The Cedarville Herald, Volume 70, Numbers 1-26
f -jS fT M T - The Cedarville, O. Herald Society Present officers o f Cedar Cliff Chapter, D. o f A . R. were re elected fo r 1947-48 at the annual business meeting at the home of Mrs. Eobert McGregor, Saturday afternoon. There is an enrollment o f 57 members. Plans were made fo r Memorial Day observance. The Chapter will sponsor services at the Massies Creek cemetery May 30 at 1 o’clock. Fifty-four veterans o f all wars are hurried there. Mrs. Walter Condon will be in charge, assisted by the boy scouts. Plans were made fo r the Chapters annual Flag Day lunch eon fos*June 13 at Trebien Manor at 1 p. m. Mrs. Ward Creswell played two piano solos. A desert course was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. William Lafferty and Mrs. O. T. Laybourne. Mr. and Mrs. George Frame and family have moved to the Neal apartments on the Columbus pike. Miss Phyllis Bryant and Miss Vivian Eamsey will represent our school at a musical audition given in Columbus, Saturday. They will be accompanied by Mrs. Foster and Mrs. Greer McCalljs- ter. The Broadcasters Class of the First Presbyterian Church met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. '’Arthur Hanna Tuesday night. Mrs. Mary McChesney was assist ant hostess. Mrs. C. E. Hill of Columbus was a guest here Wednesday. Mrs, Hill attended the W.S.C, all day meeting. Rev, Hill is a former pastor o f the Methodist church here. Mrs. J. W. Try-box celebrated her 85th birthday, Monday. A group of neighbors and friends surprised her Monday evening by calling at her home. Mx*. Jesse Townsley spent the weeK end with Mr. and Mrs. Nor man Sweet in Eossford. Mrs. Clara Morton is still ill at the Sweet home. Miss Phyllis Bryant was guest soloist at a mother and daughter banquet given by a Springfield sorority at the Hotel Shawnee Sunday morning. Miss Bryant also sang over station WIZE last Wednesday evening, Mrs. Margaret McClure Stitt of Cincinnati was guest speaker when the research club met at the home o f Mrs. J. E. Kyle Thursday. Mrs. Stitt spoke on music and its relation to human welfare. During the social hcJUr Mrs. Leon Kling presided at the tea table. A desert course was served to members and guests. Mrs. Raymond Eitenour spent last week with her mother, Mrs. Smith- on- the Jamestown pike. Mrs. Smith is 82 years old and has been ill. The Home Culture Club met at the home of Mrs. S. C. Wright Tuesday. A covered dish was en joyed by the group. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Charles spent the week end with Mr. Charles parents in Hillsboro. Mr: and Mrs. William Saville spent Friday with Mr: and Mrs. Wilbur N eff in Eleazer. Mr. and Mrs. Hempy of Green Springs Ohio spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Hartman. Mr. and Mrs. Hempy are the par ents o f Mrs. Justin Hartman. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Barlon and son visited Mr: and Mrs. Aden Barlon and Mrs. Della Johnston Sunday. Mrs. Paul Cummings and daughter Clare spent the week in Detroit and Algonie Mich, with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bernier. Mr. Cummings and daughter Lynn joined them Friday. -Miss Suzanne West of Chicago is visiting with her mother for a few days. Mrs. Tinsley Corn spent the week end and Mother’s Day with her son and daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Cora and family in Dayton. Miss Alta Murphy is in Ogden 111., to attend the funeral o f her uncle Mr. Allen Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Donavan and son visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wise man, Jamestown spent Sunday here: Mi*, and Mrs. Ralph Townsley and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Giffin and | children o f Covington spent Sun- i day with Mr. and Mrs. Harry! Hammon. j Miss Ruth Chandler o f Waynes- [ ville and Mis? Eleanor Robe of Osborn spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs.. John Hilt. Mr. and Mrs. John Hilt, Miss Eleanor Eobe and Miss Euth Chandler spent Sunday in Colum bus visiting Mrs. Hilt and Miss her birthday Sunday. Mrs. Harry Dolby is visiting her daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Don Allen in Sunbury. Mr. and Mrs. Allen’ s six year old daughter, Karen, is ill with Ehumatic fever in a Columbus hospital. Mr. John Ehinard, student at O.S.U. spent the week end with his parents, Mr: and Mrs. Harold Ehinard. Mr. *Eichard Vjiyhinger, stu dent at University o f Chicago is at the home o f his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ira Vayhinger. A large group heard the Be- thesda Quintet sing in tjie Meth odist church Sunday afternoon. This is a fine quintet and we hope they will make their appearance in our city again. The Tri County Youth fellow ship o f the Methodist church met in New Burlington Tuesday night. A program was given by Eev. W. E, Garriott a Christian Magi cian. Mr. and Mrs. Don Fields aand daughter spent Sunday with Mrs. Forest Fields. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Eigio spent Saturday in Cincinnati. Mr. and Mrs. Eobex*t Spracklin o f Dayton visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Bailey Jr. have moved to the apartments on Miller street recently vacated by Mr, and Mrs. Eobert Lorenz. Mr. and Mrs. Wendel Charles entertained Mr. and Mrs. Carl Young o f Osborn, Friday even ing for dinner. Pfc. Gale Stevens is spending a 12 day furlough with his aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Eoy Cat- terlin. He is stationed at Camp La gune, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Chaplin spent Sunday with Mrs. Chaplins parents Mr. and Mrs. Eoscoe Ellis o f Paintersville. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Charles had Nancy Stanley, Hillsboro; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Meredeth and family o f Washington C. H, and Mr, and Mrs. Marion Wylie and family o f Greenfield. ___________ , _ r : > i j 3 a y , M i y IS ;- t f e j . .... Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Townsley had as their guests fo r the past 10 days little MissesLawanne and ElainS Jones. They are the chil dren o f Mrs. Townsley’s brother Dr. and Mrs. Lowell Jones o f Bowling Green, Ohio. Photographs of i l d r e n In Your Home Babies A Specialty SCHWAB 106 Corry Street • YELLOW SPRINGS Phone for Appointment Just Dial 7-5482 (No Toll Charge) Mr. and Mrs. 0 . F. Davis and Mrs. Oliver H. Miller of Spring- field visited Mr. and Mrs. Wil bur Wiseeup Wednesday, and at tended the senior class play Wed nesday night. * Mrs. Eama Campbelle of Clif ton received word her brother Mr. Bay Kerns died in Phoenix, Arizona, Saturday night. Mr, and Mrs. Kerns were enroute home from California when he was stricken with pneumonia, Mr. Kerns lived in Dayton and was known in Cedarville and Clifton. His niece Jeannie Campbelle is ’ a graduate o f Cedarville school this year. *■* The members o f the youth fel lowship group o f the Methodist church presented their mothers with a corsage at a meeting in. the church Mothers Day. Mr. Lem Wilson is reported on the sick list at this time. Eev. E. A . Jamieson left Mon day-for Pittsburgh to attend the Board meeting and Commence ment of the United Presbyterian Seminary o f Pittsburgh. Eev. Jamieson will return Friday. Mrs. W. B. Collier spent the week end in Deleware as guests o f her daughter Helen who at tends Ohio ’ Wesleyn University. It was a week end of festivities FormerCounty AgentNamed LivestockHead J. E. Kimber, Xenia associated ■with the Cincinnati Livestock Page Three p o z y V THEATRE I Fri. - Sat. May 16 - 17 Tyrone Power - Henry Fonda “Jesse James” Also Color Cartoon at the college kiTown as Monnett day. This is for Mothers of all students and includes, banquets, operetta, style show and a number of social affairs. Miss Helen mod eled a dress she had made in the style show. Dr. Turley will preach this Sunday in the Methodist. Church. Dr. and Mrs. Turley will spend' a few days with the Collier fam ily. The stated meeting of Cedar ville chapter No. 418 OES will be held at 8:00 p, m. Monday May 19, at the, Masonic Hall with Bashie Mills Worthy Matron and John Mills Worthy Patron Presi dent. Following the business ses sion initiation service will be con ducted. Mrs. Maude Frame spent a few days in Springfield this week. Mrs. Frame has resigned her position at the field. V Not Just a Fine Pen / An Outstanding Value (EVERSHMP ( a f f f l v V ( For Only 75 Sun. - Mon. May 18 - 19 Walt Disney’s “Make Mine Music” —In Technicolor -r^ Fox News - Cartoon - Musical Wed. - Thurs. May 21 - 22 Eobert Montgomery Ingrid Bergman * ‘*Rage in Heaven” Paramount News - Cartoon ■sr WATCH FOR OPENING OF AN’S BEAUTY SALON McMillan St. Phone. 6-8131 GRADUATION GIFT Watches Choose from our big selection • BENRUS • BULQVA • GRUEN • WiNTON • HELBRGS • GROTON ’ WALTHAM** ELB0N | • ELGIN ‘Starting with Croton Watches at $1A.95 4 And Up FEDERALTAX INCLUDE* L I M E S T ON E ST Springfield, Ohio We Deliver (no charge) in Cedarville F lower & Shop . Phone 681 Xenia, Ohio 44 W . Main St. FLOWERS BY WIRE EVERYWHERE “ Say It With Flowers” After Shave Lotion and Cologne HIS DUOSET ____ 2.00 f Other His Gift Items from 1.50 up 6x3 Rib Lisle in Yellow and Maroon INTERWOVENSOX_ ... ..... 85; Other Interwoven Sox 55c to 1.10 Bathing Trunks, 100% Virgin Wool JANSENSKIPJACK_ ....... 4.50 with quick drying supporter Other Jansen Trunks 2.95 to 4.95 Also many other Gift Items for the Graduate— ;— A • A Tike • « 'Value {firstClothiers Xenia, Ohio *V; Jfe—. •*. *».?*t- v Roll* CA* ink on dryl Writes 3 months to 3 years without re filling. Won’t 'leak in any position. R eloads clean ly with a cartridge. CA* means Capillary Action Cartridge- No luxury ' , Tax. wMi k g " ' No luxury, Tax Producers’ association the last fifteen vyears, has been named manager of that organization and will take over those duties Mon day. Mr. Kimber, one-time farm agent of Greene county, succeeds E. Q. Smith as manager of the Cincinnati association. He will be in charge of operations on the Cincinnati market and branch agencies in Dayton, Springfield and Hillsboro. During his fifteen years with the Cincinnati association, Mr. Kimber first was field man, then manager o f the Dayton Producers’ association and recently has been in charge of the order-buying ac tivities of the Cincinnati, Dayton, Springfield and Hillsboro Pro ducers’ association. Mr. Kimber served as county farm agent in Greene county four years and then was manager of the farms of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Steele in this county before joining the Cincinnati association. Cancer is an offspring of ig norance and indifference! Give to conquer cancer through educa tion, service, and research! Cancer strikes young and old, You insure your home against rich and.poor alike! Guard those fire, theft, and storm. What about you love! Give to conquer pancer! cancer? TO LOSE BROWN’S DRUGS Have your winter clothes cleaned now and stored in moth-proof bags until they are ready for use again, —EXPERT SHOE REPAIRING— DRYCLEANERS Residence Phone. 6-2231 m m tdetll ectrically Operated MILK COOLER ClitS COStS INCREASES INCOME Bigger milk checks — thatfs the best reason for using an ■ electrically operated milk cooler. Because electrical cooling brings the milk temperature down rapidly, you can count oh more Grade A milk to sell at top premium prices. Your investment in an electric milk' cooler brings profit able returns by lowering bacteria count, preventing milk waste and by saving labor expense involved in use o f ice. I f you want to qualify your dairy farm as a raw milk pro ducer, if you want to boost your milk quality, consider the low operating cost o f an electric milk cooler. A nickel’s woi;th o f electricity will cool 25 gallons o f milk. Electric cooling o f milk from a 20-cow herd uses only about 100 kw per month. 1 / Ask^your County Agent > or your Vocational Agricultural . leader, about the newest information on milk cooling. ■Or ; * folk it over with the Farm Representative o f The Dayton Power and Light Company serving your farm. v TH1 DAYTON POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY l‘ u~ i j f y \ } St ...... 307 APRIL '47 GARDEN TOOLS CARDENTRACTOR 167,50 Use your own hand lawn mower on front for a power mower Hoes ..............................................1.39 and up Rakes.......... :.................................. 75c and up Shovels ..........................................1.69 and up Speedy Cultivator................. . 1.47 and up SWEET CORN SEED StowelTs Evergreen ........................ lb. 30c Country Gentleman ..................... lb.35c Golden Cross Bantam Hybrid........ lb. 45c 80 lb. bags Garden L im e....................... . 65c Vigor© in 5 to 100 lb. bags ...... ■ "■■»■ i.'..": - Limited Quantity BALERANDBINDERTWINE Place your order NOW Copper,and Galvanized Screen Wire Inside and Outside House Paints Phone 6-1941 ■ Cedarville. Buying A Home? WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUYING HOMES OR FARMS, REFINANCING OR MAKING REPAIRS COME IN AND TELL US YOUR NEEDS SAVINGS ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $5,000 WE MAKE GI LOANS TO VETERANS Peoples Building & Savings Company Xenia, Ohio 11 Green St. Phone 11 COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY by RICHARD A. RAMME Wedding Pictures Family Groups Industrial and Agricultural Photos Make Appointments Through CEDARVILLE HERALD .'"S Phone 6-1711 A •-tTfmCr
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