The Cedarville Herald, Volume 70, Numbers 1-26

The Cedarville, O. Herald Friday; May SO, 1947 Page Three Society Downard—-Sharp Baskets o f yellow and lavan- der iris and summer flowers de-« corated the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Brightman where the wedding of Miss Bess Downard, Hammonsville, 0 . and Noah Sharp of Canton, O., was solem­ nized Sunday afternoon. The bride is: the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Downard and the groom is the son of Mrs.Ul- rich Sharp. Rev. Paul Elliott pastor of F irst Presbyterian Church of Cedarville, read the single ring service/ For her marriage the bride chose a dove grey dress with matching accessories and a cor­ sage of Orchid Orchids tied with lavender ribbon. Mrs. Downard mother of the bride wore an aqua blue dress and Mrs. Sharp mother of the groom wore navy blue. Their flowers were matching corsages of white tea rose buds, carna­ tions and sweet peas. Miss Down­ ard is a graduate of Irondale ..high school and is employed as a dental assistant to Dr* Hawlk of Canton. Mr. Sharp is a gradu­ ate of Cedarville College and is employed in Canton. Those present fo r the wedding were Mr. aand Mrs. 0 . H. Butts and family, Mrs. Frank Down­ ard mother of the bride, Mrs. Ulrich Sharp mother of the groom Mrs. Paul Elliott and 'Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Brightman: and daughter Diana and Mrs. Fannie Park, Mr. and Mrs. Sharp are at home to friends at 35214 Arnold avenue N, W. Canton, Ohio. FORMER CLASSMATES MEET Five former classmates a£ Wel­ lesley college, Wellesley, Mass., had a reunion in Xenia last week end at the home of Mrs. Mary Little Dice. Mrs. Dice has as her guests four of her former classmates. They are- Miss Helen Margesson and-Miss Clara Keene, Boston, Blass., who will visit her fo r two weeks, and Mrs. Bruce Seott, Evanston, 111., and Mrs. J. C. Moore, Indianapolis, who are here for the week end. Joining the guests are three of Mrs. Dice’s nieces, also former Wellesley students. They are Mrs., Edward Eckey, Wyoming; Mrs. William Eberfeld, Bexley, and Mrs. Robert MacGregor, Cedar­ ville. In honor of her guests, Mrs. Died was hostess to twenty-four guests a t luncheon at her home Friday. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Wilson W. Gal­ loway o f Pasadena, Calif., are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy Ann of Arlington, Va., to Pvt. James Joseph Loftus of Chicago, HI. Miss Galloway is a graduate of Cedarville high school and of Den­ ison university. She served as a W A 0 for three and a half years and is now employed by the Chinese government in Washing­ ton D. C. Pvt. Loftus attended Chicago Art Institute until he enlisted in the army on April 9, 1946. He is in the 7011th service detach­ ment of Fort Meyer doing spec­ ia l a rt work. The wedding will be in the early fall but no date has been set as yet. Fred Williamson has been elected president of the Ohio Ox­ ford Down record association. This is a newly organized Ohio Breed association set up by Ox­ ford sheep Breeders. Miss Bertha Dean of Spring- field spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs^ Arthur Cultice and family; John $Jri£fith of Kentucky is visiting his daughter and son-in- law Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wiseman. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Charles were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brooks and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hinckey of Dayton and We Deliver (no charge) in Cedarville Anderson’s FsZp 44 W. Main St. Phone 681 Xenia, Ohio FLOWERS BY WIRE EVERYWHERE “Say It With Flowers” Miss Jennie Campbell of Clifton. Mrs. Frank S. Bird spent the week end with friends and rela­ tives in Pomery, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. E« E . Neal spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Neal in Springfield. Dr. Ira D. Vayhinger preached Sunday a t the Clifton avenue, Methodist Church in Springfield. The Wallace C. Anderson post American Legion had a special meeting Monday night and com­ pleted plans for the memorial day Services. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Townsley and sons spent Sunday with Mrs. Townsleys parents, near Belle Center. Mrs. Dana Bryant aand Miss Phyllis Bryant attended the last meeting of the year of the Spring- field Fortnightly Club this week. Phyllis had a part in the program when a “Pagent of Flowers” was presented. She had the part of a daffodil and sang 3 selections with the daffodil theme. Miss Jo Ann Whittington spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Whittington. Jo Ann attends college in Cin­ cinnati. Miss Phyllis Bryant was one of the eight pupils presented by their teacher Miss Dorothy Wie- gel in a recital, Sunday after­ noon a t the St. Martin’s church near Cinclnii\iti. Phyllis sang Midsummer—Worth, June in My Heart—Graham Vaughan, Spirit Flower—Campbell Tipton, Poce Poce mio Dio—Verdi. Bill Furst of Athens spent a few days here last week visiting friends. His father Mr. H. D. Furst stopped here Saturday en- route from Columbus to Athens. Mrs. Melvin Charles, Mrs. Wa­ de Charles and daughter Nancy spent Friday in Sinking Springs. Charles Duval made a business trip to Cincinnati Wednesday- Photographs of Children In Your Home Babies A Specialty SCHWAB 106 Corry Street YELLOW SPRINGS . Phone for Appointment * Just Dial 7-5482 (No Toll Charge) WANTED 2VETERANSOFWORLDWARI TO LEARN RETAILFODBUSINESS UNDER G. I. BILL OF RIGHTS Miss Ruth Ramsey has arrived a t the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ramsey fo r the summer. Miss Ramsey has been attending college at Marysville Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sayler are announcing the birth of a daughter, a t the Springfield City hospital, Friday. Mr. and Mrs, A. C. Davis own­ ers of the Old Mill Camp will en­ tertain Coach Beattie and his college baseball team with a steak dinner Friday evening at the Old Mill. Mr. and Mrs. Davis expect about 20 for dinner. Miss Claire Stormont daughter of Mr. and BIrs. Myerl Stormont, Federal pike, suffered from shock and bruises when she fell a t her home Thursday evening. Mrs. F. M. Harsh of Sidney, Mrs. Stanley Tanton of Regiiia, Canada, Mrs. Sam Coulter, Miss Claire Coulter of Pltahe Kansas and Mrs. H. A. Wroten of Belle Center attended college com­ mencement Thursday morning. Ted Harsh son of Mr. and BIrs. F. M. Harsh was in the gradu­ ation class. Rev. and BIrs. A. H. Abels, Jamestown attended college com­ mencement of which their daugh­ te r Gloria was a graduate. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baldwin and son Tommy of Columbus spent the week end with Mrs. Bal- durn’s parents Mr. and Mrs. H; H. Brown. « ■ « Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Stanton of Lewisburg Ohio visited Mr., and Mrs. R. B. Koppe and family Wednesday. They attended com­ mencement of which Gene Koppe was a graduate.' . The senior class of the high school enjoyed a party at the Old Mill Camp Wednesday, night after commencement. The dinning room was turned over to the seniors and Mr. and Mrs. Davis had decorated the room in the class colors of Yellow and White. SO young people enjoyed a chick­ en dinner "and a very sociable evening. The young people of the Meth­ odist church will serve the com­ mencement day dinner in the church, .Thursday noon. It will be a chicken dinner. $1.00 a plate or may be bought cafeteria style. Everyone is welcome. Mr. and Mrs. George Hart­ man and grand-daughter Doris Ann Reynolds left Sunday for Sherman Conn., to visit Mr. and Mrs. Justin Hartman. Miss Doris Hartman accompanied them and after a visit with her brother will go to her home in Barton, Vt. She has been visiting her parents for the past three vjeeks. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Duvall and grand-daughters Blary Jo and Ann Duvall visited Mrs. Bessie Tehoe in Springfield, Sunday. ' The young people of the Meth­ odist church will serve the com­ mencement day dinner in the church, Thursday noon. It will be a chicken dinner. $1.00 a plate or may be bought cafeteria style. Everyone is welcome. The K. Y. N. Club will meet, May 28th at the home of Mrs. John Pyles. Assistant hostess will be Mrs, Emile Finney and Mrs. Herbert Powers. Mrs. J. W. Flemming, Washing­ ton Pa. is here for the college graduation of her son Mr. Char­ les Weichiel. Out of town, guests for the col­ lege graduation of Mr. William Ball are his parents Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Ball and his Aunts Mrs, Dave Morgon and 'Mrs. Grace Powell of Ironton. The W. C. T. U. met Wednes­ day at the home of Mrs. Jay Auld. After a business meeting plans were made to visit the or­ phanage and infirmary and dis­ tribute flowers and have a pro­ gram for the children. Glad to have all the ladies of the W.C.T.U. to join on this mission. „ The Nifty Cedar Gals 4H club met at the home of their advisor Miss, Charlotte Collins Friday afternoon. Officers elected were Irma Glass, president; Martha Richards, vice-president; Betty Richards, s e c r e t a r y ; Corena Wiseman, treasurer; Jessie Dai­ ley and Joan Strewing recre­ ational leaders; Shirley Glass and Carolyn Colliris news re­ porter. Future projects were dis- , cussed and games played. Re­ freshments were served by the hostess to eight members; r ©M< your way to belief § pictures for " those vacation days a h e a d - - ! • We Have a Com* .plefe stock of Cam­ eras, Movie Cam­ eras, Projectors and Film. • Use Our Lay-a-Way Plan or Easy Terms • Open Every Monday Evening Till 9 P.M. FIRST OF ALL, IT’S ___ CAMERA SHOP 31 W* HIGH DIAL 3-9491 SPRINGFIELD, O. Anytime you're in S P R I N G F I E L D in June, join us in our Seventieth Anniversary ALL WATCH FOR ' Special events planned by this store in its seventieth year of service to this great community. * ☆ ☆ & THE EDWARD WREN STORE In Sprihgiield since 1877. V i , Y i > " * * ■ "JASt GROWTH LOW-COST g r o w t h i Applicants will be taught all features of RETAIL OP­ ERATION which will enable them to successfully man­ age large or small retail business. Qood Pay while learn- . .. .. . _____ ,___ APPLICANTS MUSTAPPY IN PERSON NO PHONE CALLS CEDARVILEMARKET Bank Bldg. Cedarville, O. & When you feed for fa s t growth y o u SAVE MOREY b e c a u s e f a s t growing b irds take le ss feed p e r pound of gain. FOR BIG, HEAVY-LAYING PULLETS 1 Feed a Purina grow­ ing feed to develop big, hearty-birds. Ask for a complete mash or-a supplement to go with your grain. PUR INA - PURINA PICTAB ROOST PAINT GRANULES P a i n t o n M i x w i t h r o o s t s . r a t i o n t o F u m e s w arm p ig s. k i l l l i e o o n b i r d s . PURINA GROWING CHOWS KILL FLIES w e e k s * n r FARM BUILDINGS *O N STOCK CATTLE PURINA DDT SPRAY v \ PURINA TURKEY GROWING CHOWS Supplements to bal­ ance your grain, cund complete Chows. KIEP FUNS OFF DAIRY COWS . . .U s e Purina’s guide k illing and repellent spray. PURINA DAIRY SPRAY R. C. WELLS Cedarville, Ohio Phone 6-1031 w v m v v w w u A f t H A PLUMBING SERVICE • New and • Repair Work Shank’s Plumbing Phone Xenia 1875 or Phone Jamestown 4-3775 BUY VICTORY BONDS p o z y V T H E A T R E 1 Fri. - Sat. May 30 - 31 Henry Fonda - Gene Teirney “The Return of Frank James” Cartoon - Unusual Occupations S uit . Mon. June tl - 2 Hedy Lamarr - Louis Hayward ‘The Strange Woman’ Fox News - Popeye Cartoon Wed. - Thurs. June 4 - 5 Steven Geray - Michcline Cheirel “So Dark the Night” News « Cartoon - Variety k \ 0 miiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiimHimmimimiiimmiifm MODEL AR-17 At last— relief from the standing-up drudgery of hand ironing! This General Blectnc Portable Rotary Ironer is light in weight— low in cost— but mighty efficient. Small enough to tuck away in a closet when not in use, but does a big job of fine ironing lor you. SEE THESE FEATURES Portabla . . . only 33 lbs. • 83 square Inches of Ironing surface • Chrome plated shoe a Thermostat • 22-inch open end rol • Irons and presses • 1-ysar 6 E Warranty AMAZING LOW PRICE ONLY 44.95 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY (But Act Fast!) Phone 6-1941 Cedarville. Today's BetterFarmBusiness! Id ea | | for g o o d eafing, smart marketing -Easier than canning, electric freezing Is the newest aid to good earing and profitable marketing. It en­ ables you to keep prime quality foods at their deli­ cious best for weeks, months or even a year. By electric freezing you extend the season o f your family’s favorite foods throughout the year. And you make it possible to market meats and poultry when the price is most favorable regardless o f butch­ ering time or flock-culling season. Even though you may use commercial locker service for bulk storage o f meats and other farm products, you w ill find it both a convenience and an economy o f rime to have freezing equipment right on die farm. This saves trips to the locker plant in busy seasons and enables you to freeze and "hold” premium quality fruits and vegetables at the peak o f their flavor and ripeness. As the new eiecttk freeze? equipment Is available, choosejthe size and style that meets your needs, al­ ways bearing i s mind that rite largest capacity you can use to advantage is the best buy. THS DAYTON POWSK LIGHTCOMPANY §