The Cedarville Herald, Volume 69, Numbers 27-52
4 CEDA&VItLE E m i l ) , FRIDAY, AUGUST* 80,1649 T H E C E D A R V 1 L L E H E R A L D KARLH BULL — EDITOR AND PUBLISHER lOUeWUl-UsUowa Xdltarlil 4*Me,; OW* N * w » y * p « * u o c . ; Ulead Talley Free*. A m Entered u Mcoiid d i s fflittef, Octo her 31, 1887, nt~lhe Postoffice i t Gs~ darville, Ohio, under the A ct o f March 1879. FRIDAY* AUGUST 30,1946 REPUBLCAN CANDIDATE ASKS TAX CUT Thomas J. Herbert, Republican candidate for governor, has one plank in his platform that should appeal to classes,' He suggests that the state reduce the sales tax from three to two percent due to the fact there is now a great surplus in the treasury that is’ not needed. There has been-times when it would not be wise to make such a suggestion but there is no need of piling up millions of money that belongs to the public. There is no need of hunting ways'to spend it just because it is in the statecash box Much of this surplus was built up during the term of John W. Bricker and it has continued to grow due to the wild in flation we' are in at present. Most all sales carry the sales tax and it means more money to the state. Tax matters now being discussed in state as1 well as national affairs. With real etate selling at new highs the city tax. eaters want the legislature to legalize today’s values as the basis for the next reappraisement. ; The revaluation brings up many things the property own er, will face during the next two years. Locally the village must go on with plans for a disposal plant and this will in crease our tax rate. Then there will be assessments for put ting down the sewers on streets where there are none. ‘ I; may appear to many that the improvements should wait but health conditions come first. It would be far better that the village install .the disposal plant than have the State Board of Health do the job and send us the bill. GRAIN FOR LIQUOR ONCE MORE Now that the Department of Agriculture has allotted 500 000 bushels of grain to the distilleries, we are reminded of the claims made weeks ago, that the brewers use little or no grain other than barley. This week we read where 3,000,000 bush els of grain will go for liquor.. Certainly someone should se ; the public right on this issue. Why all this grain now for liqudr when half of the world has to be fed? Things are evidently not going well for one large distillery has brought suit in U. S. Courts asking an injunction and pro testing the 500,000 bushel increase.. The protesting company is not going to get its share of the grain, hence the suit. Jus; a small example of how the'.New Deal operates. They lie cheat and steal, one from the other. ©he •ttUM H IHM UM IHHIllflim KIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIM IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIf OPA Porter announces fie will put 2,800 Inspectors in the field to strike down the blackmarket on meat. The boys in the blackmarket are not get ting excited as yet, the 2,600 will be busier campaigning for Truman thai^ chasing blackmarketeers. We take it Mr. Truman haB had a delightful sojourn down in Burmada, the famous winter resort for the British royalty. There is nothing more attractive to New Dealers' than being in the company of the big tops from London. We are engaged in a great game o f world politics while we fool the public talking peace and the damage the atomic bomb might do to us some time. MR. AND MRS. EDWIN BULL HONORED ON ANNIVERSARY l o w % WOODS DON’T RELY ON OTHERS On* CAN know that a suit able Memorial will mark .the family restlng-epot. By personally selecting tbs Monument—Instead of dele gating responsibility to an- other. Unhurried selection, avoidance of orerexpendl- ture, art advantages of this modern plan. ■ .' VISIT OUR COMPLETE EXHIBIT Of* MA8TERCRAFT MEMORIALS The Qeorge Dodds & Sons QraniteCo . Phone 360 Est 1804 ,11* W. Main St B u y in g A H o m e ? WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUYING HOMES OR FARMS, REFINANCING OR MAKING REPAIRS miiiiiiiimiiiiiitmiiittitiiiiHimmiMi ; COME IN AND TELL US . YOUR NEEDS tfim fifiiitM iitiiiin iiiiiiiiiffim iiiM iiH > SAVINGS ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $5,000 tftftH llfltlM IM Ittllllllllftlllllllllllllllll W E M AKE G I LOANS TO VETERANS les & Savings Company Xenia, Ohio 11 Green St. Phone 11 \ m Hill** a t o * I V a n * FERTILIZERS •I r a o n s QUALITY ms tom h u i am S wum *M tmimm «M MW reortkuttial* an Im leber beeoeee .geepev the (at. Oaf BIOM IMMeaf far yaw Wheel tnp end ha amend af Mtobe**. I * MS M Mth ytaM fertile*** **«• S im wtfk grawar afevar arapa le to* craorayear ylaMt and taMfarMSy. lee ear deafer aaw lar yaur ressfmeaesSs. 1 Sold by Leading Dealers in — Your Community HERALDWANT ANDSALEADS PAY The Truman adminisration receiv ed a body blow during the American Legion at Cleveland several days ago. The veterans are about fed up on promises o f .this and that, espec- iall the housing situation. While the Democratic politicians think up new promises for the G I’s the vets a r e . just as busy -thinking, up new ans-! wers. When a New Dealer wanted to address the veterans on the housing problem, the great convention howl ed down the chairman with loud crys o f “NO!” Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bull were honored at a party at which Miss Martha Cooley was hostess at her home Thursday evening. The oc casion was Mr. and Mrs. Bull’s first wedding anniversary. Early fall flowers decorated the Coooley home. An ice course was served by "the hostess, assisted by Mrs. .Harold -Cooley and Mrs. Delmer Bull. Among the guests were Rev. and Mrs. Dalton Galloway, who have been in Tanta, Egypt, thirty-three years and are visiting at the home of Mrs. Galloway’s sister, Miss Eleanor Kyle. Others present were Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Bull, Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Bull and family, Mrs. Jennie Kyle, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cooley, Mr. Howard Harbison> Mr. and Mrs. Ern est J. Bull, Miss Eleanor Kyle, Mr. Raymond Bull and Mr. John Bull. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Galloway, Day- ton; Rev. and Mrs. Irvine L. Dungan and Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. West, of Troy; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hi Foster and daughter, Cynthia, Springfield; Miss Florence M. Morgan and Miss Ella Mehaffey, Knoxville, Tenn.; Miss Ruth Morgan, Xenia and the hostess The OPA has granted newsprint manufacturers an increase of $7 a ton which makes the price of a' ton c f paper at a new high. That is the New. Deal way of “ holding the line” against inflation. Democratic pa pers that shout from the housetops arid cry for lower farm prices now get a taste of what it is all about. The Democratic paper increases cir culation.or advertising rates or both, while the farmer must take the reg imented price and like it. ,. ;How quick Cong. Andrew May has dropped out of public view. The New Dealers started in to hang the old- timer because he opposed drafting 18 year old boys. Whether he is worse or getting better the press has little to say. The administration wants to drop the issue and forget even if Andrew did get a few thousand of one or more contracts. QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms o f DistrMaArising tram STOMACH ULCERS DUBTO EXCESS ACID Frea l ssfcTsHsofllsmsTraBtma ittlw f MustHelp ur HWEICuttYunKotfchw OvertwomillionbottlMoftheWILLARD TREATMENTh»TObeensold (orreliefof aymptom*ofdUtre—arisingfromlNwirh and PueUwial IMeer*due to fame*Ail*— P mt DlantlMi. Saw or Ujad Mamadt, OaMliMM, I lieitS aaii. H w>l »wm ««. etc., due to Exceu Add, Bold on IBdays*trial! Aik for “ Willard'* Mcaias*” which fully explain*tl^iatreatment—Ire*—at BROWN'S DRUGS JIM lM IM IM IIIIIM M IH M IlllllllllillklllllM lltim illiaillM liM lllU M I ] SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR 1 E X P E R T j S H O E M A N | One capable o f running a good j | volume department. Good salary | | and commission. Muat have USES I | referral. I. Sears, Roebuck &; Co. | - Springfield,- Ohio HE'S YOUR GUIDE TO HYBRIDS... -•••• Your PIONEER Representative H* tnowi yout local mil and weather problem* btcautt he farm* nearby. Ht . know* through testing and observing many hybrid* each year which variatic* growctnotl productively on your type -of soil and location. Ha can offer you a tteady " -• J ‘ .................. ‘ ‘ com I lv flow of new and better hybrids being released each year by Pionacr broader*. H * can offer you a wider selection of hybnd* and tabsfy any type and maturity of com you prefer, nonaat representatives are "hybrid speci hybnd ’ieneti '‘ n eonttrvetiva rnggessrons about Pioneer representative now LOCAL PIO aluts" who give intelligent, honeii and seed com. Cal or tee your local : p r e s e n t a t i v b Lauris B. Straley R. R. 2 CEDARVILLE, OHIO Clip This "Free Parking" COUPON Stick it on your Windshield and Come To Springfield Thursday— Friday—Sept, 5-6 FOR •Springfield Retail Merchants' Council “FALL OPENING’’ Showing o f New Fall Needs For You and Your Home FREE PARKING G U E S T FREE PARKING OF Retail Merchants 1 Council of Springfield and City of Springfitld Please do not park near Fire Hydrants, Bus Zones or In Re stricted Areas indicated by Yellow Lines COURTESYPARKING September 5-6 Only LEGAL NOTICE Catherine O. Ambrose o f 601 West Tenth Street, Rushville, Indiana, will take notice that'Millard Ambrose filed his petition in the Common Pleas Court o f Greene County, Ohio, on Au gust 27,1946, praying fo r a divorce on the ground o f gross neglect o f duty. She will further take notice that said cause will be for hearing on and after six weeks from the date o f the first publication o f this notice, to-wit, Au gust 30, 1946. 8-30.6t-10-4) MILLARD AMBROSE LEGAL NOTICE Gladys Hanes, whose place o f resi lence is unknown and cannot be found with diligent search, will take notice hat on August 23, 1946, Raymond 'lanes filed his certain action against her for divorce on grounds o f gross neglect of duty, said cause being listed on the docket at No. 24566 before the Common Pleas Court o f Greene Coun ty, Ohio. That said cause will come on -or hearing on or after September 28, 1946. <8-23-6t-9-30) RAYMOND HANES, Forest Dunkle, Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Lewis J, Willenberg, aka Willenburg, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Edith Willenberg has been duly appointed as Administratrix of-the estate of Lewis J. Willenberg, aka Willenburg, deceas ed, late, ofj Spring Valley, Greene County, Ohio. , Dated this 8th day o f July, 1946. WILLIAM B. McCALLISTER, Judge of the Probate’ Court, Greene County, Ohio. We Pay $5.00 for HORSES $3.00 for COWS According to size and condition Small animals removed promptly FARM BUREAU COOP ASSN. call collect Xenia 756 "Dayton-Kenmore 6742 Potatoes! We are now digging”our 1946 Potatoe Crop of Coblers. H. C. CRESWELL, Phone 6-1575 Cedarville, O. Cement Blocks SAND AND . GRAVEL Fletcher 8C Gerard 3 Miles South o f Selma-Phone 6-2780 PHONE For Dependable RADIO SERVICE M'Collister IT tO S T S BUT L ITT LE .1 r 1 For cliean clothing the cost is small. It means only a trip to a reputable cleaner. Service and satisfaction. Laundry Service LEGAL NOTICE Arbra O.' Bastin whose place of res idence is unknown and cannot with reasonable diligence be ascertained, will take notice that on July 23, 1946, Lurena Bastin filed her certain action against him for divorce on grounds of gross neglect o f duty, said cause be. ing docketed as No. 24535 before the Common Pleas Court of Greeno Coun ty, Ohio, That said cause will come on for hearing on or after September 14th, 1946. (8_2.6t.9_6) MARCUS .SHOUP, Attorney for Plaintiff NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on Au gust 13, 1946, C. E. Johnson, C. C. Brewer, A. R. Frame, G. IT. Hartman, R. V. Kennon, H. L. Pickering, C. E. Masters, William Marshall and A, E. Richards, as trustees o f the Methodist Church o f Cedarville, Ohio, filed a pe tition in the Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio, praying for an order o f the Court authorizing-and di recting them to sell the following de. scribed real estate, to-wit: > Situate in the County o f Greene, . in the State o f Ohio and in the Vil lage o f Cedarville, and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a post South corner of Susanna Jack- son; thence with her line North 64" 45' East 15214 feet to a post in the side of an alley; thence with said alley South 36° East 50 feet- to stake; thence South 54° 45' West 152% feet to a stake in the edge of the Street; thence with said Street North 36* West 60. feet to the be ginning. Being part of Lot No. 40 o f Dunlap’s .Addition to the Village o f Cedarville arid being the same premises conveyed by George H. Smith and wife to the trustees of the M. E. Church, Cedarville, Ohio, by deed dated August 29, 1919, and recorded in Volume 123, page 148, Greene County Deed Records for the {reason the same is no longer necessary fo r church purposes, and that it would be for the best interests o f the Church, to sell the* same. Said cause will be for hearing on the 16th day o f September, 1946, or as' soon thereafter as the Court may as sign the same, and all interested per. sons are hereby notified that unities objections, are filed thereto prior to said date the Court may grant the prayer o f the petition. . (8-4t-9-6) TRUSTEES OF THE METHODIST CHURCH, . OF CEDARVILLE, OHIO Miller & Finney, Attorneys Xenia, Ohio. Springfield Loan Co, 32 W. High at. •> Phone 3061 Springfield* Ohio LEGAL NOTICE JOB GORDON Auctioneer All Types o f Public Sales Phone- 6-1522 POULTRY We pay highest prices fo r rab bits, ducks, turkeys, fries, hens, and roosters.' GINIVAN POULTRY PLANT XENIA* OHIO Pipe* Valves and Fittings far water, gas and steam* Hand and Electric Pumps for all r~Ttrt~. Balia, PsBsys, V Balls, Plamtnf and Healing Supplies. J. P. BOOKLET ! SUPPLY CO. 1 UNU.omo Worthy Toothman, whose last known residence. Was 214 Fowler-Avenue, Clarksburg West Virginia, will hereby take notice that on the 24th day of July, 1946, Mary Toothman filed her petition against him in the Court of Common Pleas o f Greene County, Ohio, being case No. 24526 on the docket o f skid court, praying fo r a de cree o f divorce from him on the grounds o f gross neglect o f duty and extreme cruelty; that said case is en titled Mary Toothman, plaintiff, vs, Worthy Toothman, defendant. Said defendent will further take no. tice that he is.required to answer said petition on or before the expiration of six weeks from the' date o f the first publication o f this notice, towit: July 26,1946., (7_26_6t_8_30) MARY TOOTHMAN, Plaintiff T, L. Barger, Atty. LEGAL NOTICE Catherine Vitali, who resides % with Warren Ruth, 261 Baiighn Street, Lu. zerne, Pa., will take notice that on August 13th, 1946, Neil Vitali.filed his certain petition for divorce against her on grounds of gross neglect o f du ty, before the Common Pleas Court of Greene County, Ohio, said case being No. 24562 on the docket o f said Court, and that said cause o f action will come on for hearing on or after October 1st, 1946. ' (8-16-6t-9-20) MARCUS SHOUP, Attorney for Plaintiff NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Estate of Sarah Lytle, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Daisy L. Haines has been duly appointed as Executrix of the estate o f Sarah Lyle, deceased, late o f Greene County, Ohio. Dated this 7th day of August, 1946. WILLIA MB. BcCALLISTER, -Judge o f the Probate Court, Greene County, Ohio. LEGAL NOTICE Harold E. Heeren, who resides at Route A l, Afton, Iowa, will take notice that on the 2nd day o f August, • 1946, Marguerite Heeren filed her cer tain action in divo.rce against him o n . grounds' of gross neglect o f duty and extreme cruelty said case being No. 24,539, ■before the Common' Pleas Court o f Greene County, Ohio, which will come on for hearing on or (after- September 21st, 1946. (8_9.6t.9_13) ' MARCUS SHOUP, Attorney for Plaintiff i A NAME THAT STANDS 1 FOR GOOD FURNITU RE BUDGET PLAN AVAILABLE Ada ir’s 3 . Detroit St. X e o la , Ok | FARMS FOB SALE AND FARM LOANS We have many good farms fo r sale bn "easy terms. Also make farm loans at 4 % interest-fo r 15 years. No application fee and no apprais al fee. Write or Inquire McSayaney A Co. London O. Leon H. Kling, Mgr. imHMUmtmtHnmttitmiiiiiiiiiMiitiiimiHlimHtnHnmmi WE PAY FOR HORSES $5.00 COWS $3.00 According to Size & Condition Hogs, Calves, Sheep Etc., Removed Promptly XEN IA FERTILIZER - PHONE MA« 454 Reverse Charges E. G. Buchsieb, Xenia, Ohio Byes Examined* i Glasses Fitted* Reasonable Charges. Dr.C.E.Wilkii I Optometric Eys Specialist Xenia* Okie Mrs. W. B. from a visit to Mr. and Mr several days th kat’s parents, Jurkat. Miss Annab as her guest o niece and neph Nelson o f Clev Sgt. Chas. W home after bei Marine Corps. . Mr. and Mr daughter Jane to their home after several tives and frien The Researcl first meeting of o f Mrs. W. P. Sept. 11, at 2 the meeting is call to be answ helpful progra . Please note t and date o f th Mr. and Mrs. son John retur from Chautauq spent the sum resume his tea umbus. Rev,.,and Mr son Paul are vis mother, Mrs. De relatives arid fr" enjoying1 a vaci and Rev; Main orate the first Illinois. Dr. Leo Ande ter, Margaret, t and Mary Knot two -weeks trip where they wil Mr. Peter Knot teen years sine Knott family h this gathering absent, Miss Be home on the Cl The Westmins Presbyterian Ch o f Mr. and Mr Tuesday evenin was assistant Devotions we Powers. After a short _evening was tur speaker, Dr. Jo er-in-law o f M;i Dr. Chenowet iences in China o f Chinese life, collection o f sou from China. After his ver hostess led in warded favors which a social Corn for Ca 10 dozen lots. Never finer. Phone 6-2601. Mr. and Mrs daughter, of on a visit wit Mrs. Clara Mo Twenty-thre o f the “ Wesle Methodist Chu Mr. and M rs.. nesday evenin man presided on the theme, hour was con bert Pickering, and Mrs.. Johi were served b Christmas Ca Name printed cards, $1.00. J WANTED ging by the ho or Sales, Xe Fra. and Pat O’ Bri “ PERIL COMEDY- Sun. an Greer Ga “ A I * ALSO LA Wed. and Penny Sin “ BLONDI NEWS
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