The Cedarville Herald, Volume 69, Numbers 27-52
W D A Sm iX RXKAtD, FRIDAY, MOVWnfflB t. HW C llgtlllt. W h ' T H E C E D A R Y 1 L L E H E R A L D ! MBICBKIt'-NBUMua Editorial A moc ,; Ohio Nswapaper Aaaoe,; Ulatti PwM. A*»». KARLH BULL ’ —- —■ EDITOR and PUBLISHER | THURMAN MILDER, Jr. — CO-PUBLISHER ~ MANAGER Entered u second d u t n i t t n , October 31, 1887, at the Postoffice i t C«-| darvilie, Ohio, under the Act o f March 1879. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8,1946 WE ARE GLAD TO BE BACK AGAIN After an absence of five weeks due to a physical disability After an absence o f five weeks the conductor o f this column returns fol lowing a time when many public ev ents, political subjects and economic al problems could' have been discuss ed with interest. OPA has had its The farmer has r l i r v f b “ ? ^ i l j u . thaen d [,w m tib0e a t ^ c T o S " ” ? » * * ” future without any other interruption. We cannot help but feel grateful to the patrons of the Herald for their solicitation for our recovery and that the Herald had been missed in so many homes. To have published continuously for forty-seven years without a break is some record to be proud of and we only hope such a break will not happen soon again. '• . ten years. Organised labor that reap ed the war time harvest now protests present farm prices and enters on a wave o f more strikes. More strikes mean scarcity o f goods, higher pric es, and the.“ boom and bust." We pre dict there*will be but one more series o f strikes such as we had the past year. Industry will retaliate with the ___________ _ .closing o f plants and then the "bust." THE ELECTION AND REPUBLICAN RESPONSIBILITY It be painful to all. Increased There are few that’ probably were convinced that the results wagre means higher priced goods and o f the election Tuesday would be as they were or that the pre- then the buyers strike, dictions of Congressman Clarence J. Brown, National Co.m-J mittee Campaign Manager for victory would come true. Mr. I Events in .Washington have moved Brown has traveled from one end o f the country to the other [fast and furious. Just about the time meeting citizens from all walks of life. He had won admiration President Truman stated the ceilings as a radio speaker and his audiences were probably as wide would not be taken o ff livestock, the in scope as any campaign speaker of either' party. He was I Democratic congressmen who were one of the few Republican speakers the Democrats or New candidates began a bombardment of Dealers would not challenge for public debate. . j the White House pleading removal to Now that both Houses of. Congress are to be under Republi-jsave them from defeat. The President can control it is well to- consider some of the party pledges. I had been told by,OPA Porter that First of all there must be a reduction of income taxes of 20 [livestockjwas “ short" in the country per cent or more. There must be an end to the war .control [and OPA must hold to ceilings. But and congress should so end war measures after reorganization. J Democratic pressure pyevaiied'and off The useless 2 million persons on government payroll ,for no- 1 came the ceilings and the deluge of thing more than political purposes will come to an end. There livestock hit all terminal markets, must be suspension in the army and navy o f waste-that costs the [large and small. This only proved the nation hundreds of millions. Commissions and bureaus of ? p a did not know what it was talk. Communistic purpose that have ordered and kicked the pop- 1 *ng about. As usual Mr. Truman was ulace about must and will be abolished. There must be a re- the goat in the New Deal Commun- tum to sanity keeping in mind the original purpose of the for-1 istic determination to control our ec mation of the greatest Republic ever devised by man. onomy. His innocence in public mat This was the order of the majority at the polls and millions ters is really pathetic. Mr. Truman o f Democrats joined in the protest vote. They too were tired may know his piano, his poker and arid sick of being bunted and kicked about as Joe Stalin does his liquor but he shows no knowledge his subjects in.Russia. They have tired of the continual lying | of even democratic politics, to the public ajiout this and that. The New Deal'fostered and harbored more genuine liars than could have .been garnered ] We have often wondered the past by the late P. T, Barnurn for his circus sideshow. The public five weeks just how many farmers took advantage of the first opportunity of registering its dis- that pleaded the cause o f the New gust. President Truman is not altogether responsible for the Deal CIO parity prices for farm pro situation. He only continued what F. D. R. had started. The ducts could consistantiy accept 25c election protest would have been the same had the Hyde Park or 30c for'h og s and 30c for cattle, showman been a resident of the White House last Tuesday. [under parity the .price was around The public can feel confident under Republican control there 14c, Chicago base. If parity price was will be no continuance of past policies. President Truman sta- such a good thing then how about re ted there was a scarcity of meat and stood steadfast until a [turning to it now? Let's hear from political holicast was to sweep his party down. In time after [the gallery on this subject. Parity January first every housewife will be able to .get sugar just as she cari get meat today. days our friend ttys hie father lost his farm following- the Cleveland Democratic panic when com cold for 18 and 20 c and hogs at 2.5c and 3c. The writer bought corn from George Hamman following tbgfc "b ee t" at the above prices. Older Democrats have not forgotten the Cleveland pan ic times. If there is anyone name that brings out the heat on a New Dealer, it is that o f “ Taft." Sen. Robert A. Taft has taken leadersip away from the Democratic majority In" the. upper house. He knows more federal and in ternational' law than any’ Democrat that caii be named. He knows par- limentary procedure. Neither o f these three things, have been necessary re- quesets under the New Deal. For that reason the Democrats campaigned a- gainst Taft-as if he were a candidate ; this time. On the Republican ticket t*s a candidate for the short senator ial term .was Kingley Taft, unknown to most voters in* the state, yet in this county as well as the State he ran along with the rest o f the ticket which was proof the voters did not fall for the campaign against Robert Taft. OHIO'S SENATOR AND GOVERNOR In the election of Thomas J. Herbert as governor of Ohio it was admitted previous to .the election that .should there be a landslide he would benefit regardless of the fact he had op position from the most prominent Democrat on the Democrat ic ticket. Although he received a reduced vote compared with other Republican candidates he can feel proud of his election just the same and the public i? just as proud, Mr, Herbert will have-a legislature of his owri party which should insure har mony. It should be said truthfully that, Gov. Lausche reaped the political wrath of the public that had been generated by the New Deal. This newspaper does not have to praise. Ohio’s next senator, John W. Bricker. His long public career is'all the recommenda tion needed and it was all that was needed in the way o f a campaign. However, Mr. Bricker carried his part of the cam paign load with honor and distinction to his party and to the state arid he will do the same after he is seated in the U. S. Senate. was a fine thing for organized labor for ten years, all at the expense of. the farmer. .We con'soon return to parity. All that is necessary is for Mr. Truman to retore :OPA and ceil- ing prices, under his war time pow ers which have never been terminat ed even though the war has ended. With a Republican House of Repres entatives in control o f Republicans there will be no parity and no OPA.. COURT NEWS neglect anl cruelty, ORDER PARTITIONS, SALE ' Partition o f real estate was order ed in thd cases o f Betty J. Brickie against Willard F. Brickie and Lester Peterson and others against Wayne Peterson and others, A property sale was directed in the case o f W. R. Hackett against Ann V. Bruce doing business as the Skyway Food Serv ice. CASES DISMISSED The following actions were dismis sed: Lillian Engle against Earnest Sanders. George Engle against Ear nest Sanders; R. D. Adair Co. against Morris Bolser and twq matters con cerning altering and vacating parts o f Hurley Rd. APPRAISALS Probate court appraised the follow ing estates; i James R. Soward—gross value, $2,- 831.59; deductions, $732.36; net value, $2,099.23. Charles* G. Hatch *— gross value, $13,513.10; deductions, $7,401.66; net value, $6,108.44. Carl D. King—gross value, $2,- 281,41; deductions, not listed; net val ue, $2,281.41. IMIlllMllimtlHM HUl DIVORCE SUITS Jessis Lewis, Fairfield, •against Wilma, address unknown to him; ne^ gleet and adultry charged; married July 3 1946 at Morgantown, Ky, I Maynard Lamar Nelson against Margaret Ruth; neglect grounds; married November 3, 1945 at Xenia. Amiel L. Bent against Annabelle, 25 Willard St„ Dayton; neglect; m ar-1 ried February 25, 1946 at Dayton. JUDGMENT SOUGHT Judgment for $4,610.02 and fore closure of Bath Twp. property is ask- ed by the Homo Federal Savings and Loan Assn., Xenia, in an action a- j gainst Ann Bruce, Wright View Heights. Named as co.defendants a r e 1 W. R. Hackett, A, Becker,* Economics Laboratory, George A. Gardella Co., Morris Rofner, Stanley Market, Aug uste K. Karlbling, federal collector of internal revenue and the bureau of unemployment compensation. Smith, McCailister and Gibney, Xenia . law firm, represents the plaintiff, MARRIAGE LICENSES (GRANTED) Edison Monroe Michael, Dayton, R R. 6, assembler, and Edith Jeanne Bogart, 27 Race Court, Fairfield. Rev. Edward Wones, Osborn. William Brooks Hooper, 314 Bay St,, Philadelphia,/.. Miss., soldier, and Mrs. Helen Lovejoy Offill, 401 High St., Yellow Springs. Chaplain Honey cutt. , (Applied For) Corbett Lee Moore, Xenia, R; R. 4, furniture maker, and Mrs. Ruby Jew ell Watkins Roberts, Xenia R. R. 4. Housing Project for Xenia Vets Under W ay ■mmmmmm+rn .......... g Construction o f three apartment houses, each to contain four family units, as housing quarters, fo r veter- . ans, waB started Tuesday by Greene { County commissioners on a city own ed tract on Cincinnati Ave. j The project is being financed by emergency grant o f $31,160.85 a llo c* -1 ted to the county recently by the state under the veterans* ’housing act. Since the Cincinnati Ave. tract will accommodate only three o f the build ings and commissioners believe the available funds will allow fo r con struction o f a fourth structure, they are considering sites fo r the other house which possibly will be located in the eastern section o f Xenia. The McDowell and Torrence Lum ber Co., Xenia, is in charge of con- tsruction. The work* will be rushed as rapidly as possible and it is hoped the buildings will be ready, for oc cupancy by Christmas. The Cincinnati Ave. site is located on a 150 foot square tract retained by the city when the county purch ased the former waterworks lot there two years ago as a. location fo r the new county highway garage. One building will be placed on each- side o f the tract,, with the two facnig each other, and the third will be lo cated in the rear facing; a court into which each structure will open, The buildings will be two stories high on concrete block foundations. There will be two apartments on each floor. »Each apartment will con tain a living room, bedroom, a com bination kitchen-dinette and a shower bath. The houses will be .of frame con struction with a composition roof and each will measure 24 by 36 feet. FOUR LITTLE WORDS Four little words were very effective in the last campaign '— “HAD ENOUGH? VOTE REPUBLICAN” A Boston adver tising executive was the author. CORSAGES CUT FLOWERS POTTED PLANTS FUNERAL FLOWERS See us for Baskets or Party Decorations. Our selection will please you Please order by Phone. Ary’s Green House EARL STITSWORTH Phone 6-2344 CECIL ARY Phone 4-4894 Buying A Home? WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUYING HOMES OR FARMS, REFINANCING OR MAKING REPAIRS ewiHHHiwHmwmwwww COME IN AND TELL US YOUR NEEDS ftttttHtmiiHMiHttfmHtHiHHmminM SAVINGS ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO *S,000 W E M AKE 0 1 LOANS TO VETERANS Peoples & Savings Company 11 Graan Si. Xenia, Ohio Phone 11 This column has in the past had much to say relative to the public utterances and Sets o f Henry Wal lace in his various public ,capacities.. Events o f the past -few weeks when Mr. Truman applied his boot to the Wallace anatomy some place between the post office and the depot, and left hiB once fellow traveler on the side walk so to speak, gave the press something to talk about. Henry is still spouting the cause of Russian Communism'on the political platform and claiming he is a Democrat. His largest audiences are the radical el ement in the large cities that follow the red flag o f Communism. No Democrat has taken Henry to task for claiming to be a partizan and at the same time attacking the adminis tration foreign policy because it is not agreeable to Joseph Stalin. Reams could be written on Henry In public life. One o f the pranks o f Hallowe'en that could not be held anything but arson happened when a sixty-foot wooden covered bridge over the north fork o f Massies Creek on the Towns- ley Road was burned. The loss is placed at $20,000 and residents in that section will hav# to wait prob ably a year before a new bridge can be built. Three shocks o f corn fod der had been dragged from a nearby field and placed inside and tset afire, the fire was discovered by neighbors about 1:30 a. m. The daily press has reported num erous pranks on Hallowe'en that bor der on vandalism. The time has come when officials, must levy a . heavy hand on such acts and not regard them as pranks, As for the burned bridge the officers have not been able to find a clue that has led to the guil ty persons.- A number o f farmers re port corn shocks in field at different places were burned. Each shock of corn is worth around four dollars un der present market values.1 DIVORCES GRANTED The following divorces were a- warded: Mary Walker 'Blackburn from Leonard Thomas, neglect, cus tody o f only child to plaintiff; D. E. Diddle, Jr., from Fay, neglect; Helen L. Offill from Robert A., cruelty, custody of children - awarded by «- greement; Charles Ophner from Mil dred, cruelty, custody of two chil dren to plaintiff; Doris McBride from Douglas, wilful absence; Albert Rin- go from Helen, neglect; Leona Arra- smith from Spencer,' wilful absence; and William Gi Thomas from Pearl, R A W F UR S BEEF HIDES HIGHEST PRICES PAID Dealer Lots Bought BENNIE SPARROW Elm Street Cedarville, O. OLD MILL CAMP Re-furnisher — Re-Arranged EVERY DAY . r (Closed Monday P. M .) I % * , ****'• Steak Dinners • t* ■ . I S . I ,K» i. - Chicken Dinners Special Lunch Served Each Week Day Short Orders — Sandwiches Good Eats Here You Be the Judge Phone 6.2106 Just W est o f Cedarville Route 42 A Greene county farmer who has been a consistent Democrat touched us on the shoulder Monday on the street in Xenia and called our atten-^ tion to a Democrat campaign adver tisement last Saturday intended to influence farmers. In the ad prices o f farm products under Hoover and the New Deal were compared. Our farmer friend thinks his party ad vertising did, not go back far enough and that it >should have compared priced back in the early nineties with those o f today or between, In those C L O S E D Saturday Afternoons We are open each Wednesday afternoon When all the Stores are closed, So to even up We are closing each Sat urday at NOON r . . Please make plans and save yourself a trip, FrankCreswell R. C. Wells Paul y . Miller, London Editor, Died Monday Paul V. Miller, 48, editor o f the Madison County Democrat and news editor o f the Madison Press, London, died at Mt, Carmel Hospital, Colum bus, Monday morning, following a critical illness o f one week. He had been connected with the London pap ers twenty-five years and was prom inent in Democrat politics in that county, being chairman of the Board o f Elections qjj the time o f his death. He was also chairman o f the Demo cratic Executive Committee. He was treasurer of West Jefferson for five years. The deceased leaves his wife, Mary D., and a brother, Don Miller, Colum bus, The funeral wilt be held — .....- Wilberforce W ill Get Surplus Building Application o f Wilberforce Univer sity for a government owned surplus building at Wright field to serve as a student union and classroom biuld- ing has been apprvoed by the Feder al Works Agency in Washington. The building, which measures ‘40 by 212 feet, will be dismantled at the field and transported to Wilberforce where it will be re-erected. Dr. Charles H. Wesley, Wilberforce presi dent, said Tuesday there was no in dication when.’the building would be available as the project depends on contractors to do the work._ The building will provide four classrooms, a recreation room, p “ snack bar" with a small kitchen and Offe room as Jiving quarters for the director qf the building, Cattle Rustlers Sent to Pen Judge Frank L, Johnson in Com mon Plea* Court sentenced Ralph Wray, 26, negro, Xenia, and David Brown, 24, Xenia, to serve one to Seven years in the penitentiary for grand larceny, Carroll Ward, 3g, ne gro, Xenfa, had entered a plea o f guilty previously, The trio were charged with theft o f four milk cows and a calf from the Sanders farm on the Bellbrook pike, They had sold the animals for $304 to a slaughterer at Portsmouth. The cattle were taken from a pasture, MRS, ARTHUR 8WABY REACHTOR TH/ J U S t e a t f/ What to wear to the party next week? Make your old gown like new. Reach for a phone —; 6-2231—Instead of your purse. We Pay • $5.00 for HORSES $3.00 for COWS According to size and condition Small animals removed promptly FARM BUREAU COOP ASSN. call collect Xenia 756 Dayton-Kenmore 5742 Potatoes! We are now digging our 1946 Potatoe Crop of Coblers. H. C. CRESWELL, Phone 6-1575 Cedarville, O. isfiesiiiiisiniliillltii, A NAME THAT STANDS FOR GOOD FURNITURE BUDGET PLAN AVAILABLE A d a ir ’ s IN. Detroit St. Xenia, Oi U lllltlllM IIM IM IIM tIIIIIIIIH IIlfM lllltllllllllllllllltllllllllflltllH | FARMS FOR SALE AND I FARM LOANS i We have many good farms fo r Sale | on easy terms. Also make farm | loans at 4 % interest* fo r 16 years. No application fee and ho apprais al fee. Write or Inquire § McSavaney & Co. London O. 1 Leon H. Kling, Mgr. Mrs, Mary Isabelle' Swaby, 65* wife o f Arthur Swaby, Springfield, R, R. 4, died at her home at 2:20 a. m. Tuesday, She had been'in poor health fo r a number 6 / years and during the last year her condition Had been critical. Born March 22, 1881 near Cedar- ville, Mrs. Swaby had been a life res ident o f this area and Was a mem ber o f the Clifton Presbyterian church, Resides her husband she leaves a number o f nieeps and nepHsrrs, URGENTLY NEEDED—Bricklay ers for work tfn a Women’s Doripit- ory sfid a Medical Research Labors- tory* Inside work all winter on Dorm itory; work on Research Building to Begin next spring, Union Segle, Wer- muth, Inc* Box g27, Yellow Springs,1 Ohio. , WE PAY FOR HORSES $5.00 COWS $3.00 According to Size & Condition Hogs, Calves, Sheep Etc., Removed Promptly XEN IA FERTILIZER PHONE M’A. 454 Reverse Charges E. G. Buchsieb, Xenia, Ohio MHMHiMiiMf#ntimMHmmiHttimitiimmmitAttnHitmmtt Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted, Reasonable Charges. Dr.G.LWilkia Optoaietrie Eyw . Specialist / XMda, Oh!* c Club UNDERGOES *- M e , A, M. Carp the Blue Bird T o an operation recei field City Hospital ering at hi? home . the local business by bis wife. HEAT RECORD WHEN Ml Sunday was the 3 date in the histc bureau. The mem the same time sixt fell a t Denver, Co COUNCIL Village council ing with all meml usual monthly bil and ordered paid, in connection with al proposal was uni the result of the l] Tuesday. OPAOFFK Business of the f ■.which serves Green ette counties, will 1 the OPA office i n f J. Reynolds, Xenial of the local boardl day' when the boai'c| ed in Xenia. NEW FIRM OPEI FORULEil R. L. Armstrong two boys out of | Springfield,, have furnished the roonl ilding on Xenia Avs business as the [ Cleaners, doing clq repair work.' Mrs, Arthur Cul 7 from Tampa, Fla., it with her sons, Cummings. BARBARA SMITH PLEDGU MONMOUTH, Smith, from Cede mong. the 74 Moi eds who have been national sororities pus according to a college, officials. Rushing and pie on under the gul Hellenic Council J college officials, ivj pledged to Alpha. ASK Fq The Cedamllel School District B* will receive; bid. school buses simi in use. Bids mus the Clerk by 12 o’ day, December 3 Full specificati from Rankin Me the Bus Committ Superintendent o dersigned Clerk. Cedarville To District Boar A. (11-8, 15, 22, 29 LEGA Virginia Tyree idence is unkno reasonable dilig Will take notice 7th, 1946, Joe petition against the grounds of before the Com Greene County, No. 24,683 on Court and will on or after De F (11-8-61*12-13) Friday and Jane Russel “ YOU i Also Ca Sun. and 0)ivla de H *‘TO EA Added—* Wed- and Lee Bowman “ THE TUMB N*w*
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