The Cedarville Herald, Volume 70, Numbers 1-26
The Cedarvilie, O. Herald Friday, June 6,1947 Page Five Society ATTEND COMMENCEMENT Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Steele had as their guests for the college commencement and the week end their daughter, Col. and Mrs. Lawrence Johnson, granddaugh ter, Rev', and Mrs. Robert Sav age and children, Stevie and Car ol, all of Wheaton, 111., and Dr. Steele’s nephew, Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Steele, sons, Hugh and Bobbie, of Detroit, Mich. 4-H CLUB MEET The Progressive Farmers 4-H Club met at the Vo-Ag. building on May 26. Seven member* were present. James Cherry reported on sheep, Dean Ritenour and Dale Stover on the rebreeding of gilts. Plans were made to attend the advisors and officers conference that was held ip Xenia May 29. The next meeting of the Vo-Ag Wednesday, June 11th. WOMAN’S CLUB The 'Woman’s Club will meet Thursday, June 12, at the home of Miss Anabelle Murdock. HOME CULTURE CLUB The business meeting and luncheon of the Home Culture club will be held a t the home of Mrs. S. C. Wright, Wednesday, June 11 a t 12:30 p. m. Bring a covered dish and table service. TO OBSERVE FLAG DAY Cedar Cliff Chapter of the Daughters of the American Rev olution will observe Flag Day on June 13th with a guest day lunch eon a t Trebein Manor. Reservations to be made by Monday with Mrs. John A. Davis. 4-H CLUB The Nifty Cedar Gals, met Tuesday a t the home of their leader Miss Charlotte Collins. The meeting was called to order by president Erma Jean Glass. Secretary read the minutes and roll call was answered of progress made on projects. Next Thursday the meeting will be at the home of Charlotte and Car olyn Collins. Business meeting was adjourned. Patterns were discussed. Ex amples of seams, pockets, stiches, hems, patches, bastings and but ton holes already made and mounted were shown and explain ed by the leader. Same of pro jects were started. Recreation and refreshments were then en joyed. Miss Harriet Kyle of Colum bus spent Memorial day with Dr. and Mrs. Kyle and family. Charles Townsley has purchas ed the property on Xenia avenue from Arthur Judy Jr., and he and his mother will move there this week. The apt. the Townsleys are vacating will be occupied by Mr. Harold Reardon and family. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Main and son of Olney 111., visited Mrs. Main’s mother Mrs. J. W. Johns ton last week. Mr. and Mrs. George DettlingCf and children of Detroit spent the Photographs of Ch ild ren In Your Home Babies A Specialty SCHWAB 106 Corry Street YELLOW SPRINGS Phone for Appointment Just D ial 7-5482 (No Toll Charge) CLOSING OUT Watch bands and straps wrist watches - pocket watches (reconditioned and guaranteed) 25% to 50% Discont HARRY H. MOGLE Phone 6-2931 week end with Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Rigio. Mrs. Rigio and daughter, Delsie, accompanied them to Detroit fo r a few days. Mrs. Dettinger is the sister of Mrs. Rigio, The West Minister Class of the F irst Presbyterian Church met a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Har old Hanna, Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. David Ramsey were assistants, ice cream .and cake was served to 19 members. The next meeting will be a t the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mott. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Huffman entertained a group of relatives for Sunday dinner. The dinner was honoring Mr, Huffmans birthday. The Wesley Wed Class of the Methodist Church met May 27th a t the home of Rev. and Mrs. Col lier. 24 members and guests en joyed a covered dish dinner. A birthday (fike for Helen Huffman class president, decorated the table. Games followed the busi ness meeting. The June meeting will be a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Agnor. This meet ing will be election of officers. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wiseman spent two days in Wellston last week. Mrs. Ola Casky, of Dayton spent a few days here last week with her sister and brother in law, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Judy and family. Stanley “Pete** Reed of Dayton spent Memorial day with rel atives here. Arthur Judy Jr. who is em ployed in Syracuse N. Y. is visit ing jjis parents Mr; and Mrs. Arthur Judy. Mrs. Fred Dobbins and Mrs. Lucy Turner returned last week from Washington D. C. where they attended the National Soc iety of the D. A. R. and also visited many places of interest. Mrs. Freda Baldwin left last week for Tampa Fla. to visit her mother Mrs. J . B. Wilson. Mrs. Robert Jacobs and chil dren Millicent and Walter, visited Mrs. Jacobs parents Mr. and Mrs. Walter Illif, last week. Mr. Harry Pickering, former Greene county school Supt. spent Thursday here to attend the col lege commencement. Mr. Picker ing has his hdqs. in Washing^oi}, D. C. and is in charge of inspec tion of certified mechanics schools in U. S. He has just completed a tour of schools in 111., Kansas, Okla., Texas and Mo. He will go from; here to Ghillicothe to in spect the school there. Chilli- cothe has the only school of this kind in Ohio. Mrs. Ella Brewer, Clifton has spent the past two weeks with her daughter and son-in-law Mr, and Mrs. Elder Corry. Mrs. Ernest Brewer Enon spent Memoriaal day with Mr. and Mrs Elder Corry. The KYN Club met Thursday a t the home of Mrs. John Pyles. Assistant Hostesses wera. Mrs. Emile Finney and Mrs. Herbert Powers, a desert course was served to the group. Mr. Harold Morton, Louisville Ky. visited his aunt and .uncle, Ina and Ralph Murdock last week, Mrs. Ray Mahon, of Cleveland spent a few days last week with her parents Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Condon. Her husband is attend ing legislature meeting in Colum bus. Pvt. Harold Swaney is on fur lough a t the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swaney. He is stationed a t Gieger Field Wash, Miss Betty Nelson is spending several days with her sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gieser in Bloomington Ind. Mrs. Gieser and son will return to Cedarvilie with Miss Nelson. Mrs. Coe Sanderson is spend ing a few weeks with relatives in Pittsburgh, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beck (Gen evieve Turner) spent the week end with Mrs. Lucy Turner. Miss Ada Stormont had as her dinner guests Thursday evening Col. and Mrs. C. F. St. John and daughter, Marie, of Governors island N. Y., Mrs. J. G. Lackey, Columbus, and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. St. John of Jasper. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bratton and family of Union City ,Ind., are visiting friends and relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Flatter, Day- ton spent SunsJhy with Mr. and Mrs. Homer Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Ferguson; are announcing tfie birth of a son William Albert, a t the Spring- field City hospital Tuesday, May 27th. Miss Bethany Sanders spent a few days last week with Nancy Sue Dean. Mrs. Mary E. Stormont left laast week to make her home in the fall. with her son, Dr; Marion Stor mont in Indianapolis. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Creswell and daughter Sally Kay spent a few days last week in Dillsboro, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huish of Jamestown are announcing the birth of a son Geoffery Allan at the Springfield City hospital. The mother and baby returned to their home in Jamestown Monday and are both doing fine. Mrs. Huish is the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Jamieson. Mr. and Mrs. William Nagley entertained a t their home with a birthday party for Mr. Nagley’s mother, Mrs. M. C. Nagley Wed nesday evening. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Amos Frame, Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Stormont, Mr. and Mrs. Aden Barlow and Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Nagley. Mr. Montgomery West left Sunday to enter the summer school term a t the University of Cincinnati. Mr. Ralph Grindle of Blissfield Michigan visited relatives here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cotter and daughter Sue, spent Sunday with Mrs. Cotters aunt Mrs. Gertrude Bond in Dayton. The senior youth group of the Methodist Church served the Col- Be sure to investigate the economy o f PACKAGE BLOOMS Available in many different kinds that are cut at just the right time, sealed in packages, and shipped direct to us thereby reducing the number of handlings and cutting their cost to you tremendously. We Deliver (no charge) in Cedarvilie Anderson’s FsZp 44 W. Main St. Phone 681 Xenia, Ohio FLOWERS BY WIRE EVERYWHERE “Say It W ith Flowers” CHICKS all leading breeds on SpecM Sale" June 9 and 10 8.95 PER HUNDRED . KIRBY HATCHERY ^ Springfield, Ohio 1318, W. Main St. . Phone 3-8428 or London, Ohio lege Commencement day dinner Thursday in the church. About 80 guests were served. These young people have been very successful in all their projects to raise money for the youth fellowship group. They sponsored a skating” party Tuesday night a t Hodges Rink in Springfield, a good num ber turned out and as alwSys a very enjoyable evening passed. Mrs. Donald Taylor entertained a group of friends with a shower honoring -Mrs. Wendel Charles (Ethabele Taylor) at her home Tuesday afternoon. Guests were served ice cream and cake by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. William Nagley had as their guests over the week end Miss Ruth Parlick and Mr. Carl Redinger of Mihvakee Wis. Mr. and Mrs. William Snider of Greenfield spent Decoration day with Mrs. J. W. Johnson. The W. S. C. S. of the Method ist Church met in the church Wednesday. Devotions were led by Mildred Trumbo and a solo was sung by Mrs. Della Johnston, Mrs. Pearl Huffman had charge of program and. her title was “Children and the Law.” A lunch eon was served to 25 members by the committee of Mrs. George Gordon, Miss Elizabeth Barrette, Mrs. Cbaslt Gordon and Mrs. Maywood Horney. The Golden Rule Circle Class held their meeting in the Method ist Church, Tuesday evening. 20 members were present. After the business meeting a social hour followed. Refreshments were ser ved by the hostesses, Mrs. J . O. Connor, Miss Elizabeth Barrett and Mrs. Clyde McCallister, Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Agnor and Mrs. Jennie Agnor were Mr. aand Mrs. Wil bur Cummings, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Huffman and chil dren of Dayton, Mr. Sam Cum mings and daughter ftfary Alice of Jamestown and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Huffman, Melford Center. Out of town visitors for col lege commencement and alumni banquet were: Mrs. Mary Little, Connersville, Ind., class of 1899; Mrs. Isabelle Clark Wimer, Slmrpville, Pa.,, class of 1927; Mrs. Ruth Burbick Frazier, Canfield, O., class of 1927; Mrs, Wilma Currie Mackle, Wellsville, O., class of 1927; John Rockhold, Cincinnati, O., class of 1927; Willjam Snell Cleveland, O., class of 1927; Mr. and Mrs. Wil lard Barlow Columbus, .0., class of 1927; Miss Martha Dean Xenia, 0., class of 1927; Mrs. Vesta Hol- stead Springfield, O., class of 1927; Howard Huston Urbana, 0., class of 1927; Miss May McKay New Burlington, 0., class of 1927; Rev. and Mrs. Ernest McClellan Columbus, O.,"class of 1909; Mrs. Avenelle Brigner Dunevant Xenia, 0., class of 1925; Dr. and Mrs. Paul W. Dunkan, Coul,terille, 111., class of 1921; Rev. Marion Hos- tettler, Salt *Lake City, Utah, class of 1932; Dr. Marston Hunt, Boar, Ala., class of 1926; Mrs. Robert Jacobs, Dayton, 0.; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Main, Olney, 111.; Misses Bertha and Mary Knott, Clifton, 0., class of 1900; Mrs. Eloise Mclaughlin Carey, Dayton, 0.; Miss Millie Parker, Osborn, 0., class of 1921; Mr. Harry Pickering, Wash. D. €.; Mr. and Mrs. Bennet McNeal, TRootwood, 0.; Miss Mary Mc- Gomery Middletown, 0., class of 1946;, Miss Laura Cox, Middle- town, 0., class of 1946. * Mrs. Paul Orr Parkersburg, West Va. is visiting her father Marion Hughes. Mrs. Orr came here from Columbus where she has been* isiting Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stoneburner and son. Mr. Paul Orr will join Mrs. Orr here Thursday. Mrs. Mary McChesney under went an operation Tuesday morn ing a t the Caylor Nickle hospital in Blufton, Ind. Mrs. Irene Chestnut and sons Donald and James left Saturday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Conley ih Crystal City, Mo. Mr. and Airs. Harry Wright, Mr. and Airs. Harold Guthrie and Dr. James Chestnut attended commencement aat Frankfort, 0. Monday night. Mrs. R. E. Gaston of Cincinnati and Afiss Alary M);ConneI of Xenia ter of Life. I have had. a share Airs. Hairy Wright last week. Mr. and Airs. Paul Townsley and son spent Sunday with Mrs. Charles Shoemaker in Sedalia. Those who attend a funeral, directed by us, are com forted by the thought that the service is in capable hands. Competence, like fine quality, asserts Itself quietly. It unobtrusively exercises the authority that comes from proper training and wide experience. A price range that accomodates every need or wish. CTfSIfci ^ k ^¥u svuS ia J{ O fo r iic CEDARVILIE--PHONE 6-1071 Build a HOME Get ready to build that home you have dreamed about by buying boijds regularly, putting them away to meet the necessary down payment when changes in restrictions, priorities, etc., allow private home build ing in this area. Buy a FARM We have money to loan on farms at attractive interest rates with easy repayments. If you own a farm and desire financing or refinancing we will be glad to consider your needs* BUY YOURSELF A HOME Finance youy home, buying through our easy pay ments just like rent with monthly reducing plan. BUY BONDS HERE HOM E F ED ER A L S a v i n g s & L o a n A s s n . OF XENIA, OHIO 4-6 N. Detroit St. A ll Account* Insured Up to $5 ,000 . Mr. and Mrs. Paul Townsley and son and Mr. and Mrs. Her bert Pickering and son spent Decoration Day in Washington C. H. They had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. James Shoemaker and family. Shirley Shoemaker ac companied M. and Mrs. Townsley home for a few days. Miss Mable Irwin of Xenia spent Friday evening with Mr. and Airs. Earl Chapman. The post Matron Circle of the Eastern Star met Monday night a t the home of Mrs. Ffjul Edwards 12 members were present and after a business meeting the group played hearts. Refresh- ments’were served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Harvey (Martha Payne) from N,ew Fair- field, Ohio spent the past week in Cedarvilie and Yellow Springs. ANNOUNCE AIARRIAGE Howard Correll, South Solon, is announcing the marriage of his daughter, Ruth, to Milton Turner north of Cedarvilie. The marriage took place on Saturday, May 31 aat 6:30 p. m. in the Con gregational Christain church at Kitchel, Ind., with Rev. Lester Hall performing the ceremony. Mrs. Turner is a graduate of South Solon high school and Ced arvilie college. She has been teach- • Hats Blocked • Dry Oleaning • Laundry • Shoe Repair Don’t put it off—bring in your work today—■ You’re sure to like our ser vice ing at Plattsburg. Mr. Turner, a graduate of Cedarvilie high school is employed by the Nat ional Supply company, Spring- field,, and served in.the army for 5 years. The couple will make their home in South Solon! Mr, Turner is the son of Mrs. Lucy of Cedaarville. JohnPowersto SupplyPastorate InTennessee John Powers returned to his home Tuesday after accompany ing Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Boyer to Greenville, Tenn. Mr. Powers has accepted a call with supply pastor rating to the Mt. Zion and Cedarcreek United Presby terian church near Greenville, Tenn. He will continue his col lege work as Tusculum college. Air. and Mrs. Powers and family will move there in August. Their home on North Main street is for sale. THEATRE Fri. - Sat. June 6 - 7 Preston Foster - Gail Patrick “KING OF THE WILD HORSES” Musical and Sports Sun. - Mon. June 8 - 9 Van Johnson-Keenan Wynn “NO LEAVE, NO LOVE” A lso Fox News W ed. - Thurs. June I I - 12 Rosalind Russell A lexander Knox “SISTER KENNY” Paramount* News NOTICE THE GEDARVILLE BAKERY IS NOT being discontinued. The Bakery is and will be open every day under NEW MANAGE MENT and your patronage will be greatly appreciated. . M W. W. OWENS „# Jr* NOWOPEN! Ann's Beauty Salon ' ^^7 $ / i ' T O W i • Permanents • Finger Waves . • Shampoos , . ' • Manicuring Phone 6-3131 Now for Appointment Fill out this coupon and bring it with you. Value 50e. Good all thru June. N am e ................. ............. ............... ......... .......... ....... Address ............. ......... ...........7......................... ......... . Ann's Beauty Salon McMillan St. Phone 6-3131 Cedarvilie
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