Finney, Attorneys, Xenia, Ohio. - - ' LEGAL NOTICE Nathan Holmes, whose last known address was Scuddy, Ky., will take notice - that. Dora Holmes, filed her petition in- Common Pleas Court, Greene County, June 7, 1946, No. 24, 465, seeking a divorce against "him on the grounds -of neglect o f duty and that said cause will Come on for hear ing on or after July 19, 1946. (6_14.Ct-7.19) D. H. WYSONG, • 906 U. B. Bldg., Dayton Ohio, LEGAL NOTICE Walter Sablich, whose last address is unknown, will take notice that on the 22nd day o f May, 1946, Elsie Sab- lich filed her petition against him in the Common Pleas Court o f Greene County, Ohio, the same being case No. 24,432 on the docket o f said Court praying for divorce on the grounds o f gross neglect of duty, and- unless the said Walter J, Sablich shall an swer said petition on or before the 6th o f July, 1946, judgment may be taken granting the plaintiff a divorce. ■- (5-24-6t-7_6) L. T. BARGER, Attorney for Plaintiff, 218 U, B. Building., Dayton, Ohio. POULTRY We pay highest prices for rab bits, ducks, turkeys, fries, hens, and roosters. " G IN IVAN POULTRY PLAN T XENIA, OHIO Pipe, Valve* and Fittiags far water, gas and steam, Hand sad Electric Pnmpa fair all panning, Belts, Pafieya, V Delta, Plamtanf and Heating SnypUee, a J. P. BOCKLETT SUPPLY CO. U N l* ,O U O Estate o f Ruth Belle Sharp, Deceas ed. , Notice is Hereby given that Oscar Lee has been duly appointed as Ex ecutor o f the estate o f Ruth Belle Sharp deceased, late o f Cedarville Village, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 3rd day o f June, 1946. WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER, Judge o f the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. ' NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate o f Effie S. Lackey, Deceased Notice is hereby given that Charles H. Stormont has been duly‘appointed as Executor o f the estate of Effie S. Lackey, deceased late o f Cedarville Village, Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 24th day o f May, 1946. WILLIAM B. McCallister, Judge o f the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. | . LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the St. Luke Baptist Church, a.k.a.. The Mid dle Run Baptist Church o f Xenia, Ohio has filed its petition in the Common Pleas Court, Greene County, Ohio, Case No. 24,461, praying for author ity to mortgage its real estate in said county, being lots Numbered Twenty (20) and Twenty-One (21), in Drake and Nichols. Addition to the city o f Xenia, Greene County, 01\io, to" secure a loan not to exceed Eleven Hundred Dollars $1,100.00) to be secured by mortgage on said real estate, and that said petition will be for hearing' on or after the 13th Day o f July 1946. (6_14_6t_7_19) VERSIE FINCH - Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the St. Luke Baptist Church, a.k.a. The Middle Run Baptist Church o f Xenia, Ohio. . ■ J(-■ A NAME TH A T STANDS FOR GOOD FURNITURE BUDGET PLAN AVA ILABLE Adair 9s N. Detroit St. Xaala, Ok M ltlllllllllltHIIIIJIIIItHlllltllllllllllUIIHIIIIHMIltllUHtltllUHl* * FARMS FOR SALE AND FARM LOANS j We have many good farms for sale | on easy terms. Also make farm § loans at 4 % interest'for 15 years. | No application fee and no apprals- j al fee. - Write or Inquire McSavaney & Co. London O. Leon H. Kling, Mgr. W E PAY FOR HORSES $5.00 COWS $3.00 According to Size & Condition Hogs, Calves, Sheep Etc„ Removed Promptly XENIA . ‘ FERTILIZER PHONE MA. 454 Reverse Charges E. G. Buchsleb, Xenia, Ohio w Eyes Exam ined, G lasses F itted , Reasonable Charge*. * Br.C.E.Nilkia O p to ta e tfk Rye Specialist X en ia * O ltie C V I Glut Lawn Fete, Jul> grounds. Sponsors Girls. Rev. W. W. Ilif left this week fot fo r a month while Presbyterian Chin ’ Their daughter, M a resident o f Plan Mrs. Harley B> and Mrs. Fred A. tersonville, N. Y. I Mrs. Huigh expect York City Monday band, who is due from London. The Westminstei Presbyterian Chu evening at the hon Nelson Creswell, a Herbert Powers as The meeting was votional period let The president, Mi- then presided over sion, Arrangemen the Fall Meeting to bytery were discus; The program of ■presented by John instructive review, in the Navy, begin r ing -a t Plattsburg, with his service i pecially noted som ances he made wit the Navy. A social hour an esses followed, am was served the gr. - Hampshire or Bi to be let on-shares. Cedarville, Ohio. c o THE, Fri. and Sa James Craig . “ DANGEROUS Cartoon — Pete - Sun. and M< Errol Flynn —- “ SAN AH — \* In Tech — ALSO FC W ed . and Thi Constance Benne “ PARIS UND NEWS OF THE J gHMiniHiitMimiiiiiiiMMium ’M e F Phone 6_1
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